[Python-Dev] Freezing the CVS on Oct 26 for SVN switchover

skip@pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Thu Oct 27 14:54:59 CEST 2005

    Jeremy> Can anyone point an old CVS/Perforce-Luddite at instructions for
    Jeremy> how to use the new SVN repository?


I'd never used Subversion until Barry grabbed the python.org web maintainers
by our collective ears and dragged us to the table with the kool aid.  As it
turns out, the svn flavored kool aid tastes about the same as the cvs flavor
(svn {commit,up,diff} == cvs {commit,up,diff}, though there are some slight
aftertastes you have to get used to (e.g., revision numbers are for the
entire branch, not just a single file).

That said, the best place to start is probably the Subversion book,
available in both online and dead tree versions:


Appendix A of that book is "Subversion for CVS Users".  Probably worth a
quick skim and a browser bookmark.

Though there's no svn/cvs cheatsheet there, you may also find isolated
tidbits in the Subversion FAQ:


Just grep around for "cvs".


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