[Python-Dev] svn checksum error

skip@pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Mon Oct 31 02:08:22 CET 2005

    Martin> The natural question then is: what operating system, what
    Martin> subversion version are you using?

Sorry, wasn't thinking in terms of svn bugs.  I was anticipating some sort
of obvious pilot error.  I am on Mac OSX 10.3.9, running svn 1.1.3 I built
from source back in the May timeframe.  Should I upgrade to 1.2.3 as a
matter of course?

    Fredrik> "welcome to the wonderful world of subversion error messages"
    Fredrik> deleting the offending directory and doing "svn up" is the
    Fredrik> easiest way to fix this.

Thanks.  I zapped Objects.  The next svn up complained about Misc.  The next
about Lib.  After that, the next svn up ran to completion.


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