From jcarlson at  Thu Sep  1 00:55:51 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 15:55:51 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding:  str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <df58oi$p4p$>
References: <df4dbh$rlt$> <df58oi$p4p$>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> > the problem isn't the time it takes to unpack the return value, the problem is that
> > it takes time to create the substrings that you don't need.
> > 
> Indeed, and therefore the performance of rpartition is likely to get 
> worse as the length of the input strung increases. I don't like to think 
> about all those strings being created just to be garbage-collected. Pity 
> the poor CPU ... :-)
> > for some use cases, a naive partition-based solution is going to be a lot slower
> > than the old find+slice approach, no matter how you slice, index, or unpack the
> > return value.
> > 
> Yup. Then it gets down to statistical arguments about the distribution 
> of use cases and input lengths. If we had a type that represented a 
> substring of an existing string it might avoid the stress, but I'm not 
> sure I see that one flying.

What about buffer()?  Tack on some string methods and you get a string
slice-like instance with very low memory requirements.  Add on actual
comparisons of buffers and strings, and you can get nearly everything
desired with very low memory overhead.

A bit of free thought brings me to the (half-baked) idea that if string
methods accepted any object which conformed to the buffer interface;
mmap, buffer, array, ... instances could gain all of the really
convenient methods that make strings the objects to use in many cases.

If one wanted to keep string methods returning strings, and other
objects with the buffer protocol which use string methods returning
buffer objects, that seems reasonable (and probably a good idea).

 - Josiah

P.S. Pardon me if the idea is pure insanity, I haven't been getting much
sleep lately, and just got up from a nap that seems to have clouded my
judgement (I just put milk in my juice...).

From tdelaney at  Thu Sep  1 01:36:00 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 09:36:00 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding:  str.partition()
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> the problem isn't the time it takes to unpack the return value, the
> problem is that it takes time to create the substrings that you don't
> need. 

I'm actually starting to think that this may be a good use case for
views of strings i.e. rather than create 3 new strings, each "string" is
a view onto the string that was partitioned.

Most of the use cases I've seen, the partitioned bits are discarded
almost as soon as the original string, and often the original string
persists beyond the partitioned bits.

Tim Delaney

From nnorwitz at  Thu Sep  1 01:36:54 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 16:36:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] import exceptions
Message-ID: <>

Is there any reason to import exceptions?  It's only done in 4 places:
Lib/, Lib/, Lib/idlelib/, and
Lib/test/  I can understand the one in test, but
should the other 3 be removed since exceptions are builtin?


From jimjjewett at  Thu Sep  1 01:56:04 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 19:56:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test,,
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8/31/05, akuchling at
<akuchling at> wrote:
> Log Message:
> ... the tests aren't run by default because I wanted to minimize
> upheaval to the 2.3 test suite

What is the reasoning behind this?

It seems to me that if a (passing) test is being added, maintenance releases 
are the *most* important places to run them.

On the other hand, I've also seen Raymond check (regression) tests into
only development, so it seems to be a conscious choice.  *I* just don't 
understand it.


From guido at  Thu Sep  1 02:05:21 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 17:05:21 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] import exceptions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8/31/05, Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz at> wrote:
> Is there any reason to import exceptions?  It's only done in 4 places:
> Lib/, Lib/, Lib/idlelib/, and
> Lib/test/  I can understand the one in test, but
> should the other 3 be removed since exceptions are builtin?

I'm guessing this is a remnant from a transitional period around Python 1.5.

Let's get rid of it.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From t-meyer at  Thu Sep  1 02:06:15 2005
From: t-meyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:06:15 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] setdefault's second argument
Message-ID: <>

> To save you from following that link, to this day I still mentally
> translate "setdefault" to "getorset" whenever I see it.

I read these out of order (so didn't see the giveaway getorsetandget) and
spent some time wondering what an "orset" was.  I figured it must be some
obscure CS/text processing/numeric/literary term that suited this usage.  So
obscure that google's define couldn't find me a definition.

set[with]default is maybe a terrible name, but it does have some things
going for it ;)


...perhaps it was the similarity to corset...but surely I'm too young to
have "corset" spring to mind before "or set"...

From janssen at  Thu Sep  1 02:42:02 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 17:42:02 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 31 Aug 2005 13:49:23 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Aug31.174209pdt."58617">

Reinhold Birkenfeld writes:
> And it's horrible, for none of the other string methods accept a RE.

I suppose it depends on your perspective as to what exactly is
horrible.  I tend to think it's too bad that none of the other string
methods accept appropriate RE patterns.  Strings are thought of as
"core", whereas RE, a relatively new part of the stdlib, isn't.  But
it's OK -- it just gives the system more Java-ness, where you have
lots of little modules, each of which does something slightly

> There are languages which give REs too much weight by philosophy
> (hint, hint), but Python isn't one of them. Interestingly, Python programmers
> suffer less from the "help me, my RE doesn't work" problem.

Yes, but perhaps the causative bug in those "other" languages is the
confusion between string *literals* and RE *literals*, which isn't a
problem in the idiom I suggested.

Or perhaps if RE was more helpful in Python, Python programmers would
indeed suffer from the same problem.


From skip at  Thu Sep  1 02:59:36 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 19:59:36 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] stat() return value (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
In-Reply-To: <df4n64$vmu$>
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
	<> <df3d2v$u2f$>
Message-ID: <>

    >> In the case of stat() there is no reason other than historic for the
    >> results to be returned in any particular order,

    Terry> Which is why I wonder whether the sequence part should be dropped
    Terry> in 3.0.

I think that would be a good idea.  Return an honest-to-goodness stat object
and also strip the "st_" prefixes removed from the attributes.  There's no
namespace collision problems from which the prefixes protect us.


From guido at  Thu Sep  1 03:05:55 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 18:05:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] stat() return value (was: Re: Proof of the
	pudding: str.partition())
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
	<> <df3d2v$u2f$>
Message-ID: <>

On 8/31/05, skip at <skip at> wrote:
> I think that would be a good idea.  Return an honest-to-goodness stat object
> and also strip the "st_" prefixes removed from the attributes.  There's no
> namespace collision problems from which the prefixes protect us.

+1 on dropping the sequence.

-0 on dropping the st_ prefix; these are conventional and familiar to
all UNIX developers and most C programmers, and help with grepping
(and these days, Googling :).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Thu Sep  1 03:23:34 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 20:23:34 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Tim> I'm actually starting to think that this may be a good use case for
    Tim> views of strings i.e. rather than create 3 new strings, each
    Tim> "string" is a view onto the string that was partitioned.

How would this work?  One of the advantages of the current string is that
the underlying data is NUL-terminated, so when passing strings to C routines
no copying is required.  Suppose I executed

    scheme, _, rest = "".partition(':')

As a Python programmer I'd get back what look like three strings: "http",
":", and "//".  If each of them was a view onto part of the
original string, only the last one would truly refer to a NUL-terminated
sequence of characters.  If I then wanted to see what scheme's value
compared to, the string's comparison method would have to recognize that it
wasn't truly NUL-terminated, copy it, call strncmp() or whatever underlying
routine is used for string comparisons.  (Maybe string comparisons are done
inline.  I'm sure there are some examples where the underlying C string
routines are called.)

OTOH, maybe that would work.  Perhaps we should try it.


From skip at  Thu Sep  1 03:46:08 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 20:46:08 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Skip> OTOH, maybe that would work.  Perhaps we should try it.

Ah, I forgot the data is part of the PyString object itself, not stored as a
separate char* array.  Without a char* in the object it's kind of hard to do


From tdelaney at  Thu Sep  1 04:14:56 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:14:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:

> How would this work?  One of the advantages of the current string is
> that the underlying data is NUL-terminated, so when passing strings
> to C routines no copying is required.

I didn't say it would be easy. Just that it's about the first cases
where I've seen there could be a real advantage to using string views.
And I don't even know that.

One of the big disadvantages of string views is that they need to keep
the original object around, no matter how big it is. But in the case of
partition, much of the time the original string survives for at least a
similar period to the partitions.

Tim Delaney

From skip at  Thu Sep  1 04:21:12 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 21:21:12 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Tim> One of the big disadvantages of string views is that they need to
    Tim> keep the original object around, no matter how big it is. But in
    Tim> the case of partition, much of the time the original string
    Tim> survives for at least a similar period to the partitions.

Not necessarily.  Presumably a string view would reference another string
object's data buffer.  A possible optimization would be to convert from a
view to a normal string once the original strings' refcount dropped to one,
particularly if the view's size was substantially smaller than that of the
original string.


From foom at  Thu Sep  1 04:51:18 2005
From: foom at (James Y Knight)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 22:51:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 31, 2005, at 10:21 PM, skip at wrote:

>     Tim> One of the big disadvantages of string views is that they  
> need to
>     Tim> keep the original object around, no matter how big it is.  
> But in
>     Tim> the case of partition, much of the time the original string
>     Tim> survives for at least a similar period to the partitions.
> Not necessarily.  Presumably a string view would reference another  
> string
> object's data buffer.  A possible optimization would be to convert  
> from a
> view to a normal string once the original strings' refcount dropped  
> to one,
> particularly if the view's size was substantially smaller than that  
> of the
> original string.

I suspect this would be a pessimization most of the time, as it would  
require keeping a list of pointers to all the views referencing the  
string object.


From stephen at  Thu Sep  1 04:52:22 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 11:52:22 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <>
	(Michael Chermside's message of "Tue, 30 Aug 2005 14:35:42 -0700")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Chermside <mcherm at> writes:

    Michael> (2) is what we have today, but I would prefer (1) to
    Michael> gently encourage people to use the precompiled objects
    Michael> (which are distinctly faster when re-used).

Didn't Fredrik Lundh strongly imply that implicitly compiled objects
are cached?  That's a pretty big speed up right there.

Sure, the precompiled objects are faster because you don't have to
find them.  But you could have string objects (or a derivative) grow a
"compiled_regexp" attribute internally.  Then if you have a random
regexp you think you might have used elsewhere, just intern it.  (NB,
wild guess, here, I don't know enough about current implementation to
know if this is a reasonable extension.)

    Michael> Does anyone else think we ought to swap that around in
    Michael> the documentation?  I'm not trying to assign more work to
    Michael> Fred... but if there were a python-dev consensus that
    Michael> this would be desirable, then perhaps someone would be
    Michael> encouraged to supply a patch.

+1.  I won't have time for some weeks, but I'd already flagged
Barry's post for later consideration.  I hope that doesn't stop
somebody else from picking up the ball, though.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From tjreedy at  Thu Sep  1 04:58:18 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 22:58:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] stat() return value (was: Re: Proof of thepudding:
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer><>
Message-ID: <df5qob$48n$>

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
news:ca471dc205083118051acd7fab at
> On 8/31/05, skip at <skip at> wrote:
>> I think that would be a good idea.  Return an honest-to-goodness stat 
>> object
>> and also strip the "st_" prefixes removed from the attributes.  There's 
>> no
>> namespace collision problems from which the prefixes protect us.
> +1 on dropping the sequence.

Good.  Another addition to PEP 3000.  I was hoping this would not require a 
long-winded and possibly boring justification for something I suspect 
(without checking the archives) was in the back of some minds when the 
attributes were added.

> -0 on dropping the st_ prefix; these are conventional and familiar to
> all UNIX developers and most C programmers, and help with grepping
> (and these days, Googling :).

Terry J. Reedy

From ldlandis at  Thu Sep  1 05:10:14 2005
From: ldlandis at (LD "Gus" Landis)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 22:10:14 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>


FTR, I was not implying the $PIECE() was an answer at all, but only
suggesting it as an alternative name to .partition().  .piece() can be 
both a verb and a noun as can .partition(), thus overcoming Nick's
objection to a "noun"ish thing doing the work of a "verb"ish thing.

Also, IIRC, I did say it would need to be "Pythonified". I pointed to the
official definition of $PIECE() merely to show that it was more than a
.split() as it has (sort of) some of the notion of a slice.

Phillip, I think, as I presented the $PIECE() thing, you were totally
justified to recoil in horror.  That said, it would be nice if there were
a way to "save" the result of the .partition() result in a way that would
not require duplicating the .partition() call (as has been suggested) 
making things like:
    ... s.partition(":").head, s.partition(":").tail
unnecessary.  One could get accustomed to the
  _,_,tail = s.partition(...)
style I suppose, but it seems a bit "different", IMO.  Also, it seems
that the interference with i18n diminishes the appeal of that style.


On 8/30/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> ...
> No, just to point out that you can make up whatever semantics you want, but
> the semantics you show above are *not* the same as what are shown at the
> page the person who posted about $PIECE cited, and on whose content I based
> my reply:
> If you were following those semantics, then the code you presented above is
> buggy, as host.piece(':',1,2) would return the original string!
> Of course, since I know nothing of MUMPS besides what's on that page, it's
> entirely possible I've misinterpreted that page in some hideously subtle
> way -- as I pointed out in my original post regarding $PIECE.  I like to
> remind myself and others of the possibility that I *could* be wrong, even
> when I'm *certain* I'm right, because it helps keep me from appearing any
> more arrogant than I already do, and it also helps to keep me from looking
> too stupid in those cases where I turn out to be wrong.  Perhaps you might
> find that approach useful as well.
> In any case, to avoid confusion, you should probably specify the semantics
> of your piece() proposal in Python terms, so that those of us who don't
> know MUMPS have some possibility of grasping the inner mysteries of your
> proposal.

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

From tjreedy at  Thu Sep  1 05:01:34 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 23:01:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding:  str.partition()
References: <>	<><df4dbh$rlt$>
Message-ID: <df5quf$4re$>

>> for some use cases, a naive partition-based solution is going to be a 
>> lot slower
>> than the old find+slice approach, no matter how you slice, index, or 
>> unpack the
>> return value.

The index+slice approach will still be available for such cases.  I am sure 
we will see relative speed versus string size benchmarks.

Terry J. Reedy

From skip at  Thu Sep  1 05:16:05 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 22:16:05 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    James> I suspect this would be a pessimization most of the time, as it
    James> would require keeping a list of pointers to all the views
    James> referencing the string object.

I'm skeptical about performance as well, but not for that reason.  A string
object can have a referent field.  If not NULL, it refers to another string
object which is INCREFed in the usual way.  At string deallocation, if the
referent is not NULL, the referent is DECREFed.  If the referent is NULL,
ob_sval is freed.


From foom at  Thu Sep  1 04:51:18 2005
From: foom at (James Y Knight)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 22:51:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the pudding:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 31, 2005, at 10:21 PM, skip at wrote:

>     Tim> One of the big disadvantages of string views is that they  
> need to
>     Tim> keep the original object around, no matter how big it is.  
> But in
>     Tim> the case of partition, much of the time the original string
>     Tim> survives for at least a similar period to the partitions.
> Not necessarily.  Presumably a string view would reference another  
> string
> object's data buffer.  A possible optimization would be to convert  
> from a
> view to a normal string once the original strings' refcount dropped  
> to one,
> particularly if the view's size was substantially smaller than that  
> of the
> original string.

I suspect this would be a pessimization most of the time, as it would  
require keeping a list of pointers to all the views referencing the  
string object.


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  1 05:25:19 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:25:19 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Charles Cazabon wrote:

> Perhaps py3k could have a py2compat module.  Importing it could have the
> effect of (for instance) putting compile, id, and intern into the global
> namespace, making print an alias for writeln,

There's no way importing a module could add something that
works like the old print statement, unless some serious
magic is going on...


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  1 05:32:45 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:32:45 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative imports (Re: Python 3 design principles)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oren Tirosh wrote:
> Writing programs that run on both 2.x and 3 may require ugly
> version-dependent tricks like:
> try:
>     compile
> except NameError:
>     from sys import compile

Just had a weird thought. What if you could write

   from sys or __builtin__ import compile

which would be equivalent to

     from sys import compile
   except ImportError:
     from __builtin__ import compile


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  1 05:40:56 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:40:56 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding:  str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <df4dbh$rlt$> <df58oi$p4p$>
Message-ID: <>

Josiah Carlson wrote:

> A bit of free thought brings me to the (half-baked) idea that if string
> methods accepted any object which conformed to the buffer interface;
> mmap, buffer, array, ... instances could gain all of the really
> convenient methods that make strings the objects to use in many cases.

Not a bad idea, but they couldn't literally be string methods.
They'd have to be standalone functions like we used to have in
the string module before it got mercilessly deprecated. :-)

Not sure what happens to this when the unicode/bytearray future
arrives, though. Treating a buffer of bytes as a character
string isn't going to be so straightforward then.


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  1 05:56:11 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:56:11 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:
> If I then wanted to see what scheme's value
> compared to, the string's comparison method would have to recognize that it
> wasn't truly NUL-terminated, copy it, call strncmp() or whatever underlying
> routine is used for string comparisons.

Python string comparisons can't be using anything that
relies on nul-termination, because Python strings can
contain embedded nuls. Possibly it uses memcmp(), but
that takes a length.

You have a point when it comes to passing strings to
other C routines, though. For those that don't have a
variant which takes a maximum length, the substring type
might have to keep a cached nul-terminated copy created
on demand. Then the copying overhead would only be
incurred if you did happen to pass a substring to such
a routine.


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  1 06:00:30 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 16:00:30 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:

> Ah, I forgot the data is part of the PyString object itself, not stored as a
> separate char* array.  Without a char* in the object it's kind of hard to do
> views.

That wouldn't be a problem if substrings were a separate
subclass of basestring with their own representation.
That's probably a good idea anyway, since you wouldn't
want slicing to return substrings by default -- it
should be something you have to explicitly ask for.


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  1 06:10:03 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 16:10:03 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> But you could have string objects (or a derivative) grow a
> "compiled_regexp" attribute internally.

That would make the core dependent on the re module,
which I think would be a bad idea.

Personally I like the way the compilation step is
made at least somewhat explicit. Regular expressions
are not strings; a string is just one way of representing
a regular expression. There could potentially be other
representations that compile to the same re object.


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  1 06:30:20 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 16:30:20 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> .piece() can be both a verb and a noun

Er, pardon? I don't think I've ever heard 'piece' used
as a verb in English. Can you supply an example sentence?

(And no, "Piece, man!" doesn't count. :-)


From shane at  Thu Sep  1 07:17:17 2005
From: shane at (Shane Hathaway)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 23:17:17 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer>	<>
	<>	<df2ona$kmm$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
>>.piece() can be both a verb and a noun
> Er, pardon? I don't think I've ever heard 'piece' used
> as a verb in English. Can you supply an example sentence?

"After Java splintered in 20XX, diehard fans desperately pieced together 
the remaining fragments."


From stephen at  Thu Sep  1 07:22:02 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:22:02 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <> (Greg Ewing's message of
	"Thu, 01 Sep 2005 16:30:20 +1200")
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> writes:

    Greg> Er, pardon? I don't think I've ever heard 'piece' used as a
    Greg> verb in English. Can you supply an example sentence?

"I'll let the reader piece it together."

More closely related, I've heard/seen "piece out" used for task
allocation (from "piecework", maybe), and my dictionary claims you can
use it in the sense of adding more pieces or filling in missing

Not the connotations we want.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From orent at  Thu Sep  1 07:36:55 2005
From: orent at (Oren Tirosh)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:36:55 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <df55oo$fpg$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Robert Kern <rkern at> wrote:
> Oren Tirosh wrote:
> > While a lot of existing code will break on 3.0 it is still generally
> > possible to write code that will run on both 2.x and 3.0: use only the
> > "proper" forms above, do not assume the result of zip or range is a
> > list, use absolute imports (and avoid static types, of course). I
> > already write all my new code this way.
> >
> > Is this "common subset" a happy coincidence or a design principle?
> I think it's because those are the most obvious things right now. The
> really radical stuff won't come up until active development on Python
> 3000 actually starts. And it will, so any "common subset" will probably
> not be very large.

Static typing is radical stuff and doesn't hurt the common subset
since it's optional. Making unicode the default is pretty radical and
can be done without breaking the common subset (with the help of
little tweaks like allowing str() to return unicode now like int() can
return longs). Iterators and new-style classes were pretty radical
changes that were managed elegantly and meet an an even stronger
requirement than the common subset - they were achieved with full
backward compatibility.

Python 3 will most probably make big changes in the internal
implementation and the C API. Perhaps it will even be generated from

I don't think keeping the common subset will really stand in the way
of making big improvements. The proposed 3.x changes that break it
seem more like nitpicking to me than significant improvements.

Python is terrific. I find nothing I really want to change. Remove old
cruft and add some brand new stuff, yes. But nothing to change.


From stephen at  Thu Sep  1 07:41:45 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:41:45 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <> (Greg Ewing's message of
	"Thu, 01 Sep 2005 16:10:03 +1200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> writes:

    Greg> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

    >> But you could have string objects (or a derivative) grow a
    >> "compiled_regexp" attribute internally.

    Greg> That would make the core dependent on the re module, which I
    Greg> think would be a bad idea.


    Greg> Personally I like the way the compilation step is made at
    Greg> least somewhat explicit. Regular expressions are not
    Greg> strings; a string is just one way of representing a regular
    Greg> expression. There could potentially be other representations
    Greg> that compile to the same re object.

I guess I agree, but I would put the emphasis elsewhere.  Something
like, think of the call to compile() as a declaration that this string
(or other representation) represents a regular expression.  The actual
compilation is an accidental side effect: it could be postponed to the
first call of .match() or .search().

So I guess I would prefer a nomenclature like

    r = re.RegExp (string)


    r = re.compile (string)

Not a big deal though.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From jcarlson at  Thu Sep  1 08:03:22 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 23:03:22 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding:  str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Josiah Carlson wrote:
> > A bit of free thought brings me to the (half-baked) idea that if string
> > methods accepted any object which conformed to the buffer interface;
> > mmap, buffer, array, ... instances could gain all of the really
> > convenient methods that make strings the objects to use in many cases.
> Not a bad idea, but they couldn't literally be string methods.
> They'd have to be standalone functions like we used to have in
> the string module before it got mercilessly deprecated. :-)
> Not sure what happens to this when the unicode/bytearray future
> arrives, though. Treating a buffer of bytes as a character
> string isn't going to be so straightforward then.

Here's my thought:
One could modify string methods to check the type of the input (string,
unicode, or other).  That check turns on a flag for whether the method
returns are string, unicode, or buffers.  One uses PyObject_AsBuffer()
methods to pull the char* and length for any input offering the buffer

Now here's the fun part: One makes the methods aware of the type of the
self parameter.  One sets the 'split' method for the buffer object to be
'string_split', etc.

Unicode does indeed get tricky, how does one handle buffers of unicode
objects?  Right now, you get the raw pointer and underlying length ( len
(buffer(u'hello')) == 10 ). If there was a unicode buffer (perhaps
ubuffer), that would work, but I'm not sure I really like it.

I notice much of the discussion on 'string views', which to me seems
like another way of saying 'buffer', and if there is a 'string view',
there would necessarily need to be a 'unicode view'.

As for the bytes type, from what I understand, they should directly
support buffers without issue.

 - Josiah

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep  1 08:18:19 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 08:18:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <df66fb$qe7$>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Charles Cazabon wrote:
>> Perhaps py3k could have a py2compat module.  Importing it could have the
>> effect of (for instance) putting compile, id, and intern into the global
>> namespace, making print an alias for writeln,
> There's no way importing a module could add something that
> works like the old print statement, unless some serious
> magic is going on...

You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
comma" form would be lost.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From fredrik at  Thu Sep  1 08:40:19 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:40:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the
References: <>
Message-ID: <df67oc$u7v$>

skip at wrote:

> As a Python programmer I'd get back what look like three strings: "http",
> ":", and "//".  If each of them was a view onto part of the
> original string, only the last one would truly refer to a NUL-terminated
> sequence of characters.  If I then wanted to see what scheme's value
> compared to, the string's comparison method would have to recognize that 
> it
> wasn't truly NUL-terminated, copy it, call strncmp() or whatever 
> underlying
> routine is used for string comparisons.  (Maybe string comparisons are 
> done
> inline.  I'm sure there are some examples where the underlying C string
> routines are called.)

Python strings are character buffers with a known length, not 
null-terminated C
strings.  the CPython implementation guarantees that the character buffer 
has a
trailing NULL character, but that's mostly to make it easy to pass Python 
directly to traditional C API:s.

(string views are nothing new in Python.  the original Unicode string
implementation supported this, but that was partially removed during
integration.  the type still uses a separate buffer to hold the characters,
though (unlike 8-bit strings that store the characters in the string object


From fredrik at  Thu Sep  1 08:53:12 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:53:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer><>
Message-ID: <df68gh$vua$>

Greg Ewing wrote:

>> .piece() can be both a verb and a noun
> Er, pardon? I don't think I've ever heard 'piece' used
> as a verb in English. Can you supply an example sentence?

Main Entry: 2 piece
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pieced; piec·ing
1 : to repair, renew, or complete by adding pieces : PATCH
2 : to join into a whole -- often used with together <his new book... has 
been pieced together from talks -- Merle Miller>
- piec·er noun


From kay.schluehr at  Thu Sep  1 08:55:48 2005
From: kay.schluehr at (Kay Schluehr)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 08:55:48 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<df55oo$fpg$>
Message-ID: <df68lk$j5$>

Oren Tirosh wrote:

> Python 3 will most probably make big changes in the internal
> implementation and the C API. Perhaps it will even be generated from
> PyPy.

Don't you think the current Python 3 "visions" becomes rather pointless 
with the raise of PyPy and interpreter extensions that are developed 
polymorphically? If the distinction between a user defined package and
a language extension becomes more or less irrelevant who needs a 
language design committee for it's control? If someone takes the Python
core in order to implement static typing it might be happen and run in a 
separate object space. But than, I'm almost sure, it won't be an 
ill-defined concept like "optional static typing" but Hindley-Milnor ( 
or a generalization ) which restricts dynamicity but enables type safety 
and static control otherwise.

The idea of forking a language with a new release and thereby 
deevaluating older code seems somewhat archaic to me. Or the other way
round: archaic materials and media like papyrus and scripture enabled
communication across centurys changing slightly evolutionary and 
continously. Form this point of view PL development is still in a state 
of modernistic, youthfull irresponsibility.

> I don't think keeping the common subset will really stand in the way
> of making big improvements. The proposed 3.x changes that break it
> seem more like nitpicking to me than significant improvements.

So it seems.


From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep  1 11:54:23 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 19:54:23 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oren Tirosh wrote:
> *  Replacing print with write/writeln

I still hope to see this change to "make print a builtin instead of a
statement". I'd hate to lose the one-line hello world example due to cruft
like "from sys import stdout".


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From nick at  Thu Sep  1 12:00:55 2005
From: nick at (Nick Craig-Wood)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:00:55 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <df68lk$j5$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 08:55:48AM +0200, Kay Schluehr wrote:
> The idea of forking a language with a new release and thereby 
> deevaluating older code seems somewhat archaic to me. Or the other way
> round: archaic materials and media like papyrus and scripture enabled
> communication across centurys changing slightly evolutionary and 
> continously. Form this point of view PL development is still in a state 
> of modernistic, youthfull irresponsibility.

I mostly agree with that.

For me personally, one of the big reasons for jumping ship from perl
to python (a considerable investment in time and effort) was to avoid
perl 6.  Its been clear for a long time that perl 6 will be completely
different to perl 5, thus making perl 5 an evolutionary dead end.  Yes
I know about the perl 5 on perl 6 stuff - but who wants to program in
a dead language?

I'm all for removing the cruft in python 3, and giving it a bit of a
spring clean, but please, please don't make it feel like a different
language otherwise the users will be deserting in droves (no-one likes
to be told that they've been using the wrong language for all these

If come python 3, there is a 99% accurate program which can turn your
python 2.x into python 3 code, then that would ease the transition

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> --

From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep  1 13:26:56 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 21:26:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Charles Cazabon wrote:
>>also, a Boolean positional argument is a really poor clue about its meaning,
>>and it's easy to misremember the sense reversed.
> I totally agree.  I therefore borrowed the time machine and modified my
> proposal to suggest it should be a keyword argument, not a positional one :).

The best alternative to rpartition I've encountered so far is Reinhold's 
proposal of a 'separator index' that selects which occurrence of the separator 
in the string should be used to perform the partitioning. However, even it 
doesn't measure up, as you will see if you read on. . .

The idea is that, rather than "partition(sep)" and "rpartition(sep)", we have 
a single method "partition(sep, [at_sep=1])".

The behaviour could be written up like this:
Partition splits the string into three pieces (`before`, `sep`, `after`) - the 
part of the string before the separator, the separator itself and the part of 
the string after the separator. If the relevant portion of the string doesn't 
exist, then the corresponding element of the tuple returned is the empty string.

The `at_sep` argument determines which occurence of the separator is used to 
perform the partitioning. The default value of 1 means the partitioning occurs 
at the 1st occurence of the separator. If the `at_sep` argument is negative, 
occurences of the separator are counted from the end of the string instead of 
the start. An `at_sep` value of 0 will result in the original string being 
returned as the part 'after' the separator.

A concrete implementation is below. Comparing it to Raymond's examples that 
use rpartition, I find that the only benefit in these examples is that the use 
of the optional second argument is far harder to miss than the single 
additional letter in the method name, particularly if partition and rpartition 
are used close together. Interestingly, out of 31 examples in Raymond's patch, 
only 7 used rpartition.

The implementation, however, is significantly less obvious than that for the 
simple version, and likely slower due to the extra conditional, the extra list 
created, and the need to use join.

It also breaks symmetry with index/rindex and split/rsplit.

Additionally, if splitting on anything other than the first or last occurence 
of the separator was going to be a significant use case for str.partition, 
wouldn't the idea have already come up in the context of str.find and str.index?

I actually thought the 'at_sep' argument was a decent idea when I started 
writing this message, but I have found my arguments in favour of it to be 
wholly unconvincing, and the arguments against it perfectly sound ;)


def partition(s, sep, at_sep=1):
     """ Returns a three element tuple, (head, sep, tail) where:

         head + sep + tail == s
         sep == '' or sep is t
         bool(sep) == (t in s)       # sep indicates if the string was

     >>> s = ''
     >>> partition(s, '://')
     ('http', '://', '')
     >>> partition(s, '?')
     ('', '', '')
     >>> partition(s, 'http://')
     ('', 'http://', '')
     >>> partition(s, 'org')
     ('http://www.python.', 'org', '')

     if not isinstance(t, basestring) or not t:
         raise ValueError('partititon argument must be a non-empty
     if at_sep == 0:
         result = ('', '', s)
         if at_sep > 0:
             parts = s.split(sep, at_sep)
             if len(parts) <= at_sep:
                 result = (s, '', '')
                 result = (sep.join(parts[:at_sep]), sep, parts[at_sep])
             parts = s.rsplit(sep, at_sep)
             if len(parts) <= at_sep:
                 result = ('', '', s)
                 result = (parts[0], sep, sep.join(parts[1:]))
     assert len(result) == 3
     assert ''.join(result) == s
     assert result[1] == '' or result[1] is sep
     return result

import doctest
print doctest.testmod()

**** Standard lib comparisons ****
       def run_cgi(self):
           """Execute a CGI script."""
           dir, rest = self.cgi_info
!         rest, _, query = rest.rpartition('?')
!         script, _, rest = rest.partition('/')
           scriptname = dir + '/' + script
           scriptfile = self.translate_path(scriptname)
           if not os.path.exists(scriptfile):

       def run_cgi(self):
           """Execute a CGI script."""
           dir, rest = self.cgi_info
!         rest, _, query = rest.partition('?', at_sep=-1)
!         script, _, rest = rest.partition('/')
           scriptname = dir + '/' + script
           scriptfile = self.translate_path(scriptname)
           if not os.path.exists(scriptfile):
               path_specified = False
               path = request_path(request)
!             head, sep, _ = path.rpartition('/')
!             if sep:
                   if version == 0:
                       # Netscape spec parts company from reality here
!                     path = head
!                     path = head + sep
               if len(path) == 0: path = "/"

               path_specified = False
               path = request_path(request)
!             head, sep, _ = path.partition('/', at_sep=-1)
!             if sep:
                   if version == 0:
                       # Netscape spec parts company from reality here
!                     path = head
!                     path = head + sep
               if len(path) == 0: path = "/"
       def _set_hostport(self, host, port):
           if port is None:
!             host, _, port = host.rpartition(':')
!             if ']' not in port:         # ipv6 addresses have [...]
!                     port = int(port)
                   except ValueError:
!                     raise InvalidURL("nonnumeric port: '%s'" % port)
                   port = self.default_port
               if host and host[0] == '[' and host[-1] == ']':

       def _set_hostport(self, host, port):
           if port is None:
!             host, _, port = host.partition(':', at_sep=-1)
!             if ']' not in port:         # ipv6 addresses have [...]
!                     port = int(port)
                   except ValueError:
!                     raise InvalidURL("nonnumeric port: '%s'" % port)
                   port = self.default_port
               if host and host[0] == '[' and host[-1] == ']':
               assert caller is parent
               self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
               return parent
!         pname, found, _ = pname.rpartition('.')
!         if found:
               parent = self.modules[pname]
               assert parent.__name__ == pname
               self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)

               assert caller is parent
               self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
               return parent
!         pname, found, _ = pname.partition('.', at_sep=-1)
!         if found:
               parent = self.modules[pname]
               assert parent.__name__ == pname
               self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
           filename = None
           lineno = None
           cond = None
!         arg, found, cond = arg.partition(',')
!         if found and arg:
               # parse stuff after comma: "condition"
!             arg = arg.rstrip()
!             cond = cond.lstrip()
           # parse stuff before comma: [filename:]lineno | function
           funcname = None
!         filename, found, arg = arg.rpartition(':')
!         if found:
!             filename = filename.rstrip()
               f = self.lookupmodule(filename)
               if not f:
                   print '*** ', repr(filename),

           filename = None
           lineno = None
           cond = None
!         arg, found, cond = arg.partition(',')
!         if found and arg:
               # parse stuff after comma: "condition"
!             arg = arg.rstrip()
!             cond = cond.lstrip()
           # parse stuff before comma: [filename:]lineno | function
           funcname = None
!         filename, found, arg = arg.partition(':', at_sep=-1)
!         if found:
!             filename = filename.rstrip()
               f = self.lookupmodule(filename)
               if not f:
                   print '*** ', repr(filename),

           if ':' in arg:
               # Make sure it works for "clear C:\foo\"
!             filename, _, arg = arg.rpartition(':')
                   lineno = int(arg)

           if ':' in arg:
               # Make sure it works for "clear C:\foo\"
!             filename, _, arg = arg.partition(':', at_sep=-1)
                   lineno = int(arg)
           if not port and (host.find(':') == host.rfind(':')):
!             host, found, port = host.rpartition(':')
!             if found:
                   try: port = int(port)
                   except ValueError:
                       raise socket.error, "nonnumeric port"

           if not port and (host.find(':') == host.rfind(':')):
!             host, found, port = host.partition(':', at_sep=-1)
!             if found:
                   try: port = int(port)
                   except ValueError:
                       raise socket.error, "nonnumeric port"

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From amk at  Thu Sep  1 13:43:37 2005
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 07:43:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python/dist/src/Lib/test,,
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 07:56:04PM -0400, Jim Jewett wrote:
> What is the reasoning behind this?
> It seems to me that if a (passing) test is being added, maintenance releases 
> are the *most* important places to run them.

In this case, it's because adding the test requires importing a new
module ('pre'), which in turn would require adding a warning, which
would require checking that the warning didn't mess anything else up.
I thought it was a bit too much upheaval for a module that no one
should be using any more.

If Anthony or Guido or someone tells me to bite the bullet and make
the test run, I'll do it, of course.


From barry at  Thu Sep  1 15:11:48 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 09:11:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 05:54, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Oren Tirosh wrote:
> > *  Replacing print with write/writeln
> I still hope to see this change to "make print a builtin instead of a
> statement". I'd hate to lose the one-line hello world example due to cruft
> like "from sys import stdout".

I agree.  You can't get much simpler to explain or use than the current
print statement.


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From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep  1 15:18:05 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 09:18:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] C coding experiment
Message-ID: <004b01c5aef7$96d936a0$4320c797@oemcomputer>

If anyone wants a small, but interesting C project, let me know.  The
project does not require much familiarity with the CPython
implementation; all that is needed are basic C coding skills and a
puzzle solving mentality.  

The goal is to determine whether the setobject.c implementation would be
improved by recoding the set_lookkey() function to optimize key
insertion order using Brent's variation of Algorithm D (See Knuth vol.
III, section 6.4, page 525).  

It has the potential to boost performance for uniquification
applications with duplicate keys being identified more quickly (usually
with just a single probe).  The function may also result in more
frequent retirement of dummy entries during insertion operations.

The function can be coded from scratch or adapted from Lua's source


From mcherm at  Thu Sep  1 16:20:58 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 07:20:58 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
Message-ID: <>

Tim Delaney writes:
> One of the big disadvantages of string views is that they need to keep
> the original object around, no matter how big it is. But in the case of
> partition, much of the time the original string survives for at least a
> similar period to the partitions.

Why do you say that? Didn't several of Raymond's examples use the idiom:

    part_1, _, s = s.partition(first_sep)
    part_2, _, s = s.partition(second_sep)
    part_3, _, s = s.partition(third_sep)


Skip writes:
> I'm skeptical about performance as well, but not for that reason.  A string
> object can have a referent field.  If not NULL, it refers to another string
> object which is INCREFed in the usual way.  At string deallocation, if the
> referent is not NULL, the referent is DECREFed.  If the referent is NULL,
> ob_sval is freed.

Won't work. A string may have multiple referrents, so a single referent
field isn't sufficient.


My own contribution:

I know that the Java string class has support for this. The String class
contains a reference to a char array along with start and length indices.
The substring() method constructs what we're calling "string views".

I wonder whether there is a way to instrument a JVM to record how often
the underlying buffers are shared, then run some common Java apps. Since
the feature is exactly analogous to what is being proposed here, I would
find such such analysis very helpful.

-- Michael Chermside

From guido at  Thu Sep  1 16:48:32 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 07:48:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8/31/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> skip at wrote:
> > Ah, I forgot the data is part of the PyString object itself, not stored as a
> > separate char* array.  Without a char* in the object it's kind of hard to do
> > views.
> That wouldn't be a problem if substrings were a separate
> subclass of basestring with their own representation.
> That's probably a good idea anyway, since you wouldn't
> want slicing to return substrings by default -- it
> should be something you have to explicitly ask for.

You all are reinventing NSString. That's the NextStep string type used
by ObjC. PyObjC bridges to NSString with some difficulty. I have never
used this myself, but from Donovan Preston I understand that NSString
is just a base class or an interface or something like that and many
different implementations / subclasses exist. Donovan has suggested
that we adopt something similar for Python -- I presume in part to
make his life wrapping NSString easier, but at least in part because
the concept really works well in ObjC.

I'm not saying to go either way yet. I'm wary of complexifications of
the string implementation based on a horriffically complex
implementation in ABC that was proven to be asymptotically optimal,
but unfortunately was beat every time in practical applications by
something much simpler, *and* the algorithm was so complex that we
couldn't get the code 100% bugfree. But that was 20 years ago.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep  1 16:58:08 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 07:58:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <df66fb$qe7$>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

[Charles Cazabon]
> >> Perhaps py3k could have a py2compat module.  Importing it could have the
> >> effect of (for instance) putting compile, id, and intern into the global
> >> namespace, making print an alias for writeln,

[Greg Ewing]
> > There's no way importing a module could add something that
> > works like the old print statement, unless some serious
> > magic is going on...

[Reinhold Birkenfeld]
> You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
> comma" form would be lost.

And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
(unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

A transitional strategy could be to start designing the new API and
introduce it in Python 2.x. Here's my strawman:

(1) Add two new methods the the stream (file) API and extend write():
stream.write(a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to map(stream.write, map(str,
[a1, a2, ...]))
stream.writeln(a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to stream.write(a1, a2, ..., "\n")
stream.writef(fmt, a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to stream.write(fmt %
(a1, a2, ...))

(2) Add builtin functions write(), writeln(), writef() that call the
corresponding method on sys.stdout. (Note: these should not just be
the bound methods; assignment to sys.stdout should immediately affect
those, just like for print. There's an important use case for this.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From nidoizo at  Thu Sep  1 16:57:52 2005
From: nidoizo at (Nicolas Fleury)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 10:57:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of PEP 328
Message-ID: <df74tg$17c$>


I would like to know what is the status of PEP 328?  Can absolute_import 
be expected in 2.5?  Any help needed? I'll be interested.

Also, the content of the PEP doesn't seem to be up-to-date with the 
status quo, since it is mentioned support in 2.4 for "from __future__ 
import absolute_import".

Thx and regards,

From guido at  Thu Sep  1 17:02:02 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:02:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<df68lk$j5$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> wrote:
> I'm all for removing the cruft in python 3, and giving it a bit of a
> spring clean, but please, please don't make it feel like a different
> language otherwise the users will be deserting in droves (no-one likes
> to be told that they've been using the wrong language for all these
> years).

IMO it won't feel like a different language; syntactically, the most
far-fetched change is probably dropping the print statement (on which
I just opened a new thread).

> If come python 3, there is a 99% accurate program which can turn your
> python 2.x into python 3 code, then that would ease the transition
> greatly.

That might not be so easy given the desire to change most
list-returning functions and methods into iterator-returning ones.
This means that *most* places where you use keys() your code will
still run, but *some* places you'll have to write list(d.keys()). How
is the translator going to know? Worse, there's a common idiom:

  L = D.keys()

that should be replaced by

  L = sorted(D)

how is the translator going to recognize that (given that there are
all sorts of variations)?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep  1 17:06:43 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:06:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of PEP 328
In-Reply-To: <df74tg$17c$>
References: <df74tg$17c$>
Message-ID: <>

It's been approved, but AFAIK still awaiting a patch.

So yes, please help!

On 9/1/05, Nicolas Fleury <nidoizo at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know what is the status of PEP 328?  Can absolute_import
> be expected in 2.5?  Any help needed? I'll be interested.
> Also, the content of the PEP doesn't seem to be up-to-date with the
> status quo, since it is mentioned support in 2.4 for "from __future__
> import absolute_import".
> Thx and regards,
> Nicolas
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From barry at  Thu Sep  1 17:25:05 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 11:25:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 10:58, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> [Reinhold Birkenfeld]
> > You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
> > comma" form would be lost.
> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

I have to strongly disagree.  The print statement is simple, easy to
understand, and easy to use.  For use cases like debugging or the
interactive interpreter, and even for some more complicated use cases
like print>>, I think it's hard to beat the useability of print with a
write() function, even if builtin.


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From p.f.moore at  Thu Sep  1 18:03:55 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:03:55 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 10:58, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > [Reinhold Birkenfeld]
> > > You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
> > > comma" form would be lost.
> >
> > And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> > (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!
> I have to strongly disagree.  The print statement is simple, easy to
> understand, and easy to use.

I agree with Barry. In particular, the behaviour of adding spaces
between items is something I find very useful, and it's missing from
the functional forms.

    print greeting, name

feels much more natural to me than

    write(greeting, " ", name)
    writef("%s %s", greeting, name)

And that's even worse if the original used a literal "Hello", and only
later migrated to a variable greeting - remembering to get the spaces
in the right place is a pain:

    print "Hello", name  ==> print greeting, name
    write("Hello ", name) ==> write(greeting, name) # oops, forgot the space
or                               write(greeting, " ", name) #
non-obvious translation

OK, it's a minor thing, but what's the benefit?

I've used print functions a lot in things like VBScript and
Javascript, and hated them every time...


From fredrik.johansson at  Thu Sep  1 18:33:18 2005
From: fredrik.johansson at (Fredrik Johansson)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 18:33:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

I like the present print statement because parentheses are
inconvenient to type compared to lowercase letters, and it looks less
cluttered without them. The parentheses in writeln("hello world")
don't add any more meaning than a terminating semicolon would, so why
are they necessary?

Why not instead change the language so as to allow any function call
to be written without parentheses (when this is unambiguous)? This
could make Python more convenient for creating imperative-style DSLs
(though I'm not sure this is a goal).

In any case, I think "write" would be better than "print", because it
is easier to type (at least for me; reaching for 'w' and than 'r' goes
much faster than reaching for 'p'). I don't like "writeln" though, as
in 9 of 10 cases I want the line break to be there. I'd rather have
write add the line break, and "writeraw" or somesuch exclude it.

By the way, if print has to go, then what about the assert, raise, and
import statements? Should these be changed to use function call syntax
as well? (By the way, assert and raise could be methods:
ZeroDivisionError.assert(denom != 0). Surprising that Java doesn't do
this ;-)


From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep  1 18:57:34 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 18:57:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <df7btu$qkg$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Charles Cazabon]
>> >> Perhaps py3k could have a py2compat module.  Importing it could have the
>> >> effect of (for instance) putting compile, id, and intern into the global
>> >> namespace, making print an alias for writeln,
> [Greg Ewing]
>> > There's no way importing a module could add something that
>> > works like the old print statement, unless some serious
>> > magic is going on...
> [Reinhold Birkenfeld]
>> You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
>> comma" form would be lost.
> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

Here I have to agree with Barry. print is very handy, and print>> is, too.

I'd rather see exec and assert becoming a function.

> A transitional strategy could be to start designing the new API and
> introduce it in Python 2.x. Here's my strawman:
> (1) Add two new methods the the stream (file) API and extend write():
> stream.write(a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to map(stream.write, map(str,
> [a1, a2, ...]))
> stream.writeln(a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to stream.write(a1, a2, ..., "\n")
> stream.writef(fmt, a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to stream.write(fmt %
> (a1, a2, ...))

Do we really need writef()? It seems to be not much better than its %-formatting

> (2) Add builtin functions write(), writeln(), writef() that call the
> corresponding method on sys.stdout. (Note: these should not just be
> the bound methods; assignment to sys.stdout should immediately affect
> those, just like for print. There's an important use case for this.)

If write* is introduced, this is absolutely necessary.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep  1 19:01:15 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 13:01:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding:  str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <df58oi$p4p$>
Message-ID: <001701c5af16$c3d22e40$4320c797@oemcomputer>

[Steve Holden]
> The collective brainpower that's been exercised on this one
> already must be phenomenal, but the proposal still isn't perfect.

Sure it is :-)  

It was never intended to replace all string parsing functions, existing
or contemplated.  We still have str.index() so people can do low-level
index tracking, optimization, or whatnot.  Likewise, str.split() and
regexps remain better choices for some apps.

The discussion has centered around the performance cost of returning
three strings when two or fewer are actually used.  

>From that discussion, we can immediately eliminate the center string
case as it is essentially cost-free (it is either an empty string or a
reference to, not a copy of the separator argument).

Another case that is no cause for concern is when one of the substrings
is often, but not always empty.  Consider comments stripping for

    # XXX a real parser would need to skip over # in string literals
    for line in open(''):
        line, sep, comment = line.partition('#')
        print line

On most lines, the comment string is empty, so no time is lost copying a
long substring that won't be used.  On the lines with a comment, I like
having it because it makes the code easier to debug/maintain (making it
trivial to print, log, or store the comment string).

Similar logic applies to other cases where the presence of a substring
is an all or nothing proposition, such as cgi scripts extracting the
command string when present:

    line, cmdfound, command = line.rpartition('?').

If not found, you've wasted nothing (the command string is empty).  If
found, you've gotten what you were going to slice-out anyway.

Also, there are plenty of use cases that only involve short strings
(parsing urls, file paths, splitting name/value pairs, etc).  The cost
of ignoring a component for these short inputs is small.

That leaves the case where the strings are long and parsing is repeated
with the same separator.  The answer here is to simply NOT use
partition().  Don't write:

    while s:
        line, _, s = s.partition(sep)
        . . .

Instead, you almost always do better with

    for line in s.split(sep):
        . . .

or with re.finditer() if memory consumption is an issue.

Remember, adding partition() doesn't take away anything else you have
now (even if str.find() disappears, you still have str.index()).  Also,
its inclusion does not preclude more specialized methods like
str.before(sep) or str.after(sep) if someone is able to prove their

What str.partition() does do well is simplify code by encapsulating
several variations of a common multi-step, low-level programming
pattern.  It should be accepted on that basis rather than being rejected
because it doesn't also replace re.finditer() or str.split().

Because there are so many places were partition() is a clear
improvement, I'm not bothered when someone concocts a case where it
isn't the tool of choice.  Accept it for what it is, not what it is not.


From guido at  Thu Sep  1 19:09:30 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:09:30 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8/31/05, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Chermside <mcherm at> writes:
>     Michael> (2) is what we have today, but I would prefer (1) to
>     Michael> gently encourage people to use the precompiled objects
>     Michael> (which are distinctly faster when re-used).
> Didn't Fredrik Lundh strongly imply that implicitly compiled objects
> are cached?  That's a pretty big speed up right there.

What happened to RTSL? ("Read the Source, Luke" :)

They *are* cached and there is no cost to using the functions instead
of the methods unless you have so many regexps in your program that
the cache is cleared (the limit is 100).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From kbk at  Thu Sep  1 19:12:33 2005
From: kbk at (Kurt B. Kaiser)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:12:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Message-ID: <>

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  903 open (+551) /  5222 closed (+2324) /  6125 total (+2875)
Bugs    :  903 open (-23) /  5222 closed (+45) /  6125 total (+22)
RFE     :  187 open ( -3) /   184 closed ( +5) /   371 total ( +2)

New / Reopened Patches

PEP 349: allow str() to return unicode  (2005-08-22)  opened by  Neil Schemenauer

pdb: implement "until",fix for 1248119  (2005-08-23)  opened by  Ilya Sandler

tarfile: fix for bug #1257255  (2005-08-17)
CLOSED  reopened by  loewis

Cache lines in StreamReader.readlines  (2005-08-24)  opened by  Martin v. L?wis

extending os.walk to support following symlinks  (2005-08-26)  opened by  Erick Tryzelaar

libtarfile.tex: external URL changed  (2005-08-27)
CLOSED  opened by  Lars Gust?bel

documentation fixes  (2005-08-28)
CLOSED  opened by  George Yoshida

Compile socket module under cygwin  (2005-08-28)  opened by  Miki Tebeka

fix distutils typo "sortcut" -> "shortcut"  (2005-08-29)
CLOSED  opened by  Wummel

Adding new regrtest resource 'urlfetch'  (2005-08-30)  opened by  Hye-Shik Chang

tarfile: adding filed that use direct device addressing  (2005-08-30)  opened by  Urban Purkat

tkinter hello world example bug  (2005-08-31)  opened by  Yusuke Shinyama

Patches Closed

Improve %s support for unicode  (2005-03-09)  closed by  nascheme

markupbase misses comments (bug 736659)  (2004-02-20)  closed by  fdrake

chr, ord, unichr documentation updates  (2004-10-31)  closed by  fdrake

tarfile: fix for bug #1257255  (2005-08-17)  closed by  loewis set sizes of non-regular files to zero.  (2005-03-22)  closed by  loewis

Fix pydoc crashing on unicode strings  (2004-11-13)  closed by  rhettinger

fix for 1016880 urllib.urlretrieve silently truncates dwnld  (2004-11-07)  closed by  birkenfeld

New tutorial tests in  (2005-01-31)  closed by  birkenfeld

more __contains__ tests  (2005-02-18)  closed by  birkenfeld

A program to scan python files and list those require coding  (2003-08-06)  closed by  birkenfeld

distutils.dir_utils.mkpath to support unicode  (2005-03-21)  closed by  loewis

use ReleaseItanium configuration for zlib IA64 build  (2005-03-09)  closed by  loewis

Solaris 2.5.1 _SC_PAGESIZE vs. _SC_PAGE_SIZE  (2003-08-11)  closed by  loewis

Flakey urllib2.parse_http_list  (2003-11-25)  closed by  birkenfeld

urllib2.parse_http_list bugfix  735248  (2004-02-21)  closed by  birkenfeld One step closer to RFC 2109  (2003-11-24)  closed by  birkenfeld

Fix for off-by-one bug in urllib.URLopener.retrieve  (2003-09-21)  closed by  birkenfeld

Allow socket.inet_aton(&quot;;) on Windo  (2003-06-17)  closed by  birkenfeld

libtarfile.tex: external URL changed  (2005-08-27)  closed by  birkenfeld

documentation fixes  (2005-08-27)  closed by  birkenfeld

fix distutils typo "sortcut" -> "shortcut"  (2005-08-29)  closed by  nnorwitz

Patch for (Doc) bug #1212195  (2005-06-26)  closed by  lemburg

bltinmodule.c whitespace normalization  (2005-07-21)  closed by  birkenfeld

fileinput openfile patch, bz2fileinput  (2005-06-22)  closed by  birkenfeld

shutil.copytree() quits too soon after an error.  (2005-07-21)  closed by  birkenfeld

New / Reopened Bugs

_register is not safe  (2005-08-23)
CLOSED  opened by  Russell Owen

bdist_rpm hardcodes as the script name  (2005-08-23)  opened by  Fernando P?rez

tarfile local name is local, should be abspath  (2005-08-12)
CLOSED  reopened by  birkenfeld

crash recursive __getattr__  (2005-08-24)  opened by  pinzo

email.MIMEText & email.MIMEMultipart "From" in message body  (2005-08-24)
CLOSED  opened by  Jim Kutter

atexit not called for pythonservice (win32)  (2005-08-24)
CLOSED  opened by  Hari Krishna Dara

__new__ is class method  (2005-08-16)
CLOSED  reopened by  mwh

Cycle containing a Set is not GC'd [leak]  (2005-08-25)
CLOSED  opened by  Pierre-Fr?d?ric Caillaud

Encoding memory problem.  (2005-08-26)
CLOSED  opened by  Darek Ostolski

bz2module.c compiler warning  (2005-08-26)  opened by  Tim Peters

' install' fail on linux from read-only storage  (2005-08-27)  opened by  Alexander Belchenko

splitunc not documented  (2005-08-27)  opened by  Poor Yorick

dict key comparison swallows exceptions  (2005-08-29)  opened by  Armin Rigo

add a get() method to sets  (2005-08-29)
CLOSED  opened by  Antoine Pitrou

discrepancy between str.__cmp__ and unicode.__cmp__  (2005-08-29)  opened by  Antoine Pitrou

error converting locale number to decimal  (2005-08-30)
CLOSED  opened by  oswaldo

2.4.1 make fails on Solaris 10  (2005-08-30)  opened by  csmuc

dict('') doesn't raise a value error  (2005-08-30)
CLOSED  opened by  Mike Foord

dirutils.mkpath (verbose option does not work)  (2005-08-30)  opened by  gorilla_killa

Sentence fragment in urlparse documentation  (2005-08-30)
CLOSED  opened by  Chad Whitacre

imaplib uses comparison to 'None' for boolean  (2005-08-31)
CLOSED  opened by  Stephen Thorne

Lambda and deepcopy  (2005-08-31)  opened by  Joshua Ginsberg

logging module broken for multiple threads?  (2005-08-31)  opened by  Lenny G. Arbage

help(<keyword>) broken, especially on Windows  (2005-08-31)  opened by  Bryan G. Olson

invalid syntax in os.walk() first example  (2005-09-01)
CLOSED  opened by  YoHell

Bugs Closed

Mistakes in decimal.Context.subtract documentation  (2005-08-22)  closed by  birkenfeld

IDLE on Mac  (2005-08-18)  closed by  kbk

markupbase parse_declaration cannot recognize comments  (2003-05-12)  closed by  fdrake

IDLE Freezes on Ubuntu Warty  (2005-01-25)  closed by  kbk

Python 2.5a0 Tutorial errors and observations  (2005-03-22)  closed by  rhettinger

_register is not safe  (2005-08-24)  closed by  loewis string index out of range  (2005-03-23)  closed by  vmlinuxz

'clear -1' in pdb  (2005-04-29)  closed by  birkenfeld

3.29 site is confusing re site-packages on Windows  (2005-04-26)  closed by  birkenfeld

font lock keyword regular expressions  (2004-12-09)  closed by  rhettinger

os.path.expanduser documentation wrt. empty $HOME  (2005-05-02)  closed by  birkenfeld

mmap's resize method resizes the file in win32 but not unix  (2003-04-27)  closed by  birkenfeld

tarfile local name is local, should be abspath  (2005-08-12)  closed by  loewis

Wrong "type()" syntax in docs  (2005-01-11)  closed by  rhettinger

Erroneous line number error in Py2.4.1  (2005-04-07)  closed by  loewis

Python 2.4.1 crashes when importing the attached script  (2005-08-04)  closed by  loewis

distutils.dir_utils not unicode compatible  (2005-02-12)  closed by  loewis

email.MIMEText & email.MIMEMultipart "From" in message body  (2005-08-24)  closed by  jkutter

urllib.urlretrieve silently truncates downloads  (2004-08-26)  closed by  birkenfeld

atexit not called for pythonservice (win32)  (2005-08-24)  closed by  loewis

urllib2 bug in proxy auth  (2004-08-26)  closed by  birkenfeld

urllib2 parse_http_list wrong return  (2003-05-09)  closed by  birkenfeld

8-bit string literal with iso8859 coding =&gt; crash  (2004-01-01)  closed by  loewis

add SHA256/384/512 to lib  (2005-02-16)  closed by  birkenfeld

IDNA StreamReader broken  (2005-03-14)  closed by  loewis

Large tarfiles cause overflow  (2005-06-06)  closed by  birkenfeld

Crash when importing encoded file  (2004-07-14)  closed by  loewis

xrange() builtin accepts keyword arg silently  (2005-02-09)  closed by  birkenfeld

pydoc on cgi.escape lacks info that are in www docs  (2005-07-23)  closed by  birkenfeld

"new" not marked as deprecated in the docs  (2005-07-30)  closed by  birkenfeld

__new__ is class method  (2005-08-16)  closed by  birkenfeld

__new__ is class method  (2005-08-16)  closed by  birkenfeld alternate newl support is broken  (2005-08-17)  closed by  birkenfeld

Cycle containing a Set is not GC'd [leak]  (2005-08-25)  closed by  rhettinger

shelve .sync operation not documented  (2005-07-31)  closed by  birkenfeld

Install Error: "cannot compute sizeof (int), 77"  (2005-07-16)  closed by  birkenfeld

Encoding memory problem.  (2005-08-26)  closed by  doerwalter

Makefile ignores $CPPFLAGS  (2005-08-14)  closed by  perky

error converting locale number to decimal  (2005-08-30)  closed by  birkenfeld

Decoding with unicode_internal segfaults on UCS-4 builds  (2005-08-03)  closed by  doerwalter

dict('') doesn't raise a value error  (2005-08-30)  closed by  birkenfeld

Sentence fragment in urlparse documentation  (2005-08-31)  closed by  doerwalter

imaplib uses comparison to 'None' for boolean  (2005-08-31)  closed by  pierslauder

str.lower() to have an IMPORTANT NOTE or it's for magicians  (2005-05-31)  closed by  lemburg

Seg Fault when compiling small program  (2005-04-25)  closed by  doerwalter

dl module not installed with 2.2.3  (2003-06-30)  closed by  birkenfeld

HTMLParser chokes on output  (2003-06-26)  closed by  birkenfeld

invalid syntax in os.walk() first example  (2005-09-01)  closed by  rhettinger

RFE Closed

"with self:" statement  (2004-04-01)  closed by  birkenfeld

Keyword similar to &quot;global&quot; for nested scopes want  (2003-11-23)  closed by  birkenfeld

add a get() method to sets  (2005-08-29)  closed by  rhettinger

pythonw.exe should not flash DOS windows  (2003-12-04)  closed by  birkenfeld

From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep  1 19:12:34 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 13:12:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <df7btu$qkg$>
Message-ID: <000001c5af18$590e1c20$4320c797@oemcomputer>

> Do we really need writef()? It seems to be not much better than its %-
> formatting
> equivalent.

Actually, formatting needs to become a function.  The overloading of the
arithmetic mod operator has proven to be unfortunate (if only because of
precedence issues).  

Also, the format coding scheme itself needs to be revisited.  There is
no shortage of people who have taken issue with the trailing s in


From wtrenker at  Thu Sep  1 19:17:52 2005
From: wtrenker at (William Trenker)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:17:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <005301c5ada1$4a52afc0$8832c797@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > .piece() can be both a verb and a noun
> Er, pardon? I don't think I've ever heard 'piece' used
> as a verb in English. Can you supply an example sentence?

- assemble: make by putting pieces together; "She pieced a quilt"
- repair by adding pieces; "She pieced the china cup"


From paolo_veronelli at  Thu Sep  1 19:58:40 2005
From: paolo_veronelli at (Paolino)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 19:58:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] itertools.chain should take an iterable ?
Message-ID: <>

Working on a tree library I've found myself writing 
itertools.chain(*[child.method() for child in self]).
Well this happened after I tried instinctively 
itertools.chain(child.method() for child in self).

Is there a reason for this signature ?

Regards paolino

From jack at  Thu Sep  1 19:35:19 2005
From: jack at (Jack Diederich)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:35:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] itertools.chain should take an iterable ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 07:58:40PM +0200, Paolino wrote:
> Working on a tree library I've found myself writing 
> itertools.chain(*[child.method() for child in self]).
> Well this happened after I tried instinctively 
> itertools.chain(child.method() for child in self).
> Is there a reason for this signature ?

This is more suited to comp.lang.python

Consider the below examples (and remember that strings are iterable)

>>> import itertools as it
>>> list(it.chain('ABC', 'XYZ'))
['A', 'B', 'C', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
>>> list(it.chain(['ABC', 'XYZ']))
['ABC', 'XYZ']
>>> list(it.chain(['ABC'], ['XYZ']))
['ABC', 'XYZ']

Hope that helps,


From eric.nieuwland at  Thu Sep  1 19:37:27 2005
From: eric.nieuwland at (Eric Nieuwland)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:37:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] partition() (was: Remove str.find in 3.0?)
In-Reply-To: <004c01c5ad9f$65567f60$8832c797@oemcomputer>
References: <004c01c5ad9f$65567f60$8832c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> I think it's convenient but also rather odd that split() with a static
>> string argument was moved from module string to a method in class str,
>> while split() with a regexp has remained in module re.
> I don't see what you find odd.  With str and unicode objects being
> builtin, you don't need a separate module.  In contrast, re is a
> stand-alone extension which, of course, requires an import.

That's an implementation oriented view.
IMHO it is all a match-and-cut operation with fixed strings the 
simplest form of match expressions.
 From that point of view the distinction between the two is quite 
Of course, when turning from principles to daily practice again it is 
quite clear the distinction is useful.


From guido at  Thu Sep  1 19:56:58 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:56:58 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <000001c5af18$590e1c20$4320c797@oemcomputer>
References: <df7btu$qkg$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> > Do we really need writef()? It seems to be not much better than its %-
> > formatting
> > equivalent.
> Actually, formatting needs to become a function.  The overloading of the
> arithmetic mod operator has proven to be unfortunate (if only because of
> precedence issues).

For me, it's not so much the precedence, but the fact that "%s" % x
doesn't work as expected if x is a tuple; you'd have to write "%s" %
(x,) which is tedious.

> Also, the format coding scheme itself needs to be revisited.  There is
> no shortage of people who have taken issue with the trailing s in
> %(myvar)s.

Maybe the syntax used in the string.Template class is the way to go?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep  1 20:20:40 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:20:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000401c5af21$dc603000$4320c797@oemcomputer>

> > Actually, formatting needs to become a function.  The overloading of
> > arithmetic mod operator has proven to be unfortunate (if only
because of
> > precedence issues).
> For me, it's not so much the precedence, but the fact that "%s" % x
> doesn't work as expected if x is a tuple; you'd have to write "%s" %
> (x,) which is tedious.

Right.  That too.

> > Also, the format coding scheme itself needs to be revisited.  There
> > no shortage of people who have taken issue with the trailing s in
> > %(myvar)s.
> Maybe the syntax used in the class is the way to go?

string.Template is a bit too simplified.  But perhaps it can be adapted.
We still want some way to express %r, %6.2f, etc.    Since string
formatting has been around since Tim was in diapers, we should probably
start by looking at the solutions used by other languages.  With Py3.0,
we have a real opportunity to break-away from doing things the way C
does it.


From guido at  Thu Sep  1 20:32:33 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:32:33 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <000401c5af21$dc603000$4320c797@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> string.Template is a bit too simplified.  But perhaps it can be adapted.
> We still want some way to express %r, %6.2f, etc.    Since string
> formatting has been around since Tim was in diapers, we should probably
> start by looking at the solutions used by other languages.  With Py3.0,
> we have a real opportunity to break-away from doing things the way C
> does it.

Hrm. Most other languages these days do floating point formatting the
way C does it. I'm happy to look for other ways to invoke the thing,
but I think that we shouldn't tinker with %6.2f. (In fact, the major
complaint is about the one place where I *did* tinker with it --

Maybe the ${boo} form can be extended to allow ${boo%6.2f} ??? 

Unfortunately that would prevent a different extension of ${boo}: %{boo+far}.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep  1 20:33:40 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 11:33:40 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

(Please don't send private replies.)

On 9/1/05, Eric Nieuwland <eric.nieuwland at> wrote:
> I have a lot of code that uses read()/write() to for binary file access.
> Will that break by this change?
> If so, I'd like to propose writes() instead of write() as proposed.

No, that's the beauty. (Assuming the file is opened in binary mode.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From janssen at  Thu Sep  1 21:03:23 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:03:23 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 01 Sep 2005 07:58:08 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep1.120325pdt."58617">

I have to agree with Barry, Paul, Fredrik, Reinhold, etc.  Removing
the "print" statement would immediately break at a fundamental level
15 years of tutorials, books, and examples, many of which start with

>>> print "Hello, World!"

Of course, maybe that's the idea -- this is not your father's Python!
(Though that slogan apparently didn't work out so well for

Is there a syntax trick here?  Suppose start-of-the-line function
names not followed by an open-paren, but followed by comma-separated
lists of expressions, were treated as if the rest of the line were
arguments to a function.  That is, suppose

  print "foo", 3, dir(sys)

was automagically converted to

  print ("foo", 3, dir(sys))

Not sure I like this kind of trickyness, though.  Though it might be
useful for "assert", "raise", maybe "exec", too.

I also don't quite see the point of adding new top-level reserved
words or built-in functions like "write".  It clutters the namespace
without being much of an improvement over "sys.stdout.write", IMO.
Some kind of printf would be nice to have, but with Python's forgiving
syntax is easy enough to add yourself.

> Maybe the syntax used in the string.Template class is the way to go?

If you'd consider extending the Template syntax to positional
parameters ($1, $2, etc.), then perhaps "print" could be modified to
use the template for formatting, if it occurs as the first argument:

  print string.Template("arg $1, arg $2"), arg1, arg2

with an alternate form

  printf "arg $1, arg $2", arg1, arg2

where the first arg is required to be a template pattern string.  This
is a nice improvement over C printf in that you can re-use arguments.

What happens to Template() when the string module goes away?  Do we
write "arg $1, arg $2".Template() instead?


From janssen at  Thu Sep  1 21:39:51 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:39:51 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 01 Sep 2005 07:58:08 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep1.124000pdt."58617">

> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!


After reviewing the PEP 3000 notes, I can find no justification there
for removing "print" other than your statement here -- that it has
served honorably and well in many programming languages for many
years, a curious reason for abandoning it.  There's a pointer to
Python Regrets, but that document contains no justification for the
change.  (Actually, using pointers to Powerpoint slides to
explain/justify anything is, er... -- what's a polite euphemism for "a
sign of a weak mind"? :-)

I agree that "print" is already a bit peculiar, but so what?  If we
wanted Scheme, we'd be programming in Scheme, not Python.

The only other parts of PEP 3000 I take issue with are the removal of
"reduce" (a little) and "lambda" (a bit more seriously).  I use reduce
a lot, but it's easy enough to cobble together oneself, given the
changes in Python over the last 10 years.


From shane at  Thu Sep  1 22:02:39 2005
From: shane at (Shane Hathaway)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:02:39 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<000401c5af21$dc603000$4320c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/1/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>string.Template is a bit too simplified.  But perhaps it can be adapted.
>>We still want some way to express %r, %6.2f, etc.    Since string
>>formatting has been around since Tim was in diapers, we should probably
>>start by looking at the solutions used by other languages.  With Py3.0,
>>we have a real opportunity to break-away from doing things the way C
>>does it.
> Hrm. Most other languages these days do floating point formatting the
> way C does it. I'm happy to look for other ways to invoke the thing,
> but I think that we shouldn't tinker with %6.2f. (In fact, the major
> complaint is about the one place where I *did* tinker with it --
> %(boo)s.)
> Maybe the ${boo} form can be extended to allow ${boo%6.2f} ??? 
> Unfortunately that would prevent a different extension of ${boo}: %{boo+far}.

May I also suggest the following shortcut for creating and evaluating a 
string template.  (Ever since I thought of this, I've actually used this 
in code without thinking... it's just too natural):

   message = $"Hello, $name!"


From guido at  Thu Sep  1 22:07:39 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:07:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <-2729100304010349131@unknownmsgid>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> After reviewing the PEP 3000 notes, I can find no justification there
> for removing "print" other than your statement here -- that it has
> served honorably and well in many programming languages for many
> years, a curious reason for abandoning it.

Some reasons to drop it have to do with the arcane syntax: (a) the
trailing comma (is there anyone who likes that?), and (b) the optional
">>file" part. While I've always defended the latter against powerful
opposition, that was only because print was already a statement and I
find it important to have a way to do whatever print does to an
arbitrary file. Of course, if print() were a function, we wouldn't
need special syntax, we could just use stream.print() with the same
signature; so that's one argument for dropping the syntax.

Another real problem with print is that, while the automatic insertion
of spaces is nice for beginners, it often gets in the way, and what
you have to do to avoid this is pretty nasty: either drop print
altogether in favor of sys.stdout.write(), or use string concatenation
or a format string, assuming you have all the pieces available at the
same time (which often you don't). Surely you don't want to suggest an
extension, for example doubling the comma could make the extra space
go away... :-)

It looks to me like most arguments for keeping print are motivated by
backwards compatibility (in its many guises, like the existence of 15
years of tutorials) and not by what would be best if we were to design
a language from scratch.

It seems to me that, as long as write() and writeln() were built-ins
taking multiple args, teaching a beginner to use

>>> writeln("The answer is: ", 4+4)

is perfectly clear (and might be a gentle introduction to function
calls as well).

I've been thinking about some ancient Python history recently, which
reminded me that one theme in Python's design is to have a minimalist
syntax without being syntax-free like Lisp. (In a very early version
of Python, 'dir' was a statement, just so that I wouldn't have to type
the parentheses. Glad I dropped that one!) I really believe that
dropping print in favor of a few built-in functions is an improvement
-- backwards compatibility be damned!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep  1 22:15:03 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:15:03 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Fredrik Johansson <fredrik.johansson at> wrote:
> Why not instead change the language so as to allow any function call
> to be written without parentheses (when this is unambiguous)? This
> could make Python more convenient for creating imperative-style DSLs
> (though I'm not sure this is a goal).

Given all the other syntax it would be too ambiguous. If you really
want this, please sit down and design a grammar. If you can't do that,
just believe me that it would be too nasty (with too many exceptional
cases) to bother.

> In any case, I think "write" would be better than "print", because it
> is easier to type (at least for me; reaching for 'w' and than 'r' goes
> much faster than reaching for 'p'). I don't like "writeln" though, as
> in 9 of 10 cases I want the line break to be there. I'd rather have
> write add the line break, and "writeraw" or somesuch exclude it.

Yuck. Also, write() and writeln() have a long history going back to
Pascal. Java has print() and println(). Plus stream.write("abc")
already has a meaning, and the elegance of my proposal is that that
meaning remains unchanged.

> By the way, if print has to go, then what about the assert, raise, and
> import statements? Should these be changed to use function call syntax
> as well? (By the way, assert and raise could be methods:
> ZeroDivisionError.assert(denom != 0). Surprising that Java doesn't do
> this ;-)

It can't work for import because it defines a new name; if import were
a function, then import(foo) would necessarily mean to evaluate foo
first, which isn't what you want.

It could work for raise (and even for break and continue) but I'd
rather keep control flow as statements; you never know what the
compiler could do with the information that a particular block doesn't
contain a raise statement.

It can't work for assert because you don't want the argument to be
evaluated in -O mode.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From steven.bethard at  Thu Sep  1 22:23:28 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:23:28 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

[Guido van Rossum]
> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

[Barry Warsaw]
> I have to strongly disagree.  The print statement is simple, easy to
> understand, and easy to use.

[Paul Moore]
> I agree with Barry. In particular, the behaviour of adding spaces
> between items is something I find very useful, and it's missing from
> the functional forms.

While I agree that mostly the print statement is "simple, easy to
understand, and easy to use", I've seen the trailing-comma version
cause confusion for a lot of newbies.  I wouldn't mind at all if the
trailing-comma version disappeared in Python 3.0 -- if you need this
kind of complicated output, you can always use sys.stdout.write and/or
string formatting.

The spaces-between-items point that Paul Moore makes is IMHO the best
argument against the proposed write*() functions.  I think we *do*
need a statement or function of some sort that does the most basic
task: writing a line to sys.stdout that calls str() on each of the
elements and joins them with spaces.  That is, I think we need to keep
*something* with functionality like:

    def XXX(*args):
        sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % ' '.join(str(a) for a in args))

Note that this would keep the Hello World example simple:

    XXX(greeting, name)

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From janssen at  Thu Sep  1 22:30:14 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:30:14 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 01 Sep 2005 13:07:39 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep1.133021pdt."58617">

I don't use "print" myself much, but for the occasional 3-line script.
But I think the user-friendliness of it is a good point, and makes up
for the weirdness of it all.  There's something nice about being able
to write

  print "the answer is", 3*4+10

which is one of the reasons ABC and BASIC have it that way.

> Another real problem with print is that, while the automatic insertion
> of spaces is nice for beginners, it often gets in the way

I agree; why not just drop that feature for Python 3.0?

> It looks to me like most arguments for keeping print are motivated by
> backwards compatibility (in its many guises, like the existence of 15
> years of tutorials) and not by what would be best if we were to design
> a language from scratch.

Well, heck, if we were designing a language from scratch, would we
start with Python?  I rather liked SchemeXerox.

This is Python 3.0, after all, not BizarroLang 1.0.  IMO the novice
usability of it, combined with the existence of other alteratives for
experienced programmers, combined with a tip of the hat to Python's
noble history (what you refer to as "backwards compatibility"), keeps
it in.


From python at  Thu Sep  1 22:42:52 2005
From: python at (Charles Cazabon)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:42:52 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <05Sep1.124000pdt."58617">
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> > And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> > (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

I'm with Guido on this, BTW.

> After reviewing the PEP 3000 notes, I can find no justification there
> for removing "print"

Well, how about the fact that basically all of Python's statements are for
implementing logic (if, while, etc), controlling flow (return, yield, try,
etc), and defining structure (def, class, etc).  `print` stands pretty much
alone as a statement which does none of these things -- in fact, it does
nothing for the program but merely has the interesting side-effect of writing
to stdout.

It's an anomaly.  It stands out in the language as a sore thumb waiting for
Guido's hammer.

Charles Cazabon                           <python at>
GPL'ed software available at:     

From janssen at  Thu Sep  1 22:43:06 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:43:06 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 01 Sep 2005 12:03:23 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep1.134316pdt."58617">

I see this is Fredrik's earlier suggestion.


I (reduntantly) wrote:
> Is there a syntax trick here?  Suppose start-of-the-line function
> names not followed by an open-paren, but followed by comma-separated
> lists of expressions, were treated as if the rest of the line were
> arguments to a function.  That is, suppose
>   print "foo", 3, dir(sys)
> was automagically converted to
>   print ("foo", 3, dir(sys))

From python at  Thu Sep  1 22:46:13 2005
From: python at (Charles Cazabon)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:46:13 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <05Sep1.133021pdt."58617">
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> I don't use "print" myself much, but for the occasional 3-line script.
> But I think the user-friendliness of it is a good point, and makes up
> for the weirdness of it all.  There's something nice about being able
> to write
>   print "the answer is", 3*4+10
> which is one of the reasons ABC and BASIC have it that way.

Providing you can live with adding a pair of parentheses to that, you can

   def print(*args):
      sys.stdout.write(' '.join(args) + '\n')

I think the language would be cleaner if it lacked this weird exception for

Charles Cazabon                           <python at>
GPL'ed software available at:     

From rrr at  Thu Sep  1 23:00:51 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 17:00:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <df66fb$qe7$>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>Charles Cazabon wrote:
>>>Perhaps py3k could have a py2compat module.  Importing it could have the
>>>effect of (for instance) putting compile, id, and intern into the global
>>>namespace, making print an alias for writeln,
>>There's no way importing a module could add something that
>>works like the old print statement, unless some serious
>>magic is going on...
> You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
> comma" form would be lost.
> Reinhold

The trailing comma is convenient, but I don't think it's that big of a 
deal to have two methods.

    ui.writeln()   # or ui.print()

I'm +1 on making it a method of a "user interface object".  Not just a 

I want to be able to import an interface, then communicate to it in a 
consistent way even though it may look quite different on the screen. 
Having a set of standard io methods moves in that direction I think.

    import console
    ui = console()
    ui.write("Hello World\n")
    howami = ui.input("How are you today? %s")

    import popup
    ui = popup('YesNo')              # Create a 'YesNo' popup.
    ok = ui.input('Ok to proceed?')  # Open it and wait for it.
    ok2 = ui.input('Are you sure?')  # Reopen it and reuse it.
    if ok == ok2 == 'Yes':

Some possible common methods...

    ui.write(data)    # non blocking print/output, doesn't wait
    ui.send()         # non echo write; passwords, config, etc..
    ui.input(prompt)  # output something and wait for return value
    ui.get()          # non echo wait for value, or         # non blocking get

As for functions without '()'s. (Just a thought) You could use '<<' or 
'<<<' (or other symbol) as a way to move data between objects.

    ui.write <<< 'Hello World/n'      #  ui.write('Hello World/n')

    ui.writeln <<< counter            #  ui.writeln(

    ok = ui.input <<< 'press a key:'  # ok = ui.input('press a key:')

The requirement could be that the item on the left is a callable, and 
the item on the right is a sequence or generator.


From bjourne at  Thu Sep  1 23:11:16 2005
From: bjourne at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?BJ=F6rn_Lindqvist?=)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 23:11:16 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Something I've noticed from teaching C++ to newbies, is that you
should NOT (never ever) start with "cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;".
You should start with "printf("Hello, world\n");" The cout thingy is
impossible to explain to a newbie because it uses much underlying
"magic" and has a very different behaviour from everything else a
newbie sees in C++. It therefore causes lots of confusion. I wonder if
the magic of "print" might have the same effect on newcomers to
Python, whos first experience is "print 'Hello, world!'"... It would
be very interesting to know.

mvh Bj?rn

From jack at  Thu Sep  1 23:11:21 2005
From: jack at (Jack Diederich)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:11:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 02:46:13PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> > I don't use "print" myself much, but for the occasional 3-line script.
> > But I think the user-friendliness of it is a good point, and makes up
> > for the weirdness of it all.  There's something nice about being able
> > to write
> > 
> >   print "the answer is", 3*4+10
> > 
> > which is one of the reasons ABC and BASIC have it that way.

I don't use print much.  For online applications I call a socket write
or for web apps store up all the HTML in a buffer and only write it out
at the end (to allow code anywhere to raise a Redirect exception).
I don't use print for quick and dirty debugging, but this

def dump(*args):
  sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (repr(args)))

> Providing you can live with adding a pair of parentheses to that, you can
> have:
>    def print(*args):
>       sys.stdout.write(' '.join(args) + '\n')
> I think the language would be cleaner if it lacked this weird exception for
> `print`.

Me too, for real usage.  Tutorials would get messier but how quickly do
people move on from those anyway?


From janssen at  Thu Sep  1 23:13:41 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:13:41 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 01 Sep 2005 13:46:13 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep1.141341pdt."58617">

> Providing you can live with adding a pair of parentheses to that, you can
> have:
>    def print(*args):
>       sys.stdout.write(' '.join(args) + '\n')
> I think the language would be cleaner if it lacked this weird exception for
> `print`.


I agree that it would be cleaner.  I just don't think cleanliness is
all that interesting -- usefulness trumps it every time.  And if
cleanliness was the answer, there would be larger changes to make --
like removing all the syntax variations by standardizing on a common
syntax like Lisp's.


From fredrik at  Thu Sep  1 23:12:57 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 23:12:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><05Sep1.124000pdt."58617">
Message-ID: <df7qsi$ds8$>

Charles Cazabon wrote:

> in fact, it does nothing for the program but merely has the interesting
> side-effect of writing to stdout.

yeah, real programmers don't generate output.


From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep  1 23:15:04 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 23:15:04 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <000001c5af18$590e1c20$4320c797@oemcomputer>
References: <df7btu$qkg$>
Message-ID: <df7r0o$dhp$>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> Do we really need writef()? It seems to be not much better than its %-
>> formatting
>> equivalent.
> Actually, formatting needs to become a function.  The overloading of the
> arithmetic mod operator has proven to be unfortunate (if only because of
> precedence issues).  

But then, a format() function would be necessary (equivalent to sprintf)

> Also, the format coding scheme itself needs to be revisited.  There is
> no shortage of people who have taken issue with the trailing s in
> %(myvar)s.

That's a nuisance, right.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From jack at  Thu Sep  1 23:27:39 2005
From: jack at (Jack Diederich)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:27:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <df7qsi$ds8$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 11:12:57PM +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Charles Cazabon wrote:
> > in fact, it does nothing for the program but merely has the interesting
> > side-effect of writing to stdout.
> yeah, real programmers don't generate output.
I'd say:
  yeah, real programmers don't generate output _to stdout_

sockets, GUI widgets, buffers? sure.  stdout?  Almost never.
Most of these don't have write() methods so I've never had a reason to
use the "print >>" syntax.


From steven.bethard at  Thu Sep  1 23:29:32 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 15:29:32 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <df7r0o$dhp$>
References: <df7btu$qkg$>
Message-ID: <>

Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> > Actually, formatting needs to become a function.  The overloading of the
> > arithmetic mod operator has proven to be unfortunate (if only because of
> > precedence issues).
> But then, a format() function would be necessary (equivalent to sprintf)

Does it have to be a function?  I'd expect it to be a method, like
string.Template.  E.g

>>> '%s: %i'.substitute('badger', 42)
badger: 42
>>> '%(name)s: %(count)i'.substitute(name='badger', count=42)
badger: 42

BTW, I'm quite happy with the current string formatting format.  I
certainly haven't "taken issue with the trailing s in %(myvar)s".  If
it wasn't there, when it is for %(count)i and %(ratio)f, I'd probably
wonder why.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From python at  Thu Sep  1 23:46:20 2005
From: python at (Charles Cazabon)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 15:46:20 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <df7qsi$ds8$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> wrote:
> Charles Cazabon wrote:
> > in fact, it does nothing for the program but merely has the interesting
> > side-effect of writing to stdout.
> yeah, real programmers don't generate output.

That wasn't quite my point - I meant that the rest of Python's statements (to
a one) all have a quite fundamental impact on what the code in question means.
`print` doesn't.

I write data filters in Python all the time -- but I virtually never use
`print`.  stdout.write() is more consistent /and/ parallel to
`print` should go away, at least as a statement.  

Charles Cazabon                           <python at>
GPL'ed software available at:     

From bob at  Thu Sep  1 23:49:56 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:49:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 1, 2005, at 2:27 PM, Jack Diederich wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 11:12:57PM +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>> Charles Cazabon wrote:
>>> in fact, it does nothing for the program but merely has the  
>>> interesting
>>> side-effect of writing to stdout.
>> yeah, real programmers don't generate output.
> I'd say:
>   yeah, real programmers don't generate output _to stdout_
> sockets, GUI widgets, buffers? sure.  stdout?  Almost never.
> Most of these don't have write() methods so I've never had a reason to
> use the "print >>" syntax.

That is absolutely true, print is becoming less and less useful in  
the context of GUI or web applications.  Even in Just Debugging  
scenarios, you're probably better off using something with more  
flexibility, such as the logging module.

Additionally, the fact that sys.stdout is for bytes and not a text  
(unicode) makes it even more complicated.  You can, of course,  
replace sys.stdout with an encoding-aware wrapper via codecs.getwriter 
(), but that's often inconvenient.


From listsub at  Thu Sep  1 23:56:40 2005
From: listsub at (Eli Stevens (WG.c))
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:56:40 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<-2729100304010349131@unknownmsgid>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> It seems to me that, as long as write() and writeln() were built-ins
> taking multiple args, teaching a beginner to use
>>>>writeln("The answer is: ", 4+4)
> is perfectly clear (and might be a gentle introduction to function
> calls as well).


I'm Eli Stevens, and this is my first real post to python-dev (bio 
below).  I've got two ideas relating to formatting that I'd thought I'd 
air out.

The first is to add a separator argument to write[ln]:

 >>> def w(*args, **kwargs):
...   nextsep = ""
...   sep = kwargs.get("sep","")
...   output = ""
...   for item in args:
...     output += nextsep
...     nextsep = sep
...     output += str(item)
...   print output
 >>> w("foo", "bar")
 >>> w("foo", "bar", sep=" ")
foo bar
 >>> w("foo", "bar", sep="\n")
 >>> w("foo", "bar", sep="\t")
foo     bar

I'd have found this handy just this week at work.  Not a huge deal to 
work around, obviously, but it would have been handy.

The second is something along the lines of:

 >>> f = 3.14159
 >>> str(f)
 >>> str(f, ".2") # calls f.__str__(".2") which can do whatever it wants
 >>> str(f, "%.2") # the percent is ignored?


Eli Stevens


Geek since I saw my first computer in 5th grade at school.  Programmed 
(poorly) from middle school through high school.  Graduated from Univ. 
of Missouri, Columbia with a bachelors in CS.  C++ fan at the time. 
Worked a startup in the valley for 3 years, heavily in Java.  Mildly 
disliked it (from the start), found python, loved it, got acquired by 
Cisco, but still doing Java.  I cashed out.  Now at Yahoo doing Python 
almost full time.  Happy.   No accepted patches to an open source 
project (yet).  Prefer the MIT license for my code (assuming any of it 
gets to a point where I can release it :).

Whew.  ;)

From jimjjewett at  Fri Sep  2 01:33:36 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:33:36 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
Message-ID: <>

Tim Delaney writes:
> One of the big disadvantages of string views is that they need to keep
> the original object around, no matter how big it is. But in the case of
> partition, much of the time the original string survives for at least a
> similar period to the partitions.

Michael Chermside writes:
> Didn't several of Raymond's examples use the idiom:

>    part_1, _, s = s.partition(first_sep)
>    part_2, _, s = s.partition(second_sep)
>    part_3, _, s = s.partition(third_sep)

Yes, but in those cases, generally the entire original string 
was being kept by at least some part_#, so there really 
wasn't any wasted space.  The problem only really shows 
up when a single 5-byte string keeps a 10K buffer alive.
If it supports 2000 such strings, then everything is fine.

Skip writes:
> I'm skeptical about performance as well, but not for that reason.  A string
> object can have a referent field.  If not NULL, it refers to another string
> object which is INCREFed in the usual way.  At string deallocation, if the
> referent is not NULL, the referent is DECREFed.  If the referent is NULL,
> ob_sval is freed.

Michael Chermside writes:
> Won't work. A string may have multiple referrents, so a single referent
> field isn't sufficient.

I think you're looking at it backwards.  A string would use a reference to
a (series of characters) instead of ob_sval, just as dictionaries point to 
a table instead of small_table.

The catch (as Tim mentioned) is that the underlying series of characters 
might be much larger than *this* string needs.  If it isn't shared, then
the extra is wasted.

One way to deal with this might be have the strings clean up when they're
called.  If the string's length multiplied by the number of references to
the buffer is much less than the size of the buffer, then the string should
make its own small copy.  Whether the complication is worth it, I don't know.


From jimjjewett at  Fri Sep  2 01:44:02 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:44:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
Message-ID: <>

Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

> If come python 3, there is a 99% accurate program which can turn your
> python 2.x into python 3 code, then that would ease the transition
> greatly.

Guido wrote:

> That might not be so easy given the desire to change most
> list-returning functions and methods into iterator-returning ones.

I assume part of the cleanup will include adding a choke point
for import hooks.  That way people could do the conversion
on modules that they aren't sure about.  There would be a 
performance penalty, but things would still work, and could be
sped up as it was justified.

> This means that *most* places where you use keys() your code will
> still run, but *some* places you'll have to write list(d.keys()). How
> is the translator going to know? 

So do it everywhere, in the auto-import.  

> Worse, there's a common idiom:
>    L = D.keys()
>    L.sort()

> that should be replaced by

>    L = sorted(D)

    L = list(D.keys())
    L = sorted(L)

Not as efficient.  Not as pretty.  With work, even a 
mechanical importer could do better.  But the old 
code would still run correctly.


From jimjjewett at  Fri Sep  2 02:12:11 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 20:12:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum suggested:

>    stream.write(a1, a2, ...)
>    stream.writeln(a1, a2, ...)
>    stream.writef(fmt, a1, a2, ...)

> builtin functions write(), writeln(), writef() that call the
> corresponding method on sys.stdout. 

These seem good, except that write typically matches 
read, and I'm not sure how well the equivalents would
work.  (They can be defined; they just feel a little too
fragile, like C's input.)

> Another real problem with print is that, while the
> automatic insertion of spaces is nice for beginners,
> it often gets in the way, and what you have to do to 
> avoid this is pretty nasty: either drop print altogether 
> in favor of sys.stdout.write(), or use string concatenation
> or a format string, assuming you have all the pieces
> available at the same time (which often you don't).

I usually take "I need to get rid of spaces" as an indication
that I care about exact (not just readable, but exact) 
formatting, and *should* use either write or a format string 
(possibly waiting to collect the data).

Putting the spaces back in (without a format string) would 
be even worse.  Charles Cazabon's pointed out that it *could*
be as simple as

    writeln(' '.join( ... ))

but if there isn't a builtin alias, people (at least those not
intimidated by the magic required to get simple output)
*will* do things at least as bad as

    writeln(a, " ", b, " ", c)

or as bugprone as

    # oops, format string and debug vars got out of sync
    writef("  Current Vals:%s %d %d%s", curval, i, k, name, age)


From rrr at  Fri Sep  2 02:30:31 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:30:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Jewett wrote:
>>Another real problem with print is that, while the
>>automatic insertion of spaces is nice for beginners,
>>it often gets in the way, and what you have to do to 
>>avoid this is pretty nasty: either drop print altogether 
>>in favor of sys.stdout.write(), or use string concatenation
>>or a format string, assuming you have all the pieces
>>available at the same time (which often you don't).
> I usually take "I need to get rid of spaces" as an indication
> that I care about exact (not just readable, but exact) 
> formatting, and *should* use either write or a format string 
> (possibly waiting to collect the data).
> Putting the spaces back in (without a format string) would 
> be even worse.  Charles Cazabon's pointed out that it *could*
> be as simple as
>     writeln(' '.join( ... ))

Why not just offer an addition method ?

examine(x,y,z)   # print with spaces

Or some other suitable name.


From skip at  Fri Sep  2 04:57:29 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 21:57:29 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the
In-Reply-To: <df67oc$u7v$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Fredrik> Python strings are character buffers with a known length, not
    Fredrik> null-terminated C strings.  the CPython implementation
    Fredrik> guarantees that the character buffer has a trailing NULL
    Fredrik> character, but that's mostly to make it easy to pass Python
    Fredrik> strings directly to traditional C API:s.

I'm obviously missing something that's been there all along.  Since Python
strings can contain NULs, why do we bother to NUL-terminate them?  Clearly,
any tradition C API that expects to operate on NUL-terminated strings would
break with a string containing an embedded NUL.


From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep  2 05:00:09 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 15:00:09 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <df66fb$qe7$>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>There's no way importing a module could add something that
>>works like the old print statement, unless some serious
>>magic is going on...
> You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
> comma" form would be lost.

But you'd still have to rewrite old code to work
with it, in which case you might as well change
it to whatever the new way is in 3.0.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From skip at  Fri Sep  2 05:00:51 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 22:00:51 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    >> I still hope to see this change to "make print a builtin instead of a
    >> statement". I'd hate to lose the one-line hello world example due to
    >> cruft like "from sys import stdout".

    Barry> I agree.  You can't get much simpler to explain or use than the
    Barry> current print statement.

Then why remove it at all?


From fdrake at  Fri Sep  2 05:09:38 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 23:09:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday 01 September 2005 23:00, skip at wrote:
 > Then why remove it at all?

Bingo.  I don't see any need to remove it.  I could live with removing the 
trailing-comma semi-wart, but there just isn't any need to remove it.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From skip at  Fri Sep  2 05:14:52 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 22:14:52 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    >> I'm skeptical about performance as well, but not for that reason.  A
    >> string object can have a referent field.  If not NULL, it refers to
    >> another string object which is INCREFed in the usual way.  At string
    >> deallocation, if the referent is not NULL, the referent is DECREFed.
    >> If the referent is NULL, ob_sval is freed.

    Michael> Won't work. A string may have multiple referrents, so a single
    Michael> referent field isn't sufficient.

Hmmm...  I implemented it last night (though it has yet to be tested).  I
suspect it will work.  Here's my PyStringObject struct:

    typedef struct {
        long ob_shash;
        int ob_sstate;
        PyObject *ob_referent;
        char *ob_sval;
    } PyStringObject;

(minus the invariants which I have yet to check).  Suppose url is a string
object whose value is "", and that it has a reference
count of 1 and isn't a view onto another string.  Its ob_referent field
would be NULL.  (Maybe it would be better named "ob_target".)  If we then

    before, sep, after = url.partition(":")

upon return before, sep and after would be string objects whose ob_referent
field refers to url and url's reference count would be 4.  Their ob_sval
fields would point to the start of their piece of url.  When the reference
counts of before, sep and after reach zero, they are reclaimed.  Since they
each have a non-NULL ob_referent field, the target object is DECREFed, but
the ob_sval field is not freed.  In the case of url, when its reference
count reaches zero, since its ob_referent field is NULL, its ob_sval field
is freed.

The only tricky business was PyString_AsString.  If the argument object is a
view you have to "un-view" it by copying the interesting bits and DECREFing
the ob_referent.  This is because of the NUL termination guarantee.

I wonder if the use of views would offset the overhead of returning to a
double-malloc allocation.


From skip at  Fri Sep  2 05:20:04 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 22:20:04 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

    >> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
    >> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

    Barry> I have to strongly disagree.  The print statement is simple, easy
    Barry> to understand, and easy to use.

I'm with Barry.  Even for non-debug use the print statement is suitable for
the majority of my output.


From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep  2 05:49:55 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 15:49:55 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shane Hathaway wrote:

> May I also suggest the following shortcut for creating and evaluating a 
> string template.  (Ever since I thought of this, I've actually used this 
> in code without thinking... it's just too natural):
>    message = $"Hello, $name!"

As I recall, this has been considered before, and
rejected on the grounds that it's too visually
confusing having $ signs both inside and outside
the quotes.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From jcarlson at  Fri Sep  2 05:55:05 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:55:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:
>     >> I'm skeptical about performance as well, but not for that reason.  A
>     >> string object can have a referent field.  If not NULL, it refers to
>     >> another string object which is INCREFed in the usual way.  At string
>     >> deallocation, if the referent is not NULL, the referent is DECREFed.
>     >> If the referent is NULL, ob_sval is freed.
>     Michael> Won't work. A string may have multiple referrents, so a single
>     Michael> referent field isn't sufficient.
> Hmmm...  I implemented it last night (though it has yet to be tested).  I
> suspect it will work.  Here's my PyStringObject struct:

*cough* buffers with string methods *cough*  Seriously.  I know people
don't seem to like them much, but a buffer is a string view, an array
view, an mmap view, ...  It does /exactly/ what you suggest string views
should do, and it's already in Python.  With minor wrappers, one could
use string methods almost directly, or with modification of string
methods, buffers and strings could share methods.

 - Josiah

From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep  2 06:05:10 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 16:05:10 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> I think we *do*
> need a statement or function of some sort that does the most basic
> task: writing a line to sys.stdout that calls str() on each of the
> elements and joins them with spaces.

Hypertalk (the programming language of Apple's Hypercard)
had an interesting way of doing this. There were two string
concatenation operators: a regular one, and a "concatenate
with a space between" operator. Using these, you could
build up strings for output quite nicely.

It helped somewhat that Hypertalk really only had strings
as a data type. A Python version of this operator would
need to be willing to convert either or both operands to

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From steve at  Fri Sep  2 06:30:42 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 23:30:42 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
	<df66fb$qe7$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> [Guido van Rossum]
>>And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
>>(unvisual) Basic. Out with it!
> [Barry Warsaw]
>>I have to strongly disagree.  The print statement is simple, easy to
>>understand, and easy to use.
> [Paul Moore]
>>I agree with Barry. In particular, the behaviour of adding spaces
>>between items is something I find very useful, and it's missing from
>>the functional forms.
... as proposed, but ...
> While I agree that mostly the print statement is "simple, easy to
> understand, and easy to use", I've seen the trailing-comma version
> cause confusion for a lot of newbies.  I wouldn't mind at all if the
> trailing-comma version disappeared in Python 3.0 -- if you need this
> kind of complicated output, you can always use sys.stdout.write and/or
> string formatting.
... the trailing-comma version is indeed BASIC voodoo of ancient 
heritage, and not something I'd personally miss.

> The spaces-between-items point that Paul Moore makes is IMHO the best
> argument against the proposed write*() functions.  I think we *do*
> need a statement or function of some sort that does the most basic
> task: writing a line to sys.stdout that calls str() on each of the
> elements and joins them with spaces.  That is, I think we need to keep
> *something* with functionality like:
>     def XXX(*args):
>         sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % ' '.join(str(a) for a in args))
> Note that this would keep the Hello World example simple:
>     XXX(greeting, name)

Of course, for Python 3.0 if we lose the keyword there's nothing to stop 
us calling the convenience function "print". With the removal of the 
trailing-comma functionality we'd only have to add parentheses to 2.X 
print statements to have them work :-)

Next question: could the function have a sensible return value, or is 
None the best possible result?

hesitating-to-suggest-minus-one-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

From martin.blais at  Fri Sep  2 06:40:42 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 00:40:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <-886891881552191728@unknownmsgid>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> > Providing you can live with adding a pair of parentheses to that, you can
> > have:
> >
> >    def print(*args):
> >       sys.stdout.write(' '.join(args) + '\n')
> >
> > I think the language would be cleaner if it lacked this weird exception for
> > `print`.
> Charles,
> I agree that it would be cleaner.  I just don't think cleanliness is
> all that interesting -- usefulness trumps it every time.  And if

Talking about cleanliness, I'm not sure which is cleaner::

  print >> sys.stderr, "This is a long sentence that I " \
        "had to cut in two."

  print("This is a long sentence that I "
        "had to cut in two.", stream=sys.stderr)

Sometimes I'll do this because I don't like the backslashes::

  print >> sys.stderr, ("This is a long sentence that "
                        "Had to cut in two.")

Also, I find the ">>" syntax has always bothered me.  
I find it useful but so out-of-place in the language.

+1 for removing the print statement.

From steve at  Fri Sep  2 06:50:04 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 23:50:04 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <df8llr$4lj$>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> skip at wrote:
>>If I then wanted to see what scheme's value
>>compared to, the string's comparison method would have to recognize that it
>>wasn't truly NUL-terminated, copy it, call strncmp() or whatever underlying
>>routine is used for string comparisons.
> Python string comparisons can't be using anything that
> relies on nul-termination, because Python strings can
> contain embedded nuls. Possibly it uses memcmp(), but
> that takes a length.
> You have a point when it comes to passing strings to
> other C routines, though. For those that don't have a
> variant which takes a maximum length, the substring type
> might have to keep a cached nul-terminated copy created
> on demand. Then the copying overhead would only be
> incurred if you did happen to pass a substring to such
> a routine.
Since Python strings *can* contain embedded NULs, doesn't that rather 
poo on the idea of passing pointers to their data to C functions as 
things stand?

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

From stephen at  Fri Sep  2 07:59:45 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 14:59:45 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <df8llr$4lj$> (Steve Holden's message of "Thu,
	01 Sep 2005 23:50:04 -0500")
References: <>
	<> <df8llr$4lj$>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Holden <steve at> writes:

    Steve> Since Python strings *can* contain embedded NULs, doesn't
    Steve> that rather poo on the idea of passing pointers to their
    Steve> data to C functions as things stand?

I think it's a "consenting adults" issue.

Ie, C programmers always face the issue of "Do I dare strfry() this
char[]?"  I don't see what difference it makes that the C program in
question is being linked with Python, or that the source of the data
is a Python string.  He's chosen to program in C, let him get on with it.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From fredrik at  Fri Sep  2 08:36:45 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:36:45 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views (was: Re: Proof of the
References: <><><df67oc$u7v$>
Message-ID: <df8rtl$ida$>

skip at wrote:

>    Fredrik> Python strings are character buffers with a known length, not
>    Fredrik> null-terminated C strings.  the CPython implementation
>    Fredrik> guarantees that the character buffer has a trailing NULL
>    Fredrik> character, but that's mostly to make it easy to pass Python
>    Fredrik> strings directly to traditional C API:s.
> I'm obviously missing something that's been there all along.  Since Python
> strings can contain NULs, why do we bother to NUL-terminate them?  Clearly,
> any tradition C API that expects to operate on NUL-terminated strings would
> break with a string containing an embedded NUL.

sure, but that doesn't mean that such an API would break on a string that
*doesn't* contain an embedded NUL.

in practice, this is the difference between the "s" and "s#" argument specifiers;
the former requires a NUL-free string, the latter can handle any byte string:

    >>> f = open("myfile\0")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    TypeError: file() argument 1 must be (encoded string without NULL bytes), not str
    >>> f = open("myfile")
    >>> f
    <open file 'myfile', mode 'r' at 0x0091E9A0>


From paul at  Fri Sep  2 09:18:37 2005
From: paul at (Paul F. Dubois)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 00:18:37 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Remove the print statement....I laughed until my sides hurt. Hello? Try 
dating girls and talking to normal people, geek boys.

We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on' very far 
from the tutorial. The salient feature about print statements is that 
they live to be put in and commented out 10 minutes later, without some 
import being required or other enabling object being around.

Easy things should be easy. Hard things should be possible. I don't 
believe the person who said the trailing comma case mixed up anybody, 
not for more than 10 seconds anyway.

OK, now that I've offended everyone, I'll go back into retirement. But I 
*am* laughing at you.

From fredrik at  Fri Sep  2 10:07:29 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:07:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <>
Message-ID: <df917q$veh$>

Paul F. Dubois wrote:

> Remove the print statement....I laughed until my sides hurt. Hello? Try
> dating girls and talking to normal people, geek boys.
> We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on' very far
> from the tutorial. The salient feature about print statements is that
> they live to be put in and commented out 10 minutes later, without some
> import being required or other enabling object being around.
> Easy things should be easy. Hard things should be possible. I don't
> believe the person who said the trailing comma case mixed up anybody,
> not for more than 10 seconds anyway.
> OK, now that I've offended everyone, I'll go back into retirement. But I
> *am* laughing at you.



From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep  2 10:18:10 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:18:10 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Ron Adam <rrr at> wrote:
> Jim Jewett wrote:
> > Putting the spaces back in (without a format string) would
> > be even worse.  Charles Cazabon's pointed out that it *could*
> > be as simple as
> >
> >     writeln(' '.join( ... ))
> Why not just offer an addition method ?
> examine(x,y,z)   # print with spaces

Because we're now up to *four* stream methods, plus the same number of
builtins, to do what one statement currently does?

(BTW, the ' '.join() idiom has a minor disadvantage in that it
*builds* the output string, whereas print doesn't. Not a major issue,
given the typical sizes of strings to be output, but it's another cost


From bronger at  Fri Sep  2 10:58:15 2005
From: bronger at (Torsten Bronger)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 10:58:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


"Paul F. Dubois" <paul at> writes:

> [...]
> We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on'
> very far from the tutorial. The salient feature about print
> statements is that they live to be put in and commented out 10
> minutes later, without some import being required or other
> enabling object being around.

Being a natural scientist myself, I plan to use Python for such
purposes, too, and surely print will be part of it.  I also agree
that at least for the not professionally trained programmer, print
is a very handy debugging helper.

However, an even more important kind of Python programs are the
utilities one creates for making life easier.  They are usually
short and simple with respect to their I/O.  I really love the print
statement with its comma notation here.  Typically it's used
frequently in my programs and produces lucid lines of code.

Additionally, print is positive for Python advocacy in my opinion.
It strengthens the beginner's impression that Python has a gentle
syntax.  (Again, I may speak for the non-CS folks.)

I think that print's purpose is important enough for Python's target
group that it deserves to remain as it is.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus            ICQ 264-296-646

From k33rni at  Fri Sep  2 11:25:41 2005
From: k33rni at (Krzysztof Zych)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:25:41 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

On 01/09/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

I disagree strongly. I can't count the number of times I've been
p*ssed having to write
something like System.out.println("point(" + this.x + "," + this.y
+")") in Java. (Strangely though, I don't object to having printf() in
C, but I know it doesn't work any other way). This is what I liked
about Python, it offered a no-frills way to get the job done (TSOOWTDI
and the like).

I agree it's mostly used for debugging purposes, to do quick-and dirty
calculations, etc. Nothing can beat it. We don't want the language to
be pure, we want it to be useful. Isn't "Practicality beats purity" in
the Zen of Python? Last time I checked (2.4.1) it was there, and
updating Zen isn't in PEP 3000 ;)

-1 on removal of print.

From mozbugbox at  Fri Sep  2 11:40:09 2005
From: mozbugbox at (JustFillBug)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:40:09 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
References: <>
	<df66fb$qe7$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2005-09-01, Ron Adam <rrr at> wrote:
> As for functions without '()'s. (Just a thought) You could use '<<' or 
> '<<<' (or other symbol) as a way to move data between objects.
>     ui.write <<< 'Hello World/n'      #  ui.write('Hello World/n')
>     ui.writeln <<< counter            #  ui.writeln(
>     ok = ui.input <<< 'press a key:'  # ok = ui.input('press a key:')
> The requirement could be that the item on the left is a callable, and 
> the item on the right is a sequence or generator.

Please don't abuse symbols. Perl's ways of symbols all the way without
intuitive meaning is bad. Use descriptive methods and functions please.

From T.A.Meyer at  Fri Sep  2 04:54:19 2005
From: T.A.Meyer at (Meyer, Tony)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:54:19 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
Message-ID: <>

> The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

> I have to strongly disagree. 

As would I.  From observing recent discussions here, it would be helpful if everyone else that agrees could come up with a list (a wiki page on, perhaps?) of simple, to-the-point, reasons why losing print is a bad idea.  Once Guido sees the huge list of reasons in favour of keeping it, versus the one or two reasons against it (and ruminates on it while 2.5 through 2.9 are released) I'm sure he'll see reason.

FWIW, I wouldn't really care if >> or the trailing comma was lost.

> The print statement is simple, easy to understand, and
> easy to use.  For use cases like debugging or the interactive
> interpreter [...] I think it's hard to beat the useability
> of print with a write() function, even if builtin.

ISTM that Barry nails the key reasons here.  One of the real strengths of Python is that it can be used in a wide range of applications, many of which don't need to be burdened with a complex logging strategy, don't have a GUI, aren't inside a web browser, and so on.

"print" is the best example I can think of for "practicality beats purity".  Writing to stdout is as common in the code I write as loops - it's worth keeping such basic functionality as elegant, simple, easy to understand, and easy to use as possible.  (This is certainly my motiviation, not any concern about backwards compatibility).

With standard English keyboards, at least, the '(' and ')' keys are also inconvenient to type, compared to lower-case English characters.  Fundamental actions like writing to stdout deserve simplicity.


From hoffman at  Fri Sep  2 12:02:52 2005
From: hoffman at (Michael Hoffman)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:02:52 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Jack Diederich wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 11:12:57PM +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>> yeah, real programmers don't generate output.
> I'd say:
>  yeah, real programmers don't generate output _to stdout_
> sockets, GUI widgets, buffers? sure.  stdout?  Almost never.

Almost every program I write produces its output mainly to stdout. And
I probably use print half the time to produce this output (the rest is
done mostly with csv).

GUI widgets? Who needs 'em?
Michael Hoffman <hoffman at>
European Bioinformatics Institute

From gmccaughan at  Fri Sep  2 12:40:35 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:40:35 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday 2005-09-01 18:09, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> They *are* cached and there is no cost to using the functions instead
> of the methods unless you have so many regexps in your program that
> the cache is cleared (the limit is 100).

Sure there is; the cost of looking them up in the cache.

    >>> import re,timeit

    >>> timeit.Timer(""""(\d*).*(\d*)", "abc123def456")""").timeit(1000000)

    >>> timeit.r = re.compile(r"(\d*).*(\d*)")
    >>> timeit.Timer(""""abc123def456")""").timeit(1000000)

    >>> timeit.Timer().timeit(1000000)

So in this (highly artificial toy) application it's about 7.5/2.5 = 3 times
faster to use the methods instead of the functions.


From gmccaughan at  Fri Sep  2 13:14:11 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 12:14:11 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on' very far 
> from the tutorial. The salient feature about print statements is that 
> they live to be put in and commented out 10 minutes later, without some 
> import being required or other enabling object being around.
> Easy things should be easy. Hard things should be possible. I don't 
> believe the person who said the trailing comma case mixed up anybody, 
> not for more than 10 seconds anyway.

Damn right. No, I mean: damn "write" :-).

I've used Python for teaching beginner programmers, for quick-hack
scripts, for interactive diddling about, for scientific computation,
for algorithmic experimentation, for GUI applications. I'd appreciably
miss "print" for *all* of these, even the last. (My GUI applications
sometimes have bugs. How about yours?)

So far as I can see, two arguments against "print" have been proposed.

1. It has some ugly features, like the trailing-comma hack.

2. It's a statement that does something "ordinary" and could
   be replaced by a function.

Against which, we have

3. It's convenient for debugging, interactive use, simple scripts,
   and various other things.

4. It's beginner-friendly.

Now, I'm sure I remember hearing something that was relevant
to this. "Pragmatism beats purification"? No, that's not quite
it. "Practice beats perfection?" No. Ah yes, I remember:
"Practicality beats purity". But, of course, that wasn't
talking about Python 3000. :-)


From paolo_veronelli at  Fri Sep  2 14:16:42 2005
From: paolo_veronelli at (Paolino)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 14:16:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] itertools.chain should take an iterable ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jack Diederich wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 07:58:40PM +0200, Paolino wrote:
>>Working on a tree library I've found myself writing 
>>itertools.chain(*[child.method() for child in self]).
>>Well this happened after I tried instinctively 
>>itertools.chain(child.method() for child in self).
>>Is there a reason for this signature ?
> This is more suited to comp.lang.python
Why ? I'm not asking for help ,I'm asking why itertools library is 
implemented like that and if it is possible to clean it.

> Consider the below examples (and remember that strings are iterable)
>>>>import itertools as it
>>>>list(it.chain('ABC', 'XYZ'))
> ['A', 'B', 'C', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
>>>>list(it.chain(['ABC', 'XYZ']))
> ['ABC', 'XYZ']
>>>>list(it.chain(['ABC'], ['XYZ']))
> ['ABC', 'XYZ']
What if I want to chain an infinite list of iterables?
Shouldn't itertools.chain be built to  handle that?
I don't think it is a problem to accept only the second case you paste 
and produce TypeError on the others.

Hope this explains and  to get other reasons.


> Hope that helps,
> -jackdied
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From barry at  Fri Sep  2 13:50:48 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 07:50:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 17:49, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> That is absolutely true, print is becoming less and less useful in  
> the context of GUI or web applications.  

I know we're dinosaurs, but some of us still write console apps in

> Even in Just Debugging  
> scenarios, you're probably better off using something with more  
> flexibility, such as the logging module.

The logging module is great, but logging and debugging are two different
things (although that fact is obscured when you don't have a console).  

print is useful in scenarios other than debugging.  And while I do
occasionally use it, I wouldn't be too heartbroken if the trailing comma
form were lost.  I /would/ mourn the loss of print>> though -- not
necessarily the syntax, which was clearly a compromise, but the
functionality.  If we could have spelled it "print to sys.stderr" we
would have.


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From barry at  Fri Sep  2 13:59:48 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 07:59:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 16:07, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Another real problem with print is that, while the automatic insertion
> of spaces is nice for beginners, it often gets in the way, 

OTOH, print's automatic space insertion is often the reason why I'll
reach for it instead of stream.write().  

Maybe we should be thinking of this differently.  What on the surface
appears to be many varieties of one use case, screaming out for
TOOWTDI+options is really (at least) two use cases urging us to
different solutions appropriate for the problem.  I have no qualms with
adding writeln() or writefmt() or whatever -- those seem like useful
additions I'm sure I'd use.  But I don't think that therefore (or under
the principles of TOOWTDI or cleanliness) demands the removal of print.


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From barry at  Fri Sep  2 14:03:22 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 08:03:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 00:40, Martin Blais wrote:

> Talking about cleanliness, I'm not sure which is cleaner::
>   print >> sys.stderr, "This is a long sentence that I " \
>         "had to cut in two."
>   print("This is a long sentence that I "
>         "had to cut in two.", stream=sys.stderr)
> Sometimes I'll do this because I don't like the backslashes::
>   print >> sys.stderr, ("This is a long sentence that "
>                         "Had to cut in two.")

Or maybe

print >> sys.stderr, "\
This is a long sentence that I didn't have to cut in two."

A bit yucky, but easily extended to TQS when your message gets longer
and longer.


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From nyamatongwe at  Fri Sep  2 14:06:17 2005
From: nyamatongwe at (Neil Hodgson)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 22:06:17 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gareth McCaughan:

> 3. It's convenient for debugging, interactive use, simple scripts,
>    and various other things.

   Interactive use is its own mode and works differently to the base
language. To print the value of something, just type an expression.
Python will evaluate and print the value of the expression. Much
easier than adding 'print '. Extended interactive modes like ipython
include other conveniences that don't belong in the python language.

   The problem with print is it becomes a barrier to extending a
script into something more ambitious. This then leads to ugly
'features' like '>>' and trailing commas. By all means provide a
simple syntax for i/o with the standard streams but ensure it is
something that is a firm basis for extension.


From barry at  Fri Sep  2 13:44:19 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 07:44:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 03:18, Paul F. Dubois wrote:
> Remove the print statement....I laughed until my sides hurt. Hello? Try 
> dating girls and talking to normal people, geek boys.
> We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on' very far 
> from the tutorial. The salient feature about print statements is that 
> they live to be put in and commented out 10 minutes later, without some 
> import being required or other enabling object being around.
> Easy things should be easy. Hard things should be possible. I don't 
> believe the person who said the trailing comma case mixed up anybody, 
> not for more than 10 seconds anyway.
> OK, now that I've offended everyone, I'll go back into retirement. But I 
> *am* laughing at you.

Thank you Paul!  Don't stay retired for long. :)


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From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Sep  2 14:12:41 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 08:12:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] itertools.chain should take an iterable ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002501c5afb7$9ec65080$9207a044@oemcomputer>

> >>Well this happened after I tried instinctively
> >>itertools.chain(child.method() for child in self).

As Jack's note points out, your proposed signature is incompatible with
the one we have now.  I recommend creating your own version:

     def paolino_chain(iterables):
         for it in iterables:
             for element in it:
                 yield element

    >>> list(chain(c+c for c in string.ascii_uppercase))
    ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'E', 'E', 'F', 'F',
     'G', 'G',   'H', 'H', 'I', 'I', 'J', 'J', 'K', 'K', 'L', 'L',
     'M', 'M', 'N', 'N', 'O', 'O', 'P', 'P', 'Q', 'Q', 'R', 'R',
     'S', 'S', 'T', 'T', 'U', 'U', 'V', 'V', 'W', 'W', 'X', 'X', 
     'Y', 'Y', 'Z', 'Z']

> >>Is there a reason for this signature ?

It was handy for the use cases I had in mind when creating the function.
Also it was styled after a version in another language where it had
proven successful.

> > This is more suited to comp.lang.python
> >
> Why ? I'm not asking for help ,I'm asking why itertools library is
> implemented like that and if it is possible to clean it.

The newsgroup would have guided you to the solution listed above.  If
you want to request a new feature, please use SourceForge.


From amk at  Fri Sep  2 14:50:06 2005
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:50:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <df917q$veh$>
References: <>
	<> <df917q$veh$>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 10:07:29AM +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > OK, now that I've offended everyone, I'll go back into retirement. But I
> > *am* laughing at you.
> Amen.



From tzot at  Fri Sep  2 14:45:42 2005
From: tzot at (Christos Georgiou)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 15:45:42 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] itertools.chain should take an iterable ?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <df9hhk$eao$>

"Paolino" <paolo_veronelli at> wrote in message 
news:431842AA.2050405 at

> What if I want to chain an infinite list of iterables?
> Shouldn't itertools.chain be built to  handle that?

Raymond already suggested a four-line function that does exactly that.

Create your own personal-library modules containing the functions you find 
useful as building blocks, and when you have a large sw base using them, 
present your building blocks along with their use cases as arguments for 
inclusion in the standard library.

> I don't think it is a problem to accept only the second case you paste
> and produce TypeError on the others.

It would break compatibility with the current uses of itertools.chain .  I 
like it (and have used it) as it is. 

From fredrik at  Fri Sep  2 14:55:56 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:55:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><><>
Message-ID: <df9i4l$g2k$>

Neil Hodgson wrote:

>   Interactive use is its own mode and works differently to the base
> language. To print the value of something, just type an expression.
> Python will evaluate and print the value of the expression. Much
> easier than adding 'print '.

print and "echo" prints different things, for many values of "something".


From skip at  Fri Sep  2 15:11:47 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:11:47 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Neil> The problem with print is it becomes a barrier to extending a
    Neil> script into something more ambitious. This then leads to ugly
    Neil> 'features' like '>>' and trailing commas. By all means provide a
    Neil> simple syntax for i/o with the standard streams but ensure it is
    Neil> something that is a firm basis for extension.

I don't find either the trailing comma or >> redirection ugly.  If I have a
long print line that's hard to read because it extends past column 80 (the
print statement, not the output), it's easy to hit NL at an intermediate
comma, then just type "print ", perhaps followed by another output
redirector.  The two print statements' output still falls on a single
line. The trailing comma on the previous line gives me a space between the
two output chunks.


From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep  2 16:04:07 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:04:07 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:
> I don't find either the trailing comma or >> redirection ugly.  If I have a
> long print line that's hard to read because it extends past column 80 (the
> print statement, not the output), it's easy to hit NL at an intermediate
> comma, then just type "print ", perhaps followed by another output
> redirector.  The two print statements' output still falls on a single
> line. The trailing comma on the previous line gives me a space between the
> two output chunks.

But that would be just as easy with a print() function.  In the current syntax:

    print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
    print 'frobble', frobble

In my proposed function:

    print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
          'frobble', frobble)

To my (admittedly biased) eyes, the second version more obviously
prints to a single line.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From fredrik at  Fri Sep  2 16:11:20 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 16:11:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><><><><>
Message-ID: <df9mi2$uak$>

Steven Bethard wrote:

> But that would be just as easy with a print() function.  In the current syntax:
>    print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
>    print 'frobble', frobble
> In my proposed function:
>    print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
>          'frobble', frobble)
> To my (admittedly biased) eyes, the second version more obviously
> prints to a single line.

next use case:

    print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
    if frobble > 0:
        print 'frobble', frobble
        print 'no frobble today'


From python at  Fri Sep  2 16:20:44 2005
From: python at (Charles Cazabon)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:20:44 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <df9mi2$uak$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> wrote:
> >
> >    print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
> >          'frobble', frobble)
> >
> > To my (admittedly biased) eyes, the second version more obviously
> > prints to a single line.
> next use case:
>     print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
>     if frobble > 0:
>         print 'frobble', frobble
>     else:
>         print 'no frobble today'

The need to print /and/ not add a newline isn't nearly as common.  print()
could take a keyword parameter to skip the newline, or ...

  print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz, 
        frobble and 'frobble: ' + frobble or 'no frobble today')

Or the user can just use stdout.write and have full control.

Charles Cazabon                           <python at>
GPL'ed software available at:     

From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep  2 16:46:58 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:46:58 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> wrote:
> > next use case:
> >
> >     print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
> >     if frobble > 0:
> >         print 'frobble', frobble
> >     else:
> >         print 'no frobble today'
> The need to print /and/ not add a newline isn't nearly as common.  print()
> could take a keyword parameter to skip the newline, or ...
>   print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
>         frobble and 'frobble: ' + frobble or 'no frobble today')
> Or the user can just use stdout.write and have full control.

Or you can easily refactor your code to do the print in one line:

    if frobble > 0:
        frobble_str = 'frobble: ' + frobble
        frobble_str = 'no frobble today'
    print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz, frobble_str)

or similarly:

    if frobble > 0:
        rest = ['frobble', frobble]
        rest = ['no frobble today']
    print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz, *rest)

I don't know which refactoring you'd prefer, but there are at least a
few options here.  In the first one you have to be careful to add the
extra space yourself.  In the second one, you have to know how *args
work.  But I would claim that the extra mental burden of manually
adding a space or understanding *args is about equivalent to the
current mental burden of print's trailing-comma behavior.

I also find it more obvious in both refactored examples that the print
produces exactly one line.

Of course, there are examples that don't refactor so easily.  Here's one:

    for i, obj in enumerate(objs):
        # do stuff
        print i, obj,
        # do more stuff

If the "do stuff" and "do more stuff" sections are empty, you can
write it as something like:

    print(*[item for tup in enumerate(objs) for item in tup])

But it's clearly not as beginner-friendly, requiring knowledge of
*args and list comprehensions.  OTOH, I'd claim that if you need such
exacting format, you're not doing beginner stuff anyway.  But YMMV.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From gmccaughan at  Fri Sep  2 16:52:20 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 15:52:20 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > 3. It's convenient for debugging, interactive use, simple scripts,
> >    and various other things.
>    Interactive use is its own mode and works differently to the base
> language. To print the value of something, just type an expression.

Doesn't do the same thing.

>    The problem with print is it becomes a barrier to extending a
> script into something more ambitious. This then leads to ugly
> 'features' like '>>' and trailing commas. By all means provide a
> simple syntax for i/o with the standard streams but ensure it is
> something that is a firm basis for extension.

Do you have any suggestion that's as practically usable
as "print"?


From skip at  Fri Sep  2 16:53:31 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:53:31 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Steven>     print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
    Steven>     print 'frobble', frobble

    Steven> In my proposed function:

    Steven>     print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
    Steven>           'frobble', frobble)

    Steven> To my (admittedly biased) eyes, the second version more
    Steven> obviously prints to a single line.

Yes, you're right.  My bad.

So, is the proposal that you would need an explicit "\n" to terminate the
output or not?


From skip at  Fri Sep  2 16:59:28 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:59:28 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Charles> Or the user can just use stdout.write and have full control.

Don't forget that those of us who are arguing in favor of keeping print are
fully aware of stream.write's existence.  It's just that in the common case
the print statement is more convenient.  Maybe a print builtin wouldn't kill
me.  In that case I'd want both output redirection and newline suppression
though.  I guess you'd have to use a keyword arg to specify an alternate
stream.  Perhaps if the last non-keyword argument was exactly one space, the
newline could be suppressed, e.g.:

    print("foo", "bar", "baz", " ", stream=sys.stderr)

That seems a bit like magic, but probably no less magic than the current
trailing comma.


From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep  2 17:00:12 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:00:12 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, skip at <skip at> wrote:
>     Steven>     print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
>     Steven>     print 'frobble', frobble
>     Steven> In my proposed function:
>     Steven>     print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
>     Steven>           'frobble', frobble)
>     Steven> To my (admittedly biased) eyes, the second version more
>     Steven> obviously prints to a single line.
> Yes, you're right.  My bad.
> So, is the proposal that you would need an explicit "\n" to terminate the
> output or not?

Well, my proposal (which differs from Guidos) is that the print
function (or whatever it ends up getting called) would have the

    def print(*args):
        sys.stdout.write(' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args))

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From skip at  Fri Sep  2 17:05:49 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:05:49 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    skip>     print("foo", "bar", "baz", " ", stream=sys.stderr)

    skip> That seems a bit like magic, but probably no less magic than the
    skip> current trailing comma.

Make that no *more* magic ...


From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep  2 17:12:07 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:12:07 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:
> the print statement is more convenient.  Maybe a print builtin wouldn't kill
> me.  In that case I'd want both output redirection and newline suppression
> though.  I guess you'd have to use a keyword arg to specify an alternate
> stream.  Perhaps if the last non-keyword argument was exactly one space, the
> newline could be suppressed, e.g.:
>     print("foo", "bar", "baz", " ", stream=sys.stderr)

I think, instead, the stream API should grow a "print" method (or
whatever it ends up getting called).  The example would then look

    sys.stderr.print("foo", "bar", "baz", " ")

It would probably be nice to provide a FileMixin object too. 
(Actually, this would be nice now, so that if I implement read(), I
don't have to implement readline(), readlines(), etc.)  The FileMixin
object would make it easy for user-defined file-like objects to also
support the print() method:

    class FileMixin(object):
        """Adds the file methods.
            print() # or whatever it gets called

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep  2 17:18:00 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:18:00 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:
> Perhaps if the last non-keyword argument was exactly one space, the
> newline could be suppressed, e.g.:
>     print("foo", "bar", "baz", " ", stream=sys.stderr)

Sorry, I missed the newline-suppression idea in my first reply.  I
think the rule above is too confusing.  I'm also still not convinced
that the print function needs to support newline-suppression.  Since
the print function seems to be intended mainly for newbies and simple
debugging, I'm having trouble coming up with examples where this is
really necessary.  I'd like to see a few examples where it's crucial
that the final newline is suppressed.

If it *has* to be supported, I'd add it as a keyword argument, so that
your example above reads like:

    sys.stderr.print("foo", "bar", "baz", newline=False)

I guess that's not too bad actually.  Kinda nice that it has to be the
last thing in the function...

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From tim.peters at  Fri Sep  2 17:20:57 2005
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:20:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Paul F. Dubois]
> Remove the print statement....I laughed until my sides hurt. Hello? Try
> dating girls and talking to normal people, geek boys.

I tried talking to both, and in this case all said "What's a 'print
statement'?  You mean like a bank statement -- or what?" ;-)

> We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on' very far
> from the tutorial. The salient feature about print statements is that
> they live to be put in and commented out 10 minutes later, without some
> import being required or other enabling object being around.

In fairness, Guido suggested adding builtin functions as replacements,
so in his view you still wouldn't need to import anything.

OTOH, I'd keep print, but (a) remove the inscrutable softspace
gimmick, so that a comma always meant "one space"; and, (b) add even
more special sytnax, so there was also an easy way to separate print
items without forcing a space between them in the output.

> Easy things should be easy. Hard things should be possible. I don't
> believe the person who said the trailing comma case mixed up anybody,
> not for more than 10 seconds anyway.

Indeed, you can't even start to spell "practicality beats purity"
without first duplicating the first two letters of "print" <wink>.

> OK, now that I've offended everyone, I'll go back into retirement. But I
> *am* laughing at you.

Providing entertainment for retirees is one of the PSF's missions.  I
wonder whether we could get AARP to kick back $10 to the PSF for each
of their members?  For 350 million dollars a year, I'll be happy to
maintain a parallel P3K with a "print" statement until I die.

From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep  2 17:36:39 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 16:36:39 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> Since
> the print function seems to be intended mainly for newbies and simple
> debugging,

I think there have been quite a few comments here from people who
*don't* see the print statement [1] as "mainly for newbies and simple
debugging". But just to be absolutely clear, I find the print
statement useful in general code - not just debugging code, not
trivial scripts. I don't consider myself a "newbie". I hesitate to
speak for others, but I believe that I'm not the only one in this

[1] Sorry, you said "print function". But you seem to be aiming the
function as able to address everyone's concerns over features they
like in the print *statement* so I think my point stands.

Oh, yes - I also know about the "warts" in print (the >> syntax, and
the trailing comma). They don't bother me - I use them on occasion and
find them useful, rather than annoying.

Yes, I know about stream.write and its variations. I know I can write
a print function which adds spaces. Nevertheless, I still find the
print statement more convenient, easier to understand and read, and
frankly, not as ugly. *This is a personal opinion*. You aren't going
to change my mind, and nor are you under any obligation to try. I
won't discard Python if print is dropped, but I will be a little

> I'm having trouble coming up with examples where this is
> really necessary.  I'd like to see a few examples where it's crucial
> that the final newline is suppressed.

No-one is saying "crucial". We're just expressing opinions. But so are
those (even Guido!) who want to remove the print statement. No-one has
come up with a genuine, objective benefit to removing it (that I can
see). If there isn't one, then we're left with preferences, and
Guido's trumps everyone else's. You (as someone who agrees with Guido)
don't have anything to prove. Those of us who want to change Guido's
mind need to impress him with the strength of our opinions :-).

Sorry about that - I just get a bit tired of feeling like everyone's
characterising me as either a newbie, or as not writing "real" code...


From fredrik at  Fri Sep  2 17:51:42 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:51:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><df9mi2$uak$><><><>
Message-ID: <df9se7$ivr$>

Paul Moore wrote:

> Sorry about that - I just get a bit tired of feeling like everyone's
> characterising me as either a newbie, or as not writing "real" code...

Hey, I'm a newbie, and I only write simple things, but Python is for people
like me, too!


From rrr at  Fri Sep  2 18:53:16 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 12:53:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore wrote:

> On 9/2/05, Ron Adam <rrr at> wrote:
>>Jim Jewett wrote:
>>>Putting the spaces back in (without a format string) would
>>>be even worse.  Charles Cazabon's pointed out that it *could*
>>>be as simple as
>>>    writeln(' '.join( ... ))
>>Why not just offer an addition method ?
>>examine(x,y,z)   # print with spaces
> Because we're now up to *four* stream methods, plus the same number of
> builtins, to do what one statement currently does?

I'm not sure having one statement that can do several things with 
multiple syntax's is better than having multiple methods each with a 
single syntax.

How is this different than having two methods in the case of partition() 
and rpartiion().


From paolo_veronelli at  Fri Sep  2 20:15:55 2005
From: paolo_veronelli at (Paolino)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 20:15:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] itertools.chain should take an iterable ?
In-Reply-To: <df9hhk$eao$>
References: <><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Christos Georgiou wrote:
> "Paolino" <paolo_veronelli at> wrote in message 
> news:431842AA.2050405 at
>>What if I want to chain an infinite list of iterables?
>>Shouldn't itertools.chain be built to  handle that?
> Raymond already suggested a four-line function that does exactly that.
> Create your own personal-library modules containing the functions you find 
> useful as building blocks, and when you have a large sw base using them, 
> present your building blocks along with their use cases as arguments for 
> inclusion in the standard library.
>>I don't think it is a problem to accept only the second case you paste
>>and produce TypeError on the others.
> It would break compatibility with the current uses of itertools.chain .  I 
> like it (and have used it) as it is. 

I see ,I just thought itertools was young and important enough to be 
investigated and eventually changed, but probably this is not the place 
to talk about that.I will submit the feature request to SF.

I must add that the inverse story would have been

def handy_chain(*args):
   return itertools.chain(iter(args))

a two-line function (ex lambda).

Generally speaking, having a star-signature in a base library function 
is not a good choice. This is a proof of a case.

Thanks all and have a nice summer.

From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep  2 19:23:39 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:23:39 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore wrote:
> On 9/2/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> [...]
> > Since
> > the print function seems to be intended mainly for newbies and simple
> > debugging,
> I think there have been quite a few comments here from people who
> *don't* see the print statement [1] as "mainly for newbies and simple
> debugging".

Sorry for the confusion.  I wasn't trying to imply anyone was a newbie
here, only that the earlier messages in this thread suggested that
these were the print statement's main audience.  (Hence "seems to
be".)  Obviously print is used by the rest of us too -- I count around
5000 instances in my installation.  However, I only count around 400
instances where a "print" line ends with a comma.

> [1] Sorry, you said "print function". But you seem to be aiming the
> function as able to address everyone's concerns over features they
> like in the print *statement* so I think my point stands.

Yes, that was the intention.  If the print function doesn't meet most
of the same needs that the print statement needs, then it's not doing
its job.

> > I'm having trouble coming up with examples where this is
> > really necessary.  I'd like to see a few examples where it's crucial
> > that the final newline is suppressed.
> No-one is saying "crucial". We're just expressing opinions.

I understand that.  I'd just like to see the opinions backed up with
real code. ;-)  Personally, I still use print a fair bit for debugging
purposes.  But as I don't use it for much else, I can't judge too well
what other needs people have for it.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From tim.peters at  Fri Sep  2 19:45:34 2005
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:45:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] setdefault's second argument
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Tim Peters]
>> Dang!  I may have just found a use, in Zope's
>> lib/python/docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ (which is part
>> of docutils, not really part of Zope):
>>     figwidth = options.setdefault('figwidth')
>>     figclass = options.setdefault('figclass')
>>     del options['figwidth']
>>     del options['figclass']

[David Goodger]
> If a feature is available, it *will* eventually be used!
> Whose law is that?

This is a different law, about design mistakes getting used by people
who should know better ;-)

> The code needs to store the values of certain dict entries, then
> delete them.  This is because the "options" dict is passed on to
> another function, where those entries are not welcome.  The code above
> is simply shorter than this:
>    if options.has_key('figwidth'):
>        figwidth = options['figwidth']
>        del options['figwidth']
>    # again for 'figclass'
> Alternatively,
>    try:
>        figwidth = options['figwidth']
>        del options['figwidth']
>    except KeyError:
>        pass

Those wouldn't work in context, because they leave figwidth unbound if
it's not a key in options.  Later code unconditionally references

> It saves between one line and three lines of code per entry.  But
> since those entries are probably not so common, it would actually be
> faster to use one of the above patterns.


    figwidth = options.setdefault('figwidth')
    figclass = options.setdefault('figclass')


    figwidth = options.setdefault('figwidth', None)
    figclass = options.setdefault('figclass', None)

is a minimal semantics-neutral edit to avoid the unloved 1-argument case.

>> Assuming options is a dict-like thingie, it probably meant to do:
>>     figwidth = options.pop('figwidth', None)
>>     figclass = options.pop('figclass', None)

> Yes, but the "pop" method was only added in Python 2.3.  Docutils
> currently maintains compatibility with Python 2.1, so that's RIGHT
> OUT!

Oh, stop torturing yourself.  Nobody uses Python 2.1 anymore ;-)

>> David, are you married to that bizarre use of setdefault <wink>?

> No, not at all.  In fact, I will vehemently deny that I ever wrote
> such code, and will continue to do so until someone looks up its
> history and proves that I'm guilty, which I probably am.

No, I checked, and this code was actually added by an Asian spammer,
who polluted the docutils codebase with thousandsd of porn links
hidden in triple-quoted strings.  Google reveals that 1-argument
setdefault() is a favorite of Asian porn spammers.  So you should add
a second argument just to avoid getting in trouble with Interpol ;-)

From steve at  Fri Sep  2 21:22:43 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 14:22:43 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Paul F. Dubois]
>>Remove the print statement....I laughed until my sides hurt. Hello? Try
>>dating girls and talking to normal people, geek boys.
> Providing entertainment for retirees is one of the PSF's missions.  I
> wonder whether we could get AARP to kick back $10 to the PSF for each
> of their members?  For 350 million dollars a year, I'll be happy to
> maintain a parallel P3K with a "print" statement until I die.

No you wouldn't, that's a lie (whether you know it or not).

With that kind of money at your disposal you would soon realise there's 
more to life than writing software and smoking by the office door. You 
might even start smoking things other than tobacco.

Maintaining software would become a tedious drudge, you would be 
stultified by the obligation to do it, and be driven to suicide by the 
enforced interactions with the other developers who had nothing but 
scorn for the lowly print statement.

On the other hand, with that kind of money you could probably hire 
enough geeks to do the maintenance for you.

first-in-line-for-the-job-ly y'rs  - steve

PS: For what little it's worth I'd keep print too.
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep  2 21:45:05 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 20:45:05 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> Sorry for the confusion.  I wasn't trying to imply anyone was a newbie
> here, only that the earlier messages in this thread suggested that
> these were the print statement's main audience.

No problem - I was more joking than serious. But I don't see the same
implication in earlier messages as you do - to me, the general
impression is that people use the print statement in many different
ways, and debugging and trivial scripts are far from the only use.

> Obviously print is used by the rest of us too -- I count around
> 5000 instances in my installation.

I find it hard to reconcile that with your comment that
newbies/debigging are the only real uses for the print statement...

>  However, I only count around 400
> instances where a "print" line ends with a comma.

Yes, generally my uses of print are to produce complete lines of output.

> I understand that.  I'd just like to see the opinions backed up with
> real code. ;-)  Personally, I still use print a fair bit for debugging
> purposes.  But as I don't use it for much else, I can't judge too well
> what other needs people have for it.

Fair enough. I'll try to review where I use the print statement:

- Debugging, most definitely. Adding a quick print "a =", a is often
all that's needed.
- Logging, sometimes. When I just want some basic output, and don't
want to deal with the complexity of the logging package.
- Unix-style command-line utilities, where textual output to stdout is the norm.
- Error and help messages, often with print >>sys.stderr

(The last two are obviously the ones I'd emphasize most when arguing
that print should stay).

Frankly, pretty much anything where the output is to go to
stdout/stderr (console, redirected file or pipe) and it's
line-oriented in nature. Yes, a stream.writeln() method could do what
I want, but the print statement just *feels* more natural.

Interestingly enough, the other languages I use most (C, Java,
VB(Script) and Javascript (under Windows Scripting Host)) all use
functions for output. Except for C, I uniformly dislike the resulting
code - the output structure gets hopelessly lost under the weight of
string concatenation and explicitly added spaces. With C, this is
mitigated by printf, which implies to me that if Python goes this
route, C-style string formatting will become far more prevalent in

But I'm really still just speculating. No-one's really going to know
if it's a bad idea until it happens. Personally, I'm just arguing
against taking that risk in the absence of any clear benefits beyond


From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep  2 22:26:51 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:26:51 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore wrote:
> Interestingly enough, the other languages I use most (C, Java,
> VB(Script) and Javascript (under Windows Scripting Host)) all use
> functions for output. Except for C, I uniformly dislike the resulting
> code - the output structure gets hopelessly lost under the weight of
> string concatenation and explicitly added spaces.

Are your complaints about Guido's proposal or mine?  The complaint
above doesn't quite seem relevant to my proposal, which retains the
space-insertion.  Basically, my proposal suggests that files (and
other streams) gain a print method like:

    class file(object):
        def print(self, *args):
            self.write(' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args))

and the print statement becomes the builtin print() function, defined like:

    def print(*args):

Looking at your use cases, this seems to cover them pretty well:

> - Debugging, most definitely. Adding a quick print "a =", a is often
> all that's needed.

Use the builtin print():

    print('a =', a)

> - Logging, sometimes. When I just want some basic output, and don't
> want to deal with the complexity of the logging package.

Use the builtin print():

    print('some logging message', foo)

> - Unix-style command-line utilities, where textual output to stdout is the norm.

Use the builtin print():

    print('line of output')

> - Error and help messages, often with print >>sys.stderr

Use the print() method of sys.stderr:

    sys.stderr.print('error or help message')

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From john at  Fri Sep  2 23:18:14 2005
From: john at (John Hazen)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:18:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I like the elegance of python, and read py-dev for my own edification.
Since I believe I still have somewhat of a "beginner's mind" regarding
python, I'll chime in with my opinions.

First of all, I dislike 'writeln', for two reasons:
1) The name.  I always want to mentally pronounce it 'ritt-linn'.  If we
*must* have this function, I'd prefer 'writeline'.

2) 'writeln' is a convenience function.  A convenience function should
be convenient!  It seems to me that the most common (and convenient) use
case is adding spaces between the arguments /and/ adding the newline.
Since this is the same as the current default behavior of 'print', I
suggest we use that name.

So, after reading all the messages, it turns out my proposal is the same
as STeVe's:  all streams grow a 'print' method, and the builtin print
function just be an alias to sys.stdout.print.

Originally, I thought I preferred the statement version of print, but as
long as the basic behavior of print is kept, I could get used to adding
parens in my typing.  The consistency calling the print builtin function
with the stream.print method is nicer than the keystroke savings of no
parens required by the statement.  Having print as a function removes
the need for ">>" too ('stream.print(foo)' instead of 'print >>stream

I'm OK with losing the trailing-comma behavior, as I think 'write'
should be used for anything beyond the basic default usecase.

To summarize:

+1  STeVe's proposal (stream.print for all streams, print builtin which
    maps to sys.stdout.print)

+0  status quo

-1  Guido's proposal (stream.write and stream.writeln for all streams,
    write and writeln builtins which map to sys.stdout)


For reference:

* Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> [2005-09-02 13:06]:
> Basically, my proposal suggests that files (and
> other streams) gain a print method like:
>     class file(object):
>         ...
>         def print(self, *args):
>             self.write(' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args))
>             self.write('\n')
> and the print statement becomes the builtin print() function, defined like:
>     def print(*args):
>         sys.stdout.print(*args)

From skip at  Sat Sep  3 00:12:53 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 17:12:53 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Steven> Obviously print is used by the rest of us too -- I count around
    Steven> 5000 instances in my installation.  However, I only count around
    Steven> 400 instances where a "print" line ends with a comma.

I took a quick look at my own code:

    980 active print statements
    110 active print statements with trailing commas
     67 active print statements with output redirection
      6 active print statements with trailing commas and output redirection
     64 inactive print statements
      4 inactive print statements with trailing commas
      6 inactive print statements with output redirection
      1 inactive print statement with trailing commas and output redirection

so more than 10% of the print statements in my code use the trailing comma
feature and more than 5% use output redirection.  I suspect the discrepancy
between use of the two features would be less if output redirection had been
available from the start.


From martin.blais at  Sat Sep  3 01:07:16 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 19:07:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Charles Cazabon <python at> wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> wrote:
> > >
> > >    print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
> > >          'frobble', frobble)
> > >
> > > To my (admittedly biased) eyes, the second version more obviously
> > > prints to a single line.
> >
> > next use case:
> >
> >     print 'foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
> >     if frobble > 0:
> >         print 'frobble', frobble
> >     else:
> >         print 'no frobble today'
> The need to print /and/ not add a newline isn't nearly as common.  print()
> could take a keyword parameter to skip the newline, or ...
>   print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,
>         frobble and 'frobble: ' + frobble or 'no frobble today')

Ouf, I'm just feeling an evil idea creeping up just now:

   print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,)

Just kidding, really...

Funny enough, the syntax does not barf and goes undetected:

>>> def foo( a, b, c ):
...     print a, b, c
>>> foo(1, 2, 3,)
1 2 3

From p.f.moore at  Sat Sep  3 01:17:11 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 00:17:11 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> Paul Moore wrote:
> > Interestingly enough, the other languages I use most (C, Java,
> > VB(Script) and Javascript (under Windows Scripting Host)) all use
> > functions for output. Except for C, I uniformly dislike the resulting
> > code - the output structure gets hopelessly lost under the weight of
> > string concatenation and explicitly added spaces.
> Are your complaints about Guido's proposal or mine?  The complaint
> above doesn't quite seem relevant to my proposal, which retains the
> space-insertion.  Basically, my proposal suggests that files (and
> other streams) gain a print method 

Mainly Guido's, I guess. As you point out, your pint method is pretty
close to the print statement. Some comments, though:

1. The print statement applies to *all* streams, where a print method
won't. (You can't ensure that all 3rd-party file-like objects will be
updated, unfortunately...) [A mildly obscure example - the Vim
interface to Python binds sys.stdout to a pseudo stream which puts
output in Vim's message area. Fail to update that code, and the print
builtin won't work in Vim...]
2. There are still a confusing number of methods/builtins involved.
Your print method isn't enough by itself, you still need write (and
presumably a write builtin). Would you reject Guido's writeln? What
about writef (again, as proposed by Guido)? I'm not at all clear
precisely how many new methods and builtins you are proposing.
3. I am still hoping that someone will articulate a clear benefit for
removing the print statement. Without that, I still see all cost and
no benefit (even if I accept that your print function is an entirely
adequate replacement for the print statement, that doesn't count as a
benefit, just as the avoidance of yet another cost...)


From martin.blais at  Sat Sep  3 01:34:31 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 19:34:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> Paul Moore wrote:
> > Interestingly enough, the other languages I use most (C, Java,
> > VB(Script) and Javascript (under Windows Scripting Host)) all use
> > functions for output. Except for C, I uniformly dislike the resulting
> > code - the output structure gets hopelessly lost under the weight of
> > string concatenation and explicitly added spaces.
> Are your complaints about Guido's proposal or mine?  The complaint
> above doesn't quite seem relevant to my proposal, which retains the
> space-insertion.  Basically, my proposal suggests that files (and
> other streams) gain a print method like:
>     class file(object):
>         ...
>         def print(self, *args):
>             self.write(' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args))
>             self.write('\n')
> and the print statement becomes the builtin print() function, defined like:
>     def print(*args):
>         sys.stdout.print(*args)
> Looking at your use cases, this seems to cover them pretty well:
> > - Debugging, most definitely. Adding a quick print "a =", a is often
> > all that's needed.
> Use the builtin print():
>     print('a =', a)
> > - Logging, sometimes. When I just want some basic output, and don't
> > want to deal with the complexity of the logging package.
> Use the builtin print():
>     print('some logging message', foo)
> > - Unix-style command-line utilities, where textual output to stdout is the norm.
> Use the builtin print():
>     print('line of output')
> > - Error and help messages, often with print >>sys.stderr
> Use the print() method of sys.stderr:
>     sys.stderr.print('error or help message')

Wow, that's so cool actually, you make the concept of "print'ing" even
more regular (on all file objects, and then builtin print is just like
general print'ing, except for sys.stdout), we don't need a keyword
argument for the stream anymore, and the special statement goes away.

And if you like concise, then you could do something like this::

   perr = sys.stderr.print
   perr("Error: comfobulator failed to initialize doogledigook.")

I like it so much that my mind is wandering about hacking my to inject it in __builtin__ so I can start using it
right now...  +1

Also, you're making a point that I think seem to be missing: it's
REALLY just about a couple of parentheses.  Print statement without
parens, print with parens.... same stuff.  It's a builtin, it's still
always there, and so it's still a convenient as before, except you
have to type parentheses.  On the upside: one less quirk/exception in
the language (one more tiny step towards lisp, me love that, simple is
good).  I don't think that it would make it harder on the newbies
either: less stuff to learn, it's just a function!

Someone above proposed a string of one char as last argument would
trigger the no-newline case.  Why not use an empty string instead?

   print("Incomplete line", '')

Seems like the thing that would disrupt print the least is an empty
string...  The special meaning is implied.  Or if you want more
verbose, a special symbol/value in a convenient namespace:

   print("Incomplete line", print.cont)


From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 01:54:43 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 09:54:43 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
	<df66fb$qe7$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:
>     >> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
>     >> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!
>     Barry> I have to strongly disagree.  The print statement is simple, easy
>     Barry> to understand, and easy to use.
> I'm with Barry.  Even for non-debug use the print statement is suitable for
> the majority of my output.

99.9% of my Python code is test harnesses to run low-level hardware control 
interface tests, for which printing to stdout works perfectly. Maybe one day 
I'll stick a GUI on the front end of them, but even then I will probably just 
be using subprocess to invoke the command line versions behind the scenes.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 03:02:43 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:02:43 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> Well, my proposal (which differs from Guidos) is that the print
> function (or whatever it ends up getting called) would have the
> semantics:
>     def print(*args):
>         sys.stdout.write(' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args))
>         sys.stdout.write('\n')

I'd rather see a signature with the expressiveness of the current print 
statement (full implementation below). I've called it 'output' rather than 
'print' so that copy and pasting it into a 2.4 interactive session will work 
(I also think the symmetry with input is cute).

With this function:

print 1, 2, 3 => output(1, 2, 3)

print >> sys.stderr, 1, 2, 3 => output(1, 2, 3, stream=sys.stderr)

print "%d%d%d" % (1, 2, 3) => output(1, 2, 3, sep='')

print 1, 2, 3, => output(1, 2, 3, end='')

Printing a tab-separated or comma separated list becomes trivial:

print "%d, %d, %d" % (1, 2, 3) => output(1, 2, 3, sep=', ')
print "%d\t%d\t%d" % (1, 2, 3) => output(1, 2, 3, sep='\t')

Printing the items in a sequence also becomes straightforward:

print " ".join(map(str, range(10))) => output(*range(10))

Playing well with generator expressions comes for free, too:

print " ".join(str(x*x) for x in range(10))
     => output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))

The capabilities of the current print statement reveal a lot of collective 
wisdom regarding what is useful - the only real issues are that the syntax is 
somewhat ugly and unique to the print statement, rather than using standard 
function call syntax, and that as a result of the first issue, it is difficult 
to control the behaviour of the separator.

Turning it into a proper function with three keyword arguments (sep, end, 
stream) would allow both of these issues to be addressed, and also provide a 
whole lot of fringe benefits relating to printing of sequences as described above.


The sample implementation:

def output(*args, **kwds):
     """Functional replacement for the print statement

     >>> output(1, 2, 3)
     1 2 3
     >>> output(1, 2, 3, sep='')
     >>> output(1, 2, 3, sep=', ')
     1, 2, 3
     >>> output(1, 2, 3, end='Alternate line ending')
     1 2 3Alternate line ending
     >>> import sys
     >>> output(1, 2, 3, stream=sys.stderr)
     1 2 3
     >>> output(*range(10))
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
     >>> output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))
     0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
     # Parse the keyword-only optional arguments
     defaults = {
         "sep": " ",
         "end": "\n",
         "stream": sys.stdout,
     for name, default in defaults.items():
         item = None
             item = kwds[name]
         except KeyError:
         if item is None:
             kwds[name] = default
     sep, end, stream = kwds["sep"], kwds["end"], kwds["stream"]
     # Perform the print operation without building the whole string
     for arg in args[:1]:
     for arg in args[1:]:

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 03:13:21 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:13:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<df9mi2$uak$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore wrote:
> No-one is saying "crucial". We're just expressing opinions. But so are
> those (even Guido!) who want to remove the print statement. No-one has
> come up with a genuine, objective benefit to removing it (that I can
> see). If there isn't one, then we're left with preferences, and
> Guido's trumps everyone else's. You (as someone who agrees with Guido)
> don't have anything to prove. Those of us who want to change Guido's
> mind need to impress him with the strength of our opinions :-).

"Print as statement" => printing sequences nicely is a pain
"Print as function" => extended call syntax deals with sequences nicely

"Print as statement" => can't easily change the separator
"Print as function" => keyword argument handles the separator nicely

"Print as statement" => trailing comma suppresses newline by magic
"Print as function" => keyword argument handles the line terminator nicely

"Print as statement" => redirection is via a magic symbol
"Print as function" => keyword argument handles redirection nicely

"Print as statement" => can't easily save 'settings' for re-use
"Print as function" => can use functional.partial to create custom version

See my other post where I present a Python 2.4 implementation of a function
called "output" which does everything I describe above.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 03:19:59 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:19:59 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<df9mi2$uak$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin Blais wrote:
> Funny enough, the syntax does not barf and goes undetected:

Python generally allows trailing commas so that it is easier to write sequence 
literals which are appended to later.

There's also the fact that a trailing comma is used to make a 1-element tuple 
- so it could be said that the exception is actually that the comma after the 
last item can be optionally left out when there is more than one item in the 
sequence :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From pje at  Sat Sep  3 03:26:10 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 21:26:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:02 AM 9/3/2005 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>Printing the items in a sequence also becomes straightforward:
>print " ".join(map(str, range(10))) => output(*range(10))
>Playing well with generator expressions comes for free, too:
>print " ".join(str(x*x) for x in range(10))
>      => output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))

An implementation issue: that generator expression will get expanded into a 
tuple, so you shouldn't use that for outputting large sequences.

I don't much care for 'output' as the name, or 'end' as the end-of-line 
arguments, but for the most part I like the semantics; being able to drop 
the separator or change the end-of-line string make lots of use cases 
straightforward, and perhaps almost worth the parentheses.

My inclination would be to call the function 'print', though, and rename 
'end' to 'trailer'.

From guido at  Sat Sep  3 03:42:10 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 18:42:10 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


With so many people expressing a gut response and not saying what in
the proposal they don't like, it's hard to even start a response. Is

- Going from statement to function?
- Losing the automatically inserted space?
- Having to write more to get a newline appended?
- Losing the name 'print'?

Some responses seemed to have missed (or perhaps for stronger
rhetorical effect intentionally neglected) that I was proposing
builtins in addition to the stream methods, so that all those debug
prints would be just as easy to add as before. And I don't think I
ever said print was only for newbies!

I'd like to be flexible on all points *except* the syntax -- I really
want to get rid of print as a *statement*.

Consider this: if Python *didn't* have a print statement, but it had a
built-in function with the same functionality (including, say, keyword
parameters to suppress the trailing newline or the space between
items); would anyone support a proposal to make it a statement

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From martin.blais at  Sat Sep  3 03:45:57 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 21:45:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> At 11:02 AM 9/3/2005 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> >Printing the items in a sequence also becomes straightforward:
> >
> >print " ".join(map(str, range(10))) => output(*range(10))
> >
> >Playing well with generator expressions comes for free, too:
> >
> >print " ".join(str(x*x) for x in range(10))
> >      => output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))
> An implementation issue: that generator expression will get expanded into a
> tuple, so you shouldn't use that for outputting large sequences.

Then how about::

  output(*(x*x for x in range(10)), iter=1)

Where all given iterable parameters are automatically iterated?

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 03:47:18 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:47:18 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] New Wiki page - PrintAsFunction
Message-ID: <>


I put up a Wiki page for the idea of replacing the print statement with an 
easier to use builtin:


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From tjreedy at  Sat Sep  3 03:47:46 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 21:47:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <>
Message-ID: <dfavc3$gmh$>

"Paul F. Dubois" <paul at> wrote in message 
news:4317FCCD.80702 at
> Remove the print statement....I laughed until my sides hurt. Hello? Try
> dating girls and talking to normal people, geek boys.
> We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on' very far
> from the tutorial. The salient feature about print statements is that
> they live to be put in and commented out 10 minutes later, without some
> import being required or other enabling object being around.
> Easy things should be easy. Hard things should be possible. I don't
> believe the person who said the trailing comma case mixed up anybody,
> not for more than 10 seconds anyway.
> OK, now that I've offended everyone, I'll go back into retirement. But I
> *am* laughing at you.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 03:51:24 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:51:24 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 11:02 AM 9/3/2005 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> Printing the items in a sequence also becomes straightforward:
>> print " ".join(map(str, range(10))) => output(*range(10))
>> Playing well with generator expressions comes for free, too:
>> print " ".join(str(x*x) for x in range(10))
>>      => output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))
> An implementation issue: that generator expression will get expanded 
> into a tuple, so you shouldn't use that for outputting large sequences.

Agreed - but using join with print suffers from a similar problem, in that it 
builds the large string in memory before displaying it. I actually hope that 
extended function call syntax in Py3k will use iterators rather than tuples so 
that this problem goes away.

> I don't much care for 'output' as the name, or 'end' as the end-of-line 
> arguments, but for the most part I like the semantics; being able to 
> drop the separator or change the end-of-line string make lots of use 
> cases straightforward, and perhaps almost worth the parentheses.
> My inclination would be to call the function 'print', though, and rename 
> 'end' to 'trailer'.

'print' is Py24 incompatible though, which is why I didn't use it for the 
sample code. The version I put on the wiki now uses 'term' for the line 
terminator keyword, but I'm not too worried about the exact names at this point.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From skip at  Sat Sep  3 04:17:15 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 21:17:15 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Guido> Is it...

    Guido> - Going from statement to function?
    Guido> - Losing the automatically inserted space?
    Guido> - Having to write more to get a newline appended?
    Guido> - Losing the name 'print'?

You forgot

    - gratuitous breakage?

I realize you're talking about Py3K, so breakage is allowed, but the
advantages of a print function/method over the current print statement don't
seem sufficient to warrant the level of code change (probably simple but
tedious) that will be necessary to convert 2.x to 3.x.

    Guido> Consider this: if Python *didn't* have a print statement, but it
    Guido> had a built-in function with the same functionality (including,
    Guido> say, keyword parameters to suppress the trailing newline or the
    Guido> space between items); would anyone support a proposal to make it
    Guido> a statement instead?

Nope, but there is a large body of code out there that does use print
statements already.  Again, I know you're prepared for breakage, but that
doesn't necessarily mean a completely blank sheet of paper.


From nnorwitz at  Sat Sep  3 05:14:54 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 20:14:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, skip at <skip at> wrote:
> Nope, but there is a large body of code out there that does use print
> statements already.  Again, I know you're prepared for breakage, but that
> doesn't necessarily mean a completely blank sheet of paper.

Ideally I very much prefer that print become a function.  However, the
major backlash has swayed me some, if for no other reason that people
are so strongly against changing it.

What if a tool existed that did the conversion?  I realize that the
tool is unlikely to be perfect, but what if it could do 99.9% of the
job?  I'm not thinking about just fixing print, but also converting
iterkeys/itervalues/iteritems, xrange -> range, raw_input -> input,
warning about use of input(), etc.

I'm sure this tool wouldn't be perfect, but if it did most of the
work, would that change opinions?


From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 05:33:03 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 13:33:03 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<df9mi2$uak$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Neal Norwitz wrote:
> I'm sure this tool wouldn't be perfect, but if it did most of the
> work, would that change opinions?

To me, the main objection seems to revolve around the fact that people would 
like to be able to "future-proof" Python 2.x code so that it will also run on 
Py3k. We're steadily accumulating collections of "old ways" and "new ways", 
and the Py3k transition should mainly be about deleting the "old ways".

That is, if the way something is going to be done is to change in Py3k, the 
new alternative should already be in place towards the end of the 2.x series, 
so that Py3k is only a potential problem if people are still using the "old 
ways". Maybe "from __future__ import py3k" would do the trick ;)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From tjreedy at  Sat Sep  3 05:33:08 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 23:33:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><df9mi2$uak$><><><><><>
Message-ID: <dfb5hk$r1o$>

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
news:ca471dc20509021842e586aa3 at
> With so many people expressing a gut response and not saying what in
> the proposal they don't like, it's hard to even start a response.
> Is it...

For me a bit of several things though with quite variable intensity. 
First, print, as an abbreviation of looped writes, works fine for its 
appointed task.  It gives me don't-care-about-the-format info on values 
with near minimal overhead.  So change needs clear justification.

> - Going from statement to function?

Minor.  For quickly adding debug prints, two extra ()s are a small burden, 
but if the function were called 'out', then there would still be just five 
keystrokes.  Nick's output() convinced me that there are compensations to 
the function form.  Besides, having used the argument of aesthetic 
consistency elsewhere, I can hardly deny it to you ;-).

> - Losing the automatically inserted space?

Major.  This is an essential plus of print.

> - Having to write more to get a newline appended?

Near major.  See above.  I believe that two people have reported that 
around 85% of their prints use these defaults, so I think adding a keyword 
for something other would be the way to go.

> - Losing the name 'print'?

You gave one reason for this as disassociating from Basic.  I can see how a 
CS grad would want to do so, but Basic once was the vehicle for CP4E 
(computer programming for everyone) that you want Python to become.  In 
fact, I think PSF should promote Python as the 'Basic for the 21st Century' 
that should be on most desktops the way Basic once was.  So I would prefer 
to see a different reason for a name change.

> - [dash added] Some responses seemed to have missed [snip]
> that I was proposing builtins in addition to the stream methods,

My objections here are first the plural, which does not seem really 
necessary,  and second the longer (in chars and syllables) and also old 
name 'writeln' from Pascal for the one that does what print does.

> I'd like to be flexible on all points *except* the syntax -- I really
> want to get rid of print as a *statement*. [snip]
> would anyone support a proposal to make it a statement instead?

Good question.  Most Python statements benefit from statement syntax 
because their function syntax equivalent would be a little to hughly more 
awkward.  This is mainly because parts of the statement are implicitly 
quoted.  (Lisp does this with special forms and macros, but I prefer the 
Python way.)  The two syntax tricks in print are different in that they are 
easily replaced by keywords.  So I strongly suspect 'no'.

Terry J. Reedy

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 06:45:51 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 14:45:51 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <dfb5hk$r1o$>
References: <><df9mi2$uak$><><><><><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy wrote:
> "Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
>>- Going from statement to function?
> Minor.  For quickly adding debug prints, two extra ()s are a small burden, 
> but if the function were called 'out', then there would still be just five 
> keystrokes.  Nick's output() convinced me that there are compensations to 
> the function form.  Besides, having used the argument of aesthetic 
> consistency elsewhere, I can hardly deny it to you ;-).

I've added a bit to the wiki to look at different names that have been suggested.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From steve at  Sat Sep  3 08:58:23 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 01:58:23 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<df9mi2$uak$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <dfbhie$dnp$>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Martin Blais wrote:
> Python generally allows trailing commas so that it is easier to write sequence 
> literals which are appended to later.
> There's also the fact that a trailing comma is used to make a 1-element tuple 
> - so it could be said that the exception is actually that the comma after the 
> last item can be optionally left out when there is more than one item in the 
> sequence :)

  >>> (1,2,3,)
(1, 2, 3)
  >>> (1,2,3,,)
   File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

in Python 2.4, could the double-comma be imbued with some additional 
mystical meaning that the print() function/method could recognise as 
indicating a requirement to terminate output with a space rather than a 

Python 3.0.6 (#17, Aug 13, 2008, 18:02:40)
[CC 4.6.2 (cygwin special)] on cygwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> f = open("myfile.txt", "w")
  >>> f.print('foo:', foo, 'bar:', bar, 'baz:', baz,,)
  >>> if frobble > 0:
  ...     f.print('frobble', frobble)
  ... else:
  ...     f.print('no frobble today')

What other uses might this exciting new syntax (;-) find? Perhaps there 
could also be special meanings for three and four training commas, and a 
double-semicolon. Maybe it's time to consult Larry Wall?

I am aware this response seems flippant. Sorry.

I'm not against the introduction of the suggested new API, but that's 
adding to the language rather than simplifying it, so I'm not sure I 
understand the reason why the print statement must go (except to counter 
the addition of the new API), particularly since Guido's original 
venomous outburst arrived in the middle of a thread about Python 3.0 
design principles:

> [Reinhold Birkenfeld]
>>> You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
>>> comma" form would be lost.
> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!

Is the principle here "Python must be different from ABC and BASIC"? In 
that case I suppose we'd better start thinking about what to use instead 
of "if" and "for". What did the print statement do to us that it must be 
cast out in this way?

I suspect the fundamental problem is that the commas do something more 
than delimit sequence members. In which case we should say so rather 
than belittling Python's ancient predecessors.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

From fredrik at  Sat Sep  3 10:05:15 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 10:05:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><df9mi2$uak$><><><><><><>
Message-ID: <dfblfl$kia$>

Steven Bethard wrote:

>> - Error and help messages, often with print >>sys.stderr
> Use the print() method of sys.stderr:
>    sys.stderr.print('error or help message')

so who's going to add print methods to all file-like objects?


From radeex at  Sat Sep  3 10:24:44 2005
From: radeex at (Christopher Armstrong)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 18:24:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Asynchronous use of Traceback objects
Message-ID: <>

With the implementation and soon release of PEP 342, I've been
thinking more about traceback objects lately. First I'll give you some
background information for my problem.

I've implemented a module for integrating Twisted's Deferreds with the
new yield expression, that allows you to do stuff like:

def foo():
    x = yield deferredOperation()
    print x

Basically, defgen checks for Deferreds coming out of the generator,
and when it finds one, adds a callback to that Deferred which will
resume the generator, sending the result in. Since Deferreds have
error support, it also allows code like this:

def foo(userinput):
        x = yield deferredOperation(userinput)
    except ValueError: 
        "Crap, wrong user input!"

We have this object in Twisted called the "Failure", which is used for
conveniently passing around exceptions asynchronously, and Deferreds
use them to represent errors in deferred operations. The Failure
objects have a reference to an exception object and the traceback that
was associated with the original raising of that exception.  However,
we can only hold on to that traceback for so long, because traceback
objects have references to so many things and can so easily cause
horrible GC issues. The loss of this traceback object isn't *usually*
a problem because we store enough other information in the Failure
object to print representations of tracebacks nicely. However, if we
try to re-raise the exception, we lose that traceback information.

defgen re-raises the exception from a Failure into a defgen-using
function with g.throw(). Unfortunately, quite often the traceback has
been cleaned from the Failure object, and this means you'll get
exceptions in defgen-using code with very bizarre and uninformative

I had the idea to create a fake Traceback object in Python that
doesn't hold references to any frame objects, but is still able to be
passed to 'raise' and formatted as tracebacks are, etc. Unfortunately,
raise does a type check on its third argument and, besides, it seems
the traceback formatting functions are very reliant on the internal
structure of traceback objects, so that didn't work.

It does seem that I would be able to construct a passable fake
Traceback object from C code -- one that had references to fake
frames. These fake objects would only remember the original line
numbers, filenames and so forth so that traceback printing could still
work. I can try implementing this soon, but I'd just like to make sure
I'm on the right track. For example, perhaps a better idea would be to
change the traceback-printing functions to use Python attribute lookup
instead of internal structure lookup, and then change raise to accept
arbitrary Python objects as its third argument, as long as it matches
the traceback interface. That would probably mean much more work,

One concern is that I really don't like requiring C modules to use
Twisted; all of the ones currently in there are optional. What's the
likelihood of such a traceback-constructor getting its way into
CPython if I do implement it? It may seem niche, but I expect many
Twisted users would like to use PEP 342 defgen (many users are already
using the defgen I wrote for python 2.2 generators).

Thanks for any help, and have fun,
  Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
   Radix    |    --
            |  Release Manager, Twisted Project
  \\\V///   |    --
   |o O|    |  

From rrr at  Sat Sep  3 10:28:33 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 04:28:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] New Wiki page - PrintAsFunction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> All,
> I put up a Wiki page for the idea of replacing the print statement with an 
> easier to use builtin:
> Cheers,
> Nick.

Looks like a good start, much better than just expressing opinions. :-)

How about making it a class?

There are several advantages such as persistent separators and being 
able to have several different instances active at once.


import sys
class Print(object):
     newline =  '\n'
     sep = ' '
     def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout):
         self.out = out
     def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
         savesep = self.sep
             self.sep = kwds['sep']
         except KeyError:
         for arg in args[:1]:
         for arg in args[1:]:
         self.sep = savesep
     def ln(self, *args, **kwds):
         self(*args, **kwds)

# default "builtin" instance
write = Print()   # could be print in place of write in python 3k.

# standard printing
write.ln(1, 2, 3)

# print without spaces
write.ln(1, 2, 3, sep='')

# print comma separated
write.ln(1, 2, 3, sep=', ')

# or
write.sep = ', '    # remain until changed
write.ln(1, 2, 3)
write.ln(4, 5, 6)
write.sep = ' '

# print without trailing newline
write(1, 2, 3)

# print to a different stream
printerr = Print(sys.stderr)
printerr.ln(1, 2, 3)

# print a simple sequence

# Print a generator expression
write.ln(*(x*x for x in range(10)))

# print to file
f = open('printout.txt','w')
fileprint = Print(f)
fileprint("hello world\n")

From paolo_veronelli at  Sat Sep  3 13:31:26 2005
From: paolo_veronelli at (Paolino)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 13:31:26 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin Blais wrote:
> On 9/2/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
>>At 11:02 AM 9/3/2005 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>>Printing the items in a sequence also becomes straightforward:
>>>print " ".join(map(str, range(10))) => output(*range(10))
>>>Playing well with generator expressions comes for free, too:
>>>print " ".join(str(x*x) for x in range(10))
>>>     => output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))
>>An implementation issue: that generator expression will get expanded into a
>>tuple, so you shouldn't use that for outputting large sequences.
> Then how about::
>   output(*(x*x for x in range(10)), iter=1)
Illegal in python2.4.(Wrongly ?) And makes the star solution half unuseful.

>>> def f(*args,**kwargs):
...   pass
>>> f(*(1,2,3),iter=True)
   File "<stdin>", line 1

Leaving out what I just asserted in the previous thread :( I suppose you
meant output((x*x for x in range(10)), iter=1)

f(1,[2,3],(_ for _ in (4,5)),iter=True)

Regards Paolino

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 12:36:52 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 20:36:52 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] New Wiki page - PrintAsFunction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ron Adam wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>I put up a Wiki page for the idea of replacing the print statement with an 
>>easier to use builtin:
> Looks like a good start, much better than just expressing opinions. :-)
> How about making it a class?

That's what sys.stdout is for :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From tjreedy at  Sat Sep  3 13:21:19 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 07:21:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] New Wiki page - PrintAsFunction
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <dfc0vg$bm8$>

"Ron Adam" <rrr at> wrote in message 
news:43195EB1.3090406 at
> # standard printing
> write.ln(1, 2, 3)

> # print without trailing newline
> write(1, 2, 3)

This violates this design principle:
When there are two options and one is overwhelmingly more common in use (in 
this case, with newline added, at least 95%) the common case should be 
easier, not harder.

Terry J. Reedy

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 14:26:25 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 22:26:25 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] New Wiki page - PrintAsFunction
In-Reply-To: <dfc0vg$bm8$>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy wrote:
> "Ron Adam" <rrr at> wrote in message 
> news:43195EB1.3090406 at
>># standard printing
>>write.ln(1, 2, 3)
>># print without trailing newline
>>write(1, 2, 3)
> This violates this design principle:
> When there are two options and one is overwhelmingly more common in use (in 
> this case, with newline added, at least 95%) the common case should be 
> easier, not harder.

Having write/writeln as builtins has that problem too (with writeln being more
common, but having the less obvious and longer name), but that pair of
functions is still what is currently recorded in PEP 3000 as the candidate
replacement for the print statement.

Unfortunately, giving "write" the behaviour of "writeln" would result in a
confusing difference between "sys.stdout.write('Hello world!')" and
"write('Hello world!')", where the latter appends a trailing newline, but the
former doesn't.

I figure the naming of any replacement function for the print statement is
going to end up squarely in Guido's court, particularly given that the need
for a workable transition strategy makes it difficult to use the most obvious
name (i.e., print).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From p.f.moore at  Sat Sep  3 15:15:23 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 14:15:23 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> Wow.
> With so many people expressing a gut response and not saying what in
> the proposal they don't like, it's hard to even start a response.

Fair point.

> Is it...
> - Going from statement to function?

I thought this was a major issue, but Nick Coghlan's output() function
has persuaded me otherwise. Now, I'd say I was more concerned about
going from *one* statement to *six* functions (the number you
explicitly referred to in your posting - 3 methods and 3 builtins -
but I'd be willing to concede that the exact number needed is vague,
not least because the write method already exists...)

> - Losing the automatically inserted space?

This was important to me.

> - Having to write more to get a newline appended?

Not so much "more" as "ugly" - the function name writeln reminds me of
Pascal (not a good thing!), and an explicit "\n" obscures the main
intent of the code.

> - Losing the name 'print'?

Not a big deal, but it seems gratuitous.

> Some responses seemed to have missed (or perhaps for stronger
> rhetorical effect intentionally neglected) that I was proposing
> builtins in addition to the stream methods,

The opposite - to me, that just increases the number of proposed
functions, which is one of my objections :-)

> I'd like to be flexible on all points *except* the syntax -- I really
> want to get rid of print as a *statement*.

OK, how about a *single* builtin, named "print", which works something
like Nick Coghlan's proposal (I'm happy to fiddle with the details,
but the basic principle is that it can do all the variations the print
statement can currently do - plus extra, in the case of Nick's code).
It should rely solely on a stream having a "write" method (so there's
no change to the "file-like object" interface, and existing objects
don't need to be changed to support the new proposal). If you really
want a stream.print method, I can cope, as long as it's clear that
it's an *optional* part of the file-like interface - after all, it's a
convenience method only. A mixin providing it might work, but I've no
idea how you'd do a mixin which file-like objects implemented in C
could use...

A name other than "print" for the new builtin has the benefit that it
could be introduced now, with Python 3.0 merely removing the print
statement in its favour. But there isn't really a name I like as much
as "print", and at least you *know* that no-one is using variable
names that would hide a print builtin :-)

> Consider this: if Python *didn't* have a print statement, but it had a
> built-in function with the same functionality (including, say, keyword
> parameters to suppress the trailing newline or the space between
> items); would anyone support a proposal to make it a statement
> instead?

No - and if that builtin was what you had proposed, you may not have
got such a negative reaction :-)


From p.f.moore at  Sat Sep  3 15:35:58 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 14:35:58 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Playing well with generator expressions comes for free, too:
> print " ".join(str(x*x) for x in range(10))
>      => output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))

Hmm... This prompts a coding question - is it possible to recognise
which arguments to a function are generators, so that you could write

    output(1, 2, [3,4], (c for c in 'abc'), 'def', (5, 6))

and get

    1 2 [3, 4] a b c def (5, 6)


At the simplest level, an explicit check for types.GeneratorType would
work, but I'm not sure if there's a more general check that might
might work - for example, iter((1,2,3)) may be a candidate for looping
over, where (1,2,3) clearly (? :-)) isn't. Maybe "iter(arg) is arg" is
the right check...

Of course, there's a completely separate question as to whether magic
this subtle is *advisable*...


From martin.blais at  Sat Sep  3 15:55:07 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 09:55:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Paolino <paolo_veronelli at> wrote:
> Martin Blais wrote:
> > Then how about::
> >
> >   output(*(x*x for x in range(10)), iter=1)
> >
> Illegal in python2.4.(Wrongly ?) And makes the star solution half unuseful.
>  >>> def f(*args,**kwargs):
> ...   pass
> ...
>  >>> f(*(1,2,3),iter=True)
>    File "<stdin>", line 1
>      f(*(1,2,3),iter=True)
> Leaving out what I just asserted in the previous thread :( I suppose you
> meant output((x*x for x in range(10)), iter=1)
> f(1,[2,3],(_ for _ in (4,5)),iter=True)

Yes, that's right, my bad, I indeed meant your corrected version above
(forgot to remove the star)

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 16:09:02 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 00:09:02 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore wrote:
> Hmm... This prompts a coding question - is it possible to recognise
> which arguments to a function are generators, so that you could write
>     output(1, 2, [3,4], (c for c in 'abc'), 'def', (5, 6))
> and get
>     1 2 [3, 4] a b c def (5, 6)
> ?
> At the simplest level, an explicit check for types.GeneratorType would
> work, but I'm not sure if there's a more general check that might
> might work - for example, iter((1,2,3)) may be a candidate for looping
> over, where (1,2,3) clearly (? :-)) isn't. Maybe "iter(arg) is arg" is
> the right check...
> Of course, there's a completely separate question as to whether magic
> this subtle is *advisable*...

If an iterator wants to behave like that, the iterator should define the 
appropriate __str__ method. Otherwise, just break it up into multiple lines:

   write(1, 2, [3,4])
   write(*(c for c in 'abc'))
   writeln('def', (5, 6))


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From paolo_veronelli at  Sat Sep  3 17:27:41 2005
From: paolo_veronelli at (Paolino)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:27:41 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> If an iterator wants to behave like that, the iterator should define the 
> appropriate __str__ method. Otherwise, just break it up into multiple lines:
>    write(1, 2, [3,4])
>    write(*(c for c in 'abc'))
This cannot accept keyword args(I wonder if this is a bug), which makes 
it a non compatible solution with the rest of yours.
>    writeln('def', (5, 6))

Regards Paolino

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep  3 16:50:35 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 00:50:35 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>		<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Paolino wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> If an iterator wants to behave like that, the iterator should define 
>> the appropriate __str__ method. Otherwise, just break it up into 
>> multiple lines:
>>    write(1, 2, [3,4])
>>    write(*(c for c in 'abc'))
> This cannot accept keyword args(I wonder if this is a bug), which makes 
> it a non compatible solution with the rest of yours.

Actually, it's an ordering quirk in the parser - the extended call syntax 
stuff has to come last in the function call, which means we need to put the 
keyword arguments at the front:

Py> writeln(sep=', ', *(x*x for x in range(10)))
0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81

I personally believe keyword arguments should be allowed between *args and 
**kwds at the call site, and keyword-only arguments after * in the function 
definition, but the current behaviour has never bothered me enough for me to 
look into what would be required to change it.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From barry at  Sat Sep  3 17:15:12 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:15:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 21:42, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> With so many people expressing a gut response and not saying what in
> the proposal they don't like, it's hard to even start a response. Is
> it...

> - Going from statement to function?

So I ignored my visceral reaction against the proposal and actually
converted some code in our commercial app (if I have time I might look
at some code in Mailman) to try to understand why I disliked the
proposal so much.

I do hate having to write two parentheses -- it's more than the extra
keystrokes.  It's that I have to use two shifted characters and I have
to be sure to close the construct, which can be a PITA when the start of
the function call is separated from the end by many lines.

What I found is that while this can be a real annoyance for some code,
there are some beneficial trade-offs that make this palatable.  I
haven't read all the concrete proposals for the print() function, but
assuming it's something like the logger, it's very nice not to have to
do the %-operation explicitly.  A very common case in my code is to have
a format string followed by a bunch of arguments, and including an
output stream.  IWBNI could do something like this:

ERROR: Failed to import handler %s for function %s in file %s.
Improperly formed foobar string.""",
      handler, function, file,

The other use case is where I don't have a format string and there, a
straight translation to

print('WAUUGH! object:', obj, 'refcounts:', sys.getrefcount(obj))
print('    Finishing frobnication...', nl=False)

isn't horrible, although this looks kind of goofy to get a blank line:


So for permanent code, I think it's a decent trade-off.  We lose
something but we gain something.  I'll mourn the syntax highlighting
loss (or end up hacking python-mode) but oh well.

I still suspect that a print function will be less friendly to newbies
and casual programmers.  I can't test that, but I would love it if one
of the educators on this list could conduct some usability studies on
the issue.

I also suspect that having to use a function will every-so-slightly
impede the debug-to-console use of print.  I haven't played with that
idea much, but I'll try it next time I'm doing something like that.

> - Losing the automatically inserted space?

Yes, definitely for the non-format-string variety.  The two things I
hate most about Java's way is having to concatenate a string and having
to include the space myself.  It's highly error-prone and ugly.

Above all else, /please/ avoid the forehead-welt-tool which is

> - Having to write more to get a newline appended?

Yes, definitely.  In everything I've converted, it's much more common to
want the newline than not.  I want an easy way to suppress the newline,
but I'm willing to write "nl=False" to get that.

> - Losing the name 'print'?

I'm mixed on this.  OT1H, I like print() better than write() but OTOH, I
can imagine that a decade of muscle memory will be hard to overcome.  

> Some responses seemed to have missed (or perhaps for stronger
> rhetorical effect intentionally neglected) that I was proposing
> builtins in addition to the stream methods, so that all those debug
> prints would be just as easy to add as before. And I don't think I
> ever said print was only for newbies!

I know we'll have built-ins, but I disagree that debug prints will be
just as easy.  Clearly they won't be, the question is to what degree
they will be harder to write and what benefit you will get in trade.  If
those answers are "only a little bit" and "a lot", it will probably be

> I'd like to be flexible on all points *except* the syntax -- I really
> want to get rid of print as a *statement*.
> Consider this: if Python *didn't* have a print statement, but it had a
> built-in function with the same functionality (including, say, keyword
> parameters to suppress the trailing newline or the space between
> items); would anyone support a proposal to make it a statement
> instead?

Probably not, but such an alternative universe is hard to imagine, so
I'm not sure it would have dawned on anyone to suggest it.  I think the
right approach is to design and add the replacement for Python 2.x,
encourage people to use it, and then see if it still warrants removal of
the print statement for Python 3.0.

fwiw-ly y'rs,

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From guido at  Sat Sep  3 17:17:20 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 08:17:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

So, another round.

* Gratuitous breakage: IMO it's not gratuitous. The *extensions* to
the print statement (trailing comma, >>stream) are ugly, and because
it's all syntax, other extensions are hard to make. Had it been a
function from the start it would have been much easier to add keyword
args, for example.

* Neal brought up the possibility of a conversion tool and wondered
how perfect it could be. Because it's currently syntax, this is a rare
case where the conversion can easily be made perfect (assuming the
tool has a complete Python parser). The only thing that wouldn't
necessarily be translated perfectly would be code manipulating
softspace directly.

* The possibility of future-proofing: I don't believe that this was a
major reason for the negative responses; after all, once we settle on
the function names & functionality, we can add the functions to 2.5
and people can start using them at their leisure. (This was actually
why I proposed different names.)

* Don't break it just because it's too much like Basic or ABC? I never
meant it that way. In ABC, WRITE was actually *more* like a procedure
call, because procedure calls in ABC don't use parentheses. I think
the old Basic wasn't such a bad language as its reputation would like
to have it; it was fully interactive, and quite good for teaching. The
problem that the ABC authors were mainly fighting was arbitrary
limitations and lack of structured programming support -- for example,
old Basic implementations often had 1- or 2-char variable names only,
heavily relied on GOTO, and there were no locals. The ABC authors also
made a slogan of getting rid of PEEK and POKE, but ABC never did
provide a replacement for interacting with the environment or
graphics. Basic's WRITE statement (in the version that I remember) had
to be a statement because there were no predefined procedures -- only
a few functions, all other predefined functionality was statements.
Since WRITE was the only game in town, it used some syntax hacks:
separating items with commas caused them to be written as
20-character-wide columns; using semicolons instead caused single
spaces to appear between (it would have made more sense the other way
around, but I guess they were constrained by backward compatibility,
too :-). I guess Python's print statement's trailing comma reminds me
of the latter feature.

* Alas, writing the arguments to the print statement in parentheses is
not enough to future-proof your code, even if we had a print()
function that behaved right; print ('a', 'b') prints something
completely diferent than print 'a', 'b'. (The former prints a tuple
with quoted string literals.) The only thing that could mean the same
would be print(expr) with a single expression argument.

* A lot of discussion has actually focused on getting the semantics of
the replacement function right, and I like a lot of what was written.
Here's my own version:

print() could become a built-in function that behaves roughly like the
current print statement without a trailing comma; it inserts spaces
between items and ends with a newline. A keyword argument (file= or
to=?) can specify an alternate file to write to (default sys.stdout);
all that is used is the file's write() method with one string
argument. The softspace misfeature goes away.

I see two different ways to support the two most-called-for additional
requirements: (a) an option to avoid the trailing newline, (b) an
option to avoid the space between items.

One way would be to give the print() call additional keyword
arguments. For example, sep="//" would print double slashes between
the items, and sep="" would concatenate the items directly. And
end="\r\n" could be used to change the newline delimiter to CRLF,
while end="" would mean to suppress the newline altogther.

But to me that API becomes rather klunky; I'd rather have a separate
function (printbare() or write()?) that just writes its arguments as
strings to sys.stdout (or to the file given with a keyword argument)
without intervening spaces or trailing newline. If for example you
want the intervening spaces but not the trailing newline, sorry,
you're going to have to write the spaces yourself, which is no big
deal IMO. The new API is still much easier to use than what you have
to do currently for more control (sys.stdout.write()).

If there's demand, we could also introduce printf(), which would work
just like C's printf() except it takes a keyword argument to redirect
the output.

It would be easier from a future-proofing standpoint if the main
function *wasn't* called print; but people seem to react intuitively
to the name change, and there are other approaches available (like a
conversion program or running P2 programs in the P3 VM using a
backwards compatible parser+translator).

Maybe someone can work this into the Wiki?

As I said, I'm flexible on all the details but I really want to get
rid of the statement syntax for this functionality.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From barry at  Sat Sep  3 17:32:09 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:32:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 09:15, Paul Moore wrote:

> OK, how about a *single* builtin, named "print", which works something
> like Nick Coghlan's proposal (I'm happy to fiddle with the details,

So I've now read Nick's wiki page and here are my comments:

First, while I think you'll need two builtins, they won't be
distinguished by their end-of-line behavior.  That is easily handled by
a keyword argument.

More important IMO will be the need to distinguish whether you want a
format string or not.  The two use cases I came up with (and posted
about previously) are:

print 'obj:', obj, 'refcounts', sys.getrefcount(obj)
print 'obj: %s, refcounts: %s' % (obj, sys.getrefcount(obj))

Despite that these look superficially equivalent, they really aren't. 
The problem is that if you used one function, you'd have to make the
format string selectable by keyword argument.  But that's really ugly
because the focus of the operation /is/ the format string, and you
really want that to come first, not last, in the function call order. 
So the alternative is to do some magical interpretation of the first
argument to decide whether it's a format string or not.  Ick!

So I think it's best to have two builtins:

print(*args, **kws)
printf(fmt, *args, **kws)

I would also /require/ that any behavior changing keyword arguments
/not/ be magically inferred from the positional arguments.  So you'd
have to explicitly spell 'nl=False' or "stream=fp" if that's what you


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From raymond.hettinger at  Sat Sep  3 17:32:15 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:32:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002001c5b09c$aaf50be0$8c0ba044@oemcomputer>

[Barry Warsaw]
> I think it's best to have two builtins:
> print(*args, **kws)
> printf(fmt, *args, **kws)
> I would also /require/ that any behavior changing keyword arguments
> /not/ be magically inferred from the positional arguments.  So you'd
> have to explicitly spell 'nl=False' or "stream=fp" if that's what you
> wanted.

Good improvements.


From barry at  Sat Sep  3 18:50:41 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 12:50:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 11:17, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I see two different ways to support the two most-called-for additional
> requirements: (a) an option to avoid the trailing newline, (b) an
> option to avoid the space between items.

See a (very quick and very dirty ;) strawman that I just posted to the
wiki.  I think this has some interesting semantics, including the
ability to control the separator inline in a C++-like fashion.  The
writef() version also accepts string.Templates or %s-strings as its
first argument.  I'm not sure I like reserving 'to' and 'nl' keyword
arguments, and not having the ability to print Separator instances
directly, but OTOH maybe those aren't big deals.

Anyway, this is close to what (I think) I'd like to see in the proposed
built-ins.  I'm out of time for now, so I'll check back later for all
the derision and mocking. :)


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From foom at  Sat Sep  3 18:51:54 2005
From: foom at (James Y Knight)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 12:51:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 3, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> So I think it's best to have two builtins:
> print(*args, **kws)
> printf(fmt, *args, **kws)

It seems pretty bogus to me to add a second builtin just to apply the  
% operator for you. I've always really liked that Python doesn't have  
separate xyzf functions, because formatting is an operation you can  
do directly on the string and pass that to any function you like.  
It's much cleaner...


From steven.bethard at  Sat Sep  3 19:06:48 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 11:06:48 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] iterators and extended function call syntax (WAS:
	Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> I actually hope that extended function call syntax in Py3k will
> use iterators rather than tuples so that this problem goes away.

I suggested this a while back on the Python list:

Raymond Hettinger brought up a few pretty valid complaints, the
biggest of which is that a lot of code now expects *args to be
sequences, not iterators.  For example, the code you posted on the
Wiki[1] would break:

    def write(*args, **kwds):
        # may break if args iterator does not have a __len__
        if not args:
        # will break unless "args = tuple(args)" precedes it
        for arg in args[1:]:

This code would have to be rewritten to use the iterator's .next()
method and try/excepts for StopIterations.  It's not particularly
hard, but people would have to do some relearning about *args.


You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From martin.blais at  Sat Sep  3 19:12:02 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 13:12:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 21:42, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I do hate having to write two parentheses -- it's more than the extra
> keystrokes.  It's that I have to use two shifted characters and I have
> to be sure to close the construct, which can be a PITA when the start of
> the function call is separated from the end by many lines.

(defun python-abbrev-print ()
  "Help me change old habits."
  (insert "print()") (backward-char 1) t)
(put 'python-abbrev-print 'no-self-insert t)
(define-abbrev python-mode-abbrev-table "print" "" 'python-abbrev-print)

From steven.bethard at  Sat Sep  3 19:12:27 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 11:12:27 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <dfblfl$kia$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
> >> - Error and help messages, often with print >>sys.stderr
> >
> > Use the print() method of sys.stderr:
> >
> >    sys.stderr.print('error or help message')
> so who's going to add print methods to all file-like objects?

The same people that added __iter__(), next(), readline(), readlines()
and writelines() to their file-like objects when technically these are
all derivable from read() and write().  This is why I suggested
providing a FileMixin class.  In retrospect, I'm surprised we don't
already have one...

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From steven.bethard at  Sat Sep  3 19:12:46 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 11:12:46 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> If there's demand, we could also introduce printf(), which would work
> just like C's printf() except it takes a keyword argument to redirect
> the output.

I think this is probably unnecessary if string formatting becomes a
function instead of the % operator (as has been suggested).  I don't
think that:

    ERROR: Failed to import handler %s for function %s in file %s.
    Improperly formed foobar string.""".substitute(handler, function, file),

is really any worse than:

    ERROR: Failed to import handler %s for function %s in file %s.
    Improperly formed foobar string.""",
         handler, function, file,

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From guido at  Sat Sep  3 19:32:07 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 10:32:07 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] iterators and extended function call syntax (WAS:
	Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
> > I actually hope that extended function call syntax in Py3k will
> > use iterators rather than tuples so that this problem goes away.
> I suggested this a while back on the Python list:
> Raymond Hettinger brought up a few pretty valid complaints,

What he said. There's no way this is going to happen. If you want to
have a function that takes an iterator and you want to pass it an
iterator, just do that -- don't use the *args notation.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Sat Sep  3 19:37:57 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 10:37:57 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Actually, it's an ordering quirk in the parser - the extended call syntax
> stuff has to come last in the function call, which means we need to put the
> keyword arguments at the front:
> Py> writeln(sep=', ', *(x*x for x in range(10)))
> 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81
> I personally believe keyword arguments should be allowed between *args and
> **kwds at the call site, and keyword-only arguments after * in the function
> definition, but the current behaviour has never bothered me enough for me to
> look into what would be required to change it.

Same here. If anyone wants to give it a try, please go ahead!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Sat Sep  3 19:49:09 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 10:49:09 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

OK. Now that we've got the emotions under control somewhat, maybe a
few folks can go off and write up a PEP for a print-replacement. I
nominate Barry and Nick since they seem to be motivated; anyone who
thinks their view is important and won't be taken into account enough
by those two ought to speak up now and volunteer as a co-author. I
suggest the wiki as a place for working out drafts. I'm pulling out of
the discussion until I see a draft PEP.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From pje at  Sat Sep  3 20:09:09 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 14:09:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Asynchronous use of Traceback objects
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 06:24 PM 9/3/2005 +1000, Christopher Armstrong wrote:
>For example, perhaps a better idea would be to
>change the traceback-printing functions to use Python attribute lookup
>instead of internal structure lookup, and then change raise to accept
>arbitrary Python objects as its third argument, as long as it matches
>the traceback interface.

Given that traceback printing isn't a performance-critical activity, there 
probably isn't a reason any more for requiring a particular C layout.  On 
the other hand, being able to create frame or traceback instances or 
subclasses would probably also solve your problem, without having to do too 
much hacking on the C code that expects a particular layout.

From p.f.moore at  Sat Sep  3 20:42:57 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 19:42:57 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, James Y Knight <foom at> wrote:
> On Sep 3, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> > So I think it's best to have two builtins:
> >
> > print(*args, **kws)
> > printf(fmt, *args, **kws)
> It seems pretty bogus to me to add a second builtin just to apply the
> % operator for you. I've always really liked that Python doesn't have
> separate xyzf functions, because formatting is an operation you can
> do directly on the string and pass that to any function you like.
> It's much cleaner...

I have to agree. While I accept that Barry has genuine use cases for
the printf form, I don't quite see why %-formatting isn't enough. Is
the print-plus-% form so much less readable and/or maintainable?


From gjc at  Sat Sep  3 22:01:24 2005
From: gjc at (Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 21:01:24 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1125777684.7886.34.camel@localhost.localdomain>

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 19:42 +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 9/3/05, James Y Knight <foom at> wrote:
> > 
> > On Sep 3, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> > 
> > > So I think it's best to have two builtins:
> > >
> > > print(*args, **kws)
> > > printf(fmt, *args, **kws)
> > 
> > It seems pretty bogus to me to add a second builtin just to apply the
> > % operator for you. I've always really liked that Python doesn't have
> > separate xyzf functions, because formatting is an operation you can
> > do directly on the string and pass that to any function you like.
> > It's much cleaner...
> I have to agree. While I accept that Barry has genuine use cases for
> the printf form, I don't quite see why %-formatting isn't enough. Is
> the print-plus-% form so much less readable and/or maintainable?

  printf does avoid one extra set of () in many cases, making the code
look and indent nicer.

  I take this chance to state my humble opinion.  Please keep the print
function print(), not writeln()!  "printing stuff" is everyone's
favorite anachronistic expression, even though the output doesn't go to
a printer anymore.  We all love it!  I know Guido wanted a different
name so that print() could be introduced in python 2 to allow a smooth
transition to python 3, but the disadvantages in lost readability and
familiarity by far outweigh the transition concerns imho.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc at> <gustavo at>
The universe is always one step beyond logic

From kalinda at  Sat Sep  3 22:36:07 2005
From: kalinda at (Jonny Reichwald)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 22:36:07 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.strip() enhancement
Message-ID: <>


I would like to suggest a small enhancement to str.strip().
By expanding its current form, where it only takes a char list, to  
taking any list containing either char lists or string lists, it is  
possible to remove entire words from the stripped string.

To clarify what I mean, here are some examples, first argument string  
to be stripped, second argument a list of things to strip:

#A char list gives the same result as the standard strip
 >>> my_strip("abcdeed", "de")

#A list of strings instead
 >>> my_strip("abcdeed", ("ed",))

#The char order in the strings to be stripped are of importance
 >>> my_strip("abcdeed", ("ad", "eb"))

Functions used in the above examples:

def my_lstrip(str, list):
         ret_str = str[max([k == True and len(v) for (k,v) in zip 
([str.startswith(e) for e in list], list)]):]
         if ret_str != str:
                 return my_lstrip(ret_str, list)
         return str

def my_rstrip(str, list):
         ret_str = str[:len(str)-max([k == True and len(v) for (k,v)  
in zip([str.endswith(e) for e in list], list)])]
         if ret_str != str and ret_str != False:
                 return my_rstrip(ret_str, list)
         return str

def my_strip(str, list):
         return my_lstrip(my_rstrip(str, list), list)

Would this be useful for anyone else besides me?

Jonny Reichwald

From tjreedy at  Sat Sep  3 22:59:15 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 16:59:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><><><><><><><><><><>
Message-ID: <dfd2r4$nq1$>

"Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro" <gjc at> wrote in message 
news:1125777684.7886.34.camel at localhost.localdomain...
>  I take this chance to state my humble opinion.  Please keep the print
> function print(), not writeln()!  "printing stuff" is everyone's
> favorite anachronistic expression, even though the output doesn't go to
> a printer anymore.  We all love it!  I know Guido wanted a different
> name so that print() could be introduced in python 2 to allow a smooth
> transition to python 3, but the disadvantages in lost readability and
> familiarity by far outweigh the transition concerns imho.

'prnt(' (or any other temp name) could easily be searched/replaced by 
'print(' when the time comes.

Terry J. Reedy

From skip at  Sat Sep  3 23:02:19 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 16:02:19 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    >> Nope, but there is a large body of code out there that does use print
    >> statements already.  Again, I know you're prepared for breakage, but
    >> that doesn't necessarily mean a completely blank sheet of paper.

    Neal> Ideally I very much prefer that print become a function.  However,
    Neal> the major backlash has swayed me some, if for no other reason that
    Neal> people are so strongly against changing it.

I think from Guido's perspective the print statement is a wart.  From my
perspective I see it as a case of if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  I'll
adapt to a print function easily enough.  The breakage just seems

    Neal> What if a tool existed that did the conversion?  I realize that
    Neal> the tool is unlikely to be perfect, but what if it could do 99.9%
    Neal> of the job?  I'm not thinking about just fixing print, but also
    Neal> converting iterkeys/itervalues/iteritems, xrange -> range,
    Neal> raw_input -> input, warning about use of input(), etc.

That's a different subject altogether, especially if you are talking about
more than just converting print.  It should probably have its own subject
and thread.  I don't know what's in the "etc" part, but I've never used
iter-this-n-that (their names have always seemed ugly enough that I've
simply avoided them) or raw_input, I rarely use xrange, and the conversion
is trivial, so the only potential benefit for me would be print, which I can
probably get 90% of the way there with a couple Emacs macros.


From raymond.hettinger at  Sat Sep  3 23:57:09 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:57:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.strip() enhancement
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501c5b0d2$6f7b4ee0$8c0ba044@oemcomputer>

[Jonny Reichwald]
> I would like to suggest a small enhancement to str.strip().
> By expanding its current form, where it only takes a char list, to
> taking any list containing either char lists or string lists, it is
> possible to remove entire words from the stripped string.
 . . .

> Would this be useful for anyone else besides me?

Probably not.

Have you seen any other requests for something similar?
Are there precedents in any other language?
Can you point to examples of existing code other than your own that
would benefit?

Even if an example or two is found, it is worth complicating the API.
Keep in mind the difficulties that plague str.split() -- that is what
happens when a function grows beyond a single, clear, unified, cohesive


From janssen at  Sun Sep  4 00:17:23 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 15:17:23 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 02 Sep 2005 20:33:03 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep3.151726pdt."58617">

> To me, the main objection seems to revolve around the fact that people would 
> like to be able to "future-proof" Python 2.x code so that it will also run on 
> Py3k.


You seem to be dreaming.  People like the "print" statement for many
and varied reasons, it seems.  Skip's point about gratuitous breakage
is one good argument for retaining it, but by no means the main


From jcarlson at  Sun Sep  4 00:20:52 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 15:20:52 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.strip() enhancement
In-Reply-To: <000501c5b0d2$6f7b4ee0$8c0ba044@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Raymond Hettinger" <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> [Jonny Reichwald]
> > I would like to suggest a small enhancement to str.strip().
> > By expanding its current form, where it only takes a char list, to
> > taking any list containing either char lists or string lists, it is
> > possible to remove entire words from the stripped string.
>  . . .
> > Would this be useful for anyone else besides me?
> Probably not.

There is also the point that this functionality is a 4-line function...

def trim_endings(strng, endings):
    for ending in endings:
        if ending and string.endswith(ending):
            return strng[:-len(ending)]

 - Josiah

From janssen at  Sun Sep  4 00:32:38 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 15:32:38 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Hacking print (was: Replacement for print in Python
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 02 Sep 2005 18:42:10 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep3.153241pdt."58617">

Just to add a bit more perspective (though I continue to believe that
"print" should be retained as-is):

In my UpLib code, I no longer use print.  Instead, I typically use a
variant of logging called "note" instead of print:

  note ([LEVEL, ] FORMAT-STRING [, *ARGS])

It works just like C printf, but uses the Python string formatting to
merge the ARGS into the FORMAT-STRING.  Having the printf-style
formatting seems to me to outweigh the irritation of having to
surround my args with parentheses (why are parentheses shifted
characters?!), though having both would be great.  If an integer LEVEL
is provided, it is compared to the current output-level setting, and
if LEVEL is *higher* than the current setting, the output is
suppressed.  The default LEVEL is 1.  Normally, "note" writes to
sys.stderr, but there are functions to set both the note-level and the

Adding the "\n" to the end of the format string seems to be just as
easy as writing "noteln", and much clearer, so I've never even
considered adding a "-ln" variant of this function.  I think the "-ln"
variants made familiar by Pascal and Java were a bad idea, on a par
with the notion of a split between "text" and "binary" file opens.

I might even be in favor of retiring "print" if it were replaced with
a different statement, say "printf", which had the capabilities of
"note", but didn't require parentheses around its arguments.


From janssen at  Sun Sep  4 00:40:19 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 15:40:19 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 03 Sep 2005 08:15:12 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep3.154026pdt."58617">

> I do hate having to write two parentheses -- it's more than the extra
> keystrokes.  It's that I have to use two shifted characters and I have
> to be sure to close the construct, which can be a PITA when the start of
> the function call is separated from the end by many lines.

> What I found is that while this can be a real annoyance for some code,
> there are some beneficial trade-offs that make this palatable...

> So for permanent code, I think it's a decent trade-off.  We lose
> something but we gain something.  I'll mourn the syntax highlighting
> loss (or end up hacking python-mode) but oh well.

Wouldn't it make sense then to replace the "print" statement with a
"printf" statement?  Then you'd get the formatting, and wouldn't have
to type the parentheses.  I don't see an argument for moving to a
function; indeed, there's an argument against.  What you want is a
fancier print.


From janssen at  Sun Sep  4 00:49:36 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 15:49:36 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 03 Sep 2005 08:17:20 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep3.154941pdt."58617">

Guido writes:
> * Gratuitous breakage: IMO it's not gratuitous. The *extensions* to
> the print statement (trailing comma, >>stream) are ugly, and because
> it's all syntax, other extensions are hard to make. Had it been a
> function from the start it would have been much easier to add keyword
> args, for example.

So here's the summary of the arguments against: two style points
(trailing comma and >>stream) (from the man who approved the current
decorator syntax!), and it's hard to extend.  (By the way, I agree that
the ">>" syntax is ugly, and IMO a bad idea in general.  Shame the "@"
wasn't used instead. :-)

Seems pretty weak to me.  Are there other args against?

What baffles me is that when I read through the rest of PEP 3000, I
agree with the other changes.  But removing "print" sticks in my craw,
and there's no real justification for it.  I just don't get it.

If someone said, "print" doesn't support a format argument as C printf
does, I'd say that's a strong argument.  But an argument for extending
"print" once again, not junking it.  Unless it was perhaps replaced

>>> printf @sys.stderr %"Must output %s at once!" "important message"


From janssen at  Sun Sep  4 01:12:16 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 16:12:16 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 03 Sep 2005 15:49:36 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep3.161217pdt."58617">

Or perhaps:

>>> print [with FORMAT-STRING] [>> STREAM] *ARGS

as an alternative to



From steven.bethard at  Sun Sep  4 02:03:46 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 18:03:46 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <6161664430564208585@unknownmsgid>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen wrote:
> So here's the summary of the arguments against: two style points
> (trailing comma and >>stream) (from the man who approved the current
> decorator syntax!), and it's hard to extend.  (By the way, I agree that
> the ">>" syntax is ugly, and IMO a bad idea in general.  Shame the "@"
> wasn't used instead. :-)
> Seems pretty weak to me.  Are there other args against?

Did you see Nick Coghlan's post?
I found his arguments to be reasonably compelling.

BTW, the implementation he refers to in this post is at:
and the updated version is at:

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From kalinda at  Sun Sep  4 02:19:13 2005
From: kalinda at (Jonny Reichwald)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 02:19:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.strip() enhancement
In-Reply-To: <000501c5b0d2$6f7b4ee0$8c0ba044@oemcomputer>
References: <000501c5b0d2$6f7b4ee0$8c0ba044@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:

> [Jonny Reichwald]
>> Would this be useful for anyone else besides me?
> Probably not.


> Even if an example or two is found, it is worth complicating the API.
> Keep in mind the difficulties that plague str.split() -- that is what
> happens when a function grows beyond a single, clear, unified,  
> cohesive
> concept.

I am not aware of these difficulties, any pointers?
 From an API pow, I do not think it neccessarily complicates it, but  
rather generalizes it in a way that may not be very usable :)
I can understand that it would probably not be worth the effort  

Jonny Reichwald

From raymond.hettinger at  Sun Sep  4 02:40:27 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 20:40:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.strip() enhancement
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000401c5b0e9$3f0cd000$8c0ba044@oemcomputer>

> > Even if an example or two is found, it is worth complicating the
> > Keep in mind the difficulties that plague str.split() -- that is
> > happens when a function grows beyond a single, clear, unified,
> > cohesive
> > concept.
> I am not aware of these difficulties, any pointers?

Yes.  From memory, write-down what you think str.split() does.  Then
look at the docs and see how much you got wrong and how much you missed.
A thorough answer would cover empty string behaviors, the return type,
whether None is allowed, whether a keyword argument is acceptable, and
the effects of using a unicode or UserString argument.  For extra
credit, write down the length invariant and determine whether a
string.join() invariant would always hold.

The str.split() API has led to countless doc revisions, invalid error
reports, newsgroup discussions, and questions on the tutor list.  We
ought to keep it unchanged for Py3.0 just to serve as a warning to
future generations ;-)

>  From an API pow, I do not think it neccessarily complicates it

Please stop smoking crack before posting to python-dev ;-)
Try updating the doc string, library reference entry, and the test
suite.  Be sure to specify that the proposed arguments are
non-commutative and whether general iterables are allowed.  Then report
back that there was no change in complexity.

>, but
> rather generalizes it in a way that may not be very usable :)
> I can understand that it would probably not be worth the effort
> though...

Hmm, that suggests another design principle, "If a proposer lacks faith
in his or her own proposal, it is doomed."


From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 03:27:36 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 11:27:36 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] iterators and extended function call syntax (WAS:
 Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/3/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
>>Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>>I actually hope that extended function call syntax in Py3k will
>>>use iterators rather than tuples so that this problem goes away.
>>I suggested this a while back on the Python list:
>>Raymond Hettinger brought up a few pretty valid complaints,
> [...]
> What he said. There's no way this is going to happen. If you want to
> have a function that takes an iterator and you want to pass it an
> iterator, just do that -- don't use the *args notation.

I guess that answers that, then. . . so noted on the Python 3.0 Suggestions
wiki page.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From radeex at  Sun Sep  4 03:38:40 2005
From: radeex at (Christopher Armstrong)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 11:38:40 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Asynchronous use of Traceback objects
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> At 06:24 PM 9/3/2005 +1000, Christopher Armstrong wrote:
> >For example, perhaps a better idea would be to
> >change the traceback-printing functions to use Python attribute lookup
> >instead of internal structure lookup, and then change raise to accept
> >arbitrary Python objects as its third argument, as long as it matches
> >the traceback interface.
> Given that traceback printing isn't a performance-critical activity, there
> probably isn't a reason any more for requiring a particular C layout.  On
> the other hand, being able to create frame or traceback instances or
> subclasses would probably also solve your problem, without having to do too
> much hacking on the C code that expects a particular layout.

I guess the biggest difference in these two strategies, to me, is that
one can be implemented in an external module while the other
*requires* changes to CPython to work. So I'll do the former, i.e.,
writing C functions that construct traceback objects, accessible from
Python. Maybe after I do that I could write a PEP (if that's
necessary) on changing the traceback stuff on a more fundamental
level, to allow for Python objects.

  Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
   Radix    |    --
            |  Release Manager, Twisted Project
  \\\V///   |    --
   |o O|    |  

From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 04:08:37 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:08:37 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 11:17, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>I see two different ways to support the two most-called-for additional
>>requirements: (a) an option to avoid the trailing newline, (b) an
>>option to avoid the space between items.
> See a (very quick and very dirty ;) strawman that I just posted to the
> wiki.  I think this has some interesting semantics, including the
> ability to control the separator inline in a C++-like fashion.  The
> writef() version also accepts string.Templates or %s-strings as its
> first argument.  I'm not sure I like reserving 'to' and 'nl' keyword
> arguments, and not having the ability to print Separator instances
> directly, but OTOH maybe those aren't big deals.

The latter problem is easily solved by calling str() at the point of the call
so that write() never sees the actual Separator object. However, this 'inline'
behaviour modification has always annoyed me in C++ - if you want this kind of
control over the formatting, a format string is significantly clearer. I think
your own examples from the Wiki page show this:

write('obj:', obj, 'refs:', refs)
write(Separator(': '), 'obj', obj,
       Separator(', '), 'refs',
       Separator(': '), refs,

writef('obj: %s, refs: %s', obj, refs)
writef(Template('obj: $obj, refs: $refs, obj: $obj'),
        obj=obj, refs=refs,

That said, looking at 'writef' suggests a different solution to me - a builtin
called 'format'. The latter two examples would become:

write(format('obj: %s, refs: %s', obj, refs))
write(format(Template('obj: $obj, refs: $refs, obj: $obj'),
              obj=obj, refs=refs),

Separating the formatting out into a separate functions like this addresses
your concern with the namespace conflict for 'to' and 'nl', and also makes the
'format' builtin more generally useful, as it can be used for cases other than
direct output to a stream.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 04:16:05 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:16:05 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mixin classes in the standard library
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<df9mi2$uak$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<dfblfl$kia$>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> The same people that added __iter__(), next(), readline(), readlines()
> and writelines() to their file-like objects when technically these are
> all derivable from read() and write().  This is why I suggested
> providing a FileMixin class.  In retrospect, I'm surprised we don't
> already have one...

Where would we put it though? I sometimes wonder if there should be a 'mixins' 
module to provide a one-stop shop for finding things like DictMixin and ListMixin.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From janssen at  Sun Sep  4 04:22:14 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 19:22:14 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:03:46 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep3.192222pdt."58617">


> Did you see Nick Coghlan's post?
> I found his arguments to be reasonably compelling.

You were already convinced on Friday, so with you, he was preaching to
the choir.  I'm not surprised you found those "arguments" compelling.

I did not.

I thought it was rather weak.  The "points" he makes seem either
irrelevant or style judgements, and many seem mischaracterized by the
words used.

Point by point:

> "Print as statement" => printing sequences nicely is a pain
> "Print as function" => extended call syntax deals with sequences nicely

True, but I see it as a weakness in the Python string formatting
language, instead of a weakness with "print".  I think that print
should be extended with a printf-like format argument (or replaced
with a "printf" statement), and that the formatting available in this
format argument should handle this complaint.

> "Print as statement" => can't easily change the separator
> "Print as function" => keyword argument handles the separator nicely

So what?  To begin with, "print" users have been "changing the
separator" for years by doing string concatentation where it matters.
And there's always file.write() for those who need it.

> "Print as statement" => trailing comma suppresses newline by magic
> "Print as function" => keyword argument handles the line terminator nicely

This is a somewhat argumentative way of writing this.  It would be
better put as "newline emission control is performed syntactically",
which I see as neutral.  Style judgement.

> "Print as statement" => redirection is via a magic symbol
> "Print as function" => keyword argument handles redirection nicely

This is a somewhat argumentative way of writing this.  It would be
better put as "output redirection is indicated syntactically", which I
see as neutral.  Style judgement.  I might write this point as

  "Print as statement" => redirection is via a cool magic symbol
  "Print as function" => redirection done with a boring wordy keyword arg

See what I mean?

> "Print as statement" => can't easily save 'settings' for re-use
> "Print as function" => can use functional.partial to create custom version

So what?  Who in the world thought up this as a reasonable feature for
"print"?  Oh, well:  file a feature request and see what happens.

I think what Nick really is asking for is a better print statement --
and there's no particularly good reason to move to a function to
attain that end.  Let's add a good format specifier to "print",


From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 04:43:48 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:43:48 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <05Sep3.192222pdt."58617">
References: <05Sep3.192222pdt."58617">
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen wrote:
> Steven,
>>Did you see Nick Coghlan's post?
>>I found his arguments to be reasonably compelling.
> You were already convinced on Friday, so with you, he was preaching to
> the choir.  I'm not surprised you found those "arguments" compelling.
> I did not.
> I thought it was rather weak.  The "points" he makes seem either
> irrelevant or style judgements, and many seem mischaracterized by the
> words used.
> Point by point:
>>"Print as statement" => printing sequences nicely is a pain
>>"Print as function" => extended call syntax deals with sequences nicely
> True, but I see it as a weakness in the Python string formatting
> language, instead of a weakness with "print".  I think that print
> should be extended with a printf-like format argument (or replaced
> with a "printf" statement), and that the formatting available in this
> format argument should handle this complaint.

I agree with this point actually. There should be an "iterable" formatting 
code that looks something like "%[sep]i"

Then "%i" % (my_seq,) would be the equivalent of "".join(my_seq), only 
allowing it to be easily embedded inside a larger format string.

Some other examples:
("% i" % my_seq)  => " ".join(my_seq)
("%, i" % my_seq) => ", ".join(my_seq)

I see this as being similar to the way that "%.2f" controls the way that a 
floating point value is displayed.

> I think what Nick really is asking for is a better print statement --
> and there's no particularly good reason to move to a function to
> attain that end.  Let's add a good format specifier to "print",
> instead.

The real driver is that Guido wants to change it, but I'm actually starting to 
think I like having the print statement, and what I really want is a 'format' 
builtin to get around the tuple-related quirks of the string mod operator, and 
an enhancement to the string mod operator to deal better with iterables.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From guido at  Sun Sep  4 05:10:31 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 20:10:31 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/2/05, Gareth McCaughan <gmccaughan at> wrote:
> On Thursday 2005-09-01 18:09, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > They *are* cached and there is no cost to using the functions instead
> > of the methods unless you have so many regexps in your program that
> > the cache is cleared (the limit is 100).
> Sure there is; the cost of looking them up in the cache.
>     >>> import re,timeit
>     >>>
>     >>> timeit.Timer(""""(\d*).*(\d*)", "abc123def456")""").timeit(1000000)
>     7.6042091846466064
>     >>> timeit.r = re.compile(r"(\d*).*(\d*)")
>     >>> timeit.Timer(""""abc123def456")""").timeit(1000000)
>     2.6358869075775146
>     >>> timeit.Timer().timeit(1000000)
>     0.091850996017456055
> So in this (highly artificial toy) application it's about 7.5/2.5 = 3 times
> faster to use the methods instead of the functions.

Yeah, but the cost is a constant -- it is not related to the cost of
compiling the re. (You should've shown how much it cost if you
included the compilation in each search.)

I haven't looked into this, but I bet the overhead you're measuring is
actually the extra Python function call, not the cache lookup itself.
I also notice that _compile() is needlessly written as a varargs
function -- all its uses pass it exactly two arguments.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 05:10:28 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 13:10:28 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <05Sep3.192222pdt."58617">
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> I agree with this point actually. There should be an "iterable" formatting 
> code that looks something like "%[sep]i"
> Then "%i" % (my_seq,) would be the equivalent of "".join(my_seq), only 
> allowing it to be easily embedded inside a larger format string.
> Some other examples:
> ("% i" % my_seq)  => " ".join(my_seq)
> ("%, i" % my_seq) => ", ".join(my_seq)
> I see this as being similar to the way that "%.2f" controls the way that a 
> floating point value is displayed.

A correction to this - such a formatting operator would need to automatically 
invoke str on the items in the iterable:

("%i" % (my_seq,))  => "".join(map(str, my_seq))
("% i" % (my_seq,))  => " ".join(map(str, my_seq))
("%, i" % (my_seq,)) => ", ".join(map(str, my_seq))
("%(seq), i" % dict(seq=my_seq)) => ", ".join(map(str, my_seq))


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 05:54:15 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 13:54:15 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <05Sep3.192222pdt."58617">	<>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>I agree with this point actually. There should be an "iterable" formatting 
>>code that looks something like "%[sep]i"
>>Then "%i" % (my_seq,) would be the equivalent of "".join(my_seq), only 
>>allowing it to be easily embedded inside a larger format string.
>>Some other examples:
>>("% i" % my_seq)  => " ".join(my_seq)
>>("%, i" % my_seq) => ", ".join(my_seq)
>>I see this as being similar to the way that "%.2f" controls the way that a 
>>floating point value is displayed.
> A correction to this - such a formatting operator would need to automatically 
> invoke str on the items in the iterable:
> ("%i" % (my_seq,))  => "".join(map(str, my_seq))
> ("% i" % (my_seq,))  => " ".join(map(str, my_seq))
> ("%, i" % (my_seq,)) => ", ".join(map(str, my_seq))
> ("%(seq), i" % dict(seq=my_seq)) => ", ".join(map(str, my_seq))

Hmm, 'i' is already taken. I think I'll use 'j for join' while working on a 
patch. The full specification of the number formatting operations is 
impressive, though (this is the first time I've actually read the full 
description of the string formatting behaviour).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From steven.bethard at  Sun Sep  4 07:54:57 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 23:54:57 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <176641374289806004@unknownmsgid>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen wrote:
> I think what Nick really is asking for is a better print statement --
> and there's no particularly good reason to move to a function to
> attain that end.

Well one reason (you can judge for yourself whether it's "good" or
not) is that adding more syntax to the print statement will make
Python's parser more complex, while converting the print statement to
a function should make Python's parser simpler.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From t-meyer at  Sun Sep  4 08:13:40 2005
From: t-meyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 18:13:40 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Nick Coghlan]
> "Print as statement" => printing sequences nicely is a pain

What's wrong with this?

>>> print range(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> print tuple("string")
('s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g')

This is a serious question - that's how I would expect a print function to
work anyway.

> "Print as statement" => can't easily change the separator

To me, the point of the builtin print is that it's simple.  If you want to
control what separator is used, or if there is a newline at the end, or
print to something that isn't sys.stdout, or some other magic, then use
sys.stdout.write().  If you want to get the contents of __unicode__/__str__
of an object to stdout, which there has been overwhelming evidence is a very
common task, then print is a fantastically simple and straightforward way to
do that.

[Terry Reedy]
> For quickly adding debug prints, two extra ()s are a small burden, 
> but if the function were called 'out', then there would still be just five

> keystrokes.

But seven keypresses (assuming one is using a keyboard where you use shift
to get '(' and ')').  It sounds trivial, but a print statement (i.e. no ())
looks clean and concise.  I like this:

   while True: pass

More than:

   while (true) {}

For the same reason.  This is a big plus of Python vs. C.

> Consider this: if Python *didn't* have a print statement, but
> it had a built-in function with the same functionality 
> (including, say, keyword parameters to suppress the trailing 
> newline or the space between items); would anyone support a 
> proposal to make it a statement instead?

Yes.  If it didn't have the redirect stuff; I would like it more if it also
didn't have the trailing comma magic.  "print" is a fundamental; it deserves
to be a statement :)


From t-meyer at  Sun Sep  4 08:17:14 2005
From: t-meyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 18:17:14 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> maybe a few folks can go off and write up a PEP for a 
> print-replacement. 
> I'm pulling out of the 
> discussion until I see a draft PEP.

If there are two competing proposals, then the two groups write a PEP and
counter-PEP and the PEPs duke it out.  Is this still the case if proposal B
is very nearly the status quo?

IOW, would writing a "Future of the print statement in Python 3.0" counter
PEP that kept print as a statement be appropriate?  If not, other than
python-dev posting (tiring out the poor summary guys <0.5 wink>), what is
the thing to do?


From skink at  Sun Sep  4 10:58:47 2005
From: skink at (Fabien Schwob)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:58:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
Message-ID: <>


I'm using the module urlparse and I think I've found a bug in the 
urlparse module. When you merge an url and a link 
like"../../../page.html" with urljoin, the new url created keep some 
"../" in it. Here is an example :

 >>> import urlparse
 >>> begin = ""
 >>> end = "../../../otherpage.html"
 >>> urlparse.urljoin(begin, end)

I would more expect the following url :

It's what is done in most web browser.

So I would like to know if it's a bug or not. If it is, I would try to 
code and to submit a patch.


From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 12:07:11 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:07:11 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tony Meyer wrote:
> [...]
>>maybe a few folks can go off and write up a PEP for a 
> [...]
>>I'm pulling out of the 
>>discussion until I see a draft PEP.
> If there are two competing proposals, then the two groups write a PEP and
> counter-PEP and the PEPs duke it out.  Is this still the case if proposal B
> is very nearly the status quo?
> IOW, would writing a "Future of the print statement in Python 3.0" counter
> PEP that kept print as a statement be appropriate?  If not, other than
> python-dev posting (tiring out the poor summary guys <0.5 wink>), what is
> the thing to do?

Keeping print as a statement is certainly one of the options I'm considering, 
so I don't think a counter-PEP is warranted just yet. There isn't even a PEP 
to be a counter to - it's all still on the Wiki at the moment.

The more I play with it, the more I believe the part I have a problem with is 
a weakness in the string formatting for iterables.

The point about not needing parentheses for conditionals where a lot of other 
languages require them is a good one - I'm sure I write print statements 
nearly as often as I write conditionals.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep  4 12:19:46 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:19:46 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tony Meyer wrote:
> [Nick Coghlan]
>>"Print as statement" => printing sequences nicely is a pain
> What's wrong with this?
>>>>print range(10)
> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>>>print tuple("string")
> ('s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g')

> This is a serious question - that's how I would expect a print function to
> work anyway.

Py> print (x*x for x in range(10))
<generator object at 0x00AE71C0>

Oh, wait, this is what I actually meant:

Py> print " ".join(map(str, (x*x for x in range(10))))
0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81

Printing the contents of an arbitrary iterable is harder than it should be.
Many iterables (including the builtin ones) have a reasonable default display,
but a non-default display (e.g. linefeed separated instead of comma separated)
isn't the most obvious thing to express.

I thought making print a function solved that problem, but it doesn't really.
So I'm currently exploring a different approach involving string formatting.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From mwh at  Sun Sep  4 12:30:11 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 11:30:11 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
In-Reply-To: <> (Kurt B.
	Kaiser's message of "Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:12:33 -0400 (EDT)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Kurt B. Kaiser" <kbk at> writes:

> Patch / Bug Summary
> ___________________
> Patches :  903 open (+551) /  5222 closed (+2324) /  6125 total (+2875)

Err ... ?


  LaTeX, pah. Don't be silly. I'm using a homebrew markup system
  that I wrote in Common Lisp. ;-) 
                              -- Peter Seibel, comp.lang.lisp, talking
                                        about his book "Practical Lisp"

From nyamatongwe at  Sun Sep  4 12:34:01 2005
From: nyamatongwe at (Neil Hodgson)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 20:34:01 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gareth McCaughan:

> >    Interactive use is its own mode and works differently to the base
> > language. To print the value of something, just type an expression.
> Doesn't do the same thing.

   In interactive mode, you are normally interested in the values of
things, not their formatting so it does the right thing. If you need
particular formatting or interpretation, you can always achieve this.

> Do you have any suggestion that's as practically usable
> as "print"?

   The print function proposal is already as usable as the print
statement. When I write a print statement, I'd like to be able to
redirect that to a log or GUI easily. If print is a function then its
interface can be reimplemented but users can't add new statements to

   Creation of strings containing values could be simplified as that
would be applicable in many cases. I actually like being able to
append to strings in Java with the second operand being stringified.
Perhaps a stringify and catenate operator could be included in Python.
Like this:
MessageBox("a=" ? a ? "pos=" ? x?","?y)

From mwh at  Sun Sep  4 12:39:38 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 11:39:38 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Asynchronous use of Traceback objects
In-Reply-To: <> (Christopher
	Armstrong's message of "Sat, 3 Sep 2005 18:24:44 +1000")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Christopher Armstrong <radeex at> writes:

> I had the idea to create a fake Traceback object in Python that
> doesn't hold references to any frame objects, but is still able to be
> passed to 'raise' and formatted as tracebacks are, etc. Unfortunately,
> raise does a type check on its third argument and, besides, it seems
> the traceback formatting functions are very reliant on the internal
> structure of traceback objects, so that didn't work.

An option you may not have considered is to ditch the C code that
formats tracebacks and always use (this has a few obvious
problems -- what do you do if fails to import, what if
formatting the traceback raises an error -- but nothing too
horrendous, I think).

Less duplication and less C code are always good things (IMHO, at

> It does seem that I would be able to construct a passable fake
> Traceback object from C code -- one that had references to fake
> frames. These fake objects would only remember the original line
> numbers, filenames and so forth so that traceback printing could still
> work. I can try implementing this soon, but I'd just like to make sure
> I'm on the right track. For example, perhaps a better idea would be to
> change the traceback-printing functions to use Python attribute lookup
> instead of internal structure lookup,

My suggestion above would obviously acheive this bit :)

> and then change raise to accept arbitrary Python objects as its
> third argument, as long as it matches the traceback interface. That
> would probably mean much more work, though.
> One concern is that I really don't like requiring C modules to use
> Twisted; all of the ones currently in there are optional.

Well, presumably this is optional too -- you only need it if you want
informative tracebacks...

> What's the likelihood of such a traceback-constructor getting its
> way into CPython if I do implement it?

I'd support more flexibility in this area.  I'm not sure what the best
approach is, though.


  I have *both* hands clapping, but I'm still not sure it's a sound.
  When I tried deciding if it were a sound while clapping only one
  hand, I fell off my chair.
                         -- Peter Hansen, Zen master, comp.lang.python

From guido at  Sun Sep  4 16:28:05 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 07:28:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Tony Meyer <t-meyer at> wrote:
> If there are two competing proposals, then the two groups write a PEP and
> counter-PEP and the PEPs duke it out.  Is this still the case if proposal B
> is very nearly the status quo?

No. The primary argument is between keeping the print statement and
doing something else; only when "doing something else" is rejected we
should concentrate on smaller improvements to the statement. The
possibility of improving the statement isn't going to sway me.

> IOW, would writing a "Future of the print statement in Python 3.0" counter
> PEP that kept print as a statement be appropriate?  If not, other than
> python-dev posting (tiring out the poor summary guys <0.5 wink>), what is
> the thing to do?

In the end the process is not democratic. I don't think there's
anything that can change my mind about dropping the statement. I have
my preferences about the replacement too, but that's where I need
others to weigh in so we make sure all the important use cases are

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Sun Sep  4 16:48:28 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 07:48:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Keeping print as a statement is certainly one of the options I'm considering,
> so I don't think a counter-PEP is warranted just yet. There isn't even a PEP
> to be a counter to - it's all still on the Wiki at the moment.

I am so far a bit disappointed by the wiki contents; I'm hoping on
more of a summary of the argumentation and use cases; instead, I found
wild proposals that have zero chance of making it.

> The more I play with it, the more I believe the part I have a problem with is
> a weakness in the string formatting for iterables.

I've noticed. I think you should cool down a bit about this.
Automatically consuming iterables can have serious side effects (like
reading a file to the end!), which you generally want to avoid.
Putting complex syntax in %xyz format strings for iterators seems like
a poor choice of tool -- it is already complex and brittle. All *my*
sequence printing needs are generally met by a simple for loop or
",".join(...). If that's still too much typing for you, and you really
think that the use case of printing all items in an iterable is common
enough to warrant standard library support, I'd suggest something
along these lines:

def printseq(seq, sep=" ", to=None):
    if to is None:
        to = sys.stdout # dynamic default
    firsttime = True
    for item in seq:
        if firsttime:
            firsttime = False
            printbare(sep, to=to)
        printbare(item, to=to)

# printbare() is just a suggestion; I'm not too happy with the name.

> The point about not needing parentheses for conditionals where a lot of other
> languages require them is a good one - I'm sure I write print statements
> nearly as often as I write conditionals.

I'm sad to see that all the good software engineering habits are
dropped the moment people have to type a pair of extra parentheses.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Sun Sep  4 16:55:59 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 07:55:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Fabien Schwob <skink at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the module urlparse and I think I've found a bug in the
> urlparse module. When you merge an url and a link
> like"../../../page.html" with urljoin, the new url created keep some
> "../" in it. Here is an example :
>  >>> import urlparse
>  >>> begin = ""
>  >>> end = "../../../otherpage.html"
>  >>> urlparse.urljoin(begin, end)
> ''

You seem to be typing this from memory; the example actually gives a
single set of "../", not two.

> I would more expect the following url :
> It's what is done in most web browser.
> So I would like to know if it's a bug or not. If it is, I would try to
> code and to submit a patch.

You shouldn't be giving more "../" sequences than are possible. I find
the current behavior acceptable.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skink at  Sun Sep  4 17:17:12 2005
From: skink at (Fabien Schwob)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 17:17:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> >>> import urlparse
>> >>> begin = ""
>> >>> end = "../../../otherpage.html"
>> >>> urlparse.urljoin(begin, end)

> You seem to be typing this from memory; the example actually gives a
> single set of "../", not two.

No, it's a copy of an interactive session using Python 2.4.1.

>>I would more expect the following url :
>>It's what is done in most web browser.
>>So I would like to know if it's a bug or not. If it is, I would try to
>>code and to submit a patch.

> You shouldn't be giving more "../" sequences than are possible. I find
> the current behavior acceptable.

Ok, so I would try do dev my own fonction. Mainly because on some web 
pages that I manipulate (for example [1]) there are more "../" than 



From guido at  Sun Sep  4 17:59:02 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 08:59:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <8328163536998793998@unknownmsgid>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/3/05, Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> So here's the summary of the arguments against: two style points
> (trailing comma and >>stream) (from the man who approved the current
> decorator syntax!), and it's hard to extend.  (By the way, I agree that
> the ">>" syntax is ugly, and IMO a bad idea in general.  Shame the "@"
> wasn't used instead. :-)
> Seems pretty weak to me.  Are there other args against?

Sure. I made the mistake of thinking that everybody knew them. But let
me first summarize the arguments I've heard for keeping print as a

1. It's always been there
2. We don't want to type parentheses
3. We use it a lot
4. We don't want to change our code

I agree that those are strong arguments, so please hear me out.

There is a theoretical argument: print is the only application-level
functionality that has a statement dedicated to it. Within Python's
world, syntax is generally used as a last resort, when something
*can't* be done without help from the compiler. Print doesn't qualify
for such an exception (quite the opposite actually).

But more important to me are my own experiences exploring the
boundaries of print.

- I quite often come to a point in the evolution of a program where I
need to change all print statements into logging calls, or calls into
some other I/O or UI library. If print were a function, this would be
a straightforward string replacement; as it is, finding where to add
the parentheses is often a pain (the end isn't always on the same line
as the start). It's even worse if there are already ">>stream" options
present. Trailing commas also make this more complicated than it needs
to be.

- Having special syntax puts up a much larger barrier for evolution of
a feature. For examle, adding printf (or changing print to printf) is
a much bigger deal now that print is a statement than if it had been a
built-in function: trial implementations are much more work, there are
only a few people who know how to modify Python's bytecode compiler,
etc. (Having printf() be a function and print remain a statement is of
course a possibility, but only adds more confusion and makes printf()
a second-class citizen, thereby proving my point.)

- There is a distinct non-linearity in print's ease of use once you
decide that you don't want to have spaces between items; you either
have to switch to using sys.stdout.write(), or you have to collect all
items in a string. This is not a simple transformation, consider what
it takes to get rid of the spaces before the commas in this simple

    print "x =", x, ", y =", y, ", z =", z

If it was a built-in function, having a built-in companion function
that did a similar thing without inserting spaces and adding a newline
would be the logical thing to do (or adding keyword parameters to
control that behavior; but I prefer a second function); but with only
print as it currently stands, you'd have to switch to something like

    print "x = " + str(x) + ", y = " + str(x) + ", z = " + str(z)


    print "x = %s, y = %s, z = %s" % (x, y, z)

neither of which is very attractive. (And don't tell me that the
spaces are no big deal -- they aren't in *this* example, but they are
in other situations.)

- If it were a function, it would be much easier to replace it within
one module (just def print(*args):...) or even throughout a program
(e.g. by putting a different function in __builtin__.print). As it is,
you can do this by writing a class with a write( ) method and
assigning that to sys.stdout -- that's not bad, but definitely a much
larger conceptual leap, and it works at a different level than print.

Summarizing, my main problems with print as a statement are the
transformations -- when print doesn't cut it, you have to switch to
something entirely different. If it were a function the switch would
feel much smoother. I find that important: things that are
conceptually related should be syntactically related (within the realm
of common sense, as always).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From barry at  Sun Sep  4 18:51:02 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:51:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 12:51, James Y Knight wrote:
> On Sep 3, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> > So I think it's best to have two builtins:
> >
> > print(*args, **kws)
> > printf(fmt, *args, **kws)
> It seems pretty bogus to me to add a second builtin just to apply the  
> % operator for you. I've always really liked that Python doesn't have  
> separate xyzf functions, because formatting is an operation you can  
> do directly on the string and pass that to any function you like.  
> It's much cleaner...

Actually, we probably only /need/ printf(), and certainly for C
programmers (are there any of us left? ;), I think that would be a small
conceptual leap.  The motivation for keeping a non-formatting version is
for simple cases, and beginners -- both of which use cases should not be

The reason I proposed two versions is because I'd really dislike putting
the format string in any position other than the first positional
argument, and I can't think of a way to definitively distinguish between
whether a first arg string is or is not a format string.

One possible way out is to define a string literal that creates Template
strings, and then make the Template string syntax rich enough to cover
today's %-substitutions.  Then if the first argument is a Template, you
do printf()-like output otherwise you do print()-output.


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From barry at  Sun Sep  4 18:52:28 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:52:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 14:42, Paul Moore wrote:

> I have to agree. While I accept that Barry has genuine use cases for
> the printf form, I don't quite see why %-formatting isn't enough. Is
> the print-plus-% form so much less readable and/or maintainable?

IMO, yes.  I can't tell you how many times I've typo'd logger messages
by switching commands and percents.


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From barry at  Sun Sep  4 18:53:49 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:53:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 13:12, Martin Blais wrote:

> (defun python-abbrev-print ()
>   "Help me change old habits."
>   (insert "print()") (backward-char 1) t)
> (put 'python-abbrev-print 'no-self-insert t)
> (define-abbrev python-mode-abbrev-table "print" "" 'python-abbrev-print)

LOL!  That's a great solution for the 5 of us dinosaurs still using the
One True Editor. :)


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From raymond.hettinger at  Sun Sep  4 19:34:26 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 13:34:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <001a01c5b176$e5c0c400$2f12c797@oemcomputer>

> Actually, we probably only /need/ printf(), and certainly for C
> programmers (are there any of us left? ;), I think that would be a
> conceptual leap.  The motivation for keeping a non-formatting version
> for simple cases, and beginners -- both of which use cases should not
> dismissed.

+1 on Barry's proposal for two functions, one formatted and one plain.

However, I take issue with the premise that beginners do not need
formatting.  Almost anyone, beginner or not, needs formatting when they
are working on a real application.  My experience is that finance people
immediately try to format their output (habits from Excel).  Most are
astonished at how non-trivial it is to add commas, dollar signs,
brackets, and a fixed number of decimal places.  So, I think beginners
should be considered a key constituent for output formatting and that
their needs should be accommodated as simply and broadly as possible.

Finance Guy 

From martin.blais at  Sun Sep  4 19:59:13 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 13:59:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Tony Meyer <t-meyer at> wrote:
> Yes.  If it didn't have the redirect stuff; I would like it more if it also
> didn't have the trailing comma magic.  "print" is a fundamental; it deserves
> to be a statement :)

I don't know exactly what you mean by "fundamental", in opposition to
your statement, I just see it as oft-used application-level code that
should not live in "the language" (the set of statements that defines
control flow and basic data structures) per-se, but in a library.

From pinard at  Sun Sep  4 21:22:23 2005
From: pinard at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 15:22:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Guido van Rossum]

> [...] print is the only application-level functionality that has a
> statement dedicated to it.  Within Python's world, syntax is generally
> used as a last resort, when something *can't* be done without help
> from the compiler.  Print doesn't qualify for such an exception (quite
> the opposite actually).

As I much liked Pascal in its time, `write()' and `writeln()' are
nothing awkward to me, yet in Pascal, neither was a "regular" function,
and the Pascal compiler had special code for parsing these two.  Python
functions are designed in such a way that `write()' and `writeln()' in
Python could be just functions, with no special compiler stunt, and
consequently, they fit even better for Python than they did for Pascal.

Let's consider that `print' (or whatever) is a Python function, not
negotiable.  It should likely be.  If people resent the parentheses
that a new `print' would impose, then it might mean they would like
that there is to be some way so Python functions could be be callable
without parentheses in a more general way.  It would represent quite a
change in the syntax, and pull with it its own flurry of problems; but
nevertheless, a seek for such a change might be presented as the only
way for introducing `print' in Python 3K without a need for parentheses.

Perl, going from version 4 to version 5, was subject to a cleanup
between operators and functions which could be seen as similarly
encompassing.  Logo and a few others also have parentheses-less function
calls, yet they may be week at handling functions as first-class
objects.  (And besides, I'm far from overly liking them! :-).

Fran?ois Pinard

From rrr at  Sun Sep  4 21:52:04 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 15:52:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <001a01c5b176$e5c0c400$2f12c797@oemcomputer>
References: <001a01c5b176$e5c0c400$2f12c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> [Barry]
>>Actually, we probably only /need/ printf(), and certainly for C
>>programmers (are there any of us left? ;), I think that would be a
> small
>>conceptual leap.  The motivation for keeping a non-formatting version
> is
>>for simple cases, and beginners -- both of which use cases should not
> be
> +1 on Barry's proposal for two functions, one formatted and one plain.


There is ...

 >>> '%r+%r = %r'.__mod__((1,2,3))
'1+2 = 3'

Ok, not exactly what he proposed.  ;-)

Is there a better named method that str.__mod__() calls?

> However, I take issue with the premise that beginners do not need
> formatting.  Almost anyone, beginner or not, needs formatting when they
> are working on a real application.  My experience is that finance people
> immediately try to format their output (habits from Excel).  Most are
> astonished at how non-trivial it is to add commas, dollar signs,
> brackets, and a fixed number of decimal places.  So, I think beginners
> should be considered a key constituent for output formatting and that
> their needs should be accommodated as simply and broadly as possible.

I agree, and the next thing programmers with previous experience look 
for is formatted input.  Ok, not the very next thing. :-)


From pinard at  Sun Sep  4 22:52:23 2005
From: pinard at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 16:52:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Let me correct two typos (I had to leave in a rush).

[Fran?ois Pinard]

> [...] Let's consider that `print' (or whatever) is a Python function,
> not negotiable.  It should likely be.

The "It" refers to `print' being a Python function, not the negotiability.

> Logo and a few others also have parentheses-less function
> calls, yet they may be week at handling functions as first-class
> objects.


Fran?ois Pinard

From steven.bethard at  Mon Sep  5 00:08:18 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 16:08:18 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting options and removing
	basestring.__mod__ (WAS: Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <000401c5af21$dc603000$4320c797@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Raymond Hettinger]
> Actually, formatting needs to become a function.  The overloading of the
> arithmetic mod operator has proven to be unfortunate (if only because of
> precedence issues).

[Guido van Rossum]
> For me, it's not so much the precedence, but the fact that "%s" % x
> doesn't work as expected if x is a tuple; you'd have to write "%s" %
> (x,) which is tedious.

[Raymond Hettinger]
> Also, the format coding scheme itself needs to be revisited.  There is
> no shortage of people who have taken issue with the trailing s in
> %(myvar)s.
> string.Template is a bit too simplified.  But perhaps it can be adapted.
> We still want some way to express %r, %6.2f, etc.    Since string
> formatting has been around since Tim was in diapers, we should probably
> start by looking at the solutions used by other languages.

I was curious about what kind of options there were, so I googled
around a bit.  Here's what I found:

Java[1] uses syntax like:
which is basically the same as that of C, with positional argument
specifiers.  Some examples:
    String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c);
    System.out.format("Local time: %tT", Calendar.getInstance());
    formatter.format("%4$2s %3$2s %2$2s %1$2s", "a", "b", "c", "d")
Classes can customize formatting for the 's' specifier by implementing
the Formattable interface, which provides a method:
    formatTo(Formatter fmt, int f, int width, int precision)
You can get formatted objects by calling:
* The format() methods on Formatter objects
* The format() methods on Strings
* The format() methods on System.out, System.err, etc.

.Net[2] uses syntax like:
with examples like:
    String.Format("{0:dddd MMMM}", DateTime.Now)
    Console.WriteLine("{0:C}", MyInt)
    String.Format("Name = {0}, hours = {1:hh}, minutes = {1:mm}",
          myName, DateTime.Now)
Classes can customize formatting for any specifier by implementing the
ICustomFormatter interface:
    Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
or the IFormattable interface:
    ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
You can get formatted objects by calling:
* The ToString method of an IFormattable instance
* The Format on Strings
* The Write and WriteLine methods of Console, TextWriter,
StreamWriter, etc. objects

I also briefly looked at Tcl/Tk[3], Common Dylan[4], OCaml[5] and
Ruby[6][7], which all appear to use C-style (or similar) formatting. 
I believe that Ruby, in addition to having printf and sprintf, also
uses the % operator like Python does.

This was a pretty small sample of languages (just the first few that
showed up in google), and I didn't really look at any of them other
than Java and .Net in much depth, so I've may have misunderstood some
of it.  That said, I think it's probably pretty reasonable to conclude
that C-style formatting is the choice of a lot of other languages. 
(Not to imply that it therefore needs to be the choice of Python.)

I understand one of the complaints about string formatting in Python
is having to write the "s" on things like "%(key)s".  I was hoping to
get some ideas for alternatives here, but I wasn't able to find any
dict-style insertion like in Python.  There were a few languages
(Java, Tcl) with the N$ positional-style insertion, but I don't think
that helps us much.

People have also been discussing a builtin format() function to
replace the current % operator.  Translating into Python the location
of the formatting operations in the languages above suggests the
following possibilities:

* Have all __str__() methods take additonal formatting arguments
* Add a format() builtin
* Add format() methods on str and unicode objects
* Add format() methods on all Python streams (files, sys.stdin, etc.)

Of course, these possibilities aren't mutually exclusive, but TOOWTDI
suggests that we probably shouldn't have too many of them.

If people know of other languages that have a different approach to
string formatting, it might be useful to see them.  BTW, I
intentionally didn't go into Perl's string formatting because I don't
know it that well, and figured there are people on this list much more
qualified than myself to present it.


You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From sdeibel at  Mon Sep  5 00:38:52 2005
From: sdeibel at (Stephan Deibel)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 18:38:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.62.0509041824180.4177@avocado>

On Sun, 4 Sep 2005, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> But more important to me are my own experiences exploring the
> boundaries of print.
> - I quite often come to a point in the evolution of a program where I
> need to change all print statements into logging calls, or calls into
> some other I/O or UI library. [...]

FWIW, this almost always happens to me.  Although I've learned to 
avoid print in most cases, it was a somewhat painful lesson that seems 
quite at odds with how the rest of Python is designed -- usually, 
stuff just works and you aren't led into such design traps.

- Stephan

From hawk78_it at  Mon Sep  5 00:38:23 2005
From: hawk78_it at (Vincenzo Di Massa)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 00:38:23 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] New Wiki page - PrintAsFunction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

This is my first post here.
I like python a lot: great job people!
Thank you!

Alle 10:28, sabato 03 settembre 2005, Ron Adam ha scritto:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I put up a Wiki page for the idea of replacing the print statement with
> > an easier to use builtin:
> >
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Nick.
> Looks like a good start, much better than just expressing opinions. :-)
> How about making it a class?

I like the object idea, really a lot!

> There are several advantages such as persistent separators and being
> able to have several different instances active at once.
> Cheers,
> Ron

I think savesep is unusefull.

import sys
class Print(object):
    newline =  '\n'
    sep = ' '
    def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout, println=""):
        self.out = out
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
        self._print(*args, **kwds)

    def printNOln(self, *args, **kwds):
            sep = kwds['sep']
        except KeyError:
            sep = self.sep
        for arg in args[:1]:
        for arg in args[1:]:
    def println(self, *args, **kwds):
        self.printNOln(*args, **kwds)

> # default "builtin" instance
> write = Print()   # could be print in place of write in python 3k.
> # standard printing
 write(1, 2, 3)
> # print without spaces
 write(1, 2, 3, sep='')
> # print comma separated
 write(1, 2, 3, sep=', ')
> # or
> write.sep = ', '    # remain until changed
> write(1, 2, 3)
> write(4, 5, 6)
> write.sep = ' '
> # print without trailing newline
> write(1, 2, 3)
> # print to a different stream
> printerr = Print(sys.stderr)
printerr(1, 2, 3)
> # print a simple sequence
> # Print a generator expression
write(*(x*x for x in range(10)))
> # print to file
> f = open('printout.txt','w')
> fileprint = Print(f)
> fileprint("hello world\n")
> f.close()

Does this look good?

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From tjreedy at  Mon Sep  5 01:25:23 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 19:25:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><8328163536998793998@unknownmsgid>
Message-ID: <dffvp4$k99$>

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
news:ca471dc20509040859441cc1dc at
> Summarizing, my main problems with print as a statement are the
> transformations -- when print doesn't cut it, you have to switch to
> something entirely different. If it were a function the switch would
> feel much smoother. I find that important: things that are
> conceptually related should be syntactically related (within the realm
> of common sense, as always).

Letting go of my attachment to the status quo, I see a couple of reasons to 
make print syntactically a function that I had not noticed before.

1. In C, for instance, *all* I/O is done with functions.  In Python, 
*almost all* I/O constructs are functions, but with one exception.  This 
makes the language slightly harder to learn.  Many newbies
expect uniformity and many have posted code treating print as a function by 
adding the currently unneeded parentheses.  They have to be taught the 

2. I/O constructs carry with them assumptions about the environment or 
peripherals of the computatonal entity.  Print, in particular, assumes the 
presence of a special default character display device (ok, a stdout char 
stream).  Making print a syntax contruct builds that assumption into the 
syntax.  That violates separation of concern principles and makes Python 
slightly harder to port to systems for which that assumption is not true 
and for which 'print' might even be meaningless.

So I disagree that printing lines of text is fundamental to computation as 
such.  It is certainly no more fundamental than input.  And I notice that 
no one has suggested that (raw)input should be turned into a statement ;-).

Terry J. Reedy

From jepler at  Mon Sep  5 01:38:08 2005
From: jepler at (
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 18:38:08 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

According to RFC 2396[1] section 5.2:

      g) If the resulting buffer string still begins with one or more
         complete path segments of "..", then the reference is
         considered to be in error.  Implementations may handle this
         error by retaining these components in the resolved path (i.e.,
         treating them as part of the final URI), by removing them from
         the resolved path (i.e., discarding relative levels above the
         root), or by avoiding traversal of the reference.

If I read this right, it explicitly allows the urlparse.urljoin behavior
("handle this error by retaining these components in the resolved path").

Also see C.2. Abnormal Examples.

   In practice, some implementations strip leading relative symbolic
   elements (".", "..") after applying a relative URI calculation, based
   on the theory that compensating for obvious author errors is better
   than allowing the request to fail.  Thus, the above two references
   will be interpreted as "http://a/g" by some implementations.

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From radeex at  Mon Sep  5 02:34:00 2005
From: radeex at (Christopher Armstrong)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 10:34:00 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Asynchronous use of Traceback objects
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> Christopher Armstrong <radeex at> writes:
> > I had the idea to create a fake Traceback object in Python that
> > doesn't hold references to any frame objects, but is still able to be
> > passed to 'raise' and formatted as tracebacks are, etc. Unfortunately,
> > raise does a type check on its third argument and, besides, it seems
> > the traceback formatting functions are very reliant on the internal
> > structure of traceback objects, so that didn't work.
> An option you may not have considered is to ditch the C code that
> formats tracebacks and always use (this has a few obvious
> problems -- what do you do if fails to import, what if
> formatting the traceback raises an error -- but nothing too
> horrendous, I think).
> Less duplication and less C code are always good things (IMHO, at
> least).

The problem is, I can't tell Python to use to format
specifically these tracebacks. Or are you suggesting replacing all of
Python's internal traceback printing stuff with I think
that's a great idea, and it's what I assumed happened before I found
these C-coded printing routines. On the other hand, that has the same
problem that the "change to python attribute access" has, specifically
that it *requires* a change to CPython itself, and can't be done in an
extension module. But that's a purely selfish concern. :)

I'm pretty close to getting the extension module that constructs
frames, but I'm dealing with segfaults now. Man, PyFrame_New does some
weird stuff. :) I may try for another day to get the extension module
working, then perhaps give up and try on one of the hacking-CPython

> > One concern is that I really don't like requiring C modules to use
> > Twisted; all of the ones currently in there are optional.
> Well, presumably this is optional too -- you only need it if you want
> informative tracebacks...

Yes, that's true.

  Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
   Radix    |    --
            |  Release Manager, Twisted Project
  \\\V///   |    --
   |o O|    |  

From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep  5 02:39:15 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:39:15 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Meyer, Tony wrote:

> "print" is the best example I can think of for "practicality beats purity".  
> Writing to stdout is as common in the code I write as loops - it's worth 
> keeping such basic functionality as elegant, simple, easy to understand, 
> and easy to use as possible.

If writing to stdout easily were the only goal, it could
be achieved by making stdout a builtin and using

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep  5 02:42:59 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:42:59 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <df8llr$4lj$>
References: <>
	<> <df8llr$4lj$>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Holden wrote:

> Since Python strings *can* contain embedded NULs, doesn't that rather 
> poo on the idea of passing pointers to their data to C functions as 
> things stand?

If a Python function is clearly wrapping a C function,
one doesn't expect to be able to pass strings with
embedded NULs to it.

Just because a Python string can contain embedded NULs
doesn't mean it makes sense to use such strings in all

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep  5 03:53:01 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 13:53:01 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pascaloid print substitute (Replacement for print in
	Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Here's a non-statement print substitute that provides
space insertion and newline suppression, and as a bonus
it allows Pascal-style numeric formatting.

Usage examples:

   Print["The answer is", 42]
   Print["Tons of spam:", n:6]
   Print[x:5:2, "squared is", x*x:10:4]
   Print["One", "Two", ...]
   Print["Buckle my shoe"]


import sys

class PasFormat(object):

   def __init__(self, f):
     self.f = f

   def __getitem__(self, arg):
     #print "PasFormat.__getitem__:", arg
     if isinstance(arg, tuple):
       space = ""
       for item in arg:
         if item is Ellipsis:
         space = " "

   def _do(self, item):
     if isinstance(item, slice):
       value = item.start
       width = item.stop or 0
       decimals = item.step
       value = item
       width = 0
       decimals = None
     if decimals is not None:
       chars = "%*.*f" % (width, decimals, value)
       chars = "%*s" % (width, value)

Print = PasFormat(sys.stdout)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   n = 666
   x = 3.1415

   Print["The answer is", 42]
   Print["Tons of spam:", n:6]
   Print[x:5:2, "squared is", x*x:10:4]
   Print["One", "Two", ...]
   Print["Buckle my shoe"]


Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From foom at  Mon Sep  5 04:06:54 2005
From: foom at (James Y Knight)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 22:06:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 4, 2005, at 12:51 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 12:51, James Y Knight wrote:
>> On Sep 3, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>> So I think it's best to have two builtins:
>>> print(*args, **kws)
>>> printf(fmt, *args, **kws)
>> It seems pretty bogus to me to add a second builtin just to apply the
>> % operator for you. I've always really liked that Python doesn't have
>> separate xyzf functions, because formatting is an operation you can
>> do directly on the string and pass that to any function you like.
>> It's much cleaner...
> Actually, we probably only /need/ printf(), and certainly for C
> programmers (are there any of us left? ;), I think that would be a  
> small
> conceptual leap.  The motivation for keeping a non-formatting  
> version is
> for simple cases, and beginners -- both of which use cases should  
> not be
> dismissed.

No, we certainly don't /need/ printf(), as is well proven by its  
current absence. Having the operation of printing and the operation  
of string formatting be separated is good, because it means you can  
easily do either one without the other. I don't understand why you  
want to combine these two operations. If it's % you object to, then  
propose a fix for the actual problem: e.g. a "fmt" function for  
formatting strings. (Which I would also object to, because I don't  
believe % is a problem). But proposing "printf" just adds  
complication for no purpose. It leaves % as a "problem" and adds a  
new builtin which duplicates existing functionality.


From barry at  Mon Sep  5 04:07:18 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 22:07:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 22:08, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> > See a (very quick and very dirty ;) strawman that I just posted to the
> > wiki.  I think this has some interesting semantics, including the
> > ability to control the separator inline in a C++-like fashion.  The
> > writef() version also accepts string.Templates or %s-strings as its
> > first argument.  I'm not sure I like reserving 'to' and 'nl' keyword
> > arguments, and not having the ability to print Separator instances
> > directly, but OTOH maybe those aren't big deals.
> The latter problem is easily solved by calling str() at the point of the call
> so that write() never sees the actual Separator object. 

Good point.

> However, this 'inline'
> behaviour modification has always annoyed me in C++ - if you want this kind of
> control over the formatting, a format string is significantly clearer.

You're probably right about that.

> Separating the formatting out into a separate functions like this addresses
> your concern with the namespace conflict for 'to' and 'nl', and also makes the
> 'format' builtin more generally useful, as it can be used for cases other than
> direct output to a stream.

The downside being that you have to type more to get the behavior you
want.  It does have the advantage of solving the namespace problem.


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From barry at  Mon Sep  5 04:12:35 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 22:12:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 2005-09-04 at 11:59, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I agree that those are strong arguments, so please hear me out.

Thanks Guido, I think your arguments are powerful too.


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From barry at  Mon Sep  5 04:17:25 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 22:17:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 2005-09-04 at 22:06, James Y Knight wrote:

> No, we certainly don't /need/ printf(), as is well proven by its  
> current absence. Having the operation of printing and the operation  
> of string formatting be separated is good, because it means you can  
> easily do either one without the other. I don't understand why you  
> want to combine these two operations. If it's % you object to, then  
> propose a fix for the actual problem: e.g. a "fmt" function for  
> formatting strings. (Which I would also object to, because I don't  
> believe % is a problem). But proposing "printf" just adds  
> complication for no purpose. It leaves % as a "problem" and adds a  
> new builtin which duplicates existing functionality.

You can definitely argue about keeping formatting and print separate,
but I think Guido and others have explained the problems with %.  Also,
we already have precedence in format+print in the logging package.  I
actually think the logging provides a nice, fairly to use interface that
print-ng can be modeled on.


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From guido at  Mon Sep  5 04:32:45 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 19:32:45 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> You can definitely argue about keeping formatting and print separate,
> but I think Guido and others have explained the problems with %.

To reiterate, "%s" % x is unsafe if you aren't sure that x can't be a
tuple -- you'd have to write "%s" % (x,) if it can be one. Also,
print("%s %s" % (a, b)) looks a bit ugly with the irregular
punctuation. While I'm not going so far as to want a statement
dedicated to printing, I'm not against having some redundancy for such
an important piece of functionality.

> Also,
> we already have precedence in format+print in the logging package.  I
> actually think the logging provides a nice, fairly to use interface that
> print-ng can be modeled on.

Right. I just have one additional suggestion for the logging package
(not sure if it should apply to printf as well): if there's a problem
with the format operator, fall back to printing the format string
followed by the argument values (if any) without any formatting --
when logging, that's a much better thing to do than dying with an
exception. As I said, not sure if printf() should have the same
behavior; it's wort a try though.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From raymond.hettinger at  Mon Sep  5 05:14:35 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 23:14:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pascaloid print substitute (Replacement for print
 inPython 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002201c5b1c7$f19e0340$232dc797@oemcomputer>

>    Print["One", "Two", ...]
>    Print["Buckle my shoe"]

The ellipsis was a nice touch.


From nnorwitz at  Mon Sep  5 05:30:43 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 20:30:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] gdbinit problem
Message-ID: <>

break in gdbinit is apparently does not break a loop, but rather sets
a break point.  I don't know how to hit the break within lineno with a
simple test case.  Debugging pychecker with a C extension (matplotlib)
triggers it.

The only way I could see to fix it was by setting a continue flag and
testing it.  Does anyone know a better way to fix this problem?  A
patch is attached which fixes the problem for me, but I would rather
check in a better solution if one exists.

Any ideas?  Or should I just check in the attached patch.

more gory details.

after the patch, i get the expected results:

(gdb) pystack
./pychecker/ (573): _initModule
./pychecker/ (537): load
./pychecker/ (517): addModule
./pychecker/ (574): _initModule
./pychecker/ (537): load
./pychecker/ (517): addModule
./pychecker/ (574): _initModule
./pychecker/ (540): load
./pychecker/ (668): processFiles
./pychecker/ (721): main
./pychecker/ (741): ?

before the patch, i get this:

(gdb) pystack
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 1 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 2 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 3 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 4 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 5 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 6 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 7 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 8 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 9 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
584): _initModule
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 10 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 11 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 12 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 13 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 14 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 15 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 16 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 17 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
545): load
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 18 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 19 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 20 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 21 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
521): addModule
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 22 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 23 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
Breakpoint 24 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 25 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 26 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 27 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 28 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 29 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
584): _initModule
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 30 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 31 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 32 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 33 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 34 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 35 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 36 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 37 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
545): load
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 38 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 39 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 40 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 41 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
521): addModule
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 42 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 43 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 44 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 45 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 46 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 47 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
Breakpoint 48 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 49 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
584): _initModule
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 50 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 51 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 52 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 53 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 54 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 55 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
545): load
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 56 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 57 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 58 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 59 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
671): processFiles
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 60 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 61 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 62 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 63 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 64 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 65 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 66 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 67 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 68 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 69 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 70 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 71 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
Breakpoint 72 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 73 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
735): main
./pychecker/ (Breakpoint 74 at 0x455372: file
Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 75 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 76 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 77 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 78 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 79 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 80 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 81 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 82 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
Breakpoint 83 at 0x455372: file Objects/typeobject.c, line 2012.
796): ?
-------------- next part --------------
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Name: gdbinit-patch
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 986 bytes
Desc: not available
Url :

From barry at  Mon Sep  5 05:53:34 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 23:53:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 2005-09-04 at 22:32, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Right. I just have one additional suggestion for the logging package
> (not sure if it should apply to printf as well): if there's a problem
> with the format operator, fall back to printing the format string
> followed by the argument values (if any) without any formatting --
> when logging, that's a much better thing to do than dying with an
> exception. As I said, not sure if printf() should have the same
> behavior; it's wort a try though.

Cool idea, definitely worth a try.


-------------- next part --------------
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Size: 307 bytes
Desc: This is a digitally signed message part
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From p.f.moore at  Mon Sep  5 10:47:51 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 09:47:51 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On 9/3/05, Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> > Seems pretty weak to me.  Are there other args against?
> Sure. I made the mistake of thinking that everybody knew them.

Looks like I certainly didn't. These are good points, many of which I
had missed. I withdraw my objections to print-as-function.

These points should be added to the wiki. If no-one else gets to it,
I'll do so this evening.


From fredrik at  Mon Sep  5 12:14:52 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 12:14:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><df9mi2$uak$><><><><><><><><dfblfl$kia$>
Message-ID: <dfh5qt$40m$>

Steven Bethard wrote:
>> > Use the print() method of sys.stderr:
>> >
>> >    sys.stderr.print('error or help message')
>> so who's going to add print methods to all file-like objects?
> The same people that added __iter__(), next(), readline(), readlines()
> and writelines() to their file-like objects

who did that?

(you completely missed the point -- today's print mechanism works on *any* object
that implements a "write" method, no just file objects.  saying that "oh, all you need is
to add a method" or "here's a nice mixin" doesn't give you a print replacement)


From fredrik at  Mon Sep  5 13:55:20 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 13:55:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
References: <><><><>
Message-ID: <dfhbn8$m3e$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I also notice that _compile() is needlessly written as a varargs
> function -- all its uses pass it exactly two arguments.

that's because the function uses [1] the argument tuple as the cache key,
and I wanted to make the "cache hit" path as fast as possible.

(but that was back in the 1.6 days; things have changed a lot since then, so
maybe someone should benchmark some alternative ways to do this under


1) well, it used to use it.  the code was modified slightly in 2.3 to prepend
the type of the pattern string; not sure why, since 8-bit and unicode patterns
should be equivalent. 

From gmccaughan at  Mon Sep  5 14:57:34 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 13:57:34 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido wrote:

> > > They *are* cached and there is no cost to using the functions instead
> > > of the methods unless you have so many regexps in your program that
> > > the cache is cleared (the limit is 100).
> > 
> > Sure there is; the cost of looking them up in the cache.
> > So in this (highly artificial toy) application it's about 7.5/2.5 = 3 times
> > faster to use the methods instead of the functions.
> Yeah, but the cost is a constant -- it is not related to the cost of
> compiling the re.


>                   (You should've shown how much it cost if you
> included the compilation in each search.)

Why should I have? I don't dispute that the caching helps -- I bet it
helps a *lot*. I was just observing that it's not true that there's
"no cost to using the functions instead of the methods".

> I haven't looked into this, but I bet the overhead you're measuring is
> actually the extra Python function call, not the cache lookup itself.

Hmm, that's possible. But what matters in practice is how big
the cost of using"...","...") rather than compiling
once and using the RE object's search method is, not where it
comes from.


From fredrik at  Mon Sep  5 15:40:57 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 15:40:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
References: <><><><><>
Message-ID: <dfhht9$a16$>

Am I the only who are getting mails from "iextream at"
whenever I post to python-dev, btw?

My Korean (?) isn't that good, so I'm not sure what they want...


From tim.peters at  Mon Sep  5 16:50:56 2005
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 10:50:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs
In-Reply-To: <dfhht9$a16$>
References: <>
	<dfhbn8$m3e$> <dfhht9$a16$>
Message-ID: <>

[Fredrik Lundh]
> Am I the only who are getting mails from "iextream at"
> whenever I post to python-dev, btw?
> My Korean (?) isn't that good, so I'm not sure what they want...

Only thing I've seen from them is one post in the archives, on June 13:

Must be a secret admirer.

From guido at  Mon Sep  5 16:53:13 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 07:53:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] gdbinit problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz at> wrote:
> break in gdbinit is apparently does not break a loop, but rather sets
> a break point.  I don't know how to hit the break within lineno with a
> simple test case.  Debugging pychecker with a C extension (matplotlib)
> triggers it.
> The only way I could see to fix it was by setting a continue flag and
> testing it.  Does anyone know a better way to fix this problem?  A
> patch is attached which fixes the problem for me, but I would rather
> check in a better solution if one exists.
> Any ideas?  Or should I just check in the attached patch.

You're probably one of the two users. :-) So don't hesitate. If the
other user disagrees you two can fight it out in CVS. :)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From martin.blais at  Mon Sep  5 17:16:40 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 11:16:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.62.0509041824180.4177@avocado>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/4/05, Stephan Deibel <sdeibel at> wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Sep 2005, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > But more important to me are my own experiences exploring the
> > boundaries of print.
> >
> > - I quite often come to a point in the evolution of a program where I
> > need to change all print statements into logging calls, or calls into
> > some other I/O or UI library. [...]
> FWIW, this almost always happens to me.  Although I've learned to
> avoid print in most cases, it was a somewhat painful lesson that seems
> quite at odds with how the rest of Python is designed -- usually,
> stuff just works and you aren't led into such design traps.

Happened to me too.

However, there is an easy way out: hijack sys.stdout to forward to
your logger system.
I've got a web application framework that's setup like that right now,
it works great (if you will not need the original print-to-stdout
anymore in your program, that is).  I print, it goes to the logfile. 
You just have to be careful where--in time-- you replace sys.stdout.


From gmccaughan at  Mon Sep  5 17:48:13 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 16:48:13 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting options and removing
	basestring.__mod__ (WAS: Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> If people know of other languages that have a different approach to
> string formatting, it might be useful to see them.

Common Lisp has something broadly C-like but bigger and hairier.
It includes powerful-but-confusing looping and conditional
features, letting you say things like

    (format t "~{~^, ~A~}" 1 2 3 "wombat")
which produces
    1, 2, 3, wombat

or -- you may wish to be sitting down before reading further --

    (format t "~#[nothing~;~S~;~S and ~S~:;~@{~#[~; and~] ~S~^ ,~}~]." 1 2 3 "wombat")
which produces
    1, 2, 3, and wombat
and also does the Right Thing with 0, 1 or 2 items. (The first
argument to FORMAT, in case you were wondering, determines where
the output should go. Feeding in T, as here, sends it to stdout.
You can also give it an arbitrary stream, or NIL to return the
formatted result as a string.)

For the impressive and horrifying full story, see

Most of the features of CL's formatted output are probably,
shall we say, inappropriate for Python. It might still be worth
a look, to see if there's anything under the rococo exterior
that would fit.


Some languages have "picture" formats, where the structure
of the format string more closely mimics that of the desired
output. (This is true, e.g., of some Basics and of one variety
of Perl output.) The trouble with this is that it limits how
much information you can provide about *how* each value is
to be formatted within the available space.


C++'s << operator represents another way to do formatted
output. I regard it as an object lesson in bad design.


From gmccaughan at  Mon Sep  5 17:52:42 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 16:52:42 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting options and removing
	basestring.__mod__ (WAS: Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I wrote:

> C++'s << operator represents another way to do formatted
> output. I regard it as an object lesson in bad design.

... and should add: Of course it's usually seen as being about
output more than about formatting, but in fact if you want
to do what Python does with "%", C with "sprintf" and
Common Lisp with (format nil ...) then the Right Thing in C++
(in so far as that exists) is usually to use << with a string


From edcjones at  Mon Sep  5 18:04:33 2005
From: edcjones at (Edward C. Jones)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:04:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Example for "property" violates "Python is not a one
	pass compiler"
Message-ID: <>

Here is an example from the "Python Library Reference", Section 2.1 
"Built-in Functions":

class C(object):
     def getx(self): return self.__x
     def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
     def delx(self): del self.__x
     x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")

It works. But if I put the property statement first:

class C(object):
     x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
     def getx(self): return self.__x
     def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
     def delx(self): del self.__x

I get the error:
     NameError: name 'getx' is not defined

Does this violate the principle "Python is not a one pass compiler"? 
Normally I can use any method of a class anywhere in the definition of 
the class.

From solipsis at  Mon Sep  5 18:07:21 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 18:07:21 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting and i18n
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le lundi 05 septembre 2005 ? 16:52 +0100, Gareth McCaughan a ?crit :
> ... and should add: Of course it's usually seen as being about
> output more than about formatting, but in fact if you want
> to do what Python does with "%", C with "sprintf" and
> Common Lisp with (format nil ...) then the Right Thing in C++
> (in so far as that exists) is usually to use << with a string
> stream.

Uh, what about internationalization (i18n) ?
In i18n you can't avoid the need for parameterized strings.
For example I want to write :
	_("The file '%s' is read only") % filename
not :
	_("The file") + " '" + filename + "' " + _("is read only")

because the splitting in the second form will not translate correctly
into other languages. You *have* to supply the whole non-splitted
sentence to the translators.

The bottom line, IMHO, is that there are frequent uses that mandate a
nice and easy to use formatting operator. Python has it, let's not
remove it.



From pje at  Mon Sep  5 18:12:33 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:12:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Example for "property" violates "Python is not a
 one pass compiler"
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:04 PM 9/5/2005 -0400, Edward C. Jones wrote:
>Normally I can use any method of a class anywhere in the definition of
>the class.

Not true.  You can certainly use any method of a class in any *functions* 
or methods defined in the body of the class.  But you can't use them in the 
body of the class before they're defined, any more than you can subclass a 
class that doesn't exist yet.

I'm not sure where you got the "Python is not a one pass compiler" idea; I 
don't recall having seen this meme anywhere before, and I don't see how 
it's meaningful anyway.

From fredrik at  Mon Sep  5 18:14:37 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 18:14:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Example for "property" violates "Python is not a
	onepass compiler"
References: <>
Message-ID: <dfhqt4$81c$>

Edward C. Jones write:

> Here is an example from the "Python Library Reference", Section 2.1
> "Built-in Functions":
> class C(object):
>     def getx(self): return self.__x
>     def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
>     def delx(self): del self.__x
>     x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
> It works. But if I put the property statement first:
> class C(object):
>     x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
>     def getx(self): return self.__x
>     def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
>     def delx(self): del self.__x
> I get the error:
>     NameError: name 'getx' is not defined
> Does this violate the principle "Python is not a one pass compiler"?

this has nothing to do with compilation; class objects are created by
executing the code inside the class block.  that code is only executed
once (when the class statement itself is executed).

> Normally I can use any method of a class anywhere in the definition of
> the class.

nope.  you can use a method name inside a method that will be
*executed* at a *later* time, but you cannot refer to names that
hasn't been defined yet.

(if you don't intuitively understand this, you need to read up on
how namespaces work and how they are populated)


From barry at  Mon Sep  5 18:47:04 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 12:47:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting and i18n
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 12:07, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

> Uh, what about internationalization (i18n) ?
> In i18n you can't avoid the need for parameterized strings.
> For example I want to write :
> 	_("The file '%s' is read only") % filename
> not :
> 	_("The file") + " '" + filename + "' " + _("is read only")
> because the splitting in the second form will not translate correctly
> into other languages. You *have* to supply the whole non-splitted
> sentence to the translators.

Actually, this was part of the motivation behind PEP 292 and Template
strings, because what you really want is named parameters, not
positional parameters:

'The file $filename in directory $dir is read only'

There are a few techniques for getting full i18n for Template strings.


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From sdeibel at  Mon Sep  5 18:56:59 2005
From: sdeibel at (Stephan Deibel)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 12:56:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.62.0509051251400.4137@avocado>

On Mon, 5 Sep 2005, Martin Blais wrote:
> However, there is an easy way out: hijack sys.stdout to forward to
> your logger system.
> I've got a web application framework that's setup like that right now,
> it works great (if you will not need the original print-to-stdout
> anymore in your program, that is).  I print, it goes to the logfile. 
> You just have to be careful where--in time-- you replace sys.stdout.

Sure, and indeed I've done that often enough but it's kind of ugly and 
doesn't help if you merge bodies of code where some stuff should go to 
a log, some to stdout, some elsewhere.

Hmm, maybe I'd end up avoiding the builtin print() as well, or at 
least need to pass around the stream where I want output.  The general 
problem of not tying code to a particular output stream is what I'm 
reacting to.

- Stephan

From gmccaughan at  Mon Sep  5 18:57:53 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 17:57:53 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting and i18n
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 2005-09-05 17:07, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

> Le lundi 05 septembre 2005 ? 16:52 +0100, Gareth McCaughan a ?crit :
> > ... and should add: Of course it's usually seen as being about
> > output more than about formatting, but in fact if you want
> > to do what Python does with "%", C with "sprintf" and
> > Common Lisp with (format nil ...) then the Right Thing in C++
> > (in so far as that exists) is usually to use << with a string
> > stream.
> Uh, what about internationalization (i18n) ?
> In i18n you can't avoid the need for parameterized strings.
> For example I want to write :
> 	_("The file '%s' is read only") % filename
> not :
> 	_("The file") + " '" + filename + "' " + _("is read only")
> because the splitting in the second form will not translate correctly
> into other languages. You *have* to supply the whole non-splitted
> sentence to the translators.

Yes. If you think I was arguing the opposite, then I failed to
communicate clearly and I apologize.

> The bottom line, IMHO, is that there are frequent uses that mandate a
> nice and easy to use formatting operator. Python has it, let's not
> remove it.

It's clear (I think) that a good way of formatting strings is
necessary. It's less clear what the best way is. Python's % is
pretty good; perhaps it's possible to do even better.

For instance, take your I18N example. Not all languages have the
same word order, as you've observed. When there's more than one
parameter, Python's %-interpolation isn't enough in general;
you'd need something that can reorder the parameters. I don't
know whether this is worth complicating string formatting for,
but it's not obvious that it isn't.


From s.percivall at  Mon Sep  5 20:04:07 2005
From: s.percivall at (Simon Percivall)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 20:04:07 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.62.0509051251400.4137@avocado>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 sep 2005, at 18.56, Stephan Deibel wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Sep 2005, Martin Blais wrote:
>> However, there is an easy way out: hijack sys.stdout to forward to
>> your logger system.
>> I've got a web application framework that's setup like that right  
>> now,
>> it works great (if you will not need the original print-to-stdout
>> anymore in your program, that is).  I print, it goes to the logfile.
>> You just have to be careful where--in time-- you replace sys.stdout.
> Sure, and indeed I've done that often enough but it's kind of ugly and
> doesn't help if you merge bodies of code where some stuff should go to
> a log, some to stdout, some elsewhere.
> Hmm, maybe I'd end up avoiding the builtin print() as well, or at
> least need to pass around the stream where I want output.  The general
> problem of not tying code to a particular output stream is what I'm
> reacting to.

Easy, just always print to a file-like object when you think you  
might have
to switch destination later, and control the output from there:

class Out:
     def write(self, text):
         # switch to logging here, or something

out = Out()

print >>out, "I won't have to change this statement at all!"

Print being a statement or a function doesn't matter in this case.  
replacing is a bitch either way.


From pinard at  Mon Sep  5 20:10:18 2005
From: pinard at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 14:10:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting and i18n
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Barry Warsaw]

> Actually, this was part of the motivation behind PEP 292 and Template
> strings, because what you really want is named parameters, not
> positional parameters:

> 'The file $filename in directory $dir is read only'

> There are a few techniques for getting full i18n for Template strings.


  "The file %(filename)s in directory %(dir)s is read only" % vars()

is already usable.  The need being already filled without Template
strings, it could hardly be presented as a motivation for them. :-)

Fran?ois Pinard

From barry at  Mon Sep  5 20:27:25 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 14:27:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting and i18n
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 14:10, Fran?ois Pinard wrote:

>   "The file %(filename)s in directory %(dir)s is read only" % vars()
> is already usable.  The need being already filled without Template
> strings, it could hardly be presented as a motivation for them. :-)

Except that IME, %(var)s is an error-prone construct for translators.


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From antoine at  Mon Sep  5 21:20:27 2005
From: antoine at (Antoine)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 21:20:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev]  Re: string formatting and i18n
Message-ID: <1125948027.6074.15.camel@fsol>

> Yes. If you think I was arguing the opposite, then I failed to
> communicate clearly and I apologize.

Actually, I didn't interpret your message like that, but as I had
already seen that proposal (to suppress string formatting), I thought it
would be the right time to react ;)

> For instance, take your I18N example. Not all languages have the
> same word order, as you've observed. When there's more than one
> parameter, Python's %-interpolation isn't enough in general;
> you'd need something that can reorder the parameters. I don't
> know whether this is worth complicating string formatting for,
> but it's not obvious that it isn't.

Well, I totally agree. I think it could be nice to both:
- introduce positional formatting : "%1", "%2"...
- make type specification optional, since Python can figure out the type
by itself and use the right method; you would only specify the type when
you want to have a different formatting (for example, for floats, you
could use "%g2" instead of "%2" which would be equivalent to "%f2")



                                      ? On dit que p?trir c'est modeler,
                                   Moi je dis que p?ter c'est d?molir. ?

From kay.schluehr at  Mon Sep  5 22:09:00 2005
From: kay.schluehr at (Kay Schluehr)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 22:09:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <dfi8kq$irv$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I see two different ways to support the two most-called-for additional
> requirements: (a) an option to avoid the trailing newline, (b) an
> option to avoid the space between items.
> One way would be to give the print() call additional keyword
> arguments. For example, sep="//" would print double slashes between
> the items, and sep="" would concatenate the items directly. And
> end="\r\n" could be used to change the newline delimiter to CRLF,
> while end="" would mean to suppress the newline altogther.
> But to me that API becomes rather klunky; I'd rather have a separate
> function (printbare() or write()?) that just writes its arguments as
> strings to sys.stdout (or to the file given with a keyword argument)
> without intervening spaces or trailing newline. 

I guess there are three options:

a) keyword arguments
b) distributing similar functionality over several functions
c) using an object for configuration

In case a) I miss some visual clue. That's mostly because an arbitrary 
string is passed to print(). For this reason I like the current print 
statement in it's simplicity.

b) maybe the least extendable solution but can be mixed with a) if

c) is the most heavyweight solution, but can encapsulate options and is

 >>> Writer(sep="//").print("some","text")


writer = Writer(sep="//", file=sys.stderr)
writer.print("another","error text")

A bare print() can be considered as a call to some default_writer. 
Substituting the default_writer by some custom Writer object may replace 
the default configuration, which should be easily resetable:

 >>> Writer.default_writer = Writer(sep="//")
 >>> print("some","error-text")
 >>> Writer.reset()
 >>> print("some","error-text")
some error-text

I think that reduces the weight of the object solution and enables all 
kind of configurations as user defined default. A lightweight print() is 
still possible:

The print() function would be implemented like this:

def print(*args):

I appreciate very much functions that are just shortcuts for certain 

For consistency reasons the function write() may be a better name choice 
then print(), but also a different name for Writer() would be an option 
in case of c).


From guido at  Tue Sep  6 02:52:01 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 17:52:01 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <dfi8kq$irv$>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/5/05, Kay Schluehr <kay.schluehr at> wrote:
> [...] is the most heavyweight solution, but can encapsulate options and is
> reusable:
>  >>> Writer(sep="//").print("some","text")
> some//text
> or
> writer = Writer(sep="//", file=sys.stderr)
> writer.print("some","error-text")
> writer.print("another","error text")

I am disappointed to see several proposals plunge into this type of
generality (no matter how cool it is in its application of OO design
patterns) without asking whether there is a need. Look at the example
-- it is completely useless. I only made it up so that I could present
the simpler version; I didn't have a use case myself for arbitrary

My hypothesis is that there are actually only two use cases that
matter enough to be supported directly:

(a) quickly print a bunch of items with spaces in between them and a
trailing newline

(b) print one or more items with precise control over each character

If there are other use cases they can obviously be coded by using (b)
and a modest amount of custom code. (I know there's the use case of
printing sequences; I'll try to give an analysis of this use case in
another post if one of its proponents doesn't do so soon.)

An additional use case that I am willing to entertain because there is
a lot of prior art (like Python's logging package, Bill Janssen's
note(), and of course many other languages) is format-directed
printing. This can of course be reduced to use case (b) using the
str.% operator, but it is common enough to at least *consider*
providing a direct solution which avoids the pitfalls of the %
operator. Call this use case (c).

Interesting, use case (b) can also easily be reduced to use case (c)!


In a different thread I mentioned a design principle for which I have
no catchy name, but which has often helped me design better APIs. One
way to state it is to say that instead of a single "swiss-army-knife"
function with various options that choose different behavior variants,
it's better to have different dedicated functions for each of the
major functionality types. So let's call it the "Swiss Army Knife
(...Not)" API design pattern.

There are a number of reasons why this API design  is often better.
These aren't quite the same reasons why a real life Swiss Army knife
is often inferior to individual tools, if you have them available, so
the analogy isn't perfect. (So sue me. :-)

* It reduces the number of parameters, which reduces the cognitive
overhead for the human reader. (It also reduces function call overhead
some; but that's not the main reason.)

* It puts the hint about the specific variant functionality at the
front rather than at the end, so it is less likely overlooked.

* If one variant is much more common than others, it is easier to
learn just that behavior.

* In the (common) case where the options are Booleans, it's often
confusing whether True or False switches a particular behavior on or
off (especially if they are allowed to be specified as positional

* A good test to discover that you should have used this pattern is
when you find that the argument specifying a particular option is a
constant at every call site (perhaps excluding API wrappers). This is
a hint that the different variants of the functionality are catering
to different use cases; often you'll find that substituting a
different variant behavior just wouldn't work because the use that is
made of the returned value expects a specific variant.

Some examples of the design pattern in action are str.strip(),
str.lstrip() and str.rstrip(), or str.find() and str.rfind().

A much stronger subcase of this pattern (with fewer exceptions) is
that the return type of a function shouldn't depend on the value of an
argument. I have a feeling that if we were to extend the notion of
type to include invariants, you'd find that the basic pattern is
actually the same -- often the variant behaviors change the key
invariant relationships between input and output.


OK, still with me? This, together with the observation that the only
use cases for the delimiter are space and no space, suggests that we
should have separate printing APIs for each of the use cases (a), (b)
and (c) above, rather than trying to fold (b) into (a) using a way to
parameterize the separator (and the trailing newline, to which the
same argument applies). For example:

(a) print(...)
(b) printraw(...) or printbare(...)
(c) printf(fmt, ...)

Each can take a keyword parameter to specify a different stream than
sys.stdout; but no other options are needed. The names for (a) and (c)
are pretty much fixed by convention (and by the clamoring when I
proposed write() :-). I'm not so sure about the best name for (b), but
I think picking the right name is important.

We could decide not to provide (b) directly, since it is easily
reduced to (c) using an appropriate format string ("%s" times the
number of arguments). But I expect that use case (b) is pretty
important, and not everyone likes having to use format strings. This
could be reduced to a special case of the Swiss Army Knife (...Not)

BTW we could use "from __future__ import printing" to disable the
recognition of 'print' as a keyword in a particular module -- this
would provide adequate future-proofing.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From barry at  Tue Sep  6 04:24:09 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 22:24:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 20:52, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> We could decide not to provide (b) directly, since it is easily
> reduced to (c) using an appropriate format string ("%s" times the
> number of arguments). But I expect that use case (b) is pretty
> important, and not everyone likes having to use format strings. This
> could be reduced to a special case of the Swiss Army Knife (...Not)
> rule.

I'm not sure.  I do agree with your design principles (though I might
call it "Sometime's a Spoon's Just a Spoon" ;) but thinking about my own
uses of print, I think we could easily get away with just (a) and (c). 
I think someone else felt the same way in an earlier response to my
strawman, pointing out that the inline Separator instances wasn't really
any more usable than just degenerating to the format string version. 
There's no doubt that the format string approach gives you direct
control over every character.

Eliminating the newline argument from print() would reduce the number of
reserved keyword arguments in my strawman by half.  Maybe we could even
rename 'to' to '__to__' (!) to eliminate the other namespace wart.  Is
this really too horrible:

print('$user forgot to frobnicate the $file!\n',
      user=username,, __to__=sys.stderr)

> BTW we could use "from __future__ import printing" to disable the
> recognition of 'print' as a keyword in a particular module -- this
> would provide adequate future-proofing.


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From skip at  Tue Sep  6 04:40:10 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:40:10 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Neil> In interactive mode, you are normally interested in the values of
    Neil> things, not their formatting so it does the right thing. 

    >>> class Dumb:
    ...   def __init__(self, val):
    ...     self.val = val
    ...   def __str__(self):
    ...     return "<Dumb val=%s>" % self.val
    >>> d = Dumb(5)
    >>> d
    <__main__.Dumb instance at 0x11042d8>
    >>> print d
    <Dumb val=5>

It's just repr() vs. str(), but the difference can be significant in many


From skip at  Tue Sep  6 04:46:22 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:46:22 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df8llr$4lj$>
Message-ID: <>

    Greg> If a Python function is clearly wrapping a C function, one doesn't
    Greg> expect to be able to pass strings with embedded NULs to it.

Isn't that just floating an implementation detail up to the programmer (who may
well not be POSIX- or Unix-aware)?

From skip at  Tue Sep  6 04:49:37 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:49:37 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] gdbinit problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Neal> The only way I could see to fix it was by setting a continue flag
    Neal> and testing it.  Does anyone know a better way to fix this
    Neal> problem?  

Certainly looks reasonable until we figure out how (if at all) GDB's command
language implements a break-like statement.


From steve at  Tue Sep  6 05:34:38 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 23:34:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
	<df8llr$4lj$>	<>
Message-ID: <dfj2od$a8k$>

skip at wrote:
>     Greg> If a Python function is clearly wrapping a C function, one doesn't
>     Greg> expect to be able to pass strings with embedded NULs to it.
> Isn't that just floating an implementation detail up to the programmer (who may
> well not be POSIX- or Unix-aware)?

As far as I'm concerned it is, yes. Until this thread highlighted it I 
hadn't really considered this issue. It's a bit ugly that C extensions 
won't handle the full range of strings that pure python code will, but 
it's a typically pragmatic Python solution, so I'm not about to start a 
war about it.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

From bcannon at  Tue Sep  6 06:01:20 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:01:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/5/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 20:52, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > We could decide not to provide (b) directly, since it is easily
> > reduced to (c) using an appropriate format string ("%s" times the
> > number of arguments). But I expect that use case (b) is pretty
> > important, and not everyone likes having to use format strings. This
> > could be reduced to a special case of the Swiss Army Knife (...Not)
> > rule.
> I'm not sure.  I do agree with your design principles (though I might
> call it "Sometime's a Spoon's Just a Spoon" ;) but thinking about my own
> uses of print, I think we could easily get away with just (a) and (c).
> I think someone else felt the same way in an earlier response to my
> strawman, pointing out that the inline Separator instances wasn't really
> any more usable than just degenerating to the format string version.
> There's no doubt that the format string approach gives you direct
> control over every character.
> Eliminating the newline argument from print() would reduce the number of
> reserved keyword arguments in my strawman by half.  Maybe we could even
> rename 'to' to '__to__' (!) to eliminate the other namespace wart.  Is
> this really too horrible:
> print('$user forgot to frobnicate the $file!\n',
>       user=username,, __to__=sys.stderr)

If I something stupid, I apologize; I have been swamped with
orientation stuff while this entire discussion has been going on and
so I am sure I have missed some of the finer details.

I like the way the above works, but ``print(username, "forgot to
frobicate the",`` just seems nicer for simple output.  I do
agree that there is a need for simple and formatted versions of print
and that controlled output of numbers is important.  And I  also like
the $ formatting so I wished there was a way to take what Barry did
above but be able to do formatting, like ``${num:0.6f}`` or something
and have that be the formatting version and just have the default be a
call on str() for the substitution.

> > BTW we could use "from __future__ import printing" to disable the
> > recognition of 'print' as a keyword in a particular module -- this
> > would provide adequate future-proofing.
> +1

+1 from me as well.


From ironfroggy at  Tue Sep  6 06:21:48 2005
From: ironfroggy at (Calvin Spealman)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 00:21:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> [Charles Cazabon]
> > >> Perhaps py3k could have a py2compat module.  Importing it could have the
> > >> effect of (for instance) putting compile, id, and intern into the global
> > >> namespace, making print an alias for writeln,
> [Greg Ewing]
> > > There's no way importing a module could add something that
> > > works like the old print statement, unless some serious
> > > magic is going on...
> [Reinhold Birkenfeld]
> > You'd have to enclose print arguments in parentheses. Of course, the "trailing
> > comma" form would be lost.
> And good riddance! The print statement harks back to ABC and even
> (unvisual) Basic. Out with it!
> A transitional strategy could be to start designing the new API and
> introduce it in Python 2.x. Here's my strawman:
> (1) Add two new methods the the stream (file) API and extend write():
> stream.write(a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to map(stream.write, map(str,
> [a1, a2, ...]))
> stream.writeln(a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to stream.write(a1, a2, ..., "\n")
> stream.writef(fmt, a1, a2, ...) -- equivalent to stream.write(fmt %
> (a1, a2, ...))
> (2) Add builtin functions write(), writeln(), writef() that call the
> corresponding method on sys.stdout. (Note: these should not just be
> the bound methods; assignment to sys.stdout should immediately affect
> those, just like for print. There's an important use case for this.)
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:

There is a lot of debate over this issue, obviously. Now, I think
getting rid of the print statement can lead to ugly code, because a
write function would be called as an expression, so where we'd once
have prints on their own lines, that wouldn't be the case anymore, and
things could get ugly. But, print is a little too inflexible.
What about adding a special name __print__, which the print statement
would call? It should be looked up as a local first, then global.
Thus, different parts of a program can define their own __print__,
without changing everyone else's stdout. The Python web people would
love that.

From guido at  Tue Sep  6 06:46:04 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:46:04 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/5/05, Calvin Spealman <ironfroggy at> wrote:
> There is a lot of debate over this issue, obviously. Now, I think
> getting rid of the print statement can lead to ugly code, because a
> write function would be called as an expression, so where we'd once
> have prints on their own lines, that wouldn't be the case anymore, and
> things could get ugly.

Sounds like FUD to me. Lots of functions/methods exist that *could* be
embedded in expressions, and never are. Or if they are, there's
actually a good reason, and then being a mere function (instead of a
statement) would actually be helpful. Anyway, why would it be
important that prints are on their own line where so many other
important actions don't have that privilege?

> But, print is a little too inflexible.
> What about adding a special name __print__, which the print statement
> would call? It should be looked up as a local first, then global.
> Thus, different parts of a program can define their own __print__,
> without changing everyone else's stdout. The Python web people would
> love that.

Too many underscores; __print__ screams "internal use, don't mess" at you.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Tue Sep  6 06:56:34 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:56:34 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/5/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> Eliminating the newline argument from print() would reduce the number of
> reserved keyword arguments in my strawman by half.  Maybe we could even
> rename 'to' to '__to__' (!) to eliminate the other namespace wart.  Is
> this really too horrible:
> print('$user forgot to frobnicate the $file!\n',
>       user=username,, __to__=sys.stderr)

Yes, it is too horrible. As I said in another post, __xyzzy__ screams
"special internal use, don't mess with this".

I don't think the namespace wart is really a problem though; it's
simple enough *not* to use 'to' as a variable name in the format.

Didn't you mean printf()? (Though I think if the format string doesn't
roughly follow C's format string conventions the function shouldn't be
called printf().)

What do you think of the trick (that I wasn't aware of before) used in
Java and .net of putting an optional position specifier in the format,
and using positional arguments? It would be a little less verbose and
with sensible defaults wouldn't quite punish everybody as much for the
needs of i18n. Formats with more than 3 or 4 variables should be rare
in any case (these are not the days of Fortran formatted output).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Tue Sep  6 06:57:41 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:57:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] gdbinit problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/5/05, skip at <skip at> wrote:
>     Neal> The only way I could see to fix it was by setting a continue flag
>     Neal> and testing it.  Does anyone know a better way to fix this
>     Neal> problem?
> Certainly looks reasonable until we figure out how (if at all) GDB's command
> language implements a break-like statement.

Ah. Now you've heard from the other user. :-)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tanzer at  Tue Sep  6 08:33:31 2005
From: tanzer at (
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 08:33:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 05 Sep 2005 21:56:34 PDT."
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> What do you think of the trick (that I wasn't aware of before)
> used in Java and .net of putting an optional position specifier
> in the format, and using positional arguments? It would be a
> little less verbose and with sensible defaults wouldn't quite
> punish everybody as much for the needs of i18n. Formats with more
> than 3 or 4 variables should be rare in any case (these are not
> the days of Fortran formatted output).

Positional arguments remove too much meaning from the template.


  '$user forgot to frobnicate the $file!\n'


  '$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n'

Whenever the template definition and its use are not directly
adjacent, the template is that much harder to understand (i.e.,
in the context of translation, one wouldn't see the arguments
passed to the template).
Christian Tanzer                          

From fredrik at  Tue Sep  6 10:04:37 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 10:04:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
References: <><><>
Message-ID: <dfjiil$bpl$>

skip at wrote:

>    Greg> If a Python function is clearly wrapping a C function, one doesn't
>    Greg> expect to be able to pass strings with embedded NULs to it.
> Isn't that just floating an implementation detail up to the programmer (who may
> well not be POSIX- or Unix-aware)?

so if POSIX refuses to deal with, e.g., NUL bytes in file names, Python should
somehow work around that to avoid "exposing implementation details" ?


From nicksjacobson at  Tue Sep  6 10:57:32 2005
From: nicksjacobson at (Nick Jacobson)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 01:57:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
Message-ID: <>

While we're on the subject of Python 3000, what's the
chance that reference counting when calling C
functions from Python will go away?

To me this is one of the few annoyances I have with
Python.  I know that Ruby somehow gets around the need
for ref. counting.

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From ncoghlan at  Tue Sep  6 12:44:19 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 20:44:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
	<>	<>	<dfi8kq$irv$>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 > If there are other use cases they can obviously be coded by using (b)
 > and a modest amount of custom code. (I know there's the use case of
 > printing sequences; I'll try to give an analysis of this use case in
 > another post if one of its proponents doesn't do so soon.)

I did a fair bit of tinkering with that on the weekend. Printing a sequence of 
strings is fine - it's the call to "map(str, seq)" that makes printing a 
sequence of non-strings uglier than it should be. Doing it that way also 
breaks the Python idiom of letting unicode remain as unicode.

However, one thing I eventually remembered was a discussion about a year ago 
regarding the possibility of allowing str.join and unicode.join to accept 
non-strings [1].

That discussion ended up leaving the join methods alone, because it is damn 
hard to do it without slowing down the common case where the sequence is all 

I'm currently considering proposing a "joinany" method for str and unicode 
which accepts a sequence of arbitrary objects (I have a patch, but it needs 
unit tests and docs, and I'm uncomfortable with the amount of code duplication 
between the join and joinany methods).


> Some examples of the design pattern in action are str.strip(),
> str.lstrip() and str.rstrip(), or str.find() and str.rfind().
> A much stronger subcase of this pattern (with fewer exceptions) is
> that the return type of a function shouldn't depend on the value of an
> argument. I have a feeling that if we were to extend the notion of
> type to include invariants, you'd find that the basic pattern is
> actually the same -- often the variant behaviors change the key
> invariant relationships between input and output.

This becomes especially clear once "sorted" and "list.sort" are given as 
examples where the various keyword arguments do not change the basic invariant 
properties of the sorting operations - you start with a sequence, and you end 
up with essentially the same sequence, only in a different order. The keyword 
arguments simply control the precise meaning of "different order".

> (a) print(...)
> (b) printraw(...) or printbare(...)
> (c) printf(fmt, ...)

Hmm, I like those names better than anything else that has come up so far.

> Each can take a keyword parameter to specify a different stream than
> sys.stdout; but no other options are needed. The names for (a) and (c)
> are pretty much fixed by convention (and by the clamoring when I
> proposed write() :-). I'm not so sure about the best name for (b), but
> I think picking the right name is important.

'printraw' is good - it makes it clear it is part of the same family as 
'print' and 'printf', and explains succintly how it differs from the normal 
print function.

> We could decide not to provide (b) directly, since it is easily
> reduced to (c) using an appropriate format string ("%s" times the
> number of arguments). But I expect that use case (b) is pretty
> important, and not everyone likes having to use format strings. This
> could be reduced to a special case of the Swiss Army Knife (...Not)
> rule.

Additionally, doing 'printraw' with 'printf' is a little tricky - the best 
I've come up with is "printf('%s'*3, a, b, c)".

> BTW we could use "from __future__ import printing" to disable the
> recognition of 'print' as a keyword in a particular module -- this
> would provide adequate future-proofing.

Gah, sometimes I miss the most obvious of solutions. . .


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep  6 13:13:57 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 23:13:57 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pascaloid print substitute (Replacement for print
 inPython 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <002201c5b1c7$f19e0340$232dc797@oemcomputer>
References: <002201c5b1c7$f19e0340$232dc797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>>   Print["One", "Two", ...]
>>   Print["Buckle my shoe"]
> The ellipsis was a nice touch.

I've been wondering whether it would be worth allowing
ellipses to appear in other places besides slice indices,
so it could be used in a print-function and other such
purposes without having to abuse the slice notation:

   print("One", "Two", ...)


From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep  6 13:22:35 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 23:22:35 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface (Replacement
 for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <dfh5qt$40m$>
References: <>
	<> <dfblfl$kia$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> (you completely missed the point -- today's print mechanism works on *any* object
> that implements a "write" method, no just file objects.  saying that "oh, all you need is
> to add a method" or "here's a nice mixin" doesn't give you a print replacement)

While we're on the subject, in Py3k I'd like to see
readline(), readlines(), etc. removed from file objects
and made builtin functions instead. It should only
be necessary to implement read() and write() to get
a file-like object having equal status with all


From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep  6 13:37:59 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 23:37:59 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Example for "property" violates "Python is not a
 one pass compiler"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> I'm not sure where you got the "Python is not a one pass compiler" idea; I 
> don't recall having seen this meme anywhere before, and I don't see how 
> it's meaningful anyway.

Indeed, Python's bytecode compiler essentially *is*
a one-pass compiler (or at least it used to be -- not
sure what's been done to it recently).

But the behaviour seen here is more about what happens
at run time than compile time. What you're trying to
do is essentially the same as

    print x
    x = 42

which fails at run time because x hasn't been bound
when the print statement is executed.


From duncan.booth at  Tue Sep  6 13:51:24 2005
From: duncan.booth at (Duncan Booth)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 12:51:24 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <n2m-g.Xns96C9818542F73duncanrcpcouk@>

jepler at wrote in news:20050904233804.GA2731 at

> According to RFC 2396[1] section 5.2:
>       g) If the resulting buffer string still begins with one or more
>          complete path segments of "..", then the reference is
>          considered to be in error.  Implementations may handle this
>          error by retaining these components in the resolved path (i.e.,
>          treating them as part of the final URI), by removing them from
>          the resolved path (i.e., discarding relative levels above the
>          root), or by avoiding traversal of the reference.
> If I read this right, it explicitly allows the urlparse.urljoin behavior
> ("handle this error by retaining these components in the resolved path").

Yes, the urljoin behaviour is explicitly allowed, however it is not the 
most commonly implemented permitted behaviour. Both IE and Mozilla/Firefox 
handle this error by stripping the spurious .. elements from the front of 
the path. Apache, and I hope other web servers, work by the third permitted 
method, i.e. rejecting requests to these invalid urls.

The net effect of this is that on some sites using a Python spider (e.g. will produce a large number of error messages for links 
which browsers will actually resolve successfully. (At least that's when I 
first noticed this particular problem). Depending on your reasons for 
spidering a site this can be either a good thing or an annoyance.

From barry at  Tue Sep  6 14:01:07 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 08:01:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2005-09-06 at 00:56, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/5/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> > Eliminating the newline argument from print() would reduce the number of
> > reserved keyword arguments in my strawman by half.  Maybe we could even
> > rename 'to' to '__to__' (!) to eliminate the other namespace wart.  Is
> > this really too horrible:
> > 
> > print('$user forgot to frobnicate the $file!\n',
> >       user=username,, __to__=sys.stderr)
> Yes, it is too horrible. As I said in another post, __xyzzy__ screams
> "special internal use, don't mess with this".

Fair enough -- it looked pretty icky to me too.

> I don't think the namespace wart is really a problem though; it's
> simple enough *not* to use 'to' as a variable name in the format.


> Didn't you mean printf()? (Though I think if the format string doesn't
> roughly follow C's format string conventions the function shouldn't be
> called printf().)

Yep, I meant printf().

> What do you think of the trick (that I wasn't aware of before) used in
> Java and .net of putting an optional position specifier in the format,
> and using positional arguments? It would be a little less verbose and
> with sensible defaults wouldn't quite punish everybody as much for the
> needs of i18n. Formats with more than 3 or 4 variables should be rare
> in any case (these are not the days of Fortran formatted output).

It's definitely an interesting idea, and would solve the namespace thing
too.  The above /might/ look like (warning: pre-coffee thought follows):

printf('$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n', username,,

While that's a little less self-descriptive for a translator to deal
with (who would only see the string, not the call site), it certainly
looks nicer for a non-i18n application, and could certainly work for an
i18n app too.  It's a neat idea worth exploring.

Also, I think you posted in a separate article a syntactic proposal for
including detailed formating in $-vars.  ${varname:fmt} where 'varname'
could be an identifier a la PEP 292 or possibly a positional argument.


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From fredrik at  Tue Sep  6 14:03:01 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:03:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
	(Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
References: <><df9mi2$uak$><><><><><><><>
Message-ID: <dfk0hl$kkk$>

Greg Ewing wrote:

>> (you completely missed the point -- today's print mechanism works on *any* object
>> that implements a "write" method, no just file objects.  saying that "oh, all you need is
>> to add a method" or "here's a nice mixin" doesn't give you a print replacement)
> While we're on the subject, in Py3k I'd like to see
> readline(), readlines(), etc. removed from file objects
> and made builtin functions instead. It should only
> be necessary to implement read() and write() to get
> a file-like object having equal status with all
> others.

maybe some variation of

combined with "default adapters" could come in handy here ?


From fredrik at  Tue Sep  6 14:05:47 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:05:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Example for "property" violates "Python is not a
	one pass compiler"
References: <>
Message-ID: <dfk0ms$l3o$>

Greg Ewing wrote:

> Indeed, Python's bytecode compiler essentially *is*
> a one-pass compiler

for a suitable setting of the "look-ahead window size", at least.  some Python
constructs cannot be compiled by a truly minimalistic one-pass compiler.


From arigo at  Tue Sep  6 14:30:42 2005
From: arigo at (Armin Rigo)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 14:30:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
In-Reply-To: <n2m-g.Xns96C9818542F73duncanrcpcouk@>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Duncan,

On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 12:51:24PM +0100, Duncan Booth wrote:
> The net effect of this is that on some sites using a Python spider (e.g. 
> will produce a large number of error messages for links 
> which browsers will actually resolve successfully.

As far as I'm concerned, even if it is not theoretically a buggy
behavior, a proposed patch with the above motivation would be welcome
(and, of course, this patch wouldn't break the RFC either).


From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep  6 14:18:42 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:18:42 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df8llr$4lj$>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:
>     Greg> If a Python function is clearly wrapping a C function, one doesn't
>     Greg> expect to be able to pass strings with embedded NULs to it.
> Isn't that just floating an implementation detail up to the programmer (who may
> well not be POSIX- or Unix-aware)?

Yes, but in some cases that's unavoidable. It would be
impractical to provide embedded-NUL-capable replacements
for all C functions that someone might want (and flat-out
impossible for some, e.g.


From p.f.moore at  Tue Sep  6 14:49:45 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 13:49:45 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
	(Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <dfk0hl$kkk$>
References: <>
	<dfh5qt$40m$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> wrote:
> Greg Ewing wrote:
> > While we're on the subject, in Py3k I'd like to see
> > readline(), readlines(), etc. removed from file objects
> > and made builtin functions instead. It should only
> > be necessary to implement read() and write() to get
> > a file-like object having equal status with all
> > others.
> maybe some variation of
> combined with "default adapters" could come in handy here ?

That sounds like a good idea. I'm certainly getting concerned about
the proliferation of methods that people "should" add to file-like
objects, where read/write are the only fundamental ones needed.

I can't see mixins working, as too many file-like objects are written in C...


From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep  6 14:42:30 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:42:30 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object
 interface	(Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <dfk0hl$kkk$>
References: <>
	<> <dfblfl$kia$>
	<> <dfk0hl$kkk$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> maybe some variation of
> combined with "default adapters" could come in handy here ?

I really hope we can get by with something much less
heavyweight than that. I'm far from convinced that
something like PEP 246 proposes is necessary or


From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep  6 14:44:38 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:44:38 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> So let's call it the "Swiss Army Knife
> (...Not)" API design pattern.

Aha! Maybe this is the long-lost 20th principle from
the Zen of Python?


From solipsis at  Tue Sep  6 15:12:40 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 15:12:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <dfblfl$kia$>
	<> <dfk0hl$kkk$>
Message-ID: <>

> That sounds like a good idea. I'm certainly getting concerned about
> the proliferation of methods that people "should" add to file-like
> objects, where read/write are the only fundamental ones needed.
> I can't see mixins working, as too many file-like objects are written in C...

One could use "class decorators". For example if you want to define the
method foo() in a file-like class, you could use code like:

def FooExtender(cls):
  class wrapper(cls):
    # Don't do anything if "foo" already defined
  except AttributeError:
    def foo(self):
      """ Automatically generated foo method. """
      self.write("foo\n") = foo
  return wrapper

MyFileClass = FooExtender(MyCFileClass)

This is for classes, but the construct can be adapted to work on objects

The advantage of using a decorator-like function is that you can do some
complex processing in the function (you could for example automatically
define __ne__ if only __eq__ is defined, and conversely). And it could
probably plug, as an useful convenience or even an automatic mechanism,
into a more sophisticated adaptor system.

From ncoghlan at  Tue Sep  6 15:16:31 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 23:16:31 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
	<>	<>	<dfi8kq$irv$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>So let's call it the "Swiss Army Knife
>>(...Not)" API design pattern.
> Aha! Maybe this is the long-lost 20th principle from
> the Zen of Python?

It also sounds like one of the reasons why the ultimates in programming swiss 
army knives (that is, Lisp macros and Ruby blocks) are unlikely to make an 
appearance in Python in their full, unconstrained 'glory'. . .

There's an interesting comparison with UI design though - having a couple of 
different tools in the interface with sensible default behaviour is generally 
easier to use than a single tool where you have to tell it which behaviour you 
want all the time (or pick one as the default, and have to remember to tell 
the application when you want the other behaviour).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Sep  6 16:07:01 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:07:01 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] string.Template format enhancements (Re: Replacement
 for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

tanzer at wrote:
> Positional arguments remove too much meaning from the template.
> Compare:
>   '$user forgot to frobnicate the $file!\n'
> with
>   '$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n'
> Whenever the template definition and its use are not directly
> adjacent, the template is that much harder to understand (i.e.,
> in the context of translation, one wouldn't see the arguments
> passed to the template).

Ideas like this one are really about taking the current C-originated string 
formatting and replacing it with a more powerful version of the new 
string.Template formatting.

One interesting idea to consider is to add "format" and "safe_format" string 
methods (or "substitute" and "safe_substitute" if matching the PEP 292 method 
names is considered important) which work something like:

   # These would be new str and unicode methods
   def format(*args, **kwds):
       return string.Template(args[0]).substitute(*args[1:], **kwds)

   def safe_format(*args, **kwds):
       return string.Template(args[0]).safe_substitute(*args[1:], **kwds)

Then enhance string.Template such that:

   1. Item identifiers could be numbers as well as valid Python identifiers
   2. Positional arguments were added to the dictionary of items using their 
argument index as a string

Something like:

   # This would be modified behaviour of the substitute method
   # rather than a separate method or function
   def pos_substitute(*args, **kwds):
       self = args[0]
       kwds.update((str(idx), arg) for idx, arg in enumerate(args))
       # Avoiding including self in kwds is also an option
       return self.substitute(**kwds)

(To try this on Py2.4, use "$p1" for the positional arguments to easily get 
around the restriction in the string.Template regex)

With the above changes, the following would work:
   "$1: $2".format("Number of bees", "0.5")
And produce:
   "Number of bees: 0.5"

When pre-compiling string.Templates, the keyword method is significantly 
clearer, but if the syntax was accessible through a string method, then being 
able to use positional arguments would be very handy.

At this point, the only thing missing is the ability to handle proper output 
formatting - that would need to be done by invoking the string mod operator 
directly on the positional argument via:

   "$1: $2".format("Number of bees: ", "%0.2f" % val)

In theory (I haven't really tried this bit), it should be possible to adjust 
string.Template to support the following equivalent:

   "$1: $[0.2f]2".format("Number of bees: ", val)

That way, rather than inventing a new formatting language, string.Template 
could leverage the existing string mod operator by substituting the result of 
"('%' + fmt) % val" wherever it sees "$[fmt]name" or "$[fmt]{name}"


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From guido at  Tue Sep  6 16:15:23 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 07:15:23 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/5/05, tanzer at <tanzer at> wrote:
> Positional arguments remove too much meaning from the template.
> Compare:
>   '$user forgot to frobnicate the $file!\n'
> with
>   '$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n'
> Whenever the template definition and its use are not directly
> adjacent, the template is that much harder to understand (i.e.,
> in the context of translation, one wouldn't see the arguments
> passed to the template).

The operative word being *whenever*. You're thinking of the i18n use
case, where the format string is separated from the arguments. I'm
thinking of the non-i18n use case, where the format isalmost always a
string *literal* adjacent to the arguments. I'm not at all convinced
that we should attempt to find a solution that handles both use cases;
most Python code never needs i18n.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tanzer at  Tue Sep  6 16:18:42 2005
From: tanzer at (
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 16:18:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] string.Template format enhancements (Re:
	Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:07:01 +1000."
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:

> With the above changes, the following would work:
>    "$1: $2".format("Number of bees", "0.5")
> And produce:
>    "Number of bees: 0.5"
> When pre-compiling string.Templates, the keyword method is
> significantly clearer, but if the syntax was accessible through a
> string method, then being able to use positional arguments would
> be very handy.

As long as named arguments don't get lost, that's fine. I
often use templates stored in variables/passed around as
arguments, where the positional form is not clear at all:

    template.format("Number of bees", "0.5")

Christian Tanzer                          

From guido at  Tue Sep  6 16:21:09 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 07:21:09 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> I did a fair bit of tinkering with that on the weekend. Printing a sequence of
> strings is fine - it's the call to "map(str, seq)" that makes printing a
> sequence of non-strings uglier than it should be. Doing it that way also
> breaks the Python idiom of letting unicode remain as unicode.

Only of you insist on doing it in a single call. With an explicit for
loop all is well.

> However, one thing I eventually remembered was a discussion about a year ago
> regarding the possibility of allowing str.join and unicode.join to accept
> non-strings [1].
> That discussion ended up leaving the join methods alone, because it is damn
> hard to do it without slowing down the common case where the sequence is all
> strings.
> I'm currently considering proposing a "joinany" method for str and unicode
> which accepts a sequence of arbitrary objects (I have a patch, but it needs
> unit tests and docs, and I'm uncomfortable with the amount of code duplication
> between the join and joinany methods).

Why not take an idea that Fredrik Lundh mentioned earlier, and have a
built-in *function* named join() which takes a sequence and a string?
joinany() is an ugly name.

But what's still missing is a use case analysis where you prove that
the use case is common enough to require explicit support.

> This becomes especially clear once "sorted" and "list.sort" are given as
> examples where the various keyword arguments do not change the basic invariant
> properties of the sorting operations - you start with a sequence, and you end
> up with essentially the same sequence, only in a different order. The keyword
> arguments simply control the precise meaning of "different order".

Thanks -- a very good example!

> 'printraw' is good - it makes it clear it is part of the same family as
> 'print' and 'printf', and explains succintly how it differs from the normal
> print function.

(Except that 'raw' could mean anything.)

> Additionally, doing 'printraw' with 'printf' is a little tricky - the best
> I've come up with is "printf('%s'*3, a, b, c)".

Yeah, but often the real code you need to do is already written as

  print("x =", x, "y =", y, "z =", z)

and that becomes more readable when you transform it to

  printf("x = %s y = %s z = %s\n", x, y, z)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Tue Sep  6 16:23:52 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 07:23:52 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> printf('$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n', username,,
>        to=sys.stderr)
> While that's a little less self-descriptive for a translator to deal
> with (who would only see the string, not the call site), it certainly
> looks nicer for a non-i18n application, and could certainly work for an
> i18n app too.  It's a neat idea worth exploring.

Is it worth doing this and completely dropping the %-based formats in
Py3k? (Just asking -- it might be if we can get people to get over the
shock of $ becoming first class ;-).

> Also, I think you posted in a separate article a syntactic proposal for
> including detailed formating in $-vars.  ${varname:fmt} where 'varname'
> could be an identifier a la PEP 292 or possibly a positional argument.


I proposed ${varname%fmt} earlier but it prevents you to extend the
varname syntax to arbitrary expressions, which I think is an extension
that will get lots of requests.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From ncoghlan at  Tue Sep  6 16:24:21 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:24:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Example for "property" violates "Python is not a
 one pass compiler"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>I'm not sure where you got the "Python is not a one pass compiler" idea; I 
>>don't recall having seen this meme anywhere before, and I don't see how 
>>it's meaningful anyway.
> Indeed, Python's bytecode compiler essentially *is*
> a one-pass compiler (or at least it used to be -- not
> sure what's been done to it recently).

It builds the symbol table before actually trying to compile anything. This is 
what allows it to figure out which load commands to use for which symbols.

I'm not up to speed on my compiler theory though, so I'm not sure if building 
the symbol table first is enough to count as two-pass compilation.

> But the behaviour seen here is more about what happens
> at run time than compile time. What you're trying to
> do is essentially the same as
>     print x
>     x = 42
> which fails at run time because x hasn't been bound
> when the print statement is executed.

I've found this to be one of the subtler habits to try and break when coming 
from a static language - in something like C++, functions and classes are 
interpreted at compile time, and the result made part of the executable. In 
Python, the only thing created at compile time is the bytecode required to 
create the class or function - the definition isn't actually processed until 
runtime. It's easy to forget that difference (mainly because it doesn't matter 
very often).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From tanzer at  Tue Sep  6 16:25:17 2005
From: tanzer at (
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 16:25:17 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 06 Sep 2005 07:15:23 PDT."
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote :

> On 9/5/05, tanzer at <tanzer at> wrote:
> > Whenever the template definition and its use are not directly
> > adjacent, the template is that much harder to understand (i.e.,

This `i.e.` should have read `e.g.` :-(

> > in the context of translation, one wouldn't see the arguments
> > passed to the template).
> The operative word being *whenever*. You're thinking of the i18n use
> case, where the format string is separated from the arguments. I'm
> thinking of the non-i18n use case, where the format isalmost always a
> string *literal* adjacent to the arguments. I'm not at all convinced
> that we should attempt to find a solution that handles both use cases;
> most Python code never needs i18n.

I often put format strings into class variables (to be overriden) or
pass them around as arguments, which has nothing to do with i18n.
And i18n is going to be more and more important (says this german
speaker who always tries to get away with English programs :-)

I'm all for allowing positional arguments but would badly
miss named arguments. 
Christian Tanzer                          

From solipsis at  Tue Sep  6 16:33:36 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 16:33:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

(just my 2 cents)

Le mardi 06 septembre 2005 ? 07:23 -0700, Guido van Rossum a ?crit :
> On 9/6/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> > printf('$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n', username,,
> >        to=sys.stderr)
> Is it worth doing this and completely dropping the %-based formats in
> Py3k? (Just asking -- it might be if we can get people to get over the
> shock of $ becoming first class ;-).

For me, the problem with that proposal is not the precise format syntax,
but the fact that formatting is tied to a specific function which _also_
outputs stuff to screen.

There are really use cases where you want formatting without using a
"print" function in conjunction. Web pages, sending notification
e-mails, changing labels in GUI apps... anything that talks to the user
in a different way than using stdout.

IMO, printing and formatting must be distinct (*). And formatting should
be convenient and i18n-friendly (i18n is more and more important in
today's apps).

(*) they should be treated separately in the discussion, anyway



From rzantow at  Tue Sep  6 16:58:53 2005
From: rzantow at (rzed)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 10:58:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:


 > OK, still with me? This, together with the observation that the only
 > use cases for the delimiter are space and no space, suggests that we
 > should have separate printing APIs for each of the use cases (a), (b)
 > and (c) above, rather than trying to fold (b) into (a) using a way to
 > parameterize the separator (and the trailing newline, to which the
 > same argument applies). For example:
 > (a) print(...)
 > (b) printraw(...) or printbare(...)
 > (c) printf(fmt, ...)
 > Each can take a keyword parameter to specify a different stream than
 > sys.stdout; but no other options are needed. The names for (a) and (c)
 > are pretty much fixed by convention (and by the clamoring when I
 > proposed write() :-). I'm not so sure about the best name for (b), but
 > I think picking the right name is important.

Applying the same reasoning as above, why not remove the last remaining
keyword parameter by adding fprint(ftobj,...) fprintraw( ftobj,...) and
fprintf(ftobj,fmt,...) functions?


From guido at  Tue Sep  6 17:28:45 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 08:28:45 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Nick Jacobson <nicksjacobson at> wrote:
> While we're on the subject of Python 3000, what's the
> chance that reference counting when calling C
> functions from Python will go away?

We'd have to completely change the implementation. We're not planning on that.

> To me this is one of the few annoyances I have with
> Python.  I know that Ruby somehow gets around the need
> for ref. counting.

You could always use IronPython or Jython of course, neither of which has this.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Tue Sep  6 17:32:22 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 10:32:22 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] String views
In-Reply-To: <dfjiil$bpl$>
References: <>
	<> <df8llr$4lj$>
Message-ID: <>

    Greg> If a Python function is clearly wrapping a C function, one doesn't
    Greg> expect to be able to pass strings with embedded NULs to it.

    Skip> Isn't that just floating an implementation detail up to the
    Skip> programmer (who may well not be POSIX- or Unix-aware)?

    Fredrik> so if POSIX refuses to deal with, e.g., NUL bytes in file
    Fredrik> names, Python should somehow work around that to avoid
    Fredrik> "exposing implementation details" ?

I don't know what the correct answer is.  I suspect the right thing to do
will vary depending on what C function is being wrapped.  I was just making
sure I understood correctly that there is a potential problem.


From mwh at  Tue Sep  6 17:35:43 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 16:35:43 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Sun, 4 Sep 2005 08:59:02 -0700")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

> On 9/3/05, Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
>> So here's the summary of the arguments against: two style points
>> (trailing comma and >>stream) (from the man who approved the current
>> decorator syntax!), and it's hard to extend.  (By the way, I agree that
>> the ">>" syntax is ugly, and IMO a bad idea in general.  Shame the "@"
>> wasn't used instead. :-)
>> Seems pretty weak to me.  Are there other args against?
> Sure. I made the mistake of thinking that everybody knew them. 


> But more important to me are my own experiences exploring the
> boundaries of print.


Gnnnnnyagh, couldn't you have *started* the thread with that post? :)


  Get out your salt shakers folks, this one's going to take more
  than one grain.                 -- Ator in an Ars Technica news item

From guido at  Tue Sep  6 17:44:42 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 08:44:42 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> Gnnnnnyagh, couldn't you have *started* the thread with that post? :)

I hadn't anticipated so many great minds rusted shut. :-)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gmccaughan at  Tue Sep  6 17:53:49 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 16:53:49 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > On 9/6/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> > > printf('$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n', username,,
> > >        to=sys.stderr)
> For me, the problem with that proposal is not the precise format syntax,
> but the fact that formatting is tied to a specific function which _also_
> outputs stuff to screen.

So borrow a trick from Common Lisp and use a destination of None
to mean "return the formatted text as a string".

    >>> x = printf("$2 $1", 123,321)
    321 123
    >>> print x
    >>> x = printf("$2 $1", 123,321, to=None)
    >>> print x
    321 123

Or is that too cryptic?


From p.f.moore at  Tue Sep  6 18:36:19 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 17:36:19 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Gareth McCaughan <gmccaughan at> wrote:
> So borrow a trick from Common Lisp and use a destination of None
> to mean "return the formatted text as a string".
> Or is that too cryptic?


To my mind, formatting (returning a string) and output are separate
operations. A "write formatted output" operation is a useful
convenience method, but it's not the basic operation.


From kay.schluehr at  Tue Sep  6 18:39:58 2005
From: kay.schluehr at (Kay Schluehr)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 18:39:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<dfi8kq$irv$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <dfkgos$dck$>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>So let's call it the "Swiss Army Knife
>>>(...Not)" API design pattern.
>>Aha! Maybe this is the long-lost 20th principle from
>>the Zen of Python?
> It also sounds like one of the reasons why the ultimates in programming swiss 
> army knives (that is, Lisp macros and Ruby blocks) are unlikely to make an 
> appearance in Python in their full, unconstrained 'glory'. . .

In the context of my proposal it seems to imply some variation of 
Einsteins famous sentence: "Make everything as general as possible but 
not more general" or "Make everything as powerfull as possible but not 
more powerfull". The measure of possibility in this context may be 
serious community requirements. That's why I might have the impression 
that the language doesn't get any *deeper* but it is still very close to 
my actual work and highly usable.

On the other hand I have to admit that I'm not really glad about 3 
functions in favour for one statement. Introducing of a Writer object is 
just a different way of factoring and handling special cases and 
defaults. But I don't believe in an absolute truth about that. I'm not 
an OO stalinist.

> There's an interesting comparison with UI design though - having a couple of 
> different tools in the interface with sensible default behaviour is generally 
> easier to use than a single tool where you have to tell it which behaviour you 
> want all the time (or pick one as the default, and have to remember to tell 
> the application when you want the other behaviour).

Hmm.. Guido cited strip, rstrip and lstrip for a good factoring into 
different functions. To me this is a limit case. It can become annoying 
soon and an API design antipattern. May I remember about C's vprintf, 
vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf or the beauty of execl, execle, execlp, 
execlpe, execv, execve, execvp, execvpe? That's so grotesque that I feel 
deeply connected to Xah Lees crusade against UNIX in sudden moments ;)


From fredrik at  Tue Sep  6 19:06:47 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 19:06:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <><8328163536998793998@unknownmsgid>
Message-ID: <dfkiav$if0$>

putting on my "on the other hand" hat for a moment...


Guido van Rossum wrote:

> 1. It's always been there
> 2. We don't want to type parentheses
> 3. We use it a lot
> 4. We don't want to change our code

there's also:

5. A reserved word makes it easy to grep for (e.g. to weed out
debugging prints before release).

6. It does the right thing under the hood: converts things to their
string representation, calls write repeatedly instead of allocating
a buffer large enough to hold all components, doesn't print un-
necessary trailing spaces, etc.

7. Using a statement syntax makes it possible to use a readable
syntax for redirection (and other possible extensions); it's obvious
that this isn't printing to stdout:

    print >>file, bacon(ham), spam, "=", eggs(number=count)


    print(bacon(ham), spam, "=", eggs(number=count), to=file)

is a lot harder to parse, especially if you add more elements and
print lines (how fast can you answer the question "do all these
redirect to the same place" ?).

8. It can print to anything that implements a "write" method, no
matter what it is or what other methods it implements.



and my "on the other hand" gloves...

> - I quite often come to a point in the evolution of a program where I
> need to change all print statements into logging calls, or calls into
> some other I/O or UI library.

never happens to me -- in my experience, good logging requires
some basic design up front, so you might as well log via functions
right from the start.  print is reserved for debugging, tracing during
development, and console-oriented scripts.  I cannot recall ever
having converted one of the latter to a component that needed

> - Having special syntax puts up a much larger barrier for evolution of
> a feature.

on the other hand, having special syntax gives you a lot more flexibility
in coming up with readable, grokkable solutions.  not everything fits into
the callable paren list of comma separated stuff some of it with equal
signs in it end paren pattern.

> - There is a distinct non-linearity in print's ease of use once you
> decide that you don't want to have spaces between items

in practice, % is a great way to deal with this.

> - If it were a function, it would be much easier to replace it within
> one module (just def print(*args):...) or even throughout a program
> (e.g. by putting a different function in __builtin__.print).

if that's an important feature, what keeps us from adding a hook
(along the lines of __import__) ?

one could even argue that making it easier to override it locally
may make it harder to override it globally; consider this local

    def print(fmt, *args):
        sys.stdout.write("MY MODULE SAYS " + fmt % args)

with this in place, changing __builtin__.print will override everything
except the prints in "MY MODULE"...  so you end up doing a stdout
redirect, just as in today's python.




From fredrik at  Tue Sep  6 19:09:59 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 19:09:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<dfi8kq$irv$>	<>	<><>
Message-ID: <dfkigu$j2h$>

Kay Schluehr wrote:

> In the context of my proposal it seems to imply some variation of
> Einsteins famous sentence: "Make everything as general as possible but
> not more general" or "Make everything as powerfull as possible but not
> more powerfull".

I prefer McGrath's variation:

    "Things should be as complex as necessary but not more complex."


From trentm at  Tue Sep  6 20:02:44 2005
From: trentm at (Trent Mick)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 11:02:44 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Barry Warsaw wrote]
> Also, we already have precedence in format+print in the logging
> package.  I actually think the logging provides a nice, fairly to use
> interface that print-ng can be modeled on.

The main reason for doing that in the logging package is for
performance: processing the args into the format string can be deferred
until the logging system knows that the log message will actually be
used.  I'm not saying that the separation of 'fmt' and args in the
logging methods doesn't have the other benefit of clarity:

    log.debug("%s %s %s %s ...", arg1, arg2, arg3,
              really_really_long_arg4,)                      # nicer
    log.debug("%s %s %s %s ..." % (arg1, arg2, arg3,
                                   really_really_long_arg4)) # icky

but the performance reason doesn't apply to the printf()/write()
discussion here.


Trent Mick
TrentM at

From mcherm at  Tue Sep  6 20:45:23 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:45:23 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
Message-ID: <>

Please bear with me if this has already been stated, or if I ought to
be directing this to the wiki instead of to python-dev at this point.
I've been trying to follow this whole discussion but have only gotten
as far as last Saturday.

Two things: First of all, I wanted to encourage Guido. There have
been lots of people objecting to "fixing" the print statement, but
I for one agree that it's a wart which should be addressed if it
can be done elegantly. I'm just not speaking up because others
(particularly Guido) have already said most of what I am thinking
and I don't want to clutter the discussion with "me too!"'s.

And one thing which (as far as I've read) _IS_ a new suggestion.
I agree that a new built-in function ought to be named 'print'.
This poses problems for those who want to write code NOW that runs
in Python 2.x (for large values of x) which will also run in 3.0.
We could satisfy both people if in Python 2.x we introduced a
built-in function named "print30" (for Python 3.0) with the intended
new behavior. People could start coding now using the "print30"
builtin. When Python 3.0 was released, 'print' would no longer be
a keyword, and both 'print' and 'print30' would be built-ins that
both refered to the same function. Sure, it's a tiny bit of
backward compatibility cruft to have a second name for the builtin,
but it may be worth it because the ability to write in the "Python
3.0 style" (all new-style classes, only raise proper exceptions,
etc) in the 2.x series is a VERY useful feature. We want to handle
the transition better than Perl.

-- Michael Chermside

From mcherm at  Tue Sep  6 20:54:27 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:54:27 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Hacking print (was: Replacement for print
	in	Python3.0)
Message-ID: <>

Bill Hanssen writes:
> I think the "-ln"
> variants made familiar by Pascal and Java were a bad idea, on a par
> with the notion of a split between "text" and "binary" file opens.

It's a bit off topic, but it wasn't the languages that introduced the
difference between "text" and "binary" files. Pascal defined a difference
between "text" and "record" files because the operating systems of the
time had two distinct file types. Java initially had only one type
(binary files which got automagically converted to a stream of unicode
characters) and later modified things to allow manual control of the
encoding because "modern" operating systems (like Windows) have two
distinct file types.

Don't blame the language designers, blame the OS folks.

-- Michael Chermside

From steve at  Tue Sep  6 21:13:11 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 15:13:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <dfkpo5$9kf$>

Nick Jacobson wrote:
> While we're on the subject of Python 3000, what's the
> chance that reference counting when calling C
> functions from Python will go away?
> To me this is one of the few annoyances I have with
> Python.  I know that Ruby somehow gets around the need
> for ref. counting.
Reference counting is an implementation detail, and isn't a part of the 
language specifications. I have no idea why you find it so annoying, but 
there are other implementations (Jython, Iron Python) that don't use it.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

From bob at  Tue Sep  6 21:44:22 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 12:44:22 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <dfkpo5$9kf$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 6, 2005, at 12:13 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

> Nick Jacobson wrote:
>> While we're on the subject of Python 3000, what's the
>> chance that reference counting when calling C
>> functions from Python will go away?
>> To me this is one of the few annoyances I have with
>> Python.  I know that Ruby somehow gets around the need
>> for ref. counting.
> Reference counting is an implementation detail, and isn't a part of  
> the
> language specifications. I have no idea why you find it so  
> annoying, but
> there are other implementations (Jython, Iron Python) that don't  
> use it.

Personally I've found that reference counting makes Python really  
easy to integrate with other systems that may or may not also use  
reference counting.  It is somewhat of a chore to incref/decref all  
over the place, but you *are* programming in C.


From janssen at  Tue Sep  6 21:54:55 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 12:54:55 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 04 Sep 2005 08:59:02 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep6.125458pdt."58617">


I think this is a very nice summary of the arguments for removing
print.  Let's change the link in PEP 3000 to point to this message.


From janssen at  Tue Sep  6 22:01:00 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 13:01:00 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Hacking print (was: Replacement for print in
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:54:27 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep6.130103pdt."58617">

Sorry to be confusing.  I hadn't meant to imply that the split between
text and binary files were somehow the fault of any programming
languages, just the split between "write" and "writeln".  Equally bad
ideas with different origins.  Though I continue to believe that Python
should default to opening a file as "binary", not "text", and that the
current default is a defect in Python.


> Bill Hanssen writes:
> > I think the "-ln"
> > variants made familiar by Pascal and Java were a bad idea, on a par
> > with the notion of a split between "text" and "binary" file opens.
> It's a bit off topic, but it wasn't the languages that introduced the
> difference between "text" and "binary" files. Pascal defined a difference
> between "text" and "record" files because the operating systems of the
> time had two distinct file types. Java initially had only one type
> (binary files which got automagically converted to a stream of unicode
> characters) and later modified things to allow manual control of the
> encoding because "modern" operating systems (like Windows) have two
> distinct file types.
> Don't blame the language designers, blame the OS folks.
> -- Michael Chermside
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
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From steve at  Tue Sep  6 22:32:59 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 16:32:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
	<>	<>	<dfi8kq$irv$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <dfkudq$qm7$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/6/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>>printf('$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n', username,,
>>       to=sys.stderr)
>>While that's a little less self-descriptive for a translator to deal
>>with (who would only see the string, not the call site), it certainly
>>looks nicer for a non-i18n application, and could certainly work for an
>>i18n app too.  It's a neat idea worth exploring.
> Is it worth doing this and completely dropping the %-based formats in
> Py3k? (Just asking -- it might be if we can get people to get over the
> shock of $ becoming first class ;-).
>>Also, I think you posted in a separate article a syntactic proposal for
>>including detailed formating in $-vars.  ${varname:fmt} where 'varname'
>>could be an identifier a la PEP 292 or possibly a positional argument.
> +1
> I proposed ${varname%fmt} earlier but it prevents you to extend the
> varname syntax to arbitrary expressions, which I think is an extension
> that will get lots of requests.
I would anticipate security issues with allowing general expressions: 
you are effectively allowing access to eval(). If a naiive programmer 
were to use unverified input as a format string unpleasant things could 
happen ... your call, but it seems dangerous to me. Remember C's printf 
has been the source of some very dangerous errors.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

From steven.bethard at  Tue Sep  6 23:17:35 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 15:17:35 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
	(Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<dfh5qt$40m$> <>
Message-ID: <>

[Greg Ewing]
> While we're on the subject, in Py3k I'd like to see
> readline(), readlines(), etc. removed from file objects
> and made builtin functions instead. It should only
> be necessary to implement read() and write() to get
> a file-like object having equal status with all
> others.

[Fredrik Lundh]
> maybe some variation of
> combined with "default adapters" could come in handy here ?

[Paul Moore]
> That sounds like a good idea. I'm certainly getting concerned about
> the proliferation of methods that people "should" add to file-like
> objects, where read/write are the only fundamental ones needed.
> I can't see mixins working, as too many file-like objects are written in C...

I'd also prefer something along the lines of Fredrik's suggestion, but
I don't write enough C code to understand Paul's last point.  Could
someone briefly explain why mixins wouldn't work in C code?  I scanned
the Python/C API Reference Manual, but all I could find was that, for
tp_base "only single inheritance is supported; multiple inheritance
require dynamically creating a type object by calling the


You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From tdelaney at  Wed Sep  7 00:37:26 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 08:37:26 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
Message-ID: <>

Michael Chermside wrote:

> We could satisfy both people if in Python 2.x we introduced a
> built-in function named "print30" (for Python 3.0) with the intended
> new behavior. People could start coding now using the "print30"
> builtin. When Python 3.0 was released, 'print' would no longer be
> a keyword, and both 'print' and 'print30' would be built-ins that
> both refered to the same function.


It's ugly, and it doesn't help the transition whatsoever IMO. We
*definitely* don't want a print30 function hanging around in Python 3.0
for backwards compatibility with the miniscule number of people who used
it in Python 2.x.

The simplest solution is (as already stated)::

    from __future__ import __print_function__

Tim Delaney

From janssen at  Wed Sep  7 01:19:07 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 16:19:07 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 04 Sep 2005 09:53:49 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep6.161909pdt."58617">

> LOL!  That's a great solution for the 5 of us dinosaurs still using the
> One True Editor. :)

And who also still program in C now and then :-).  I think there are
more than 5 of us, though.


From janssen at  Wed Sep  7 01:28:02 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 16:28:02 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting options and removing
	basestring.__mod__ (WAS: Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 05 Sep 2005 08:48:13 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep6.162804pdt."58617">

> Some languages have "picture" formats, where the structure
> of the format string more closely mimics that of the desired
> output. (This is true, e.g., of some Basics and of one variety
> of Perl output.) The trouble with this is that it limits how
> much information you can provide about *how* each value is
> to be formatted within the available space.

COBOL!  From the snippet Steven posted about C#, it seems to have a
mode of "custom number formatting" which is picture-based.


From janssen at  Wed Sep  7 01:37:57 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 16:37:57 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 06 Sep 2005 05:44:38 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep6.163759pdt."58617">

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> So let's call it the "Swiss Army Knife
> (...Not)" API design pattern.

IIRC, this is one of the design principles which inspired Lisp mixins.
The idea was that different interfaces should be separated into
different classes.  If you needed a class which combined them, you'd
just mix two superclasses together.


From T.A.Meyer at  Mon Sep  5 04:47:25 2005
From: T.A.Meyer at (Meyer, Tony)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 14:47:25 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
Message-ID: <>

> In the end the process is not democratic.

Which may make it easier: rather than having to convince 50%+ of the people, one only has to convince a single person...

> I don't think there's anything that can change my mind
> about dropping the statement.

As long as "I don't think there's anything" isn't "There isn't anything", there is still hope, and the potential that the one person's opinion that matters can be changed.

However, when I wrote the email, I assumed you wouldn't read it (because you said you were leaving the discussion until there was a PEP).  What I wanted to know was what the best way of putting together succinct, clear, reasons why you should change your mind would be, so that could be done.  Even if you didn't change your mind, at least it would be (judging from previous decision reversals) the best shot.


From rbp at  Tue Sep  6 22:26:02 2005
From: rbp at (Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 17:26:02 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python core documentation
Message-ID: <>


        I sent this to Fred Drake a few weeks ago but got no response. I
assume he's busy, or maybe my message never reached him. I hope some of you
will have opinions on this (BTW, please Cc: me on any replies, as I am not
on python-dev).

        (Original message below)

        I was sharing some ideas with Gustavo Niemeyer (who's also receiving
a copy of this message) and he told me you'd be the right person to talk
to [he was also the one who recommended that I resent it to python-dev].

        I'm relatively new to Python, my first project with it started at
the beginning of 2004. And, from the start, its documentation bugged me a
little. Now I'm completely hooked and am a full-time Python programmer, but
I still see the same quirks in documentation.

        I don't mean to say there's lack of it, but I think it needs some
work, it seems quite incomplete. I see some of these characteristics in the
tutorial and module documentation, but I'm refering mostly to internal

        A simple example:

>>> [].sort.__doc__
L.sort(cmpfunc=None) -- stable sort *IN PLACE*; cmpfunc(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1

        While it may seem obvious to somewhat experiencied programmers, it
should be explicit, at least for newbies, what "-1, 0, 1" means, in term of
comparison (and also what happens if cmpfunc is left out - since it defaults
to None, one could think no sorting takes place). But this is relatively
minor, and not the best example.

>>> [].remove.__doc__
L.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value

        What if L doesn't contain 'value', does it raise an exception or
does it fail quietly? Does 'remove return anything (the new list, maybe)?

>>> [].pop.__doc__
L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default last)

        What if L is empty?

        I think you see what I'm getting at: there's a lack of
standardization and completeness that can be frustrating, especially for
those new to Python and to programming. When I came to Python, I was already
a long-time C and Perl programmer, and I got around these things quite
easily, mainly by testing at the prompt or sometimes reading source code,
but, still, it doesn't seem like a very pythonic way of doing things
(explicit better than implicit?). Not to mention clever editors, which could
benefit from standard, complete documentation. There are even some modules
with empty docstrings, which I think should be strictly forbidden in core
modules. For instance:

>>> thread.error.__doc__

        As I told Niemeyer, I considered sending documentation patches, but
I think a standard should be defined first, and then volunteers (myself
included) could sweep over the core language and conform documentation to
it. I'm willing to work on it and help however I can, but I wanted to
discuss it first (that's why I came to Niemeyer).

        Well, let me know what you think.


 Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel <rbp at> | GPG KeyId: <0x0DB14978>

I'll rule you all with an iron fist! [...]
You! Obey the fist!
          -- Invader Zim

From fdrake at  Wed Sep  7 04:19:27 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 22:19:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python core documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 06 September 2005 16:26, Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel wrote:
 >         I sent this to Fred Drake a few weeks ago but got no response. I
 > assume he's busy, or maybe my message never reached him. I hope some of

It did reach me, but feel into the black hole of "I can't deal with this in 
the next 5 minutes."  Sorry.  I do intend to read your message carefully and 
respond then.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep  7 04:36:31 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 14:36:31 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Example for "property" violates "Python is not a
 one pass compiler"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> It builds the symbol table before actually trying to compile anything. This is 
> what allows it to figure out which load commands to use for which symbols.

Yes, nowadays I expect it makes two passes over the parse
tree for each function, one to build the symbol table and
one to generate the bytecode.

It used to make a single pass over the parse tree and then
post-process the bytecode once it had figured out which
variables were local -- which I suppose you could call
one-and-a-bit passes. :-)

The distinction between one and two passes isn't so
important in a dynamic language like Python anyway, since
most of the interesting things happen at run time.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From fdrake at  Wed Sep  7 05:10:09 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 23:10:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python core documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 06 September 2005 16:26, Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel wrote:
 >         I sent this to Fred Drake a few weeks ago but got no response. I
 > assume he's busy, or maybe my message never reached him. I hope some of
 > you will have opinions on this (BTW, please Cc: me on any replies, as I am
 > not on python-dev).

Again, I'm sorry I haven't had time to reply until now, but reminders/re-posts 
like this are certainly a welcome reminder!

 >         (Original message below)
 >         I was sharing some ideas with Gustavo Niemeyer (who's also
 > receiving a copy of this message) and he told me you'd be the right person
 > to talk to [he was also the one who recommended that I resent it to
 > python-dev].

I'll suggest that the Documentation SIG is a better place to discuss this for 
some reasons, and I've CC'd that list as well.

 >         I'm relatively new to Python, my first project with it started at
 > the beginning of 2004. And, from the start, its documentation bugged me a
 > little. Now I'm completely hooked and am a full-time Python programmer,
 > but I still see the same quirks in documentation.
 >         I don't mean to say there's lack of it, but I think it needs some
 > work, it seems quite incomplete. I see some of these characteristics in
 > the tutorial and module documentation, but I'm refering mostly to internal
 > documentation.

It appears that by "internal" you're referring to the docstrings available 
from the runtime.  I generally only think of those as hints or reminders, and 
not complete documentation (other minds disagree).  For the non-docstring 
documentation, the same kinds of issues occur, though not always for the same 

I'd categorize the issues you point out into two groups:

A) Omissions.  You're right; there's a lot of places we haven't been as
   thorough as we should be.  These certainly should be corrected by adding
   the missing information.

B) Vague contracts.  There are many places where documentation is omitted
   because the contracts of the documented feature aren't clearly specified
   by the code.  This may happen for many reasons, but how each should be
   handled has to be determined on a case-by-case basis.  In many cases, it's
   intentional that edge cases aren't well specified, simply because the
   treatment hasn't been discussed and decided.

   This case can usually be resolved by bringing up specific cases; once
   there's some discussion, useful documentation can be written because the
   documentation writers learn what the intent was (or the developers have to
   decide what the contract should be).

Historically, I think we've seen a lot of (B) simply because there's an 
expectation of users will read the source to determine what the feature will 
do in any given case.  As we see more implementations appear, and as the size 
and range of Python's audience grow, this becomes a less reasonable approach.  
This is especially the case for features implemented in C, since users are 
increasingly unlikely to have the C sources handy due to the use of 
pre-compiled packages on all platforms.

[...lots of specific examples elided...]

 >         As I told Niemeyer, I considered sending documentation patches,
 > but I think a standard should be defined first, and then volunteers
 > (myself included) could sweep over the core language and conform
 > documentation to it. I'm willing to work on it and help however I can, but
 > I wanted to discuss it first (that's why I came to Niemeyer).

It would be good to have more specific guidelines for documentation.

We've generally avoided trying to specify what exceptions can be raised by 
various functions or methods, and describe only specific cases that are 
guaranteed as part of the API.  Treatment of edge cases is often left as an 
accident as well, though not as frequently.  As the documentation 
increasingly becomes the way that programmers learn about the details of the 
library, we need to think about whether this is the right approach.

In addition to this, we should settle the question of completeness of 
docstrings and document it.  Anything missing that should be included 
according to that decision should then be added.

Also, the level of detail regarding edge cases and exceptions that we're 
willing to make contract should be discussed, and documentation brought up to 
snuff.  This is more likely an issue that will require case-by-case 


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep  7 05:33:42 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 15:33:42 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object
 interface	(Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <dfblfl$kia$>
	<> <dfk0hl$kkk$>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:

> Could
> someone briefly explain why mixins wouldn't work in C code?

Depends on what you mean by "work in C code". It's only
possible for a type object to inherit C struct members
from one base class, since the struct has to be an
extension of the base C struct. Dynamic attributes and
methods can be inherited from multiple base classes,
however, if you're willing to write the necessary C code
to create the type object dynamically, as would happen
if it were being defined with Python code.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep  7 05:47:10 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 15:47:10 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] string formatting options and removing
 basestring.__mod__ (WAS: Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen wrote:
 > someone wrote:
> > Some languages have "picture" formats, where the structure
> > of the format string more closely mimics that of the desired
> > output.
> COBOL!  From the snippet Steven posted about C#, it seems to have a
> mode of "custom number formatting" which is picture-based.

A nice characteristic of a well-designed picture formatting
system is that the pictures take up the same amount of space
in the format string as the output they generate. So you
can write things like

   headings = "Description       Qty       Price         Amount"
   format   = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  ###0   $#,##0.00  $#,###,##0.00"

and visually check that the headings and columns will line
up, without having to be concerned with the exact numbers of
characters in each column.

I think a picture-formatting function would be a nice thing
to have as an alternative to %-formatting or whatever will
replace it.


Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From stephen at  Wed Sep  7 06:20:54 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 13:20:54 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Tue, 6 Sep 2005 07:15:23 -0700")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Guido" == Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

    Guido> I'm not at all convinced that we should attempt to find a
    Guido> solution that handles both use cases [print replacement
    Guido> and i18n]; most Python code never needs i18n.

It's true that the majority of Python applications never need i18n,
because they're only used in one language.  But Python applications
are mostly assembled from a large and growing set of Python-standard
and other well-known libraries.  It would be very useful to keep the
barriers to i18n-ization as low as possible to make those libraries as
broadly applicable as possible.

You're talking about Python 3.0; I don't know if it can be done within
a reasonable amount of effort (and if not, too bad), but in that
planning horizon it is surely worth some effort to find a solution.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From guido at  Wed Sep  7 06:45:22 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 21:45:22 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> It's true that the majority of Python applications never need i18n,
> because they're only used in one language.  But Python applications
> are mostly assembled from a large and growing set of Python-standard
> and other well-known libraries.  It would be very useful to keep the
> barriers to i18n-ization as low as possible to make those libraries as
> broadly applicable as possible.

Sure, we must provide good i18n support. But the burden on users who
don't need i18n should be negligeable; they shouldn't have to type or
know extra stuff that only exists for the needs of i18n. The same is
true for many other needs of library authors and
programming-in-the-large: programming-in-the-small should come first
and foremost. We don't need another J2EE.

> You're talking about Python 3.0; I don't know if it can be done within
> a reasonable amount of effort (and if not, too bad), but in that
> planning horizon it is surely worth some effort to find a solution.

There seem to be many people interested in finding this solution; I
see it as my task (among others) to make sure that their solution
doesn't negatively affect the life of the majority of users who don't
need it.

Even if there's a class of users who think they don't need it and in
the end find they do. That's too bad, they will have to apply some
global transformation to their code. I hope that making print a
function will help make that transformation easier.

I've seen a couple of responses claiming that with good planning there
won't be a need for such transformation (and consequently they don't
need the changes I'm proposing). Well duh! I've never had perfect
foresight. If you always plan ahead for what you might need, you
inevitably end up writing an overly heavy framework. Remember YAGNI!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep  7 06:46:09 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 16:46:09 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

>>While we're on the subject of Python 3000, what's the
>>chance that reference counting when calling C
>>functions from Python will go away?
> We'd have to completely change the implementation. We're not planning on that.

Also, the refcounting would have to be replaced by
something else that would also be fairly intrusive
on the C interface, such as having to remember to
make all your local variables known to the garbage

A better plan would be to build something akin to
Pyrex into the scheme of things, so that all the
refcount/GC issues are taken care of automatically.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From guido at  Wed Sep  7 06:58:08 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 21:58:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> A better plan would be to build something akin to
> Pyrex into the scheme of things, so that all the
> refcount/GC issues are taken care of automatically.

That sounds exciting. I have to admit that despite hearing many
enthusiastic reviews, I've never used it myself -- in fact I've
written very little C code in the last few years, and zero new
extension modules. (Lots of Java, but that's another story. :-)

I expect that many standard extensions could benefit from a rewrite in
Pyrex, although this might take a lot of work and in some cases not
necessarily result in better code (_tkinter comes to mind -- though I
don't really know why this would be). So this shouldn't be the goal
(yet). Instead, we should encourage folks to write *new* extensions
using PyRex.

How stable is Pyrex? Would you be willing to integrate it thoroughly
with the Python source tree, to the point of contributing the code to
the PSF? (Without giving up ownership or responsibility for its

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tdelaney at  Wed Sep  7 07:45:48 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 15:45:48 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> How stable is Pyrex? Would you be willing to integrate it thoroughly
> with the Python source tree, to the point of contributing the code to
> the PSF? (Without giving up ownership or responsibility for its
> maintenance.)


I would be *strongly* in favour of this. Apart from anything else, it
would greatly lower the bar for people wanting to add to the standard
library. And if much of the stdlib were eventually rewritten in Pyrex it
would be even better.

Tim Delaney

From pje at  Wed Sep  7 08:01:01 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 02:01:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 09:58 PM 9/6/2005 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>On 9/6/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> > A better plan would be to build something akin to
> > Pyrex into the scheme of things, so that all the
> > refcount/GC issues are taken care of automatically.
>That sounds exciting. I have to admit that despite hearing many
>enthusiastic reviews, I've never used it myself -- in fact I've
>written very little C code in the last few years, and zero new
>extension modules. (Lots of Java, but that's another story. :-)
>I expect that many standard extensions could benefit from a rewrite in
>Pyrex, although this might take a lot of work and in some cases not
>necessarily result in better code (_tkinter comes to mind -- though I
>don't really know why this would be). So this shouldn't be the goal
>(yet). Instead, we should encourage folks to write *new* extensions
>using PyRex.

Just an FYI; Pyrex certainly makes it relatively painless to write code 
that interfaces with C, but it doesn't do much for performance, and 
naively-written Pyrex code can actually be slower than carefully-optimized 
Python code.  So, for existing modules that were written in C for 
performance reasons, Pyrex isn't currently a substitute.

One of the reasons for this is that Pyrex code uses the generic Python/C 
APIs, like PySequence_GetItem, even in cases where PyList_GetItem or its 
macro form would be more appropriate.  Pyrex has no way currently to say, 
"this is type X's C API, so use it when you have a variable that's of type 
X, instead of using the generic object protocols."

There are other issues that contribute to the inefficiency as well, like 
redundant refcounting, assigning None to temporary variables, etc.  I 
haven't used the absolute latest version of Pyrex, but older versions also 
used C strings for attribute lookups, which was horribly slow.  I think the 
latest version now creates string objects at module initialization to avoid 
this issue, though.

Anyway, don't get me wrong - Pyrex is by *far* my preferred way of writing 
C extensions for Python.  And I'd love to see a version that used your 
proposed static typing syntax in place of the "cdef" syntax it currently 
uses, thus paving the way to selective translation of Python to C.  I'd 
just like to set expectations appropriately, for what it is and isn't good at.

Sadly, the current state of Pyrex is such that to write efficient code, you 
have to use the Python C API from Pyrex, which tends to result in something 
that looks like C code with Python-like syntax.  But you don't have to 
worry about memory allocation, exception labels, or reference counting, so 
it's more compact and less error-prone than C too.

From mwh at  Wed Sep  7 09:55:09 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 08:55:09 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <> (Greg Ewing's message of
	"Wed, 07 Sep 2005 16:46:09 +1200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> writes:

> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>While we're on the subject of Python 3000, what's the
>>>chance that reference counting when calling C
>>>functions from Python will go away?
>> We'd have to completely change the implementation. We're not
>> planning on that.
> Also, the refcounting would have to be replaced by
> something else that would also be fairly intrusive
> on the C interface, such as having to remember to
> make all your local variables known to the garbage
> collector.
> A better plan would be to build something akin to
> Pyrex into the scheme of things, so that all the
> refcount/GC issues are taken care of automatically.

Certainly, one of the goals of the PyPy project is to do experiments
on GC strategy...


  If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them
  down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
                                                        -- Jack Handey

From jcarlson at  Wed Sep  7 09:57:36 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 00:57:36 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On 9/6/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> > A better plan would be to build something akin to
> > Pyrex into the scheme of things, so that all the
> > refcount/GC issues are taken care of automatically.
> That sounds exciting. I have to admit that despite hearing many
> enthusiastic reviews, I've never used it myself -- in fact I've
> written very little C code in the last few years, and zero new
> extension modules. (Lots of Java, but that's another story. :-)

Here's a perspective "from the trenches" as it were.

I've been writing quite a bit of code, initially all in Python (27k
lines in the last year or so).  It worked reasonably well and fast. It
wasn't fast enough. I needed a 25x increase in performance, which would
have been easily attainable if I were to rewrite everything in C, but
writing a module in pure C is a bit of a pain (as others can attest), so
I gave Pyrex a shot (after scipy.weave.inline, ick).

Initial versions ran around 2-3x as fast as pure Python.  With various
tricks, we are now running 75-100x faster in the pure Pyrex portions,
with another 2-3x improvement possible (even using the VC6 compiler in
Windows and old versions of gcc in linux, talk about multi-platform

With experience comes wisdom.  I write new functionality that needs to
be fast in pure C, wrapping it with Pyrex as necessary (which is quite
simple), and make it all work with Python.  

> I expect that many standard extensions could benefit from a rewrite in
> Pyrex, although this might take a lot of work and in some cases not
> necessarily result in better code (_tkinter comes to mind -- though I
> don't really know why this would be). So this shouldn't be the goal
> (yet). Instead, we should encourage folks to write *new* extensions
> using Pyrex.

I'm not sure this is necessarily desireable.  In my limited experience,
one starts doing a line-by-line translation, getting Python objects as
variables, etc.  Then one starts predefining C variables and working
with them, increasing speed by some measureable amount.  Then one starts
thinking about the data structures that are being passed (lists of lists,
dictionary of lists, lists of dictionaries, ...), at which point one
starts digging into PyList_GetItem, etc., manual in/decrefing, ..., and
one's code starts getting the ugly of C modules, without the braces and

Offering it up as a standard library module: cool, +1.  Give people one
of the the best tools for wrapping C code and writing high-performance
Python-accessable software.

Encouraging its use for the writing of new extension modules: ick, -1. 
Writing pretty yet high performing Pyrex is an art that I'm not sure
anyone can master.

Perhaps a bit into the future, extending import semantics to notice .pyx
files, compare their checksum against a stored md5 in the compiled
.pyd/.so, and automatically recompiling them if they (or their includes)
have changed: +10 (I end up doing this kind of thing by hand with
phantom auto-build modules).

 - Josiah

From fredrik at  Wed Sep  7 10:17:22 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 10:17:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
References: <><>
Message-ID: <dfm7mi$5q8$>

Josiah Carlson wrote:

> Perhaps a bit into the future, extending import semantics to notice .pyx
> files, compare their checksum against a stored md5 in the compiled
> .pyd/.so, and automatically recompiling them if they (or their includes)
> have changed: +10 (I end up doing this kind of thing by hand with
> phantom auto-build modules).

which reminds me...  does anyone know what happened to the various
"inline C" versions that were quite popular a few years ago.  e.g.

(I've been using an extremely simple home-brewn version in a couple of
projects, and it's extremely addictive, at least if you're a C/C++ veteran...)


From rkern at  Wed Sep  7 10:40:13 2005
From: rkern at (Robert Kern)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 01:40:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <dfm7mi$5q8$>
References: <><>	<>
Message-ID: <dfm91c$a1r$>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Josiah Carlson wrote:
>>Perhaps a bit into the future, extending import semantics to notice .pyx
>>files, compare their checksum against a stored md5 in the compiled
>>.pyd/.so, and automatically recompiling them if they (or their includes)
>>have changed: +10 (I end up doing this kind of thing by hand with
>>phantom auto-build modules).

> which reminds me...  does anyone know what happened to the various
> "inline C" versions that were quite popular a few years ago.  e.g.
> (I've been using an extremely simple home-brewn version in a couple of
> projects, and it's extremely addictive, at least if you're a C/C++ veteran...)

weave is alive and kicking and actively used although it could use some TLC.

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

From ncoghlan at  Wed Sep  7 10:59:56 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 18:59:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 design principles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Collin Winter wrote:
> Am 31-Aug 05, Charles Cazabon <python at> schrieb:
>>Perhaps py3k could have a py2compat module.  Importing it could have the
>>effect of (for instance) putting compile, id, and intern into the global
>>namespace, making print an alias for writeln, alias the standard library
>>namespace, ... ?
> from __past__ import python2

If we ever get the ast-branch finished, then keeping a copy of the final 2.x 
parser around that targets the Python AST should actually be feasible, too.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From stephen at  Wed Sep  7 11:23:16 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 18:23:16 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Tue, 6 Sep 2005 21:45:22 -0700")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Guido" == Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

    Guido> Sure, we must provide good i18n support. But the burden on
    Guido> users who don't need i18n should be negligeable; they
    Guido> shouldn't have to type or know extra stuff that only exists
    Guido> for the needs of i18n.

Agreed.  That's best for i18n, too, if we can arrange a batteries-
included approach to i18n at the same time.

    >> You're talking about Python 3.0; I don't know if it can be done
    >> within a reasonable amount of effort (and if not, too bad), but
    >> in that planning horizon it is surely worth some effort to find
    >> a solution.

    Guido> There seem to be many people interested in finding this
    Guido> solution; I see it as my task (among others) to make sure
    Guido> that their solution doesn't negatively affect the life of
    Guido> the majority of users who don't need it.

Convenient as a Python optimized for i18n would be for me personally,
I agree with that, too.  But you wrote, "I'm not at all convinced that
we should attempt to find a solution that handles both use cases; most
Python code never needs i18n."  And now, "That's too bad, [those who
need i18n] will have to apply some global transformation to their
code."  It sounds to me like you have already decided that i18n
applications will have to use a different way.  But print-ng looks
like becoming the OOWTDI for a lot of applications.  IMO it's just too
early to give up on print-ng becoming the one obvious way to do it for
a lot of i18n apps, too.

I realize that maybe it won't be solved for Python 3.0.  Just, please
don't close the door on it yet!

    Guido> Remember YAGNI!

For-values-of-Y=I-A=am-ly y'rs,

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From abo at  Wed Sep  7 11:53:13 2005
From: abo at (Donovan Baarda)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 19:53:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 02:01:01AM -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> Just an FYI; Pyrex certainly makes it relatively painless to write code 
> that interfaces with C, but it doesn't do much for performance, and 
> naively-written Pyrex code can actually be slower than carefully-optimized 
> Python code.  So, for existing modules that were written in C for 
> performance reasons, Pyrex isn't currently a substitute.

I just want to second this; my experiments with pyrex on pysync
produced no speedups. I got a much more noticable speed benefit from
psyco. This was admittedly a long time ago...

Donovan Baarda      

From radeex at  Wed Sep  7 12:03:45 2005
From: radeex at (Christopher Armstrong)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 20:03:45 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/7/05, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> > On 9/6/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> > > A better plan would be to build something akin to
> > > Pyrex into the scheme of things, so that all the
> > > refcount/GC issues are taken care of automatically.
> >
> > That sounds exciting. I have to admit that despite hearing many
> > enthusiastic reviews, I've never used it myself -- in fact I've
> > written very little C code in the last few years, and zero new
> > extension modules. (Lots of Java, but that's another story. :-)
> Here's a perspective "from the trenches" as it were.
> Encouraging its use for the writing of new extension modules: ick, -1.
> Writing pretty yet high performing Pyrex is an art that I'm not sure
> anyone can master.

I'd just like to put in that it seems like the suggestions to use
Pyrex were aimed at C-library wrapping extensions, not necessarily
ones that were written in C for performance (I gather that there are
very few of those, comparatively). So the encouragement to use Pyrex
for new extension modules still seems perfect, to me; its use should
definitely be encouraged when one needs to wrap some third-party
library, and I'd bet that that's the common case.

  Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
   Radix    |    --
            |  Release Manager, Twisted Project
  \\\V///   |    --
   |o O|    |  

From barry at  Wed Sep  7 14:06:48 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 08:06:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 05:23, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> But print-ng looks
> like becoming the OOWTDI for a lot of applications.  IMO it's just too
> early to give up on print-ng becoming the one obvious way to do it for
> a lot of i18n apps, too.

+1.  I have a gut feeling that we can make it easy for monolinguists to
use printng without caring or even knowing about i18n, but also make it
relatively painless to integrate i18n into an application or library. 
However I haven't had time to really explore that idea.


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From p.f.moore at  Wed Sep  7 14:07:23 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 13:07:23 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
	(Replacement for print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<dfh5qt$40m$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> I'd also prefer something along the lines of Fredrik's suggestion, but
> I don't write enough C code to understand Paul's last point.  Could
> someone briefly explain why mixins wouldn't work in C code?

I had in mind "it would be complicated and messy, and probably no
easier than just implementing all of the extra methods by hand" rather
than "it's impossible". Sorry for being unclear.

I haven't written many C extensions, either, so I may be
misremembering. Also, the biggest extension I wrote, which does
implement a file-like object, was written when Python 1.4/1.5 was
current, and (still) uses the C API from then. (BTW, that's a great
tribute to the backward-compatibility that Python provides!)


From ncoghlan at  Wed Sep  7 14:55:43 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 22:55:43 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 05:23, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>But print-ng looks
>>like becoming the OOWTDI for a lot of applications.  IMO it's just too
>>early to give up on print-ng becoming the one obvious way to do it for
>>a lot of i18n apps, too.
> +1.  I have a gut feeling that we can make it easy for monolinguists to
> use printng without caring or even knowing about i18n, but also make it
> relatively painless to integrate i18n into an application or library. 
> However I haven't had time to really explore that idea.

I found the following to be an interesting experiment:

from string import Template

def format(*args, **kwds):
        fmt = args[0]
        kwds.update(("p%s" % idx, arg) for idx, arg in enumerate(args))
        return Template(fmt).substitute(**kwds)

Py> format("$p1: $p2", "Bee count", 0.5)
'Bee count: 0.5'

The leading 'p' (for 'positional') is necessary to get around the fact that $1 
is currently an illegal identifier in a Template. If we actually did something 
like this, I would advocate adding the support for positional arguments 
directly to string.Template.

For il8n output, you would be pulling the format string from somewhere else, 
so you would stick with the current idiom of using keyword arguments:

Py> fmt = "$item: $count"

Py> format(fmt, item="Bee count", count=0.5)
'Bee count: 0.5'

There's also the 

Py> format("Kinda cute: $p0")
'Kinda cute: Kinda cute: $p0'


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Wed Sep  7 15:07:54 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 23:07:54 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> I found the following to be an interesting experiment:
> -------------
> from string import Template
> def format(*args, **kwds):
>         fmt = args[0]
>         kwds.update(("p%s" % idx, arg) for idx, arg in enumerate(args))
>         return Template(fmt).substitute(**kwds)

I forgot to add the following concept:

def printf(*args, **kwds):
     to = kwds.pop("to", sys.stdout)
     to.write(format(*args, **kwds))

Py> printf("$p1: $p2\n", 1, 2)
1: 2
Py> printf("$p1: $p2\n", 1, 2, to=sys.stderr)
1: 2
Py> printf("$p1: $p2$to\n", 1, 2, to=sys.stderr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
   File "<stdin>", line 3, in printf
   File "<stdin>", line 4, in format
   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 172, in substitute
     return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)
   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 162, in convert
     val = mapping[named]
KeyError: 'to'


If you're dealing with an existing template that uses the 'to' keyword, then 
it is possible to fall back to using:

def printraw(*args, **kwds):
     to = kwds.pop("to", sys.stdout)
     for arg in args:

Py> printraw(format("$p1: $p2$to\n", 1, 2, to="There"), to=sys.stderr)
1: 2There


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From guido at  Wed Sep  7 16:11:43 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 07:11:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/7/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 05:23, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> > But print-ng looks
> > like becoming the OOWTDI for a lot of applications.  IMO it's just too
> > early to give up on print-ng becoming the one obvious way to do it for
> > a lot of i18n apps, too.
> +1.  I have a gut feeling that we can make it easy for monolinguists to
> use printng without caring or even knowing about i18n, but also make it
> relatively painless to integrate i18n into an application or library.
> However I haven't had time to really explore that idea.

I certainly didn't mean to rule that out. But I doubt that the only
text to be i18n'd will occur in printf format strings. (In fact, I
expect that few apps requiring i18n will be so primitive as to use
*any* printf calls at all.)

Anyway, let us hear what you had in mind rather than arguing over some
abstract principle.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From rrr at  Wed Sep  7 17:56:48 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 11:56:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python core documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

> It would be good to have more specific guidelines for documentation.

Would it be possible to have each item in the documentation start out by 
auto quoting that items __doc__ string?

Then omissions, errors, and contradictions would be easy to find and the 
full documentation would compliment the __doc__ strings rather than 
repeat them.


From jcarlson at  Wed Sep  7 19:16:17 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 10:16:17 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Christopher Armstrong <radeex at> wrote:
> On 9/7/05, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> > > On 9/6/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> > > > A better plan would be to build something akin to
> > > > Pyrex into the scheme of things, so that all the
> > > > refcount/GC issues are taken care of automatically.
> > >
> > > That sounds exciting. I have to admit that despite hearing many
> > > enthusiastic reviews, I've never used it myself -- in fact I've
> > > written very little C code in the last few years, and zero new
> > > extension modules. (Lots of Java, but that's another story. :-)
> > 
> > Here's a perspective "from the trenches" as it were.
> > 
> > Encouraging its use for the writing of new extension modules: ick, -1.
> > Writing pretty yet high performing Pyrex is an art that I'm not sure
> > anyone can master.
> I'd just like to put in that it seems like the suggestions to use
> Pyrex were aimed at C-library wrapping extensions, not necessarily
> ones that were written in C for performance (I gather that there are
> very few of those, comparatively). So the encouragement to use Pyrex
> for new extension modules still seems perfect, to me; its use should
> definitely be encouraged when one needs to wrap some third-party
> library, and I'd bet that that's the common case.

To me, "new extension modules" != "wrapping C libraries for use with
Python standard library inclusion".  The latter is perfectly fine, the
former may lead to fast but ugly Pyrex modules...

But what if you don't want speed from pure Pyrex modules?  Then why
write them in Pyrex, why not stick with Python, or go to C for the speed,
and Pyrex for the wrapping?

 - Josiah

From bob at  Wed Sep  7 21:07:07 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 12:07:07 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 7, 2005, at 7:11 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> On 9/7/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 05:23, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>> But print-ng looks
>>> like becoming the OOWTDI for a lot of applications.  IMO it's  
>>> just too
>>> early to give up on print-ng becoming the one obvious way to do  
>>> it for
>>> a lot of i18n apps, too.
>> +1.  I have a gut feeling that we can make it easy for  
>> monolinguists to
>> use printng without caring or even knowing about i18n, but also  
>> make it
>> relatively painless to integrate i18n into an application or library.
>> However I haven't had time to really explore that idea.
> I certainly didn't mean to rule that out. But I doubt that the only
> text to be i18n'd will occur in printf format strings. (In fact, I
> expect that few apps requiring i18n will be so primitive as to use
> *any* printf calls at all.)

In my experience, implementing i18n with *existing* Python (2.3 at  
the time) features was not a big deal.

We used a translation company to translate all of the strings, and  
they had no problem with normal Python %(format)s strings.  We gave  
it to them in an excel spreadsheet, and converted it to Apple  
".strings" style files (which we parse directly in the Windows  
version).  Granted, we highlighted all of the "%(format)s" in the  
spreadsheet so it was clear what should be preserved.

It worked like this:

def _(stringToBeLocalized):
     return anAppropriateString

and all formatted strings in the code looked like this:
_('default english string %(variable)s') % someDict

from real world production code:

_(u'Installing this software requires %(requiredSpace)s of space.\n 
\nYou have selected to install this software on the iPod "%(podName) 
s" (%(totalFree)s available)')  % {
     u'requiredSpace': self.installer.getRequiredFreeDiskSpace(),
     u'podName': self.podName,
     u'totalFree': space,

I was also able to easily automate the process of extracting strings  
to create that spreadsheet.  I wrote a simple script that parsed the  
Python modules and looked for function calls of "_" whose only  
argument was a constant string.  Worked great, and it was easy to write.


From wsanchez at  Thu Sep  8 02:11:08 2005
From: wsanchez at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Wilfredo_S=E1nchez_Vega?=)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 17:11:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Exception Reorg PEP checked in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

   (sorry for the delayed reply; vacation)

On Aug 14, 2005, at 12:27 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> On 8/14/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
>> Wilfredo S

>> ?nchez Vega <wsanchez at> writes:
>>>    I'm curious about why Python lacks FileNotFoundError,
>>> PermissionError and the like as subclasses of IOError.
>> Good question.  Lack of effort/inertia?
> Well, I wonder how often it's needed. My typical use is this:
> try:
>     f = open(filename)
> except IOError, err:
>     print "Can't open %s: %s" % (filename, err)
>    return
> and the error printed contains all the necessary details (in fact it
> even repeats the filename, so I could probably just say "print err").

   That's fine for log output, but weak for handling the error.

> Why do you need to know the exact reason for the failure? If you
> simply want to know whether the file exists, I'd use os.path.exists()
> or isfile(). (Never mind that this is the sometimes-frowned-upon
> look-before-you-leap; I think it's often fine.)

   If you're going to wave off the look-before-you-leap argument, I  
guess you're right in that case, but I think it's a pretty valid  
argument for a lot of applications.  os.path.exists() also has a race  
condition in the case where the file is deleted between your test for  
is and the subsequent attempt to access it, so you'd still need to  
handle that error in the exception handling if you care about  

   I agree that in many (most?) cases, this can be fudged, but if  
it's easier to do the correct thing, more people would do the correct  

   In any case, os.path.exists() also doesn't catch permissions  
errors, and I often find myself wanting to handle those errors  
specially as well.

   An example where both are useful is in an HTTP server, where a  
different status code should be returned to the client depending on  
success, file not found, permission denied, and other cases.   
Presently, I (and twisted.web) have to check errno in the IOError  
exception handler, which is really clunky, and I have to do it fairly  

> Also note that providing the right detail can be very OS specific.
> Python doesn't just run on Unix and Windows.

   File not found is a detectable error case on all platforms, I  
think.  On an OS that doesn't have permissions errors, I wouldn't  
expect the existence of an exception that isn't used to be a huge  
portability problem.  I can't imagine that checking errno is a more  
portable solution.

   These two exist and are quite useful in Java, for whatever that's  


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From smitty_one_each at  Tue Sep  6 22:53:15 2005
From: smitty_one_each at (Chris Smith)
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 16:53:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Guido" == Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

    Guido> <intermezzo>

    Guido> In a different thread I mentioned a design principle for
    Guido> which I have no catchy name, but which has often helped me
    Guido> design better APIs. One way to state it is to say that
    Guido> instead of a single "swiss-army-knife" function with
    Guido> various options that choose different behavior variants,
    Guido> it's better to have different dedicated functions for each
    Guido> of the major functionality types. So let's call it the
    Guido> "Swiss Army Knife (...Not)" API design pattern.

I call the idea the 80/20 Split, or 'Convenience Functions'.
You have a powerful, highly generalized function that can do most
anything, and has an interface to prove it.
Then, a collection of 'Convenience Functions' to constrain that "Swiss
Army Knife" to handle 80% of the use-cases, while still letting Ye
Power User dig a little deeper.
The challenge is to keep the Convenience Function population low, so
that you don't arrive at 8,020 different functions in the interface.
Go, Python!

From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  8 06:06:56 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 16:06:56 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> How stable is Pyrex? Would you be willing to integrate it thoroughly
> with the Python source tree, to the point of contributing the code to
> the PSF? (Without giving up ownership or responsibility for its
> maintenance.)

It's reasonably stable now, I think, although some details
might yet change. I'd want another couple of releases before
calling it finished.

When I do reach that point, I'd be perfectly willing to
contribute it to the PSF.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep  8 06:31:17 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 16:31:17 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> Just an FYI; Pyrex certainly makes it relatively painless to write code 
> that interfaces with C, but it doesn't do much for performance, and 
> naively-written Pyrex code can actually be slower than 
> carefully-optimized Python code.  So, for existing modules that were 
> written in C for performance reasons, Pyrex isn't currently a substitute.

If the performance-critical parts of the C code were
translated into Pyrex-C (i.e. Pyrex code that only
performs C operations) it shouldn't be significantly
different. Alternatively, Pyrex could be used to create
a wrapper around the existing C code, freeing it from having
to deal with the Python/C API, thus making it easier to

> One of the reasons for this is that Pyrex code uses the generic Python/C 
> APIs, like PySequence_GetItem, even in cases where PyList_GetItem or its 
> macro form would be more appropriate.  Pyrex has no way currently to 
> say, "this is type X's C API, so use it when you have a variable that's 
> of type X, instead of using the generic object protocols."

I'm thinking of teaching it about some of the builtin types
(e.g. list, dict) so it can use more efficient APIs when

In the meantime, you can declare and call most of the APIs
explicitly if you want. The exception is some of the macro
forms which have nonstandard refcount behaviour. I'm also
thinking of adding some declarations to help with that.

> There are other issues that contribute to the inefficiency as well, like 
> redundant refcounting, assigning None to temporary variables, etc.

Yes, it could probably do with a bit of flow analysis and
peephole optimisation to deal with things like that.

> I haven't used the absolute latest version of Pyrex, but older versions 
> also used C strings for attribute lookups, which was horribly slow.  I 
> think the latest version now creates string objects at module 
> initialization to avoid this issue, though.

Yes, it now precreates and interns all identifier strings,
which should help considerably.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From kbk at  Thu Sep  8 06:31:14 2005
From: kbk at (Kurt B. Kaiser)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 00:31:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Message-ID: <>

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  342 open ( +3) /  2923 closed ( +1) /  3265 total ( +4)
Bugs    :  908 open ( +5) /  5232 closed (+10) /  6140 total (+15)
RFE     :  188 open ( +1) /   185 closed ( +1) /   373 total ( +2)

New / Reopened Patches

String formatting character for str.join  (2005-09-04)
CLOSED  opened by  Nick Coghlan

Speed up gzip.readline (~40%)  (2005-09-04)  opened by  April King

Enable SSL for smtplib  (2005-09-05)  opened by  Phil Underwood

AIX port from Elemental Security  (2005-09-07)  opened by  Guido van Rossum

Patches Closed

String formatting character for str.join  (2005-09-04)  closed by  ncoghlan

New / Reopened Bugs

time.strptime() fails with unicode date string, de_DE locale  (2005-09-01)
CLOSED  opened by  Adam Monsen

tokenize module does not detect inconsistent dedents  (2005-06-21)  reopened by  arigo

PyDateTime_Check references static object  (2005-09-02)
CLOSED  opened by  Skip Montanaro

xml.sax.expatreader doesn't pass encoding to ParserCreate  (2005-09-02)  opened by  Samuel Bayer

Erroneous \url command in python.sty  (2005-09-03)  opened by  Rory Yorke

array.arrays are not unpickleable  (2005-09-03)
CLOSED  opened by  Reinhold Birkenfeld

Py_BuildValue k format units don't work with big values  (2005-09-04)  opened by  Adal Chiriliuc

exception when unpickling array.array objects  (2005-09-04)  opened by  John Machin

urllib violates rfc 959  (2005-09-04)  opened by  Matthias Klose

logging.shutdown() not correct for chained handlers  (2005-09-05)  opened by  Fons Dijkstra

socket.getaddrinfo() bug for IPv6 enabled platforms  (2005-09-06)  opened by  Ganesan Rajagopal

PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords gives misleading error message  (2005-09-06)  opened by  japierro

nit for builtin sum doc  (2005-09-07)  opened by  daishi harada

os.path.abspath() / os.chdir() buggy with unicode paths  (2005-09-07)  opened by  Antoine Pitrou

re nested conditional matching (?()) doesn't work  (2005-09-07)  opened by  Erik Demaine

Bugs Closed
___________ doesn't encode  (2005-07-10)  closed by  doerwalter

time.strptime() fails with unicode date string, de_DE locale  (2005-09-01)  closed by  bcannon

crash recursive __getattr__  (2005-08-24)  closed by  tjreedy

Lambda and deepcopy  (2005-08-31)  closed by  tjreedy

logging module broken for multiple threads?  (2005-09-01)  closed by  vsajip

PyDateTime_Check references static object  (2005-09-02)  closed by  montanaro

bz2module.c compiler warning  (2005-08-26)  closed by  birkenfeld

discrepancy between str.__cmp__ and unicode.__cmp__  (2005-08-29)  closed by  rhettinger

array.arrays are not unpickleable  (2005-09-03)  closed by  rhettinger

SyntaxError raised on win32 for correct files  (2005-05-12)  closed by  tim_one

New / Reopened RFE

non-sequence map() arguments for optimization  (2005-09-02)
CLOSED  opened by  Ecnassianer of the Green Storm

Give __len__() advice for "don't know"  (2005-09-06)  opened by  Tim Peters

RFE Closed

non-sequence map() arguments for optimization  (2005-09-03)  closed by  birkenfeld

From wsanchez at  Thu Sep  8 02:06:08 2005
From: wsanchez at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Wilfredo_S=E1nchez_Vega?=)
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 17:06:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Exception Reorg PEP checked in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

   (sorry for the delayed reply; vacation)

On Aug 14, 2005, at 12:27 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> On 8/14/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
>> Wilfredo S?nchez Vega <wsanchez at> writes:
>>>    I'm curious about why Python lacks FileNotFoundError,
>>> PermissionError and the like as subclasses of IOError.
>> Good question.  Lack of effort/inertia?
> Well, I wonder how often it's needed. My typical use is this:
> try:
>     f = open(filename)
> except IOError, err:
>     print "Can't open %s: %s" % (filename, err)
>    return
> and the error printed contains all the necessary details (in fact it
> even repeats the filename, so I could probably just say "print err").

   That's fine for log output, but weak for handling the error.

> Why do you need to know the exact reason for the failure? If you
> simply want to know whether the file exists, I'd use os.path.exists()
> or isfile(). (Never mind that this is the sometimes-frowned-upon
> look-before-you-leap; I think it's often fine.)

   If you're going to wave off the look-before-you-leap argument, I  
guess you're right in that case, but I think it's a pretty valid  
argument for a lot of applications.  os.path.exists() also has a race  
condition in the case where the file is deleted between your test for  
is and the subsequent attempt to access it, so you'd still need to  
handle that error in the exception handling if you care about  

   I agree that in many (most?) cases, this can be fudged, but if  
it's easier to do the correct thing, more people would do the correct  

   In any case, os.path.exists() also doesn't catch permissions  
errors, and I often find myself wanting to handle those errors  
specially as well.

   An example where both are useful is in an HTTP server, where a  
different status code should be returned to the client depending on  
success, file not found, permission denied, and other cases.   
Presently, I (and twisted.web) have to check errno in the IOError  
exception handler, which is really clunky, and I have to do it fairly  

> Also note that providing the right detail can be very OS specific.
> Python doesn't just run on Unix and Windows.

   File not found is a detectable error case on all platforms, I  
think.  On an OS that doesn't have permissions errors, I wouldn't  
expect the existence of an exception that isn't used to be a huge  
portability problem.  I can't imagine that checking errno is a more  
portable solution.

   These two exist and are quite useful in Java, for whatever that's  


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From stephen at  Thu Sep  8 12:12:30 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 19:12:30 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Wed, 7 Sep 2005 07:11:43 -0700")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Guido" == Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

    Guido> I certainly didn't mean to rule that out.

Speaking for myself, that's all I really wanted to hear at this time.
As Bob Ippolito said, currently it's straightforward to
internationalize an application, and well worth the minimal overhead
if it's at all serious.  It's just that it would be nice if quick and
dirty additions for i18n programs could be done as easily and with the
same facility as for mono-Euro-lingual programs.  I also think that at
present Python is to the point where it's natural to write in a style
where i18n is nearly costless (I use unicode strings habitually, and
prefer %(var)s to positional %s anyway, because I find it easier to
read).  It would be a shame to regress from that!

Why "mono-Euro-lingual"?  Well, in teaching Python in Japan, one thing
that is really annoying about the current print statement is that
automatic spacing.  Japanese doesn't use spaces to separate words, so
you basically have to start with the '%' operator when teaching
Japanese students output using variables.  Several of them have said
"oh, another typical American software that breaks Japanese".  Dunno
what to do about that, though, setting that based on the POSIX locale
would break my personal usage (when things are broken, I want to see
the debug output in English!)

    Guido> But I doubt that the only text to be i18n'd will occur in
    Guido> printf format strings. (In fact, I expect that few apps
    Guido> requiring i18n will be so primitive as to use *any* printf
    Guido> calls at all.)

Personally I don't write complex applications in native Python, I
write them for Zope or something like that.  Then I don't have to
worry about generic Python facilities; I have to use whatever the
substrate is using.  However, I do write simple CGIs that need to
produce English and Japanese pages (at least), and it's often enough
to write something like (this is from memory):

def addressWarningPage (formDict)
    simplePageHeader (_("Address Warning"))
    print _("""\
I'm sorry, %(user)s, but the address you submitted is %(address)s,
which appears to be a mobile phone address.  Please use a real email
address, because the mailing list for %(course)s distributes large
attachments.""") % formDict
   simplePageFooter ()

where the simplePageFunctions themselves have been inherited from old
code that simply 'print'ed to stdout, and formDict is constructed by
the underlying CGI handler, so it's always available.  I write a fair
number of these pages, there are always new ways to go wrong....

This is very similar to what Bob Ippolito describes, and it's easy
enough to do.  However, my translators _do_ confuse the "s" for
"string argument" with English pluralization (they're not native
English speakers, usually).  It would be nice (for me) if we could
use notation that doesn't use stray format characters.  It would be
nice to be able to lose the "_()" calls to gettext().  The function
would look to see if a message catalog was available for the current
output stream, and if not, do no translation.  (I'm not sure this can
work, because it might conflict with things done automatically based
on environment settings of POSIX locale.)

It would be nice if a single function could support format strings
with positional arguments and those with named variable substitution.
(Not at the same time, though, that should be an error, I think.)  If
not, a separate function would be easy enough to support in a
conversion script.

All that's still pretty abstract, I guess.  But so far, I don't see
any reason why your proposal for the $1 positional syntax in printf()
hinders any of the above.  I just wanted to make sure that asking for
them is OK.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From solipsis at  Thu Sep  8 13:48:01 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 13:48:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Le jeudi 08 septembre 2005 ? 19:12 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull a ?crit :

>  It would be
> nice to be able to lose the "_()" calls to gettext().  The function
> would look to see if a message catalog was available for the current
> output stream, and if not, do no translation.

That doesn't sound right to me.
1. You still need to do automatic extraction of these strings (gettext
has tools for that, which rely on the use of the "_()" function - or any
other dedicated function (*)).
2. You can't assume that all strings must be i18n'ed. For example if I'm
interfacing with the user via a text-based network protocol which has a
field named "Length", I don't want that "Length" field to be replaced
with the Japanese translation of the word "Length".

For i18n, "explicit is better than implicit" ;) The beauty of "_()" is
that it's at the same time explicit, easily recognizable, and very short
to type and read (it doesn't clutter the source code). If I dare say,
the "%" operator has the same qualities.

(*) of course more automatization of what gettext does could be a nice
improvement too!

> But so far, I don't see
> any reason why your proposal for the $1 positional syntax in printf()
> hinders any of the above. 

As I said Python needs an operator or function that does string
formatting using a simple template, *without* doing output at the same
time. The current syntax is the '%' operator, it could change, but it
shouldn't be removed in favor of an inflexible print-with-formatting



From mcherm at  Thu Sep  8 14:14:02 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 05:14:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
Message-ID: <>

Guido writes:
> Is it worth doing this and completely dropping the %-based formats in
> Py3k? (Just asking -- it might be if we can get people to get over the
> shock of $ becoming first class ;-).

In my opinion, YES -- it's worth seriously considering it. A single,
well-designed solution for string interpolation (with syntactic support
if needed to make it very easy to use) is FAR better than having one
good solution and another legacy solution. Just the awkwardness of the
trailing s in "%(foo)s" is enough to motivate a search for something

But this presuposes that there IS a single well-designed solution. PEP 292
templates are an excellent start, but they are not that solution. The
largest problem is the lack of a means for formatting numbers. People
should think hard about good solutions.

He continues:
> I proposed ${varname%fmt} earlier but it prevents you to extend the
> varname syntax to arbitrary expressions, which I think is an extension
> that will get lots of requests.

I certainly agree that we should keep open the syntactic possibility
to allow arbitrary Python expressions between "${" and "}" in an
interpolation string even though it may not be supported today.

I favor idea (Barry's?) of using "${<value>:<format>:<more-format>}"
where <value> is an identifier (but someday might allow expressions),
and <format> and <more-format> behave like the % interpolation modifiers
today. I would have suggested it myself, but somehow I failed to realize
that slice literals are allowed only within subscripts and thus do not
conflict with this use.

-- Michael Chermside

From barry at  Thu Sep  8 14:38:22 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 08:38:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 08:55, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> The leading 'p' (for 'positional') is necessary to get around the fact that $1 
> is currently an illegal identifier in a Template

That should be fixable. Ideally, $1 is better than $p1.


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From barry at  Thu Sep  8 14:42:14 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 08:42:14 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 15:07, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> I was also able to easily automate the process of extracting strings  
> to create that spreadsheet.  I wrote a simple script that parsed the  
> Python modules and looked for function calls of "_" whose only  
> argument was a constant string.  Worked great, and it was easy to write.

I don't think enough people know about Tools/i18n/pygettext.  It does
all the extractions for you, producing a GNU gettext compatible .pot
file.  You can even teach it to recognize extraction keywords other than
the default _().  printf() should be easy to recognize, although we
might have to make a slight modification since IIRC, pygettext will only
extract strings from keyword functions with exactly one argument.  That
should be easy to fix.


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From barry at  Thu Sep  8 14:45:00 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 08:45:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 07:48, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

> As I said Python needs an operator or function that does string
> formatting using a simple template, *without* doing output at the same
> time. The current syntax is the '%' operator, it could change, but it
> shouldn't be removed in favor of an inflexible print-with-formatting
> approach.

I believe we already have that in the constituent parts of
stream.write() and Template.substitute().  I don't have any problem with
the built-in print() function (or printf()) combining the two for
convenience.  After all, print's entire purpose is convenience.


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From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep  8 15:15:54 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 23:15:54 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
	<>	<>	
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 08:55, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>The leading 'p' (for 'positional') is necessary to get around the fact that $1 
>>is currently an illegal identifier in a Template
> That should be fixable. Ideally, $1 is better than $p1.

Oh, I know. I just didn't feel like cranking my brain up to the point of 
figuring out the necessary change to the string.Template regex. It turns out 
the one required change to the pattern is truly trivial though (I guess the 
grief we gave PEP 292 about easy customisation was actually worthwhile):

from string import Template
class fmtTemplate(Template):
     idpattern = '[_a-z0-9]*'

def format(*args, **kwds):
     if kwds and (len(args) > 1):
         raise ValueError("Cannot use both keyword and positional arguments")
     fmt = fmtTemplate(args[0])
     kwds.update(((str(idx), arg) for idx, arg in enumerate(args)))
     return fmt.substitute(**kwds)

Py> format("$1: $2", "Num bees", 0.5)
'Num bees: 0.5'


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep  8 16:10:19 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 00:10:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
	<>	<>	
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 08:55, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>The leading 'p' (for 'positional') is necessary to get around the fact that $1 
>>is currently an illegal identifier in a Template
> That should be fixable. Ideally, $1 is better than $p1.

I also looked into the idea of adding formatting support to the 
string.Template syntax.

Given a reimplementation of string.Template with the following pattern:

     pattern = r"""
       (?P<escaped>%(delim)s)      | # An escape sequence of two delimiters, or
         (\[(?P<format>[^%%]*)\])?   # an optional simple format string,
           (?P<named>%(id)s)       | # and a Python identifier, or
           {(?P<braced>%(id)s)}      # a braced identifier
       )                           |
       (?P<invalid>)                 # An ill-formed delimiter expr

And "convert" functions modified to use "fmt" where "'%s'" is currently used, 
with "fmt" defined via:
     fmt ='format')
     if fmt is None:
        fmt = '%s' # Default to simple string format
        fmt = '%' + fmt

The following works:

Py> t = format.Template("$item: $[0.2f]quantity")
Py> t.format(quantity=0.5, item='Bees')
'Bees: 0.50'

Combining with a 'format' function similar to the one in my previous message, 
and an id pattern modified to permit numbers as identifiers:

Py> format("$1: $[0.2f]2", 'Bees', 0.5)
'Bees: 0.50'


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From dalcinl at  Thu Sep  8 17:52:35 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:52:35 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
Message-ID: <>

PEP 3000 - Core language says
( :

- Support only new-style classes; classic classes will be gone

Any possibility to add something like

from __future__ import new_style_classes

to have newly defined classes implicitly derive from 'object' (I
understand this will be the implicit behavior when classic classes go
away in Py3.0).

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

From stephen at  Thu Sep  8 18:38:56 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 01:38:56 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Antoine
	Pitrou's message of "Thu, 08 Sep 2005 13:48:01 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Antoine" == Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> writes:

    Antoine> Le jeudi 08 septembre 2005 ? 19:12 +0900, Stephen
    Antoine> J. Turnbull a ?crit :

    >> It would be nice to be able to lose the "_()" calls to
    >> gettext().  The function would look to see if a message catalog
    >> was available for the current output stream, and if not, do no
    >> translation.

I should have been more explicit.  I meant only in the context of
printf.  You're right, gettext (and aliases) are still needed.

    Antoine> That doesn't sound right to me.  1. You still need to do
    Antoine> automatic extraction of these strings (gettext has tools
    Antoine> for that, which rely on the use of the "_()" function -
    Antoine> or any other dedicated function (*)).

I think printf is an excellent candidate for such a function.

    Antoine> 2. You can't assume that all strings must be i18n'ed.

IMO strings that are being printf'd can probably be assumed to be
human readable, and therefore candidates for translation.  This
assumption does impose runtime overhead on non-i18n users, but I
suspect it's smaller than that of caching regexps which has been
determined to be acceptable.<wink> It would also make printf more
hazardous for use in implementing protocol messages, but I think
that's already pretty hazardous with the print statement.

Although Guido has been very firm about not imposing overhead on _all_
users for the sake of i18n, implementing protocols is a similar
minority activity, and there might be an acceptable tradeoff there.

    Antoine> As I said Python needs an operator or function that does
    Antoine> string formatting using a simple template, *without*
    Antoine> doing output at the same time. The current syntax is the
    Antoine> '%' operator, it could change, but it shouldn't be
    Antoine> removed in favor of an inflexible print-with-formatting
    Antoine> approach.

AFAICT, that is the consensus view.  Is there something concrete
you're worried about here?


School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From aahz at  Thu Sep  8 18:43:12 2005
From: aahz at (Aahz)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:43:12 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005, Lisandro Dalcin wrote:
> Any possibility to add something like
> from __future__ import new_style_classes
> to have newly defined classes implicitly derive from 'object' (I
> understand this will be the implicit behavior when classic classes go
> away in Py3.0).

You can already do

__metaclass__ = type

within each module
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

The way to build large Python applications is to componentize and
loosely-couple the hell out of everything.

From ironfroggy at  Thu Sep  8 18:53:09 2005
From: ironfroggy at (Calvin Spealman)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:53:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <df66fb$qe7$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On 9/5/05, Calvin Spealman <ironfroggy at> wrote:
> > There is a lot of debate over this issue, obviously. Now, I think
> > getting rid of the print statement can lead to ugly code, because a
> > write function would be called as an expression, so where we'd once
> > have prints on their own lines, that wouldn't be the case anymore, and
> > things could get ugly.
> Sounds like FUD to me. Lots of functions/methods exist that *could* be
> embedded in expressions, and never are. Or if they are, there's
> actually a good reason, and then being a mere function (instead of a
> statement) would actually be helpful. Anyway, why would it be
> important that prints are on their own line where so many other
> important actions don't have that privilege?

For the same reason any statement is not an expression. Python doesn't
allow assignments as expression, even though it has been implemented.
Nor imports or function and class definitions. Readability is key.

On the other hand, I actually don't like there being a print statement
at all. We don't live in the days were console software rules and any
other form of interface is an after thought. First-class printing to
standard out seems to make a statement (no pun intended) that the
language is intended for Unix-emulating operating systems (even
Windows does, to some extent) and that anything you don't pipe through
stdout or pull from stdin is something extra tossed in for a special

Interface equality and neutrality would be a good thing in the
language. But, I guess what I'm getting at is that if you do give
special case to anything, give it special case properly. If text
console IO is going to be only through functions and not directly in
the language syntax, should it even be a built-in? Bring it to the
level of any other interface API or keep it at its own status, but any
middle ground seems half-hearted.

From dalcinl at  Thu Sep  8 18:56:07 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:56:07 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev]  PEP 3000 and new style classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/8/05, Aahz <aahz at> wrote:
> You can already do
> __metaclass__ = type
> within each module

Yes, you are right. But this way, you are making explicit a behavior
that will be implicit in the future.

For example, we could also do:

    two = float(4)/float(2)

instead of 

    from __future__ import division
    two = 4/2

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

From tommy at  Thu Sep  8 18:59:28 2005
From: tommy at (Tommy Burnette)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:59:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Chermside writes:
| Guido writes:
| > Is it worth doing this and completely dropping the %-based formats in
| > Py3k? (Just asking -- it might be if we can get people to get over the
| > shock of $ becoming first class ;-).
| In my opinion, YES -- it's worth seriously considering it. A single,
| well-designed solution for string interpolation (with syntactic support
| if needed to make it very easy to use) is FAR better than having one
| good solution and another legacy solution. Just the awkwardness of the
| trailing s in "%(foo)s" is enough to motivate a search for something
| better.

hey folks,

I managed to lose a few days worth of python-dev mail so I'm late to
this discussion, but I thought I'd toss in a few (possibly outlying)
data points form the visual effects/3d animation world.

here at ILM we use python as the expression langauge in a number of 3d
applications, and we usually end up adding a front-end parser so users
can reference variable values inline via $ sytanx.  they're still
essentially writing python code, but with the extra added suger of $

I have first-hand information that the engineers at Pixar chose tcl
over python a few years back as the expression language in their
commercial shader editor "slim" for exactly this reason as well (i.e
tcl already had $ refs, and they didn't want to present their own
python-but-not language like we do here).

so if replacing '' % () formatting with $ refs is an option in py3k,
allow me to offer a +1000 vote for that :)

From bob at  Thu Sep  8 19:08:53 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 10:08:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 8, 2005, at 5:42 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 15:07, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> I was also able to easily automate the process of extracting strings
>> to create that spreadsheet.  I wrote a simple script that parsed the
>> Python modules and looked for function calls of "_" whose only
>> argument was a constant string.  Worked great, and it was easy to  
>> write.
> I don't think enough people know about Tools/i18n/pygettext.  It does
> all the extractions for you, producing a GNU gettext compatible .pot
> file.  You can even teach it to recognize extraction keywords other  
> than
> the default _().  printf() should be easy to recognize, although we
> might have to make a slight modification since IIRC, pygettext will  
> only
> extract strings from keyword functions with exactly one argument.   
> That
> should be easy to fix.

You're right, I think Tools is probably a bad place for anything.  If  
it's not part of the stdlib, I'll likely never find it.


From at  Thu Sep  8 19:04:13 2005
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 11:04:13 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
References: <>
Message-ID: <dfpque$i5u$>

Josiah Carlson wrote:

> Here's a perspective "from the trenches" as it were.
> I've been writing quite a bit of code, initially all in Python (27k
> lines in the last year or so).  It worked reasonably well and fast. It
> wasn't fast enough. I needed a 25x increase in performance, which would
> have been easily attainable if I were to rewrite everything in C, but
> writing a module in pure C is a bit of a pain (as others can attest), so
> I gave Pyrex a shot (after scipy.weave.inline, ick).

Would you care to elaborate on the reasons behind the 'ick'?  I'm a big fan of
weave.inline and have used it very successfully for my own needs, so I'm
genuinely curious (as I tend to teach its use, I like to know of potential
problems I may not have seen).  

I should also add that a while ago a number of extremely annoying spurious
recompilation bugs were finally fixed, in case this was what bothered you. 
Those bugs (hard to find) made weave in certain cases useless, as it
recompiled everything blindly, thus killing its whole purpose.

Feel free to reply off-list if you feel this is not appropriate for python-dev,
though I think that a survey of the c-python bridges may be of interest to



From jcarlson at  Thu Sep  8 20:10:12 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 11:10:12 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
In-Reply-To: <dfpque$i5u$>
References: <> <dfpque$i5u$>
Message-ID: <>

Fernando Perez < at> wrote:
> Josiah Carlson wrote:
> > Here's a perspective "from the trenches" as it were.
> > 
> > I've been writing quite a bit of code, initially all in Python (27k
> > lines in the last year or so).  It worked reasonably well and fast. It
> > wasn't fast enough. I needed a 25x increase in performance, which would
> > have been easily attainable if I were to rewrite everything in C, but
> > writing a module in pure C is a bit of a pain (as others can attest), so
> > I gave Pyrex a shot (after scipy.weave.inline, ick).
> Would you care to elaborate on the reasons behind the 'ick'?  I'm a big fan of
> weave.inline and have used it very successfully for my own needs, so I'm
> genuinely curious (as I tend to teach its use, I like to know of potential
> problems I may not have seen).  

1. Mixing multiple languages in a single source file is bad form, yet it
seems to be encouraged in weave.inline and other such packages (it
becomes a big deal when the handful of Python becomes 20+ lines of C).

2. I experienced some minor but annoying issues in regards to automatic
type conversions (strings, mmaps, buffers, and arrays if I remember
correctly, it has been since February or March).

There were other things, but I'm not sure if I am remembering them
correctly or not (I spent around 12 hours over two days wrestling with
weave.inline, but in 10 minutes I was using Pyrex effectively).

> I should also add that a while ago a number of extremely annoying spurious
> recompilation bugs were finally fixed, in case this was what bothered you. 
> Those bugs (hard to find) made weave in certain cases useless, as it
> recompiled everything blindly, thus killing its whole purpose.

I was actually finding that weave wasn't recompiling /enough/.  I'd
change some source, and get old behavior.  I'd delete the various cache
files, then see the recompilation and new behavior.  With Pyrex and a
bit of magic, I get auto-recompilation (though will seriously consider
switching to Pyximport as another suggested).  It also seemed to have
some issues with interactive sessions, but I may be misremembering.

> Feel free to reply off-list if you feel this is not appropriate for python-dev,
> though I think that a survey of the c-python bridges may be of interest to
> others.

Agreed.  I admit that some of my issues would likely be lesser if I were
to start to use inline now, with additional experience with such things.
But with a few thousand lines of Pyrex and C working right now, I'm hard
pressed to convince anyone (including myself) that such a switch is

 - Josiah

From mike at  Thu Sep  8 20:41:39 2005
From: mike at (Mike Brown)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:41:39 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

jepler at wrote:
> According to RFC 2396[1] section 5.2:

RFC 2396 is obsolete. It was superseded by RFC 3986 / STD 66 early this year.

In particular, the procedure for removing dot-segments from the path component 
of a URI reference -- a procedure that is only supposed to be done when 
'resolving' a reference to absolute form (i.e., merging it with a base URI, 
which, being a URI, not a URI reference, is not allowed to contain 
dot-segments) -- has received a significant overhaul.

The implementation guidance you quoted from RFC 2396 is no longer relevant. 
Technically, it never was relevant, since urlparse only claims to implement 
RFC 1808 (2396's predecessor, now ten years old).

The new procedure says

  " are intended for use in URI references to
   express an identifier relative to the hierarchy of names in the base
   URI.  The remove_dot_segments algorithm respects that hierarchy by
   removing extra dot-segments rather than treat them as an error or
   leaving them to be misinterpreted by dereference implementations."


From at  Thu Sep  8 22:05:15 2005
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 14:05:15 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] reference counting in Py3K
References: <> <dfpque$i5u$>
Message-ID: <dfq5hr$o26$>

Josiah Carlson wrote:

> Fernando Perez < at> wrote:

>> Would you care to elaborate on the reasons behind the 'ick'?  I'm a big fan
>> of weave.inline and have used it very successfully for my own needs, so I'm
>> genuinely curious (as I tend to teach its use, I like to know of potential
>> problems I may not have seen).
> 1. Mixing multiple languages in a single source file is bad form, yet it
> seems to be encouraged in weave.inline and other such packages (it
> becomes a big deal when the handful of Python becomes 20+ lines of C).

Agreed.  I only use inline with explicit C strings for very short stuff, and
typically use a little load_C_snippet() utility I wrote.  That lets me keep
the C sources in real C files, with proper syntax highlighting in Xemacs and

[... summary of weave problems]

> Agreed.  I admit that some of my issues would likely be lesser if I were
> to start to use inline now, with additional experience with such things.
> But with a few thousand lines of Pyrex and C working right now, I'm hard
> pressed to convince anyone (including myself) that such a switch is
> worthwhile.

Thanks for your input.  I certainly wasn't trying to suggest you change, I was
just curious about your experiences.  If you ever see this again, specific
feedback on the scipy list would be very welcome.  While I'm not 'officially'
a scipy developer, I care enough about weave that occasionally I dig in and go
in bugfixing expeditions.  With proper bug reports we could improve a system
which I think has a place (especially for scientific computing, with the Blitz
support for arrays, which gives Numpy-like arrays in C++).  I don't see weave
as a competitor to pyrex, but rather as an alternate tool which can be
excellent in certain contexts, and which I'd like to see improve whre



From mithrandi-python-dev at  Thu Sep  8 23:13:07 2005
From: mithrandi-python-dev at (Tristan Seligmann)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 23:13:07 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Lisandro Dalcin <dalcinl at> [2005-09-08 13:56:07 -0300]:

> Yes, you are right. But this way, you are making explicit a behavior
> that will be implicit in the future.
> For example, we could also do:
>     two = float(4)/float(2)
> instead of 
>     from __future__ import division
>     two = 4/2

Why does it matter if the single statement you insert is spelled
"__metaclass__ = type" instead of "from __future__ import whatever"?
Remember, unlike the division example, you would only have to insert one
statement, as opposed to changing every use of integer division.
mithrandi, i Ainil en-Balandor, a faer Ambar
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From jepler at  Fri Sep  9 01:35:32 2005
From: jepler at (
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 18:35:32 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug in urlparse
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 12:41:39PM -0600, Mike Brown wrote:
> jepler at wrote:
> > According to RFC 2396[1] section 5.2:
> RFC 2396 is obsolete. It was superseded by RFC 3986 / STD 66 early this year.

Thanks for the correction.

-------------- next part --------------
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From t-meyer at  Fri Sep  9 03:23:16 2005
From: t-meyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:23:16 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tools directory (Was RE: Replacement for print in
	Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[finding Tools/i18n/]
> You're right, I think Tools is probably a bad place for 
> anything.  If it's not part of the stdlib, I'll likely never
> find it.

Agreed.  Maybe with the introduction of -m in Python 2.4, some of the Tools/
scripts could be put in __main__ sections of appropriate modules?  So that
"python -m gettext" would be equivilant to "python Tools/i18n/"?

(However, is 22KB, which is a big addition to the module; not
everything in Tools/Scripts might be used enough for this, or have an
appopriate module to be put in either).

Are there other ideas about how Tools/ could be improved?  Either moving
things, or making it more likely that people will look there for scripts?


From bcannon at  Fri Sep  9 03:52:59 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 18:52:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tools directory (Was RE: Replacement for print in
	Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/8/05, Tony Meyer <t-meyer at> wrote:
> [finding Tools/i18n/]
> > You're right, I think Tools is probably a bad place for
> > anything.  If it's not part of the stdlib, I'll likely never
> > find it.
> Agreed.  Maybe with the introduction of -m in Python 2.4, some of the Tools/
> scripts could be put in __main__ sections of appropriate modules?  So that
> "python -m gettext" would be equivilant to "python Tools/i18n/"?
> (However, is 22KB, which is a big addition to the module; not
> everything in Tools/Scripts might be used enough for this, or have an
> appopriate module to be put in either).
> Are there other ideas about how Tools/ could be improved?  Either moving
> things, or making it more likely that people will look there for scripts?

I assume that the Windows installer includes the Tools/ directory.  If
it doesn't that is one problem.  =)

Otherwise it is mostly a lack of advertisement and them not being
installed by ``make install``.  If you just download the soure and
install you will never know the directory even exists.  It needs to be
made obvious to people that it is even there.  Probably the only way
is to document the directory.


From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep  9 04:12:51 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 14:12:51 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Chermside wrote:

> In my opinion, YES -- it's worth seriously considering it. A single,
> well-designed solution for string interpolation (with syntactic support
> if needed to make it very easy to use) is FAR better than having one
> good solution and another legacy solution.

Maybe backquotes could be repurposed in Py3k for interpolated
string literals?

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep  9 04:21:35 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 14:21:35 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

 > IMO strings that are being printf'd can probably be assumed to be
 > human readable, and therefore candidates for translation.  This

That's a dangerous assumption to make, I think.

I'd be uncomfortable with having some strings in
my program translated automatically and others not.
EIBTI here, I feel.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From stephen at  Fri Sep  9 08:29:29 2005
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 15:29:29 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Greg Ewing's message of
	"Fri, 09 Sep 2005 14:21:35 +1200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> writes:

    Greg> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

    >> IMO strings that are being printf'd can probably be assumed to
    >> be human readable, and therefore candidates for translation.
    >> This

    Greg> That's a dangerous assumption to make, I think.

Could be.  For me, the name "print" is associated with a long history
of magical behavior that only a human could possibly feel comfortable
with.  One of the great sins of Pascal was tarring the name "write"
with the same brush!

    Greg> I'd be uncomfortable with having some strings in my program
    Greg> translated automatically and others not.  EIBTI here, I
    Greg> feel.

If printf is going to be part of a magical family of print* functions
that do things like insert interword spacing and EOLs, I have no
problem with documenting that among the other magical things that
printf does, it translates strings.  This is no less explicit than any
other function that bundles several more primitive functions.

If instead, we come up with a sufficiently excellent set of formatting
and interpolation notations that printf isn't magic at all, simply a
function that interprets a precisely defined set of explicit
notations, then i18n should have its own notation, too.

On reviewing the thread, the latter seems to be the direction things
are going.  Although several people have defended print's magical
behaviors, most of them (and several others) seem at least as excited
about a printf with a more economical yet powerful set of operators.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

From fredrik at  Fri Sep  9 08:30:36 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:30:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <>
Message-ID: <dfra6e$no8$>

Greg Ewing wrote:

> Maybe backquotes could be repurposed in Py3k for interpolated
> string literals?

backquotes are a PITA to type on many non-US keyboards.


From theller at  Fri Sep  9 09:19:55 2005
From: theller at (Thomas Heller)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 09:19:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
References: <>
	<> <dfra6e$no8$>
Message-ID: <>

"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at> writes:

> Greg Ewing wrote:
>> Maybe backquotes could be repurposed in Py3k for interpolated
>> string literals?
> backquotes are a PITA to type on many non-US keyboards.

Even more since they are especially broken in Windows XEmacs.


From ncoghlan at  Fri Sep  9 10:16:24 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 18:16:24 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <dfra6e$no8$>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>Maybe backquotes could be repurposed in Py3k for interpolated
>>string literals?
> backquotes are a PITA to type on many non-US keyboards.

Not to mention the annoyingly large number of fonts that make '`' and ''' look 
virtually identical :(

Besides, backquotes don't give you a way to supply the values to feed into the 
interpolated literal the way string.Template does, or a 'format' builtin would.

This does make me think of the interesting prospect of an internationalised 
string literal, though (e.g., _"This an il8n string"). I'm not sure it would 
be enough of a win over the status quo though, since doing the language 
conversion at compile time could make it interesting to try and switch 
languages at run time.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From solipsis at  Fri Sep  9 11:28:03 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 11:28:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] international python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <dfra6e$no8$>
Message-ID: <>

> This does make me think of the interesting prospect of an internationalised 
> string literal, though (e.g., _"This an il8n string"). I'm not sure it would 
> be enough of a win over the status quo though,

I don't think so either. i18n doesn't require its specific string
notation (in addition, dropping "_()" may make it harder to interface
with standard gettext tools). On the hand, international support in
Python apps will benefit from:
  - seamless unicode support: how about making the default Python
charset utf-8 instead of ascii ? right now, someone (say an American or
English) who does not design his app with non-ascii characters in mind
may have a surprise when users enter those characters in customizable
fields: for example, debug print statements which end up crashing the
app with an UnicodeException on the user's machine, without even a way
to diagnose this when the app is a GUI app and stdout is not shown ;))
  - simple formatting syntax (the current "%" operator is quite fine in
that regard)

As for seamless unicode support, there are also problems sometimes with
filenames and filepaths: see e.g.



From fredrik at  Fri Sep  9 12:15:25 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:15:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] international python
References: <><>
Message-ID: <dfrnbu$smd$>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:

>  - seamless unicode support: how about making the default Python
> charset utf-8 instead of ascii ? right now, someone (say an American or
> English) who does not design his app with non-ascii characters in mind
> may have a surprise when users enter those characters in customizable
> fields: for example, debug print statements which end up crashing the
> app with an UnicodeException on the user's machine, without even a way
> to diagnose this when the app is a GUI app and stdout is not shown ;))

using a variable-width default encoding will break stuff that expect string
lengths to be constant, or just prefer their character and slice indices to stay
where they are.

defaulting to "replace" (or better, an escaping UnicodeEncodeError handler)
on the standard output channels would be a better idea.


From amk at  Fri Sep  9 15:13:06 2005
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 09:13:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tools directory (Was RE: Replacement for print in
	Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 06:52:59PM -0700, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Otherwise it is mostly a lack of advertisement and them not being
> installed by ``make install``.  If you just download the soure and

Agreed.  I've often wished that was installed somewhere.  

> Probably the only way
> is to document the directory.

How should we document it?  Writing man pages for the scripts and
installing them is probably the minimum.  Would there also need to be
a LaTeX document for all the scripts, or is that overkill?


From nyamatongwe at  Fri Sep  9 15:09:13 2005
From: nyamatongwe at (Neil Hodgson)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 23:09:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] international python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <dfra6e$no8$>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou:

> As for seamless unicode support, there are also problems sometimes with
> filenames and filepaths: see e.g.

   This bug report is using byte string arguments causing byte string
processing rather than unicode calls with unicode processing. Windows
code that may encounter file paths outside the default locale should
stick to unicode for paths. Try converting os.curdir to unicode before
calling other functions:



From tim.peters at  Fri Sep  9 16:20:10 2005
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 10:20:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tools directory (Was RE: Replacement for print in
	Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Brett Cannon]
> I assume that the Windows installer includes the Tools/ directory.

It installs part of it, not all:


So it's missing these Tools directories:


Historically, a Tools directory got into the Windows installer iff
somone asked for it.

From solipsis at  Fri Sep  9 16:45:44 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 16:45:44 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] international python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <dfra6e$no8$>
Message-ID: <>

Le vendredi 09 septembre 2005 ? 23:09 +1000, Neil Hodgson a ?crit :
> Antoine Pitrou:
> > As for seamless unicode support, there are also problems sometimes with
> > filenames and filepaths: see e.g.
> >
>    This bug report is using byte string arguments causing byte string
> processing rather than unicode calls with unicode processing. Windows
> code that may encounter file paths outside the default locale should
> stick to unicode for paths. Try converting os.curdir to unicode before
> calling other functions:
> os.path.abspath(unicode(os.curdir))

I don't have a Windows machine at hand right now to test it, but, even
if this solution works, it breaks the principle of least astonishment:
os.path.abspath() should do the Right Thing regardless of what the
current locale is.



From guido at  Fri Sep  9 17:28:15 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:28:15 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/8/05, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> Could be.  For me, the name "print" is associated with a long history
> of magical behavior that only a human could possibly feel comfortable
> with.  One of the great sins of Pascal was tarring the name "write"
> with the same brush!

Well, apart from your personal history, and in the light of future
developments, for most people who aren't programmers using dinosaur
languages, "print" will probably mean "convert a document to bits of
ink on paper" or perhaps by extension into the third dimension
"produce a physical object from a virtual one". (I've seen some
amazing demos of the latter at foocamp, even though the equipment is
still a bit big to fit in a typical kitchen. :)

While I laugh at the naive view of people who write things like
"Interface equality and neutrality would be a good thing in the
language" and seriously (? I didn't see a smiley) use this argument to
plead for not making print() a built-in, I do think that avoiding the
'print' name would be a good thing if it could be done without ticking
off the old-timers.

On the third hand, I notice that Java uses read()/write() and class
names ending in Stream for a byte-oriented API, and print()/println()
with class names ending in Reader/Writer for a text/character-based
API. (Some classes provide both print() and write() methods and there
the distinction is clearest.) Since Python 3000 is heading in the same
direction, I wouldn't mind having some API distinction so it's clearer
to the reader whether we are writing binary or or text data.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Fri Sep  9 17:48:05 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 10:48:05 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <dfra6e$no8$>
References: <>
	<> <dfra6e$no8$>
Message-ID: <>

    Fredrik> backquotes are a PITA to type on many non-US keyboards.

Interesting.  On US keyboards they are often easier to type than parens...


From jimjjewett at  Fri Sep  9 17:47:52 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 11:47:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tools directory (Was RE: Replacement for print in
	Python 3.0)
Message-ID: <>

> How should we document [the tools directory]

At the interactive prompt, help() lets me get a list
of topics (not including tools), keywords, or modules --
but no mention of tools.

I didn't find any references at

The tutorial does mention the standard library (and
the library reference documents it), but I didn't find
any suggestion in either that there was another 
library out there under a Tools or Scripts directory.


From rowen at  Fri Sep  9 20:31:47 2005
From: rowen at (Russell E. Owen)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 11:31:47 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In article <20050908211307.GA506 at>,
 Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi-python-dev at> wrote:

> * Lisandro Dalcin <dalcinl at> [2005-09-08 13:56:07 -0300]:
> > Yes, you are right. But this way, you are making explicit a behavior
> > that will be implicit in the future.
> > 
> > For example, we could also do:
> > 
> >     two = float(4)/float(2)
> > 
> > instead of 
> > 
> >     from   future   import division
> >     two = 4/2
> Why does it matter if the single statement you insert is spelled
> "  metaclass   = type" instead of "from   future   import whatever"?
> Remember, unlike the division example, you would only have to insert one
> statement, as opposed to changing every use of integer division.

It matters because "metaclass = type" is completely obscure. How would 
any non-expert have a clue what it means?

-- Russell

From hpk at  Fri Sep  9 22:30:37 2005
From: hpk at (holger krekel)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 22:30:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 11:31 -0700, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> In article <20050908211307.GA506 at>,
>  Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi-python-dev at> wrote:
> > 
> > Why does it matter if the single statement you insert is spelled
> > "  metaclass   = type" instead of "from   future   import whatever"?
> > Remember, unlike the division example, you would only have to insert one
> > statement, as opposed to changing every use of integer division.
> It matters because "metaclass = type" is completely obscure. How would 
> any non-expert have a clue what it means?

How would this non-expert have a clue what 
"from __future__ import new_style_classes" means? 


From martin.blais at  Fri Sep  9 22:35:06 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 16:35:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/8/05, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Le jeudi 08 septembre 2005 ? 19:12 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull a ?crit :
> >  It would be
> > nice to be able to lose the "_()" calls to gettext().  The function
> > would look to see if a message catalog was available for the current
> > output stream, and if not, do no translation.
> That doesn't sound right to me.
> 1. You still need to do automatic extraction of these strings (gettext
> has tools for that, which rely on the use of the "_()" function - or any
> other dedicated function (*)).
> 2. You can't assume that all strings must be i18n'ed. For example if I'm
> interfacing with the user via a text-based network protocol which has a
> field named "Length", I don't want that "Length" field to be replaced
> with the Japanese translation of the word "Length".
> For i18n, "explicit is better than implicit" ;) The beauty of "_()" is
> that it's at the same time explicit, easily recognizable, and very short
> to type and read (it doesn't clutter the source code). If I dare say,
> the "%" operator has the same qualities.
> (*) of course more automatization of what gettext does could be a nice
> improvement too!

Here goes something: for applications targeted to the web, where
newlines don't matter, the line breaks in _()'ed strings are
superfluous.  In order to avoid the problem of not being able to "fix"
my strings when reindenting the source, and to avoid the need in
general to have newlines in the po files, I added an option to
pygettext that allows it to flatten the strings in a single line. 
This does not break the old functionality, just allows you more
flexbility in the input source (you can break strings on multiple
lines) and the strings in the catalogs are nicer too (no newlines

I submitted a patch on 2005-01-08, nobody has had time to
review/integrate it yet.  If you're interested, see
[ 1098749 ] Single-line option to


From mcherm at  Fri Sep  9 23:12:20 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 14:12:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
Message-ID: <>

Lisandro Dalc?n proposes:
> Any possibility to add something like
> from __future__ import new_style_classes

Tristan Seligmann writes:
> Why does it matter if the single statement you insert is spelled
> "  metaclass   = type" instead of "from   future   import whatever"?

Russell Owen responds:
> It matters because "metaclass = type" is completely obscure. How would
> any non-expert have a clue what it means?

Holger asks:
> How would this non-expert have a clue what
> "from __future__ import new_style_classes" means?

Mon-expert users can safely assume that any "from __future__ import"
statements are there to future-proof a program or make use of advanced
features early. Non-expert users cannot safely assume anything about
assignments to __metaclass__ and, in fact, may well break into a cold
sweat any time they hear the word "metaclass".

I'm not saying that it's necessary, but if it were my call (and it isn't)
I'd probably not bother to code "from __future__ import new_style_classes"
but I'd probably accept a patch if someone wrote one. I think it would
provide a REALLY nice migration path if it were possible to write
Python 3.0 code in Python 2.x (for large values of x) so long as you
included an appropriate preamble of "from __future__ import" statements.
I don't believe we'll ever get it perfect because there would be a few
minor incompatibilities no matter how hard we try, but just imagine how
the Perl5 users today would feel if they were told that they could use
Perl6 code in the Perl5 interpreter by using the "@ .fture. <<" command.

I love making Perl users jealous, so I certainly wouldn't vote less than
-0 ("I don't care so why bother") on a proposal like this one.

-- Michael Chermside

From rowen at  Fri Sep  9 23:23:19 2005
From: rowen at (Russell E. Owen)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 14:23:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In article <20050909203037.GA7577 at>,
 hpk at (holger krekel) wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 11:31 -0700, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> > In article <20050908211307.GA506 at>,
> >  Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi-python-dev at> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Why does it matter if the single statement you insert is spelled
> > > "  metaclass   = type" instead of "from   future   import whatever"?
> > > Remember, unlike the division example, you would only have to insert one
> > > statement, as opposed to changing every use of integer division.
> > 
> > It matters because "metaclass = type" is completely obscure. How would 
> > any non-expert have a clue what it means?
> How would this non-expert have a clue what 
> "from __future__ import new_style_classes" means? 

Because it's plain english.

Also because it's easy to look up. For example:

google for:
- python "from __future__ import"; the third link is useful, though a 
bit technical; presumably it's is in the manual somewhere as well
- python "new style classes" python; the first link is useful

If and when the __future__ directive under discussion is added, I would 
try googling for the whole line and probably hit it on the first go.

Now try that with "metaclass = type". Good luck. I tried all sorts of 
variants and came up with nothing except a tutorial on metaclasses, 
which was interesting, but NOT a ready explanation of what "metaclass = 
type" does.

-- Russell

From dalcinl at  Sat Sep 10 00:15:01 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 19:15:01 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
Message-ID: <>

PEP 3000 says
( :

Core language
- Return iterators instead of lists where appropriate for atomic type
methods (e.g. dict.keys(), dict.values(), dict.items(), etc.)

Built-in Namespace
- Make built-ins return an iterator where appropriate (e.g. range(),
zip(), etc.)
- Relevant functions should consume iterators (e.g. min(), max())
To be removed:
- xrange(): use range() instead [1]

Any possibility to add one (or more) __future__ statement to
implicitly get this behavior? Any suggestion about naming?

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

From gustavo at  Sat Sep 10 01:47:09 2005
From: gustavo at (Gustavo Niemeyer)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 20:47:09 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] SIGPIPE => SIG_IGN?
Message-ID: <20050909234709.GA24789@localhost.localdomain>


I was wondering, why are we setting SIGPIPE to SIG_IGN
in initsigs():

   static void
   #ifdef SIGPIPE
           PyOS_setsig(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

One of the side effects is:

   >>> os.system("yes | read any")
   yes: standard output: Broken pipe
   yes: write error
   >>> os.system("yes | head -1")
   yes: standard output: Broken pipe
   yes: write error

That stops when setting to SIG_DFL:

   >>> signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
   >>> os.system("yes | head -1")
   >>> os.system("yes | read any")

Out of curiosity, many of the google results for
"yes: standard output: Broken pipe" are from
Python programs. :-)


Gustavo Niemeyer

From guido at  Sat Sep 10 02:42:02 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 17:42:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Can you all just stop discussing this? In the last 4 contributions
nothing has been added that hasn't been said yet. It's not going to
change.  Get used to it.There are more important issues.

On 9/9/05, Russell E. Owen <rowen at> wrote:
> In article <20050909203037.GA7577 at>,
>  hpk at (holger krekel) wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 11:31 -0700, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> > > In article <20050908211307.GA506 at>,
> > >  Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi-python-dev at> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Why does it matter if the single statement you insert is spelled
> > > > "  metaclass   = type" instead of "from   future   import whatever"?
> > > > Remember, unlike the division example, you would only have to insert one
> > > > statement, as opposed to changing every use of integer division.
> > >
> > > It matters because "metaclass = type" is completely obscure. How would
> > > any non-expert have a clue what it means?
> >
> > How would this non-expert have a clue what
> > "from __future__ import new_style_classes" means?
> Because it's plain english.
> Also because it's easy to look up. For example:
> google for:
> - python "from __future__ import"; the third link is useful, though a
> bit technical; presumably it's is in the manual somewhere as well
> - python "new style classes" python; the first link is useful
> If and when the __future__ directive under discussion is added, I would
> try googling for the whole line and probably hit it on the first go.
> Now try that with "metaclass = type". Good luck. I tried all sorts of
> variants and came up with nothing except a tutorial on metaclasses,
> which was interesting, but NOT a ready explanation of what "metaclass =
> type" does.
> -- Russell
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Sat Sep 10 02:49:39 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 17:49:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/9/05, Lisandro Dalcin <dalcinl at> wrote:
> PEP 3000 says
> ( :
> Core language
> - Return iterators instead of lists where appropriate for atomic type
> methods (e.g. dict.keys(), dict.values(), dict.items(), etc.)
> Built-in Namespace
> - Make built-ins return an iterator where appropriate (e.g. range(),
> zip(), etc.)
> - Relevant functions should consume iterators (e.g. min(), max())
> To be removed:
> - xrange(): use range() instead [1]
> Any possibility to add one (or more) __future__ statement to
> implicitly get this behavior? Any suggestion about naming?

For the builtins, it would actually be possible to do this by simply
importing an alternate builtins module. Something like

  from future_builtins import min, max, zip, range

For methods on standard objects like dicts it's not really possible
either way; the type of a dict is determined by the module containing
the code creating it, not the module containing the code using it.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Sat Sep 10 02:51:13 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 17:51:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] SIGPIPE => SIG_IGN?
In-Reply-To: <20050909234709.GA24789@localhost.localdomain>
References: <20050909234709.GA24789@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <>

> I was wondering, why are we setting SIGPIPE to SIG_IGN
> in initsigs():

Because you can get a SIGPIPE from writing to a socket whose other
side has shut down, and we want to turn that into an error.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep 10 03:54:31 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 11:54:31 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tools directory (Was RE: Replacement for print in
 Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Jewett wrote:
>>How should we document [the tools directory]
> At the interactive prompt, help() lets me get a list
> of topics (not including tools), keywords, or modules --
> but no mention of tools.
> I didn't find any references at
> The tutorial does mention the standard library (and
> the library reference documents it), but I didn't find
> any suggestion in either that there was another 
> library out there under a Tools or Scripts directory.

Even adding something (e.g., Tools/README) to the "undocumented modules" 
section of the standard library would be an improvement on the status quo.

I also noticed that the Windows installer does *not* install 
"Tools/README.txt", so there isn't even a synopsis of the tools which _are_ 
included with the Windows installer.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep 10 04:17:05 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 12:17:05 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/9/05, Lisandro Dalcin <dalcinl at> wrote:
>>Any possibility to add one (or more) __future__ statement to
>>implicitly get this behavior? Any suggestion about naming?
> For the builtins, it would actually be possible to do this by simply
> importing an alternate builtins module. Something like
>   from future_builtins import min, max, zip, range
> For methods on standard objects like dicts it's not really possible
> either way; the type of a dict is determined by the module containing
> the code creating it, not the module containing the code using it.

However, such a "future_builtins" module could still include modified versions 
of those standard objects - such "future-proofed" code would simply still need 
to deal with the fact that other libraries or clients may pass in the 
old-style components (e.g. just as unicode-aware code needs to deal with the 
fact that other libraries or clients may produce 8-bit strings rather than 
unicode text).

Also, an alternative to changing the builtins piecemeal would be to have 
"__python3_builtin__" in sys.modules and do:

     import __python3_builtin__
     __builtins__ = __python3_builtin__
except ImportError:
     # What you do here depends on whether or not __python3_builtin__
     # stays around in Py3k or not.

You could then write a script to extract all known changes to the Py3k 
builtins by looking for differences between the two modules.

Another trick would be to have an "everything in Python 3" option for any 
syntax changes too:

   from __future__ import __python3__


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From nyamatongwe at  Sat Sep 10 05:17:55 2005
From: nyamatongwe at (Neil Hodgson)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 13:17:55 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] international python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <dfra6e$no8$>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou:

> I don't have a Windows machine at hand right now to test it, but, even
> if this solution works, it breaks the principle of least astonishment:

   Astonishment is subjective and so a poor tool to measure by. At one
stage Ruby tried to follow the more common formulation "principle of
least surprise" (POLS) but this produced arguments of the following

   I am surprised by X.
   Therefore, X contradicts POLS.
   Therefore, X must be fixed.

   POLS was then abandoned.

> os.path.abspath() should do the Right Thing regardless of what the
> current locale is.

   This was discussed recently and the consensus position was for
functions that can not return a value in the default encoding to
instead return a unicode value. Correct implementation of this would
require not only changing the behaviour of functions returning strings
but also those receiving strings (which should treat byte strings as
being in the default encoding). This would require a large amount of
work, and is unlikely to be performed in the near future.


From t-meyer at  Sat Sep 10 05:41:22 2005
From: t-meyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 15:41:22 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] [draft] python-dev Summary for 2005-08-16 through
Message-ID: <>

If anyone would like to take a break from all this Py3k discussion, please
feel free to read through the following draft for the second August summary.
Checking over the "O(N**2) behaviour in StreamReader.readline" summary would
be particularly appreciated.  As always, any corrections/suggestions should
be sent to me or Steve (steven.bethard at  Thanks!


PyPy release 0.7.0

PyPy_ has a new release, 0.7.0, which is now a fully self-contained Python
implementation. It includes whole-program type inference and translation to
both C and LLVM, a choice of refcounting or Boehm garbage collectors,
language-level compliancy with CPython 2.4.1 and much more. If you haven't
already, now's the time to check it out!

.. _PyPy:

Contributing thread:

- `PyPy release 0.7.0


New mailbox module

Gregory K. Johnson, who's been working with A.M. Kuchling for Google's
Summer of Code, has completed a new version of the mailbox module that
allows the adding and removing of messages. It will be double-checked for
code quality, complete documentation, and full backwards-compatibility and
then hopefully checked in.

Contributing thread:

- `New mailbox module




Terry Reedy suggested that str.find() be removed in Python 3.0, in favour of
str.index(); the main issue with str.find() is that it returns -1 on
failure, leading to the common "if s.find(sub):" bug (which should be "if
sub in s:"); -1 is also a valid index into a string.  Guido agreed that
removal would be a good idea, however Tim Peters pointed out that the
requirement to use a try/except clause can lead to another kind of sloppy

Raymond Hettinger suggested that the ideal solution would be to replace
str.find() with new methods, str.partition() and str.rpartition(), which
work like::

    >>> s = '' 
    >>> s.partition('://')
    ('http', '://', '')
    >>> s.rpartition('.')
    (' http://www.python',  '.', 'org')
    >>> s.partition('?')
    (''',  '', '')

Replacing str.find() with str.partition() in the standard library generally
resulted in much cleaner and clearer code, without requiring the addition of
try/except blocks.  Comments were overwhelmingly in favour of this new

"part" and "cut" were suggested as alternative names to "partition",
although Raymond is very attached to the "partition" name.

Contributing threads:

- `Remove str.find in 3.0?
- `partition() (was: Remove str.find in 3.0?)
- `Proof of the pudding: str.partition()
- `partition()
- `Alternative name for str.partition()


PEP 348: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0

This fortnight saw the final demise of `PEP 348`_. This began with `Guido's
agreement`_ to remove bare "except:" from Python 3.0 entirely. Introducing a
transition plan for this change in Python 3.0 proved problematic, however.
To quote Michael Chermside, "no syntax will work in BOTH 2.5 and 3.0". For
example, the proposed Python 3.0 code::

        my_result = call_some_library(my_data)
    except Exception: # doesn't catch KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit

would need to be written in Python 2.5 as::
        my_result = call_some_library(my_data)
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

Note that the final ``except:`` in the 2.5 code can't be written as ``except
Exception:`` - Python 2.5 will still allow exceptions that do not derive
from Exception (e.g. string exceptions). Thus deprecating bare ``except:``
would mean that some code would produce warnings, and yet not have any way
to be rewritten that would be upwards-compatible.

As a result, Guido rejected the entire PEP.

.. _PEP 348:
.. _Guido's agreement:

Contributing threads:

- `Bare except clauses in PEP 348
- `FW: Bare except clauses in PEP 348
- `rev. 1.9 of PEP 348: Raymond tested, Guido approved


PEP 347: Migrating the Python CVS to Subversion

Discussion about the conversion to subversion and subsequent move of the
Python source repository to (outlined in `PEP  347`_)
continued this fortnight.  Discussion particularly covered the means of
authentication that would be used to access, how names would
appear in revision logs, and other minor details like that.  Martin has set
up a test installation (for current Python developers; there is no anonymous
access) on, to check that the system will work as described
in the PEP.  Assuming that things go well with this test installation, it
seems likely that the PEP will be accepted and the migration will take place
at some point in the future.

.. _PEP 347:

Contributing threads:

- `PEP 347: Migration to Subversion
- `Admin access using svn+ssh
- `Collecting SSH keys
- `On distributed vs centralised SCM for Python
- `Fwd: Distributed RCS
- ` details
- `Subversion instructions


Partial method application

Ian Bicking suggested a partialmethod() function along the lines of the
operator module's itemgetter() and attrgetter().  The partialmethod()
function would allow the "self" argument of a method to be supplied later,

    lst = ['A', 'b', 'C']

Martin v. L?wis argued (convincing Guido at least) that a better style for
delayed method calls would look something like::


where the "virtual" object would serve as a virtual instance so that the
"self" argument to the "lower" method could be supplied later.

There was a brief discussion about consistency between this proposal and the
operator module's itemgetter() and attrgetter() which, unlike Martin's
proposal, use argument strings instead of attributes to determine the
appropriate function to produce. Additionally, in Python 2.5, both
itemgetter() and attrgetter() will allow multiple arguments, while none of
the method-calling solutions above extended reasonably to multiple methods.
However, people seemed in general agreement that the use case was a single
method call, and that supporting multiple method calls was unnecessary.

The thread concluded without coming to a full resolution. For the moment at
least, it seems that defining a regular Python function for the key=
argument is still considered the best style.

Contributing thread:

- `PEP 309: Partial method application


Moving id() to the sys module

Christian Robottom Reis suggested that the built-in function id() should be
moved into the sys module, as "id" is a useful and common name, to avoid
shadowing built-ins.  This is also list as one of `Guido's regrets`_.  He
asked whether adding would be possible in 2.5, and adding a
deprecation warning to (to be removed in Python 3.0).

This gathered quite a lot of support, and few comments against the proposal.
However, Anthony Baxter warned that using the warnings module is expensive,
and so issuing a deprecation warning might not be a good idea.

Interestingly, Guido's opinion (not universally shared) is that shadowing at
least some built-in names is perfectly acceptable.  It wasn't clear whether
this meant that he would be against the move, or that his reasons for the
move were different (e.g. simply a more appropriate place, reducing the
number of built-ins).  
 .. _Guido's regrets: 

Contributing thread:

 - `Deprecating builtin id (and moving it to sys())


O(N**2) behavior in StreamReader.readline

Keir Mierle reported a problem where _PyUnicodeUCS2_IsLinebreak was called
excessively, resulting in a huge slowdown of a CGI script.   The code that
caused the slowdown was adding the encoding line "# -*- coding: iso8859-1
-*-"; this is caused by changes to codecs in  2.4, which no longer rely on
C's readline() to do line splitting, but use unicode.splitlines() instead,
and also that  StreamReader.readline performs splitline on the entire input,
only to fetch the first line, and also uses splitlines on a single line  to
remove any trailing line breaks.  As a result, for a file with N lines,
IsLinebreak is invoked up to N*N/2 times per character.

Walter D?rwald and Martin v. L?wis worked on solutions to this problem.
Martin's `eventual solution`_ keeps the splitlines result and only invokes
IsLinebreak once per character, and copies each character only one.  This
should be much faster than the current code.

.. _eventual solution:

Contributing threads:

- `51 Million calls to _PyUnicodeUCS2_IsLinebreak() (???)
- `[Argon] Re: 51 Million calls to _PyUnicodeUCS2_IsLinebreak() (???)


PEP 349: Allow str() to return unicode strings

Neil Schemenauer updated `PEP 349`_, which had previously proposed a text()
builtin, to instead propose that str() be allowed to return unicode strings.
The new str() would remove two types of UnicodeEncodeErrors that str() had
previously raised:

* No UnicodeEncodeError would be raised if the argument to str() is unicode.
Instead, the unicode object would be returned unmodified.
* No UnicodeEncodeError would be raised if the argument's __str__() method
returns a unicode object. Instead, this returned object would be in turn
returned from the str() call.

In the following brief discussion, it was suggested that unicode.__str__
should be changed to return "self" instead of trying to encode itself into
ascii. (Otherwise subclasses of unicode would likely get UnicodeEncodeErrors
when their __str__() methods were called.)

There was a little feedback on the proposal, with a few people wanting to go
back to the text() builtin instead of changing str(), but no final decisions
were made.

.. _PEP 349:

Contributing thread:

- `Revised PEP 349: Allow str() to return unicode strings


One argument form of setdefault()

Tim Peters asked if anyone remembered why setdefault's second argument is
optional, given that it doesn't seem at all useful, and that he wasn't able
to find any use cases outside of the test suite.  The likely explanation
seemed that it was a result of setdefault()  following the behaviour of
dict.get().  Tim suggested dropping the optional nature of the second
argument for Python 3.0 - Raymond  upped this by suggesting that it could be
done earlier (e.g. with a deprecation warning in 2.5 and gone in 2.6).

Tim did later find a use (in Zope), but the author of the code, David
Goodger, indicated that it would probably be better written in other ways,
and that if dict.pop() could be used (it was introduced in Python 2.3) then
that would be preferable, so it still seems likely that the second argument
will be made mandatory.

Contributing thread:

- `setdefault's second argument


dir() returning non-strings

As a result of a suggested patch by Michael Krasnyk, the question of whether
dir() should only return strings was raised.  Guido's position was that
dir() should hide non-strings, as these are not attributes if you use the
definition that an attribute name is a valid parameter to a getattr() or
setattr() call.  Guido suggested that a useful relationship (excluding where
__getattr__ or __getattribute__ is overridden) is::

  name in dir(x) <==> getattr(x, name) is valid

Contributing threads:

- `SWIG and rlcompleter



Raymond Hettinger wanted to move away from the current empty-string API that
file objects use for indicating that the end of the file has been reached.
To cover at least some of the use-cases, he suggested a readblocks() method,
so that code like::

    while 1:
        block =
        if line == '':

could be instead written as::

    for block in f.readblocks(20):

Guido couldn't see a use case for this though, and suggested that there were
other issues with files/streams that were more important (e.g. buffering
transparency and character set encodings) some of which he'd been working on
in the sandbox_.

.. _sandbox:

Contributing thread:

- `empty string api for files


Python 3.0 design principles

Raymond Hettinger is planning to put together a draft list of Python design
principles.  For example, "don't let the *type* of the return value depend
on the *value* of the arguments".  These will complement the Zen of Python,
and provide a document to refer people to when proposing new/changed

Although in design principle discussion, there has been discussion about the
Python 2.x->Python 3.0 transition, and whether it will be possible to write
code that runs in both Python 2.x and 3.0.


Contributing threads:

- `Design Principles
- `Python 3 design principles

Skipped Threads

- `Extension to dl module to allow passing strings from native function
- `implementation of copy standard lib
- `dev listinfo page (was: Re: Python + Ping)
- `remote debugging with pdb
- `A testing challenge
- `On decorators implementation
- `[Python-checkins] python/dist/src, 1.219, 1.220
- `Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
- `[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Modules _hashopenssl.c, NONE, 2.1
sha256module.c, NONE, 2.1 sha512module.c, NONE, 2.1 md5module.c, 2.35, 2.36
shamodule.c, 2.22, 2.23
- `PEP 342 Implementation
- `Modules _hashopenssl, sha256, sha512 compile in MinGW,
- `python/dist/src/Doc/tut tut.tex,1.276,1.277
- `Docs/Pointer to Tools/scripts?
- `python-dev Summary for 2005-08-01 through 2005-08-15 [draft]
- `Style for raising exceptions (python-dev Summary for 2005-08-01 through
2005-08-15 [draft])
- `PEP 342: simple example, closure alternative
- `operator.c for release24-maint and test_bz2 on Python 2.4.1
- `test_bz2 on Python 2.4.1
- `[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test, 1.18, 1.19
- `test_bz2 fails on Python 2.4.1 from CVS, passes on same from source
- `Python 3.0 blocks?
- `Any detail list of change between version 2.1-2.2-2.3-2.4 of Python?
- `info/advices about python readline implementation
- `test_bz2 and Python 2.4.1
- `[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Doc/whatsnew whatsnew25.tex, 1.18, 1.19
- `Revising RE docs (was: partition() (was: Remove str.find in 3.0?))
- `Switching re and sre

From __peter__ at  Sat Sep 10 09:22:59 2005
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 09:22:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib,
	1.169, 1.170
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Am Samstag, 10. September 2005 04:27 schrieb rhettinger at

> Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
> In directory
> Modified Files:
> Log Message:
> Simplify and speed-up quote_plus().
> Index:
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/,v
> retrieving revision 1.169
> retrieving revision 1.170
> diff -u -d -r1.169 -r1.170
> ---	9 Sep 2005 22:27:13 -0000	1.169
> +++	10 Sep 2005 02:27:41 -0000	1.170
> @@ -1115,12 +1115,9 @@
>  def quote_plus(s, safe = ''):
>      """Quote the query fragment of a URL; replacing ' ' with '+'"""
>      if ' ' in s:
> -        l = s.split(' ')
> -        for i in range(len(l)):
> -            l[i] = quote(l[i], safe)
> -        return '+'.join(l)
> -    else:
> -        return quote(s, safe)
> +        s = s.replace(' ', '+')
> +        safe += '+'
> +    return quote(s, safe)
>  def urlencode(query,doseq=0):
>      """Encode a sequence of two-element tuples or dictionary into a URL
> query string.

You also change the behaviour. Before:

>>> urllib.quote_plus("alpha+beta gamma")


>>> urllib.quote_plus("alpha+beta gamma")

Is that intentional? If so, you also have to update the documentation, which 
currently reads:

quote_plus(string[, safe])

... Plus signs in the original string are escaped unless they are included in 
safe. ...


From widjason8 at  Fri Sep  9 10:27:42 2005
From: widjason8 at (Jason)
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 08:27:42 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Wanting to learn
Message-ID: <1126254462.3888.5.camel@localhost.localdomain>

Hi My name is Jason & i have a great interest in progamming whether it
be python or what have you. From my understanding Python is written in C
right ? I am willing to do grunt work just to learn .I a quick to catch
on given the right path to follow.Please let me know if you  will let me
learn help in my endeavor to learn to program. I am eager to hear
back .Thanks for your time.Or if not Maybe you could point me in the
right direction


From dalcinl at  Fri Sep  9 23:17:54 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 18:17:54 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/9/05, holger krekel <hpk at> wrote:
> >
> > It matters because "metaclass = type" is completely obscure. How would
> > any non-expert have a clue what it means?
> How would this non-expert have a clue what
> "from __future__ import new_style_classes" means?

That is the point!!! If I am a developer, I think is better to have a
__future__ statement for things that are planned to change in the
future. If you are a non-expert, you will google for new style
classes, and I think is far easier to understand what a new style
class is than metaclasses. How many non-expert knows about nested
scopes subjects introduced in Py2.1? it has a __future__ statement.

Additionaly, a __future__ statement can be easily removed when a new
Python release cames. We could simply use the script
Tools/scripts/ to eliminate those __future__ imports
when Py3.0 is available. The same applies for generators in Py2.4 ...

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

From dalcinl at  Fri Sep  9 23:38:18 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 18:38:18 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/9/05, Michael Chermside <mcherm at> wrote:
> I think it would
> provide a REALLY nice migration path if it were possible to write
> Python 3.0 code in Python 2.x (for large values of x) so long as you
> included an appropriate preamble of "from __future__ import" statements.

Perhaps I was not clear, but that was the reason of my proposal. I
agree it is not necesary, but this will help developers to transition
from Py2.X to Py3.0 in a consistent way.

I will vote +1 for any attemps to populate __future__ module if that
enables writing working Py3K code as soon as possible in Py2.X ..

> I love making Perl users jealous,

So I love! ;)

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

From pjones at  Sat Sep 10 21:29:31 2005
From: pjones at (Peter Jones)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 15:29:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] unintentional and unsafe use of realpath()
Message-ID: <1126380571.21655.18.camel@localhost.localdomain>


In Python 2.4.1, Python/sysmodule.c includes a function PySys_SetArgv().
One of the things it does is attempt to resolve symbolic links into
absolute paths.  Currently, it uses readlink() if configure found that
your system supports it, and then it tries to do the same thing again
using realpath() if you system supports that.

This seems wrong; there's really no reason to do both.  So here's a
patch to move the realpath() usage into a #else following the

--- Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c.readlink	2005-09-10 14:05:26.000000000 -0400
+++ Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c	2005-09-10 14:06:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@
-#endif /* HAVE_READLINK */
+#else /* HAVE_READLINK */
 #if SEP == '\\' /* Special case for MS filename syntax */
 		if (argc > 0 && argv0 != NULL) {
 			char *q;
@@ -1244,6 +1244,7 @@
 			p = strrchr(argv0, SEP);
+#endif /* HAVE_READLINK */
 		if (p != NULL) {
 #ifndef RISCOS
 			n = p + 1 - argv0;

Another problem (which I have not fixed) is that when realpath() is
used, in some cases MAXPATHLEN is smaller than the system's
PATH_MAX/pathconf(path, _PC_PATH_MAX).  When that happens, the
realpath() usage is a potential buffer overflow, which can be
selectively aggravated using a carefully constructed symbolic link.
This is the case currently on Fedora Core (Linux) at least, and possibly
other OSes.

Recent versions of gcc include a feature to check for this kind of bug
at runtime, and if you build python with gcc+glibc and the gcc command
line arguments "-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector"
it will give you a failure that looks something like:

case $MAKEFLAGS in \
*-s*) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1: CC='gcc
-pthread' LDSHARED='gcc -pthread -shared' OPT='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall
-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector
--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4
-fasynchronous-unwind-tables -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -I/usr/kerberos/include
' ./python -E ./ -q build;; \
*) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1: CC='gcc
-pthread' LDSHARED='gcc -pthread -shared' OPT='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall
-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector
--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4
-fasynchronous-unwind-tables -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -I/usr/kerberos/include
' ./python -E ./ build;; \
*** buffer overflow detected ***: ./python terminated
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
00185000-0026e000 r-xp 00000000 03:03
278531     /home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1/
0026e000-00295000 rwxp 000e8000 03:03
278531     /home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1/
00295000-00298000 rwxp 00295000 00:00 0
00495000-004ae000 r-xp 00000000 03:03 1966150    /lib/
004ae000-004af000 r-xp 00018000 03:03 1966150    /lib/
004af000-004b0000 rwxp 00019000 03:03 1966150    /lib/
004b2000-005d7000 r-xp 00000000 03:03 1966261    /lib/
005d7000-005d9000 r-xp 00124000 03:03 1966261    /lib/
005d9000-005db000 rwxp 00126000 03:03 1966261    /lib/
005db000-005dd000 rwxp 005db000 00:00 0
005df000-00602000 r-xp 00000000 03:03 1966272    /lib/
00602000-00603000 r-xp 00022000 03:03 1966272    /lib/
00603000-00604000 rwxp 00023000 03:03 1966272    /lib/
00606000-00608000 r-xp 00000000 03:03 1966270    /lib/
00608000-00609000 r-xp 00001000 03:03 1966270    /lib/
00609000-0060a000 rwxp 00002000 03:03 1966270    /lib/
006f7000-00705000 r-xp 00000000 03:03
1966283    /lib/
00705000-00706000 r-xp 0000d000 03:03
1966283    /lib/
00706000-00707000 rwxp 0000e000 03:03
1966283    /lib/
00707000-00709000 rwxp 00707000 00:00 0
0073f000-00743000 r-xp 00000000 03:03
1442230    /home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1/Modules/
00743000-00745000 rwxp 00004000 03:03
1442230    /home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1/Modules/
00a22000-00a2b000 r-xp 00000000 03:03
1966127    /lib/
00a2b000-00a2c000 rwxp 00009000 03:03
1966127    /lib/
00df7000-00df9000 r-xp 00000000 03:03 1968751    /lib/
00df9000-00dfa000 r-xp 00001000 03:03 1968751    /lib/
00dfa000-00dfb000 rwxp 00002000 03:03 1968751    /lib/
00e33000-00e34000 r-xp 00e33000 00:00 0          [vdso]
08048000-08049000 r-xp 00000000 03:03
278551     /home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1/python
08049000-0804a000 rw-p 00000000 03:03
278551     /home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1/python
08086000-0810b000 rw-p 08086000 00:00 0          [heap]
b7e69000-b7f2c000 rw-p b7e69000 00:00 0
b7f2d000-b7fb1000 rw-p b7f2d000 00:00 0
b7fc4000-b7fc5000 rw-p b7fc4000 00:00 0
bffaf000-bffc5000 rw-p bffaf000 00:00 0          [stack]
/bin/sh: line 1:  9510 Aborted                 (core dumped)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pjones/build/BUILD/Python-2.4.1: CC='gcc -pthread'
LDSHARED='gcc -pthread -shared' OPT='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall
-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector
--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4
-fasynchronous-unwind-tables -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -I/usr/kerberos/include
' ./python -E ./ -q build
make: *** [sharedmods] Error 134


From dalcinl at  Sun Sep 11 00:07:35 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 19:07:35 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/9/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> For the builtins, it would actually be possible to do this by simply
> importing an alternate builtins module. Something like
>   from future_builtins import min, max, zip, range

Yes. A straightforward solution...

> For methods on standard objects like dicts it's not really possible
> either way; the type of a dict is determined by the module containing
> the code creating it, not the module containing the code using it.

I had that in mind when I wrote my post; changing types is not the
way, that will not work. That is why I proposed __future__ (I really
do not know very well the implementation details of that feature)
because I think the parser/compiler can (magically) make the
replacements, e.g.  dict.items -> dict.iteritems for Py2.X series in
codes *using* dicts . Do you think something like this could be
implemented in a safer way?

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

From dalcinl at  Sun Sep 11 00:13:39 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 19:13:39 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Wanting to learn
In-Reply-To: <1126254462.3888.5.camel@localhost.localdomain>
References: <1126254462.3888.5.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <>

Jason, this mailing list is related to Python development. If you are
a new at Python, a far better place for help is comp.lang.python
group. Please go to Google Grups and take a look. If you do a search
in those archives,  you will find many good links.

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

From mark.dufour at  Sun Sep 11 00:36:41 2005
From: mark.dufour at (Mark Dufour)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 00:36:41 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] First release of Shed Skin, a Python-to-C++ compiler.
Message-ID: <>

After nine months of hard work, I am proud to introduce my baby to the
world: an experimental Python-to-C++ compiler. It can convert many
Python programs into optimized C++ code, without any user intervention
such as adding type declarations. It uses rather advanced static type
inference techniques to deduce type information by itself. In
addition, it determines whether deduced types may be parameterized,
and if so, it generates corresponding C++ generics. Based on deduced
type information, it also attempts to convert heap allocation into
stack and static preallocation (falling back to libgc in case this

The compiler was motivated by the belief that in many cases it should
be possible to automatically deduce C++ versions of Python programs,
enabling users to enjoy both the productivity of Python and the
efficiency of C++. It works best for Python programs written in a
relatively static C++-style, in essence enabling users to specify C++
programs at a higher level.

At the moment the compiler correctly handles 124 unit tests, six of
which are serious programs of between 100 and 200 lines:

  -an othello player
  -two satisfiability solvers
  -a japanese puzzle solver
  -a sudoku solver
  -a neural network simulator

Unfortunately I am just a single person, and much work remains to be
done. At the moment, there are several limitations to the type of
Python programs that the compiler accepts. Even so, there is enough of
Python left to be able to remain highly productive in many cases.
However, for most larger programs, there are probably some minor
problems that need to be fixed first, and some external dependencies
to be implemented/bridged in C++.

With this initial release, I hope to attract other people to help me
locate remaining problems, help implement external dependencies, and
in the end hopefully even to contribute to the compiler itself. I
would be very happy to receive small programs that the compiler does
or should be able to handle. If you are a C++ template wizard, and you
would be interested in working on the C++ implementation of builtin
types, I would also love to get in contact with you. Actually, I'd
like to talk to anyone even slightly interested in the compiler, as
this would be highly motivating to me.

The source code is available at the following site. Please check the
README for simple installation/usage instructions. Let me know if you
would like to create ebuild/debian packages.

Sourceforge site:
Shed Skin blog:

Should you reply to this mail, please also reply to me directly. Thanks!


Parts of the compiler have been sponsored by Google, via its Summer of
Code program. I am very grateful to them for keeping me motivated
during a difficult period. I am also grateful to the Python Software
Foundation for chosing my project for the Summer of Code. Finally, I
would like to thank my university advisor Koen Langendoen for guiding
this project.


The following describes in a bit more detail various aspects of the
compiler. Before seriously using the compiler, please make sure to
understand especially its limitations.

Main Features

  -very precise, efficient static type inference (iterative object
contour splitting, where each iteration performs the cartesian product
  -stack and static pre-allocation (libgc is used as a fall-back)
  -support for list comprehensions, tuple assignments, anonymous funcs
  -generation of arbitrarily complex class and function templates
(even member templates, or generic, nested list comprehensions)
  -binary tuples are internally analyzed 
  -some understanding of inheritance (e.g. list(dict/list) becomes
  -hierarchical project support: generation of corresponding C++
hierarchy, including (nested) Makefiles; C++ namespaces
  -annotation of source code with deduced types
  -builtin classes, functions (enumerate, sum, min, max, range, zip..)
  -polymorphic inline caches or virtual vars/calls (not well tested)
  -always unbox scalars (compiler bails out with error if scalars are
mixed with pointer types)
  -full source code available under the MIT license

Main Limitations/TODO's

  -Windows support (I don't have Windows, sorry)
  -reflection (getattr, hasattr), dynamic inheritance, eval, ..  
  -mixing scalars with pointer types (e.g. int and None in a single variable) 
  -mixing unrelated types in single container instance variable other
than tuple-2
  -holding different types of objects in tuples with length >2;
builtin 'zip' can only take 2 arguments.
  -exceptions, generators, nested functions, operator overloading
  -recursive types (e.g. a = []; a.append(a))
  -expect some problems when mixing floats and ints together
  -varargs (*x) are not very well supported; keyword args are not supported yet
  -arbitrary-size arithmetic
  -possible non-termination ('recursive customization', have not
encountered it yet)
  -profiling will be required for scaling to very large programs
  -combining binary-type tuples with single-type tuples (e.g. (1,1.0)+(2,))
  -unboxing of small tuples (should form a nice speedup)
  -foreign code has to be modeled and implemented/bridged in C++ 
  -some builtins are not implemented yet, e.g. 'reduce' and 'map'

From noamraph at  Sun Sep 11 01:54:08 2005
From: noamraph at (Noam Raphael)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 02:54:08 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] IDLE development
Message-ID: <>


More than a year and a half ago, I posted a big patch to IDLE which
adds support for completion and much better calltips, along with some
other improvements. Since then, I had some mail conversations with
Kurt B. Kaiser, who is responsible for IDLE, which resulted in
nothing. My last mail, from Jul 10, saying (with more details) "I made
the minor changes you asked for, let's get it in, it's not very
complicated" was unanswered.

This is just an example of the fact that IDLE development was
virtually nonexistent in the last months, because most patches were
simply ignored.

I and my colleges use IDLE intensively - that is, a heavily patched
IDLE. It includes my patch and many other improvements made by me and
my friends.

The improved IDLE is MUCH better than the standard IDLE, especially
for interactive work. Since we would like to share our work with the
rest of the world, if nothing is changed we would start a new IDLE
fork soon, perhaps at

I really don't like that - maintaining a fork requires a lot of extra
work, and it is certain that many more people will enjoy our work if
it integrated in the standard Python distribution. But sending patches
and watching them stay open despite a continuous nagging is worse.

Please, either convince KBK to invest more time in IDLE development,
or find someone else who would take care of it. If you like, I would
happily help in the development.

I hope I am not sounding offensive. It's actually quite simple: if the
excellent development environment IDLE can't develop inside standard
Python, it should be developed outside it. As I said, I prefer the
first option.

Have a good week,
Noam Raphael

From guido at  Sun Sep 11 04:11:05 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 19:11:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] IDLE development
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/10/05, Noam Raphael <noamraph at> wrote:
> I and my colleges use IDLE intensively - that is, a heavily patched
> IDLE. It includes my patch and many other improvements made by me and
> my friends.
> The improved IDLE is MUCH better than the standard IDLE, especially
> for interactive work.

Could it be that this is a rather subjective judgement? It wouldn't be
the first time that someone pushing for their personal set of
functionality changes is overlooking the needs of other user groups.

> Since we would like to share our work with the
> rest of the world, if nothing is changed we would start a new IDLE
> fork soon, perhaps at

I have no problem with this. You might be able to save yourself some
maintenance work by structuring your version as a set of subclasses
rather than a set of patches (even if you distribute it as a complete
working program). Many people have needs that aren't met by standard
Python; they write their own modules or extensions and distribute
these independently from Python; your case probably isn't all that

Often the needs of certain user groups and the development speeds of
such 3rd party modules are so different that it simply doesn't make
sense to fold them in the Python distribution anyway -- consider what
you would have to do if Kurt accepted your patches: you'll still have
to wait until Python 2.5 is released before others can benefit from
your changes, and if you come up with an improvement after that
release, your next chance will be 18 months later...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Sun Sep 11 04:13:33 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 19:13:33 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/10/05, Lisandro Dalcin <dalcinl at> wrote:
> On 9/9/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> > For methods on standard objects like dicts it's not really possible
> > either way; the type of a dict is determined by the module containing
> > the code creating it, not the module containing the code using it.
> I had that in mind when I wrote my post; changing types is not the
> way, that will not work. That is why I proposed __future__ (I really
> do not know very well the implementation details of that feature)
> because I think the parser/compiler can (magically) make the
> replacements, e.g.  dict.items -> dict.iteritems for Py2.X series in
> codes *using* dicts . Do you think something like this could be
> implemented in a safer way?

Please trust me. It can't be made to work. The compiler doesn't know
the types of the variables so it doesn't know whether in a particular
occurrence of the expression 'x.items", x is a dict or not.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From ncoghlan at  Sun Sep 11 05:10:56 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 13:10:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] IDLE development
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Often the needs of certain user groups and the development speeds of
> such 3rd party modules are so different that it simply doesn't make
> sense to fold them in the Python distribution anyway -- consider what
> you would have to do if Kurt accepted your patches: you'll still have
> to wait until Python 2.5 is released before others can benefit from
> your changes, and if you come up with an improvement after that
> release, your next chance will be 18 months later...

Isn't separate distribution the way the *current* version of Idle was 
developed? I seem to recall it existing as IDLEFork for a long time so that it 
could have a more rapid release cycle before being rolled into the main 

This approach also allows a wider audience to asess the subjective benefits of 
any changes made - many more people will download and try out a separate IDE 
than will download and try out a patch to the main distribution. I'm such a 
one, even though I believe my main problems with Idle lie in the Tcl/tk 
toolkit (so I don't expect any application level changes to alter my opinion 


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From victor.stinner-linux at  Sun Sep 11 05:16:23 2005
From: victor.stinner-linux at (Victor STINNER)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 05:16:23 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python code.interact() and UTF-8 locale
Message-ID: <1126408583.12608.34.camel@haypopc>


I found a bug in Python interactive command line (program python alone:
looks to be code.interact() function in With UTF-8 locale, the
command << u"?" >> returns << u'\xc3\xa9' >> and not << u'\xE9' >>.
Remember: the french e with acute is Unicode 233 (0xE9), encoded \xC3
\xA9 in UTF-8.

Another example of the bug:
  #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  code = "u\"%s\"" % "\xc3\xa9"
  compiled = compile(code,'<string>',"single")
  exec compiled
Result :
Excepted result :

After long hours of debuging (read Python documentation, debug Python
with gdb, read Python C source code, ...) I found the origin of the bug:
function parsestr() in Python/compile.c. This function translate a
string to a unicode string (or a classic string). The problem is when
the encoding declaration doesn't exist: the string isn't converted.

Solution to the first code:
  #-*- coding: ascii -*-
  code = """#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  u\"%s\"""" % "\xc3\xa9"
  compiled = compile(code,'<string>',"single")
  exec compiled

Proposition: u"..." and unicode("...") should use sys.stdin.encoding by
default. They will work as unicode("...", sys.stdin.encoding). Or
easier, the compiler should use sys.stdin.encoding and not ascii as
default encoding.

Sorry if someone already reported this bug. And, is it a bug or a
feature ? ;-)

Bye, Haypo (who just have subscribed to the mailing list)

From foom at  Sun Sep 11 05:57:58 2005
From: foom at (James Y Knight)
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 23:57:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 10, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Lisandro Dalcin wrote:

> I had that in mind when I wrote my post; changing types is not the
> way, that will not work. That is why I proposed __future__ (I really
> do not know very well the implementation details of that feature)
> because I think the parser/compiler can (magically) make the
> replacements, e.g.  dict.items -> dict.iteritems for Py2.X series in
> codes *using* dicts . Do you think something like this could be
> implemented in a safer way?

No, that cannot work. However, there is a very obvious and trivial  
solution. Do not remove dict.iteritems in Py 3.0. Py2.X programs  
wishing forward compat can   avoid dict.items and use instead  
dict.iteritems. In Py3.0, dict.items becomes a synonym for  
dict.iteritems and programs that don't care about compat with 2.X can  
just use dict.items from then on. And everybody can be happy. A small  
number of redundant methods is a small price to pay for compatibility.


From noamraph at  Sun Sep 11 07:06:36 2005
From: noamraph at (Noam Raphael)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 08:06:36 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] IDLE development
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/11/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On 9/10/05, Noam Raphael <noamraph at> wrote:
> > I and my colleges use IDLE intensively - that is, a heavily patched
> > IDLE. It includes my patch and many other improvements made by me and
> > my friends.
> >
> > The improved IDLE is MUCH better than the standard IDLE, especially
> > for interactive work.
> Could it be that this is a rather subjective judgement? It wouldn't be
> the first time that someone pushing for their personal set of
> functionality changes is overlooking the needs of other user groups.
I don't think so, since:
1. These are added features, not functionality changes.
2. There are quite a lot of people using the improved IDLE where I
work, and I never heard anyone saying he prefers the standard IDLE -
on the contrary, many are asking how they can use the improved IDLE in
their homes.
3. Kurt agreed to integrate the change - he just didn't do it.

> > Since we would like to share our work with the
> > rest of the world, if nothing is changed we would start a new IDLE
> > fork soon, perhaps at
> I have no problem with this. You might be able to save yourself some
> maintenance work by structuring your version as a set of subclasses
> rather than a set of patches (even if you distribute it as a complete
> working program). Many people have needs that aren't met by standard
> Python; they write their own modules or extensions and distribute
> these independently from Python; your case probably isn't all that
> different.
I think that rewriting the patches as subclasses will be a lot of
work, and won't be a very good idea - if you change one line in a
function, copy-pasting it to a subclass and changing the line seems a
little weird for me - not to mention the cases where some refactoring
needs to be done. I think we will be talking about a separate package
- say, idleforklib instead of idlelib. You can always run diff to find
the differences between the two packages.

> Often the needs of certain user groups and the development speeds of
> such 3rd party modules are so different that it simply doesn't make
> sense to fold them in the Python distribution anyway -- consider what
> you would have to do if Kurt accepted your patches: you'll still have
> to wait until Python 2.5 is released before others can benefit from
> your changes, and if you come up with an improvement after that
> release, your next chance will be 18 months later...
I don't think so - if IDLE is developed on the Python CVS, we can
still distribute a stand-alone package with IDLE from the CVS head,
for eager people. All others will get the changes a year later, which
isn't that bad. Perhaps it can even be less than a year - since IDLE
is a GUI application and not a library, so there isn't a lot of
backward compatibility to maintain, it seems to me that updated
versions can be shipped also with new minor versions of Python.

The advantages of developing IDLE on the Python CVS are that there is
no need to synchronize two versions, and a wider audience. Of course,
after you see the improved IDLE you will surely decide to immediately
import it into the Python CVS, so there's not much of a problem... :)


From noamraph at  Sun Sep 11 07:13:53 2005
From: noamraph at (Noam Raphael)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 08:13:53 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] IDLE development
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/11/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Often the needs of certain user groups and the development speeds of
> > such 3rd party modules are so different that it simply doesn't make
> > sense to fold them in the Python distribution anyway -- consider what
> > you would have to do if Kurt accepted your patches: you'll still have
> > to wait until Python 2.5 is released before others can benefit from
> > your changes, and if you come up with an improvement after that
> > release, your next chance will be 18 months later...
> Isn't separate distribution the way the *current* version of Idle was
> developed? I seem to recall it existing as IDLEFork for a long time so that it
> could have a more rapid release cycle before being rolled into the main
> distribution.

Yes, it is. I answered on the way to maintain a more rapid release
cycle of IDLE when developed in the Python CVS on my post in reply to
> This approach also allows a wider audience to asess the subjective benefits of
> any changes made - many more people will download and try out a separate IDE
> than will download and try out a patch to the main distribution. I'm such a
> one, even though I believe my main problems with Idle lie in the Tcl/tk
> toolkit (so I don't expect any application level changes to alter my opinion
> much).

Can you please explain what are these problems? A big problem with
Tcl/tk is that only one function call can be triggered by an event,
and I solved it for IDLE by writing a wrapper around Tkinter classes,
which calls all binded function calls on an event. This, for example,
allows the yellow CallTip windows to disappear when the IDLE window
loses focus, instead of staying above all other windows.


From skip at  Sun Sep 11 16:56:02 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 09:56:02 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

(Maybe someone else has already raised this point.  I'm a bit behind.)

    Martin> Here goes something: for applications targeted to the web, where
    Martin> newlines don't matter, the line breaks in _()'ed strings are
    Martin> superfluous.  

How will you know you're generating output that goes between <pre> and
</pre> (where newlines do matter)?


From guido at  Sun Sep 11 17:24:53 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 08:24:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/10/05, James Y Knight <foom at> wrote:
> No, that cannot work. However, there is a very obvious and trivial
> solution. Do not remove dict.iteritems in Py 3.0. Py2.X programs
> wishing forward compat can   avoid dict.items and use instead
> dict.iteritems. In Py3.0, dict.items becomes a synonym for
> dict.iteritems and programs that don't care about compat with 2.X can
> just use dict.items from then on. And everybody can be happy. A small
> number of redundant methods is a small price to pay for compatibility.

But it breaks the desire to keep the Python 3.0 language clean from
deprecated features.

Given that I don't expect there will be much compatibility *anyway*, I
don't want to promise this. I expect that we'll have to write a
source-level translator -- which could replace all iteritems() calls
to items(), for example. Such a source-level translator may not be
able to reach perfection, but it should take care of the tedious tasks
and leave the rest up to manual polishing.

This doesn't mean that there's no point in trying to introduce certain
3.0 features in 2.x; it's always good to have early experience with a
new feature, and in some cases it *will* improve forward
compatibility. But just installing python3.0 as python and expecting
nothing will break is not a goal -- it would be too constraining.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From foom at  Sun Sep 11 18:09:26 2005
From: foom at (James Y Knight)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 12:09:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 11, 2005, at 11:24 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> But it breaks the desire to keep the Python 3.0 language clean from
> deprecated features.

That is a nice goal, another nice goal is to not unnecessarily break  

> But just installing python3.0 as python and expecting
> nothing will break is not a goal -- it would be too constraining.

Just to be clear, I do not want nor expect this. I wish to be able to  
specifically modify code with full knowledge of what has changed in  
Py3.0 such that it will work with both Py2.X and Py3.0.

And, now is probably not really the right time to discuss such minor  
issues as whether to keep iteritems in Py3.0, but, if it is kept, it  
becomes easier to write such code. It is of course still possible to  
write compatible code without keeping iteritems, you just have to  
replace all the method calls with a function wrapper which calls one  
of items or iteritems depending on the version.


From martin.blais at  Sun Sep 11 18:35:08 2005
From: martin.blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 12:35:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] pygettext() without newlines (Was: Re: Replacement for
	print in Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/11/05, skip at <skip at> wrote:
> (Maybe someone else has already raised this point.  I'm a bit behind.)
>     Martin> Here goes something: for applications targeted to the web, where
>     Martin> newlines don't matter, the line breaks in _()'ed strings are
>     Martin> superfluous.
> How will you know you're generating output that goes between <pre> and
> </pre> (where newlines do matter)?

The great majority of the strings are _(), but in my web app framework
I use __() for that specific purpose you mention, which invokes the
"normal" behaviour of pygettext (which my patch doesn't remove, BTW). 
Here is how I invoke pygettext from my Makefile:

        --verbose --extract-all --no-default-keywords \
        --keyword-single=_ --keyword-single=N_ \

I use _() and N_() for single-line'd strings (runtime and marker-only
versions), and __() for the usual multi-line strings.  It works well,
I've been using this for a while on a web application I'm building.


From orent at  Sun Sep 11 19:19:00 2005
From: orent at (Oren Tirosh)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 20:19:00 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 executable name (was: Re: PEP 3000 and
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/11/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> But just installing python3.0 as python and expecting
> nothing will break is not a goal -- it would be too constraining.

It should be expected that many users will keep both 2.x and 3 side by
side for quite a long time. Instead of having distributions choosing
their own naming schemes (like the python/python2 redhat fiasco)
perhaps the Python 3 executable should have a different name as part
of the standard distribution? I suggest "py" / "py.exe"


From tdelaney at  Mon Sep 12 01:28:07 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:28:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
Message-ID: <>

James Y Knight wrote:

> Just to be clear, I do not want nor expect this. I wish to be able to
> specifically modify code with full knowledge of what has changed in
> Py3.0 such that it will work with both Py2.X and Py3.0.

If you want these things to work in 2.x and 3.0, just use
iter(dict_instance) and list(dict_instance) as appropriate.

Tim Delaney

From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep 12 07:22:46 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:22:46 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 executable name
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oren Tirosh wrote:

> perhaps the Python 3 executable should have a different name as part
> of the standard distribution? I suggest "py" / "py.exe"

Or "python3"? EIBTI :-)

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep 12 07:24:34 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:24:34 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> However, such a "future_builtins" module could still include modified versions 
> of those standard objects - such "future-proofed" code would simply still need 
> to deal with the fact that other libraries or clients may pass in the 
> old-style components (e.g. just as unicode-aware code needs to deal with the 
> fact that other libraries or clients may produce 8-bit strings rather than 
> unicode text).

And be careful not to pass them to old code which expects the
traditional versions of these objects.

Sounds far too tricky and error-prone to be worth the trouble
to me.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep 12 07:23:53 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:23:53 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] unintentional and unsafe use of realpath()
In-Reply-To: <1126380571.21655.18.camel@localhost.localdomain>
References: <1126380571.21655.18.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <>

Peter Jones wrote:

> Another problem (which I have not fixed) is that when realpath() is
> used, in some cases MAXPATHLEN is smaller than the system's
> PATH_MAX/pathconf(path, _PC_PATH_MAX).

The linux man page for realpath() has this at the bottom:

        Never  use this function. It is broken by design since it is impossible
        to determine a suitable size for the output buffer.  According to POSIX
        a  buffer of size PATH_MAX suffices, but PATH_MAX need not be a defined
        constant, and may have to be obtained  using  pathconf().   And  asking
        pathconf() does not really help, since on the one hand POSIX warns that
        the result of pathconf() may be huge and unsuitable for mallocing  mem-
        ory.  And  on  the  other hand pathconf() may return -1 to signify that
        PATH_MAX is not bounded.

So maybe it shouldn't be using realpath() at all?

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep 12 07:28:46 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:28:46 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <dfra6e$no8$>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Not to mention the annoyingly large number of fonts that make '`' and ''' look 
> virtually identical :(

Well, you need to be careful about choice of font for
programming anyway, for 0/O, 1/l, etc.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From orent at  Mon Sep 12 08:51:41 2005
From: orent at (Oren Tirosh)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:51:41 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 executable name
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/12/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Oren Tirosh wrote:
> > perhaps the Python 3 executable should have a different name as part
> > of the standard distribution? I suggest "py" / "py.exe"
> Or "python3"? EIBTI :-)

Generally, each distribution makes its own decision about when to make
the default "python" the new version. Any damage is usually limited to
third party extension modules because python versions are source
compatible. But this time it isn't. So do you keep the name "python3"
forever? Do you keep unqualified "python" as 2.x forever? I expect
many installations to keep 2.x around for many years. How do you keep
different distributions from making their own incompatible decisions
about naming conventions? Using version numbers in the executable name
is just asking for this to happen.

I suggest an explicitly and permanently different name for the
interpreter executable of this new and incompatible branch of the
language. I want Python 3 scripts starting with #! to have an average
shelf life longer than 18 months.


From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep 12 10:57:46 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 20:57:46 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 executable name
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oren Tirosh wrote:

> I suggest an explicitly and permanently different name for the
> interpreter executable of this new and incompatible branch of the
> language. I want Python 3 scripts starting with #! to have an average
> shelf life longer than 18 months.

That makes sense, but I'd prefer something less arbitrary
than just chopping the name back from "python" to "py".
Going that way, Python 4.0 is going to just be called
"p", and by the time we get to Python 5.0, the name
will have vanished altogether!


From p.f.moore at  Mon Sep 12 11:29:54 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:29:54 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 executable name
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/12/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Oren Tirosh wrote:
> > I suggest an explicitly and permanently different name for the
> > interpreter executable of this new and incompatible branch of the
> > language. I want Python 3 scripts starting with #! to have an average
> > shelf life longer than 18 months.
> That makes sense, but I'd prefer something less arbitrary
> than just chopping the name back from "python" to "py".
> Going that way, Python 4.0 is going to just be called
> "p", and by the time we get to Python 5.0, the name
> will have vanished altogether!

That's OK, by the time Python 5.0 comes out, it will have taken over
the world and be the default language for everything. So omitting the
name is exactly right :-)


From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Mon Sep 12 11:26:56 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:26:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tools directory (Was RE: Replacement for print in
	Python 3.0)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <dg3hl1$ar2$>

Brett Cannon wrote:
> On 9/8/05, Tony Meyer <t-meyer at> wrote:
>> [finding Tools/i18n/]
>> > You're right, I think Tools is probably a bad place for
>> > anything.  If it's not part of the stdlib, I'll likely never
>> > find it.
>> Agreed.  Maybe with the introduction of -m in Python 2.4, some of the Tools/
>> scripts could be put in __main__ sections of appropriate modules?  So that
>> "python -m gettext" would be equivilant to "python Tools/i18n/"?

Questionable. Most scripts don't correspond to a single library module.

>> (However, is 22KB, which is a big addition to the module; not
>> everything in Tools/Scripts might be used enough for this, or have an
>> appopriate module to be put in either).
>> Are there other ideas about how Tools/ could be improved?  Either moving
>> things, or making it more likely that people will look there for scripts?
> I assume that the Windows installer includes the Tools/ directory.  If
> it doesn't that is one problem.  =)
> Otherwise it is mostly a lack of advertisement and them not being
> installed by ``make install``.  If you just download the soure and
> install you will never know the directory even exists. It needs to be
> made obvious to people that it is even there.

+1. Most non-Windows users with distribution-supplied Pythons will never get the
Tools directory on their installs though there is a number of really useful scripts
there. Question is, if ``make install`` should install it, where? Has the time come
for /usr/share/python? Or /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/Tools (without

> Probably the only way is to document the directory.

I think so, too. The tools are worth a top-level documentation entry.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From guido at  Mon Sep 12 16:37:30 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 07:37:30 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/11/05, Delaney, Timothy (Tim) <tdelaney at> wrote:
> James Y Knight wrote:
> > Just to be clear, I do not want nor expect this. I wish to be able to
> > specifically modify code with full knowledge of what has changed in
> > Py3.0 such that it will work with both Py2.X and Py3.0.
> If you want these things to work in 2.x and 3.0, just use
> iter(dict_instance) and list(dict_instance) as appropriate.

Simpler still, just use di.keys() but make sure you're only using the
result to iterate over once without modifying the dict's key set. Or
if you *have* to avoid creating a list in Py2.x, write your code to
iterate over the dict itself even if you'd like itervalues or
iteritems; you can always get the value explicitly by indexing the

IOW use the API whose name will remain but don't rely on the
functionality that will change.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From pjones at  Mon Sep 12 17:55:59 2005
From: pjones at (Peter Jones)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:55:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] unintentional and unsafe use of realpath()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1126380571.21655.18.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <1126540559.9198.8.camel@localhost.localdomain>

On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 17:23 +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Peter Jones wrote:
> > Another problem (which I have not fixed) is that when realpath() is
> > used, in some cases MAXPATHLEN is smaller than the system's
> > PATH_MAX/pathconf(path, _PC_PATH_MAX).
> The linux man page for realpath() has this at the bottom:
>         Never  use this function. It is broken by design since it is impossible
>         to determine a suitable size for the output buffer.  According to POSIX
>         a  buffer of size PATH_MAX suffices, but PATH_MAX need not be a defined
>         constant, and may have to be obtained  using  pathconf().   And  asking
>         pathconf() does not really help, since on the one hand POSIX warns that
>         the result of pathconf() may be huge and unsuitable for mallocing  mem-
>         ory.  And  on  the  other hand pathconf() may return -1 to signify that
>         PATH_MAX is not bounded.
> So maybe it shouldn't be using realpath() at all?

Well, the intent is clearly that OSes that have a better option, we
shouldn't be using it.

But that wasn't really my second point.  When use of realpath is
unavoidable, it is vitally important that MAXPATHLEN is set to the same
value that realpath() got when it was built.  If it's any smaller, it's
a straightforward overflow, with something like $SYSTEM_MAXPATHLEN -
$PYTHON_MAXPATHLEN of space to write nasty bits into.  At least on one
box I looked at, system's was 4096 and python wound up doing the
fallback of 256 (I'm not entirely sure why) so that's 3768 bytes of
stack potentially overwritten.

In this case, it's not realistically exploitable, because it means a
user has to trick root into running "python foo" where foo is a symlink
that's built terrifyingly weirdly.  So since the user is supplying the
symlink, there are much more trivial attacks.  But I haven't checked all
the uses of realpath in python, some of them could be dangerous.


From janssen at  Mon Sep 12 20:29:00 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:29:00 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 executable name (was: Re: PEP 3000 and
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 11 Sep 2005 10:19:00 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep12.112908pdt."58617">

> perhaps the Python 3 executable should have a different name as part
> of the standard distribution? I suggest "py" / "py.exe"

Perhaps the renaming should be more radical, to indicate the extent of
the change.

I suggest "second", to commemorate "Second City" in Chicago, another
famous comedy troupe.  The Python3 (that is, Second) version of IDLE
could be DICK, after Andy Dick, an alumnus who somewhat resembles Eric
Idle, or perhaps MURRAY, after Bill Murray.


From janssen at  Mon Sep 12 20:40:44 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:40:44 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 3 executable name (was: Re: PEP 3000 and
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:29:00 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep12.114053pdt."58617">

> Perhaps the renaming should be more radical, to indicate the extent of
> the change.

Another possiblity would be to use the new name to indicate a position
in a spectrum of programming languages.  For instance, "beryl",
"topaz", "steel" and "jade" are (on the Mohs scale) all sturdier than
pearl but not as hard as ruby :-).


From adurdin at  Tue Sep 13 08:50:23 2005
From: adurdin at (Andrew Durdin)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 16:50:23 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<dfh5qt$40m$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> One could use "class decorators". For example if you want to define the
> method foo() in a file-like class, you could use code like:

I like the sound of this. Suppose there were a function textstream()
that decorated a file-like object (supporting read() and write()), so
as to add all of __iter__(), next(), readline(), readlines(), and
writeline() that it did not already implement. Then you could wrap any
file-like object easily to give it convenient text-handling:

mytextsocketstream = textstream(mysocketstream)
for line in mytextsocketstream:
    print line

Another area where I think this approach can help is with the
text/binary file distinction. file() could always open files as
binary, and there could be a convenience function textfile(name, mode)
which would simply return textstream(file(name, mode)). This would
remove the need for "a" or "b" in the mode parameter, and make it
easier to keep text- and binary-file access separate in one's mind:

tf = textfile("log.txt", "w")

bf = file("img.jpg", "r")

Finally, I think this could nicely tie into the print
statement/function/method debate, as the print() method could be
defined by the textstream() wrapper, allowing any text stream to
support the convenient print() behaviour, but not requiring it for
binary streams, for which such a function makes little sense anyway.
And then textstream() could be used (in the sys module, preferably) to
ensure that sys.stdout and sys.stderr both support print(). So you'd
have the builtin:

# Actual signature depending on which variant proposal is taken up
def print(*args, **kwargs):
    sys.stdout.print(*args, **kwargs)

And using print() could be a simple as:

print("Hello, World")
sys.stdout.print("This is normal output")
sys.stderr.print("This is an error message")

I have a vague idea that a wrapper like this (or another similar
wrapper) could provide for convenient, transparent handling of Unicode
text files also, but I don't know Unicode well enough to be certain.


From adurdin at  Tue Sep 13 08:58:57 2005
From: adurdin at (Andrew Durdin)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 16:58:57 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/6/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> My hypothesis is that there are actually only two use cases that
> matter enough to be supported directly:
> (a) quickly print a bunch of items with spaces in between them and a
> trailing newline
> (b) print one or more items with precise control over each character

Doesn't the write() method of file-like objects already cover (b),
except that it only takes a single argument?  If the need to print
multiple arguments without any separator is so common, could the
write() method be extended to take multiple arguments and just write
them all out? It'd certainly be backward compatible with old code that
called the write() method...


From hyeshik at  Tue Sep 13 10:56:32 2005
From: hyeshik at (Hye-Shik Chang)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:56:32 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python code.interact() and UTF-8 locale
In-Reply-To: <1126408583.12608.34.camel@haypopc>
References: <1126408583.12608.34.camel@haypopc>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/11/05, Victor STINNER <victor.stinner-linux at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found a bug in Python interactive command line (program python alone:
> looks to be code.interact() function in With UTF-8 locale, the
> command << u"?" >> returns << u'\xc3\xa9' >> and not << u'\xE9' >>.
> Remember: the french e with acute is Unicode 233 (0xE9), encoded \xC3
> \xA9 in UTF-8.

Which version of python do you use?  From 2.4, the interactive mode
respects locale as a source code encoding and it falls back to latin-1
when decoding fails.

Python 2.4.1 (#2, Jul 31 2005, 04:45:53)
[GCC 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728] on freebsd5
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> u"?"


From hyeshik at  Tue Sep 13 11:20:41 2005
From: hyeshik at (Hye-Shik Chang)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 18:20:41 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python code.interact() and UTF-8 locale
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1126408583.12608.34.camel@haypopc>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/13/05, Hye-Shik Chang <hyeshik at> wrote:
> On 9/11/05, Victor STINNER <victor.stinner-linux at> wrote:
> >
> > I found a bug in Python interactive command line (program python alone:
> > looks to be code.interact() function in With UTF-8 locale, the
> > command << u"?" >> returns << u'\xc3\xa9' >> and not << u'\xE9' >>.
> > Remember: the french e with acute is Unicode 233 (0xE9), encoded \xC3
> > \xA9 in UTF-8.
> Which version of python do you use?  From 2.4, the interactive mode
> respects locale as a source code encoding and it falls back to latin-1
> when decoding fails.

Aah, code.interact() and IDLE behaviors different from the real
interactive mode currently.  I think it needs to be fixed before the
next release.  For IDLE, I filed a patch on SF #1061803. But it
may need some discussion because of its trickiness. :)


From ironfroggy at  Tue Sep 13 14:45:50 2005
From: ironfroggy at (Calvin Spealman)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 08:45:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/9/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> While I laugh at the naive view of people who write things like
> "Interface equality and neutrality would be a good thing in the
> language" and seriously (? I didn't see a smiley) use this argument to
> plead for not making print() a built-in, I do think that avoiding the
> 'print' name would be a good thing if it could be done without ticking
> off the old-timers.

Oh, no! I've been misrepresented!

I can be a little unclear sometimes, and for that I apologize. What I
was saying is that there are essential to ends to the spectrum: you
either elevate text console IO to a status above other forms of
interface with the applications written in the language, or you don't
build any interface mechanisms into the lanuage at all. Python
currently is at the former end of that spectrum, and the current
discussions seem to be pushing towards the later. My disagreement is
more with consistancy than where it actually stands in that spectrum.
So, I'm saying if it has to be in the language directly, keep a
statement for it. If if really shouldn't be a statement, then make me
import it first.

Yes, I know that no one wants to import a module just to output text,
but I don't see how or why it is any different than importing GUI

From ironfroggy at  Tue Sep 13 14:51:20 2005
From: ironfroggy at (Calvin Spealman)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 08:51:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<dfh5qt$40m$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/13/05, Andrew Durdin <adurdin at> wrote:
> On 9/6/05, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> >
> > One could use "class decorators". For example if you want to define the
> > method foo() in a file-like class, you could use code like:
> I like the sound of this. Suppose there were a function textstream()
> that decorated a file-like object (supporting read() and write()), so
> as to add all of __iter__(), next(), readline(), readlines(), and
> writeline() that it did not already implement. Then you could wrap any
> file-like object easily to give it convenient text-handling:

Yes, this isn't perl and text, although still important, is not worth
its wait in gold these days. And, have you even tried to weigh digital
content to begin with? Not much there anyway.

From mcherm at  Tue Sep 13 15:44:39 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 06:44:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
Message-ID: <>

Andrew Durdin writes:
> Another area where I think this approach can help is with the
> text/binary file distinction. file() could always open files as
> binary, and there could be a convenience function textfile(name, mode)
> which would simply return textstream(file(name, mode)). This would
> remove the need for "a" or "b" in the mode parameter, and make it
> easier to keep text- and binary-file access separate in one's mind:

I think you are suffering from the (rather common) misconception that
all files are binary, and the definition of "text file" is a binary
file which should be interpreted as containing characters in some

In unix, the above is true. One of the fundamental decisions in Unix
was to treat all files (and lots of other vaguely file-like things)
as undiferentiated streams of bytes. But this is NOT true on many
other operating systems. It is not, for example, true on Windows.

Many operating systems make a distinction between two basic types of
files... "text files" which are line-oriented and contain "text", and
"binary files" which contain streams of bytes. This distinction is
supported by the basic file operations in the C library. To open a
text file in binary mode is technically an error (although in many OSs
you'll get away with it).

-- Michael Chermside

From victor.stinner-linux at  Tue Sep 13 15:53:29 2005
From: victor.stinner-linux at (Victor STINNER)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 15:53:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python code.interact() and UTF-8 locale
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1126408583.12608.34.camel@haypopc>
Message-ID: <1126619609.3184.18.camel@haypopc>

Le mardi 13 septembre 2005 ? 17:56 +0900, Hye-Shik Chang a ?crit :
> On 9/11/05, Victor STINNER <victor.stinner-linux at> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I found a bug in Python interactive command line (program python alone:
> > looks to be code.interact() function in With UTF-8 locale, the
> > command << u"?" >> returns << u'\xc3\xa9' >> and not << u'\xE9' >>.
> > Remember: the french e with acute is Unicode 233 (0xE9), encoded \xC3
> > \xA9 in UTF-8.
> Which version of python do you use?  From 2.4, the interactive mode
> respects locale as a source code encoding and it falls back to latin-1
> when decoding fails.
> Python 2.4.1 (#2, Jul 31 2005, 04:45:53)
> [GCC 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728] on freebsd5
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> u"?"
> u'\xe9'

I installed my own Python 2.4 in /opt/python/. I don't know if the right is loaded, but here is the output :
$ ./python2.4 
Python 2.4.1 (#1, Sep 11 2005, 01:37:26) 
[GCC 4.0.2 20050821 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.1-6)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> u"?"
>>> import code
>>> code.interact()
Python 2.4.1 (#1, Sep 11 2005, 01:37:26) 
[GCC 4.0.2 20050821 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.1-6)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> u"?"

Well, that works better :-) For code.interact(), you can read my
attached patch. I don't know if it the best way to fix the but.

But, the following code still bug in Python 2.4 :
$ cat 
#*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
print "One Unicode character: %u" % len(u"?")
print "One Unicode character (using eval) : %u" % eval('len(u"?")')
$ python2.4 
One Unicode character: 1
One Unicode character (using eval) : 2

RexFi explains me that Python can't guess eval('len(u"?")') charset.
Yep, that's difficult: locale? charset encoding? This test doesn't

@+, Haypo
-------------- next part --------------
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Name: code-interact.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 407 bytes
Desc: not available
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From nathan_kent_bullock at  Tue Sep 13 05:11:57 2005
From: nathan_kent_bullock at (Nathan Bullock)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 23:11:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
Message-ID: <>

Just wondering if a function such as this has ever
been considered? I find that I quite often want a
function that will give me a relative path from path A
to path B. I have created such a function, but it
would be nice if it was in the standard library.

This function would take two paths: A and B and give
the relation between them. Here are a few of examples.

os.path.diff("/A/C/D/", "/A/D/F/")
 ==> "../../D/F"

os.path.diff("/A/", "/A/B/C/")
 ==> "B/C"

os.path.diff("/A/B/C/", "/A/")
 ==> "../.."

I suppose it would also be nice if you could use path
+ file. For example:

os.path.diff("/A/C/D/xyz.html", "/A/D/F/zlf.html")
 ==> "../../D/F/zlf.html"

I am not subscribed to the list so if anyone thinks
this is useful please CC my email address.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who has made
Python what it is today.

Nathan Bullock

Visit my website at


Find your next car at

From ajsiegel at  Tue Sep 13 16:16:36 2005
From: ajsiegel at (Arthur)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 10:16:36 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] IDLE development
Message-ID: <>

Moam writes - 


>More than a year and a half ago, I posted a big patch to IDLE which
>adds support for completion and much better calltips, along with some
>other improvements.

I had also tried to have a little input to the IDLE development process.
Suggesting on the idle-dev list it seemed to me that a trivial patch to the
existing code would provide functionality to allow customization via user-
defined domain-specific syntax highlighting files in a user's home
directory.  So that if one wished one could add appropriate syntax
highlighting for say, Numeric.

I left open the possibility that I was mistaken in my opinion that it was
trivial or necessary or desirable.

I was unable to assess whether the lack of my ability to get a yes, no or
sideways was a result of the fact my suggestion and analysis was absurd, or
something else.  One of the "something else" possibilities was a broken

Still can't assess it.


From p.f.moore at  Tue Sep 13 17:14:35 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 16:14:35 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/13/05, Michael Chermside <mcherm at> wrote:
> In unix, the above is true. One of the fundamental decisions in Unix
> was to treat all files (and lots of other vaguely file-like things)
> as undiferentiated streams of bytes. But this is NOT true on many
> other operating systems. It is not, for example, true on Windows.

Actually, on Windows, it *is* true. At the OS API level, all files are
streams of bytes (it's not as uniform as Unix - many things that Unix
forces into a file-like mould don't look exactly like OS-level files
on Windows, consoles and sockets being particular examples). However,
at the C library level, text files are "special" insofar as the C
stdio routines handle CRLF issues and the like differently.

The problem is twofold: (1) that Python works with the C runtime, so
stdio behaviour gets involved, and (2) on Windows, the familiar Unix/C
conventions of "\n" for "newline" don't work without translation - so
if you write text to a binary file, your output doesn't conform to the
*conventions* used by other applications (notably notepad - it's
surprising how many Windows programs actually work fine with
LF-delimited lines in text files...)


From trentm at  Tue Sep 13 18:15:39 2005
From: trentm at (Trent Mick)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 09:15:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Nathan Bullock wrote]
> Just wondering if a function such as this has ever
> been considered? I find that I quite often want a
> function that will give me a relative path from path A
> to path B. I have created such a function, but it
> would be nice if it was in the standard library.
> This function would take two paths: A and B and give
> the relation between them. Here are a few of examples.
> os.path.diff("/A/C/D/", "/A/D/F/")
>  ==> "../../D/F"
> os.path.diff("/A/", "/A/B/C/")
>  ==> "B/C"
> os.path.diff("/A/B/C/", "/A/")
>  ==> "../.."

Look around for functions/recipes called "relpath". E.g.:


Trent Mick
TrentM at

From janssen at  Wed Sep 14 02:52:16 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:52:16 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Simplify the file-like-object interface
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 13 Sep 2005 06:44:39 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep13.175225pdt."58617">

> This [text/binary] distinction is
> supported by the basic file operations in the C library. To open a
> text file in binary mode is technically an error (although in many OSs
> you'll get away with it).

It's one of those "technical" errors that really isn't an error (from
Python).  On the other hand, opening a file in text mode will cause
real data damage to binary files on Windows.  Let some
platform-specific library for that platform preserve it, if it cares

I see no point in keeping this distinction in Python, even for those
platforms bone-headed enough to preserve it.  And the default
certainly shouldn't be to the mode which loses data.


From nnorwitz at  Wed Sep 14 07:50:17 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:50:17 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] speeding up list append calls
Message-ID: <>

Tim made me do it!

For whatever reason, I was just curious how his code could be sped up.
 I kept seeing this append method being called and I thought, "there's
an opcode for that."  What happens if you replace var.append() with
the LIST_APPEND opcode.

# standard opcodes
$ ./python ./Lib/ -n 1000 -s 'import foo' 'foo.foo1(10000)'
1000 loops, best of 3: 3.66 msec per loop
# hacked version
$ ./python ./Lib/ -n 1000 -s 'import foo' 'foo.foo2(10000)'
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.74 msec per loop

The patch and are attached.

This code doesn't really work in general.  It assumes that any append
function call is a list method, which is obviously invalid.  But if a
variable is known to be a list (ie, local and assigned as list
(BUILD_LIST) or a list comprehension), could we do something like this
as a peephole optimization?  I'm not familiar enough with some dynamic
tricks to know if it there are conditions that could break this.

Probably useless, but it was interesting to me at the time.

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From martin at  Wed Sep 14 18:34:46 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-15?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:34:46 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python code.interact() and UTF-8 locale
In-Reply-To: <1126619609.3184.18.camel@haypopc>
References: <1126408583.12608.34.camel@haypopc>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Victor STINNER wrote:
> RexFi explains me that Python can't guess eval('len(u"?")') charset.

I personally like to see a charset argument for eval() and compile().
exec would not directly support other charsets; you would have to
compile() first to specify a charset.

I have a patch somewhere that does that, but did not get to publish
it yet.


From blais at  Wed Sep 14 18:40:38 2005
From: blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:40:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/12/05, Nathan Bullock <nathan_kent_bullock at> wrote:
> Just wondering if a function such as this has ever
> been considered? I find that I quite often want a
> function that will give me a relative path from path A
> to path B. I have created such a function, but it
> would be nice if it was in the standard library.

I also often have to plop a snippet of Python in my code to do the
same and always wonder why there isn't anything like that in the
standard library.

+1 for adding this to os.path, it would be very handy.

From martin at  Wed Sep 14 18:55:12 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:55:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] speeding up list append calls
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Neal Norwitz wrote:
> This code doesn't really work in general.  It assumes that any append
> function call is a list method, which is obviously invalid.  But if a
> variable is known to be a list (ie, local and assigned as list
> (BUILD_LIST) or a list comprehension), could we do something like this
> as a peephole optimization?

Alternatively, couldn't LIST_APPEND check that this really is a list,
and, if it isn't, fall back to PyObject_CallMethod?

Not sure which .append call is performed most frequently, but the
traditional trick of caching x.append in a local variable might give
you most of the speedup.


From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Wed Sep 14 19:14:39 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 19:14:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] speeding up list append calls
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <dg9lq0$oga$>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
> Neal Norwitz wrote:
>> This code doesn't really work in general.  It assumes that any append
>> function call is a list method, which is obviously invalid.  But if a
>> variable is known to be a list (ie, local and assigned as list
>> (BUILD_LIST) or a list comprehension), could we do something like this
>> as a peephole optimization?
> Alternatively, couldn't LIST_APPEND check that this really is a list,
> and, if it isn't, fall back to PyObject_CallMethod?

Are there any other optimizations which solely act on the name of a method?
This seems a step too far.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From fredrik at  Wed Sep 14 19:23:37 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 19:23:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] speeding up list append calls
References: <>
Message-ID: <dg9mao$qae$>

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

> Alternatively, couldn't LIST_APPEND check that this really is a list,
> and, if it isn't, fall back to PyObject_CallMethod?

that's the obvious solution, of course.  cf. existing shortcuts:

$ grep -n INLINE Python-2.4.1/Python/ceval.c
1103:                           /* INLINE: int + int */
1133:                           /* INLINE: int - int */
1156:                           /* INLINE: list[int] */
1305:                           /* INLINE: int + int */
1335:                           /* INLINE: int - int */
1967:                           /* INLINE: cmp(int, int) */


From pje at  Wed Sep 14 19:34:09 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 13:34:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] speeding up list append calls
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 06:55 PM 9/14/2005 +0200, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>Neal Norwitz wrote:
> > This code doesn't really work in general.  It assumes that any append
> > function call is a list method, which is obviously invalid.  But if a
> > variable is known to be a list (ie, local and assigned as list
> > (BUILD_LIST) or a list comprehension), could we do something like this
> > as a peephole optimization?
>Alternatively, couldn't LIST_APPEND check that this really is a list,
>and, if it isn't, fall back to PyObject_CallMethod?

That's an interesting idea - the opcodes for some math operators check if 
the operands are integers and then have a fast path, so this would sort of 
be the reverse.

>Not sure which .append call is performed most frequently, but the
>traditional trick of caching x.append in a local variable might give
>you most of the speedup.

Maybe the VM could actually do that caching for you, if we had a 
CALL_METHOD opcode that cached the attribute in a local variable if it was 
a C method or Python instance method, and reused the cached attribute as 
long as the target object is of the same type/class as the last invocation 
at that point.  I think this is called a "polymorphic inline cache", 
although it doesn't seem very polymorphic if you're only caching one type.  :)

The downside, alas, would be that modifying the class, or using dynamically 
generated methods would break this, unless there was some sort of "version 
counter" on the class that could also be checked, and the caching mechanism 
only cached in the first place if the attribute was found in a class 
dictionary.  Or perhaps the same mechanism that notifies subclasses of 
changes to the class could be used to notify frame objects of cache 

The interesting question, of course, is whether all the extra complexity 
would be worth it.  I think other polymorphic inline caches actually cache 
per call site, not per frame invocation, so it might be that the code 
object would actually be the place to cache this, allowing the program as a 
whole to gain.

From falcon at  Wed Sep 14 19:12:36 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:12:36 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Skiping searching throw dictionaries of mro() members.
Message-ID: <>

Excuse my english.
I have a complex Idea. It can be not worth, but just look at.
It touches the classes and inheritance.
Base point:
We change classes not too often. But every look at a member leads to 
search throw
a __dict__ of  all bases in ierarhy till member found. We could cache 
this search in class.__dict__ itself and check only bases versions.
Lets see:
we have some classes:
class a:
....def meth_a(self):
class b:
....def meth_b(self):
class c(a,b):
Every class has mro.
[<class '__main__.c'>, <class '__main__.a'>, <class '__main__.b'>, <type 
if we call methon from a base class, we look at c.__dict__ and at dict 
of every inherited class till found the method itself.
so c.meth_a() leads to search throw c.__dict__ and a.__dict__
c.meth_b() leads to search throw c.__dict__ , a.__dict__ and b.__dict__

We could cash looks by this way:
Store with a class its version. Every time after creation when we change 
a class
(add,remove or chage class member, including __base__, __bases__ and mro) ,
we increase the version number. Lets call it VERSION
Also store a tuple MRO_VERSION=tuple(base.VERSION for base in self.mro()).
It changes, when  we  touches __base__, __bases__ or self.mro)
Store with every class member a tuple : MEMBER_VERSION=(<self.mro 
version>,<number in mro>)
When we add  member to (or change member of) class __dict__ directly,
we store in this tuple (MRO_VERSION,class.mro().index(class)).

When we search a class member:
 and have not found it in class.__dict__, we search it throw mro() by a 
classic way.
If we've found it (in a class _BASE_), we store it in class.__dict__ 
with a tuple
MEMBER_VERSION=(MRO_VERSION, class.mro().index(_BASE_)).
Also we check all of seen base.VERSION to match their cached in 
MRO_VERSION values. If some is not match,
we should update MRO_VERSION (berfore storing founded member in a 
class.__dict__) and adjust VERSION.
If it was not found, we could store a (MRO_VERSION, 
class.mro().index(class)) with an internal value NotFound
 or do not store anything, and report that we have not found anything 
(so we search in an object itself).
When we've found a class member in class.__dict__ we check versions
if MEMBER_VERSION[0]==class.MRO_VERSION (the same object)
       then we just compare MRO_VERSION[i]==class.mro()[i].VERSION for i 
in range(MEMBER_VERSION[1]+1)
          and not search throw mro()[i].__dict__ what we are doing now.
          If all versions concur, we return found member
              (or, if we've found previously stored NotFound, we report 
that we have not found anything)
       if version of MRO_VERSION[j]!=class.mro()[j].VERSION and 
class!=class.mro()[j] (here can be a bug, one must think about it more)
           then we revert to a) point, but search throw [base.__dict__ 
for base in class.mro()[j:]], (and, of cause, update MRO_VERSION)
if  MEMBER_VERSION[0]!=class.MRO_VERSION, we reverts to a) point.

That's all.
PS. We can subclass module from a __builtin__, so we leave one dict lookup.

From pje at  Wed Sep 14 19:49:42 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 13:49:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Skiping searching throw dictionaries of mro()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 09:12 PM 9/14/2005 +0400, Sokolov Yura wrote:

>We could cash looks by this way:
>Store with a class its version. Every time after creation when we change
>a class
>(add,remove or chage class member, including __base__, __bases__ and mro) ,
>we increase the version number. Lets call it VERSION

FYI, there is already a mechanism for new-style classes that notifies 
subclasses of changes to the base class; this mechanism could be used to 
push cache flushes downward, rather than doing version checking upward.

From guido at  Wed Sep 14 20:18:32 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 11:18:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Misc NEWS,
	1.1193.2.94, 1.1193.2.95
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I have no way to test this code on Windows (or on other UNIX platforms
besides Linux and AIX). Hopefully someone can verify whether it breaks

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: gvanrossum at <gvanrossum at>
Date: Sep 14, 2005 11:15 AM
Subject: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Misc NEWS, 1.1193.2.94, 1.1193.2.95
To: python-checkins at

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Misc
In directory

Modified Files:
      Tag: release24-maint
Log Message:
- Changes donated by Elemental Security to make it work on AIX 5.3
  with IBM's 64-bit compiler (SF patch #1284289).  This also closes SF
  bug #105470: test_pwd fails on 64bit system (Opteron).

Index: NEWS
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Misc/NEWS,v
retrieving revision 1.1193.2.94
retrieving revision 1.1193.2.95
diff -u -d -r1.1193.2.94 -r1.1193.2.95
--- NEWS        14 Sep 2005 17:54:39 -0000      1.1193.2.94
+++ NEWS        14 Sep 2005 18:15:03 -0000      1.1193.2.95
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 Core and builtins

+- Changes donated by Elemental Security to make it work on AIX 5.3
+  with IBM's 64-bit compiler (SF patch #1284289).  This also closes SF
+  bug #105470: test_pwd fails on 64bit system (Opteron).
 - Changes donated by Elemental Security to make it work on HP-UX 11 on
   Itanium2 with HP's 64-bit compiler (SF patch #1225212).

Python-checkins mailing list
Python-checkins at

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From nnorwitz at  Wed Sep 14 21:01:09 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:01:09 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test, 1.171, 1.172, 1.2, 1.3
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Index:
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/,v
> retrieving revision 1.2
> retrieving revision 1.3
> diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
> ---       20 Mar 2003 04:33:16 -0000      1.2
> +++       14 Sep 2005 18:09:41 -0000      1.3
> @@ -16,19 +16,23 @@
>  class IoctlTests(unittest.TestCase):
>      def test_ioctl(self):
> -        pgrp = os.getpgrp()
> +        # If this process has been put into the background, TIOCGPGRP returns
> +        # the session ID instead of the process group id.
> +        ids = (os.getpgrp(), os.getsid(0))
>          tty = open("/dev/tty", "r")
>          r = fcntl.ioctl(tty, termios.TIOCGPGRP, "    ")
> -        self.assertEquals(pgrp, struct.unpack("i", r)[0])
> +        rpgrp = struct.unpack("i", r)[0]
> +        self.assert_(rpgrp in ids, "%s not in %s" % (rpgrp, ids))

With the change to use unsigned ints in pwd and grp modules, should
the struct.unpack() use "I" (capital i) instead of "i"?


From fredrik at  Wed Sep 14 20:59:05 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 20:59:05 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] speeding up list append calls
References: <><>
Message-ID: <dg9rto$dcj$>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> I think this is called a "polymorphic inline cache",  although it doesn't
> seem very polymorphic if you're only caching one type.  :)

if it's not polymorphic, it's an ordinary inline cache (aka "call-site cache").

(see various Self papers for more on polymorphic caches)


From pjones at  Wed Sep 14 21:25:08 2005
From: pjones at (Peter Jones)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 15:25:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] unintentional and unsafe use of realpath()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1126380571.21655.18.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <1126725908.23071.11.camel@localhost.localdomain>

[re-adding Python-Dev]

On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 02:00 +0200, Henrik Levkowetz wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> on 2005-09-10 21:29 Peter Jones said the following:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > In Python 2.4.1, Python/sysmodule.c includes a function PySys_SetArgv().
> > One of the things it does is attempt to resolve symbolic links into
> > absolute paths.  Currently, it uses readlink() if configure found that
> > your system supports it, and then it tries to do the same thing again
> > using realpath() if you system supports that.
> > 
> > This seems wrong; there's really no reason to do both.  So here's a
> > patch to move the realpath() usage into a #else following the
> > 
> If a path component above the basename is a link, it will not be
> resolved by only doing readlink() on the basename, while realpath() will
> resolve it.  So it seems to me that your proposed patch will accomplish
> less than the current code for systems which have realpath().

What the current code is doing is a buffer overrun.  Nevertheless,
you're right that it would behave differently than the current code if
that code worked as intended.

Here's a different patch; it uses canonicalize_file_name instead, and if
you don't have that it just uses the same codepath that's already in the
tree.  canonicalize_file_name is identical to realpath() when using the
glibc extension of allocating a buffer when you pass in a NULL target,
as in:

fullpath = realpath(path, NULL);

I chose to use canonicalize_file_name simply because the autoconf test
for it is easier than testing to see if the extension works.

Here's the new patch:

--- Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:04.000000000 -0400
+++ Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:02.000000000 -0400
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
 /* Define if pthread_sigmask() does not work on your system. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `canonicalize_file_name' function. */
 /* Define to 1 if you have the `chown' function. */
 #undef HAVE_CHOWN
--- Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c.canonicalize	2005-09-14 11:53:30.000000000 -0400
+++ Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c	2005-09-14 11:52:04.000000000 -0400
@@ -1184,6 +1184,9 @@
 		char *p = NULL;
 		int n = 0;
 		PyObject *a;
+                argv0 = canonicalize_file_name(argv0);
 		char link[MAXPATHLEN+1];
 		char argv0copy[2*MAXPATHLEN+1];
@@ -1256,6 +1259,7 @@
 #endif /* Unix */
 #endif /* All others */
 		a = PyString_FromStringAndSize(argv0, n);
 		if (a == NULL)
 			Py_FatalError("no mem for sys.path insertion");
--- Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:46:00.000000000 -0400
+++ Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:22.000000000 -0400
@@ -2096,8 +2096,8 @@
 # checks for library functions
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(alarm bind_textdomain_codeset chown clock confstr ctermid \
- execv fork fpathconf ftime ftruncate \
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(alarm bind_textdomain_codeset canonicalize_file_name chown \
+ clock confstr ctermid execv fork fpathconf ftime ftruncate \
  gai_strerror getgroups getlogin getloadavg getpeername getpgid getpid \
  getpriority getpwent getsid getwd \
  kill killpg lchown lstat mkfifo mknod mktime \


From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Wed Sep 14 21:27:36 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:27:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Term unification
Message-ID: <dg9tj8$ief$>


looking at bug #1283289, I saw that the term "keyword parameter" is used in
Python/getargs.c, mixed with "keyword argument".

Grepping through the source, "keyword parameter" had 43 matches, while
"keyword argument" had 430. Should the "parameter" form be extinguished?


(And BTW, should bug #1283289 be fixed as the poster suggests?)

Mail address is perfectly valid!

From guido at  Wed Sep 14 21:46:16 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:46:16 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Term unification
In-Reply-To: <dg9tj8$ief$>
References: <dg9tj8$ief$>
Message-ID: <>

Correct usage is argument for the call site but parameter for the
function/method definition. So you can't just count occurrences.

On 9/14/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at> wrote:
> Hi,
> looking at bug #1283289, I saw that the term "keyword parameter" is used in
> Python/getargs.c, mixed with "keyword argument".
> Grepping through the source, "keyword parameter" had 43 matches, while
> "keyword argument" had 430. Should the "parameter" form be extinguished?
> Reinhold
> (And BTW, should bug #1283289 be fixed as the poster suggests?)
> --
> Mail address is perfectly valid!
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Wed Sep 14 22:05:25 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 22:05:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Term unification
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <dg9tj8$ief$>
Message-ID: <dg9vq5$q6o$>

Ah, ok. Then I guess everything's fine. It was just the

/* make sure there are no duplicate values for an argument;
   its not clear when to use the term "keyword argument vs.
   keyword parameter in messages */

that disturbed me.


Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Correct usage is argument for the call site but parameter for the
> function/method definition. So you can't just count occurrences.
> On 9/14/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> looking at bug #1283289, I saw that the term "keyword parameter" is used in
>> Python/getargs.c, mixed with "keyword argument".
>> Grepping through the source, "keyword parameter" had 43 matches, while
>> "keyword argument" had 430. Should the "parameter" form be extinguished?
>> Reinhold
>> (And BTW, should bug #1283289 be fixed as the poster suggests?)

Mail address is perfectly valid!

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep 15 00:09:24 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 00:09:24 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.dedent
Message-ID: <dga72k$cah$>


some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is in the
textwrap module). The RFE is at

Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From guido at  Thu Sep 15 01:10:26 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:10:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.dedent
In-Reply-To: <dga72k$cah$>
References: <dga72k$cah$>
Message-ID: <>

>From the sound of it, it's probably not worth endowing every string
object with this method and hardcoding its implementation forever in C
code. There are so many corner cases and variations on the
functionality of "dedenting" a block that it's better to keep it as
Python source code.

On 9/14/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at> wrote:
> Hi,
> some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is in the
> textwrap module). The RFE is at
> Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.
> Reinhold

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep 15 01:53:59 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:53:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test, 1.171, 1.172, 1.2, 1.3
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/14/05, Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz at> wrote:
> > Index:
> > ===================================================================
> > RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/,v
> > retrieving revision 1.2
> > retrieving revision 1.3
> > diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
> > ---       20 Mar 2003 04:33:16 -0000      1.2
> > +++       14 Sep 2005 18:09:41 -0000      1.3
> > @@ -16,19 +16,23 @@
> >
> >  class IoctlTests(unittest.TestCase):
> >      def test_ioctl(self):
> > -        pgrp = os.getpgrp()
> > +        # If this process has been put into the background, TIOCGPGRP returns
> > +        # the session ID instead of the process group id.
> > +        ids = (os.getpgrp(), os.getsid(0))
> >          tty = open("/dev/tty", "r")
> >          r = fcntl.ioctl(tty, termios.TIOCGPGRP, "    ")
> > -        self.assertEquals(pgrp, struct.unpack("i", r)[0])
> > +        rpgrp = struct.unpack("i", r)[0]
> > +        self.assert_(rpgrp in ids, "%s not in %s" % (rpgrp, ids))
> With the change to use unsigned ints in pwd and grp modules, should
> the struct.unpack() use "I" (capital i) instead of "i"?

I asked the author of the patch (Monte Davidoff, who occasionally
comes to baypiggies meetings :-) and his response is:

No.  The change to the pwd and grp modules and the change to test_ioctl
are unrelated.  Unfortunately, the term "group" is overloaded, which
leads to confusion.

The pwd and grp modules read the password database and the group
database, which are attributes of a UNIX user.

The test_ioctl test case is calling the TIOCGPGRP ioctl, which returns
the process group id, which is an attribute of the process.  This has
type pid_t, which is signed.

I hope this clarifies the situation.  I am glad to hear that it is
checked in!


--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep 15 01:45:39 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:45:39 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nathan Bullock wrote:
> I find that I quite often want a
> function that will give me a relative path from path A
> to path B. I have created such a function, but it
> would be nice if it was in the standard library.

+1 from me. It's a fairly common thing to want to do.


From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep 15 03:29:41 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:29:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.dedent
In-Reply-To: <dga72k$cah$>
Message-ID: <001901c5b994$f7b72340$b8fdcc97@oemcomputer>

> some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is
> the
> textwrap module). The RFE is at
> Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.


Let it continue to live in textwrap where the existing pure python code
adequately serves all string-like objects.  It's not worth losing the
duck typing by attaching new methods to str, unicode, UserString, and
everything else aspiring to be string-like.  

String methods should be limited to generic string manipulations.
String applications should be in other namespaces.  That is why we don't
have str.md5(), str.crc32(), str.ziplib(), etc.

Also, I don't want to encourage dedenting as a way of life --- programs
using it often are likely to be doing things the hard way.


From kbk at  Thu Sep 15 06:50:44 2005
From: kbk at (Kurt B. Kaiser)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 00:50:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Message-ID: <>

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  343 open ( +1) /  2927 closed ( +4) /  3270 total ( +5)
Bugs    :  908 open ( +0) /  5245 closed (+13) /  6153 total (+13)
RFE     :  189 open ( +1) /   185 closed ( +0) /   374 total ( +1)

New / Reopened Patches

Allow to restrict ModuleFinder to get "direct" dependencies  (2005-09-08)  opened by  Scherer Michael

pygettext - provide comments to help translators  (2005-09-11)  opened by  Toby Dickenson

FreeBSD 5.3 and upward has thread-safe getaddrinfo(3)  (2005-09-12)  opened by  Maxim Sobolev

Fix reload() error message  (2005-09-13)
CLOSED  opened by  Collin Winter

mmap with unsigned int offset and cross build for ppc  (2005-09-14)  opened by  Jos? Pedro Pereira Valente de M

Patches Closed

Fix reload() error message  (2005-09-13)  closed by  birkenfeld

HP-UX ia64 64-bit Python executable  (2005-06-21)  closed by  gvanrossum

AIX port from Elemental Security  (2005-09-07)  closed by  gvanrossum

new patch for fixing skipitem() in getargs.c  (2005-06-01)  closed by  birkenfeld

New / Reopened Bugs

traceback module can return undecodable byte strings  (2005-09-08)  opened by  Stuart Bishop

logging module's setLoggerClass not really working  (2005-09-08)  opened by  Rotem Yaari

urllib.quote is too slow  (2005-09-08)  opened by  Tres Seaver

Call to cmd.exe fails  (2005-09-08)
CLOSED  opened by  Alex Luso

Digest Authentication not working in all cases  (2005-09-08)  opened by  Jakob Simon-Gaarde

re special sequence '\w'   (2005-09-09)
CLOSED  opened by  ChristianJ

Python code.interact() and UTF-8 locale  (2005-09-12)  opened by  STINNER Victor

timedelta multiply and divide by floating point  (2005-09-12)  opened by  Daniel Stutzbach

distutils extension library path bug on cygwin  (2005-09-12)  opened by  John Whitley

PyDoc crashes at line 133  (2005-09-12)
CLOSED  opened by  Colin J. Williams

cjkcodec compile error under AIX 5.2 on symbol 100_encode  (2005-09-13)  opened by  Deron Meranda

--no-compile option has no effect  (2005-09-13)
CLOSED  opened by  Tim Peters

strptime(): can't switch locales more than once  (2005-09-13)
CLOSED  opened by  Adam Monsen

SSLObject breaks read semantics  (2005-09-14)  opened by  Jonathan Ellis

Bugs Closed

Call to cmd.exe fails  (2005-09-08)  deleted by  delenca

exception when unpickling array.array objects  (2005-09-04)  closed by  rhettinger

PyDoc crashes at line 133  (2005-09-12)  closed by  rhettinger

--no-compile option has no effect  (2005-09-13)  closed by  tim_one

RE parser too loose with {m,n} construct  (2005-05-15)  closed by  niemeyer

document {m} regex matcher wrt empty matches  (2005-01-31)  closed by  niemeyer

r'\10' as replacement pattern loops in compilation  (2004-11-02)  closed by  niemeyer

re nested conditional matching (?()) doesn't work  (2005-09-08)  closed by  birkenfeld

skipitem() in getargs.c missing some types  (2004-02-09)  closed by  birkenfeld

re special sequence '\w'   (2005-09-09)  closed by  birkenfeld

suspected cPickle memory leak   (2005-05-13)  closed by  birkenfeld

splitunc not documented  (2005-08-27)  closed by  birkenfeld

os.startfile() doesn't accept Unicode filenames  (2004-08-11)  closed by  birkenfeld

strptime(): can't switch locales more than once  (2005-09-13)  closed by  bcannon

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep 15 07:44:10 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 07:44:10 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] str.dedent
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <dga72k$cah$>
Message-ID: <dgb1na$74b$>

Okay. I consider it rejected.


Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>From the sound of it, it's probably not worth endowing every string
> object with this method and hardcoding its implementation forever in C
> code. There are so many corner cases and variations on the
> functionality of "dedenting" a block that it's better to keep it as
> Python source code.
> On 9/14/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is in the
>> textwrap module). The RFE is at
>> Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.
>> Reinhold

Mail address is perfectly valid!

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep 15 07:56:39 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 07:56:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] python/dist/src/Lib,,
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgb2en$8hh$>

rhettinger at wrote:
> Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
> In directory
> Modified Files:
>       Tag: release24-maint
> Log Message:
> Sync-up with patches to the head.
> Includes SF 1016880: urllib.urlretrieve silently truncates downloads
> and the performance fix-ups.

This last patch includes a new exception, are you sure that this can be
safely backported?

If so, the documentation changes must be backported, too.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep 15 08:20:26 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 02:20:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python/dist/src/Lib,,
In-Reply-To: <dgb2en$8hh$>
Message-ID: <000501c5b9bd$91e9bfe0$6916c797@oemcomputer>

[Reinhold Birkenfeld]
> This last patch includes a new exception, are you sure that this can
> safely backported?

Not too worried about it.  Better to have the exception reported than
the silent failure that confused the heck out of everyone who tried to
figure-out what caused the OP's problem.

> If so, the documentation changes must be backported, too.

Maybe.  My thought is the new message is akin to an improved error
message.  However, adding it to the Py2.4 docs suggests that you could
catch and handle the exception, but that cannot be done portably across
Py2.4 versions.  If you really feel the need, go ahead and add to the
docs with \versionadded{2.4.2}.  My preference is to leave it be.


From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep 15 09:22:00 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:22:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] python/dist/src/Lib,,
In-Reply-To: <000501c5b9bd$91e9bfe0$6916c797@oemcomputer>
References: <dgb2en$8hh$>
Message-ID: <dgb7eo$ktk$>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> [Reinhold Birkenfeld]
>> This last patch includes a new exception, are you sure that this can
> be
>> safely backported?
> Not too worried about it.  Better to have the exception reported than
> the silent failure that confused the heck out of everyone who tried to
> figure-out what caused the OP's problem.
>> If so, the documentation changes must be backported, too.
> Maybe.  My thought is the new message is akin to an improved error
> message.  However, adding it to the Py2.4 docs suggests that you could
> catch and handle the exception, but that cannot be done portably across
> Py2.4 versions.  If you really feel the need, go ahead and add to the
> docs with \versionadded{2.4.2}.  My preference is to leave it be.

Makes sense. It'll be best to leave it be.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From falcon at  Wed Sep 14 20:11:03 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 22:11:03 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Skiping searching throw dictionaries of mro()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> At 09:12 PM 9/14/2005 +0400, Sokolov Yura wrote:
>> We could cash looks by this way:
>> Store with a class its version. Every time after creation when we change
>> a class
>> (add,remove or chage class member, including __base__, __bases__ and 
>> mro) ,
>> we increase the version number. Lets call it VERSION
> FYI, there is already a mechanism for new-style classes that notifies 
> subclasses of changes to the base class; this mechanism could be used 
> to push cache flushes downward, rather than doing version checking 
> upward.
I didn't know it. So, if this thing works, it should be used.

Another think. I do not really know, how emplemented scopes,
but could this caching be applied to a scope realisation?
So we "derive" current scope from his outer and cache all lookups, that 
goes out of this scope.
Top scope is "derived" from a module and module it self "derived" from 
I think, there not many different deep upper lookups in current 
programs, but many reapeating,
 and not often we change outer scope, so cache will be fine.

From falcon at  Thu Sep 15 09:19:13 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:19:13 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
Message-ID: <>

Excuse my English.

I think I know how to remove GIL!!!! Obviously I am an idiot.

First about Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF.

We should not remove GIL at all. We should change it.

It must be "one writer-many reader" in a following semantic:

Lock has a "read-counter" and a "write-counter". Initially both are 0.

When "reader" tries to acquire lock for "read" it sleeps until 
"write-counter" is 0.
When he "reader" acquires lock, he increase "read-counter".
When "reader" releases lock, he decreases "read-counter".
One reader will not block other, since he not increases "write-counter".
Reader will sleep, if there is any waiting writers, since they are 
increase "write-counter".

When "writer" tries to acquire lock for "write", he increase 
"write-counter" and
sleeps until "read-counter" happens 0. For "writers" lock for "write" - 
simple lock.
when "writer" release lock, he decrease "write-counter".
When there is no waiting writers, readers arise.

Excuse me for telling obviouse things. I am really reinvent wheel in my 
since I was a bad studient.

I think this kind of lock is native for linux (i saw it in a kernel 
source, but do not know
is waiting writer locks new readers or not?).

Now, every thread keep an queue of objects to decref. It can be 
implemented as array, cause
it will be freed at once.

Initially, every object acquires GIL for "read".
Py_INCREF works as usually,
Py_DECREF places a ref into a queue.
When queue has became full or "100" instruction left ( :-) , it usefull),
thread releases GIL for "read" and acquires for "write",
when he acquire it, he decrefs all objects stored in a queue and clear 
After all he acquires GIL for "read".

But what could we do with changing objects (dicts,lists and another)?

There should be a secondary "one-writer-many-reader" "public-write" GIL 
SGIL ought to be more complicated, since it should work in RLOCK 
semantic for "write" lock.
Lets call this lock ROWMR(reentreed one writer - many reader)

So semantic for ROWMR can be:

When a thread acquires ROWMR lock, it acquires it at a "read" level.
Lets name it "write-level"=0.
While threads "write-level"=0 it is a "reader".
Thread can increase "write-level".
When he turns "write-level" from 0 to 1, he becomes "writer".
while "write-level">0, thread is writer.
Thread can decrease "write-level".
When "write-level" turns from 1 to 0, thread becomes "reader".

With PWGIL :
We can mark every _mutable_ object with a creator thread number.
If mark match current thread number, object is "private" for the thread.
If mark is 0 (or another imposible thread number) object is "public".
If mark !=0 and !=current thread number, object is "alien".
When we access _mutable_ object, we check is it "private"?
If it is, we can do anything without locking.
If it is not and we access for read, we check is it "public".
   If yes ("read" of "public"), then we can read it without locking.
   If no, we increase "write-level",
            if object is "alien", make it "public",
            if we need to change object, change it,
            decrease "write-level".
Of couse, when we append object to "public" collection, we chould make 
it "public",
 "write-level" is already  increased so we do not make many separate 
locks, but
when we then will access thouse object for read, we will not lock for 
make it "public".

I don't know, how nested scopes are implemented, but i think it should 
be considered as a mutable object.

So there is a small overhead for a single threaded application
( only for comparing 2 numbers)
 and in a big part of multithreaded, since we are locking only writting on
_mutable_ _public_ objects. Most part of "public" objects is not 
accessed to write
often: they are numbers, classes and mostly-read collections.
And one can optimize a program by accumulating results in a "private" 
and then flush it to "public" one.
Also, there may be a statement for explicit increasing "write-level" 
around big update
of "public" object and decreasing after it.

PWGIL also must be released and reacquired with every "100" instructions 
left,but only if "write-level=0",
 it conforms to current GIL semantic.
I think, it must be not released with flushing decref queue, since it 
can happen while we are in C code.
And there must be strong think about blocking IO.

Mostly awful situation (at my point of view):
object O is "private" for a thread A.
thread B accesses O and try to mark it "public", so it locks in attempt 
of increasing "write-level"
thread A starts to change O (it is in "write-level 0"), and in a C code 
it releases PWGIL
          (around blocking IO, for example).
thread B becomes "writer", changes object to "public", becomes "reader" 
and starts to read O,
returning thread A continue to change O , remaining in a "write-level=0".

But, I think, well written C code should not attemt to make blocking IO 
inside of changing non-local objects
 (and it does not attempt at the moment, as I guess. Am I mistaken?). 
Or/and, when it returns and continues
to change O, it must check, is it "private" or it isn't?

I think, big part of checks and manipulation with GIL&PWGIL  could be 
hidden inside of current C API,
so we should not change a tons of libraries written in C. Only 
libraries, which create mutable objects which
 use notstandart containers for storing.

Maybe there should be only one united SGIL for incref-decref and "write 

Summary overhead:
    each Py_DECREF place reference in a thread local queue (it could be 
small enough - about 1000, and not
             dinamic - just an array with counter).
    every object (mutable?) store thread mark (onle 4 byte, i think)
    every access to an object whould check - mutable is it? only if yes, 
'private' is it?
             and only for 'mutable public/alien' object we are locking.
 There would no more than 20% of perfomance overhead, i think.
 And +50% advantage in ordinary multithreated programm on dual processor 
(Maybe +90% on 3 processor, +110 % on 4 processor, since write block 
will lock all readers).

From falcon at  Thu Sep 15 09:47:38 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:47:38 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
Message-ID: <>


Now, every thread keeps one n queue of objects to incref and second 
queue to decref.
Both can be implemented as array, cause they will be freed at once.

Initially, every thread acquires GIL for "read".
Py_INCREF places a ref into a incref queue of a thread,
Py_DECREF places a ref into a decref queue of a thread.
When queue has became full or "100" instruction left ( :-) , it usefull),
thread releases GIL for "read" and acquires for "write",
when first process acquire it he:
      walk throw all incref queues in all threads, incref all thouse 
refs, and clear queues.
      then walk throw all decref queues in all threads, decref all 
thouse refs, and clear queues
After all he acquires GIL for "read". Other processes could stupidly 
repeat it founding clear queues.
Since there only one thread works as a "garbage collector", we will not 
loose any incref and decref.

From ndbecker2 at  Thu Sep 15 14:01:51 2005
From: ndbecker2 at (Neal Becker)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 08:01:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
Message-ID: <dgbnp5$6md$>

I use cpython.  I'm accustomed (from c++/gcc) to a style of coding that is
highly readable, making the assumption that the compiler will do good
things to optimize the code despite the style in which it's written.  For
example, I assume constants are removed from loops.  In general, an entity
is defined as close to the point of usage as possible.

I don't know to what extent these kind of optimizations are available to
cpython.  For example, are constant calculations removed from loops?  How
about functions?  Is there a significant cost to putting a function def
inside a loop rather than outside?

From aahz at  Thu Sep 15 15:28:24 2005
From: aahz at (Aahz)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 06:28:24 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
In-Reply-To: <dgbnp5$6md$>
References: <dgbnp5$6md$>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 15, 2005, Neal Becker wrote:
> I use cpython.  I'm accustomed (from c++/gcc) to a style of coding
> that is highly readable, making the assumption that the compiler will
> do good things to optimize the code despite the style in which it's
> written.  For example, I assume constants are removed from loops.
> In general, an entity is defined as close to the point of usage as
> possible.
> I don't know to what extent these kind of optimizations are available
> to cpython.  For example, are constant calculations removed from
> loops?  How about functions?  Is there a significant cost to putting a
> function def inside a loop rather than outside?

This question is about using Python, not improving/fixing Python; please
use comp.lang.python (python-list) for these kinds of questions and do
not cc python-dev.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

The way to build large Python applications is to componentize and
loosely-couple the hell out of everything.

From trentm at  Thu Sep 15 17:38:40 2005
From: trentm at (Trent Mick)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 08:38:40 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Greg Ewing wrote]
> Nathan Bullock wrote:
> > I find that I quite often want a
> > function that will give me a relative path from path A
> > to path B. I have created such a function, but it
> > would be nice if it was in the standard library.
> +1 from me. It's a fairly common thing to want to do.

If this *does* get added (I'm +0) then let's call it "relpath" or
"relpathto" as in the various implementations out there:


Trent Mick
TrentM at

From barry at  Thu Sep 15 19:05:38 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:05:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python-checkins reply-to
Message-ID: <>

Raymond requested, and Guido concurred, that the python-checkins mailing
list Reply-To header munging be turned off.  I've now done this. 
Previously, follow-ups to checkins would be addressed to python-dev. 
Now, follow-ups will stay on the python-checkins list and will not
appear here, unless the poster explicitly redirects it.


-------------- next part --------------
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From evenprimes at  Thu Sep 15 14:56:24 2005
From: evenprimes at (Chris Cioffi)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 08:56:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
In-Reply-To: <dgbnp5$6md$>
References: <dgbnp5$6md$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Neal,
 I don't believe that cpython currently does any of the optimizations you 
refer to below. That said, it is very reasonable to adopt "a style of coding 
that is highly readable, making the assumption that the compiler will do 
good things" when coding in Python. Python is one of the most highly 
optimised languages in the world along the Programmer Productivity metric. 
Line for line, you can pack more readable, obvious, and maintainable meaning 
into Python than pretty much any other language.
 The upshot is that then you can profile the final running code and see if 
it really matters that the compiler is using an extra .034 microseconds. 

That's my $0.028 US (damn inflation!)
 On 15/09/05, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote: 
> I use cpython. I'm accustomed (from c++/gcc) to a style of coding that is
> highly readable, making the assumption that the compiler will do good
> things to optimize the code despite the style in which it's written. For
> example, I assume constants are removed from loops. In general, an entity
> is defined as close to the point of usage as possible.
> I don't know to what extent these kind of optimizations are available to
> cpython. For example, are constant calculations removed from loops? How
> about functions? Is there a significant cost to putting a function def
> inside a loop rather than outside?
> --

"A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a 
fool trusts either of them." -- P. J. O'Rourke
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From bcannon at  Thu Sep 15 20:13:02 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:13:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
In-Reply-To: <dgbnp5$6md$>
References: <dgbnp5$6md$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/15/05, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
> I use cpython.  I'm accustomed (from c++/gcc) to a style of coding that is
> highly readable, making the assumption that the compiler will do good
> things to optimize the code despite the style in which it's written.  For
> example, I assume constants are removed from loops.  In general, an entity
> is defined as close to the point of usage as possible.
> I don't know to what extent these kind of optimizations are available to
> cpython.  For example, are constant calculations removed from loops?

If you mean ``2+3``, then yes.  If you mean ``2 + a`` where is a loop
invariant, then no.

>  How
> about functions?

No optimization there.

>  Is there a significant cost to putting a function def
> inside a loop rather than outside?

If you put it in a loop then the function must be reconstructed every
time through the loop.  I have never benchmarked the cost of function
construction but I doubt it's cheap.

The problem with all of these optimizations that you can do in more
static languages is you get to assume most things do not change from
underneath you.  In Python, thanks to threading, access to frames,
global namespaces of modules, etc., most things cannot be naively
optimized without a lot of checking up front to make sure the
optimization is valid every time it is run.  If you want some gruesome
detail, you can read my thesis ( and
the section on problems with introducing type inference into Python.


From Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM  Thu Sep 15 22:53:36 2005
From: Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:53:36 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
Message-ID: <>


I'm involved with the team that's working towards installing Python 2.4.x
as part of a future release of the Solaris O/S.

We currently have Python 2.3.x installed. We are trying to determine just
how compatible these two release are (at both the binary and source levels).

In other words, with Python 2.3.x .py, .pyc and .pyo files work correctly
with Python 2.4.x ?

Can somebody point me at this information please?


Rich Burridge                       Email:     rich.burridge at Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Inc. (MPK14-260),  Phone:     +1.650.786.5188
4150 Network Circle,                AIM/YAHOO: RicBurridge
Santa Clara, CA 95054               Blog:

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 15 23:36:42 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 23:36:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgcph9$275$>

Rich Burridge wrote:

> I'm involved with the team that's working towards installing Python 2.4.x
> as part of a future release of the Solaris O/S.
> We currently have Python 2.3.x installed. We are trying to determine just
> how compatible these two release are (at both the binary and source levels).
> In other words, with Python 2.3.x .py, .pyc and .pyo files work correctly
> with Python 2.4.x ?

no.  most PY files may work (see the changes documents for things
that have changed


From nnorwitz at  Thu Sep 15 23:42:54 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 14:42:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/15/05, Rich Burridge <Rich.Burridge at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm involved with the team that's working towards installing Python 2.4.x
> as part of a future release of the Solaris O/S.

Cool.  I would like to hear more about what you are doing.

> We currently have Python 2.3.x installed. We are trying to determine just
> how compatible these two release are (at both the binary and source levels).
> In other words, with Python 2.3.x .py, .pyc and .pyo files work correctly
> with Python 2.4.x ?

The binary versions (.pyc and .pyo) are not compatible, their magic
number is different.  I don't know the details, but if you want to
investigate yourself.  Get a CVS version, cd python/dist/src ; cvs
diff -r r23 -r r24 Python/import.c

That shows the magic number changing.  You will need to read CVS logs
to figure out why.  It's possible the numbers don't really *need* to
change.  I see two comments in the logs are:

* Bump the magic number to avoid sharing bytecode between 2.3 and 2.4.
Revise the long comment that explained details of the magic number
in gory detail.

* With Guido's okay, bumped up the magic number so that this patch gets
  widely exercised before the alpha goes out.

There are other patches which may have bumped the magic number for
other reasons.

> Can somebody point me at this information please?

BTW, this list probably isn't the best place to post this question. 
comp.lang.python (python-list at is generally preferred for
details about implementation.

If you are really interested in finding out more about Python, perhaps
you can come to the BayPIGGIES (Python Users Group) meeting at Google
tonight (7.30pm) in Mt. View.  Contact me off-list if you want more


From fredrik at  Thu Sep 15 23:44:34 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 23:44:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgcq01$3g7$>

(oops. trying again)

Rich Burridge wrote:

> I'm involved with the team that's working towards installing Python 2.4.x
> as part of a future release of the Solaris O/S.
> We currently have Python 2.3.x installed. We are trying to determine just
> how compatible these two release are (at both the binary and source levels).
> In other words, with Python 2.3.x .py, .pyc and .pyo files work correctly
> with Python 2.4.x ?

short answer: no

longer answer: most PY files work.  the exception is code that (accidentally
or intentionally) depends on implementation artifacts, undocumented behaviour
or bugs (see the changes documents for things that may affect your applications).

PYC and PYO files contain bytecode, and are not guaranteed to be portable
between different 2.X releases.

to check the bytecode revision used by a given Python interpreter, you can use

Python 2.3.5
>>> import imp
>>> imp.get_magic()

Python 2.4.1
>>> import imp
>>> imp.get_magic()


From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep 15 23:44:28 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 17:44:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <003901c5ba3e$a69ef0a0$6916c797@oemcomputer>

[Neal Norwitz]
> That shows the magic number changing.  You will need to read CVS logs
> to figure out why.  It's possible the numbers don't really *need* to
> change.  

The new LIST_APPEND opcode won't run on Py2.3.


From pje at  Fri Sep 16 00:09:36 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 18:09:36 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
In-Reply-To: <003901c5ba3e$a69ef0a0$6916c797@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 05:44 PM 9/15/2005 -0400, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>[Neal Norwitz]
> > That shows the magic number changing.  You will need to read CVS logs
> > to figure out why.  It's possible the numbers don't really *need* to
> > change.
>The new LIST_APPEND opcode won't run on Py2.3.

The OP asked about upgrading existing 2.3 .pyc/.pyo files to 2.4, not 
downgrading to 2.3, so this doesn't affect them, except insofar as it means 
the magic number is different.

From Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM  Fri Sep 16 00:08:33 2005
From: Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 15:08:33 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Neal, Ray,

Neal wrote:
> The binary versions (.pyc and .pyo) are not compatible, their magic
> number is different.  I don't know the details, but if you want to
> investigate yourself.  Get a CVS version, cd python/dist/src ; cvs
> diff -r r23 -r r24 Python/import.c
> That shows the magic number changing.  You will need to read CVS logs
> to figure out why.  It's possible the numbers don't really *need* to
> change.  I see two comments in the logs are:
> * Bump the magic number to avoid sharing bytecode between 2.3 and 2.4.
> Revise the long comment that explained details of the magic number
> in gory detail.
> * With Guido's okay, bumped up the magic number so that this patch gets
>   widely exercised before the alpha goes out.
> There are other patches which may have bumped the magic number for
> other reasons.


>>Can somebody point me at this information please?
> And I forgot to give you this link: 

That lists the changes. It's not clear (at least to me) whether
these changes are incompatible.

> BTW, this list probably isn't the best place to post this question. 
> comp.lang.python (python-list at is generally preferred for
> details about implementation.

Understood. I'll try there tomorrow.

> If you are really interested in finding out more about Python, perhaps
> you can come to the BayPIGGIES (Python Users Group) meeting at Google
> tonight (7.30pm) in Mt. View.  Contact me off-list if you want more
> info.

Thanks for the pointer. Unfortunately I have other plans for tonight.

Raymond wrote:
 > The new LIST_APPEND opcode won't run on Py2.3.

It was more a case of wondering whether Python 2.3.x
.py, .pyo, .pyc files should "just work" with the Python 2.4.x run-time

We are not too concerned with 2.4.x files working with the Python 2.3.x
runtime. This sort of binary incompatibly is common.

From anthony at  Fri Sep 16 02:38:24 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:38:24 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: 2.4.2c1 Wednesday,
	21st September - branch will be closed for a week.
Message-ID: <>

So we'll be cutting the 2.4.2 release candidate on Wednesday the 21st
(next week). Can people please make sure they are running the test 
suite fully for any checkins between now and then? Also, please 
consider the release24-maint branch closed from 0000 UTC/GMT on the 
21st - this will remain closed for all but critical brown-paper-bag
bugs for a week, until we (hopefully) cut 2.4.2 final on the 28th. 

I'll send a reminder email about 12 hours out from the branch close.


From nnorwitz at  Fri Sep 16 02:44:40 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 17:44:40 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: 2.4.2c1 Wednesday,
	21st September - branch will be closed for a week.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/15/05, Anthony Baxter <anthony at> wrote:
> So we'll be cutting the 2.4.2 release candidate on Wednesday the 21st
> (next week). Can people please make sure they are running the test
> suite fully for any checkins between now and then? Also, please
> consider the release24-maint branch closed from 0000 UTC/GMT on the
> 21st - this will remain closed for all but critical brown-paper-bag
> bugs for a week, until we (hopefully) cut 2.4.2 final on the 28th.

Has anyone run valgrind on either 2.4.x or 2.5 recently?  I have not,
but I'll try to if no one else has run it.


From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep 16 04:51:58 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:51:58 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Trent Mick wrote:

> If this *does* get added (I'm +0) then let's call it "relpath" or
> "relpathto" as in the various implementations out there:

+1 on that, too. Preferably just "relpath".

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep 16 05:55:41 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:55:41 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <dgbnp5$6md$>
Message-ID: <>

Brett Cannon wrote:

>>I don't know to what extent these kind of optimizations are available to
>>cpython.  For example, are constant calculations removed from loops?
> If you mean ``2+3``, then yes.

Actually, no. Constant folding *could* be done, but it currently isn't:

 >>> def f():
...   return 2+3
 >>> import dis
 >>> dis.dis(f)
   2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (2)
               3 LOAD_CONST               2 (3)
               6 BINARY_ADD
               7 RETURN_VALUE
               8 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              11 RETURN_VALUE

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Sep 16 06:26:35 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 00:26:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <005801c5ba76$d31c9460$6916c797@oemcomputer>

[Neal Becker] 
> >>I don't know to what extent these kind of optimizations are
available to
> >>cpython.  For example, are constant calculations removed from loops?

[Brett Cannon]
> > If you mean ``2+3``, then yes.

[Greg Ewing] 
> Actually, no. Constant folding *could* be done, but it currently
>  >>> def f():
> ...   return 2+3
> ...
>  >>> import dis
>  >>> dis.dis(f)
>    2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (2)
>                3 LOAD_CONST               2 (3)
>                6 BINARY_ADD
>                7 RETURN_VALUE
>                8 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>               11 RETURN_VALUE

That looks like a disassembly from the ancient and primitive Py2.3 ;-)
It looks a little different in the ahead-of-its-time Py2.5 alpha:

Python 2.5a0 (#46, Sep 15 2005, 00:51:34) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

>>> def f():
	return 2+3

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(f)
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               3 (5)
              3 RETURN_VALUE   


From ndbecker2 at  Fri Sep 16 12:50:48 2005
From: ndbecker2 at (Neal Becker)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 06:50:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
References: <>
Message-ID: <dge7vt$h5k$>

One possible way to improve the situation is, that if we really believe
python cannot easily support such optimizations because the code is too
"dynamic", is to allow manual annotation of functions.  For example, gcc
has allowed such annotations using __attribute__ for quite a while.  This
would allow the programmer to specify that a variable is constant, or that
a function is pure (having no side effects).

From adurdin at  Fri Sep 16 14:25:00 2005
From: adurdin at (Andrew Durdin)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:25:00 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] C coding experiment
In-Reply-To: <004b01c5aef7$96d936a0$4320c797@oemcomputer>
References: <004b01c5aef7$96d936a0$4320c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/1/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> The goal is to determine whether the setobject.c implementation would be
> improved by recoding the set_lookkey() function to optimize key
> insertion order using Brent's variation of Algorithm D (See Knuth vol.
> III, section 6.4, page 525).

Brent's variation depends on the next probe position for a key being
derivable just from the key and its current position. The use of
perturbation in set_lookkey() prevents that, as we cannot say, given a
key at a certain position, where the next probe location for that key
would have been, without doing a complete lookup of that key
(obviously too expensive).

It would be interesting to see whether Brent's variation or
perturbation give better expected overall performance -- the latter
may well prove better in most cases, as it should reduce the number of
probes needed for both successful and unsuccessful lookups, while
Brent's variation only speeds up successful lookups. Well, this sort
of question is what the experiment is meant to resolve, no?

From solipsis at  Fri Sep 16 14:36:55 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:36:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] C coding experiment
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <004b01c5aef7$96d936a0$4320c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>


> Brent's variation depends on the next probe position for a key being
> derivable just from the key and its current position. The use of
> perturbation in set_lookkey() prevents that, as we cannot say, given a
> key at a certain position, where the next probe location for that key
> would have been, without doing a complete lookup of that key
> (obviously too expensive).

I've been experimenting on this subject with Raymond H.
You will find some code here:
  - is an algorithmic simulation of the current set
implementation; it will give you statistics about e.g. the number of
table walks in various test cases (that you can customize, of course)
  - is a very crude benchmark of the set implementation
  - brent-patch.txt is a patch against CPython CVS to add Brent's
variation to the set implementation; it made between 5% slower
and 2% faster depending on the test case

I believe Raymond has since started experimenting on other approaches.



From ncoghlan at  Fri Sep 16 16:09:39 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 00:09:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] python optimization
In-Reply-To: <dge7vt$h5k$>
References: <>	<005801c5ba76$d31c9460$6916c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Neal Becker wrote:
> One possible way to improve the situation is, that if we really believe
> python cannot easily support such optimizations because the code is too
> "dynamic", is to allow manual annotation of functions.  For example, gcc
> has allowed such annotations using __attribute__ for quite a while.  This
> would allow the programmer to specify that a variable is constant, or that
> a function is pure (having no side effects).

Raymond's constant binding decorator comes pretty close to achieving that:

It kicks in when the def statement is executed, rather than when the module is 
compiled, but that difference is not uncommon in Python (you don't know what 
half the names refer to until the top-level of the module is executed).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Sep 16 18:58:08 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:58:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] C coding experiment
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002f01c5badf$d2cdc060$212ac797@oemcomputer>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Durdin [mailto:adurdin at]
> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 8:25 AM
> To: python at
> Cc: python-dev at
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] C coding experiment
> On 9/1/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> > The goal is to determine whether the setobject.c implementation
would be
> > improved by recoding the set_lookkey() function to optimize key
> > insertion order using Brent's variation of Algorithm D (See Knuth
> > III, section 6.4, page 525).
> Brent's variation depends on the next probe position for a key being
> derivable just from the key and its current position. The use of
> perturbation in set_lookkey() prevents that, as we cannot say, given a
> key at a certain position, where the next probe location for that key
> would have been, without doing a complete lookup of that key
> (obviously too expensive).

Right.  For Brent's variation to work, I've had to replace perturbation
with a secondary hash function with linear spacing.  

> It would be interesting to see whether Brent's variation or
> perturbation give better expected overall performance -- the latter
> may well prove better in most cases, as it should reduce the number of
> probes needed for both successful and unsuccessful lookups, while
> Brent's variation only speeds up successful lookups. Well, this sort
> of question is what the experiment is meant to resolve, no?

Right again.

I'm also experimenting with a simpler approach -- whenever there are
more than three probes, always swap the new key into the first position
and then unconditionally re-insert the swapped-out key.  Most of the
time that gives an improvement and it doesn't require changing the
perturbation logic -- it is equivalent to changing the key insertion
order.  The only implementation wrinkle is that the approach needs
separate lookup and insert functions (only the latter does the swap).

The simpler approach is cheap to implement as it doesn't slow-down the
first three probes.  OTOH, te benefits are smaller than with Brent's
variation -- it only relieves the worst collisions.  I'm still
interested in it because it helps the two most important use cases for
sets (uniquification and membership testing).


From martin at  Fri Sep 16 19:22:50 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 19:22:50 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compatibility between Python 2.3.x and Python 2.4.x
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Rich Burridge wrote:
>>And I forgot to give you this link: 
> That lists the changes. It's not clear (at least to me) whether
> these changes are incompatible.

The section

is meant to cover incompatible changes. It shows that there is
no 100% compatibility, but that only "borderline" code is affected.
Probably the most significant change is that 0xC0000000 is now
a positive number, when it used to be negative on 32-bit systems.


From ncoghlan at  Fri Sep 16 19:29:14 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 03:29:14 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.5a1, ast-branch and PEP 342 and 343
Message-ID: <>

I think this is mainly a question for Guido - where do we stand with respect 
to the ast-branch for Python 2.5?

If we're targetting a March release for 2.5a1, then we probably need to land 
implementations for PEP 342 and PEP 343 at least a couple of months before 
that, and the current patches on Sourceforge are against HEAD, not ast-branch 
(for obvious reasons).

So, not only does ast-branch need to be brought up to Python 2.4 compliance 
and checked for any memory leaks when compilation attempts fail (I suspect 
there are a few of those), but additional work is needed to implement PEP 342 
and PEP 343 as well.

For Python 2.4, Guido gave a target date well before the first alpha release 
for landing the ast-branch if it was going to be included. Is the same thing 
going to happen for Python 2.5 (setting the target date, that is - not the 
fact that the ast-branch didn't get included!)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From martin at  Fri Sep 16 23:10:18 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 23:10:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sokolov Yura wrote:
> I think I know how to remove GIL!!!! Obviously I am an idiot.

Not an idiot, just lazy :-) Please try to implement your ideas,
and I predict that you will find:
1. it is a lot of work to implement
2. it requires changes to all C files, in particular to extension
   modules outside the Python source tree proper.
3. performing the conversion, even in a semi-mechanical way, will
   introduce many new bugs, in the form of race conditions because
   of missing locks.

Optionally, you may also find that the performance of the
interpreter will decrease.

I haven't really tried to completely understand your proposal, but
you are right, in principle, that a global lock can be replaced with
more fine-grained locks. However, this is really hard to do
correctly - if it were simple, it would have been done long ago.


From skip at  Sat Sep 17 04:07:23 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 21:07:23 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

    Martin> However, this is really hard to do correctly - if it were
    Martin> simple, it would have been done long ago.

I don't believe difficulty is the only (or primary) barrier.  I think
*someone* would have tackled it since Greg Stein did back in 1.4(?) or his
free-threading changes would have been incorporated into the core had they
yielded speedups on multiprocessors and not hurt performance on


From lcaamano at  Sat Sep 17 18:32:11 2005
From: lcaamano at (Luis P Caamano)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 12:32:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/17/05, python-dev-request at <python-dev-request at> wrote:
> Message: 9
> Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 21:07:23 -0500
> From: skip at
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
> Message-ID: <17195.31323.202978.650080 at>
>     Martin> However, this is really hard to do correctly - if it were
>     Martin> simple, it would have been done long ago.
> I don't believe difficulty is the only (or primary) barrier.  I think
> *someone* would have tackled it since Greg Stein did back in 1.4(?) or his
> free-threading changes would have been incorporated into the core had they
> yielded speedups on multiprocessors and not hurt performance on
> uniprocessors.
> Skip

It did yield speedups on multiprocessors.  The uniprocessor part
could've been solved just like most kernels do, one binary for
UP and another for MP.  That's what IBM, RedHat, Solaris, and
almost all other modern kernels that support SMP machines

In theory, if we had those changes in the CPython interpreter, we
could've been running at 1.6 times the speed on dual processor
machines today (according to Greg's benchmark data) and at the
same speed on UP machines running the UP compiled CPython
interpreter, which would not have had all the locking calls not
needed on a UP machine that would hurt its performance.

By now, we probably could've improved on the scalability of
MP performance when running on machines with more
than three processors.

Mind you though, I'm not trying to oversimplify the issue.
I was not using python yet at that time (I started around
1.5/1.6) and I didn't see all the info involved in the decision
making process, so I'm sure there were other issues that
contributed to the decision of not keeping Greg's free
threading changes.

My point is that not yielding speedups on multiprocessors
and hurting performance on uniprocessors is not a good
or valid reason to drop free-threading.

Luis P Caamano
Atlanta, GA USA

From pje at  Sat Sep 17 18:44:09 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 12:44:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:32 PM 9/17/2005 -0400, Luis P Caamano wrote:
>My point is that not yielding speedups on multiprocessors
>and hurting performance on uniprocessors is not a good
>or valid reason to drop free-threading.

It is if you have only volunteers to maintain the code base, and the 
changes significantly increase maintenance complexity.  Also, a significant 
number of third-party C extensions would need to be modified for 
compatibility, as has already been pointed out.

Note also that Jython and IronPython exist, and run on VMs that address 
these issues, and that the PyPy project can generate code for many kinds of 
backends.  There's nothting stopping anybody from creating a 
multiprocessor-friendly backend for PyPy, for example.

From martin at  Sat Sep 17 18:57:05 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 18:57:05 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Luis P Caamano wrote:
> Mind you though, I'm not trying to oversimplify the issue.
> I was not using python yet at that time (I started around
> 1.5/1.6) and I didn't see all the info involved in the decision
> making process, so I'm sure there were other issues that
> contributed to the decision of not keeping Greg's free
> threading changes.

For historical correctness, I believe there never was a
decision to "not keep Greg's free threading changes".
I believe Greg never actually contributed them (at least
not in a publically-visible manner). This, in turn appears
to be the result of the problem that nobody (including
Greg) was able to tell whether the patches are actually
correct (for extension modules, it appears there was
agreement that the patches are *not* correct).

(more correctly, it appears that some of the code made
 it to Python 1.5)

Instead, the issue mainly died because nobody provided
working code (along with a strategy on what to do with
the existing extension modules).


From lcaamano at  Sat Sep 17 19:10:26 2005
From: lcaamano at (Luis P Caamano)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 13:10:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/17/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> At 12:32 PM 9/17/2005 -0400, Luis P Caamano wrote:
> >My point is that not yielding speedups on multiprocessors
> >and hurting performance on uniprocessors is not a good
> >or valid reason to drop free-threading.
> It is 

No, it's not because it's not true.  

> if you have only volunteers to maintain the code base, and the
> changes significantly increase maintenance complexity.  

This is one very valid reason.

> Also, a significant
> number of third-party C extensions would need to be modified for
> compatibility, as has already been pointed out.

And another.

> Note also that Jython and IronPython exist, and run on VMs that address
> these issues, and that the PyPy project can generate code for many kinds of
> backends.  There's nothting stopping anybody from creating a
> multiprocessor-friendly backend for PyPy, for example.

Yes, eventually when we have CPython running on more SMP
or equivalent machines than UP machines, the majority will
have an itch and it will get scratched.

Luis P Caamano
Atlanta, GA USA

From jjl at  Sat Sep 17 19:18:34 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:18:34 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509171717110.6276@alice>

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Greg Ewing wrote:

> Trent Mick wrote:
> > If this *does* get added (I'm +0) then let's call it "relpath" or
> > "relpathto" as in the various implementations out there:
> +1 on that, too. Preferably just "relpath".

+1 on adding this function, and on "relpath" as the name.  I wanted this
function just a few weeks ago.


From lcaamano at  Sat Sep 17 19:51:29 2005
From: lcaamano at (Luis P Caamano)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 13:51:29 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/17/05, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
> Instead, the issue mainly died because nobody provided
> working code (along with a strategy on what to do with
> the existing extension modules).

When I first started writing python code I had just come out
of about 6 years of kernel development (1994-2000).  These 6 years
span the times when we were making changes to UP kernels
to work correctly and efficiently on SMP machines, implementing
kernel threads, and thread-safing libc and other changes needed
to move from the now defunct user space DCE-threads to posix threads
including kernel threads and even MxN support.  So, I was very
familiar with thread programming.

I architected, designed, and developed a bunch of distributed
servers and services using python and Pyro and it all was done
using nice and cool thread programming practices and techniques.
It was nice to see Python supported threads.

Close to a year into this when we had a lot of functionality implemented
I started running scalability tests and I was shocked and appalled
to find out that our architecture did not scale well on SMP machines
because we depended on threads.  And that's when I discovered
the GIL and twisted and other process based python techniques
used to get around the GIL.  It was too late for us to redo things and
we've been in a holding pattern since then waiting to see what will hit
us first, the need to scale a lot, which means we'd have to drop some
time to implement some changes to support process based scalability,
or no GIL.  I have my money on process based scalability. :(  

I'm sure that has happened to a lot of people because nobody finds
about the GIL in the beginning of their python development
experience.  If I started writing a new complex app from scratch,
now I know exactly what to do.

One big problem is that a lot of people defend the GIL with the
premise that the GIL is OK because we release the GIL in
C extensions and during IO.  That is true, the GIL is not as
bad as it would've been if the CPython interpreter extensions
didn't do that but it's also true that it hurts performance on
SMP machines in more than one way.   When I found out about
this it dawn on me that the performance could've been worse
although it was still way below what we expected.

I don't remember exactly how but what I remember is that when
I presented the problem to Guido he just told me to put up or
shut up.  At first I was insulted but then I realized that it was
a fair response given the complexity of the problem, previous
history I didn't know about, the fairly good compromise of
releasing the GIL in extensions, and the lack of a large
percentage of python developers asking for better performance
on SMP machines.

I couldn't put up so ...  I think I've gone beyond my quota :-)


The GIL is probably my only peeve about the CPython
interpreter.  So don't get me wrong, I love the language and I'm
always grateful for all the hard work you guys put in developing
such great language and implementation.

Luis P Caamano
Atlanta, GA USA

From jjl at  Sat Sep 17 19:48:21 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:48:21 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3,
	and MP vs. UP (was Re: Variant of removing GIL.)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509171722490.6276@alice>

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:

> Sokolov Yura wrote:
> > I think I know how to remove GIL!!!! Obviously I am an idiot.
> Not an idiot, just lazy :-) Please try to implement your ideas,
> and I predict that you will find:
> 1. it is a lot of work to implement
> 2. it requires changes to all C files, in particular to extension
>    modules outside the Python source tree proper.
> 3. performing the conversion, even in a semi-mechanical way, will
>    introduce many new bugs, in the form of race conditions because
>    of missing locks.
> Optionally, you may also find that the performance of the
> interpreter will decrease.

Given the points you make, and the facts that both Python 3 and real
problems with continuing to scale down semiconductor chip feature sizes
are on the horizon, it seems that now would be an excellent time to start
work on this, with the goal of introducing it at the same time as Python

a. Python 3.0 will break lots of code anyway, so the extension module 
   issue becomes far less significant.

b. In x years time (x < 10?) it seems likely multiprocessor (MP) users 
   will be in the majority.  (As a result, the uniprocessor (UP) slowdown 
   becomes less important in practice, and also Python has the opportunity 
   of avoiding the risk of being sidelined by a real or perceived lack of
   MP performance.)

c. Since time is needed to iron out bugs (and perhaps also to reimplememt 
   some pieces of code "from scratch"), very early in the life of Python 3 
   seems like the least-worst time to begin work on such a change.

I realize that not all algorithms (nor all computational problems) scale
well to MP hardware.  Is it feasible to usefully compile both MP and a UP
binaries from one Python source code base?

(I'm also quite aware that the GIL does not prevent all means of achieving
efficient use of multiprocessors.  I'm just concious that different
parellisation problems are presumably best expressed using different
tools, and that Python 3 and increased prevalance of MP systems might tip
the balance in favour of removing the GIL.)

Of course, it still takes a (anti-)hero to step forward and do the work...


From bcannon at  Sun Sep 18 03:20:08 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 18:20:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
Message-ID: <>

Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?  At one of the PyCon sprints Guido seemed
okay with just having them removed when Jeremy asked about ditching
them thanks to the pain they caused in the AST branch.  I personally
don't see them being overly useful thanks to assignment unpacking. 
Plus I don't think they are used very much (gut feeling, though, and
not based on any grepping).

Would anyone really throw a huge fit if they went away?  I am willing
to write a PEP for their removal in 2.6 with a deprecation in 2.5 if
people are up for it.  Otherwise I say they should definitely go in
Python 3.


From andrew-pythondev at  Sun Sep 18 04:11:44 2005
From: andrew-pythondev at (Andrew Bennetts)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 12:11:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 06:20:08PM -0700, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?  At one of the PyCon sprints Guido seemed
> okay with just having them removed when Jeremy asked about ditching
> them thanks to the pain they caused in the AST branch.  I personally
> don't see them being overly useful thanks to assignment unpacking. 
> Plus I don't think they are used very much (gut feeling, though, and
> not based on any grepping).
> Would anyone really throw a huge fit if they went away?  I am willing
> to write a PEP for their removal in 2.6 with a deprecation in 2.5 if
> people are up for it.  Otherwise I say they should definitely go in
> Python 3.

Please keep them!  Twisted code uses them in places for Deferred callbacks
that need to deal with multiple return values.  For instance, the
twisted.cred.portal.Portal's login method returns Deferred that will be
called with a tuple of (interface that the avatar implements, the avatar, a
0-arg logout callable), which naturally leads to functions like:

    def _cbAuthenticated(self, (iface, avatar, logout)):

Based on a quick grep, there's well over 80 uses of tuple-unpacking in
function declarations in Twisted's code base.  There's almost certainly many
more outside of Twisted; I know I have some code at work that uses this.

So the short answer is: yes, we are attached to it, we will miss it.  No
guarantees about throwing fits, though <wink>.


From steven.bethard at  Sun Sep 18 04:15:09 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 20:15:09 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brett Cannon wrote:
> Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?

I find 54 instances in my Python installation.

>grep -r "def.*([^=]*([^)]*,[^)]*).*):" *    def setparams(self, (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate,
nframes, comptype, compname)):    def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value,
exc_traceback)):    def __init__(self, (name, finfo, dlen, rlen), ofp): html((etype, evalue, etb), context=5): text((etype, evalue, etb), context=5):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):
compiler/    def __init__(self, (left, right), lineno=None):    def push_font(self, (size, i, b, tt)):
idlelib/    def show_frame(self, (frame, lineno)):    def _process_result(self, (ispkg, code, values), fqname):    def tokeneater(self, type, token, (srow, scol), (erow,
ecol), line):
lib-old/    def text(self, (h, v), str):
lib-old/    def text(self, (h, v), text):    def load_module(self, fqname, fp, pathname,
(suffix, mode, type)):    def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value,
plat-irix5/ create_full_form(inst, (fdata, odatalist)):
plat-irix5/ merge_full_form(inst, form, (fdata, odatalist)):
plat-irix6/ create_full_form(inst, (fdata, odatalist)):
plat-irix6/ merge_full_form(inst, form, (fdata, odatalist)):
plat-mac/ _setlocation(object_alias, (x, y)):
plat-mac/ _setwindowsize(folder_alias, (w, h)):
plat-mac/ _setwindowposition(folder_alias, (x, y)):    def fixup((name, kind, cls, value)):    def __init__(self, filename, (exc, value, tb)):    def modpkglink(self, (name, path, ispackage, shadowed)):    def submodules(self, (dir, package)):    def isnewpackage(self, (dir, package)):    def setparams(self, (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate,
nframes, comptype, compname)):
test/ spam(a, b, c, d=3, (e, (f,))=(4, (5,)), *g, **h):
test/        def comp_args((a, b)):
test/        def comp_args((a, b)=(3, 4)):
test/        def comp_args(a, (b, c)):
Binary file test/test_compile.pyc matches
test/ f4(two, (compound, (argument, list))): pass
test/ f5((compound, first), two): pass
test/ v3(a, (b, c), *rest): return a, b, c, rest
test/ testfrexp(name, (mant, exp), (emant, eexp)):
test/ testmodf(name, (v1, v2), (e1, e2)):
Binary file test/test_parser.pyc matches
test/ makeAddPair((a, b)):
test/    def addPair((c, d)):
test/ registerSignals((for_usr1, for_usr2, for_alrm)):    def _acquire_restore(self, (count, owner)): printtoken(type, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol),
line): # for testing urlunparse((scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment)): urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment)):    def setparams(self, (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate,
nframes, comptype, compname)):

Not to mention the dozen or so in my own codebase.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From greg.ewing at  Sun Sep 18 12:28:20 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 22:28:20 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brett Cannon wrote:

> Would anyone really throw a huge fit if they went away?  I am willing
> to write a PEP for their removal in 2.6 with a deprecation in 2.5 if
> people are up for it.

-1. I don't think this could realistically be done before 3.0,
because it would break a lot of existing code for no good reason.

I probably wouldn't mind all that much if they went away in
3.0, although they can be handy.


From skip at  Sun Sep 18 16:40:20 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 09:40:20 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] test__locale on Mac OS X
Message-ID: <>

test__locale still fails for me on Mac OS X 10.3.9.  This is on both the 2.4
branch and HEAD.  Does it succeed for anyone on 10.4?  If not, perhaps we
should list that as an expected failure on that platform?


From fw at  Sun Sep 18 21:15:47 2005
From: fw at (Florian Weimer)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 21:15:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <> (Brett Cannon's
	message of "Sat, 17 Sep 2005 18:20:08 -0700")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Brett Cannon:

> Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?  At one of the PyCon sprints Guido seemed
> okay with just having them removed when Jeremy asked about ditching
> them thanks to the pain they caused in the AST branch.


  def fxn((a,b,),): print a,b

continue to work?  (I'm not sure if the problems are syntax or
representation of the parse tree; I don't know what's going on on that
AST branch.)

From bcannon at  Sun Sep 18 23:37:43 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 14:37:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] test__locale on Mac OS X
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[forgot to CC python-dev]

On 9/18/05, skip at <skip at> wrote:
> test__locale still fails for me on Mac OS X 10.3.9.  This is on both the 2.4
> branch and HEAD.  Does it succeed for anyone on 10.4?  If not, perhaps we
> should list that as an expected failure on that platform?

It passes on 10.4 for me.


From ncoghlan at  Mon Sep 19 00:22:42 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 08:22:42 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brett Cannon wrote:
> Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?  At one of the PyCon sprints Guido seemed
> okay with just having them removed when Jeremy asked about ditching
> them thanks to the pain they caused in the AST branch.  I personally
> don't see them being overly useful thanks to assignment unpacking. 
> Plus I don't think they are used very much (gut feeling, though, and
> not based on any grepping).

The fixes needed to make them work properly didn't seem all that ugly to me. 
Also, if they weren't used in the stdlib, they wouldn't have caused us any 
grief on the AST branch ;)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From raymond.hettinger at  Mon Sep 19 02:10:20 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 20:10:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002001c5bcae$8639e640$99b1958d@oemcomputer>

> Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> fxn((a,b)): print a,b``? 

I am.

> ditching them thanks to the pain they caused in the AST branch.

Changing the grammar for the convenience of a particular AST
implementation carries zero weight with me -- that is the tail wagging
the dog.  

Besides, I had thought that one of the goals of AST was to make it
easier to experiment with language.  Are you finding that it has a hard
time even with the existing grammar?  AFAICT, nested tuple arguments
presented no problem for Jython or PyPy.

> Plus I don't think they are used very much (gut feeling, though, and
> not based on any grepping).

python-dev grammar change proposals should probably be held to a higher
standard than "gut feeling, just toss it" whims.

> The fixes needed to make them work properly didn't seem all that ugly
> me.

That pretty much settles it the "do it for the convenience of AST"

[Andrew Bennetts]
> Please keep them!  Twisted code uses them in places for Deferred 
> callbacks that need to deal with multiple return values.

And that settles the question of whether people are using them in real


From guido at  Mon Sep 19 02:31:52 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 17:31:52 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <002001c5bcae$8639e640$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> [Brett]
> > Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> > fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?

> I am.

I agree that we shouldn't mess with them in 2.x. Yet I think they are
a candidate for being dropped from Py3K. While every feature is used
by *someone* (as the feedback to Brett's query clearly shows) this one
has several things against it. For every user who is fond of them
there are probably ten who have never even heard of it. It's purely
syntactic sugar (the only place where it's not trivial to replace is
in a lambda). I've encountered quite a few people who had a hard time
reading code that uses it. I personally prefer reading code that
doesn't use this feature; for one thing, when this is used, you can't
refer to a parameter by name.

I'm not going to do the survey myself, but you could go through a
representative code sample and see how it looks after doing the
natural transformation. (In fact, this would be one 2.x -> 3.0
transformation that could easily be automated if you can handle making
up less-than-optimal names for the arguments.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From pinard at  Mon Sep 19 02:37:40 2005
From: pinard at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 20:37:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <002001c5bcae$8639e640$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Raymond Hettinger]

> [Brett]
> > Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> > fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?

> I am.

I like the possibility and use it once in a while, but not often, at
least not enough to beg for its preservation, or cry after its loss.
Having to go without it, a mere tuple unpacking line near the beginning
of the function would do.

The only practical reason to like this feature is sparing the need of
finding an otherwise useless name for the formal argument.  Another
reason, but not practical at all, is that the concept conveys some
elegance and originality (each programming language should ideally have
a few of these) and is enforced in other places in Python, like in the
`for' statement -- where I find implied unpacking very, very useful.

Yet, if I was given the choice between nested tuple function arguments,
and faster argument processing, the latter would win instantly.

> > ditching them thanks to the pain they caused in the AST branch.

> Changing the grammar for the convenience of a particular AST
> implementation carries zero weight with me -- that is the tail wagging
> the dog.

A very funny image! :-)

Fran?ois Pinard

From bcannon at  Mon Sep 19 02:41:51 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 17:41:51 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <002001c5bcae$8639e640$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/18/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> [Brett]
> > Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters; ``def
> > fxn((a,b)): print a,b``?
> I am.
> > ditching them thanks to the pain they caused in the AST branch.
> Changing the grammar for the convenience of a particular AST
> implementation carries zero weight with me -- that is the tail wagging
> the dog.
> Besides, I had thought that one of the goals of AST was to make it
> easier to experiment with language.  Are you finding that it has a hard
> time even with the existing grammar?  AFAICT, nested tuple arguments
> presented no problem for Jython or PyPy.

I obviously didn't make the statement clear enough.  The suport is
already in the AST branch, it was just a statement Jeremy made once
while starting to work on the implementaiton for the AST branch that I
happen to still remember.  They are already supported.

The real trigger for this is introspection issues in terms of function
paramters.  Without changing the way the bytecode does things the only
way to know the exact parameters is to inspect the bytecode.  There
are possible solutions than removal, but I personally find the use of
nested tuple arguments hard to read and not widely known as Guido
pointed out in another email.

> > Plus I don't think they are used very much (gut feeling, though, and
> > not based on any grepping).
> python-dev grammar change proposals should probably be held to a higher
> standard than "gut feeling, just toss it" whims.

Which is why I asked first before doing a full-blown push for this.


From guido at  Mon Sep 19 02:50:13 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 17:50:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3,
	and MP vs. UP (was Re: Variant of removing GIL.)
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509171722490.6276@alice>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/17/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
> Given the points you make, and the facts that both Python 3 and real
> problems with continuing to scale down semiconductor chip feature sizes
> are on the horizon, it seems that now would be an excellent time to start
> work on this, with the goal of introducing it at the same time as Python
> 3.
> a. Python 3.0 will break lots of code anyway, so the extension module
>    issue becomes far less significant.
> b. In x years time (x < 10?) it seems likely multiprocessor (MP) users
>    will be in the majority.  (As a result, the uniprocessor (UP) slowdown
>    becomes less important in practice, and also Python has the opportunity
>    of avoiding the risk of being sidelined by a real or perceived lack of
>    MP performance.)

That assumes a very specific model for how all that MP power is going
to be used. I personally don't think the threaded programming model as
found in Java works all that well; without locks you end up with
concurrent modification errors, with locks you get deadlocks and
livelocks. A typical programmer has a hard enough time keeping track
of a bunch of variables being modified by a single thread; add
multiple threads acting simultaneously on the same variables to the
mix, and it's a nightmare.

If my hunch is right, I expect that instead of writing massively
parallel applications, we will continue to write single-threaded
applications that are tied together at the process level rather than
at the thread level.

> c. Since time is needed to iron out bugs (and perhaps also to reimplememt
>    some pieces of code "from scratch"), very early in the life of Python 3
>    seems like the least-worst time to begin work on such a change.
> I realize that not all algorithms (nor all computational problems) scale
> well to MP hardware.  Is it feasible to usefully compile both MP and a UP
> binaries from one Python source code base?

That's an understatement. I expect that *most* problems (even most
problems that we will be programming 10-20 years from now) get little
benefit out of MP.

> (I'm also quite aware that the GIL does not prevent all means of achieving
> efficient use of multiprocessors.  I'm just concious that different
> parellisation problems are presumably best expressed using different
> tools, and that Python 3 and increased prevalance of MP systems might tip
> the balance in favour of removing the GIL.)
> Of course, it still takes a (anti-)hero to step forward and do the work...

Be my guest. Prove me wrong. Talk is cheap; instead of arguing my
points (all of which can be argued ad infinitum), come back when
you've got a working GIL-free Python. Doesn't have to be CPython-based
-- C# would be fine too.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From quarl at  Mon Sep 19 03:50:14 2005
From: quarl at (Karl Chen)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 18:50:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
Message-ID: <>

Hi, has anybody considered adding something like this:
    a = [1, 2]
    [ 'x', *a, 'y']

as syntactic sugar for
    a = [1, 2]
    [ 'x' ] + a + [ 'y' ].

- This is a common operation
- To me, the splicing form looks much better than the
  concatenation form
- It can be implemented more efficiently than a bunch of list
- This would be similar to the "apply" feature [ foo(*a) ].  The
  '*' operator is reminiscent of dereferencing operators in
  C-derived languages.  Alternatively it could be '@', like perl's
  implicit array splicing, and Lisp's ',@' in backquoted lists.
- (I know "splicing" traditionally refers to something else in
  Python, but other languages refer to this as splicing, and the
  English definition of "splice" applies better to this.)

Karl 2005-09-18 18:26

From fredrik at  Mon Sep 19 07:16:37 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 07:16:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
References: <>
Message-ID: <dglhjn$5n1$>

Karl Chen wrote:

> Hi, has anybody considered adding something like this:
>     a = [1, 2]
>     [ 'x', *a, 'y']
> as syntactic sugar for
>     a = [1, 2]
>     [ 'x' ] + a + [ 'y' ].
> Notes:
> - This is a common operation

is it?


From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep 19 07:25:29 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:25:29 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Karl Chen wrote:
> Hi, has anybody considered adding something like this:
>     a = [1, 2]
>     [ 'x', *a, 'y']
> as syntactic sugar for
>     a = [1, 2]
>     [ 'x' ] + a + [ 'y' ].

You can write that as
   a = [1, 2]
   a[1:1] = a


From greg.ewing at  Mon Sep 19 07:26:02 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:26:02 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Fran?ois Pinard wrote:

> The only practical reason to like this feature is sparing the need of
> finding an otherwise useless name for the formal argument.

If the argument represents a coherent enough concept
to be passed in as a tuple in the first place, it
should be possible to find a meaningful name for it.
Otherwise the elements should probably be passed in
as separate arguments.

> Yet, if I was given the choice between nested tuple function arguments,
> and faster argument processing, the latter would win instantly.

I believe that exactly the same bytecode results either
way, so there's no speed advantage or penalty.


From jcarlson at  Mon Sep 19 07:38:28 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 22:38:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
In-Reply-To: <dglhjn$5n1$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at> wrote:
> Karl Chen wrote:
> > Hi, has anybody considered adding something like this:
> >     a = [1, 2]
> >     [ 'x', *a, 'y']
> >
> > as syntactic sugar for
> >     a = [1, 2]
> >     [ 'x' ] + a + [ 'y' ].
> >
> > Notes:
> > - This is a common operation
> is it?

Not in the code that I read/use.  While "not all 3 line functions should
be a builtin", "not all <5 character typing savings should be made

 - Josiah

From bcannon at  Mon Sep 19 08:43:46 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 23:43:46 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/18/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Fran?ois Pinard wrote:
> > The only practical reason to like this feature is sparing the need of
> > finding an otherwise useless name for the formal argument.
> If the argument represents a coherent enough concept
> to be passed in as a tuple in the first place, it
> should be possible to find a meaningful name for it.
> Otherwise the elements should probably be passed in
> as separate arguments.
> > Yet, if I was given the choice between nested tuple function arguments,
> > and faster argument processing, the latter would win instantly.
> I believe that exactly the same bytecode results either
> way, so there's no speed advantage or penalty.

Yep, the bytecode will be the same sans the compiler-created name for
the tuple .


From nnorwitz at  Mon Sep 19 09:49:33 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 00:49:33 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
Message-ID: <>

I ran 2.4.x through valgrind and found two small problems on Linux
that have been fixed.  There may be some other issues which could
benefit from more eyes (small, probably one time memory leaks).  The
entire run is here:

(I need to write a lot more suppression rules for gentoo.)

I think I see a memory leak in win32_startfile.  Since I don't run
windows I can't test it.
filepath should be allocated with the et flag to PyArgs_ParseTuple(),
but it wasn't freed without this patch.  Does this make sense?  See
the attached patch.

-------------- next part --------------
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Name: posix.diff
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Url :

From kirby-2 at  Sun Sep 18 13:59:36 2005
From: kirby-2 at (Matthias Andreas Benkard)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 13:59:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1127044776.14284.9.camel@mulkomp.mst-plus>


> This function would take two paths: A and B and give
> the relation between them. Here are a few of examples.
> os.path.diff("/A/C/D/", "/A/D/F/")
>  ==> "../../D/F"
> os.path.diff("/A/", "/A/B/C/")
>  ==> "B/C"
> os.path.diff("/A/B/C/", "/A/")
>  ==> "../.."

I'm not sure whether something like this is generally non-trivial.
Suppose you have the following directory structure:

/home -> usr/home

What does os.path.diff("/home/", "/usr/") yield? "../usr/", I would
presume? But that's obviously wrong:

>>> import os
>>> os.stat("/home/../usr")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/../usr'

I've not thought about this long enough to say if there's a trivial
solution to this, though :)

Matthias A. Benkard


 Matthias Andreas Benkard, Anarchokommunist und Pythonprogrammierer

Pers?nliche Website:
Pers?nlicher Weblog:
Flames bitte nach /dev/null schicken.
-------------- next part --------------
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From kirby-2 at  Sun Sep 18 14:48:27 2005
From: kirby-2 at (Matthias Andreas Benkard)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 14:48:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <1127044776.14284.9.camel@mulkomp.mst-plus>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1127047707.14284.14.camel@mulkomp.mst-plus>


> /home -> usr/home

Sorry, I forgot to mention what I meant by this: /home is a symlink
pointing to usr/home (that is, /usr/home).



 Matthias Andreas Benkard, Anarchokommunist und Pythonprogrammierer

Pers?nliche Website:
Pers?nlicher Weblog:
Flames bitte nach /dev/null schicken.
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From falcon at  Mon Sep 19 10:52:33 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:52:33 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mixins.
Message-ID: <>

Excuse my english.

Is there any pythonic way to make real mixin into a class?
Problem: Django model (and may be SQLObject).
I have a common peaces of model declaration. Sometimes they are in table 
definition together,
sometimes  table have just one of them. I cannot  use  inheritance, 
cause  Django doesn't handle it
in right way (like mixins).
Would it be usefull to define new magic class variable __mixins__ for a 
new style classes, which
will accept list of classes and will drop all members of them into 
definition of class before they went to metaclass.

Possible example (my wish in Django's Model):
class time_from_to:

class ident(meta.Model):
    ident = meta.TextField()

Or, as alternative:
class time_from_to(mixin):

class ident(time_from_to,meta.Model):
    ident = meta.TextField()

You say: "It is problem of Django". Yes, you are right.
It is common to use multiple inheritace in place of mixin. But it is 
handled not all time.
Django does not at the moment (I hope, it would).
To handle it, library writers, who implements their metaclasses, ought 
to write similar code again and again.
I think, it would be simpler to make mixins in one true standart way. I 
can be mistaken.

From steven.bethard at  Mon Sep 19 17:28:04 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:28:04 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mixins.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sokolov Yura wrote:
> Would it be usefull to define new magic class variable __mixins__ for a
> new style classes, which
> will accept list of classes and will drop all members of them into
> definition of class before they went to metaclass.

First off, this is probably more appropriate for comp.lang.python. 
Work it out there first, and if you still think it's a valid idea,
then present it to python-dev.

Secondly, no, I don't think it's useful to provide two ways (multiple
inheritance and a __mixins__ attribute) to support mixins.  Remember,

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From gmccaughan at  Mon Sep 19 17:43:03 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:43:03 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<dglhjn$5n1$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 2005-09-19 06:38, Josiah Carlson wrote:

> > >     [ 'x', *a, 'y']
> > >
> > > as syntactic sugar for
> > >
> > >     [ 'x' ] + a + [ 'y' ].
> > >
> > > Notes:
> > > - This is a common operation
> > 
> > is it?
> Not in the code that I read/use.  While "not all 3 line functions should
> be a builtin", "not all <5 character typing savings should be made
> syntax".

The problems with syntax are

  1 It adds cognitive load.
  2 It makes your code look like line noise.
  3 It reduces options for future development.
  4 It complicates the parser.

In this instance, I don't think #1 applies; the rule "Putting *foo
into a comma-separated list is the same as putting all the elements
of foo into that list" isn't actually any harder to remember than
the current rule concerning the prefix-* operator.

#2 is always debatable. In this instance the proposed new form
doesn't look any uglier to me (I speak for no one else) than its

#3 surely isn't true here; there isn't anything else sensible
to do with prefix-* in lists, given the existing use specifically
in argument lists.

I don't know about #4, but I suspect it (along with the related
"it requires work, and there isn't much benefit from it") is the
best argument against this proposal.


From steven.bethard at  Mon Sep 19 17:50:01 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:50:01 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Fran?ois Pinard wrote:
> > The only practical reason to like this feature is sparing the need of
> > finding an otherwise useless name for the formal argument.
> If the argument represents a coherent enough concept
> to be passed in as a tuple in the first place, it
> should be possible to find a meaningful name for it.
> Otherwise the elements should probably be passed in
> as separate arguments.

But sometimes you don't have this option.  If I have a class that I'd
like to support an indexing operation like:

    obj[x, y]

then the natural __getitem__ signature will look like:

    def __getitem__(self, (x, y)):
Note that I definitely can't write this as:

    def __getitem__(self, x, y):
because __getitem__ is always called with a single argument, not two. 
Of course, I can give the parameter a name and do the tuple unpacking
manually (e.g. x, y = x_y), but I'm not sure I understand yet what we
gain by making __getitem__ harder to use with tuples.

I guess if tuple unpacking in function parameters goes away, I think
we should change the __getitem__ machinery so that:

    obj[x1, x2, ..., xN]

is translated to:

    obj.__getitem__(x1, x2, ..., xN)

where __getitem__ would now have to take a *args when called with tuples.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From blais at  Mon Sep 19 18:28:50 2005
From: blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:28:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3,
	and MP vs. UP (was Re: Variant of removing GIL.)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/18/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On 9/17/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
> > c. Since time is needed to iron out bugs (and perhaps also to reimplememt
> >    some pieces of code "from scratch"), very early in the life of Python 3
> >    seems like the least-worst time to begin work on such a change.
> >
> > I realize that not all algorithms (nor all computational problems) scale
> > well to MP hardware.  Is it feasible to usefully compile both MP and a UP
> > binaries from one Python source code base?
> That's an understatement. I expect that *most* problems (even most
> problems that we will be programming 10-20 years from now) get little
> benefit out of MP.

Some are saying it won't be a matter of choice if we want to get the
software to run faster (you know, that "MORE MORE MORE!" thing we all
seem to suffer from):
The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
Herb Sutter
March 2005

From guido at  Mon Sep 19 18:50:18 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:50:18 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz at> wrote:
> I ran 2.4.x through valgrind and found two small problems on Linux
> that have been fixed.  There may be some other issues which could
> benefit from more eyes (small, probably one time memory leaks).  The
> entire run is here:
> (I need to write a lot more suppression rules for gentoo.)
> I think I see a memory leak in win32_startfile.  Since I don't run
> windows I can't test it.
> filepath should be allocated with the et flag to PyArgs_ParseTuple(),
> but it wasn't freed without this patch.  Does this make sense?  See
> the attached patch.

That patch doesn't make sense to me -- the "s" code to
PyArg_ParseTuple doesn't return newly allocated memory, it just
returns a pointer into a string object that is owned by the caller
(really by the call machinery I suppose). Compare other places using
PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:...").

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From nnorwitz at  Mon Sep 19 18:55:36 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:55:36 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> That patch doesn't make sense to me -- the "s" code to
> PyArg_ParseTuple doesn't return newly allocated memory, it just
> returns a pointer into a string object that is owned by the caller
> (really by the call machinery I suppose). Compare other places using
> PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:...").

"s"?  The format passed to ParseTuple is "et".  At least it is in the
patch I'm looking at.


From guido at  Mon Sep 19 19:05:00 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 10:05:00 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

So it is. I swear I saw "s"; I must've had an out of date version. The
change to "et" is less than a week old, but that's no excuse. :-(

It does look like the patch is correct then (but I can't build on
Windows any more either). Sorry for the confusion.

On 9/19/05, Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz at> wrote:
> On 9/19/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> >
> > That patch doesn't make sense to me -- the "s" code to
> > PyArg_ParseTuple doesn't return newly allocated memory, it just
> > returns a pointer into a string object that is owned by the caller
> > (really by the call machinery I suppose). Compare other places using
> > PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:...").
> "s"?  The format passed to ParseTuple is "et".  At least it is in the
> patch I'm looking at.
> n

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tjreedy at  Mon Sep 19 19:06:32 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:06:32 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
References: <><002001c5bcae$8639e640$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><>
Message-ID: <dgmr6o$5b3$>

I consider the current situation to be a consistency feature.  To a first 
approximation, Python function calls 'pass' objects by name-binding:

param_name_list = arg_object_list

Disabling structure unpacking in this assignment would make the language 
slightly more complex.  Someone else posted the same observation in c.l.p.

Another thought.  By directly unpacking and not naming a sequence, one 
'announces' that only the components are of interest and that nothing will 
be done with the sequence object itself.

Terry J. Reedy

From guido at  Mon Sep 19 19:21:28 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 10:21:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <dgmr6o$5b3$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> I consider the current situation to be a consistency feature.  To a first
> approximation, Python function calls 'pass' objects by name-binding:
> param_name_list = arg_object_list
> Disabling structure unpacking in this assignment would make the language
> slightly more complex.  Someone else posted the same observation in c.l.p.

Maybe, but there are enough differences between parameter/argument
lists and sequences that this consistency sounds rather foolish to me.
 In fact, the feature came from a similar feature in ABC, but in ABC,
parameter lists *were* considered assignment targets -- the outer
level of parentheses was just a special case of tuple unpacking. Not
so in Python, which has keyword parameters, *varargs, **keywords, and
where f(x,) is the same as f(x) -- even though (x,) is a tuple and (x)
is not.

Also, I bet many people will be surprised to know that this code doesn't work:

  add = lambda (x, y): x+y
 print add(1, 2)

> Another thought.  By directly unpacking and not naming a sequence, one
> 'announces' that only the components are of interest and that nothing will
> be done with the sequence object itself.

Fair enough, though I'm not sure what use we can make of that information.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From steven.bethard at  Mon Sep 19 19:26:56 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 11:26:56 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Also, I bet many people will be surprised to know that this code doesn't work:
>   add = lambda (x, y): x+y
>  print add(1, 2)

What, an example using lambda syntax that's unintuitive?  Never!  ;-)

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From jcarlson at  Mon Sep 19 19:43:15 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 10:43:15 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gareth McCaughan <gmccaughan at> wrote:
> The problems with syntax are
>   1 It adds cognitive load.
>   2 It makes your code look like line noise.
>   3 It reduces options for future development.
>   4 It complicates the parser.
> I don't know about #4, but I suspect it (along with the related
> "it requires work, and there isn't much benefit from it") is the
> best argument against this proposal.

I don't think the parser would get measureably more complex, but I
believe that any work to support this uncommon (from my experience)
operation, rather than the dozens of other usable RFEs in the tracker,
would be misspent time.

 - Josiah

From ark at  Mon Sep 19 20:11:35 2005
From: ark at (Andrew Koenig)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:11:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <006701c5bd45$95e086c0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>

> I agree that we shouldn't mess with them in 2.x. Yet I think they are
> a candidate for being dropped from Py3K. While every feature is used
> by *someone* (as the feedback to Brett's query clearly shows) this one
> has several things against it. For every user who is fond of them
> there are probably ten who have never even heard of it. It's purely
> syntactic sugar (the only place where it's not trivial to replace is
> in a lambda). I've encountered quite a few people who had a hard time
> reading code that uses it. I personally prefer reading code that
> doesn't use this feature; for one thing, when this is used, you can't
> refer to a parameter by name.

I don't know whether this qualifies as an argument for or against the
feature, but ML has a nice way of referring to such a parameter by name:

	fun f(x as (y, z)) = (* ... *)

This defines f as a function with an argument that is a 2-element tuple.
The name x is bound to the argument, and the names y and z are bound to the
two components of the argument.

This example is syntactic sugar for

	fun f x = let val (y, z) = x in (* ... *) end

but it I find the sugared version easier and more natural to write and
understand.  If you don't know ML, the unsugared version might be easier to
follow if I indent it Pythonically:

	fun f x =
			val (y, z) = x
			(* ... *)

The idea is that the stuff between "in" and "end" is executed in the scope
of the bindings between "let" and "in", after which those bindings are

From ark at  Mon Sep 19 20:12:42 2005
From: ark at (Andrew Koenig)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:12:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <006801c5bd45$bda753a0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>

> The only practical reason to like this feature is sparing the need of
> finding an otherwise useless name for the formal argument.  Another
> reason, but not practical at all, is that the concept conveys some
> elegance and originality (each programming language should ideally have
> a few of these) and is enforced in other places in Python, like in the
> `for' statement -- where I find implied unpacking very, very useful.

One other reason: It is possible to imagine using the feature to catch some
type errors at the point of call, rather than having to get into the
function itself before detecting them.

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Mon Sep 19 20:36:19 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:36:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgn0f3$njh$>

Neal Norwitz wrote:
> I ran 2.4.x through valgrind and found two small problems on Linux
> that have been fixed.  There may be some other issues which could
> benefit from more eyes (small, probably one time memory leaks).  The
> entire run is here:
> (I need to write a lot more suppression rules for gentoo.)
> I think I see a memory leak in win32_startfile.  Since I don't run
> windows I can't test it.
> filepath should be allocated with the et flag to PyArgs_ParseTuple(),
> but it wasn't freed without this patch.  Does this make sense?  See
> the attached patch.

Applied the patch, this was my fault.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From jimjjewett at  Mon Sep 19 20:47:18 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:47:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
Message-ID: <>

Andrew Koenig wrote:

> It is possible to imagine using the feature to catch some
> type errors at the point of call, rather than having to get into the
> function itself before detecting them.

There can certainly be value in type-checking parameters and
return values, but in this case, I think the (mental) cost is too high.

With nested tuples, it hasn't actually ever helped me, but I have 
been burned by the extra fragility it introduces.  Nesting encourages
complicated parameter lists.  Nested variables can (wrongly) 
match if your data itself is made of tuples.  If the function signature 
changes, it is a lot harder to notice or track down.  Normally, I 
can defend against some of this by using keywords -- but not if the 
parameter list is nested.

Sure, it makes def __getitem__(self, (x, y)) easier -- but I don't think 
that is a good thing.  When working with someone else's code, I would 
much rather *read*

def __getitem__(self, keytuple):
    x, y = keytuple


From mwh at  Mon Sep 19 22:07:34 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:07:34 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <006801c5bd45$bda753a0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop> (Andrew Koenig's
	message of "Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:12:42 -0400")
References: <006801c5bd45$bda753a0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>
Message-ID: <>

"Andrew Koenig" <ark at> writes:

>> The only practical reason to like this feature is sparing the need of
>> finding an otherwise useless name for the formal argument.  Another
>> reason, but not practical at all, is that the concept conveys some
>> elegance and originality (each programming language should ideally have
>> a few of these) and is enforced in other places in Python, like in the
>> `for' statement -- where I find implied unpacking very, very useful.
> One other reason: It is possible to imagine using the feature to catch some
> type errors at the point of call, rather than having to get into the
> function itself before detecting them.

Conceptually, maybe, but implementation wise, that's not how things


  I love the way Microsoft follows standards.  In much the same
  manner that fish follow migrating caribou.           -- Paul Tomblin

From mwh at  Mon Sep 19 22:12:05 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:12:05 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <> (Martin Blais's
	message of "Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:28:50 -0400")
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin Blais <blais at> writes:

> On 9/18/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> On 9/17/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
>> > c. Since time is needed to iron out bugs (and perhaps also to reimplememt
>> >    some pieces of code "from scratch"), very early in the life of Python 3
>> >    seems like the least-worst time to begin work on such a change.
>> >
>> > I realize that not all algorithms (nor all computational problems) scale
>> > well to MP hardware.  Is it feasible to usefully compile both MP and a UP
>> > binaries from one Python source code base?
>> That's an understatement. I expect that *most* problems (even most
>> problems that we will be programming 10-20 years from now) get little
>> benefit out of MP.
> Some are saying it won't be a matter of choice if we want to get the
> software to run faster (you know, that "MORE MORE MORE!" thing we all
> seem to suffer from):

People have been saying this for _years_, and it hasn't happened yet.
This time around it's a bit more convincing, but I reserve the right
to remain a touch skeptical.

> The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
> Herb Sutter
> March 2005

I was disappointed that that article (hey, it was the only issue of
ddj I've ever actually bought! :) didn't consider any concurrency
models other than shared memory threading.


    . <- the point                                your article -> .
    |------------------------- a long way ------------------------|
                                       -- Christophe Rhodes,

From tlesher at  Mon Sep 19 22:20:05 2005
From: tlesher at (Tim Lesher)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:20:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> I was disappointed that that article (hey, it was the only issue of
> ddj I've ever actually bought! :) didn't consider any concurrency
> models other than shared memory threading.

The problem is that, for all its limitations, shared-memory threading
is the most popular concurrency model on the most popular operating
system, so future hardware platforms targeting that system will be
optimizing for that case.

We can either rail against the sea, or accept it.
Tim Lesher <tlesher at>

From fw at  Mon Sep 19 22:23:36 2005
From: fw at (Florian Weimer)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 22:23:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <> (Martin Blais's
	message of "Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:28:50 -0400")
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

* Martin Blais:

> The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
> Herb Sutter
> March 2005

This piece is fundamentally wrong.  We all have been writing
concurrent server-side software for eons.  I don't know what Herb was
thinking when he wrote that piece.

From fw at  Mon Sep 19 22:29:06 2005
From: fw at (Florian Weimer)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 22:29:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Sun, 18 Sep 2005 17:50:13 -0700")
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

* Guido van Rossum:

> That assumes a very specific model for how all that MP power is going
> to be used.


> I personally don't think the threaded programming model as found in
> Java works all that well; without locks you end up with concurrent
> modification errors, with locks you get deadlocks and livelocks.

Java is bascially forced into that model because VM startup costs are
so high.  To some extent, Python has similar problems, but you don't
have to care about preserving class loader semantics, so you should be
in a better position to cut down process creation time.

> Be my guest. Prove me wrong. Talk is cheap; instead of arguing my
> points (all of which can be argued ad infinitum), come back when
> you've got a working GIL-free Python. Doesn't have to be CPython-based
> -- C# would be fine too.

By the way, has anybody ever tried to create a CPython variant which
uses a (mostly) copying garbage collector (or something else except
reference counting or Boehm GC)?

Copying GC might help to get rid of the GIL *and* improve performance
in the accept+fork model (because read-only object access does not
trigger copy-on-write anymore).

From mcherm at  Mon Sep 19 22:36:59 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:36:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
Message-ID: <>

Karl Chen writes:
> Hi, has anybody considered adding something like this:
>     a = [1, 2]
>     [ 'x', *a, 'y']
> as syntactic sugar for
>     a = [1, 2]
>     [ 'x' ] + a + [ 'y' ].

A bit later in the thread, Josiah Carlson replies:
> I don't think the parser would get measureably more complex, but I
> believe that any work to support this uncommon (from my experience)
> operation, rather than the dozens of other usable RFEs in the tracker,
> would be misspent time.

I'd just like to point out that this is a FRF (Frequently Requested
Feature). I'm not arguing in favor of it, just pointing out that
using "star unpacking" in tuple and list literals is an idea that
I'm sure I've seen proposed at least a couple of times before.

This doesn't necessarily make it a good idea, nor a bad one.

-- Michael Chermside

From fdrake at  Mon Sep 19 22:47:51 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:47:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 19 September 2005 16:36, Michael Chermside wrote:
 > I'd just like to point out that this is a FRF (Frequently Requested
 > Feature). I'm not arguing in favor of it, just pointing out that
 > using "star unpacking" in tuple and list literals is an idea that
 > I'm sure I've seen proposed at least a couple of times before.

Indeed, "star unpacking" has been brought up many times; I think it would be 
really cool myself.  (Regardless of whether it's the best use of development 
effort; that would be up to the contributor.)

I haven't seen "star packing" proposed before, as best as I can recall.  
That's what strikes me as different in this discussion.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From mwh at  Mon Sep 19 22:52:55 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:52:55 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <> (Florian Weimer's message of
	"Mon, 19 Sep 2005 22:29:06 +0200")
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Florian Weimer <fw at> writes:

> By the way, has anybody ever tried to create a CPython variant which
> uses a (mostly) copying garbage collector (or something else except
> reference counting or Boehm GC)?

Not to my knowledge.  I've always thought that it would be pretty
hard.  I'd be interested in being proved wrong.

PyPy will hopefully experiment with this sort of thing.

> Copying GC might help to get rid of the GIL *and* improve performance
> in the accept+fork model (because read-only object access does not
> trigger copy-on-write anymore).

How does a copying gc differ much from a non-copying non-refcounted gc


  Darn!  I've only got 10 minutes left to get falling-down drunk!  I
  suppose I'll have to smoke crack instead now.
                     -- Tim Peters is checking things in on 2002-12-31

From fw at  Mon Sep 19 23:17:13 2005
From: fw at (Florian Weimer)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 23:17:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <> (Michael Hudson's message of
	"Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:52:55 +0100")
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

* Michael Hudson:

> Not to my knowledge.  I've always thought that it would be pretty
> hard.  I'd be interested in being proved wrong.

The real problem is that you can ditch most extension modules. 8-(

It sounds more like a fun project for the Python core, though.

>> Copying GC might help to get rid of the GIL *and* improve performance
>> in the accept+fork model (because read-only object access does not
>> trigger copy-on-write anymore).
> How does a copying gc differ much from a non-copying non-refcounted gc
> here?

You could copy immutable objects to a separate set of pages and never
collect them (especially if recursively refer to immutable objects

From Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org  Mon Sep 19 23:52:39 2005
From: Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org (Scott David Daniels)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:52:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<Pine.LNX.4.58.0509171722490.6276@alice>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <dgnbv3$kk$>

Michael Hudson wrote:

> How does a copying gc differ much from a non-copying non-refcounted gc
> here?

One important issue for C coded modules is that addresses may change
when a GC is invoked, so no remembering addresses in your module; you
must recalculate before each use.

-- Scott David Daniels
Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org

From barry at  Tue Sep 20 00:23:21 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 18:23:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <dgnbv3$kk$>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 17:52, Scott David Daniels wrote:
> Michael Hudson wrote:
> > How does a copying gc differ much from a non-copying non-refcounted gc
> > here?
> One important issue for C coded modules is that addresses may change
> when a GC is invoked, so no remembering addresses in your module; you
> must recalculate before each use.

And then you're left with "fun" like JNI's pining and such.  That won't
suck at all! :)


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From maa_public at  Tue Sep 20 01:16:27 2005
From: maa_public at (Alexander Myodov)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 04:46:27 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] For/while/if statements/comprehension/generator
	expressions unification
Message-ID: <>


  Well, we have "for", "while" and "if". We also have statements,
  list generator expressions and list comprehensions. In
  comprehensions we have the opportunity to use several for-s and in a
  same expression (for i in range (0, 640) for j in range (0, 640)),
  in loops we cannot; in comprehensions, we can use if-s to filter the
  items; in loops, we cannot, and we have to write an inner comparison instead.

  My opinion is that in so smart language as Python is, it would be
  great to have them generalized, so that the features available in
  list comprehensions should be available in statements, vice versa.
  All three statements (for/while/if) could be joined
  together into a single common one, where any of these could be
  combined and used multiple times (but for the cases when a
  "else"/"elif" etc causes are required, old-school one-statements
  should be left); and for such common expressions, they should be
  equal for both loop statements and list comprehensions/generator
  That is, the following loops should be possible:
  # This gives us some sugar to get rid of unnecessary indentations
  for x in range (0, 640) for y in range (0, 480):
  for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x) \
  for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y):
  for nX, nY in (
     f(x), f(y)
     for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x)
     for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y)
  for x in range (0, 640) for y in range (0, 480) while(!timeout()):
  for x in range (0, 640) while(!timeout_pos_in_row()) for y in range (0, 480)
  # And the latest and the hugest one:
  for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x) while(!timeout_pos_in_row()) \
  for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y) while(!timeout_rows() :
  # And almost the same as generator expression:
  for x, y in (
     f(x), f(y)
     for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x) while(!timeout_pos_in_row())
     for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y) while(!timeout_rows()

  Hope I didn't miss something important...

With best regards,
 Alexander                          mailto:maa_public at

From raymond.hettinger at  Tue Sep 20 01:20:20 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 19:20:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002b01c5bd70$b4a49940$99b1958d@oemcomputer>

[Fred L. Drake]
> Indeed, "star unpacking" has been brought up many times; I think it
> be
> really cool myself.  

It might have a chance of acceptance this time if the proponents stick
with unpacking at the end:   a,b,*c=sometup  instead of a,*b,c=sometup.
The latter has usually gotten shot down quickly, taking the former down
with it.


From raymond.hettinger at  Tue Sep 20 01:44:32 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 19:44:32 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
Message-ID: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>

I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated

1) The construct can be error-prone.  When an error occurs it can be
invisible to the person who wrote it.  I got bitten in published code
that had survived testing and code review:

  def real(self):
    'Return a vector with the real part of each input element'
    # do not convert integer inputs to floats
    return z: type(z)==types.ComplexType and z.real or

The code fails silently when z is (0+4i).  It took a good while to trace
down a user reported error (when Matlab results disagreed with my matrix
module results) and determine that the real() method contained an error.
Even when traced down, I found it hard to see the error in the code.
Now that I know what to look for, it has not happened again, but I do
always have to stare hard at any "and/or" group to mentally verify each

2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
that only Python returns something other than a boolean.

3) Even when it isn't being used, the possibility of non-boolean return
value complicates the bytecode and parser.  To allow for "and/or", the
conditional opcodes leave the tested value on the stack.  In most cases
both branches go directly to a POP_TOP instruction.  Since the POP_TOP
shouldn't be executed twice, the body of the positive branch has to
close with a jump over the other branch even when it is empty.  For
instance, the simplest case:

        if a:

compiles to:

      1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
                  3 JUMP_IF_FALSE            8 (to 14)
                  6 POP_TOP             

      2           7 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
                 10 POP_TOP             
                 11 JUMP_FORWARD             1 (to 15)
            >>   14 POP_TOP             
            >>   15 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
                 18 RETURN_VALUE  

this could be simpler and faster:
      1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
                  3 JUMP_IF_FALSE            8 (to 10)
      2           6 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
                  9 POP_TOP             
            >>   10 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
                 13 RETURN_VALUE  

Executive summary.  Returning only Booleans reduces errors, makes the
code easier to review, follows other language norms, and
simplifies/speeds-up the generated code.


P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 02:03:01 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:03:01 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.

While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
That's another thing I always mistype when switching between

Also, this proposal needs to be considered together with the addition
of a proper conditional operator, like x?y:z.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From pinard at  Tue Sep 20 02:27:23 2005
From: pinard at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:27:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

[Raymond Hettinger]

> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.

> 1) The construct can be error-prone.  When an error occurs it can be
> invisible to the person who wrote it.  I got bitten in published code
> that had survived testing and code review:

>   def real(self):
>     'Return a vector with the real part of each input element'
>     # do not convert integer inputs to floats
>     return z: type(z)==types.ComplexType and z.real or z)

The real problem, above, is the starve for using `lambda'.

The abuse of `and' and `or' is a mere consequence of this.  Remove
`lambda' from Python, and most reasonable people would spontaneously
write more legible code instead.  I do not perceive Python as designed
to prevent unreasonable people from "outclevering" themselves.

> 2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
> that only Python returns something other than a boolean.

C, C++, Lisp, and shells do the same as Python.  Or maybe more correctly,
Python borrowed short-circuiting booleans from other languages.

> 3) Even when it isn't being used, the possibility of non-boolean
> return value complicates the bytecode and parser. [...] P.S.
> Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
> conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.

If removed, to be re-introduced differently, the bytecode and parser
would not have gained simplicity overall.

> Executive summary.  Returning only Booleans reduces errors, makes
> the code easier to review, follows other language norms, and
> simplifies/speeds-up the generated code.

The summary reduces to: "Returning only Booleans would speed-up the
generated code, once in a while."

Now, could we evaluate that speed up on the average code, like on the
Python library say?  It might not be worth the change...

Fran?ois Pinard

From jcarlson at  Tue Sep 20 02:30:34 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:30:34 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] For/while/if statements/comprehension/generator
	expressions unification
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


The essence of what you have proposed has been proposed (multiple times) before,
and I seem to remember it was shot down.

The below functions offer the equivalent of list comprehensions with a
final post-processing step.

def cross(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        for i in args[0]:
            yield i
    elif len(args) == 2:
        for i in args[0]:
            for j in args[1]:
                yield i,j
        for i in args[0]:
            for j in cross(*args[1:]):
                yield (i,) + j

def cross_with_predicate(*args, **kwargs):
    if not 'pred' in kwargs:
        for i in cross(*args):
            yield i
    pred = kwargs['pred']
    if len(args) > 1:
        for i in cross(*args):
            if pred(*i):
                yield i
        for i in cross(*args):
            if pred(i):
                yield i

Feel free to use that code and/or modify it to your heart's content (be
careful of attempting to simplify cross, .

 - Josiah

Alexander Myodov <maa_public at> wrote:
> Hello,
>   Well, we have "for", "while" and "if". We also have statements,
>   list generator expressions and list comprehensions. In
>   comprehensions we have the opportunity to use several for-s and in a
>   same expression (for i in range (0, 640) for j in range (0, 640)),
>   in loops we cannot; in comprehensions, we can use if-s to filter the
>   items; in loops, we cannot, and we have to write an inner comparison instead.
>   My opinion is that in so smart language as Python is, it would be
>   great to have them generalized, so that the features available in
>   list comprehensions should be available in statements, vice versa.
>   All three statements (for/while/if) could be joined
>   together into a single common one, where any of these could be
>   combined and used multiple times (but for the cases when a
>   "else"/"elif" etc causes are required, old-school one-statements
>   should be left); and for such common expressions, they should be
>   equal for both loop statements and list comprehensions/generator
>   expressions.
>   That is, the following loops should be possible:
>   -------
>   # This gives us some sugar to get rid of unnecessary indentations
>   for x in range (0, 640) for y in range (0, 480):
>   -------
>   for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x) \
>   for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y):
>   -------
>   for nX, nY in (
>      f(x), f(y)
>      for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x)
>      for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y)
>      ):
>   -------
>   for x in range (0, 640) for y in range (0, 480) while(!timeout()):
>   -------
>   for x in range (0, 640) while(!timeout_pos_in_row()) for y in range (0, 480)
> while(!timeout_rows()):
>   -------
>   # And the latest and the hugest one:
>   for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x) while(!timeout_pos_in_row()) \
>   for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y) while(!timeout_rows() :
>   -------
>   # And almost the same as generator expression:
>   for x, y in (
>      f(x), f(y)
>      for x in range (0, 640) if should_handle_this_column(x) while(!timeout_pos_in_row())
>      for y in range (0, 480) if should_handle_this_row(y) while(!timeout_rows()
>      )
>   -------
>   Hope I didn't miss something important...
> -- 
> With best regards,
>  Alexander                          mailto:maa_public at
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

From rrr at  Tue Sep 20 02:38:25 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:38:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.
> 1) The construct can be error-prone.  When an error occurs it can be
> invisible to the person who wrote it.  I got bitten in published code
> that had survived testing and code review:

Yes, I wondered about that possibility myself.


> P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
> conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.

You would still be able to use multiply to covert a comparison to a value.


From barry at  Tue Sep 20 03:08:49 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:08:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 20:03, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
> That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
> languages...

Please no!  'and' and 'or' is so readably beautiful.

> Also, this proposal needs to be considered together with the addition
> of a proper conditional operator, like x?y:z.


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From jonathan-lists at  Tue Sep 20 02:13:05 2005
From: jonathan-lists at (Jonathan LaCour)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:13:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

> P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
> conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.

While I don't disagree with some of your main points, I do think that  
your proposal would eliminate a natural and easy to understand use of  
the current behavior of "or" that I tend to use quite a bit.  Your  
proposal would break a lot of code, and I can't think of a better  
"conditional operator" than the one thats already there.

I often find myself using 'or' to conditionally select a meaningful  
value in the absence of a real value:

     person = Person.fetch(id=5)
     name = or 'John Doe'
     birth_date = person.birth_date or '00-00-0000'
     ssn = person.social_security or 'not provided'
     logger.log_msg('%s born on %s with SSN %s' % (name, birth_date,  

To me, its just as natural as:

     { 'key' : value }.get('not_there', 'default')

but more general purpose.  I like the current behavior, and I think  
it makes a whole lot of sense.

Jonathan LaCour

From andrewm at  Tue Sep 20 04:28:01 2005
From: andrewm at (Andrew McNamara)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:28:01 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <> 
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

>While I don't disagree with some of your main points, I do think that  
>your proposal would eliminate a natural and easy to understand use of  
>the current behavior of "or" that I tend to use quite a bit.  Your  
>proposal would break a lot of code, and I can't think of a better  
>"conditional operator" than the one thats already there.
>I often find myself using 'or' to conditionally select a meaningful  
>value in the absence of a real value:

I agree. I find I often have an object with an optional friendly name
(label) and a manditory system name. So this sort of thing becomes common:

    '%s blah blah' % (foo.label or

The if-else-expression alternative works, but isn't quite as readable:

    '%s blah blah' % (foo.label ? foo.label :

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep 20 04:30:43 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:30:43 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <1127044776.14284.9.camel@mulkomp.mst-plus>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Matthias Andreas Benkard wrote:

> /home -> usr/home
> /usr
> /usr/home
> What does os.path.diff("/home/", "/usr/") yield? "../usr/", I would
> presume? But that's obviously wrong:

IMO, the relpath method should just work textually on
the pathnames. It's up to the user to ensure it makes
sense to do so, e.g. by resolving symlinks beforehand
if necessary.

The alternative would be for relpath to do this itself,
but that would make it very unusual compared to the
other path-munging functions, none of which touch the file

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From tdelaney at  Tue Sep 20 04:36:42 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:36:42 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:

> Matthias Andreas Benkard wrote:
>> /home -> usr/home
>> /usr
>> /usr/home
>> What does os.path.diff("/home/", "/usr/") yield? "../usr/", I would
>> presume? But that's obviously wrong:
> IMO, the relpath method should just work textually on
> the pathnames. It's up to the user to ensure it makes
> sense to do so, e.g. by resolving symlinks beforehand
> if necessary.

In addition, I would presume that relpath would just return the absolute
path if passed an absolute path as the second parameter.

So the above would simply return "/usr/" IMO.

Tim Delaney

From fdrake at  Tue Sep 20 04:43:18 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 22:43:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] list splicing
In-Reply-To: <002b01c5bd70$b4a49940$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <002b01c5bd70$b4a49940$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 19 September 2005 19:20, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 > It might have a chance of acceptance this time if the proponents stick
 > with unpacking at the end:   a,b,*c=sometup  instead of a,*b,c=sometup.
 > The latter has usually gotten shot down quickly, taking the former down
 > with it.

True.  I'd be happy with it either way, since most of the time

    a, b, *rest = stuff_to_unpack

is all I really want.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep 20 04:55:02 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:55:02 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:

> I guess if tuple unpacking in function parameters goes away, I think
> we should change the __getitem__ machinery so that:
>     obj[x1, x2, ..., xN]
> is translated to:
>     obj.__getitem__(x1, x2, ..., xN)
> where __getitem__ would now have to take a *args when called with tuples.

That might be a reasonable idea to consider for Py3k
in any case.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep 20 05:07:06 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:07:06 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <dgmr6o$5b3$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy wrote:
> I consider the current situation to be a consistency feature.  To a first 
> approximation, Python function calls 'pass' objects by name-binding:
> param_name_list = arg_object_list
> Disabling structure unpacking in this assignment would make the language 
> slightly more complex.

But it's a rather selective kind of consistency. To be
truly consistent in this sense, arbitrary lvalues would
have to be allowed in the parameter list.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep 20 05:32:30 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:32:30 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] removing nested tuple function parameters
In-Reply-To: <006801c5bd45$bda753a0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>
References: <006801c5bd45$bda753a0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>
Message-ID: <>

Andrew Koenig wrote:

> One other reason: It is possible to imagine using the feature to catch some
> type errors at the point of call, rather than having to get into the
> function itself before detecting them.

Not a big deal - you just need to look one line further
up in the traceback to find where the call was.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From aahz at  Tue Sep 20 05:57:38 2005
From: aahz at (Aahz)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:57:38 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Sep 19, 2005, Jonathan LaCour wrote:
> Raymond Hettinger:
>> P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
>> conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.
> While I don't disagree with some of your main points, I do think that  
> your proposal would eliminate a natural and easy to understand use of  
> the current behavior of "or" that I tend to use quite a bit.  Your  
> proposal would break a lot of code, and I can't think of a better  
> "conditional operator" than the one thats already there.
> I often find myself using 'or' to conditionally select a meaningful  
> value in the absence of a real value:
>      person = Person.fetch(id=5)
>      name = or 'John Doe'
>      birth_date = person.birth_date or '00-00-0000'
>      ssn = person.social_security or 'not provided'

While I'm in philosophical agreement with Raymond, it's also true that my
current company's code is littered with constructs like yours.  So I have
to say that it would break too much code.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

The way to build large Python applications is to componentize and
loosely-couple the hell out of everything.

From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep 20 06:07:47 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:07:47 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.

But then I would no longer be able to write

   foo = something or default_value

which is one of my favourite Pythonisms!

> 3) Even when it isn't being used, the possibility of non-boolean return
> value complicates the bytecode and parser.  To allow for "and/or", the
> conditional opcodes leave the tested value on the stack.  In most cases
> both branches go directly to a POP_TOP instruction.  Since the POP_TOP
> shouldn't be executed twice, the body of the positive branch has to
> close with a jump over the other branch even when it is empty.

The solution to that is for the normal conditional opcodes
to pop the stack, and to introduce separate bytecodes for
implementing 'and' and 'or'. No need to change the language
because of this.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Tue Sep 20 06:07:49 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:07:49 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:
> In addition, I would presume that relpath would just return the absolute
> path if passed an absolute path as the second parameter.

I don't think so. Wouldn't you expect the
result of

   relpath("/usr/local/foo/bax/grump.c", "/usr/local/flump/grump.c")

to be "../../flump/grump.c" rather than

> So the above would simply return "/usr/" IMO.
> Tim Delaney
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From bcannon at  Tue Sep 20 06:11:37 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:11:37 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 20:03, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
> > That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
> > languages...
> Please no!  'and' and 'or' is so readably beautiful.

I completely agree.

> > Also, this proposal needs to be considered together with the addition
> > of a proper conditional operator, like x?y:z.
> Definitely.



From bcannon at  Tue Sep 20 06:19:16 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:19:16 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.
> 1) The construct can be error-prone.  When an error occurs it can be
> invisible to the person who wrote it.  I got bitten in published code
> that had survived testing and code review:
>   def real(self):
>     'Return a vector with the real part of each input element'
>     # do not convert integer inputs to floats
>     return z: type(z)==types.ComplexType and z.real or
> z)
> The code fails silently when z is (0+4i).  It took a good while to trace
> down a user reported error (when Matlab results disagreed with my matrix
> module results) and determine that the real() method contained an error.
> Even when traced down, I found it hard to see the error in the code.
> Now that I know what to look for, it has not happened again, but I do
> always have to stare hard at any "and/or" group to mentally verify each
> case.

I agree.  While I have used the short-circuiting and the return value
myself, it has often been for just fun one-liners or when it is
extemely simple and I was just too lazy to write out an 'if'
statement.  A conditional operator is much more proper for this (and,
as Guido has said in another email, should be considered as well).

> 2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
> that only Python returns something other than a boolean.
> 3) Even when it isn't being used, the possibility of non-boolean return
> value complicates the bytecode and parser.  To allow for "and/or", the
> conditional opcodes leave the tested value on the stack.  In most cases
> both branches go directly to a POP_TOP instruction.  Since the POP_TOP
> shouldn't be executed twice, the body of the positive branch has to
> close with a jump over the other branch even when it is empty.  For
> instance, the simplest case:
>         if a:
>              b
> compiles to:
>       1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
>                   3 JUMP_IF_FALSE            8 (to 14)
>                   6 POP_TOP
>       2           7 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
>                  10 POP_TOP
>                  11 JUMP_FORWARD             1 (to 15)
>             >>   14 POP_TOP
>             >>   15 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>                  18 RETURN_VALUE
> this could be simpler and faster:
>       1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
>                   3 JUMP_IF_FALSE            8 (to 10)
>       2           6 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
>                   9 POP_TOP
>             >>   10 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>                  13 RETURN_VALUE
> Executive summary.  Returning only Booleans reduces errors, makes the
> code easier to review, follows other language norms, and
> simplifies/speeds-up the generated code.

Glad the simplification of the bytecode is not the only part of your
proposal.  =)


From raymond.hettinger at  Tue Sep 20 06:57:17 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 00:57:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <007101c5bd9f$c6ce8480$99b1958d@oemcomputer>

> > 3) Even when it isn't being used, the possibility of non-boolean
> > value complicates the bytecode and parser.  To allow for "and/or",
> > conditional opcodes leave the tested value on the stack.  In most
> > both branches go directly to a POP_TOP instruction.  Since the
> > shouldn't be executed twice, the body of the positive branch has to
> > close with a jump over the other branch even when it is empty.
> The solution to that is for the normal conditional opcodes
> to pop the stack, and to introduce separate bytecodes for
> implementing 'and' and 'or'. 

You're right.  The bytecode code be fixed-up right now with no change to
the language :-)

That leaves error reduction and clarity as the main motivations for
changing 'and' and 'or' to act like '&&' and '||' and for introducing a
conditional operator to handle everyone's favorite use cases.


From nidoizo at  Tue Sep 20 08:00:30 2005
From: nidoizo at (Nicolas Fleury)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 02:00:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <dgo8b4$ukg$>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.

Please no.  I find things like:
     def __cmp__(self, other):
         return (cmp(self.a, other.a) or
                 cmp(self.b, other.b) or
                 cmp(self.c, other.c))
somehow elegant...

But I don't know how this can be useful for "and" however.

> 1) The construct can be error-prone.  When an error occurs it can be
> invisible to the person who wrote it.  I got bitten in published code
> that had survived testing and code review:
>   def real(self):
>     'Return a vector with the real part of each input element'
>     # do not convert integer inputs to floats
>     return z: type(z)==types.ComplexType and z.real or
> z)

As others pointed, if lambda is to be possibly removed in py3.0, it 
would be better to have an example not using it.

FWIW, I've never had a problem with that, but however I use the feature...

Quite the opposite actually, I even though about overriding and and or 
to build event-driving expression, which I can't... well, forget about 

> 2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
> that only Python returns something other than a boolean.

Well, there's a lot of things I miss from Python when going back and 
forth between languages.  You need a better argument to convince me to 
also miss that one in Python;)

I think it's not reasonable to remove the feature without adding a ?: 
syntax.  I personally like the status quo.


From maa_public at  Tue Sep 20 08:26:59 2005
From: maa_public at (Alexander Myodov)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:56:59 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] For/while/if statements/comprehension/generator
	expressions unification
Message-ID: <>

Hello Josiah,

JC> Alexander,
JC> The essence of what you have proposed has been proposed (multiple times) before,
JC> and I seem to remember it was shot down.

To increase my understanding of Python-way, can you (or someone else)
explain the reasons why such proposals were rejected?

JC> The below functions offer the equivalent of list comprehensions with a
JC> final post-processing step.

Well, what I was suggesting is not just a cross of two lists but the
syntax sugar which would make statements more consistent to the
generators/comprehensions and also give some new opportunities.
I think that my large proposal can be splitted to several
almost-independent ones, each carrying separate features, able to
be implemented independently and worth independent reconsidering:

1. Bring 'if'-s from generator/comprehension 'for' syntax to 'for'
statement. That's truly inconsistent that one may write

 list2 = [i for i in list if cond(i)]

but cannot write

 for i in list if cond(i):

2. Bring "several for-s in a row" ability from
generators/comprehensions to the statement (and expand it to "several
for-s and if-s", of course). We can write

 list2 = [f(i, j) for i in list1 for j in list2]

but cannot write

 for i in list1 for j in list2:
    yield f(i, j)

That looks inconsistent as well.

Yes, for this little case we could do some kind of cross, but what if
there are more loops, and/or some of them require filtering by if-s?

3. Bring 'while' into the loops, both statements and iterators. Now no
need to worry about "hidden-goto" 'break', especially for the cases of
nested loops, while it can be easily checked right inside the looping
condition? Now we can easily do

 for i in largelist while !found:

, isn't it nice and simple?

? ?????????,
 Alexander                          mailto:maa_public at

From gisle at  Tue Sep 20 08:44:39 2005
From: gisle at (Gisle Aas)
Date: 19 Sep 2005 23:44:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

"Raymond Hettinger" <raymond.hettinger at> writes:

> 2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
> that only Python returns something other than a boolean.

Perl certainly works the same way and I've never heared anybody have
problems with that, but that might be because Perl do have the
expr?v1:v2 triary operator as well.  Most Perl programs use constructs
like "a = v1 or v2 or v3" (or even "a ||= v") to its advantage.


From mwh at  Tue Sep 20 10:02:41 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:02:41 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:03:01 -0700")
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

> On 9/19/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
>> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
>> argument.
> While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
> That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
> languages...

You're joking, surely?

> Also, this proposal needs to be considered together with the addition
> of a proper conditional operator, like x?y:z.

I think this discussion has been had before, you know.


  > Look I don't know.  Thankyou everyone for arguing me round in
  > circles.
  No need for thanks, ma'am; that's what we're here for.
                                    -- LNR & Michael M Mason, cam.misc

From mwh at  Tue Sep 20 10:11:36 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:11:36 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer> (Raymond
	Hettinger's message of "Mon, 19 Sep 2005 19:44:32 -0400")
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

"Raymond Hettinger" <raymond.hettinger at> writes:

> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.


> 2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
> that only Python returns something other than a boolean.

As others point out, this isn't true.

> 3) Even when it isn't being used, the possibility of non-boolean return
> value complicates the bytecode and parser.  To allow for "and/or", the
> conditional opcodes leave the tested value on the stack.

Huh?  I thought this was for chained expressions?  Things like 1 < x < 3.

I _like_ the explanation of 'and' and 'or' as they are now.  They are
basically control flow constructs -- and have to be to get
short-circuiting to work -- and adding a coercion to bool at the end
seems to add complexity, not reduce it (on some levels, anyway).

> P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
> conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.

... which was in the past, I thought.


  The meaning of "brunch" is as yet undefined.
                                             -- Simon Booth,

From ncoghlan at  Tue Sep 20 10:58:24 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:58:24 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] For/while/if statements/comprehension/generator
 expressions unification
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Myodov wrote:
> To increase my understanding of Python-way, can you (or someone else)
> explain the reasons why such proposals were rejected?

I wasn't around for the discussion Josiah refers to, but I would guess it is 
because they don't improve the power or readability of the language, and may 
in fact be significantly less readable than simply nesting the corresponding 

In particular, with the current syntax, the local variables bound by the for 
statement are clearly visible immediately after the 'for' keyword. If multiple 
instances of the keyword were allowed in a single for statement, the names 
being bound could be hidden after an arbitrarily complex expression.

This 'hidden local' problem is one of the concerns with the current behaviour 
where list comprehensions make their loop variables visible in the surrounding 
scope (this behaviour will be fixed in Py3k, and was deliberately avoided for 
generator expressions).

> 1. Bring 'if'-s from generator/comprehension 'for' syntax to 'for'
> statement. That's truly inconsistent that one may write
>  list2 = [i for i in list if cond(i)]
> but cannot write
>  for i in list if cond(i):

No, instead you write:

   for i in list:
       if cond(i):

The order of execution of loops and conditionals is entirely unambiguous, as 
it is shown explicitly by the nesting. Python has never been shy about 
requiring vertical and horizontal whitespace at the statement level in order 
to make the sequence of control flow more explicit.

The rules are different for list comprehensions and generator expressions, 
because whitespace is only used to delimit tokens inside expressions, rather 
than being a token in its own right as it can be at the statement level. 
However, the order of execution of these expressions can be disambiguated by 
conversion to the nested statement version of the same code.

> 2. Bring "several for-s in a row" ability from
> generators/comprehensions to the statement (and expand it to "several
> for-s and if-s", of course). We can write
>  list2 = [f(i, j) for i in list1 for j in list2]
> but cannot write
>  for i in list1 for j in list2:
>     yield f(i, j)

> That looks inconsistent as well.

If the apparent inconsistency genuinely bothers you, you can always write the 
statement version as:

   for x in (f(i, j) for i list1 for j in list2):
      yield x

Note that this preserves the fact that only 'x' is bound in the surrounding 
scope, and this name is prominent in the 'for' statement.

> Yes, for this little case we could do some kind of cross, but what if
> there are more loops, and/or some of them require filtering by if-s?

Then readers of the code could probably be helped out if some of the 
intermediate steps were named to explain what's going on. Alternately, just 
use a genexp as I show above.

> 3. Bring 'while' into the loops, both statements and iterators. Now no
> need to worry about "hidden-goto" 'break', especially for the cases of
> nested loops, while it can be easily checked right inside the looping
> condition?

'break' is no more a 'hidden-goto' than any other form of non-sequential 
control flow (like say, conditionals or loops) is a goto. The problem with 
having an actual goto is that it can go *anywhere*, leading to a high chance 
of writing spaghetti code - this is not the case when using break, as you 
can't go anywhere other than the statement immediately following the loop.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Tue Sep 20 11:22:29 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:22:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <dgokcm$umk$>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> argument.

No, please not. It's useful sometimes and doesn't hurt most times.

> 1) The construct can be error-prone.  When an error occurs it can be
> invisible to the person who wrote it.  I got bitten in published code
> that had survived testing and code review:
>   def real(self):
>     'Return a vector with the real part of each input element'
>     # do not convert integer inputs to floats
>     return z: type(z)==types.ComplexType and z.real or
> z)

I'm surprised you wrote that in the first place. The "and/or conditional"
is one of the few occurences where one will carefully look for false values
in the "and" part.

> The code fails silently when z is (0+4i).  It took a good while to trace
> down a user reported error (when Matlab results disagreed with my matrix
> module results) and determine that the real() method contained an error.
> Even when traced down, I found it hard to see the error in the code.
> Now that I know what to look for, it has not happened again, but I do
> always have to stare hard at any "and/or" group to mentally verify each
> case.


> P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
> conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.

Exactly. A conditional was turned down some time ago, for good reasons.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From ncoghlan at  Tue Sep 20 11:33:19 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 19:33:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> I _like_ the explanation of 'and' and 'or' as they are now.  They are
> basically control flow constructs -- and have to be to get
> short-circuiting to work -- and adding a coercion to bool at the end
> seems to add complexity, not reduce it (on some levels, anyway).

Agreed. However, Raymond and Brett seem to have some ideas about optimising 
the normal comparison bytecode without changing the semantics, which would be 

>>P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
>>conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.
> ... which was in the past, I thought.

C'mon, PEP 308 was fun for everybody };)

The ease of writing buggy code when trying to fake a conditional operator 
using and/or does seem to cause the question to keep coming up despite the 
fate of PEP 308, though. But the only way I can ever see a conditional 
operator happening is if Guido simply selects which of the top 4** PEP 308 
solutions he likes best and says "make it so!".


** I say top 4, because there was daylight between the votes for the first 4 
choices and all of the other PEP 308 options. And many of the pros and cons of 
those 4 choices are so subjective that I wouldn't expect further discussion to 
significantly change anyone's opinion.

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From raymond.hettinger at  Tue Sep 20 12:40:35 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 06:40:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501c5bdcf$be32b000$6522c797@oemcomputer>

> > 2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
> > that only Python returns something other than a boolean.
> As others point out, this isn't true.

In C, C++, C#, Java, and JavaScript, what do you get when you print the
result of 3 || 10?


From fredrik at  Tue Sep 20 13:11:10 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:11:10 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><>
Message-ID: <dgoqof$hvo$>

Michael Hudson wrote:

>> While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
>> That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
>> languages...
> You're joking, surely?

for Python 3000, I'd recommend switching to "and then" and "or else" instead
of the current ambiguous single-keyword versions.


From gmccaughan at  Tue Sep 20 13:16:53 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:16:53 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <000501c5bdcf$be32b000$6522c797@oemcomputer>
References: <000501c5bdcf$be32b000$6522c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 2005-09-20 11:40, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> > > 2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
> > > that only Python returns something other than a boolean.
> > 
> > As others point out, this isn't true.
> In C, C++, C#, Java, and JavaScript, what do you get when you print the
> result of 3 || 10?

JavaScript does the same as Python, according to section 11.11 of
the EMCA standard as of December 1999, which is what I have to hand.

The others you mention don't, because doing so would fit very
uncomfortably with their static type systems.

Those are not the only languages that exist other than Python.
Perl and Ruby both have Python-like behaviour in this respect.
So do all the Lisp variants I can readily check (CL, elisp,
Scheme, Dylan). So does Lua.

I can't, offhand, think of any dynamically typed language that
doesn't behave this way. Oh, except Smalltalk, which has a
radically different approach to the whole business.


From blais at  Tue Sep 20 14:41:15 2005
From: blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:41:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/19/05, Andrew McNamara <andrewm at> wrote:
> I agree. I find I often have an object with an optional friendly name
> (label) and a manditory system name. So this sort of thing becomes common:
>     '%s blah blah' % (foo.label or
> The if-else-expression alternative works, but isn't quite as readable:
>     '%s blah blah' % (foo.label ? foo.label :

Where does this work?

From anthony at  Tue Sep 20 15:06:50 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 23:06:50 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
Message-ID: <>

Starting in about 11 hours time, the release24-maint branch is FROZEN 
for the 2.4.2c1 release. The freeze will last for around a day, and 
then we're in a state of mostly-frozen for another week, until 2.4.2 
(final). During that week, please don't check things into the branch 
unless you check with me first. Let's make this a nice painless 

I'll send another message once 2.4.2 is done. 

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

From mulk at  Tue Sep 20 15:49:02 2005
From: mulk at (Matthias Andreas Benkard)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:49:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1127224142.14254.20.camel@mulkomp.mst-plus>


> IMO, the relpath method should just work textually on
> the pathnames. It's up to the user to ensure it makes
> sense to do so, e.g. by resolving symlinks beforehand
> if necessary.

I guess so. Don't forget to mention this quirk in the docs, though :)

> The alternative would be for relpath to do this itself,
> but that would make it very unusual compared to the
> other path-munging functions, none of which touch the file
> system.

Yes, and this behaviour would make it unusable for virtual file systems
within the application, too. Path names needn't refer to the local file
system, right? Then again, the `os' module _is_ platform-specific, as is
`os.path', so one shouldn't use it for those things either way.

In fact, relpath _cannot_ dereference symlinks on its own, as it has no
way of knowing the absolute pathname if only relative pathnames are
given as arguments (for example, relpath("a/b/c", "../d")).

But this begs the question: What is relpath good for, anyway? And what
are the hidden costs? One-time scripts might benefit from it, but having
this function in the standard library could make application developers
use it without considering the consequences, resulting in strange bugs
that occur on one machine, but not on another. The more I think about
it, the more I'm afraid that this might lead to severe security
vulnerabilities if misused in tools run by the system administrator.

Better place a big, fat warning in the docs, then.



 Matthias Andreas Benkard, Anarchokommunist und Pythonprogrammierer

Pers?nliche Website:
Pers?nlicher Weblog:
Flames bitte nach /dev/null schicken.
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From ldlandis at  Tue Sep 20 17:45:00 2005
From: ldlandis at (LD 'Gus' Landis)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:45:00 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Would this change break x < y < z ?  Hope not.

+1 on x?y:z
-1  on && || replacing and/or
   unless and/or kept with current semantics and
   && || introduced Raymond's boolean idea, but then
-1 too many unrelated but different spellings 

On 9/19/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On 9/19/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> > I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> > always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> > argument.
> While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
> That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
> languages...
> Also, this proposal needs to be considered together with the addition
> of a proper conditional operator, like x?y:z.
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

From bjourne at  Tue Sep 20 18:02:38 2005
From: bjourne at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?BJ=F6rn_Lindqvist?=)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:02:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgoqof$hvo$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <dgoqof$hvo$>
Message-ID: <>

> >> While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
> >> That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
> >> languages...
> >
> > You're joking, surely?
> for Python 3000, I'd recommend switching to "and then" and "or else" instead
> of the current ambiguous single-keyword versions.

Wouldn't it be possible to omit "and" and "or" to just "then" and "else"? 

x = 3 and 7 or 44
x = 3 and then 7 or else 44
x = 3 then 7 else 44

And then have another set of and and or for non short-circuiting? 

mvh Bj?rn

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 18:04:53 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:04:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:
> > On 9/19/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> >> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> >> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> >> argument.
> >
> > While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
> > That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
> > languages...
> You're joking, surely?

I wasn't, but I wasn't pushing for it either. Consider it withdrawn
given the response.

> > Also, this proposal needs to be considered together with the addition
> > of a proper conditional operator, like x?y:z.
> I think this discussion has been had before, you know.

Unfortunately, if we were to accept Raymond's proposal, we'd have to
revisit the discussion, since his proposal removes several ways we
currently avoid the need.

In fact, I think Raymond's example is more properly considered an
argument for adding a conditional expression than for removing the
current behavior of the and/or shortcut operators; had we had a
conditional expression, he wouldn't have tried to use the "x and y or
z" syntax that bit him.

Given this realization, I'm now -1 on Raymond's idea, and +1 on adding
a conditional expression. I believe (y if x else z) was my favorite
last time, wasn't it? I've changed the subject accordingly.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Tue Sep 20 18:07:21 2005
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:07:21 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing <at>> writes:

> Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> > I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> > always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> > argument.
> But then I would no longer be able to write
>    foo = something or default_value
> which is one of my favourite Pythonisms!

Same here.  I use this frequently.  In fact, I sometimes use it in preference
to a default param in {}.get():

    foo = somedict.get("blarg") or expensive_default()

That way the expensive default isn't calculated unless you need it.  (Of
course, the dict has to only store values that evaluate to non-False, which
might not be possible in all situations.)


From skip at  Tue Sep 20 18:10:27 2005
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:10:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> That leaves error reduction and clarity as the main motivations for
> changing 'and' and 'or' to act like '&&' and '||' and for introducing a
> conditional operator to handle everyone's favorite use cases.

I predict that people who use "and" and "or" correctly today will
start confusing "&&" with "&" and "||" with "|", which in many
instances will pass silently.  In fact, I'll wager that lots of people
who are familiar with boolean and/or will have never used bitwise


From mwh at  Tue Sep 20 18:34:23 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:34:23 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:04:53 -0700")
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

> Unfortunately, if we were to accept Raymond's proposal, we'd have to
> revisit the discussion, since his proposal removes several ways we
> currently avoid the need.
> In fact, I think Raymond's example is more properly considered an
> argument for adding a conditional expression than for removing the
> current behavior of the and/or shortcut operators; had we had a
> conditional expression, he wouldn't have tried to use the "x and y or
> z" syntax that bit him.


> Given this realization, I'm now -1 on Raymond's idea, and +1 on adding
> a conditional expression. I believe (y if x else z) was my favorite
> last time, wasn't it? I've changed the subject accordingly.

It's not the version from the PEP, if that means anything at all...


34. The string is a stark data structure and everywhere it is
    passed there is much duplication of process.  It is a perfect
    vehicle for hiding information.
  -- Alan Perlis,

From rrr at  Tue Sep 20 18:46:43 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:46:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgoqof$hvo$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Michael Hudson wrote:
>>>While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
>>>That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
>>You're joking, surely?
> for Python 3000, I'd recommend switching to "and then" and "or else" instead
> of the current ambiguous single-keyword versions.
> </F> 

Keeping the current behaviors in some form would probably be good. 
Alternate operators might be a good way.

They could also be functions.

      first_true(a, b, c)  <---   a and b and d
      true_else(a, b)      <---   a or b

This would compliment:

      all_true(a, b, c)
      none_true(a, b, c)

The '?' could just be used in place of the current 'or' and the '*' 
would work as "and value" operator when used with bools.

     val = a ? b ? c        # val = a or b or c

     val = a and b * c      # val = bool(a and b) and c

     val = a or b * c ? d   # val = bool(a or b) and c or d

And a vague idea of a suggestion...

For the function versions above ... If speed or the need to avoid early 
evaluation is a concern, one thought would be to have a few "well 
selected" builtin C tuple operators that look and act like functions but 
are instead optimized operations.

Functions that don't use any intermediate values and/or are so simple 
that the function call is large percent of the overall execution time 
could be candidates.

It also might be possible to avoid early evaluation in cases where it 
makes since to do so.

Just a thought.  I have no idea how hard this would be, and since one of 
the goals of Python 3000 is to simplify and/or clean up the core, this 
might not be desirable.


From guido at  Tue Sep 20 18:59:11 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:59:11 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] 2.4.2c1 fails test_unicode on HP-UX ia64
Message-ID: <>

I just built and ran the latest Python 2.4.2c1 from CVS on our HP-UX
Itanium 2 box. sys.maxint is 9223372036854775807 on this box.

I get the following failure from test_unicode (all other tests pass):

  File "/var/tmp/guido/p4/Lib/test/", line 553, in
    self.assertEqual(u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii','replace'), "Andr? x")
AssertionError: 'Andr x' != 'Andr? x'

When I try it on the command line I get the same result:

Python 2.4.2c1 (#4, Sep 20 2005, 09:15:22) [C] on hp-ux11
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii','replace')
'Andr x'

The test passes on Linux. We have about 6 hours until code freeze...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jcarlson at  Tue Sep 20 19:20:44 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:20:44 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] For/while/if statements/comprehension/generator
	expressions unification
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Myodov <maa_public at> wrote:
> Hello Josiah,
> JC> Alexander,
> JC> The essence of what you have proposed has been proposed (multiple times) before,
> JC> and I seem to remember it was shot down.
> To increase my understanding of Python-way, can you (or someone else)
> explain the reasons why such proposals were rejected?
> JC> The below functions offer the equivalent of list comprehensions with a
> JC> final post-processing step.
> Well, what I was suggesting is not just a cross of two lists but the
> syntax sugar which would make statements more consistent to the
> generators/comprehensions and also give some new opportunities.
> I think that my large proposal can be splitted to several
> almost-independent ones, each carrying separate features, able to
> be implemented independently and worth independent reconsidering:

Try using the code I offered.  It allows the cross of an aribitrary
number of restartable iterables, in the same order as an equivalent list
comprehension or generator expression.

>>> list(cross([1,2], [3,4], [5,6]))
[(1, 3, 5), (1, 3, 6), (1, 4, 5), (1, 4, 6), (2, 3, 5), (2, 3, 6), (2, 4,
5), (2, 4, 6)]

There were a few hoops I had to jump through in cross in order to be
able to hande single iterables as well as tuples embedded in the passed
iterables, but they work as they should.

>>> list(cross([(1,1),(2,2)], [(3,3),(4,4)], [(5,5),(6,6)]))
[((1, 1), (3, 3), (5, 5)), ((1, 1), (3, 3), (6, 6)), ((1, 1), (4, 4), (5,
5)), ((1, 1), (4, 4), (6, 6)), ((2, 2), (3, 3), (5, 5)), ((2, 2), (3, 3),
(6, 6)), ((2, 2), (4, 4), (5, 5)), ((2, 2), (4, 4), (6, 6))]

> 1. Bring 'if'-s from generator/comprehension 'for' syntax to 'for'
> statement. That's truly inconsistent that one may write
>  list2 = [i for i in list if cond(i)]
> but cannot write
>  for i in list if cond(i):

Note: list comprehensions and generator expressions have not been in
Python since the beginning.

List comprehensions were added in Python 2.0 as syntactic sugar for the
common case of list construction with simple predicates.

x = []
for i in y:
    for j in z:
        if f(i,j):

x = [(i,j) for i in y for j in z if f(i,j)]

If you are good, you can add predicates anywhere you want inside of for
loops using ifilter.

def f(i): return i%2==0
def g(i): return i**2%3 < 2

for i in ifilter(f, x):
    for j in ifilter(g, y):

No need to have syntax for something that is simple enough to use...

If you want to filter on multiple items (updated in each loop), there is
always the curry decorator and/or class offered in PEP 309 (minor
modification would offer a rightcurry).

For all of the reasons you offer, Nick has a great point that there is
no need to complicate the for loop with generator/list comprehension
semantics when you can embed either of them in the right side of the for

 - Josiah

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 19:32:26 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:32:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] 2.4.2c1 fails test_unicode on HP-UX ia64
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This seems to disappear when I disable -O. I guess the HP-UX optimizer
is as bad as it always was. Or perhaps we have an old version
installed. Sorry!

On 9/20/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> I just built and ran the latest Python 2.4.2c1 from CVS on our HP-UX
> Itanium 2 box. sys.maxint is 9223372036854775807 on this box.
> I get the following failure from test_unicode (all other tests pass):
>   File "/var/tmp/guido/p4/Lib/test/", line 553, in
> test_codecs_errors
>     self.assertEqual(u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii','replace'), "Andr? x")
> AssertionError: 'Andr x' != 'Andr? x'
> When I try it on the command line I get the same result:
> Python 2.4.2c1 (#4, Sep 20 2005, 09:15:22) [C] on hp-ux11
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii','replace')
> 'Andr x'
> >>>
> The test passes on Linux. We have about 6 hours until code freeze...
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Tue Sep 20 19:29:46 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 19:29:46 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <dgpgua$uer$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Given this realization, I'm now -1 on Raymond's idea, and +1 on adding
> a conditional expression. I believe (y if x else z) was my favorite
> last time, wasn't it? I've changed the subject accordingly.

As the PEP states, I'm not sure if changing the customary order of "arguments"
in conditional expressions is good.

Also, I assume the thing will be short-circuiting, and it's confusing to
grasp that y in (y if x else z) will possibly never be evaluated.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From jack at  Tue Sep 20 19:56:45 2005
From: jack at (Jack Diederich)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:56:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] For/while/if statements/comprehension/generator
	expressions unification
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 10:20:44AM -0700, Josiah Carlson wrote:
> Try using the code I offered.  It allows the cross of an aribitrary
> number of restartable iterables, in the same order as an equivalent list
> comprehension or generator expression.
> >>> list(cross([1,2], [3,4], [5,6]))
> [(1, 3, 5), (1, 3, 6), (1, 4, 5), (1, 4, 6), (2, 3, 5), (2, 3, 6), (2, 4,
> 5), (2, 4, 6)]
> There were a few hoops I had to jump through in cross in order to be
> able to hande single iterables as well as tuples embedded in the passed
> iterables, but they work as they should.
> >>> list(cross([(1,1),(2,2)], [(3,3),(4,4)], [(5,5),(6,6)]))
> [((1, 1), (3, 3), (5, 5)), ((1, 1), (3, 3), (6, 6)), ((1, 1), (4, 4), (5,
> 5)), ((1, 1), (4, 4), (6, 6)), ((2, 2), (3, 3), (5, 5)), ((2, 2), (3, 3),
> (6, 6)), ((2, 2), (4, 4), (5, 5)), ((2, 2), (4, 4), (6, 6))]

This comes up on c.l.p every month or two.  Folks offer their own solutions
optimized for speed, memory, or golfed for char length.  I'll throw in my
same two bits as always,

sprat:~# python
Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 30 2005, 21:51:10) 
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import probstat
>>> c = probstat.Cartesian([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]])
>>> list(c)
[[1, 3, 5], [2, 3, 5], [1, 4, 5], [2, 4, 5], [1, 3, 6], [2, 3, 6], [1, 4, 6], [2, 4, 6]]
>>> c = probstat.Cartesian([[(1,1),(2,2)], [(3,3),(4,4)], [(5,5),(6,6)]])
>>> list(c)
[[(1, 1), (3, 3), (5, 5)], [(2, 2), (3, 3), (5, 5)], [(1, 1), (4, 4), (5, 5)], [(2, 2), (4, 4), (5, 5)], [(1, 1), (3, 3), (6, 6)], [(2, 2), (3, 3), (6, 6)], [(1, 1), (4, 4), (6, 6)], [(2, 2), (4, 4), (6, 6)]]

The signature is slightly different (list of lists) but otherwise does
what you want.  Unchanged since 2002!


From jack at  Tue Sep 20 20:14:23 2005
From: jack at (Jack Diederich)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:14:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 09:04:53AM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/20/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> > Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:
> > 
> > > On 9/19/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> > >> I propose that in Py3.0, the "and" and "or" operators be simplified to
> > >> always return a Boolean value instead of returning the last evaluated
> > >> argument.
> > >
> > > While you're at it, maybe we should switch to && and || as well?
> > > That's another thing I always mistype when switching between
> > > languages...
> > 
> > You're joking, surely?
> I wasn't, but I wasn't pushing for it either. Consider it withdrawn
> given the response.
> > > Also, this proposal needs to be considered together with the addition
> > > of a proper conditional operator, like x?y:z.
> > 
> > I think this discussion has been had before, you know.
> Unfortunately, if we were to accept Raymond's proposal, we'd have to
> revisit the discussion, since his proposal removes several ways we
> currently avoid the need.
> In fact, I think Raymond's example is more properly considered an
> argument for adding a conditional expression than for removing the
> current behavior of the and/or shortcut operators; had we had a
> conditional expression, he wouldn't have tried to use the "x and y or
> z" syntax that bit him.
> Given this realization, I'm now -1 on Raymond's idea, and +1 on adding
> a conditional expression. I believe (y if x else z) was my favorite
> last time, wasn't it? I've changed the subject accordingly.

I'm +1 for allowing authors to write
  return bool(thing or default)
when they mean a function to return a bool.  I had the "privilege" of
working in a large base of perl code (a learning experience) and while
some engineers abused functions that were documented as only returning
true/false by depending on the side effects of 'and' and 'or' this
was easily fixed.  The functions were changed to literally return
a plain true or false value and those engineers were summarily fired.

I'm a dependable Hettinger fanboy but on this one I have to agree
with the we're-all-adults club.  Let the authors type an extra few
chars if they want to make the code match the intent.


From bcannon at  Tue Sep 20 20:28:48 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:28:48 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> I _like_ the explanation of 'and' and 'or' as they are now.  They are
> basically control flow constructs -- and have to be to get
> short-circuiting to work -- and adding a coercion to bool at the end
> seems to add complexity, not reduce it (on some levels, anyway).

If you change the definition of 'and' and 'or' to be boolean
comparison operators (as Raymond is proposing) and not as control flow
constructs then is it really that complicated?  I think it would
actually simplify things very slightly since you just say a boolean is
returned instead of the last executed expression by the operator.

> > P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
> > conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.
> ... which was in the past, I thought.

It was, but changing 'and' and 'or' does tweak the usefulness of a
conditional operator.


From guido at  Tue Sep 20 20:42:04 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:42:04 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] 2.4.2c1: test_macfs failing on Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4.2)
Message-ID: <>

test test_macfs failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gvr/p4/Lib/test/", line 53, in test_dates
    self.assertEqual(dates, (now, now-1, now-2))
AssertionError: (1127241062, 1127241062, 1127241061) != (1127241063,
1127241062, 1127241061)

Any takers? What does this mean? (It looks like an off-by-one-error in
the first timestamp, but I don't know what the code is trying to do).
Is the filesystem perhaps truncating times?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 20:46:47 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:46:47 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] test_ossaudiodev hangs
Message-ID: <>

On my Linux box (Red Hat Enterprise 3), test_ossaudiodev hangs forever
when I enable it:

./python -E -tt ../Lib/test/ -u all test_ossaudiodev
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../Lib/test/", line 1178, in ?
  File "../Lib/test/", line 333, in main
    ok = runtest(test, generate, verbose, quiet, testdir, huntrleaks)
  File "../Lib/test/", line 473, in runtest
    the_package = __import__(abstest, globals(), locals(), [])
  File "/home/guido/projects/python-2.4/dist/src/Lib/test/",
line 136, in ?
  File "/home/guido/projects/python-2.4/dist/src/Lib/test/",
line 124, in test
    play_sound_file(data, rate, ssize, nchannels)
  File "/home/guido/projects/python-2.4/dist/src/Lib/test/",
line 63, in play_sound_file

This happens both with 2.4.2c1 and with 2.5a0 from current CVS.

I know in order to debug you need more info about my audio device, but
since I never use audio on Linux, you'll have to talk me through
providing the info. I'm gvanrossum at on Google talk BTW.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tjreedy at  Tue Sep 20 21:00:41 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:00:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><>
Message-ID: <dgpm8q$ili$>

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
news:ca471dc2050920090461aec3da at
> In fact, I think Raymond's example is more properly considered an
> argument for adding a conditional expression than for removing the
> current behavior of the and/or shortcut operators; had we had a
> conditional expression, he wouldn't have tried to use the "x and y or
> z" syntax that bit him.

I agree.

> Given this realization, I'm now -1 on Raymond's idea,

There are a lot of people who use 'or', especially, as intended.

> and +1 on adding a conditional expression. I believe (y if x else z)
> was my favorite last time, wasn't it?

No.  That was your original proposal, which you later rejected.

"The original version of this PEP proposed the following syntax:
        <expression1> if <condition> else <expression2>
    The out-of-order arrangement was found to be too uncomfortable
    for many of participants in the discussion; especially when
    <expression1> is long, it's easy to miss the conditional while

Your final 'favorite' was apparently (at the top)

    The proposed syntax is as follows:
    (if <condition>: <expression1> else: <expression2>) " (+ elif parts)

selected from

"Summary of the Current State of the Discussion
   Groups are falling into one of three camps:
    1.  Adopt a ternary operator built using punctuation characters:
            <condition> ? <expression1> : <expression2>
    2.  Adopt a ternary operator built using new or existing keywords.
        The leading examples are:
            <condition> then <expression1> else <expression2>
            (if <condition>: <expression1> else: <expression2>)
    3.  Do nothing."

Given the later addition of generator expressions with mandatory 
parentheses , the mandatory-parentheses version of a conditional expression 
looks less strange to me than it did then ;-).  So I could happily use it 
even though I may still lean toward the other option 2 version (then-else) 
due to  its not needing ':'s or a third elseif term for chaining.

*If* you want general community input, I would suggest a runoff ballot with 
those four choices (and a summary of pros and cons of each), or fewer if 
you see any as unacceptible.

Terry J. Reedy

> -- 
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe: 

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 21:17:41 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:17:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgpm8q$ili$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> "Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message
> > and +1 on adding a conditional expression. I believe (y if x else z)
> > was my favorite last time, wasn't it?
> No.  That was your original proposal, which you later rejected.

Thanks for setting me straight; upon re-reading the PEP I couldn't
even remember which one I favored at the time!

> Your final 'favorite' was apparently (at the top)
> "Proposal
>     The proposed syntax is as follows:
>     (if <condition>: <expression1> else: <expression2>) " (+ elif parts)
> selected from
> "Summary of the Current State of the Discussion
>    Groups are falling into one of three camps:
>     1.  Adopt a ternary operator built using punctuation characters:
>             <condition> ? <expression1> : <expression2>
>     2.  Adopt a ternary operator built using new or existing keywords.
>         The leading examples are:
>             <condition> then <expression1> else <expression2>
>             (if <condition>: <expression1> else: <expression2>)
>     3.  Do nothing."
> Given the later addition of generator expressions with mandatory
> parentheses , the mandatory-parentheses version of a conditional expression
> looks less strange to me than it did then ;-).  So I could happily use it
> even though I may still lean toward the other option 2 version (then-else)
> due to  its not needing ':'s or a third elseif term for chaining.

I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

> *If* you want general community input, I would suggest a runoff ballot with
> those four choices (and a summary of pros and cons of each), or fewer if
> you see any as unacceptible.

If there's one thing I've learned from the PEP 308 vote, it is that
votes for language don't work. I prefer some discussion on Python-dev
after which I pick one.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From pje at  Tue Sep 20 21:38:50 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:38:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <dgpm8q$ili$>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:17 PM 9/20/2005 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
>colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
>generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

+1, despite the fact that we seem on a slippery slope towards becoming a 
kind of infix Lisp.  ;)  Between (yield x), (x for x in y), and now (if x 
then y else z), it seems that parentheses are all the rage now. Will we get 
(try <expr> finally <expr>) next?  <0.5 wink>

> > *If* you want general community input, I would suggest a runoff ballot with
> > those four choices (and a summary of pros and cons of each), or fewer if
> > you see any as unacceptible.
>If there's one thing I've learned from the PEP 308 vote, it is that
>votes for language don't work. I prefer some discussion on Python-dev
>after which I pick one.

Also +1.  :)

From raymond.hettinger at  Tue Sep 20 22:17:43 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:17:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgpm8q$ili$>
Message-ID: <000701c5be20$5c2840e0$6522c797@oemcomputer>

[Guido van Rossum]
> > In fact, I think Raymond's example is more properly considered an
> > argument for adding a conditional expression than for removing the
> > current behavior of the and/or shortcut operators; had we had a
> > conditional expression, he wouldn't have tried to use the "x and y
> > z" syntax that bit him.

[Terry Reedy]
> I agree.

Me too.

> Given the later addition of generator expressions with mandatory
> parentheses , the mandatory-parentheses version of a conditional
> expression
> looks less strange to me than it did then ;-). 

Same here.


From jjl at  Tue Sep 20 22:27:23 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:27:23 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3,
 and MP vs. UP (was Re: Variant of removing GIL.)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202010450.6289@alice>

On Sun, 18 Sep 2005, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/17/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:

> If my hunch is right, I expect that instead of writing massively
> parallel applications, we will continue to write single-threaded
> applications that are tied together at the process level rather than
> at the thread level.

I tend to agree.

> > I realize that not all algorithms (nor all computational problems) scale
> > well to MP hardware.  Is it feasible to usefully compile both MP and a UP
> > binaries from one Python source code base?
> That's an understatement. I expect that *most* problems (even most
> problems that we will be programming 10-20 years from now) get little
> benefit out of MP.

Perhaps, but I suspect we'll also get better at thinking up multiprocessor
algorithms when better motivated by lack of exponential uniprocessor speed
increases.  <ducks, fearing barrage of theorems...>

> > Of course, it still takes a (anti-)hero to step forward and do the work...
> Be my guest. Prove me wrong. Talk is cheap; instead of arguing my
> points (all of which can be argued ad infinitum), come back when
> you've got a working GIL-free Python. Doesn't have to be CPython-based
> -- C# would be fine too.

I don't actively want a GIL-free Python.  I was just making some arguments
in favour of GIL-removal that I hadn't seen made on a public list before.  
(In particular, removal now, since now is a special time.)


From arigo at  Tue Sep 20 21:21:14 2005
From: arigo at (Armin Rigo)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 21:21:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


A quick note, the module is broken -- crashes on some
examples and real-world programs.  I think I should be able to fix it by
tomorrow, but not tonight.

(See example checked in in the CVS trunk -- Lib/test/test_profile --
which passes, but for some reason I get completely unrealistic results
on a real-world application.  Can't investigate more now...)


From bcannon at  Tue Sep 20 22:39:56 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:39:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> At 12:17 PM 9/20/2005 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
> >colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
> >generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.
> +1, despite the fact that we seem on a slippery slope towards becoming a
> kind of infix Lisp.  ;)  Between (yield x), (x for x in y), and now (if x
> then y else z), it seems that parentheses are all the rage now. Will we get
> (try <expr> finally <expr>) next?  <0.5 wink>

+1 from me as well.  The use will be much more obvious to a newbie
than ``<expr> ? <expr> : <expr>``.  And I have used the
syntactic-heavy listcomps in Haskell and I must say that Python's
version is much nicer.  I like the wordy version.  =)

> > > *If* you want general community input, I would suggest a runoff ballot with
> > > those four choices (and a summary of pros and cons of each), or fewer if
> > > you see any as unacceptible.
> >
> >If there's one thing I've learned from the PEP 308 vote, it is that
> >votes for language don't work. I prefer some discussion on Python-dev
> >after which I pick one.
> Also +1.  :)

+1 from me, although I sure got lambasted by some people when I said I
liked this style during the whole decorator debate.  =)


From jjl at  Tue Sep 20 22:36:27 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:36:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202035130.6289@alice>

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Florian Weimer wrote:

> The real problem is that you can ditch most extension modules. 8-(

*Is* that a showstopper for Python 3.0, though?


From jjl at  Tue Sep 20 22:38:56 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:38:56 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3,
 and MP vs. UP (was Re: Variant of removing GIL.)
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202010450.6289@alice>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202036420.6289@alice>

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, John J Lee wrote:
> I don't actively want a GIL-free Python.  I was just making some arguments

Actually, FWIW, I don't know if I even *passively* want a GIL-free Python,
if it encourages threaded code (though I'd like to have that option for my
occasional personal use, it seems to be an attractive nuisance for many
other programmers).


From bcannon at  Tue Sep 20 22:49:31 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 13:49:31 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202035130.6289@alice>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Florian Weimer wrote:
> > The real problem is that you can ditch most extension modules. 8-(
> [...]
> *Is* that a showstopper for Python 3.0, though?

Who knows.  I bet Guido doesn't even know how much breakage he is
going to want to push.  Some people have rather strongly pointed out
(usually after I have proposed something), breaking stuff without a
good reason is not worth the added level of breakage for when people
try to update code to Python 3.0.  Completely changing how garbage
collection works is not exactly a minor thing and there is the
possibility it won't pan out.  It would really suck for everyone to
have to learn an entirely new way of handling garbage collection and
have there not be a perk for doing so, especially since this kind of
change will not be directly visible to the language itself.


From jjl at  Tue Sep 20 22:47:02 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:47:02 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202044100.6289@alice>

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Tim Lesher wrote:

> On 9/19/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> > I was disappointed that that article (hey, it was the only issue of
> > ddj I've ever actually bought! :) didn't consider any concurrency
> > models other than shared memory threading.
> The problem is that, for all its limitations, shared-memory threading
> is the most popular concurrency model on the most popular operating
> system, so future hardware platforms targeting that system will be
> optimizing for that case.
> We can either rail against the sea, or accept it.

Hmm, that's an interesting point.  Aside from that point I tend to agree
with Guido: threading is not the only, nor the best, concurrency model.  
But maybe these chips designed with threading in mind blow that argument
out of the water.  I don't know enough to know whether that's true or


From jjl at  Tue Sep 20 22:52:45 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:52:45 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202050270.6289@alice>

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Brett Cannon wrote:

> On 9/20/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
> > On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Florian Weimer wrote:
> > 
> > > The real problem is that you can ditch most extension modules. 8-(
> > [...]
> > 
> > *Is* that a showstopper for Python 3.0, though?
> Who knows.  I bet Guido doesn't even know how much breakage he is
> going to want to push.  Some people have rather strongly pointed out
> (usually after I have proposed something), breaking stuff without a
> good reason is not worth the added level of breakage for when people
> try to update code to Python 3.0.

Oh, absolutely.

> Completely changing how garbage
> collection works is not exactly a minor thing and there is the
> possibility it won't pan out.  It would really suck for everyone to
> have to learn an entirely new way of handling garbage collection and
> have there not be a perk for doing so, especially since this kind of
> change will not be directly visible to the language itself.

I didn't intend to refer to garbage collection in particular, but to
removing the GIL, thus breaking extension modules (perhaps in a
less-drastic way than implied by the copying garbage-collection proposal).


From arigo at  Tue Sep 20 23:21:35 2005
From: arigo at (Armin Rigo)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 23:21:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 09:21:14PM +0200, Armin Rigo wrote:
> A quick note, the module is broken -- crashes on some
> examples and real-world programs.  I think I should be able to fix it by
> tomorrow, but not tonight.

It was easier than I thought, sorry for the alarm.


From steven.bethard at  Tue Sep 20 23:33:19 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:33:19 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
> colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
> generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

FWIW, I find this quite intuitive.  It follows the same pattern as LCs
and GEs -- remove the colons and add parentheses (or brackets for
LCs).  So I'm +1.

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 23:40:45 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:40:45 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

(Adding python-dev back to the CC list)

On 9/20/05, Jason Orendorff <jason.orendorff at> wrote:
> > If there's one thing I've learned from the PEP 308 vote, it is that
> > votes for language don't work. I prefer some discussion on Python-dev
> > after which I pick one.
> +1
> Some visual aids:
>     return (if q: q.popleft() else: None)
>     return (if q then q.popleft() else None)
>     return q ? q.popleft() : None
> Hmmm.  Score one for ?:.  But:

Why? Just because it's shorter?

>     menu.append(
>         if gotHerring(): popHerring()
>         elif gotAnyFish(): popAnyFish()
>         else: Tofurbot())
>     menu.append(gotHerring() ? popHerring() : gotAnyFish() ?
> popAnyFish() : Tofurbot())
> Here, I like the way the verbose syntax politely spreads itself out
> over multiple lines.  In C, I never know where to put the line breaks.

Ouch. You're bringing up another valid issue: whether to support
"elif". I think if we go with (if ... then ... else ...) or (if ...:
... else: ...) we'll have to support elif as well:

(if ... then ... elif ... then ... else ...)
(if ...: ... elif ...: ... else: ...)

I really don't like the latter.

Here's a suggestion for a way to decide between a "wordy" version or
C-style "?:" -- if we abandon and/or in favor of &&/||, we should also
go with ?:; if we keep and/or, we should use a keyword-based
conditional as well. Since so far the feedback is overwhelmingly in
favor of keeping and/or, I think that settles the case in favor of a
wordy version. My preference then would be

(if ... then ... elif ... then ... else ...)

which gives my a nice nostalgic feeling because (except for the elif
part) Algol-60 had the same thing -- the first programming language I
ever learned. :)

(Oh, and a way to decide between colon or no colon: we're not using
colons in list comps and genexprs either.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 23:43:59 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:43:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202044100.6289@alice>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
> threading is not the only, nor the best, concurrency model.
> But maybe these chips designed with threading in mind blow that argument
> out of the water.  I don't know enough to know whether that's true or
> not...

I don't know that any chips are designed with threading in mind. Fast
threading benefits from fast context switches which benefits from
small register sets. I believe the trend is towards ever large
register sets. Also, multiple processors with shared memory don't
scall all that well; multiple processors with explicit IPC channels
scale much better. All arguments for multi-processing and against

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Tue Sep 20 23:49:41 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:49:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
Message-ID: <>

I just finished debugging some code that broke after upgrading to
Python 2.4 (from 2.3). Turns out the code was testing list iterators
for their boolean value (to distinguish them from None). In 2.3, a
list iterator (like any iterator) is always true. In 2.4, an exhausted
list iterator is false; probably by virtue of having a __len__()
method that returns the number of remaining items.

I realize that this was a deliberate feature, and that it exists in
2.4 as well as in 2.4.1 and will in 2.4.2; yet, I'm not sure I *like*
it. Was this breakage (which is not theoretical!) considered at all?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From barry at  Wed Sep 21 00:01:40 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:01:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 17:40, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Ouch. You're bringing up another valid issue: whether to support
> "elif". I think if we go with (if ... then ... else ...) or (if ...:
> ... else: ...) we'll have to support elif as well:

I'm not so sure.  Once you start writing such a complicated thing, I
think readability will favor just breaking the code out into traditional
if-blocks.  I'd be happy enough with just a binary condition.


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From fdrake at  Wed Sep 21 00:03:30 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:03:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 20 September 2005 17:49, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 > I realize that this was a deliberate feature, and that it exists in
 > 2.4 as well as in 2.4.1 and will in 2.4.2; yet, I'm not sure I *like*

I wasn't paying any attention at the time, so I don't know what was discussed.  
Some discussion here just now leads me to believe that at least two of us 
here (including myself) think iterators shouldn't have length at all: they're 
*not* containers and shouldn't act that way.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From bob at  Wed Sep 21 00:10:59 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:10:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 20, 2005, at 5:43 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> On 9/20/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
>> threading is not the only, nor the best, concurrency model.
>> But maybe these chips designed with threading in mind blow that  
>> argument
>> out of the water.  I don't know enough to know whether that's true or
>> not...
> I don't know that any chips are designed with threading in mind. Fast
> threading benefits from fast context switches which benefits from
> small register sets. I believe the trend is towards ever large
> register sets. Also, multiple processors with shared memory don't
> scall all that well; multiple processors with explicit IPC channels
> scale much better. All arguments for multi-processing and against
> multi-threading.

Well, in many operating systems, there isn't a whole lot of  
difference between threads and processes (both are kernel threads).   
When using threads, you can typically still use IPC, so you could  
scale similarly.

I think the biggest argument for threading is simply that lots of  
existing C/C++ code wants to use threads.  What we have now works OK,  
but you can't reliably use Python in a real-time thread (e.g. a  
CoreAudio callback) or (reliably) in a signal handler because it  
might block too long because of something else going on.  Of course,  
a lot of other design decisions in Python would prevent you from  
using it in that context too, so GIL-free threading wouldn't be a  

Personally my biggest issue with the way the CPython VM works is that  
you can't reliably do multiple interpreters in a single process.  If  
that worked well, you could start an independent interpreter per  
thread and with a per-interpreter GIL you'd have pretty much  
everything you needed... but this would horribly break the C API and  
may be a performance hit.

My use case for this isn't so much about threads, but plug-ins.   
Writing multiple Python-based plug-ins for an application is always a  
mess, because they share too much (sys.modules, sys.path, etc.).   
PyObjC would benefit greatly from this feature, because you can write  
Python-based plug-ins for any Cocoa app that supports plug-ins, even  
if they're otherwise unaware of Python's existence.  There are  
workarounds, of course, with import hooks and similar hacks.  I think  
that mod_python would also benefit from this, and probably other such  


From tjreedy at  Wed Sep 21 00:24:27 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:24:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><><><dgpm8q$ili$>
Message-ID: <dgq26r$8b3$>

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
news:ca471dc2050920121778df3fcd at
> On 9/20/05, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
>> Given the later addition of generator expressions with mandatory
>> parentheses , the mandatory-parentheses version of a conditional 
>> expression
>> looks less strange to me than it did then ;-).  So I could happily use 
>> it
>> even though I may still lean toward the other option 2 version 
>> (then-else)
>> due to  its not needing ':'s or a third elseif term for chaining.
> I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
> colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
> generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

I presume this revision would continue to include elif clauses.  If I put 
on a 'designing Python for everyone' hat, then the presence of the leading 
'if' looks better than the slightly-too-cute (especially for Python) 
abbreviated version.

>> *If* you want general community input, I would suggest a runoff ballot 
>> with
>> those four choices (and a summary of pros and cons of each), or fewer if
>> you see any as unacceptible.
> If there's one thing I've learned from the PEP 308 vote, it is that
> votes for language don't work. I prefer some discussion on Python-dev
> after which I pick one.

If we reject both the status quo and the symbol-tax form and agree on the 
above as the best wordy form, then it is a moot point anyway ;-)

C.l.p. newcomers continue to periodically request "How do I write 
conditional expressions?".  I think most will be happier with something 
clear and readable.

Terry J. Reedy

From jason.orendorff at  Wed Sep 21 00:28:46 2005
From: jason.orendorff at (Jason Orendorff)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:28:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Guido wrote:
> On 9/20/05, Jason Orendorff <jason.orendorff at> wrote:
> >     return (if q: q.popleft() else: None)
> >     return (if q then q.popleft() else None)
> >     return q ? q.popleft() : None
> >
> > Hmmm.  Score one for ?:.
> Why? Just because it's shorter?

Just a gut response to the look.  The verbose forms strike me as
cluttered in this particular case.

In the multiline case, it doesn't look like clutter because the
if/elif/else bits line up, which fits the way Python has already
trained my brain.

> (Oh, and a way to decide between colon or no colon: we're not using
> colons in list comps and genexprs either.)

(grin) Easily fixed:

    print "average weight:", avg(for c in chefs: c.weight)
    rdict = dict(for k, v in D.iteritems(): v, k)

Honestly, I think I would prefer this syntax.  Examples from real
code, before and after:

    lines = [line for line in pr.block.body
             if line.logical_line.strip() != '']
    lines = [for line in pr.block.body:
                 if line.logical_line.strip() != '':

    row.values = \
	[line[col.start:col.end].strip() for col in columns]
    row.values = \
	[for col in columns: line[col.start:col.end].rstrip()]

    return [p for p in self.listdir(pattern) if p.isdir()]
    return [for p in self.listdir(pattern): if p.isdir(): p]


From ncoghlan at  Wed Sep 21 00:30:13 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 08:30:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>	<>	<dgpm8q$ili$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
>>colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
>>generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.
> FWIW, I find this quite intuitive.  It follows the same pattern as LCs
> and GEs -- remove the colons and add parentheses (or brackets for
> LCs).  So I'm +1.

*But*, in LC's and GE's, the body of the main clause of the statement is also 
pulled out and placed in front of the keyword:

   def gen():
     for VAR in ITERABLE:
       if COND:
         yield EXPR


   gen = (EXPR for VAR in ITERABLE if COND)

This makes sense to me, because the most important thing in the generator 
expression is the way each element is populated - the source iterable and the 
filtering condition do matter, but they aren't as important.

It also makes the expression forms more declarative in nature, rather than 
being procedural statements embedded inside an expression.

Notice also that, in this case, if ITERABLE is empty, or COND always evaluates 
false in boolean context, then EXPR is never executed - in other words, Python 
already has precedent for out of order code execution in expression evaluation.

Guido's original PEP 308 proposal worked much the same way:

   if COND:
      x = EXPR1
      x = EXPR2


   x = (EXPR1 if COND else EXPR2)

I see this as similar in spirit to the current form of LC's and GE's - the 
most important things are the two possible values rather than the condition 
for choosing between them, and this form makes them clearly visible at the 
start and end of the expression, rather than embedding one of them in the 
middle. The post-filtered form is also similarly declarative rather than 

This version doesn't need a separate 'elif' form - elif can be written as:

   x = (EXPR1 if COND1 else EXPR2 if COND2 else EXPR3)

Note that the keyword count is no higher than if 'elif' was used, because the 
'then' keyword isn't needed:
   x = (if COND1 then EXPR1 elif COND2 then EXPR2 else EXPR3)

Here's Raymond's problematic example using this original PEP 308 form:
   def real(self):
     'Return a vector with the real part of each input element'
     # do not convert integer inputs to floats
     return z:
                       (z.real if type(z)==types.ComplexType else z))

And the other non-colon, keyword based proposal in PEP 308's top four:

   def real(self):
     'Return a vector with the real part of each input element'
     # do not convert integer inputs to floats
     return z:
                       (if type(z)==types.ComplexType then z.real else z))

Another common use case would be for mutable default arguments:

   x = ([] if arg is None else list(arg))
   x = (if arg is None then [] else list(arg))

Basically, I'm +1 on the original PEP 308 form because it reads more naturally 
(and more like LC's and GE's) to me in expression contexts, and +0 on the 
"if/then/elif/else" form (because I would like a real conditional operator).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From tl at  Wed Sep 21 00:32:53 2005
From: tl at (Thomas Lotze)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 00:32:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no colons.
> None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and generator
> expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

While I like the looks of the form without colons better, I can't quite
follow this argument for it.

In LCs and GEs, colons wouldn't make any sense in the first place because
the expression controlled by "for" and "if" is written before it:
[expression(x) for x in y]. Just where would anyone put a colon there,

A colon does make sense if something follows it, as is currently the case
in lambda expressions. It would also be the case in an (if x: y else: z)

I have a feeling that trying to make all expression forms which happen to
use statement keywords colon-free is seeking an artificial consistency.
I'm happy to be proven wrong, though.

+1 on the idea of introducing a conditional expression in the first place,


From tl at  Wed Sep 21 00:21:00 2005
From: tl at (Thomas Lotze)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 00:21:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:

> I'm not so sure.  Once you start writing such a complicated thing, I think
> readability will favor just breaking the code out into traditional
> if-blocks.  I'd be happy enough with just a binary condition.

Nothing prevents you from spreading the code over multiple lines, like so:

x = (if a then b
     elif c then d
     else e)

or even

x = (if a then
     elif c then

especially as there are going to be parentheses around the whole thing
anyway. From a readability point of view, this is no different from
if-statement blocks, and the matter is IMO not worth dumbing down an
if-expression thingy as compared to its if-statement companion.


From barry at  Wed Sep 21 00:49:27 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:49:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 18:21, Thomas Lotze wrote:

> Nothing prevents you from spreading the code over multiple lines, like so:
> x = (if a then b
>      elif c then d
>      else e)
> or even
> x = (if a then
>         b
>      elif c then
>         d
>      else
>         e
>     )
> especially as there are going to be parentheses around the whole thing
> anyway. From a readability point of view, this is no different from
> if-statement blocks, and the matter is IMO not worth dumbing down an
> if-expression thingy as compared to its if-statement companion.

I guess that's my point.  To me, your latter is actually worse than

if a:
    x = b
elif c:
    x = d
    x = e

I think the conditional stuff gets the most bang for the buck in
situations like:

d[foo] = if a then b else c


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From jimjjewett at  Wed Sep 21 00:50:22 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:50:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum:

> I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>)

In isolation, (if .. then ... else) is an improvement, but I'm
not sure it should be viewed in isolation.

At one point, you wanted to strengthen the distinction
between statements and expressions.  Is that still true?

    x = (if y then y.val else default)

    x = (if y:

If any statement can become an expression, that could be very useful.
There are times when it would be convenient to just grab the newly
created function (def replacing lambda) or class, or the newly imported
module.  The distinction between exec and eval starts to look 
increasingly arbitrary as well.  

But if everything becomes expression-able, people *will* start to
use parentheses instead of indentation.  


From tl at  Wed Sep 21 00:59:49 2005
From: tl at (Thomas Lotze)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 00:59:49 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:

>> x = (if a then
>>         b
>>      elif c then
>>         d
>>      else
>>         e
>>     )
> I guess that's my point.  To me, your latter is actually worse than
> if a:
>     x = b
> elif c:
>     x = d
> else:
>     x = e

Can't see a difference as far as readability is concerned. But then,
tastes differ.

> I think the conditional stuff gets the most bang for the buck in
> situations like:
> d[foo] = if a then b else c

And I think similar holds for LCs and GEs. Unwinding a complex sequence of
for and if clauses is certainly no fun unless one is really used to it.
(Which doesn't take long, though.)

But your example poses another question: Up until now, I had the
impression that parentheses should be mandatory around a conditional
expression. There's certainly no avoiding them in situations like
(if x then 1 else 2) + 3. But what about unambiguous cases like your
example line?


From tdelaney at  Wed Sep 21 01:23:53 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:23:53 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
Message-ID: <>

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

> On Tuesday 20 September 2005 17:49, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>  > I realize that this was a deliberate feature, and that it exists in
>  > 2.4 as well as in 2.4.1 and will in 2.4.2; yet, I'm not sure I
> *like* 
> I wasn't paying any attention at the time, so I don't know what was
> discussed. Some discussion here just now leads me to believe that at
> least two of us here (including myself) think iterators shouldn't
> have length at all: they're *not* containers and shouldn't act that
> way. 

In any case, it's simple to get the 2.3 behaviour back - just add
__nonzero__. I think that could validly be considered a bugfix.

Tim Delaney

From guido at  Wed Sep 21 01:34:09 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:34:09 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Delaney, Timothy (Tim) <tdelaney at> wrote:
> In any case, it's simple to get the 2.3 behaviour back - just add
> __nonzero__. I think that could validly be considered a bugfix.

Alas not -- it would still be a functionality change relative to 2.4 and 2.4.1.

Also, an object whose __len__() returns 0 but whose __nonzero__()
returns True would be an anomaly.

The best we can do IMO is to change it back in 2.5.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jjl at  Wed Sep 21 01:37:27 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 23:37:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202331440.6289@alice>

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Thomas Lotze wrote:

> Barry Warsaw wrote:
> >> x = (if a then
> >>         b
> >>      elif c then
> >>         d
> >>      else
> >>         e
> >>     )
> [...]
> > 
> > I guess that's my point.  To me, your latter is actually worse than
> > 
> > if a:
> >     x = b
> > elif c:
> >     x = d
> > else:
> >     x = e
> Can't see a difference as far as readability is concerned. But then,
> tastes differ.

With the former, we have a more C-style syntax where meaning is determined
purely by delimeters rather than by whitespace.  Instead of braces '{' and
'}', we have 'then' and 'elif'/'else'.  That's a real difference.

The stricter form where you don't allow 'elif' will get used in more
restricted circumstances, so gives less encouragement for widespread abuse
of conditional expressions by people who don't like whitespace-based


From raymond.hettinger at  Wed Sep 21 01:37:01 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 19:37:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <001c01c5be3c$53130dc0$6522c797@oemcomputer>

> I just finished debugging some code that broke after upgrading to
> Python 2.4 (from 2.3). Turns out the code was testing list iterators
> for their boolean value (to distinguish them from None). In 2.3, a
> list iterator (like any iterator) is always true. In 2.4, an exhausted
> list iterator is false; probably by virtue of having a __len__()
> method that returns the number of remaining items.
> I realize that this was a deliberate feature, and that it exists in
> 2.4 as well as in 2.4.1 and will in 2.4.2; yet, I'm not sure I *like*
> it. Was this breakage (which is not theoretical!) considered at all?

It was not considered.  AFAICT, 2.3 code assuming the Boolean value of
an iterator being true was relying on an accidental implementation
detail that may not also be true in Jython, PyPy, etc.  Likewise, it is
not universally true for arbitrary class based iterators which may have
other methods including __nonzero__ or __len__.  The Boolean value of an
iterator is certainly not promised by the iterator protocol as specified
in the docs or the PEP.  The code, bool(it), is not really clear about
its intent and seems a little weird to me.  The reason it wasn't
considered was that it wasn't on the radar screen as even a possible use

On a tangential note, I think in 2.2 or 2.3, we found a number of bugs
related to None testing.  IIRC, the outcome of that conversation was a
specific recommendation to NOT determine Noneness by Boolean tests.
That recommendation ended-up making it into PEP 290:

> think iterators shouldn't have length at all:
> they're *not* containers and shouldn't act that way.

Some iterators can usefully report their length with the invariant:
   len(it) == len(list(it)).

There are some use cases for having the length when available.  Also,
there has been plenty of interest in being able to tell, when possible,
if an iterator is empty without having to call it.  AFAICT, the only
downside was Guido's bool(it) situation.

FWIW, the origin of the idea came from reading a comp-sci paper about
ways to overcome the limitations of linking operations together using
only iterators (the paper's terminology talked about map/fold
operations).  The issue was that decoupling benefits were partially
offset by the loss of useful information about the input to an operation
(i.e. the supplier may know and the consumer may want to know the input
size, the input type, whether the elements are unique, whether the data
is sorted, its provenance, etc.)


From jjl at  Wed Sep 21 01:41:16 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 23:41:16 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202331440.6289@alice>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202338290.6289@alice>

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, John J Lee wrote:
> With the former, we have a more C-style syntax where meaning is determined
> purely by delimeters rather than by whitespace.  Instead of braces '{' and
> '}', we have 'then' and 'elif'/'else'.  That's a real difference.

Um, not clear, sorry: the "real difference" I meant to refer to above is
that between delimiter-based and whitespace-based syntaxes (and not
between braces and differently-spelled delimiters).


From tjreedy at  Wed Sep 21 01:55:26 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 19:55:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgq7he$kkn$>

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
news:ca471dc20509201449652f11d at
>I just finished debugging some code that broke after upgrading to
> Python 2.4 (from 2.3). Turns out the code was testing list iterators
> for their boolean value (to distinguish them from None).

This seem unnecessarily indirect.
Why not 'it != None' or now, 'it is not None'?

>In 2.3, a
> list iterator (like any iterator) is always true. In 2.4, an exhausted
> list iterator is false; probably by virtue of having a __len__()
> method that returns the number of remaining items.

According to 2.4 News, dict iterators also got __len__ method, though I saw 
no mention of list.

> I realize that this was a deliberate feature,

I presume there were two reasons: internal efficiency of preallocations 
(list(some_it) for example) and letting people differentiate iterator with 
something left to return versus nothing, just as we can differentiate 
collections with something versus nothing.

> and that it exists in
> 2.4 as well as in 2.4.1 and will in 2.4.2; yet, I'm not sure I *like*
> it. Was this breakage (which is not theoretical!) considered at all?

Searching the gmane archive with the link given on the python site for 
'iterator len', I could not find any discussion of the __len__ method 
addition itself.

Terry J. Reedy

From guido at  Wed Sep 21 02:07:35 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:07:35 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <001c01c5be3c$53130dc0$6522c797@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> [Guido]
> > I just finished debugging some code that broke after upgrading to
> > Python 2.4 (from 2.3). Turns out the code was testing list iterators
> > for their boolean value (to distinguish them from None). In 2.3, a
> > list iterator (like any iterator) is always true. In 2.4, an exhausted
> > list iterator is false; probably by virtue of having a __len__()
> > method that returns the number of remaining items.
> >
> > I realize that this was a deliberate feature, and that it exists in
> > 2.4 as well as in 2.4.1 and will in 2.4.2; yet, I'm not sure I *like*
> > it. Was this breakage (which is not theoretical!) considered at all?
> It was not considered.

That's too bad.

> AFAICT, 2.3 code assuming the Boolean value of
> an iterator being true was relying on an accidental implementation
> detail that may not also be true in Jython, PyPy, etc.

That's bullshit, and you know it -- you're just using this to justify
that you didn't think of this.

Whether an object is true or not is well-defined by the language and
not by an accident of the implementation. Apart from None, all objects
are always true unless they define either __nonzero__() or (in its
absence) __len__().

The iterators for builtin sequences were carefully designed to have
the minimal API required of iterators -- i.e., next() and __iter__()
and nothing more.

> Likewise, it is
> not universally true for arbitrary class based iterators which may have
> other methods including __nonzero__ or __len__.

And those are the *only* ones that affect the boolean value.

> The Boolean value of an
> iterator is certainly not promised by the iterator protocol as specified
> in the docs or the PEP.

it was implied by not specifying a __nonzero__ or __len__.

> The code, bool(it), is not really clear about
> its intent and seems a little weird to me.

Of course that's not what the broken code actually looked like. If was
something like

if ...:
    iter1 = iter(...)
    iter1 = None
if ...:
    iter2 = iter(...)
    iter2 = None
if iter1 and iter2:

Where the arguments to the iter() functions were known to be lists.

> The reason it wasn't
> considered was that it wasn't on the radar screen as even a possible use
> case.

Could you at least admit that this was an oversight and not try to
pretend it was intentional breakage?

> On a tangential note, I think in 2.2 or 2.3, we found a number of bugs
> related to None testing.  IIRC, the outcome of that conversation was a
> specific recommendation to NOT determine Noneness by Boolean tests.
> That recommendation ended-up making it into PEP 290:

And I agree with that one in general (I was bitten by this in Zope once).

But it bears a lot more weight when the type of the object is unknown
or partially unknown. In my case, there was no possibility that the
iter() argument was anything except a list, so the type of the
iterator was fully known.

> [Fred]
> > think iterators shouldn't have length at all:
> > they're *not* containers and shouldn't act that way.
> Some iterators can usefully report their length with the invariant:
>    len(it) == len(list(it)).

I still consider this an erroneous hypergeneralization of the concept
of iterators. Iterators should be pure iterators and not also act as
containers. Which other object type implements __len__ but not

> There are some use cases for having the length when available.  Also,
> there has been plenty of interest in being able to tell, when possible,
> if an iterator is empty without having to call it.  AFAICT, the only
> downside was Guido's bool(it) situation.

Theer is plenty of interest in broken features all the time. IMO
giving *some* iterators discoverable length (and other properties like
reversability) but not all of them makes the iterator protocol more
error-prone -- we're back to the situation where someone codes an
algorithm for use with arbitrary iterators but only tests it with list
and tuple iterators, and ends up breaking in the field.

I know you can work around it, but that requires introspection which
is not a great match for this kind of application.

> FWIW, the origin of the idea came from reading a comp-sci paper about
> ways to overcome the limitations of linking operations together using
> only iterators (the paper's terminology talked about map/fold
> operations).  The issue was that decoupling benefits were partially
> offset by the loss of useful information about the input to an operation
> (i.e. the supplier may know and the consumer may want to know the input
> size, the input type, whether the elements are unique, whether the data
> is sorted, its provenance, etc.)

Not every idea written up in a comp-sci paper is worth implementing
(as acquisition in Zope 2 has amply proved).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Wed Sep 21 02:11:35 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:11:35 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <dgq7he$kkn$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> I presume there were two reasons: internal efficiency of preallocations
> (list(some_it) for example)

This could have been implemented without making the implementation
details public.

> and letting people differentiate iterator with
> something left to return versus nothing, just as we can differentiate
> collections with something versus nothing.

But this is against the very idea of the iterator protocol -- for
general iterators, there may be no way to determine whether there is a
next item without actually producing the item, so the proper approach
is to code with that in mind. When this type of look-ahead is
required, a buffering iterator should be inserted, so that the
algorithm can work with all iterators rather than only with iterators
over built-in containers.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 21 02:24:45 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:24:45 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] For/while/if statements/comprehension/generator
 expressions unification
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Myodov wrote:

>  for i in largelist while !found:

This doesn't cover enough use cases to be worth it, IMO.
The exit condition is often buried in the middle of
other statements in the loop, not right at the

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 21 02:55:56 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:55:56 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <1127224142.14254.20.camel@mulkomp.mst-plus>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Matthias Andreas Benkard wrote:

> But this begs the question: What is relpath good for, anyway?

[Assuming you mean "invites", "prompts", etc. the question...:-)]

A couple of use cases I've encountered:

* Creating symbolic links. I'm traversing a directory
   hierarchy, and building a parallel hierarchy somewhere
   else that contains symbolic links into the original
   one. I want the links to be relative, so that e.g. I
   can move my home directory without all my links breaking.

* In a recent project, I had occasion to store pathnames of
   picture files in a relational database. I wanted to store
   the pathnames relative to a user-chosen "Pictures"
   directory, so that it could be moved without having to
   update all the pathnames in the database.

Both of these happen to involve pathnames that exist on
the currrently available file system, but I can easily
imagine cases where that would not be so. E.g. I might
be generating pathames to go into a tar file that will
be unpacked in a different place or on another system.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From pje at  Wed Sep 21 03:01:19 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 21:01:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

At 06:10 PM 9/20/2005 -0400, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>My use case for this isn't so much about threads, but plug-ins.
>Writing multiple Python-based plug-ins for an application is always a
>mess, because they share too much (sys.modules, sys.path, etc.).
>PyObjC would benefit greatly from this feature, because you can write
>Python-based plug-ins for any Cocoa app that supports plug-ins, even
>if they're otherwise unaware of Python's existence.  There are
>workarounds, of course, with import hooks and similar hacks.  I think
>that mod_python would also benefit from this, and probably other such

To that list of shared things, one can easily add sys.argv, sys.stdin, 
sys.stdout, sys.stderr, os.environ, and on and on and on.  But the ones you 
mention present special issues for testing, especially testing of import 
hooks, path management tools and so on.  Decimal contexts are slightly 
better in that they're at least thread-local.  But even if all of these 
things were thread-local, you'd still have problems with task switches 
between pseudothreads, or just maintaining logically separate contexts 
between e.g. different plugins.

I've actually got an idea of how to solve these problems, at least for 
Python-level code, although for it to work right with Python's import 
internals it'd be necessary to use PyObject_* APIs against sys.modules 
instead of PyDict_* ones.  Apart from that, it's implementable in pure 
Python, so non-CPython implementations should be able to use it too.

I've been considering writing a PEP for it, since it also adds a 
generally-useful way of dealing with "context variables" (like the Decimal 
context and the sys.* variables), while being able to support switching 
*all* context variables simultaneously and instantaneously when changing 
execution contexts (like switching between coroutines).  For example, it 
would let 1000 pseudothreads each have a unique current value for 
sys.stdout or the current decimal context, addressing a gap in the fit 
between PEP 343 and PEP 342.  There's currently no reasonable way to task 
switch between co-routines in the body of a 'with:' statement, so things 
like "with redirecting_stdout()" to two places in different coroutines 
breaks horribly.  But context managers implemented via context variables 
would handle such situations automatically, and with isolation of effects 
to the current thread.  It would also allow you to have logically distinct 
plugins by swapping their context variables in when you make callbacks to 
them, so the notion of the "task" to which a set of context variables 
applies is not limited to coroutines.

My prototype implementation of the basic idea is <200 lines of Python and 
very fast: ~2usec on my budget PC to switch between two arbitrarily-sized 
sets of context variables.  The data structure is O(1) for switching sets 
or changing values; it's only O(N) the next time you change a value after 
taking a read-only snapshot of the whole context.  (Taking a snapshot is 
O(1) due to copy-on-write; you can take as many snapshots of the same 
unchanged state without creating any new objects.)

It also takes about 2uS to read a context variable, alas, but a C version 
could drop the overhead down to as little as a single dictionary lookup if 
the "context pointer" were kept in the thread state structure.  (A fair bit 
of the Python implementation's overhead is just getting to the context 
mapping for the current thread.)

The idea isn't fully PEP-ready at this point, though.  I still need to 
flesh out my ideas regarding how context variables would be initialized in 
new threads, for example, or when you spawn new coroutines.

From tjreedy at  Wed Sep 21 03:21:26 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 21:21:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><><><dgpm8q$ili$><><><><><><><>
Message-ID: <dgqcim$v2p$>

"John J Lee" <jjl at> wrote in message 
news:Pine.LNX.4.58.0509202331440.6289 at alice...
> The stricter form where you don't allow 'elif' will get used in more
> restricted circumstances, so gives less encouragement for widespread 
> abuse
> of conditional expressions by people who don't like whitespace-based
> syntax.

I think 'abusiveness' is somewhat in the eye of the beholder here.  In any 
case, without 'elif', one could still chain expressions by writing

x = (if a then b else
      (if c then d else

which is even more Lispish.  I personally think one () is enough and prefer

x = (if   a then b
       elif c then d
                else e)

which is similar to how I wrote such things in C.  Elif has the same 
justification here as with the statement form, where it is also unnecessary 
but saves nesting levels.

Terry J. Reedy

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 21 03:24:29 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:24:29 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgpm8q$ili$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy wrote:

> "The original version of this PEP proposed the following syntax:
>         <expression1> if <condition> else <expression2>
>     The out-of-order arrangement was found to be too uncomfortable
>     for many of participants in the discussion; especially when
>     <expression1> is long, it's easy to miss the conditional while
>     skimming."

Guido wrote that while he was in listen-to-the-masses
mode. If he's switched back to follow-my-instincts
mode, it may need to be re-evaluated.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 21 03:30:54 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:30:54 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I think if we go with (if ... then ... else ...) or (if ...:
> ... else: ...) we'll have to support elif as well:
> (if ... then ... elif ... then ... else ...)
> or
> (if ...: ... elif ...: ... else: ...)

One nice thing about "x if b else y" is that it
chains without needing any more keywords:

   x if b else y if c else z

But if you require parens, it's not so nice:

   (x if b else (y if c else z))

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 21 03:33:57 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:33:57 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I just finished debugging some code that broke after upgrading to
> Python 2.4 (from 2.3). Turns out the code was testing list iterators
> for their boolean value (to distinguish them from None). In 2.3, a
> list iterator (like any iterator) is always true. In 2.4, an exhausted
> list iterator is false; probably by virtue of having a __len__()
> method that returns the number of remaining items.

This seems like a misfeature to me. In fact I think an
iterator having a len() method at all is a misfeature --
the concept doesn't make sense.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 21 03:39:07 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:39:07 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <dgoqof$hvo$>
Message-ID: <>

BJ?rn Lindqvist wrote:

> Wouldn't it be possible to omit "and" and "or" to just "then" and "else"? 
> x = 3 and 7 or 44
> x = 3 and then 7 or else 44
> x = 3 then 7 else 44
> And then have another set of and and or for non short-circuiting? 

I don't think the OP was suggesting that 'and' and 'or' be
non-short-circuiting, only that they coerce their evaluated
operands to bool. Short-circuiting vs. non-short-circuiting
is an orthogonal issue.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 21 03:39:10 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:39:10 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgoqof$hvo$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <dgoqof$hvo$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> for Python 3000, I'd recommend switching to "and then" and "or else" instead
> of the current ambiguous single-keyword versions.

And then we could call the language Pyffel. :-)

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Wed Sep 21 09:17:23 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:17:23 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>	<>	<dgpm8q$ili$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <dgr1e3$8il$>

Jason Orendorff wrote:

> Honestly, I think I would prefer this syntax.  Examples from real
> code, before and after:
>     lines = [line for line in pr.block.body
>              if line.logical_line.strip() != '']
>     lines = [for line in pr.block.body:
>                  if line.logical_line.strip() != '':
>                      line]
>     row.values = \
> 	[line[col.start:col.end].strip() for col in columns]
>     row.values = \
> 	[for col in columns: line[col.start:col.end].rstrip()]
>     return [p for p in self.listdir(pattern) if p.isdir()]
>     return [for p in self.listdir(pattern): if p.isdir(): p]

-1. Too much similarity with the for/if statement. People would say
"why can we put a for statement in brackets but not a try statement".


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From mwh at  Wed Sep 21 11:39:29 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:39:29 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Brett Cannon's
	message of "Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:28:48 -0700")
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Brett Cannon <bcannon at> writes:

> On 9/20/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> [SNIP]
>> I _like_ the explanation of 'and' and 'or' as they are now.  They are
>> basically control flow constructs -- and have to be to get
>> short-circuiting to work -- and adding a coercion to bool at the end
>> seems to add complexity, not reduce it (on some levels, anyway).
> If you change the definition of 'and' and 'or' to be boolean
> comparison operators (as Raymond is proposing) and not as control flow
> constructs then is it really that complicated?

If you eliminate the short circuiting behaviour of 'or' and 'and' the
mobs will be after you with torches and pitchforks (and I'll be with

> I think it would actually simplify things very slightly since you
> just say a boolean is returned instead of the last executed
> expression by the operator.

You might as well have 'and' be a builtin, then -- or do I misread

>> > P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
>> > conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.
>> ... which was in the past, I thought.
> It was, but changing 'and' and 'or' does tweak the usefulness of a
> conditional operator.

Another reason why it's a bad idea :) <wink>


  I've reinvented the idea of variables and types as in a
  programming language, something I do on every project.
                                          -- Greg Ward, September 1998

From gmccaughan at  Wed Sep 21 11:52:53 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:52:53 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

> I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
> colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
> generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

FWLIW, this was my (strong) preference back at the time of the
original discussion.


From mwh at  Wed Sep 21 12:10:37 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:10:37 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (Guido van Rossum's
	message of "Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:17:41 -0700")
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

>> Given the later addition of generator expressions with mandatory
>> parentheses , the mandatory-parentheses version of a conditional expression
>> looks less strange to me than it did then ;-).  So I could happily use it
>> even though I may still lean toward the other option 2 version (then-else)
>> due to  its not needing ':'s or a third elseif term for chaining.
> I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
> colons. 

My problem with this syntax is that it can be hard to read:

return if self.arg is None then default else self.arg

looks worryingly like


to me.

> None of the other expression forms (list comprehensions and
> generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

This is also true.

>> *If* you want general community input, I would suggest a runoff ballot with
>> those four choices (and a summary of pros and cons of each), or fewer if
>> you see any as unacceptible.
> If there's one thing I've learned from the PEP 308 vote, it is that
> votes for language don't work. I prefer some discussion on Python-dev
> after which I pick one.

Well, this is my input (and now I'm going to try and stay out of it).


59. In English every word can be verbed. Would that it were so in
    our programming languages.
  -- Alan Perlis,

From abo at  Wed Sep 21 12:33:03 2005
From: abo at (Donovan Baarda)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:33:03 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 22:43, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/20/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
> I don't know that any chips are designed with threading in mind. Fast
> threading benefits from fast context switches which benefits from
> small register sets. I believe the trend is towards ever large
> register sets. Also, multiple processors with shared memory don't
> scall all that well; multiple processors with explicit IPC channels
> scale much better. All arguments for multi-processing and against
> multi-threading.


I believe the latest MP opteron chipsets use hypertransport busses to
directly access the other processor's memory and possibly CPU cache. In
theory this means shared memory will not hurt too badly, helping
threading. However, memory contention bottlenecks and cache coherency
will always mean shared memory hurts more, and will never scale better,
than IPC.

The reality is threads were invented as a low overhead way of easily
implementing concurrent applications... ON A SINGLE PROCESSOR. Taking
into account threading's limitations and objectives, Python's GIL is the
best way to support threads. When hardware (seriously) moves to multiple
processors, other concurrency models will start to shine. 

In the short term there will be various hacks to try and make the
existing plethora of threading applications run better on multiple
processors, but ultimately the overheads of shared memory will force
serious multi-processing to use IPC channels. If you want serious MP,
use processes, not threads.

I see anti-GIL threads again and again. Get over it... the GIL rocks for
threads :-)

Donovan Baarda <abo at>

From mark.russell at  Wed Sep 21 13:08:53 2005
From: mark.russell at (Mark Russell)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:08:53 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <1127300933.5473.74.camel@localhost>

On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 11:10, Michael Hudson wrote:
> My problem with this syntax is that it can be hard to read:
> return if self.arg is None then default else self.arg
> looks worryingly like
> to me.

I think that requriing parens helps a lot with the list-of-names problem
- it nicely delimits the conditional expression for human readers:

      return (if self.arg is None then default else self.arg)

In particular it breaks up the misleading grouping "return if".

Mark Russell

From ncoghlan at  Wed Sep 21 13:14:57 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 21:14:57 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>	<>	<dgpm8q$ili$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>I think if we go with (if ... then ... else ...) or (if ...:
>>... else: ...) we'll have to support elif as well:
>>(if ... then ... elif ... then ... else ...)
>>(if ...: ... elif ...: ... else: ...)
> One nice thing about "x if b else y" is that it
> chains without needing any more keywords:
>    x if b else y if c else z
> But if you require parens, it's not so nice:
>    (x if b else (y if c else z))

If Guido chose this form, I would expect the chaining to work like chaining 
loops in a generator expression, with parentheses being required around the 
whole thing, rather than around each element in the chain:

     (x if b else y if c else z)

The point being that the result of the conditional expression is exactly one 
of the options included in the expression, so only one set of parentheses is 


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From skip at  Wed Sep 21 16:22:09 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:22:09 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

I suppose this is a dead horse now, but I will kick it one more time.

Under the rubrics of "explicit is better than implicit" and "there should
only be one wat to do it", I would rather see

    bool_val = bool(foo or bar)

instead of having the "or" operator implicitly call bool() for me.  There's
clear value to the current semantics and it's so easy to get a boolean if
you want it, I see no reason for a change.


From guido at  Wed Sep 21 17:26:55 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 08:26:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/21/05, Donovan Baarda <abo at> wrote:
> The reality is threads were invented as a low overhead way of easily
> implementing concurrent applications... ON A SINGLE PROCESSOR. Taking
> into account threading's limitations and objectives, Python's GIL is the
> best way to support threads.

QOTF candidate!

(I wonder if this thread could be summarized into a PEP we can use
instead of future discussions rehashing the same issues?)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From rrr at  Wed Sep 21 17:39:45 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:39:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>	<>	<dgpm8q$ili$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>One nice thing about "x if b else y" is that it
>>chains without needing any more keywords:
>>   x if b else y if c else z
>>But if you require parens, it's not so nice:
>>   (x if b else (y if c else z))

> If Guido chose this form, I would expect the chaining to work like chaining 
> loops in a generator expression, with parentheses being required around the 
> whole thing, rather than around each element in the chain:
>      (x if b else y if c else z)
> The point being that the result of the conditional expression is exactly one 
> of the options included in the expression, so only one set of parentheses is 
> required.

Either a or b could be a nested expression so it's important that it be 
readable in both cases.

(a if e then b)
((a1 if e1 then b1) if e then b)
(a if e then (a2 if e2 then b2))
((a1 if e1 then b1) if e then (a2 if e2 then b2))

Without parentheses...

(a if e then b)
(a1 if e1 then b1 if e then b)
(a if e then a2 if e2 then b2)
(a1 if e1 then b1 if e then a2 if e2 then b2)

I think the parentheses version is clearer. To me it's not as easy to 
picture what will happen when the condition is in the middle of the 

Also in the above, is e1 evaluated before e?  That would mean the result 
of e1 (a1 or b1) is thrown away if e if false.

So looking at a few alternatives ...

(e ? a : b)
(e ? (e1 ? a1 : b1) : b)
(e ? a : (e2 ? a2 : b2))
(e ? (e1 ? a1 : b1) : (e2 ? a2 : b2))

This better represents a decision tree I think. Each comparison gives 
one of two possible results which may be another comparison.

Using keywords instead...

(if e, a else b)
(if e, (if e1, a1 else b1) else b)
(if e, a else (if e2, a2 else b2))
(if e, (if e1, a1 else b1) else (if e2, a2 else b2))

(if e then a else b)
(if e then (if e1 then a1 else b1) else b)
(if e then a else (if e2 then a2 else b2))
(if e then (if e1 then a1 else b1) else (if e2 then a2 else b2))

or... possibly...

(e selects a else b)
(e selects (e1 selects a1 else b1) else b)
(e selects a else (e2 selects a2 else b2))
(e selects (e1 selects a1 else b1) else (e2 selects a2 else b2))

I like this one, but maybe a shorter verb would be nice.

Other possible words might be "gives", "chooses" or "picks".

With the (e?a:b) syntax, I tend to want to switch the '?' and ':' here 
so that the colon is more consistent with how Python uses it.

(e: a ? b)
(e: (e1: a1 ? b1) ? b)
(e: a ? (e2: a2 ? b2))
(e: (e1: a1 ? b1) ? (e2: a2 ? b2))

That may be more confusing to those who are use to 'C', but clearer to 
those who use Python as their main programming language.  The '?' 
becomes an 'else' which might be useful in other expressions.

Without the colon ...

(e selects a ? b)
(e selects (e1 selects a1 ? b1) ? b)
(e selects a ? (e2 selects a2 ? b2))
(e selects (e1 selects a1 ? b1) ? (e2 selects a2 ? b2))

Or if e evaluates an integer... :-)

(e selects a, b, c, ...)

I think this would be quite useful and would work perfectly well with 
boolean expressions as well.  The advantage here is that a,b,c etc.. 
would not be pre evaluated as they are when you use a list or dictionary.

(e selects a, b)
(e selects (e1 selects a1, b1), b)
(e selects a, (e2 selects a2, b2))
(e selects (e1 selects a1, b1), (e2 selects a2, b2))

( e selects (e1 selects a1, b1),
             (e2 selects a2, b2),
             (e3 selects a3, b3) )

Being able to have more than two alternative may reduce the need to nest 
or chain them in some cases.

A variation might be to have negative index's pick from the far end just 
as list index's do.

This would be my choice although I wasn't thinking of it when I started 
this reply. ;-)


From gherron at  Wed Sep 21 17:46:47 2005
From: gherron at (Gary Herron)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 08:46:47 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>	<>	<dgpm8q$ili$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:

>Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:
>>>Given the later addition of generator expressions with mandatory
>>>parentheses , the mandatory-parentheses version of a conditional expression
>>>looks less strange to me than it did then ;-).  So I could happily use it
>>>even though I may still lean toward the other option 2 version (then-else)
>>>due to  its not needing ':'s or a third elseif term for chaining.
>>I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
>My problem with this syntax is that it can be hard to read:
>return if self.arg is None then default else self.arg
>looks worryingly like
>to me.
But that's exactly what any language looks like if you get abstract enough:


And in fact, one read and understands your return statement just like an 
English sentence -- word by word from beginning to end.  This seems an 
argument FOR the syntax not against.    Moreover, if one uses the 
proposed parenthesized syntax, even the slightly odd word order of 
"return if" is mitigated.

  return (if self.arg is None then default else self.arg)

>>None of the other expression forms (list comprehensions and
>>generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.
>This is also true.
>>>*If* you want general community input, I would suggest a runoff ballot with
>>>those four choices (and a summary of pros and cons of each), or fewer if
>>>you see any as unacceptible.
>>If there's one thing I've learned from the PEP 308 vote, it is that
>>votes for language don't work. I prefer some discussion on Python-dev
>>after which I pick one.
>Well, this is my input (and now I'm going to try and stay out of it).

From pjones at  Wed Sep 21 18:04:03 2005
From: pjones at (Peter Jones)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:04:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] unintentional and unsafe use of realpath()
In-Reply-To: <1126725908.23071.11.camel@localhost.localdomain>
References: <1126380571.21655.18.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <1127318643.12452.1.camel@localhost.localdomain>

On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 15:25 -0400, Peter Jones wrote:
[ comments and a patch for sysmodule.c and some configure related files]

... and that patch has obvious problems as well.

Here's a corrected one:

--- Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:04.000000000 -0400
+++ Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:02.000000000 -0400
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
 /* Define if pthread_sigmask() does not work on your system. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `canonicalize_file_name' function. */
 /* Define to 1 if you have the `chown' function. */
 #undef HAVE_CHOWN
--- Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c.canonicalize	2005-09-14 11:53:30.000000000 -0400
+++ Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c	2005-09-14 11:52:04.000000000 -0400
@@ -1184,6 +1184,11 @@
 		char *p = NULL;
 		int n = 0;
 		PyObject *a;
+		argv0 = canonicalize_file_name(argv0);
+		if (argv0 == NULL)
+			Py_FatalError("no mem for sys.argv");
 		char link[MAXPATHLEN+1];
 		char argv0copy[2*MAXPATHLEN+1];
@@ -1256,9 +1261,13 @@
 #endif /* Unix */
 #endif /* All others */
 		a = PyString_FromStringAndSize(argv0, n);
 		if (a == NULL)
 			Py_FatalError("no mem for sys.path insertion");
+		free(argv0);
 		if (PyList_Insert(path, 0, a) < 0)
 			Py_FatalError("sys.path.insert(0) failed");
--- Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:46:00.000000000 -0400
+++ Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:22.000000000 -0400
@@ -2096,8 +2096,8 @@
 # checks for library functions
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(alarm bind_textdomain_codeset chown clock confstr ctermid \
- execv fork fpathconf ftime ftruncate \
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(alarm bind_textdomain_codeset canonicalize_file_name chown \
+ clock confstr ctermid execv fork fpathconf ftime ftruncate \
  gai_strerror getgroups getlogin getloadavg getpeername getpgid getpid \
  getpriority getpwent getsid getwd \
  kill killpg lchown lstat mkfifo mknod mktime \


From steven.bethard at  Wed Sep 21 18:14:07 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:14:07 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Adam wrote:
> So looking at a few alternatives ...
> (e ? (e1 ? a1 : b1) : (e2 ? a2 : b2))
> (if e, (if e1, a1 else b1) else (if e2, a2 else b2))
> (if e then (if e1 then a1 else b1) else (if e2 then a2 else b2))
> (e selects (e1 selects a1 else b1) else (e2 selects a2 else b2))
> (e: (e1: a1 ? b1) ? (e2: a2 ? b2))
> (e selects (e1 selects a1 ? b1) ? (e2 selects a2 ? b2))
> (e selects (e1 selects a1, b1), (e2 selects a2, b2))

Please no more syntax proposals!  There were enough in the PEP.  It
looks like most people support a conditional expression of some sort. 
We need to leave the syntax to Guido.  We've already proved that like
the decorators discussions, we can't as a community agree on a syntax.
 That's what we have a BDFL for. =)

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From s.percivall at  Wed Sep 21 18:26:11 2005
From: s.percivall at (Simon Percivall)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 18:26:11 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21 sep 2005, at 12.33, Donovan Baarda wrote:
> In the short term there will be various hacks to try and make the
> existing plethora of threading applications run better on multiple
> processors, but ultimately the overheads of shared memory will force
> serious multi-processing to use IPC channels. If you want serious MP,
> use processes, not threads.

The problem here is that while Python offers some support for
thread-based multiprogramming in its standard library: theaad,  
Queue, etc., there doesn't seem to exist much support for process-based
multiprogramming beyond the basics. How is the developer helped? with
data sharing, communication, control over running processes, dealing out
tasks to be handled, etc.

The best way to make people stop complaining about the GIL and start  
process-based multiprogramming is to provide solid, standardized support
for process-based multiprogramming.


From guido at  Wed Sep 21 18:32:05 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:32:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/21/05, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at> wrote:
> Please no more syntax proposals!  There were enough in the PEP.  It
> looks like most people support a conditional expression of some sort.
> We need to leave the syntax to Guido.  We've already proved that like
> the decorators discussions, we can't as a community agree on a syntax.
>  That's what we have a BDFL for. =)

Another QOTFcandidate!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From solipsis at  Wed Sep 21 18:31:59 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 18:31:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> The best way to make people stop complaining about the GIL and start  
> using
> process-based multiprogramming is to provide solid, standardized support
> for process-based multiprogramming.

100% agreed. I needed a portable way to know if a program was already
running (and then to send it a simple command), the only simple solution
I found was to listen on a local TCP socket and store the port number in
a file in a known location. Not very elegant IMO.



From trentm at  Wed Sep 21 18:36:38 2005
From: trentm at (Trent Mick)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:36:38 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > But this begs the question: What is relpath good for, anyway?
> A couple of use cases I've encountered:

Another one:

- Build tools that work with paths alot can really improve their log
  readability if relative paths can be used to keep paths short rather
  than the common fallback of just making everything an absolute path.


Trent Mick
TrentM at

From bjourne at  Wed Sep 21 18:56:14 2005
From: bjourne at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?BJ=F6rn_Lindqvist?=)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 18:56:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

> > I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
> > colons.
> My problem with this syntax is that it can be hard to read:
> return if self.arg is None then default else self.arg
> looks worryingly like

That can already be written in Python:

return self.arg or default

And maybe the syntax of the future conditional operator could be
extended so that:

return self.arg else default

Would be equivalent to the previous line. For stuff were a conditional
expression really is needed, like in:

return if self.arg then "yes" else "no"

One would hope that whoever writes the conditional expression doesn't
make the expressions so long and complicated that it looks like NAME
NAME.NAME NAME... It doesn't matter which syntax proposal that wins,
it will still be very tempting to write unreadable code with it (think
nested/chained conditional expressions). That (and the fact that I've
never felt a real need for a conditional expression thanks to the "or"
operator) is my very humble argument against it.

mvh Bj?rn

From jonathan-lists at  Wed Sep 21 19:38:13 2005
From: jonathan-lists at (Jonathan LaCour)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:38:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> The best way to make people stop complaining about the GIL and start
> using process-based multiprogramming is to provide solid, standardized 
> support for process-based multiprogramming.


Huge amounts of effort would have to be invested to remove the GIL for 
the benefit of threads.  Not only would the effort be huge, the 
difficulty and complexity of writing extension modules would be 
increased.  Regardless of the arguments about SMP systems and the GIL, 
Python should provide as much support for process-based 
multi-programming as it does for threading.

How about sinking that same effort into better Python support for 
process-based multi-programming?  All the categories that Simon 
suggested are great candidates for the targets of this effort.  Are 
there any existing efforts that I don't know about?

Jonathan LaCour

From jcarlson at  Wed Sep 21 19:38:49 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:38:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> > The best way to make people stop complaining about the GIL and start  
> > using
> > process-based multiprogramming is to provide solid, standardized support
> > for process-based multiprogramming.
> 100% agreed. I needed a portable way to know if a program was already
> running (and then to send it a simple command), the only simple solution
> I found was to listen on a local TCP socket and store the port number in
> a file in a known location. Not very elegant IMO.

On *nix, use a unix domain socket (location in the filesystem which acts
as a listening socket).  On Windows, you can use cTypes, pywin32, etc.,
to create a global mutex and/or COM interface.

Alternatively, you can write your own cross-platform registry for
services, have it running on your machines all the time, and never worry

Or one can pick a port to use on all systems and not bother with the the
file listing the port, ignore domain sockets, COM interfaces, and

In terms of IPC, the application may determine which is most usable.  If
one had a service distributed across multiple machines, sockets are
necessary.  If one only needed local access, shared memory (perhaps via
a memory mapped file) would be significantly faster.  In the case of
multiple machines with multiple processors, one could opt for shared
memory locally but sockets globally, which could complicate the
interface, result in non-uniform performance for transfers, which may
then necessate complicating the application in order to gain the highest
throughput (I've done this previously using MPI, it can be a PITA).

 - Josiah

From paragate at  Wed Sep 21 20:11:25 2005
From: paragate at (Wolfgang Lipp)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:11:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <op.sxgstb1n0gn541@theta>

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005 02:55:56 +0200, Greg Ewing  
<greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Both of these happen to involve pathnames that exist on
> the currrently available file system, but I can easily
> imagine cases where that would not be so. E.g. I might
> be generating pathames to go into a tar file that will
> be unpacked in a different place or on another system.

imho, it would be a good thing for a future 'file system handling module'
to build more of an abstracted tree-like graph that may or may not be  
(and may or may not be used in a particular case to actually map)
to existing objects on a particular system. for example, i find it
a bit in my way a lot of times that all the locators i have os.path
handle for me are written according to the os, not in a unified,
abstracted way. given that there are a number of applications (xml
documents, file system handling, urls, archives...) that have very similar
requirements, maybe there is a useful abstraction that covers these
and other cases. some nitty-gritty details could be captured by suitable
specializations of the general case.


From ronaldoussoren at  Wed Sep 21 20:11:01 2005
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:11:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21-sep-2005, at 0:10, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> My use case for this isn't so much about threads, but plug-ins.
> Writing multiple Python-based plug-ins for an application is always a
> mess, because they share too much (sys.modules, sys.path, etc.).
> PyObjC would benefit greatly from this feature, because you can write
> Python-based plug-ins for any Cocoa app that supports plug-ins, even
> if they're otherwise unaware of Python's existence.  There are
> workarounds, of course, with import hooks and similar hacks.  I think
> that mod_python would also benefit from this, and probably other such
> systems.

For PyObjC having multiple interpreters in a process would cause me  
severe headaches. Due to the nature of PyObjC it would be way too  
easy to accidently access objects from one interpreter in another  
interpreter (in a hypothetical universe where it would be easy to use  
multiple interpreters). And lets not get started about the GIL, I  
don't think its accidental that PyGILState_Ensure only works with one  

A system like Java's classloader would be helpfull, where the  
classloader of a class is used to load the classes used by that  
class. I have no idea if this can be adapted to python at all. A  
strict coding style seems to work for now.

-------------- next part --------------
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From martin at  Wed Sep 21 20:27:12 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:27:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Neal Norwitz wrote:
> (I need to write a lot more suppression rules for gentoo.)

This could be due to your using GCC 4. Apparently, gcc 4
is willing to inline Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE even though it
appears at the end of the file, at -O3.

To suppress that, you can declare the function as
__attribute__((noinline)). You will need to conditionalize
this on gcc, but not only that: it appears that noinline
was one of the more recent additions. I'm not sure when
it was added, but apparently, it is present in 3.3 and

Alternatively, just recompiling the file without -O3 also


From mwh at  Wed Sep 21 20:30:43 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 19:30:43 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?BJ=F6rn_Lindqvist's_message_of?= "Wed,
	21 Sep 2005 18:56:14 +0200")
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

BJ?rn Lindqvist <bjourne at> writes:

>> My problem with this syntax is that it can be hard to read:
>> return if self.arg is None then default else self.arg
>> looks worryingly like
> That can already be written in Python:

No it can't!  Would you believe I had this exact conversation two and
a half years ago? :)

> return self.arg or default

Consider what happens if self.arg is 0, here.


  If I had wanted your website to make noise I would have licked
  my finger and rubbed it across the monitor.
                           -- signature of "istartedi" on

From bcannon at  Wed Sep 21 20:55:41 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:55:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/21/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> Brett Cannon <bcannon at> writes:
> > On 9/20/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> > [SNIP]
> >> I _like_ the explanation of 'and' and 'or' as they are now.  They are
> >> basically control flow constructs -- and have to be to get
> >> short-circuiting to work -- and adding a coercion to bool at the end
> >> seems to add complexity, not reduce it (on some levels, anyway).
> >>
> >
> > If you change the definition of 'and' and 'or' to be boolean
> > comparison operators (as Raymond is proposing) and not as control flow
> > constructs then is it really that complicated?
> If you eliminate the short circuiting behaviour of 'or' and 'and' the
> mobs will be after you with torches and pitchforks (and I'll be with
> them).

I am not suggesting that at all.  I would put myself on a pike first
before the mob got there.  =)

> > I think it would actually simplify things very slightly since you
> > just say a boolean is returned instead of the last executed
> > expression by the operator.
> You might as well have 'and' be a builtin, then -- or do I misread
> you?

I think you might be misreading me, but since Guido seems to have made
the decision that 'and' and 'or' are not changing there is no need to
try to clarify.

> >> > P.S.  Simplifying "and" and "or" may create a need to introduce a
> >> > conditional operator but that is a discussion for another day.
> >>
> >> ... which was in the past, I thought.
> >
> > It was, but changing 'and' and 'or' does tweak the usefulness of a
> > conditional operator.
> Another reason why it's a bad idea :) <wink>



From python-dev-list at  Wed Sep 21 20:56:01 2005
From: python-dev-list at (Christian Stork)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:56:01 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative name for  str.partition()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <001901c5ac5d$5985bcc0$eb29c797@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

I know I'm coming too late to this discussion, but just for completeness
sake let me mention that the OCaml standard List module uses 'partition'
already in the sense that most mathematically educated people would
understand it:

    val partition : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list

    partition p l returns a pair of lists (l1, l2), where l1 is the list
    of all the elements of l that satisfy the predicate p, and l2 is the
    list of all the elements of l that do not satisfy p. The order of
    the elements in the input list is preserved.

Haskell's Data.List.partion is defined the same way.

So this seems to be generally agreed upon, at least for functional
programming languages.  This is why I have to agree with Greg:

On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 12:49:26PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
> A more descriptive name than 'partition' would be 'split_at'.

'split_at' is really what's happening.  (I came up with it independently
of Greg, if that is any evidence).

Chris Stork   <>  Support!  <>
OpenPGP fingerprint:  B08B 602C C806 C492 D069  021E 41F3 8C8D 50F9 CA2F

From tjreedy at  Wed Sep 21 20:41:39 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 14:41:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><dgpm8q$ili$><><><><>
Message-ID: <dgs9h3$iso$>


When you invited resumed discussion, did you intend to proceed from where 
the revised PEP left off (with a few variations on the table), or to start 
over from point zero (with potentially anything and everything on the 
table).  In particular, do we need to rehash the reasons for rejection of 
the backwards if-else proposal that a few seem to wish to resurrect?

Many people, perhaps most, including me, read

exp1 if exp2 else exp3 # as
cond if etrue else efalse # in direct analogy with
cond ?  etrue :     efalse # from C

I mentally read ?: in C as if/else!  It took a few readings of the proposal 
to even realize that it the order flipped.

There there is the obvious analogy with Python's
if cond: etrue
else:      efalse
with 'if' moved over to the first : position (and the : then removed) but 
with 'else' still between the alternatives (and the second : also removed).

Then there are conditional functions, in various languages, iff(cond, 
etrue, efalse), which as far as I know always have the expressions in that 

Need I continue?  Or is the dead still dead?

Terry J. Reedy

From guido at  Wed Sep 21 21:04:26 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:04:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

(Interestign to see the PyObjC folks disagree. :-)

On 9/21/05, Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at> wrote:
> On 21-sep-2005, at 0:10, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> >
> > My use case for this isn't so much about threads, but plug-ins.
> > Writing multiple Python-based plug-ins for an application is always a
> > mess, because they share too much (sys.modules, sys.path, etc.).
> > PyObjC would benefit greatly from this feature, because you can write
> > Python-based plug-ins for any Cocoa app that supports plug-ins, even
> > if they're otherwise unaware of Python's existence.  There are
> > workarounds, of course, with import hooks and similar hacks.  I think
> > that mod_python would also benefit from this, and probably other such
> > systems.
> For PyObjC having multiple interpreters in a process would cause me
> severe headaches. Due to the nature of PyObjC it would be way too
> easy to accidently access objects from one interpreter in another
> interpreter (in a hypothetical universe where it would be easy to use
> multiple interpreters). And lets not get started about the GIL, I
> don't think its accidental that PyGILState_Ensure only works with one
> interpreter.

Actually Python itself has a hard time keeping multiple interpreters
truly separate. Also of course there are some shared resources
maintained by the operating system: current directory, open file
descriptors, signal settings, child processes, that sort of thing.

If we were to completely drop this feature, we could make built-in
classes modifyable.

> A system like Java's classloader would be helpfull, where the
> classloader of a class is used to load the classes used by that
> class. I have no idea if this can be adapted to python at all. A
> strict coding style seems to work for now.

You can do something like this using the restricted execution support,
which works by setting the __builtins__ name in a dict where you exec
code, and overriding __import__ in that __builtins__ dict. (I can't
explain it too well in one paragraph, just go look up the
source code.)

It's not great for guaranteeing there's absolutely no escape possible
from the sandbox, but it works well enough to make accidental resource
sharing a non-issue (apart from the OS shared resources and the
built-in types). A misfeature (for this purpose) is that certain kinds
of introspection are disabled (this was of course to enable restricted

I'd be willing to entertain improvements that improve the insulation
this provides.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Wed Sep 21 21:05:53 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:05:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgs9h3$iso$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

I think a recap of past arguments is useful. Me-too votes are not. i
will read everything and pick a syntax and that's it. We can do it in
Python 2.5.

On 9/21/05, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> Guido:
> When you invited resumed discussion, did you intend to proceed from where
> the revised PEP left off (with a few variations on the table), or to start
> over from point zero (with potentially anything and everything on the
> table).  In particular, do we need to rehash the reasons for rejection of
> the backwards if-else proposal that a few seem to wish to resurrect?
> Many people, perhaps most, including me, read
> exp1 if exp2 else exp3 # as
> cond if etrue else efalse # in direct analogy with
> cond ?  etrue :     efalse # from C
> I mentally read ?: in C as if/else!  It took a few readings of the proposal
> to even realize that it the order flipped.
> There there is the obvious analogy with Python's
> if cond: etrue
> else:      efalse
> with 'if' moved over to the first : position (and the : then removed) but
> with 'else' still between the alternatives (and the second : also removed).
> Then there are conditional functions, in various languages, iff(cond,
> etrue, efalse), which as far as I know always have the expressions in that
> order.
> Need I continue?  Or is the dead still dead?
> Terry J. Reedy
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From theller at  Wed Sep 21 20:59:11 2005
From: theller at (Thomas Heller)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:59:11 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Ippolito <bob at> writes:

> Personally my biggest issue with the way the CPython VM works is that  
> you can't reliably do multiple interpreters in a single process.  If  
> that worked well, you could start an independent interpreter per  
> thread and with a per-interpreter GIL you'd have pretty much  
> everything you needed... but this would horribly break the C API and  
> may be a performance hit.
> My use case for this isn't so much about threads, but plug-ins.   
> Writing multiple Python-based plug-ins for an application is always a  
> mess, because they share too much (sys.modules, sys.path, etc.).   
> PyObjC would benefit greatly from this feature, because you can write  
> Python-based plug-ins for any Cocoa app that supports plug-ins, even  
> if they're otherwise unaware of Python's existence.  There are  
> workarounds, of course, with import hooks and similar hacks.  I think  
> that mod_python would also benefit from this, and probably other such  
> systems.

Just a note in case you didn't know this already, probably off-topic for
python-dev, but not meant as advertisement for py2exe): the same
(plug-in) problem occurs with an inprocess COM server and a Python
client program, or more than one inproc COM server in any client
program.  The 0.6 py2exe release with it's bundle-file option allows to
build COM dlls (and client EXE programs, if needed) that APPEAR to have
a statically linked copy of Python##.dll, and so have several CPython
VMs running in the same process.  In case anybody want's to take a look
or experiment with it.


From jimjjewett at  Wed Sep 21 21:14:34 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:14:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
Message-ID: <>

Ron Adam wrote:

> ( e selects (e1 selects a1, b1),
>                   (e2 selects a2, b2),
>                   (e3 selects a3, b3) )

I think you've just reinvented the case statement, which
disagrees with "if" over the order of true and false clauses.

For a conditional expression, I think the choices are really down
to the following, which was already way too much freedom last
( time:

(1)  Should it be done at all?
    +  It would be useful, and avoid certain types of bugs.
    -  It would encourage bracketing instead of indentation

PEP 308 decided "not yet, anyhow"

(2)  How many of the keywords (if ... then ... else ... elif) should be dropped?
    (if test then True else False)
        + standard english
        + standard programming idiom
        - adds a "then" keyword
    (if test True else False)
        + better parallels the if: statement
        - starts to run together
    (if test1 Val1 elif test2 Val2 elif test3 Val3)
        + parallels the if: statement
        - encourages overly long code
        * but still better than nested parens

PEP 308 wasn't entirely clear; the words said to keep "elif", but
the examples did not.  There was some disagreement on which
of the other three keywords to represent explicitly.  (Rather than
only by position.)

(3)  What order should the clauses appear?
    (if test then True else False)
    (if test1 then Val1 elif test2 Val2 elif test3 Val3 else Val4)
        + Natural Order
        - do we need "then"?
    (True if normal else False)
    (Val1 if test1 else Val2 if test2 else Val3 if test3 else Val4)
        + Best order for normal/default conditionals
        + Best order in general if we weren't used to left-right processing
        - But we *do* expect left->right almost everywhere except assignments

PEP 308 made it clear that "else" should be last.  Putting the condition
before the "then" was not as clearcut.

(4)  What sort of punctuation should augment or replace the keywords?

PEP 308 suggested avoiding punctuation, but it wasn't clearcut.


From ronaldoussoren at  Wed Sep 21 21:16:58 2005
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 21:16:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21-sep-2005, at 21:04, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> A system like Java's classloader would be helpfull, where the
>> classloader of a class is used to load the classes used by that
>> class. I have no idea if this can be adapted to python at all. A
>> strict coding style seems to work for now.
> You can do something like this using the restricted execution support,
> which works by setting the __builtins__ name in a dict where you exec
> code, and overriding __import__ in that __builtins__ dict. (I can't
> explain it too well in one paragraph, just go look up the
> source code.)
> It's not great for guaranteeing there's absolutely no escape possible
> from the sandbox, but it works well enough to make accidental resource
> sharing a non-issue (apart from the OS shared resources and the
> built-in types). A misfeature (for this purpose) is that certain kinds
> of introspection are disabled (this was of course to enable restricted
> execution).

Replacing __builtins__ hadn't crossed my mind yet. My first cut at  
building plugins played games with __path__, Bob then replaced that  
by a version that actually works using py2app.

The sandbox doesn't need to closed for plugins, it's only needed to  
avoid accidental naming clashes (two independent plugins that contain  
a util module). I don't know if restrictions on introspection would  
be an issue, I haven't felt the need to write real plugins yet. Well  
other than the 'look I've a python interpreter inside <your favorite  
app goes here>' demo plugins.


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From rrr at  Wed Sep 21 21:16:28 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:16:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>	<dgpm8q$ili$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:

> Please no more syntax proposals!  There were enough in the PEP.  It
> looks like most people support a conditional expression of some sort. 
> We need to leave the syntax to Guido.  We've already proved that like
> the decorators discussions, we can't as a community agree on a syntax.
>  That's what we have a BDFL for. =)

No problem, I'll go back to watching this interesting discussion and see 
what happens. :-)

I really should have deleted all but the last one anyway and probably 
should have moved it to python-list at that point since it's quite 
different from whats being proposed I think.


From pje at  Wed Sep 21 22:12:19 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 16:12:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:04 PM 9/21/2005 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>Actually Python itself has a hard time keeping multiple interpreters
>truly separate. Also of course there are some shared resources
>maintained by the operating system: current directory, open file
>descriptors, signal settings, child processes, that sort of thing.
>If we were to completely drop this feature, we could make built-in
>classes modifyable.

I'd personally much rather we got back the ability to change the type of an 
instance of a builtin to that of a Python subclass of that builtin type, or 
to change it back.  I have more use cases for that than for actually 
modifying builtins.  (E.g. "observable" lists/dicts, hooking module 
__getattr__, etc.)

> > A system like Java's classloader would be helpfull, where the
> > classloader of a class is used to load the classes used by that
> > class. I have no idea if this can be adapted to python at all. A
> > strict coding style seems to work for now.
>You can do something like this using the restricted execution support,
>which works by setting the __builtins__ name in a dict where you exec
>code, and overriding __import__ in that __builtins__ dict. (I can't
>explain it too well in one paragraph, just go look up the
>source code.)
>It's not great for guaranteeing there's absolutely no escape possible
>from the sandbox, but it works well enough to make accidental resource
>sharing a non-issue (apart from the OS shared resources and the
>built-in types). A misfeature (for this purpose) is that certain kinds
>of introspection are disabled (this was of course to enable restricted

Another misfeature is that some C-level Python code expects to obtain 
sys.modules, builtins, etc. via the interpreter struct.  Thus, you tend to 
have to reimplement those things in Python to get them to respect a 
virtualization of sys.modules.  I have to admit I've only dabbled in 
attempting this, just long enough to hit a stumbling block or two and then 
discover that they were because sys.modules is in the interpreter 
struct.  Of course, my next thought then was to just expose the 
multi-interpreter API as an extension module, so that you could create 
interpreters from Python code.  The project I'd originally planned to do 
this for never materialized though, so I never actually attempted it.

My thought, though, was that by swapping the current interpreter of the 
thread state when crossing code boundaries, you could keep both the 
Python-level and C-level code happy.  However, it might also suffice to 
have a way to switch in and out the interpreter configuration (sys.modules, 
sys.__dict__, and __builtins__ at minimum; I don't have any clear use case 
for changing the three codec_* vars at the moment).

>I'd be willing to entertain improvements that improve the insulation
>this provides.

Since there's already a way to change __builtins__ in the threadstate, 
maybe the C API could be changed to obtain the six interpreter variables 
via builtins rather than the other way around.  This would allow us to drop 
the multi-interpreter API from C (along with support for restricted mode) 
but still allow complete virtualization from inside Python code.

The steps would be:

1. Remove restricted mode support
2. Change the tstate structure to have a 'builtins'
3. Change code that does tstate->interp lookups to instead lookup special 
names in the tstate's builtins

At that point, you can exec code with new builtins to bootstrap a virtual 
Python, subject to limitations like being able to load a given extension 
module only once.

Systems like mod_python that use the multi-interpreter API now would just 
need to bootstrap a new __builtins__.

Sadly, this doesn't *really* cure the GIL-ensure problem, in that you still 
don't have a specially-distinguished __builtins__ to use when you call into 
Python from a C-started thread.  On the other hand, I suspect that the use 
cases for that, and the use cases for virtualization don't overlap much, so 
having a distinguished place to hold the "default" (i.e. initial) builtins 
probably doesn't hurt virtualization much, since you can always *modify* 
that set of builtins if you need to.

From tjreedy at  Wed Sep 21 22:15:14 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 16:15:14 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative name for  str.partition()
References: <001901c5ac5d$5985bcc0$eb29c797@oemcomputer><>
Message-ID: <dgsf0h$6di$>

"Christian Stork" <python-dev-list at> 
wrote in message news:20050921185601.GA22265 at
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 12:49:26PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
>> A more descriptive name than 'partition' would be 'split_at'.
> 'split_at' is really what's happening.  (I came up with it independently
> of Greg, if that is any evidence).

At least semi-seriously, how about condensing 'split_at' to 'splat', a 
variant of split (and splash), as in 'hit the string on the separator, and 
with a splat, split it into 3 pieces'.  (See for various 

Terry J. Reedy

From nnorwitz at  Wed Sep 21 22:33:51 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:33:51 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/21/05, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
> Neal Norwitz wrote:
> > (I need to write a lot more suppression rules for gentoo.)
> This could be due to your using GCC 4. Apparently, gcc 4
> is willing to inline Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE even though it
> appears at the end of the file, at -O3.

I don't think I'm using gcc 4.

> To suppress that, you can declare the function as
> __attribute__((noinline)). You will need to conditionalize
> this on gcc, but not only that: it appears that noinline
> was one of the more recent additions. I'm not sure when
> it was added, but apparently, it is present in 3.3 and
> later.

This is a good point.  I recall when I made Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE the
docs said that anything could be inlined.  I think it would be good to
use this attribute (conditionally of course).  I'll try to remember to
add this.

I wonder if using attributes for other features would gain us much.  I
would really like to be able to use attributes for
PyArgs_ParseTuple(), but I don't think gcc can use user defined
formats.  It's only printf AFAIR.  Does anyone know if this isn't true
and we can define our own format -> type mappings?


From raymond.hettinger at  Wed Sep 21 22:31:53 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 16:31:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <004f01c5beeb$816ca460$3e3ac797@oemcomputer>

[Guido van Rossum]
> Could you at least admit that this was an oversight and not try to
> pretend it was intentional breakage?

Absolutely.  I completely missed this one.


From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep 22 00:35:06 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:35:06 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Jewett wrote:
<a very nice summary>
> (3)  What order should the clauses appear?
>     (if test then True else False)
>     (if test1 then Val1 elif test2 Val2 elif test3 Val3 else Val4)
>         + Natural Order
>         - do we need "then"?
>     (True if normal else False)
>     (Val1 if test1 else Val2 if test2 else Val3 if test3 else Val4)
>         + Best order for normal/default conditionals
>         + Best order in general if we weren't used to left-right processing
>         - But we *do* expect left->right almost everywhere except assignments

           + out-of-order evaluation is already used in LC's and GE's
           + declarative style, rather than imperative

To try and make that last point clearer:

   real = (z.real if isinstance(z, ComplexType) else z)

This translates directly into in words as: "Set real to be the real component 
of z if z is a complex number, otherwise set it to be the same as z"


   real = (if isinstance(z, ComplexType) then z.real else z)

I can't put that into words without changing the order of the elements either 
by re-using the phrasing from above (with the condition between the two 
outcomes), or else describing the statement form instead of the expression 
form by bringing the condition all the way to the front: "If z is a complex 
number, then set real to be the real component of z, otherwise set real to be 
the same as z"

I find it to be like with GE's and LC's - the phrasing works better with the 
expression at the front, because you say basically what you're doing, then you 
put the additional constraints on it (i.e., which iterable is used as the data 
source, and what filtering is applied to the elements of that iterable)

I think I've said enough on this point though, so I'll try to bite my tongue 
until Guido makes a decision. . .


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From janssen at  Thu Sep 22 01:54:02 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 16:54:02 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 21 Sep 2005 07:22:09 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep21.165406pdt."58617">

I agree with Skip.


> I suppose this is a dead horse now, but I will kick it one more time.
> Under the rubrics of "explicit is better than implicit" and "there should
> only be one wat to do it", I would rather see
>     bool_val = bool(foo or bar)
> instead of having the "or" operator implicitly call bool() for me.  There's
> clear value to the current semantics and it's so easy to get a boolean if
> you want it, I see no reason for a change.
> Skip

From janssen at  Thu Sep 22 01:55:40 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 16:55:40 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:26:11 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep21.165541pdt."58617">

> The best way to make people stop complaining about the GIL and start  
> using
> process-based multiprogramming is to provide solid, standardized support
> for process-based multiprogramming.

And the model provided by the thread abstraction is a good API for that


From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep 22 03:33:42 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 13:33:42 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <001c01c5be3c$53130dc0$6522c797@oemcomputer>
References: <001c01c5be3c$53130dc0$6522c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:

> The Boolean value of an
> iterator is certainly not promised by the iterator protocol as specified
> in the docs or the PEP.

But if the docs don't mention anything about true or
false values for some particular type, one tends to
assume that all values are true, as is the default
for user-defined classes.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep 22 04:52:02 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:52:02 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ron Adam wrote:

> (a if e then b)
> ((a1 if e1 then b1) if e then b)
> (a if e then (a2 if e2 then b2))
> ((a1 if e1 then b1) if e then (a2 if e2 then b2))

I think you mean 'else' rather than 'then' in all
those, don't you?

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From rrr at  Thu Sep 22 04:57:30 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 22:57:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>	<>	<>	<dgpm8q$ili$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Ron Adam wrote:
>>(a if e then b)
>>((a1 if e1 then b1) if e then b)
>>(a if e then (a2 if e2 then b2))
>>((a1 if e1 then b1) if e then (a2 if e2 then b2))
> I think you mean 'else' rather than 'then' in all
> those, don't you?

Yes of course,  thanks for correcting.

From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep 22 05:09:44 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:09:44 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Gary Herron wrote:

> And in fact, one read and understands your return statement just like an 
> English sentence -- word by word from beginning to end.  This seems an 
> argument FOR the syntax not against.    Moreover, if one uses the 
> proposed parenthesized syntax, even the slightly odd word order of 
> "return if" is mitigated.

The reason I like "a if b else c" is because it has the
most natural word order. In English,

   My dog is happy if he has a bone, else sad.

sounds much more natural than

   My dog is, if he has a bone, happy, else sad.

In return statements,

   return self.arg if self.arg is not None else default

looks quite all right to me. I think the fact that it does
resemble English word order so much prevents the word-soup
problem from occurring.

Interestingly, it looks *more* odd to me if parens are

   return (self.arg if self.arg is not None else default)

I think this is because, without the parens, I tend to read
the "if" as applying to the whole phrase "return self.arg",
not just to the "self.arg".

The English analogy is rewriting "My dog is happy if he has
a bone" as "If he has a bone, my dog is happy", which also
sounds natural, whereas "My dog is, if he has a bone, happy"
sounds unnatural.

So I still prefer "a if b else c" to any of the alternatives,
and I still think parens should not be required.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From guido at  Thu Sep 22 05:14:12 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:14:12 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <004f01c5beeb$816ca460$3e3ac797@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/21/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> [Guido van Rossum]
> > Could you at least admit that this was an oversight and not try to
> > pretend it was intentional breakage?
> Absolutely.  I completely missed this one.

Thanks; spoken like a man.

I strongly feel that this needs to be corrected in 2.5.  Iterators
should have neither __len__ nor __nonzero__. I see mostly agreement
that this is a misfeature. We don't really want to start writing code
like this:

  while it:
      x =
      ...process x...

when we can already write it like this:

  for x in it:
      ...process x...

do we?

Keeping a special API to allow a more efficient implementation of
__reversed__ is fine.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep 22 05:23:20 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:23:20 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dgs9h3$iso$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy wrote:

> Many people, perhaps most, including me, read
> exp1 if exp2 else exp3 # as
> cond if etrue else efalse # in direct analogy with
> cond ?  etrue :     efalse # from C

I'd have thought only Forth programmers would be prone to that!

It would surprise me greatly if it's really true that *most*
people would read it that way. Especially given that, in real
code, you're not going to be looking at abstract names like
exp1, exp2, exp3, but (hopefully) something a lot more

Can you honestly say that you would read

   return red_value if color == 'red' else blue_value


   if red_value:
     return color == 'red'
     return blue_value


Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From guido at  Thu Sep 22 05:26:06 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:26:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
Message-ID: <>

The platform module has a way to map system names such as returned by
uname() to marketing names. It maps SunOS to Solaris, for example. But
it doesn't map Darwin to Mac OS X. I think I know how to map Darwin
version numbers to OS X version numbers: from it is clear that OS X
10.a.b corresponds to Darwin (a+4).b, except for OS X versions <=
10.1. I'd be happy to write the code and add it to system_alias() in Is this a good idea?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep 22 05:28:30 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:28:30 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/21/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> The platform module has a way to map system names such as returned by
> uname() to marketing names. It maps SunOS to Solaris, for example. But
> it doesn't map Darwin to Mac OS X. I think I know how to map Darwin
> version numbers to OS X version numbers: from
> it is clear that OS X
> 10.a.b corresponds to Darwin (a+4).b, except for OS X versions <=
> 10.1. I'd be happy to write the code and add it to system_alias() in
> Is this a good idea?

I forgot. The current code recognizes 'Rhapsody' and maps it to "MacOS
X Server". But I don't see any evidence that Apple still uses the code
name Rhapsody. Does uname ever return 'Rhapsody'?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From bob at  Thu Sep 22 05:44:31 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 23:44:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 21, 2005, at 11:26 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> The platform module has a way to map system names such as returned by
> uname() to marketing names. It maps SunOS to Solaris, for example. But
> it doesn't map Darwin to Mac OS X. I think I know how to map Darwin
> version numbers to OS X version numbers: from
> it is clear that OS X
> 10.a.b corresponds to Darwin (a+4).b, except for OS X versions <=
> 10.1. I'd be happy to write the code and add it to system_alias() in
> Is this a good idea?

No, it's not.  There are other mismatches between Mac OS X version  
and Darwin kernel version (e.g. 10.3.0 and 10.3.1 used the same  
kernel version).

The only correct way to do it with public API is to use gestalt,  
which platform.mac_ver() does.  There are other ways (reading a  
plist, parsing the output of /usr/bin/sw_vers, using the same SPI  
that /usr/bin/sw_vers uses...), but gestalt is the only public API.

The one caveat with platform.mac_ver() is that it was broken for some  
version(s) of Python.  I don't remember when that was fixed.  It  
definitely works for Python 2.3.5 (ships with Mac OS X 10.4) and  
Python 2.4.1, but I'm relatively certain it was broken with the  
Python 2.3.0 that shipped with Mac OS X 10.3, and perhaps also the  
Python 2.2.0 that shipped with Mac OS X 10.2.

Anyway, this information isn't in the uname.  You can guess with the  
uname, but it requires lots of special cases and maintenance.


From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep 22 07:12:10 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 01:12:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev]  bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
Message-ID: <000201c5bf34$3014c7c0$3e3ac797@oemcomputer>

> I strongly feel that this needs to be corrected in 2.5.  Iterators
> should have neither __len__ nor __nonzero__. 

Right.  I'll get it fixed-up.

[Terry Reedy]
> I presume there were two reasons: internal efficiency of 
> preallocations
> (list(some_it) for example)

> This could have been implemented without making the 
> implementation details public.

I see a way to do that by renaming the __len__ method to some private
name for internal use.  This would preserve the performance gains while
still restoring the public API.


From jcarlson at  Thu Sep 22 07:48:13 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 22:48:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <05Sep21.165541pdt."58617">
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> > The best way to make people stop complaining about the GIL and start  
> > using
> > process-based multiprogramming is to provide solid, standardized support
> > for process-based multiprogramming.
> And the model provided by the thread abstraction is a good API for that
> support...

While creating a thread is generally quite easy, the threading
abstraction assumes globally shared memory.  Certainly there are
multiprocessing systems which handle transferring of data between
disparate memories automatically (Linda/PyLinda, POSH, etc.), but no
doubt some users will want a more fine-grained control of data transfer
(and this is saying nothing of the shared-memory model's currently
horrible performance in Python).

As such, there is always the option of using the tried and true MPI and
PyMPI, which looks to have been recently updated.  Or even XMLRPC and
PickleRPC over sockets and/or mmap'd files.

Then again, with how easy it is to distribute workloads using (Py)Linda,
I'd be hard pressed to suggest any other module for multiprocessing into
the standard library (unless it was a work-alike)...though perhaps we
should wait until it has been sped up a bit, supports more data types,

 - Josiah

From blais at  Thu Sep 22 07:48:21 2005
From: blais at (Martin Blais)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 01:48:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Matthias Andreas Benkard wrote:
> * In a recent project, I had occasion to store pathnames of
>    picture files in a relational database. I wanted to store
>    the pathnames relative to a user-chosen "Pictures"
>    directory, so that it could be moved without having to
>    update all the pathnames in the database.

Curator does the same, for the same reasons.

Also, you can burn the static HTML files to CDROM, and the links still
all work.  That was the main motivator for this.


From martin at  Thu Sep 22 08:28:51 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:28:51 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] possible memory leak on windows (valgrind report)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Neal Norwitz wrote:
> I wonder if using attributes for other features would gain us much.  I
> would really like to be able to use attributes for
> PyArgs_ParseTuple(), but I don't think gcc can use user defined
> formats.  It's only printf AFAIR.  Does anyone know if this isn't true
> and we can define our own format -> type mappings?

Yes and no. Yes, it cannot do user-defined formats, but no, it is not
just *printf. They support gcc_diag and gcc_cxxdiag for their own
internal printf-like functions (error() and warning()); they also
support strftime and strfmon.


From ronaldoussoren at  Thu Sep 22 08:30:52 2005
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:30:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22-sep-2005, at 5:26, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> The platform module has a way to map system names such as returned by
> uname() to marketing names. It maps SunOS to Solaris, for example. But
> it doesn't map Darwin to Mac OS X. I think I know how to map Darwin
> version numbers to OS X version numbers: from
> it is clear that OS X
> 10.a.b corresponds to Darwin (a+4).b, except for OS X versions <=
> 10.1. I'd be happy to write the code and add it to system_alias() in
> Is this a good idea?

There's no good reason to assume that the mapping from kernel version  
to marketing version will stay the same in the future. The savest way  
to get the marketing version of the currently running OSX is to run / 
usr/sbin/sw_vers and parse its output. There might also be a public  
API for getting the same information. Py2app, and specifically the  
bdist_mpkg component of that, contains code to parse sw_vers output.


> --
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe: 

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From anthony at  Thu Sep 22 09:42:10 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:42:10 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.4.2, release candidate 1
Message-ID: <>

On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I'm
happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.2 (release candidate 1).

Python 2.4.2 is a bug-fix release. See the release notes at the 
website (also available as Misc/NEWS in the source distribution) for 
details of the more than 60 bugs squished in this release.

Assuming no major problems crop up, a final release of Python 2.4.2 
will follow in about a week's time. 

For more information on Python 2.4.2, including download links for
various platforms, release notes, and known issues, please see:

Highlights of this new release include:

  - Bug fixes. According to the release notes, more than 60 have been
    fixed, including bugs that prevented Python from working properly
    on 64 bit HP/UX and AIX systems.

Highlights of the previous major Python release (2.4) are available     
from the Python 2.4 page, at                                        

Enjoy the new release,

Anthony Baxter
anthony at
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)

From mal at  Thu Sep 22 09:55:14 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:55:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> On 22-sep-2005, at 5:26, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> The platform module has a way to map system names such as returned by
>> uname() to marketing names. It maps SunOS to Solaris, for example. But
>> it doesn't map Darwin to Mac OS X. I think I know how to map Darwin
>> version numbers to OS X version numbers: from
>> it is clear that OS X
>> 10.a.b corresponds to Darwin (a+4).b, except for OS X versions <=
>> 10.1. I'd be happy to write the code and add it to system_alias() in
>> Is this a good idea?
> There's no good reason to assume that the mapping from kernel version 
> to marketing version will stay the same in the future. The savest way 
> to get the marketing version of the currently running OSX is to run /
> usr/sbin/sw_vers and parse its output. There might also be a public  API
> for getting the same information. Py2app, and specifically the 
> bdist_mpkg component of that, contains code to parse sw_vers output.

I don't have access to Macs, so there nothing much I can say
about this.

In general, it's always better to rely on system tools for
finding the marketing name of an OS than to try to come
up with a work-around. If gestalt() returns the proper name,
then this should be used. If sw_vers provides a more reliable
way to do this, parsing its output seems like a better idea.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 22 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Thu Sep 22 10:38:24 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:38:24 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
 2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgtq25$a4m$>

Anthony Baxter wrote:
> Starting in about 11 hours time, the release24-maint branch is FROZEN 
> for the 2.4.2c1 release. The freeze will last for around a day, and 
> then we're in a state of mostly-frozen for another week, until 2.4.2 
> (final). During that week, please don't check things into the branch 
> unless you check with me first. Let's make this a nice painless 
> release. 
> I'll send another message once 2.4.2 is done. 

Do you think the patch at

could go in before 2.4.2 final? It's a rather major issue
within cStringIO.writelines().


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From mwh at  Thu Sep 22 10:56:08 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:56:08 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
 2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <dgtq25$a4m$> (Reinhold Birkenfeld's message of
	"Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:38:24 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Reinhold Birkenfeld <reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at> writes:

> Anthony Baxter wrote:
>> Starting in about 11 hours time, the release24-maint branch is FROZEN 
>> for the 2.4.2c1 release. The freeze will last for around a day, and 
>> then we're in a state of mostly-frozen for another week, until 2.4.2 
>> (final). During that week, please don't check things into the branch 
>> unless you check with me first. Let's make this a nice painless 
>> release. 
>> I'll send another message once 2.4.2 is done. 
> Do you think the patch at
> could go in before 2.4.2 final? It's a rather major issue
> within cStringIO.writelines().

Oh, I was looking at that one too :) I was going to check it in after
building and testing finished...


  The gripping hand is really that there are morons everywhere, it's
  just that the Americon morons are funnier than average.
                              -- Pim van Riezen, alt.sysadmin.recovery

From solipsis at  Thu Sep 22 11:35:51 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:35:51 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


> On *nix, use a unix domain socket (location in the filesystem which acts
> as a listening socket).  On Windows, you can use cTypes, pywin32, etc.,
> to create a global mutex and/or COM interface.

Ok, but for a very simple and crude need like mine (the application code
using this IPC means is not more than 20 lines long, and it has no
performance requirement), it would be useful to have an abstraction in
the standard library.



From ark at  Thu Sep 22 14:06:36 2005
From: ark at (Andrew Koenig)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:06:36 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "and" and "or" operators in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <000501c5bdcf$be32b000$6522c797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <003b01c5bf6e$17f0ec20$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>

> In C, C++, C#, Java, and JavaScript, what do you get when you print the
> result of 3 || 10?

In C and C++, you get 1.  (in c++ the result is actually true, not 1, but
true prints as 1 by default for backward compatibility)

From anothermax at  Thu Sep 22 15:36:04 2005
From: anothermax at (Jeremy Maxfield)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:36:04 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<dgtq25$a4m$> <>
Message-ID: <>

Can the fix for [ 1163563 ] Sub threads execute in restricted mode
go in before 2.4.2 final?
This is a real show stopper for us - we can't move to 2.4 without it.
 On 9/22/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> Reinhold Birkenfeld <reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at> writes:
> > Anthony Baxter wrote:
> >> Starting in about 11 hours time, the release24-maint branch is FROZEN
> >> for the 2.4.2c1 release. The freeze will last for around a day, and
> >> then we're in a state of mostly-frozen for another week, until 2.4.2
> >> (final). During that week, please don't check things into the branch
> >> unless you check with me first. Let's make this a nice painless
> >> release.
> >>
> >> I'll send another message once 2.4.2 is done.
> >
> > Do you think the patch at
> >
> >
> >
> > could go in before 2.4.2 final? It's a rather major issue
> > within cStringIO.writelines().
> Oh, I was looking at that one too :) I was going to check it in after
> building and testing finished...
> Cheers,
> mwh
> --
> The gripping hand is really that there are morons everywhere, it's
> just that the Americon morons are funnier than average.
> -- Pim van Riezen, alt.sysadmin.recovery
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

-------------- next part --------------
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From jimjjewett at  Thu Sep 22 15:41:32 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:41:32 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:

> But if the docs don't mention anything about true or
> false values for some particular type, one tends to
> assume that all values are true, as is the default
> for user-defined classes.

The tutorials and such stress that python doesn't
typically care about a specific "True" or "False"; the
normal distinction is between "empty" and "not empty".

0, None, (), [], {} all come out as false.

"Is there anything left?" is a pretty analogy for iterators,
particularly since the examples tend to start with list
or file iterators.

x = [] or iter([]) or "nope" does just what *I* expect.

If you want to change it back, so be it, but it will break
code that way too; please at least make big notes in
the documentation.


From anthony at  Thu Sep 22 16:33:30 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 00:33:30 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday 22 September 2005 23:36, Jeremy Maxfield wrote:
> Can the fix for [ 1163563 ] Sub threads execute in restricted mode
> (
>oup_id=5470&atid=105470 )
> go in before 2.4.2 final?
> This is a real show stopper for us - we can't move to 2.4 without
> it. Cheers,
> Max

I'm not sure - mwh, how risky a patch is this? 

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

From anthony at  Thu Sep 22 16:34:58 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 00:34:58 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is THAWED
	(partly frozen ; )
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

So the 2.4.2c1 release seems to be not a brown-paper-bag release. The 
branch should be considered ok for those critical fixes that need to 
go in before 2.4.2 final - please, please, if you're not absolutely 
sure, ask me first. 

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

From maa_public at  Thu Sep 22 12:35:15 2005
From: maa_public at (Alexander Myodov)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:05:15 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
Message-ID: <>


 Don't want to be importunate annoyingly asking the things probably
 trivial for experienced community, but need to ask it anyway, after
 spending about two hours trying to find well-camouflaged error caused
 by it. 

 Why the variables defined inside "for"/"while"/"if" statements
 (including loop variables for "for") are visible outside this scope?
 This litters the namespace, makes things more complex and requires
 even more attention from the programmer than even the uneasy C. Or
 makes him to watch for using each variable only once (prohibiting
 from using usual i/j/k variables); otherwise copypasting a piece of
 code can cause hardly-findable errors.
 But not even the variables from inside of statements are forgot in
 the outside namespace; what is most ridiculous is that the inner
 variables from a list comprehension are kept outside the

 Yes, I am aware of one use case for this... er, feature.
 It could be useful to remember the last item of the loop after the loop
 is done... sometimes. But what is it for in other cases, except
 confusing the programmer?

 Or maybe can someone hint me whether I can somehow switch the behaviour on
 source-level to avoid keeping the variables outside the statements?
 Something like Perlish "import strict"? I couldn't find it myself.
 While global change of Python to the variables local to statements and
 list comprehension could definitely affect too much programs, adding
 it on a per-source level would keep the compatibility while making
 the life of Python programmers safer.
 Thanks in advance.

 Appendix 1: examples.
--------cut here--------

#!/usr/bin/env python -t

a1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

# Loop variable is alive outside the loop
for k in a1:
print "k: %s" % k

# Loop variable is alive even outside the list comprehension!
b1 = [l for l in a1]
print "l: %s" % l

# If there are several loops in a comprehension, 
# variables from all of them are kept intact
c1 = [(m, n) for m in a1 for n in b1]
print "m: %s, n: %s" % (m, n)

# Loop variable is kept even from nested comprehensions
d1 = [o for o in [p for p in a1]]
print "o: %s, p: %s" % (o, p)

# And the winner is...
for r in a1:
        print "r0: %s, " % r, 
        e1 = [r for r in b1]
        # Now try to access the "r" variable from the loop!
        print "r1: %s" % r

--------cut here--------

With best regards,
 Alexander                          mailto:maa_public at

From mwh at  Thu Sep 22 16:46:54 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:46:54 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
 2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <> (Anthony Baxter's
	message of "Fri, 23 Sep 2005 00:33:30 +1000")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Anthony Baxter <anthony at> writes:

> On Thursday 22 September 2005 23:36, Jeremy Maxfield wrote:
>> Can the fix for [ 1163563 ] Sub threads execute in restricted mode
>> (
>>oup_id=5470&atid=105470 )
>> go in before 2.4.2 final?
>> This is a real show stopper for us - we can't move to 2.4 without
>> it. Cheers,
>> Max
> I'm not sure - mwh, how risky a patch is this? 

Well, unless I'm much mistaken it's in 2.4.2c1....


  I think if we have the choice, I'd rather we didn't explicitly put
  flaws in the reST syntax for the sole purpose of not insulting the
  almighty.                                    -- /will on the doc-sig

From anothermax at  Thu Sep 22 16:56:41 2005
From: anothermax at (Jeremy Maxfield)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:56:41 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I don't think it's too risky.
 Michael Hudson did the work and it's been checked into the python
CVS for a while. (Python/pystate.c Rev 2.42 and Modules/threadmodule.c Rev
2.64 are required files).
 We're stuck on Python 2.3.3 because of this bug...(2.4 thread code with
this bug was backported to 2.3.5).
 On 9/22/05, Anthony Baxter <anthony at> wrote:
> On Thursday 22 September 2005 23:36, Jeremy Maxfield wrote:
> > Can the fix for [ 1163563 ] Sub threads execute in restricted mode
> > (
> >
> >oup_id=5470&atid=105470 )
> > go in before 2.4.2 final?
> > This is a real show stopper for us - we can't move to 2.4 without
> > it. Cheers,
> > Max
> I'm not sure - mwh, how risky a patch is this?
> Anthony
> --
> Anthony Baxter <anthony at>
> It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

-------------- next part --------------
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From ark at  Thu Sep 22 16:57:06 2005
From: ark at (Andrew Koenig)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:57:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <008701c5bf85$e6841aa0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>

> My problem with this syntax is that it can be hard to read:
> return if self.arg is None then default else self.arg
> looks worryingly like
> to me.

Interesting.  What about

	return if self.arg is None: default else: self.arg


From misa at  Thu Sep 22 17:01:06 2005
From: misa at (
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:01:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] unintentional and unsafe use of realpath()
In-Reply-To: <1127318643.12452.1.camel@localhost.localdomain>
References: <1126380571.21655.18.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <>



On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 12:04:03PM -0400, Peter Jones wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 15:25 -0400, Peter Jones wrote:
> [ comments and a patch for sysmodule.c and some configure related files]
> ... and that patch has obvious problems as well.
> Here's a corrected one:
> --- Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:04.000000000 -0400
> +++ Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:02.000000000 -0400
> @@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
>  /* Define if pthread_sigmask() does not work on your system. */
> +/* Define to 1 if you have the `canonicalize_file_name' function. */
> +
>  /* Define to 1 if you have the `chown' function. */
>  #undef HAVE_CHOWN
> --- Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c.canonicalize	2005-09-14 11:53:30.000000000 -0400
> +++ Python-2.4.1/Python/sysmodule.c	2005-09-14 11:52:04.000000000 -0400
> @@ -1184,6 +1184,11 @@
>  		char *p = NULL;
>  		int n = 0;
>  		PyObject *a;
> +		argv0 = canonicalize_file_name(argv0);
> +		if (argv0 == NULL)
> +			Py_FatalError("no mem for sys.argv");
>  		char link[MAXPATHLEN+1];
>  		char argv0copy[2*MAXPATHLEN+1];
> @@ -1256,9 +1261,13 @@
>  #endif /* Unix */
>  		}
>  #endif /* All others */
>  		a = PyString_FromStringAndSize(argv0, n);
>  		if (a == NULL)
>  			Py_FatalError("no mem for sys.path insertion");
> +		free(argv0);
>  		if (PyList_Insert(path, 0, a) < 0)
>  			Py_FatalError("sys.path.insert(0) failed");
>  		Py_DECREF(a);
> --- Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:46:00.000000000 -0400
> +++ Python-2.4.1/	2005-09-14 11:47:22.000000000 -0400
> @@ -2096,8 +2096,8 @@
>  # checks for library functions
> -AC_CHECK_FUNCS(alarm bind_textdomain_codeset chown clock confstr ctermid \
> - execv fork fpathconf ftime ftruncate \
> +AC_CHECK_FUNCS(alarm bind_textdomain_codeset canonicalize_file_name chown \
> + clock confstr ctermid execv fork fpathconf ftime ftruncate \
>   gai_strerror getgroups getlogin getloadavg getpeername getpgid getpid \
>   getpriority getpwent getsid getwd \
>   kill killpg lchown lstat mkfifo mknod mktime \
> -- 
>   Peter
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

From anothermax at  Thu Sep 22 17:04:17 2005
From: anothermax at (Jeremy Maxfield)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:04:17 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry I think you're 'much mistaken'...
 The revision of PyState.c in the rc242c1 looks like 2.38.22 (should be 2.42
and threadmodule.c looks like 2.59 (should be 2.64)

 On 9/22/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> Anthony Baxter <anthony at> writes:
> > On Thursday 22 September 2005 23:36, Jeremy Maxfield wrote:
> >> Can the fix for [ 1163563 ] Sub threads execute in restricted mode
> >> (
> >>
> >>oup_id=5470&atid=105470 )
> >> go in before 2.4.2 final?
> >> This is a real show stopper for us - we can't move to 2.4 without
> >> it. Cheers,
> >> Max
> >
> > I'm not sure - mwh, how risky a patch is this?
> Well, unless I'm much mistaken it's in 2.4.2c1....
> Cheers,
> mwh
> --
> I think if we have the choice, I'd rather we didn't explicitly put
> flaws in the reST syntax for the sole purpose of not insulting the
> almighty. -- /will on the doc-sig
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

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From guido at  Thu Sep 22 17:23:19 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:23:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/22/05, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at> wrote:
> "Is there anything left?" is a pretty analogy for iterators,

But unmaintainable for iterators in general. This was considered ad
nauseam when iterators were initially introduced, and it was an
explicit decision *not* to provide an API to look ahead.

We should *not* give people a way to start coding like this:

  while it:
      x =
      ...process x...

when they should be writing this instead:

  for x in it:
      ...process x...

How would you implement the "is there anything left" functionality if
the iterator is in fact a generator? (I know, the answer is buffering.
But that has problems too. It was all considered when we designed it.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep 22 17:31:36 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:31:36 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks all! I won't touch it. /usr/bin/sw_vers is the way to go.

On 9/22/05, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at> wrote:
> Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> >
> > On 22-sep-2005, at 5:26, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >
> >> The platform module has a way to map system names such as returned by
> >> uname() to marketing names. It maps SunOS to Solaris, for example. But
> >> it doesn't map Darwin to Mac OS X. I think I know how to map Darwin
> >> version numbers to OS X version numbers: from
> >> it is clear that OS X
> >> 10.a.b corresponds to Darwin (a+4).b, except for OS X versions <=
> >> 10.1. I'd be happy to write the code and add it to system_alias() in
> >> Is this a good idea?
> >
> >
> > There's no good reason to assume that the mapping from kernel version
> > to marketing version will stay the same in the future. The savest way
> > to get the marketing version of the currently running OSX is to run /
> > usr/sbin/sw_vers and parse its output. There might also be a public  API
> > for getting the same information. Py2app, and specifically the
> > bdist_mpkg component of that, contains code to parse sw_vers output.
> I don't have access to Macs, so there nothing much I can say
> about this.
> In general, it's always better to rely on system tools for
> finding the marketing name of an OS than to try to come
> up with a work-around. If gestalt() returns the proper name,
> then this should be used. If sw_vers provides a more reliable
> way to do this, parsing its output seems like a better idea.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jcarlson at  Thu Sep 22 17:34:26 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:34:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Myodov <maa_public at> wrote:
> Hello,
>  Don't want to be importunate annoyingly asking the things probably
>  trivial for experienced community, but need to ask it anyway, after
>  spending about two hours trying to find well-camouflaged error caused
>  by it. 

In the future you should test your assumptions before writing software
with them.

>  Why the variables defined inside "for"/"while"/"if" statements
>  (including loop variables for "for") are visible outside this scope?

if and while statements don't define variables, so they can't expose
them later in the scope.

In regards to 'for' loops, they have always done that, there is code
that relies on that behavior, and changing behavior would unnecessarily
break code.

As for list comprehensions, they were literally meant to be a
completely equivalent translation of a set of for loops. That is:

    x = []
    for i in foo:
        if f(i):

could be translated into

    x = [i for i in foo if f(i)]

and one would get the exact same side effects, including the 'leaking'
of the most recently bound i into the local scope.  The leakage was not

>  Yes, I am aware of one use case for this... er, feature.
>  It could be useful to remember the last item of the loop after the loop
>  is done... sometimes. But what is it for in other cases, except
>  confusing the programmer?

There is a great reason: there generally exists two namespaces in Python,
locals and globals (you can get a representation of of locals by using
locals() (your changes to the dictionary won't change the local scope),
and get a reference to the globals dictionary by globals()...there is
also __builtins__, but you shouldn't be playing with that unless you
know what you are doing). These namespaces offer you access to other
namespaces (class, module, etc.).

In most cases (the body of a function or method), the local scope is
defined as an array with offset lookups:

>>> def foo(n):
...     n + 1
>>> dis.dis(foo)
  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (n) <- look at this opcode
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
              6 BINARY_ADD
              7 POP_TOP
              8 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             11 RETURN_VALUE

This results in the bytecode to be executed being significantly faster
than if it were to reference a dictionary (like globals).

>>> dis.dis(compile('n+1', '_', 'single'))
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (n) <- compare with this
              3 LOAD_CONST               0 (1)
              6 BINARY_ADD
              7 PRINT_EXPR
              8 LOAD_CONST               1 (None)
             11 RETURN_VALUE

Since the LOAD_NAME opcode does a dictionary lookup, it is necessarily
slower than an array + offset lookup.

Further, you should clarify what you would want this mythical non-leaky
for loop to do in various cases.  What would happen in the following

    i = None
    for i in ...:
    print i

... assuming that the loop executed more than once?  Would you always
get 'None' printed, or would you get the content of the last variable?

What about:

    x = None
    for i in ...:
        x = f(i)
    print x

Would 'x' be kept after the loop finished executing?

I would imagine in your current code you are running something like

    i = #some important value

    ... #many lines of code

    for i in ...:

    #you access the 'i' you bound a long time ago

In this case, you are making a common new programmer mistake by using
the same variable name for two disparate concepts.  If the 'i' that was
initially bound was important through the lifetime of the scope, you
should have named it differently than the 'i' that was merely a loop

I will also point out that in general, not leaking/exposing/etc. such
variables would necessarily slow down Python.  Why?  Because it would
necessitate nesting the concept of pseudo-namespaces. Now, when a
function is compiled, nearly every local name is known, and they can be
made fast (in the Python sense).  If one were to nest pseudo namespaces,
one would necessarily have another namespace lookup for every nested for
loop.  More specifically, accessing 'foo' in these three different
nestings would take different amounts of time.

for i in xrange(10):
    x = foo

for i in xrange(10):
    for j in xrange(10):
        x = foo

for i in xrange(10):
    for j in xrange(10):
        for k in xrange(10):
            x = foo

And in the case that you do or don't want 'x' to 'leak' into the
surrounding scope, you either take the speed hit again, or break quite a
bit of code and be inconsistant.

>  Or maybe can someone hint me whether I can somehow switch the behaviour on
>  source-level to avoid keeping the variables outside the statements?


>  Something like Perlish "import strict"? I couldn't find it myself.
>  While global change of Python to the variables local to statements and
>  list comprehension could definitely affect too much programs, adding
>  it on a per-source level would keep the compatibility while making
>  the life of Python programmers safer.

Python semantics seem to have been following the rule of "we are all
adults here".  If your assumptions have caused you bugs, then you should
realize that your assumptions should have been tested before they were
relied upon.  That is what the interactive Python console is for.

Generally though, Python follows a common C semantic of variable leakage.

C Code:

    int i; // required in some versions of C
    for (i=0;i<10;i++) {

Equivalent Python:

    for i in xrange(10):

As long as those loops don't have 'break' (or goto in the case of C) in
them, Python and C will have the same value buond to 'i' after the loop.

Again: test your assumptions.  If your untested assumptions are wrong,
don't complain that the language is broken.

Also: python-dev is a mailing list for the development /of/ Python. 
Being that your questions as of late have been in the realm of "why does
or doesn't Python do this?", you should go to python-list (or the
equivalent comp.lang.python newsgroup) for answers to questions
regarding current Python behavior, and why Python did or didn't do
something in its past.

 - Josiah

From jcarlson at  Thu Sep 22 17:38:07 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:38:07 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <008701c5bf85$e6841aa0$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Andrew Koenig" <ark at> wrote:
> > My problem with this syntax is that it can be hard to read:
> > 
> > return if self.arg is None then default else self.arg
> > 
> > looks worryingly like
> > 
> > 
> > to me.
> Interesting.  What about
> 	return if self.arg is None: default else: self.arg

That's awful.  It would confuse everyone as to why LCs and GEs don't
have punctuation while these do.  In that sense, I am not convinced that
it should have keywords AND punctuation, one or the other.

 - Josiah

From bob at  Thu Sep 22 19:10:53 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 13:10:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

/usr/bin/sw_vers technically calls a private (at least undocumented)  
CoreFoundation API, it doesn't parse that plist directly :)

On further inspection, it looks like parsing the plist directly is  
supported API these days (see the bottom of <http:// 

import plistlib
dct = plistlib.Plist.fromFile('/System/Library/CoreServices/ 
print '%(ProductName)s %(ProductVersion)s' % dct


On Sep 22, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Wilfredo S?nchez Vega wrote:

>   "rhapsody" is emitted by uname on Mac OS X Server 1.x, but not on  
> anything we ship today.
>   Bob's right, the version number from uname only tells you about  
> the kernel, and not whether, for example, the Cocoa API is on the  
> system (it wouldn't be on a standalone Darwin OS install, which  
> will have the same uname output).
>   Just FYI, /usr/bin/sw_vers parses /System/Library/CoreServices/ 
> SystemVersion.plist, which is XML.  If you want that info, parsing  
> the file may be more efficient than forking off sw_vers.
>     -wsv
> On Sep 21, 2005, at 8:28 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> I forgot. The current code recognizes 'Rhapsody' and maps it to  
>> "MacOS
>> X Server". But I don't see any evidence that Apple still uses the  
>> code
>> name Rhapsody. Does uname ever return 'Rhapsody'?

From maa_public at  Thu Sep 22 19:24:30 2005
From: maa_public at (Alexander Myodov)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 22:54:30 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
Message-ID: <>

Hello Josiah,

>>  Why the variables defined inside "for"/"while"/"if" statements
>>  (including loop variables for "for") are visible outside this scope?
JC> if and while statements don't define variables, so they can't expose
JC> them later in the scope.
They don't. They just leak internal ones:
i = 0
while i != 1:
    i += 1
    j = 5
print j

JC> In regards to 'for' loops, they have always done that, there is code
JC> that relies on that behavior, and changing behavior would unnecessarily
JC> break code.
I mentioned it below: while unconditional changing the behaviour will
definitely break a lot, something like "import strict" would help
those ones who rate such behaviour enough error-prone to
reconsider proceeding using Python at all.

JC> Further, you should clarify what you would want this mythical non-leaky
JC> for loop to do in various cases.  What would happen in the following
JC> case?

JC>     i = None
JC>     for i in ...:
JC>         ...
JC>     print i
JC> ... assuming that the loop executed more than once?  Would you always
JC> get 'None' printed, or would you get the content of the last variable?
As for me (if my humble opinion is useful for you), the best would be
to 1. assume that a loop variable is always newly-declared for this
loop, 2. all variables first declared inside the loop are local to this
Thus, your example falls to case 1: "i" variable is newly declared for
this loop. Well, we don't reuse old value of i to start the iteration
from a particular place, like below?

i = 5
for i in [3,4,5,6,7]:
    print i,

More general, the variables could be assumed local only to the *same
or higher* indentation level. 

JC> What about:
JC>     x = None
JC>     for i in ...:
JC>         x = f(i)
JC>         ...
JC>     print x
JC> Would 'x' be kept after the loop finished executing?
case 2: "x" variable is declared already. And if there is no
"x = None" line, it should tell "name 'x' is not defined". Unless we
are prone to funny "uncertainly defined" cases, if some variable is
defined inside an "in" in the loop.

JC> I would imagine in your current code you are running something like
JC> this:

JC>     i = #some important value
JC>     ... #many lines of code
JC>     for i in ...:
JC>         ...
JC>     #you access the 'i' you bound a long time ago

JC> In this case, you are making a common new programmer mistake by using
JC> the same variable name for two disparate concepts.
Nah, here is my error-case:
I made several loops, one by one, using the "i" variable for looping.
Then in the latest loop I changed the "i" name to more meaningful
"imsi" name in the "for" declaration and whenever I found inside the loop.
As I use "i" name *for loops exclusively*, I didn't wittingly reuse the
same name for different purposes. The problem was that I missed one
occurance of "i" variable inside the loop code, so it gained the same
value (from the completion of previous loop) throughout all the "imsi"
loop. And the interpreter didn't notice me that "I am using the
undefined variable" (since it is considered defined in Python), as
accustomed from other languages. That's my sorrowful story.

JC> If the 'i' that was
JC> initially bound was important through the lifetime of the scope, you
JC> should have named it differently than the 'i' that was merely a loop
JC> variable.
I'm pretty happy that I didn't ever made a list comprehension with "i"
variable inside the loop over "i" variable. While I wasn't aware of
these side-effects, it would be even harder spottable. Now I'll look
more carefully at copy-pasting list comprehensions, in every case
examining all of the lower-indent variables for not to clash.

JC> I will also point out that in general, not leaking/exposing/etc. such
JC> variables would necessarily slow down Python.  Why?
I agree, this is one of obvious advantages of absence of
pseudo-namespaces (wasting the resources to allocation and removal of
variables, etc). Though in case of presence of pseudo-namespaces, it
an easily be emulated by initializing the variable first-time on the
highest-level of indentation.
But for the "performance-oriented/human-friendliness" factor, Python
is anyway not a rival to C and similar lowlevellers. C has
pseudo-namespaces, though.

JC> Python semantics seem to have been following the rule of "we are all
JC> adults here".
I always believed that the programming language (as any computer
program) should slave to the human, rather than a human should slave
to the program.

JC> Generally though, Python follows a common C semantic of variable leakage.

JC> C Code:
JC>     int i; // required in some versions of C
JC>     for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
JC>         ...
JC>     }
"for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" works fine nowadays.

JC> Again: test your assumptions.  If your untested assumptions are wrong,
JC> don't complain that the language is broken.
In my case, as I explained already, it was not a assumption but an
uncatched mistype, which is usually catched in other languages due to
the presence of "pseudo-namespaces" (and in other languages I even
accustomed to enforce the locality of temporary variables by
explicitly setting the logically independent blocks of code within the
curly braces). I always test the doubtful pieces before use. But
*I don't dare to tell that the language is broken*. The existing
behaviour has its own pros, and I also don't want a lot of code
to be broken by easy behaviour change. What upsets me is
the absence of alternatives (as the lack of flexibility) for the new
code, especially with the fact that current behaviour mismatches with
many of currently popular languages and habits learned from them.

JC> Also: python-dev is a mailing list for the development /of/ Python.
JC> Being that your questions as of late have been in the realm of "why does
JC> or doesn't Python do this?", you should go to python-list (or the
JC> equivalent comp.lang.python newsgroup) for answers to questions
JC> regarding current Python behavior, and why Python did or didn't do
JC> something in its past.
I'm sorry for wasting the time of developers. For "for/while/if"
statements, I just had an idea which (I believed) could be useful for
many peoples, and could be very useful for such a human-orienter
language as Python is (actually, this idea is borrowed from another
language, but only partly - only in the area of ability to have "for"
and "while" inside the single loop expression), so I though that the
best people to estimate it should be the ones who potentially could
implement this (provided they like it). For this conversation, the
explained just looked to me as language-level problem (especially for list
comprehensions), so I had to beg a workaroung/explanation/fix to it
also from the language creators. If they don't consider it a problem
and don't have a workaroung - sorry again for wasting your time,
then that's indeed only my problem and I'll try to cope with it
I really didn't want to "claim and blame". What I asked and proposed
was intended to be useful not only for myself, but - I believed - for
many people, especially newcomers after the other languages.

? ?????????,
 Alexander                          mailto:maa_public at

From falcon at  Thu Sep 22 08:27:10 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:27:10 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
Message-ID: <>

Ok. While windows already prefers threads, while linux-2.6 improves 
thread support and speed,
while process startup expensive on time and memory, while we ought to 
dublicate our data
and/or use obscure shared memory,
while it is much simpler to make threaded program with care just about 
locks than multiprocessing
with inventing interchange protocol (which abuses both CPU - sender and 


And on Opterons: you will win with multiprocessing ONLY if OS will bind 
process and processor/memory place pair.
That would be difficult.

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 > That's an understatement. I expect that *most* problems (even most
 > problems that we will be programming 10-20 years from now) get little
 > benefit out of MP.

They are allready here.
Servers they are.
It is so simple to write application server in Python.
It is so difficult to make it scallable in CPython.
Hardware is cheap, development time is expensive.
To make scallable CPython-backed server one needs too much time.
And he goes to Java, .NET and others (and rare to Jython, IronPython (in 
the future)).
CPython will not be wide popular without real multithreading.

--    I want my Apache, written in Python !!!!!  :-)
--    I want my MySQL, written in Python !!!!! ;-)
It is a joke. But every joke has a peace of truth (as russian sayes).
(Excuse my English)

From Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM  Thu Sep 22 17:19:01 2005
From: Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:19:01 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] vendor-packages directory
Message-ID: <>


Recently I asked about the inclusion of a "vendor-packages"
directory for Python on the Python mailing list.

See the thread started at:

for the full reasoning behind this request, and the replies
I received.

I then approached Guido for his take on this suggestion.
He recommended I submit the patch to the Python patch
manager at SourceForge, and inform the folks on python-dev
mailing list.

So I have.

You can find the patch submission at:


Rich Burridge                       Email:     rich.burridge at Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Inc. (MPK14-260),  Phone:     +1.650.786.5188
4150 Network Circle,                AIM/YAHOO: RicBurridge
Santa Clara, CA 95054               Blog:

From wsanchez at  Thu Sep 22 19:02:05 2005
From: wsanchez at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Wilfredo_S=E1nchez_Vega?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:02:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

   "rhapsody" is emitted by uname on Mac OS X Server 1.x, but not on  
anything we ship today.

   Bob's right, the version number from uname only tells you about  
the kernel, and not whether, for example, the Cocoa API is on the  
system (it wouldn't be on a standalone Darwin OS install, which will  
have the same uname output).

   Just FYI, /usr/bin/sw_vers parses /System/Library/CoreServices/ 
SystemVersion.plist, which is XML.  If you want that info, parsing  
the file may be more efficient than forking off sw_vers.


On Sep 21, 2005, at 8:28 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I forgot. The current code recognizes 'Rhapsody' and maps it to "MacOS
> X Server". But I don't see any evidence that Apple still uses the code
> name Rhapsody. Does uname ever return 'Rhapsody'?

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From wsanchez at  Thu Sep 22 19:19:19 2005
From: wsanchez at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Wilfredo_S=E1nchez_Vega?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:19:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

   Shockingly, it even says that parsing the file is "a better way"  
than using gestaltSystemVersion().

   It's better for python, anyway, I think, since it doesn't require  
access to the Carbon API set.  Be sure to handle the case where the  
file doesn't exist:

     import os
     version_info_file = "/System/Library/CoreServices/ 
     if os.path.isfile(version_info_file):
         import plistlib
         info = plistlib.Plist.fromFile(version_info_file)
         print '%(ProductName)s %(ProductVersion)s' % info
         uname_os, uname_version = do_the_uname_thing
         print '%s %s' % (uname_os, uname_version)

   Or similar.


On Sep 22, 2005, at 10:10 AM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> /usr/bin/sw_vers technically calls a private (at least undocumented)
> CoreFoundation API, it doesn't parse that plist directly :)
> On further inspection, it looks like parsing the plist directly is
> supported API these days (see the bottom of <http://
> gestalt_refchap/chapter_1.4_section_181.html>):
> import plistlib
> dct = plistlib.Plist.fromFile('/System/Library/CoreServices/
> SystemVersion.plist')
> print '%(ProductName)s %(ProductVersion)s' % dct
> -bob
> On Sep 22, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Wilfredo S?nchez Vega wrote:
>>   "rhapsody" is emitted by uname on Mac OS X Server 1.x, but not on
>> anything we ship today.
>>   Bob's right, the version number from uname only tells you about
>> the kernel, and not whether, for example, the Cocoa API is on the
>> system (it wouldn't be on a standalone Darwin OS install, which
>> will have the same uname output).
>>   Just FYI, /usr/bin/sw_vers parses /System/Library/CoreServices/
>> SystemVersion.plist, which is XML.  If you want that info, parsing
>> the file may be more efficient than forking off sw_vers.
>>     -wsv
>> On Sep 21, 2005, at 8:28 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> I forgot. The current code recognizes 'Rhapsody' and maps it to
>>> "MacOS
>>> X Server". But I don't see any evidence that Apple still uses the
>>> code
>>> name Rhapsody. Does uname ever return 'Rhapsody'?
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe: 

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From wsanchez at  Thu Sep 22 19:31:54 2005
From: wsanchez at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Wilfredo_S=E1nchez_Vega?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:31:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2 in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

   IIRC, it doesn't exist on such a system; that's a Mac OS command,  
not a Darwin command.  (The man page correctly has "Mac OS X" in the  
footnote, not "Darwin" or "BSD", though I don't know that you can  
rely on that 100%.)


On Sep 22, 2005, at 10:20 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> On 9/22/05, Wilfredo S?nchez Vega <wsanchez at> wrote:
>>    "rhapsody" is emitted by uname on Mac OS X Server 1.x, but not on
>> anything we ship today.
>>    Bob's right, the version number from uname only tells you about
>> the kernel, and not whether, for example, the Cocoa API is on the
>> system (it wouldn't be on a standalone Darwin OS install, which will
>> have the same uname output).
> Just curious -- what would sw_vers print on such a system?

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From mwh at  Thu Sep 22 19:49:44 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 18:49:44 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
 2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <> (Jeremy Maxfield's
	message of "Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:04:17 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeremy Maxfield <anothermax at> writes:

> Sorry I think you're 'much mistaken'...
> The revision of PyState.c in the rc242c1  looks like 2.38.22 (should be
> 2.42)
> and threadmodule.c looks like  2.59 (should be 2.64)

Looks like you're right but SF CVS is being *astonishingly* slow right
now.  The fixes will be in 2.4.2.


  There are 'infinite' number of developed artifacts and one cannot
  develop appreciation for them all.  It would be all right to not
  understand something, but it would be imbecilic to put judgements
  on things one don't understand.               -- Xah, comp.lang.lisp

From gmccaughan at  Thu Sep 22 19:55:13 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 18:55:13 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Myodov wrote:

> Thus, your example falls to case 1: "i" variable is newly declared for
> this loop. Well, we don't reuse old value of i to start the iteration
> from a particular place, like below?
> i = 5
> for i in [3,4,5,6,7]:
>     print i,
> More general, the variables could be assumed local only to the *same
> or higher* indentation level. 

So (since you're talking about "if" as well as "for" and "while")
you're suggesting that

    x = 0
    if foo():
        x = 1
        x = 2

should always leave x == 0? Or that the same bit of code, without
the first line, should always leave x undefined?

> JC> Python semantics seem to have been following the rule of "we are all
> JC> adults here".
> I always believed that the programming language (as any computer
> program) should slave to the human, rather than a human should slave
> to the program.

Right. And some of us humans *don't want* the change you're

For what it's worth, I think it might well have been
better if "for" and comprehensions had made their loop
variables block-local; especially comprehensions. But
making every for/while/if introduce a new level of scoping
would be horrible. Perhaps you think it's what you want,
but I think if you tried it for a month then you'd change
your mind.


From phd at  Thu Sep 22 19:58:00 2005
From: phd at (Oleg Broytmann)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 21:58:00 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 10:27:10AM +0400, Sokolov Yura wrote:

   Everything in programming is about "divide and conquer". Separate and
control. Modules. Classes. Namespaces.
   And now that multithreading with shared memory. That's an evil idea, it
causes a lot of troubles, it requires locks and semaphores, and still leads
to problems.
   Shared memory is evil. Multithreading is harmful.

> Hardware is cheap, development time is expensive.

   Yes. Do not spend developer's time finding bugs in locks and semaphores,
fixing race conditions, etc.

     Oleg Broytmann              phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

From tjreedy at  Thu Sep 22 20:00:55 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:00:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgurgm$un2$>

"Alexander Myodov" <maa_public at> wrote in message 
news:1477206818.20050922160515 at
> Why the variables defined inside "for"/"while"/"if" statements
> (including loop variables for "for") are visible outside this scope?

Questions about why Python is the way it is belong on comp.lang.python, the 
general Python mailing list, or gmane.comp.python.general (they are all 
gatewayed to each other).  Moreover, they are likely to have been asked, 
answered, and discussed previously, with the answers possibly discoverable 
thru Google search of the c.l.p archives.  This one certainly has been. 

From pje at  Thu Sep 22 20:12:04 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:12:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:27 AM 9/22/2005 +0400, Sokolov Yura wrote:
>It is so simple to write application server in Python.
>It is so difficult to make it scallable in CPython.

It seems you've never heard of fork(), which works just fine to scale 
Python processes on multiprocessor boxes.  I've actually done this, and it 
didn't take a lot of time to implement, so I don't know what you're talking 
about here.

From pje at  Thu Sep 22 20:16:48 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:16:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] vendor-packages directory
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 08:19 AM 9/22/2005 -0700, Rich Burridge wrote:

>Recently I asked about the inclusion of a "vendor-packages"
>directory for Python on the Python mailing list.
>See the thread started at:
>for the full reasoning behind this request, and the replies
>I received.

I'm with Terry on this, it needs a better rationale.  Why can't you just 
add a .pth file to the site-packages directory?  It seems that would 
address the issue nicely.

(See for documentation of the 
.pth mechanism, which would let you implement a separate vendor-packages 
directory without modifying Python, and would still allow local overrides 
of your vendor packages.)

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 22 20:42:24 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 20:42:24 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgutuf$7v6$>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

>>It is so simple to write application server in Python.
>>It is so difficult to make it scallable in CPython.
> It seems you've never heard of fork(), which works just fine to scale
> Python processes on multiprocessor boxes.

there's a version of fork hidden somewhere in CPython that solves all
interprocess communication and synchronization issues?  cool.


From jcarlson at  Thu Sep 22 21:00:51 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 12:00:51 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Myodov <maa_public at> wrote:
[snip Alexander Myodov complaining about how Python works]

> i = 0
> while i != 1:
>     i += 1
>     j = 5
> print j

Maybe you don't realize this, but C's while also 'leaks' internal

int i = 0, j;
while (i != 1) {
    j = 5;
printf("%i %i\n", i, j);

If you haven't yet found a good use for such 'leakage', you should spend
more time programming and less time talking; you would find (quite
readily) that such 'leaking' is quite beneficial.

> I made several loops, one by one, using the "i" variable for looping.
> Then in the latest loop I changed the "i" name to more meaningful
> "imsi" name in the "for" declaration and whenever I found inside the loop.
> As I use "i" name *for loops exclusively*, I didn't wittingly reuse the
> same name for different purposes. The problem was that I missed one
> occurance of "i" variable inside the loop code, so it gained the same
> value (from the completion of previous loop) throughout all the "imsi"
> loop. And the interpreter didn't notice me that "I am using the
> undefined variable" (since it is considered defined in Python), as
> accustomed from other languages. That's my sorrowful story.

So you mistyped something.  I'm crying for you, really I am.

> But for the "performance-oriented/human-friendliness" factor, Python
> is anyway not a rival to C and similar lowlevellers. C has
> pseudo-namespaces, though.

C does not have pseudo-namespaces or variable encapsulation in for loops.

Ah hah hah!  Look ladies and gentlemen, I caught myself a troll!  Python
does not rival C in the performance/friendliness realm?  Who are you
trying to kid?  There is a reason why high school teachers are teaching
kids Python instead of Pascal, Java, etc., it's because it is easier to
learn and use.  On the performance realm, of course Python is beat out
by low-level languages; it was never meant to compete with them.  Python
does what it can for speed when such speed does not affect the usability
of the language.  What you are proposing both would reduce speed and
usability, which suggests that it wasn't a good idea in the first place.

> JC> Python semantics seem to have been following the rule of "we are all
> JC> adults here".
> I always believed that the programming language (as any computer
> program) should slave to the human, rather than a human should slave
> to the program.

Your beliefs were unfounded.  If you look at every programming language,
there are specific semantics and syntax for all of them.  If you fail to
use and/or understand them, the langauge will not be your 'slave'; it
will not run correctly, if at all.

> "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" works fine nowadays.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong.  The C99 spec states that you must define
the type of i before using it in the loop.  Maybe you are thinking of
C++, which allows such things.

> JC> Also: python-dev is a mailing list for the development /of/ Python.
> JC> Being that your questions as of late have been in the realm of "why does
> JC> or doesn't Python do this?", you should go to python-list (or the
> JC> equivalent comp.lang.python newsgroup) for answers to questions
> JC> regarding current Python behavior, and why Python did or didn't do
> JC> something in its past.
> I'm sorry for wasting the time of developers. For "for/while/if"
> statements, I just had an idea which (I believed) could be useful for
> many peoples,

Test your ideas on comp.lang.python first, when more than a handful of
people agree with you, come back.

 - Josiah

From martin at  Thu Sep 22 21:17:59 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 21:17:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compressing MSI files: 2.4.2 candidate?
Message-ID: <>

I just found that I can save somewhat more than 1MiB in
the MSI file by using LZX:21 instead of the standard
MSZIP when compressing the CAB file. A resulting package
can be found at

Can people please test whether this installs just as well?

Is it ok to use this modified procedure for 2.4.2 final (2.4.2c1
still uses MSZIP).


From greg at  Thu Sep 22 21:20:09 2005
From: greg at (Gregory P. Smith)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 12:20:09 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 09:12:05PM +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
> Martin Blais <blais at> writes:
> > On 9/18/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> >> On 9/17/05, John J Lee <jjl at> wrote:
> >> > I realize that not all algorithms (nor all computational problems) scale
> >> > well to MP hardware.  Is it feasible to usefully compile both MP and a UP
> >> > binaries from one Python source code base?
> >> 
> >> That's an understatement. I expect that *most* problems (even most
> >> problems that we will be programming 10-20 years from now) get little
> >> benefit out of MP.
> >
> > Some are saying it won't be a matter of choice if we want to get the
> > software to run faster (you know, that "MORE MORE MORE!" thing we all
> > seem to suffer from):
> People have been saying this for _years_, and it hasn't happened yet.
> This time around it's a bit more convincing, but I reserve the right
> to remain a touch skeptical.

good! :)

> >
> > The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
> > Herb Sutter
> > March 2005
> I was disappointed that that article (hey, it was the only issue of
> ddj I've ever actually bought! :) didn't consider any concurrency
> models other than shared memory threading.

Beware.  Multi-core and/or multi-threaded cpus are the only thing the
high end CPU manufacturers are able to produce today that they can
still claim to be "faster."  There is a HUGE incentive for them to
create demand for their design lest it become irrelevant and they be
forced to sell only low-margin commodity single core hardware.  This
means we'll see a ton of papers and people paid or coerced into
suggesting that this is the best thing since time sliced bread.


From Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM  Thu Sep 22 21:04:14 2005
From: Rich.Burridge at Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 12:04:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] vendor-packages directory
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>> Recently I asked about the inclusion of a "vendor-packages"
>> directory for Python on the Python mailing list.
>> See the thread started at:
>> for the full reasoning behind this request, and the replies
>> I received.
> I'm with Terry on this, it needs a better rationale.  Why can't you just 
> add a .pth file to the site-packages directory?  It seems that would 
> address the issue nicely.
> (See for documentation of 
> the .pth mechanism, which would let you implement a separate 
> vendor-packages directory without modifying Python, and would still 
> allow local overrides of your vendor packages.)

I understand how .pth files work.

The rationale for requesting the "vendor-packages" approach, is that Python files,
as supplied by the vendor (Sun, Apple, RedHat ...)  with their operating system
software, should go in a totally separate base directory, to differentiate them
from Python files installed specifically at one site.

From pje at  Thu Sep 22 21:56:35 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:56:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] vendor-packages directory
Message-ID: <>

At 12:04 PM 9/22/2005 -0700, Rich Burridge wrote:
>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>>Recently I asked about the inclusion of a "vendor-packages"
>>>directory for Python on the Python mailing list.
>>>See the thread started at:
>>>for the full reasoning behind this request, and the replies
>>>I received.
>>I'm with Terry on this, it needs a better rationale.  Why can't you just 
>>add a .pth file to the site-packages directory?  It seems that would 
>>address the issue nicely.
>>(See for documentation of the 
>>.pth mechanism, which would let you implement a separate vendor-packages 
>>directory without modifying Python, and would still allow local overrides 
>>of your vendor packages.)
>I understand how .pth files work.
>The rationale for requesting the "vendor-packages" approach, is that 
>Python files,
>as supplied by the vendor (Sun, Apple, RedHat ...)  with their operating 
>software, should go in a totally separate base directory, to differentiate 
>from Python files installed specifically at one site.

Right - I'm proposing you add a vendor-packages.pth file to site-pacakges, 
that points to a "totally separate base directory" where those files are 
installed, not that you install the packages themselves under 
site-packages.  To make sure we're disagreeing about the same thing <0.5 
wink>, here's what I'm suggesting:

1. Install your packages in /usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages (so far, so 
good, we agree on this part)

2. Create a 'vendor-packages.pth' file in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages, 
containing the line:


This will ensure that your vendor-packages "just work", unless locally 
overridden in site-packages.

So, you install one .pth file, once, as part of your installation of Python 
itself, and it works *now*, without waiting for a new Python release or 
complicating any other Python code or requiring agreement between vendors 
about how to do this.  This is one of the things that .pth files are for, 
and I believe it should be the recommended way for operating systems to 
establish OS-specific modifications to the default Python module search 
path.  Otherwise, everybody will be patching for their specific OS, 
and there are already too many OS-specific things in that code, and for 
backward-compatibility reasons we can't get rid of them in Python 2.x.  I 
don't think we want to add new ones.

From pje at  Thu Sep 22 21:58:17 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:58:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <dgutuf$7v6$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 08:42 PM 9/22/2005 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> >At 10:27 AM 9/22/2005 +0400, Sokolov Yura wrote:
> >>It is so simple to write application server in Python.
> >>It is so difficult to make it scallable in CPython.
> >
> > It seems you've never heard of fork(), which works just fine to scale
> > Python processes on multiprocessor boxes.
>there's a version of fork hidden somewhere in CPython that solves all
>interprocess communication and synchronization issues?  cool.

Yep, it's called "fork stateless application servers that keep their state 
in a relational database."  <0.1 wink>  It works for an astonishingly wide 
assortment of business problems, anyway.  :)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to adding better IPC capabilities; a 
Linda-like IPC facility would be nice to have, too.  I was just pointing 
out the fallacy in the original post (whose attribution you deleted for 
some reason), that *scalability* is the issue.  The original poster was 
claiming (in effect) that IPC and synchronization are trivial and that the 
GIL is responsible for some mythical lack of "scalability".  Threads can't 
scale past one machine, no matter how many processors you put in it, so 
it's a red herring IMO.

From bob at  Thu Sep 22 22:03:22 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:03:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] vendor-packages directory
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 22, 2005, at 3:56 PM, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> At 12:04 PM 9/22/2005 -0700, Rich Burridge wrote:
>> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>>> Recently I asked about the inclusion of a "vendor-packages"
>>>> directory for Python on the Python mailing list.
>>>> See the thread started at:
>>>> 300029.html
>>>> for the full reasoning behind this request, and the replies
>>>> I received.
>>> I'm with Terry on this, it needs a better rationale.  Why can't  
>>> you just
>>> add a .pth file to the site-packages directory?  It seems that would
>>> address the issue nicely.
>>> (See for  
>>> documentation of the
>>> .pth mechanism, which would let you implement a separate vendor- 
>>> packages
>>> directory without modifying Python, and would still allow local  
>>> overrides
>>> of your vendor packages.)
>> I understand how .pth files work.
>> The rationale for requesting the "vendor-packages" approach, is that
>> Python files,
>> as supplied by the vendor (Sun, Apple, RedHat ...)  with their  
>> operating
>> system
>> software, should go in a totally separate base directory, to  
>> differentiate
>> them
>> from Python files installed specifically at one site.
> Right - I'm proposing you add a vendor-packages.pth file to site- 
> pacakges,
> that points to a "totally separate base directory" where those  
> files are
> installed, not that you install the packages themselves under
> site-packages.  To make sure we're disagreeing about the same thing  
> <0.5
> wink>, here's what I'm suggesting:
> 1. Install your packages in /usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages (so  
> far, so
> good, we agree on this part)
> 2. Create a 'vendor-packages.pth' file in /usr/lib/python2.4/site- 
> packages,
> containing the line:
>     /usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages
> This will ensure that your vendor-packages "just work", unless locally
> overridden in site-packages.

vendor-packages.pth should look like this (evil, but practical):

import site; site.addsitedir('/usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages')

Otherwise packages like Numeric, PIL, PyObjC, etc. that take  
advantage of pth files will not work when installed to that location.


From bob at  Thu Sep 22 22:11:33 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:11:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] vendor-packages directory
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 22, 2005, at 3:04 PM, Rich Burridge wrote:

> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>> Recently I asked about the inclusion of a "vendor-packages"
>>> directory for Python on the Python mailing list.
>>> See the thread started at:
>>> 300029.html
>>> for the full reasoning behind this request, and the replies
>>> I received.
>> I'm with Terry on this, it needs a better rationale.  Why can't  
>> you just
>> add a .pth file to the site-packages directory?  It seems that would
>> address the issue nicely.
>> (See for documentation of
>> the .pth mechanism, which would let you implement a separate
>> vendor-packages directory without modifying Python, and would still
>> allow local overrides of your vendor packages.)
> I understand how .pth files work.
> The rationale for requesting the "vendor-packages" approach, is  
> that Python files,
> as supplied by the vendor (Sun, Apple, RedHat ...)  with their  
> operating system
> software, should go in a totally separate base directory, to  
> differentiate them
> from Python files installed specifically at one site.

Note that Apple already does this via a .pth file ("Extras.pth"), as  
of Mac OS X 10.4, which points to the following location:

Currently this location includes wxPython.  There is an additional  
vendor package which they (wrongly) integrated into their patched  
Python build process so it ends up in the plat-mac subsection of the  
standard library (CoreGraphics).  This is a closed-source not-very- 
well-done SWIG generated CoreGraphics wrapper that they use for some  
print filters and such.

Note that Python does have additional support on Mac OS X for an  
additional per-user site directory out of the box (for framework  
style builds anyway):

There's also the admin-writable /Library/PythonX.Y/site-packages/,  
but that's an implementation detail in that Apple made site-packages  
a symlink to that location.


From maa_public at  Thu Sep 22 22:17:34 2005
From: maa_public at (Alexander Myodov)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 01:47:34 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
Message-ID: <>

Hello Josiah,

>> i = 0
>> while i != 1:
>>     i += 1
>>     j = 5
>> print j
JC> Maybe you don't realize this, but C's while also 'leaks' internal
JC> variables...
JC> int i = 0, j;
JC> while (i != 1) {
JC>     i++;
JC>     j = 5;
JC> }
JC> printf("%i %i\n", i, j);
Yeah, it may *leak* it in your example. But the advantage is that it
may *not leak* as well:
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { int j = 5; }
printf ("%i\n", j); // Won't be even compiled

Or in our "while" case:
int i = 0;
while (i != 1) {
    int j = 5;
printf("%i %i\n", i, j);

JC> If you haven't yet found a good use for such 'leakage', you should spend
JC> more time programming and less time talking; you would find (quite
JC> readily) that such 'leaking' is quite beneficial.
I see such usages and realize the possible gains from it. But for
about five years of software development in a bunch of programming
languages, I've found good uses of non-leaking variables *as well*. Up
to the level of manually "enclosing" the temporary variables used only

int i = input();
int result;
    int j = f1(i);
    int k = f2(i, j);
    result = f3(i, j, k);
} // Now j and k are dead

>> accustomed from other languages. That's my sorrowful story.
JC> So you mistyped something.  I'm crying for you, really I am.
Yeah, I did. Just forgot removing the usage / renaming of variable neved
initialized (I thought) before. And my error was that I relied upon
the interpreter to catch it, mistakenly assuming the locality of
variables inside loops as a consistency with other common languages.
Mea culpa, without any jeers. The only reason why I was wrote my email
was to get the understanding of community assessment of such
behaviour, and/or probable workarounds. No blame against Python - it's
great even with this unusualty.

>> But for the "performance-oriented/human-friendliness" factor, Python
>> is anyway not a rival to C and similar lowlevellers. C has
>> pseudo-namespaces, though.
JC> C does not have pseudo-namespaces or variable encapsulation in for loops.
  for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { int j = 5; }
  printf ("%i\n", i);
  for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { int j = 5; }
  printf ("%i\n", j);
gets compiled though with "gcc -std=c99". That is, each loop
introduces a new scoping level.

JC> Ah hah hah!  Look ladies and gentlemen, I caught myself a troll!  Python
JC> does not rival C in the performance/friendliness realm?  Who are you
JC> trying to kid?  There is a reason why high school teachers are teaching
JC> kids Python instead of Pascal, Java, etc., it's because it is easier to
JC> learn and use.
Ohh, my slip made me considered a troll... I meant only that Python
does not rival C in such area as "performance by all means, even with
decrease of friendliness" (but the overall performance is indeed good,
I've seen even the VoIP solution written purely on on Python). And I
believe noone of Python developers want it to be rival.

JC> What you are proposing both would reduce speed and
JC> usability, which suggests that it wasn't a good idea in the first place.
Yes, it lacks performance, but I still believe that an opportunity to close the
visibility of variables (*opportunity* rather than *behaviour
change*!) is better in terms of "friendliness" rather than lack of it.
Just because it offers the alternatives. Because C-style closed
visibility can emulate the variable lack, but not vice versa.
At least one voice here (of Gareth McCaughan) is not-strictly-against
it. So I cannot agree that such *option* can reduce usability.

>> "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" works fine nowadays.
JC> I'm sorry, but you are wrong.  The C99 spec states that you must define
JC> the type of i before using it in the loop.  Maybe you are thinking of
JC> C++, which allows such things.
"gcc -std=c99" compiles the line "for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++);"
perfectly. Along with another sample mentioned above   .
To this day, I relied upon gcc in terms of standards compatibility...

JC> Tes your ideas on comp.lang.python first, when more than a handful of
JC> people agree with you, come back.
Ok. Next time I shall be more careful. Sorry again, and thanks for
your time. And thanks for more-or-less patient answers.

With best regards,
 Alexander                          mailto:maa_public at

From pje at  Thu Sep 22 22:35:45 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:35:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] vendor-packages directory
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:18 PM 9/22/2005 -0700, Rich Burridge wrote:
>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>Right - I'm proposing you add a vendor-packages.pth file to 
>>site-pacakges, that points to a "totally separate base directory" where 
>>those files are installed, not that you install the packages themselves 
>>under site-packages.  To make sure we're disagreeing about the same thing 
>><0.5 wink>, here's what I'm suggesting:
>>1. Install your packages in /usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages (so far, 
>>so good, we agree on this part)
>>2. Create a 'vendor-packages.pth' file in 
>>/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages, containing the line:
>>    /usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages
>>This will ensure that your vendor-packages "just work", unless locally 
>>overridden in site-packages.
>>So, you install one .pth file, once, as part of your installation of 
>>Python itself, and it works *now*, without waiting for a new Python 
>>release or complicating any other Python code or requiring agreement 
>>between vendors about how to do this.  This is one of the things that 
>>.pth files are for, and I believe it should be the recommended way for 
>>operating systems to establish OS-specific modifications to the default 
>>Python module search path.  Otherwise, everybody will be patching 
>>for their specific OS, and there are already too many OS-specific things 
>>in that code, and for backward-compatibility reasons we can't get rid of 
>>them in Python 2.x.  I don't think we want to add new ones.
>Bob Ippolito wrote:
> > vendor-packages.pth should look like this (evil, but practical):
> >
> > import site; site.addsitedir('/usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages')
> >
> > Otherwise packages like Numeric, PIL, PyObjC, etc. that take  advantage
> > of pth files will not work when installed to that location.
>Thanks!  I'll work with the architectural committee in question to see if they
>are happy with this approach to solving the problem.

Glad we could help.  Unfortunately, there isn't any sort of document at the 
moment for "Python Distributors" to help explain how these kinds of 
problems should be solved.  It would probably be a good idea for us to have 
one.  Perhaps a volunteer or two could be found on the distutils-SIG who 
could help put one together, since a certain number of distributions' 
Python gurus tend to hang out there.

(By the way, assuming this solves your problem fully, don't forget to 
withdraw your patch on SF, optionally citing the archive URL for 
this email.)

From rblists at  Thu Sep 22 22:40:25 2005
From: rblists at (richard barran)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 22:40:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2) (and a first post)
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, John J Lee wrote:
 > On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Greg Ewing wrote:
 > > Trent Mick wrote:
 > >
 > > > If this *does* get added (I'm +0) then let's call it "relpath" or
 > > > "relpathto" as in the various implementations out there:
 > >
 > > +1 on that, too. Preferably just "relpath".
 > [...]
 > +1 on adding this function, and on "relpath" as the name.  I  
wanted this
 > function just a few weeks ago.

Hello All,

This is my first post here, so first a few words about me. My name is  
Richard Barran. I live in Paris (but I'm English) and earn my living  
by coding Oracle stored procedures in PL/SQL. I discovered Python 2  
years ago and now use it in my day job for a variety of purposes:  
quick scripts, unit testing of my "proper" PL/SQL stuff, code  
deployment scripts and so on. Now down to business:

I'm the author of one of the "relpath" functions posted on the  
ActiveState website* so I've read this thread with interest.
For some time I've been thinking of contributing something back to  
Python, but I thought the relpath function was too specialised for  
inclusion in the standard library. Also I wasn't clear on how to go  
about getting the support of a python-dev member, as required in the  
development process guidelines paper :-)

So I have a question: do the previous mails mean that a relpath  
function might possibly be a usefull addition to os.path?
And if the answer to the previous question is "yes", then should I  
submit a patch, or is someone else already working on it?

Richard Barran

* my version is the one at 

From jcarlson at  Thu Sep 22 22:58:08 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 13:58:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Myodov <maa_public at> wrote:

> >> "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" works fine nowadays.
> JC> I'm sorry, but you are wrong.  The C99 spec states that you must define
> JC> the type of i before using it in the loop.  Maybe you are thinking of
> JC> C++, which allows such things.
> "gcc -std=c99" compiles the line "for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++);"
> perfectly. Along with another sample mentioned above   .
> To this day, I relied upon gcc in terms of standards compatibility...

I misread the error message from my compiler.  It /only/ works in C99
mode.  Previous C standards (which CPython itself conforms to) did not
allow such things.

Interestingly enough, not all C++ compilers (Microsoft) hid variables
created in for loops

 - Josiah

From guido at  Thu Sep 22 23:16:27 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:16:27 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Please end this thread. It belongs in Nothing's going to change.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From janssen at  Thu Sep 22 23:15:14 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:15:14 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 21 Sep 2005 23:27:10 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep22.141518pdt."58617">

Sokolov Jura writes:
> It is so simple to write application server in Python.
> It is so difficult to make it scallable in CPython.
> CPython will not be wide popular without real multithreading.

He's right.


From tjreedy at  Fri Sep 23 00:51:43 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 18:51:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
References: <>
Message-ID: <dgvchu$l2e$>

"Bill Janssen" <janssen at> wrote in message 
> Sokolov Jura writes:
>> It is so simple to write application server in Python.
>> It is so difficult to make it scallable in CPython.
>> CPython will not be wide popular without real multithreading.
> He's right.

I think the post is at least somewhat wrong on both technical and 
topicalness levels.

On a technical level, the second statement seems wrong as an absolute 
statement.  Phillip Eby claims that *some* application servers are easily 
scaled even if others are not.  I suspect this is more likely to be the 
truth.  In any case, the statement conveys no new technical information 
while to me it has the form and emotional load of a flame.

The third statement is an opinion about the indefinite future which is 
neither right nor wrong as it stands.  To ever judge it so, we need an 
operational definition of 'wide popular' to guide measurement.  By some 
standards, Python is already widely popular.  By others, it never will be.

Guido already said that he will consider a high-quality maintainable 'real 
threading' patch that proves his scepticism wrong and that is neutral to 
beneficial to most all users, so I see little point in further flogging the 
issue, at least on this forum.

Terry J. Reedy

From trentm at  Fri Sep 23 02:58:13 2005
From: trentm at (Trent Mick)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:58:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2) (and a first post)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[richard barran wrote]
> So I have a question: do the previous mails mean that a relpath  
> function might possibly be a usefull addition to os.path?

Yes, it seems to have support.

> And if the answer to the previous question is "yes", then should I  
> submit a patch, or is someone else already working on it?

Yes, please do.


Trent Mick
TrentM at

From bob at  Fri Sep 23 03:09:15 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 21:09:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] os.path.diff(path1, path2) (and a first post)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 22, 2005, at 8:58 PM, Trent Mick wrote:

> [richard barran wrote]
>> So I have a question: do the previous mails mean that a relpath
>> function might possibly be a usefull addition to os.path?
> Yes, it seems to have support.

I'd like to throw in another late +1 here, I've written this myself  
more times than I care to count.


From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep 23 03:34:32 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 13:34:32 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Jewett wrote:

> "Is there anything left?" is a pretty analogy for iterators,
> particularly since the examples tend to start with list
> or file iterators.

But this can't be supported by all iterators, so it would
be something special to these iterators.

Keeping track of the peculiarities of iterators associated
with particular types is too much to fit in my brain. I'd
rather they all had the same interface.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep 23 03:53:27 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 13:53:27 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Josiah Carlson wrote:

> As for list comprehensions, they were literally meant to be a
> completely equivalent translation of a set of for loops.

I don't think that's quite true. I doubt whether anyone
really thought about the issue when LCs were first being
discussed. I didn't, but if I had, I wouldn't have
considered the variable-leaking as being something that
it was necessary to preserve, because the only use case
for it is something you can't do with an LC anyway.

The reasons for the variable-leaking being preserved are
(1) it fell out of the implementation and (2) it makes the
documentation slightly simpler, since LCs can be described
fully and accurately in terms of translation to for-loops.

Whether those are *good* reasons or not is debatable.

In Py3k it's possible that this will be resolved by making
for-loop variables local to the loop as well. Or maybe not.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From guido at  Fri Sep 23 04:38:54 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 19:38:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/22/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Josiah Carlson wrote:
> > As for list comprehensions, they were literally meant to be a
> > completely equivalent translation of a set of for loops.
> I don't think that's quite true. I doubt whether anyone
> really thought about the issue when LCs were first being
> discussed. I didn't, but if I had, I wouldn't have
> considered the variable-leaking as being something that
> it was necessary to preserve, because the only use case
> for it is something you can't do with an LC anyway.
> The reasons for the variable-leaking being preserved are
> (1) it fell out of the implementation and (2) it makes the
> documentation slightly simpler, since LCs can be described
> fully and accurately in terms of translation to for-loops.
> Whether those are *good* reasons or not is debatable.

It was the cheapest implementation; it was known at the time that it
wasn't ideal. I'd like to fix this in 3.0, so that LC's are just a
special case of GE's.

> In Py3k it's possible that this will be resolved by making
> for-loop variables local to the loop as well. Or maybe not.

Definitely not. There are lots of uses for the loop control variable
after break.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From kbk at  Fri Sep 23 05:21:41 2005
From: kbk at (Kurt B. Kaiser)
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 23:21:41 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Message-ID: <>

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  337 open ( -6) /  2941 closed (+14) /  3278 total ( +8)
Bugs    :  908 open ( +0) /  5262 closed (+17) /  6170 total (+17)
RFE     :  194 open ( +5) /   187 closed ( +2) /   381 total ( +7)

New / Reopened Patches

use LIST_APPEND opcode for X.append() method calls  (2005-09-16)  opened by  Neal Norwitz

python.sty correction - verbatim environment  (2005-09-17)  opened by  Wojciech Smigaj

python.sty: \py at sigline correction  (2005-09-17)  opened by  Wojciech Smigaj

cjkcodecs does not initialize type pointer  (2005-09-20)  opened by  Eric Huss

"Fatal Python error" from cStringIO's writelines  (2005-09-22)
CLOSED  opened by  Andrew Bennetts

Unchecked return value in cStringIO  (2005-09-22)
CLOSED  opened by  Andrew Bennetts

sysmodule.c: realpath() is unsafe  (2005-09-22)  opened by  Mihai Ibanescu

vendor-packages directory.  (2005-09-22)  opened by  Rich Burridge

Patches Closed

Simple webbrowser fix for netscape -remote  (2004-12-02)  closed by  birkenfeld

Replacement for which has problems.  (2004-05-16)  closed by  birkenfeld

Multiple bug fixes / improvements  (2003-04-27)  closed by  birkenfeld

python -c readlink()s and stat()s '-c'  (2005-02-09)  closed by  birkenfeld

Bugfix for dircheck() in Objects/fileobject.c  (2004-04-30)  closed by  birkenfeld

tkinter hello world example bug  (2005-08-31)  closed by  birkenfeld

Trivial typo in unicodedata._getcode  (2005-06-03)  closed by  loewis

Cache lines in StreamReader.readlines  (2005-08-24)  closed by  loewis

locale.getdefaultencoding: LANGUAGE not correctly parsed  (2005-03-20)  closed by  doko

locale.getdefaultencoding: precedence of LANGUAGE / LANG  (2005-03-20)  closed by  doko

locale: 'utf' is not a known encoding  (2005-03-20)  closed by  doko

"Fatal Python error" from cStringIO's writelines  (2005-09-22)  closed by  mwh

Unchecked return value in cStringIO  (2005-09-22)  closed by  mwh

New / Reopened Bugs

Installation of waste by MacPython installer  (2005-09-15)
CLOSED  opened by  Freek Dijkstra

The _ssl build process for 2.3.5 is broken  (2005-09-16)  opened by  Robert Cheung

doctest runner cannot handle non-ascii characters   (2005-09-17)  opened by  GRISEL

Distutils writes keywords comma-separated  (2005-09-17)  opened by  Martijn Pieters

Error in metaclass search order  (2005-09-18)  opened by  Pedro Werneck

email.Parser.FeedParser leak  (2005-09-18)
CLOSED  opened by  George Giannakopoulos

Problems with /usr/lib64 builds.  (2005-09-19)  opened by  Sean Reifschneider

termios.c in qnx4.25  (2005-09-19)  opened by  kbob_ru

cookielib undefined local variable error  (2005-09-19)
CLOSED  opened by  Yusuke Shinyama

expat symbols should be namespaced in pyexpat  (2005-09-19)  opened by  Trent Mick

inspect.getsource() misses single line blocks.   (2005-09-19)  opened by  Ron Adam

MemoryError in httplib  (2005-09-20)  opened by  Yue Zhang

Python/C API Reference Manual, Boolean Objects  (2005-09-20)
CLOSED  opened by  Li Daobing

expat crash python  (2005-09-20)  opened by  Mike Rozhnov

Call by object reference sometimes call by value  (2005-09-20)  opened by  Alan G

datetime.replace could take a dict  (2005-09-20)  opened by  Tom Lynn

Incorrect return type for search() method  (2005-09-21)  opened by  Noah Spurrier

hashable and mutable functions  (2005-09-21)
CLOSED  opened by  ChristianJ

shlex does not support unicode  (2005-09-21)  opened by  Wai Yip Tung

_socket module not build under cygwin  (2005-09-22)  opened by  Miki Tebeka

MSI installer does not pass values from UI  (2005-09-22)  opened by  Matthew Leslie

"Howto RE" link is dead  (2005-09-22)  opened by  Macs R We

build fails on Solaris 10 for Objects/complexobject.c  (2005-09-22)  opened by  Kenneth Simpson

Tkinter Scale returns only integer from/to values  (2005-09-22)
CLOSED  opened by  Tom Goddard

Bugs Closed

Installation of waste by MacPython installer  (2005-09-15)  closed by  jackjansen

_iscommand() in webbrowser module  (2003-02-17)  closed by  birkenfeld

webbrowser doesn't start default Gnome browser by default  (2005-02-02)  closed by  birkenfeld

urllib2 fails its builtin test  (2003-11-18)  closed by  birkenfeld

test_pwd fails on 64bit system (Opteron)  (2004-11-15)  closed by  birkenfeld

Calling builtin function 'eval' from C causes seg fault.  (2004-01-01)  closed by  birkenfeld

Error in representation of complex numbers(again)  (2005-02-08)  closed by  birkenfeld

patch 1079734 broke cgi.FieldStorage w/ multipart post req.  (2005-01-31)  closed by  arigo imports pwd before it's built if HOME not set  (2003-02-28)  closed by  birkenfeld

email.Parser.FeedParser leak  (2005-09-18)  closed by  montanaro

email.Generator traceback in forwarded msg  (2005-07-12)  closed by  bwarsaw

logging.shutdown() not correct for chained handlers  (2005-09-05)  closed by  vsajip

cookielib undefined local variable error  (2005-09-19)  closed by  birkenfeld

Python/C API Reference Manual, Boolean Objects  (2005-09-20)  closed by  birkenfeld

Build issues (lib path) on linux2-x86_64  (2004-03-27)  closed by  birkenfeld

Finding X11 fails on SuSE Opteron  (2004-01-07)  closed by  birkenfeld

Building python 2.3.3 RPM on Mandrake 9.2. fails  (2004-04-22)  closed by  birkenfeld

Tkinter Scale returns only integer from/to values  (2005-09-22)  deleted by  tom_goddard

RFE Closed

add dedent() string method  (2005-07-13)  closed by  birkenfeld

hashable and mutable functions  (2005-09-21)  closed by  rhettinger

From vwehren at  Fri Sep 23 08:30:12 2005
From: vwehren at (Vincent Wehren)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 08:30:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compressing MSI files: 2.4.2 candidate?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: at 
> [ at] On 
> Behalf Of "Martin v. Lowis"
> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:18 PM
> To: Python-Dev
> Subject: [Python-Dev] Compressing MSI files: 2.4.2 candidate?
> I just found that I can save somewhat more than 1MiB in the 
> MSI file by using LZX:21 instead of the standard MSZIP when 
> compressing the CAB file. A resulting package can be found at
> Can people please test whether this installs just as well?


The LZX:21-compressed package worked absolutely fine for me (Windows XP
Professional Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr).

Vincent Wehren

> Is it ok to use this modified procedure for 2.4.2 final 
> (2.4.2c1 still uses MSZIP).
> Regards,
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe: 

From mwh at  Fri Sep 23 11:23:50 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:23:50 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
 2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <> (Michael Hudson's message
	of "Thu, 22 Sep 2005 18:49:44 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson <mwh at> writes:

> Jeremy Maxfield <anothermax at> writes:
>> Sorry I think you're 'much mistaken'...
>> The revision of PyState.c in the rc242c1  looks like 2.38.22 (should be
>> 2.42)
>> and threadmodule.c looks like  2.59 (should be 2.64)
> Looks like you're right but SF CVS is being *astonishingly* slow right
> now.  The fixes will be in 2.4.2.

OK, I've finally managed to get these changes checked in.


    . <- the point                                your article -> .
    |------------------------- a long way ------------------------|
                                       -- Christophe Rhodes,

From anothermax at  Fri Sep 23 11:31:29 2005
From: anothermax at (Jeremy Maxfield)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:31:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-21 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That's great - thanks alot.
 On 9/23/05, Michael Hudson <mwh at> wrote:
> Michael Hudson <mwh at> writes:
> > Jeremy Maxfield <anothermax at> writes:
> >
> >> Sorry I think you're 'much mistaken'...
> >>
> >> The revision of PyState.c in the rc242c1 looks like 2.38.22 (should be
> >> 2.42)
> >> and threadmodule.c looks like 2.59 (should be 2.64)
> >
> > Looks like you're right but SF CVS is being *astonishingly* slow right
> > now. The fixes will be in 2.4.2.
> OK, I've finally managed to get these changes checked in.
> Cheers,
> mwh
> --
> . <- the point your article -> .
> |------------------------- a long way ------------------------|
> -- Christophe Rhodes,
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From m at  Fri Sep 23 10:51:40 2005
From: m at (Mikhail Kashkin)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 12:51:40 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Repository for python developers
Message-ID: <dh0fn4$ti$>

Moscow, Russia, September 23th, 2005

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Mikhail Kashkin,
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From mwh at  Fri Sep 23 13:34:12 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 12:34:12 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <> (Gregory P.
	Smith's message of "Thu, 22 Sep 2005 12:20:09 -0700")
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Gregory P. Smith" <greg at> writes:

> On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 09:12:05PM +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
>> Martin Blais <blais at> writes:
>> >
>> > The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
>> > Herb Sutter
>> > March 2005
>> I was disappointed that that article (hey, it was the only issue of
>> ddj I've ever actually bought! :) didn't consider any concurrency
>> models other than shared memory threading.
> Beware.  Multi-core and/or multi-threaded cpus are the only thing the
> high end CPU manufacturers are able to produce today that they can
> still claim to be "faster."  There is a HUGE incentive for them to
> create demand for their design lest it become irrelevant and they be
> forced to sell only low-margin commodity single core hardware.  This
> means we'll see a ton of papers and people paid or coerced into
> suggesting that this is the best thing since time sliced bread.

I'd imagine that the more interesting/easy to deal with concurrency
models can and will be implemented atop shared memory threads.  At
least, for the reasons you give, I hope so :)


  ZAPHOD:  OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million
           for good thinking, eh?
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 2

From gmccaughan at  Fri Sep 23 14:40:54 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 13:40:54 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

> The reason I like "a if b else c" is because it has the
> most natural word order. In English,
>    My dog is happy if he has a bone, else sad.
> sounds much more natural than
>    My dog is, if he has a bone, happy, else sad.

Neither sounds very natural to me; conditional
expressions don't occur much in English. It's
much more common to hear something like

    My dog is happy if he has a bone; otherwise he's sad.

And that would correspond to a postfix conditional
operator on *statements*, not expressions; Perl and
Ruby have this, but it doesn't seem very Pythonic.

> Interestingly, it looks *more* odd to me if parens are
> included:
>    return (self.arg if self.arg is not None else default)
> I think this is because, without the parens, I tend to read
> the "if" as applying to the whole phrase "return self.arg",
> not just to the "self.arg".

Which is one reason why I *don't* like the proposed
"consequent if antecedent else alternative" syntax;
it looks like a statement modifier when it isn't
really one. When you're forced (by the parens) to
read it correctly, you stop liking it! :-)


Conditional expressions do occur in English, though,
and they do generally have the consequent at the front.
But ... they also generally have the "else-marker"
right at the end. "Buy some pork if it's going cheap,
and some beef if not." "You can divide an angle into
N equal parts with ruler and compasses if N is a power
of 2 times a product of distinct Fermat primes, but
not if N has any other form." "I sleep all night
and work all day."

I don't think a syntax that authentically mirrors
the structure of conditional expressions in English
is likely to be very good.

    x = (123 if p==q; 321 otherwise)
    x = (123 if p==q, else 321 if not)
    x = (123 if p==q; else 321 if r==s; else 999 if not)



From gmccaughan at  Fri Sep 23 14:48:24 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 13:48:24 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday 2005-09-22 20:00, Josiah Carlson wrote:

[Alexander Myodov:]
> > But for the "performance-oriented/human-friendliness" factor, Python
> > is anyway not a rival to C and similar lowlevellers. C has
> > pseudo-namespaces, though.
> C does not have pseudo-namespaces or variable encapsulation in for loops.
> Ah hah hah!  Look ladies and gentlemen, I caught myself a troll!  Python
> does not rival C in the performance/friendliness realm?  Who are you
> trying to kid?

I think you've misunderstood Alex here; he's saying that Python
and C don't occupy the same region of the spectrum that runs
from "high performance, human-unfriendly" to "lower performance,
human friendly". Which is correct, unlike some other things he's
said :-).

> > "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" works fine nowadays.
> I'm sorry, but you are wrong.  The C99 spec states that you must define
> the type of i before using it in the loop.  Maybe you are thinking of
> C++, which allows such things.

No, Alex is right on this one too. Maybe you are thinking of C89,
which forbids such things.  The for statement

       [#1]  Except for the behavior of a continue statement in the
       loop body, the statement

               for ( clause-1 ; expr-2 ; expr-3 ) statement

       and the sequence of statements

                       clause-1 ;
                       while ( expr-2 ) {
                               expr-3 ;

       are equivalent (where clause-1 can be  an  expression  or  a
       123Thus,  clause-1  specifies  initialization  for the loop,
          possibly declaring one or more variables for use  in  the
          loop;  expr-2,  the  controlling expression, specifies an
          evaluation  made  before  each   iteration,   such   that
          execution  of  the  loop  continues  until the expression
          compares equal to 0; expr-3 specifies an operation  (such
          as  incrementing) that is performed after each iteration.
          If clause-1 is a  declaration,  then  the  scope  of  any
          variable  it declares is the remainder of the declaration
          and the entire loop, including the other two expressions.

(This is from a late draft of the C99 spec; I'm fairly sure
the final version is no different.)


From ark at  Fri Sep 23 15:45:45 2005
From: ark at (Andrew Koenig)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 09:45:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <003501c5c045$1cc64740$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>

> Interestingly enough, not all C++ compilers (Microsoft) hid variables
> created in for loops
> (

That's because the C++ spec changed during standardization, when the
standards committee realized the original idea was a mistake.

One of the convincing cases:

	if (x)
		for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { }

Is I in scope after the if statement?  If so, what value does it have if x
is false?  If not, then apparently the subject of an "if" statement is a why can't I write this?

	if (x)
		int i = 42;

and have i go out of scope?

From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep 23 16:30:14 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 15:30:14 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/21/05, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > The best way to make people stop complaining about the GIL and start
> > > using
> > > process-based multiprogramming is to provide solid, standardized support
> > > for process-based multiprogramming.
> >
> > 100% agreed. I needed a portable way to know if a program was already
> > running (and then to send it a simple command), the only simple solution
> > I found was to listen on a local TCP socket and store the port number in
> > a file in a known location. Not very elegant IMO.
> On *nix, use a unix domain socket (location in the filesystem which acts
> as a listening socket).  On Windows, you can use cTypes, pywin32, etc.,
> to create a global mutex and/or COM interface.

Yes, but that's the point - having a cross-platform solution available
"out of the box" (where the box may be the stdlib, or it may be third

The problems I see are:

1. Encapsulating a suitable core feature set in a nice API
2. Making it cross-platform

With something covering both of these, a case could be made for
including it in the stdlib, to support/encourage multiprocess style
coding in place of multithreading.

I use threading quite a lot, often to spawn multiple workers all doing
"the same thing" on different targets. A simple thread pool plus
threading.Queue is perfect for this. A package which provided a
similar abstraction using worker processes would be fine for me. Of
course, *I* want it for Windows, and most multiprocess stuff tends to
be Unix specific (where multiprocessing is natural and fast). And I'm
happy enough with threads (I'm scaling up the number of blocking calls
I'm waiting on - which already release the GIL - and so I don't care
too much about SMP per se).

This is getting offtopic, though, and probably more suitable for
c.l.p, where design issues of a multiprocessing module should be
thrashed out before coming back to python-dev with a proposal for the


From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep 23 16:55:11 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 15:55:11 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/20/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Basically, I'm +1 on the original PEP 308 form because it reads more naturally
> (and more like LC's and GE's) to me in expression contexts, and +0 on the
> "if/then/elif/else" form (because I would like a real conditional operator).

I agree that (expr if cond else expr) fits far more naturally these
days given the ordering of generator expressions (and list
comprehensions, but they were around when PEP 308 was discussed, so I
don't think they work as well as evidence :-)) Also, (expr if cond
else expr) doesn't naturally admit an elif case, reducing complexity
(and the tendency to overuse the construct in complex ways) a little.
And it doesn't need a new keyword.

I have a vague fondness for this form. I really can't express it very
well, but the if-then-else version just feels a little too "boring and
conventional". I'm sure people will get used to it (heck, we've got
decorators and print >> :-)) but maybe pushing a (mildly)
idiosyncratic form isn't worth opening that can of worms again.

I'm +1 on a conditiona expression. I suspect the time is now right.

I'm +1 on *one* of

    (expr if cond else expr)
    (if cond then expr else expr)

With the latter, I don't mind if elif is added or not.

I'm +1000000000 on Guido just making the decision. No more votes, please!


From jcarlson at  Fri Sep 23 18:11:23 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 09:11:23 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gareth McCaughan <gmccaughan at> wrote:
[seems to have gone off list with a portion of the discussion]
> > The reason I like "a if b else c" is because it has the
> > most natural word order. In English,
> >    My dog is happy if he has a bone, else sad.
> > sounds much more natural than
> >    My dog is, if he has a bone, happy, else sad.
> Neither sounds very natural to me; conditional
> expressions don't occur much in English. It's
> much more common to hear something like
>     My dog is happy if he has a bone; otherwise he's sad.

Natural english wise, this also sounds natural:

    If my dog has a bone he's happy, otherwise he's sad.

But yeah, I'll use them regardless of the syntax, even if I have

 - Josiah

From martin at  Fri Sep 23 18:43:50 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:43:50 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Compressing MSI files: 2.4.2 candidate?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Vincent Wehren wrote:
> The LZX:21-compressed package worked absolutely fine for me (Windows XP
> Professional Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr).

Thanks for all the confirmations; I'm going to use it then for 2.4.2.


From tjreedy at  Sat Sep 24 03:48:39 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 21:48:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><><><>
Message-ID: <dh2b9m$e2q$>

>> Need I continue?  Or is the dead still dead?

Since 'a if b else c' is not obviously dead, I will summarize my argument 
against it thusly:

It is ambiguous to people because it is can be parsed (by people, who are 
not automatons) as either '(a if) b (else c)' or 'a (if b) (else c)'.  The 
first parsing, seeing a as the conditional rather than the consequent, as 
in the the second, is at least as reasonable as the second given precedents 
in both other algorithm languages and natural languages (in English, at 
least, but I suspect others also).

Ambiguity sometimes leads to discomfort.  As important, it sometimes leads 
to bugs either in writing or reading.  The impetus for this discussion was 
a real-life buggy example of the and/or construct.   Its replacement should 
be something not similarly bug-prone, even if for a different reason.

Terry J. Reedy

From tjreedy at  Sat Sep 24 04:19:48 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 22:19:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <>
Message-ID: <dh2d43$h7c$>

"Jim Jewett" <jimjjewett at> wrote in message 
news:fb6fbf5605092112145cfda669 at

A nice summary, to which I will add just a little.

> For a conditional expression, I think the choices are really down
> to the following, which was already way too much freedom last
> ( time:
> (1)  Should it be done at all?
>    +  It would be useful, and avoid certain types of bugs.
>    -  It would encourage bracketing instead of indentation
> PEP 308 decided "not yet, anyhow"
> (2)  How many of the keywords (if ... then ... else ... elif) should be 
> dropped?
>    (if test then True else False)
>        + standard english
>        + standard programming idiom
>        - adds a "then" keyword
>    (if test True else False)
>        + better parallels the if: statement
>        - starts to run together

I think the first form with 'then' better parallels the 'if <cond> :' 
statement because 'then' functions as a separator between test and True 
just as ':' or ':\n' functions as a separator between <cond> and <True 

>    (if test1 Val1 elif test2 Val2 elif test3 Val3)
>        + parallels the if: statement
>        - encourages overly long code
>        * but still better than nested parens
> PEP 308 wasn't entirely clear; the words said to keep "elif", but
> the examples did not.  There was some disagreement on which
> of the other three keywords to represent explicitly.  (Rather than
> only by position.)
> (3)  What order should the clauses appear?
>    (if test then True else False)
>    (if test1 then Val1 elif test2 Val2 elif test3 Val3 else Val4)
>        + Natural Order
>        - do we need "then"?
>    (True if normal else False)
>    (Val1 if test1 else Val2 if test2 else Val3 if test3 else Val4)
>        + Best order for normal/default conditionals
>        + Best order in general if we weren't used to left-right 
> processing

I an far from convinced on either of these, perhaps because I am not sure 
about the actual claim.

>        - But we *do* expect left->right almost everywhere except 
> assignments

          - Ambiguous.

When expressions a and b both lack boolean operators, as is common in 
Python given that all objects have a boolean value, a if b else c is 
mentally parseable as either (a if) b (else c) or a (if b) (else c).  I 
initially though the proposal intended the first.

         -- Bug prone.  The left->right expectation leads to the wrong 

Hence we may expect occasional bugs both in writing and reading this 

> PEP 308 made it clear that "else" should be last.  Putting the condition
> before the "then" was not as clearcut.
> (4)  What sort of punctuation should augment or replace the keywords?
> PEP 308 suggested avoiding punctuation, but it wasn't clearcut.

Terry J. Reedy

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep 24 04:22:23 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 12:22:23 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <003501c5c045$1cc64740$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>
References: <003501c5c045$1cc64740$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>
Message-ID: <>

Andrew Koenig wrote:
>>Interestingly enough, not all C++ compilers (Microsoft) hid variables
>>created in for loops
> That's because the C++ spec changed during standardization, when the
> standards committee realized the original idea was a mistake.
> One of the convincing cases:
> 	if (x)
> 		for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { }
> Is I in scope after the if statement?  If so, what value does it have if x
> is false?  If not, then apparently the subject of an "if" statement is a
> why can't I write this?
> 	if (x)
> 		int i = 42;
> and have i go out of scope?

The difference is that C++ uses {} to delineate a new scope, whereas Python 
uses only def statements.

The behaviour in C++ and C99 can indeed be quite handy, and aligns perfectly 
with the static type system of those languages. Importantly, creating a new 
scope is cheap - it's just a matter of moving the stack pointer around a bit 
(and maybe invoking some destructors that would have been invoked eventually 

Python, however, uses a dynamic name binding system and scopes are expensive 
because they require setting up all of the machinery to support nested 
visibility. That is, additional inline scoping would add significant *runtime* 
overhead. So a different design choice was made in Python, but that choice is 
still internally consistent.

Using the above example:

     if x:
         for i in range(10): pass
     print i

     if x:
         i = 42
     print i

What happens on the 'print i' line in Python if 'x' is false? Easy: attempting 
to access 'i' will result in "UnboundLocalError" being raised at runtime, just 
as it would if the 'print i' line was *before* the if statement. That's 
because the name 'i' *is* in scope - it just hasn't been bound to anything yet.

As Guido has said, this is really a discussion for c.l.p. Even before taking 
it there, however, I suggest reviewing the c.l.p discussion from January 
regarding the idea of 'statement local namespaces' [1] (and also checking the 
archives to see if the discussion has moved on since then, as I haven't been 
following c.l.p. for a good long while).



Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From greg.ewing at  Sat Sep 24 05:02:03 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 15:02:03 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for "for/while/if" statements
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003501c5c045$1cc64740$6402a8c0@arkdesktop>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Python, however, uses a dynamic name binding system and scopes are expensive 
> because they require setting up all of the machinery to support nested 
> visibility.

Scopes within a function needn't be anywhere near as expensive
as scopes for nested functions are. The compiler can just
allocate all the locals that are going to be needed on
entry to the function, and keep track of which ones are

The only runtime overhead would be unbinding locals as they
go out of scope, if that were considered necessary or desirable.

The main problem is Python's lack of declarations, which
means that nested locals could only be used in places
where it's clear that a new variable is being introduced,
such as for loops, LCs, etc.


From tjreedy at  Sat Sep 24 05:21:14 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 23:21:14 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><dgpm8q$ili$><><><><><>
Message-ID: <dh2gn9$n31$>

"Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at> wrote in message 
news:433223A8.3010400 at
> Terry Reedy wrote:
>> Many people, perhaps most, including me, read
>> exp1 if exp2 else exp3 # as
>> cond if etrue else efalse # in direct analogy with
>> cond ?  etrue :     efalse # from C
> I'd have thought only Forth programmers would be prone to that!

Never wrote a single line, and may have not read one (in DDJ? Byte?) for 
15-20 years.  How do *you* read such C?  Cond 'Qmark' ....?

> It would surprise me greatly if it's really true that *most*
> people would read it that way.

OK.  I withdraw 'possibly most' as not directly relevant.  It would not 
take that many people to have enough people mistakenly write or read it 
that way for this construct to be somewhat as bug prone, in practice, as 

During the c.l.p debate, someone counted about 100 correct uses of 'a and b 
or c' in the standard library.  But one real misuse edged Guido toward 
replacing it.  So I think the replacement should be as clear as reasonably 
possible and clearly an improvement.

> Especially given that, in real
> code, you're not going to be looking at abstract names like
> exp1, exp2, exp3, but (hopefully) something a lot more
> meaningful.

Because every object in *Python* (ignoring buggy or unusual __nonzero__ 
methods) has a boolean value, any expression can be a conditional 
expression and hence conditional expressions often lack a boolean operator 
to flag the expression as the likely conditional.

> Can you honestly say that you would read

Given that setup, how could I possible misread :-?

>   return red_value if color == 'red' else blue_value
> as
>   if red_value:
>     return color == 'red'
>   else:
>     return blue_value
> ?

I can imagine that if I were to read the return naively, I might wonder 
whether the expressions were reversed.  And certainly, not all code I have 
read has had such obvious names.

Now, can you honestly say that you would (naively) read

  return foo if bar else baz

and be certain you knew what it meant?

Terry J. Reedy

From ncoghlan at  Sat Sep 24 06:59:47 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 14:59:47 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dh2gn9$n31$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><dgpm8q$ili$><><><><><>	<><><><dgs9h3$iso$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy wrote:
> During the c.l.p debate, someone counted about 100 correct uses of 'a and b 
> or c' in the standard library.  But one real misuse edged Guido toward 
> replacing it.  So I think the replacement should be as clear as reasonably 
> possible and clearly an improvement.

But I think there's a difference in kind here - to *fix* Raymond's example 
required a fundamental change to the structure of the line, none of which 
looked as clean as the original. There is no way to get the and/or construct 
to gracefully handle the case where the desired result in the 'true' case 
might itself be false: either you change to using an if statement, or you use 
a workaround like the ugly singleton-list approach.

That is, the following is fundamentally broken for pure imaginary numbers:
   return isinstance(z, ComplexType) and z.real or z

Fixing it requires changing to either:
   return (isinstance(z, ComplexType) and [z.real] or [z])[0]

   if isinstance(z, ComplexType)
       return z.real
       return z

This is not the case with an in-fix notation for conditional expressions - you 
can fix a broken line simply by moving the relevant expressions to the correct 

   return isinstance(z, ComplexType) if z.real else z # Broken!
   return z.real if isinstance(z, ComplexType) else z # Correct!

I see this as being in the same category of error as writing "return foo ** 
baz" when you really should have written "return baz ** foo" (i.e., not the 
language's problem). (Random aside: it would be nice if "foo ** bar % baz" 
automatically invoked the three argument form of 'pow')

> Now, can you honestly say that you would (naively) read
>   return foo if bar else baz
> and be certain you knew what it meant?

Yes. I'd expect it to read like English - "Return foo if bar is true, 
otherwise return baz". Whether that was was what code was *supposed* to be 
doing, I couldn't assess without additional context (but that is true 
regardless of the syntax).

With the prefix notation used for C's conditional operator, I simply don't 
read it in the order it's written - I read "return bar ? foo : baz" as "if bar 
is true then return foo, otherwise return baz". That's possible with C because 
it uses punctuation - using an English keyword instead makes it significantly 
harder for me to consider interpreting the construct that way (In fact, the 
only way I can get my brain to accept it is by mentally replacing the "if" 
with "?" and the "else" with ":").

Does it help if you think of "if <C> else" as a parameterised infix operation 
for choosing between the expressions on either side?


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From murman at  Sat Sep 24 07:40:39 2005
From: murman at (Michael Urman)
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 00:40:39 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<dgs9h3$iso$> <>
	<dh2gn9$n31$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/23/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> But I think there's a difference in kind here - to *fix* Raymond's example
> required a fundamental change to the structure of the line, none of which
> looked as clean as the original. There is no way to get the and/or construct
> to gracefully handle the case where the desired result in the 'true' case
> might itself be false: either you change to using an if statement, or you use
> a workaround like the ugly singleton-list approach.
> That is, the following is fundamentally broken for pure imaginary numbers:
>    return isinstance(z, ComplexType) and z.real or z

It's hard to say whether this fixes Raymond's example when the goal
wasn't clearly stated, but I find a non ternary option

    lambda z: complex(z).real

more readable than any of the variants proposed so far. The obvious
downsides are that it can raise a ValueError, and turns integers into
floats. But if the input list is all numeric, it has clean results.

Michael Urman

From tjreedy at  Sat Sep 24 07:57:47 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 01:57:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer><><dgpm8q$ili$><><><><><>	<><><><dgs9h3$iso$>	<><dh2gn9$n31$>
Message-ID: <dh2psq$5gr$>

"Nick Coghlan" <ncoghlan at> wrote in message 
news:4334DD43.1010207 at

<snip discussion indicating that our brains work different on this issue>

I am reminded of how some people seem to react to fingernails on a 
blackboard, while the screech is just another noise to me, except that I am 
in the opposite position with respect to a if b else c.

> Does it help if you think of "if <C> else" as a parameterised infix 
> operation
> for choosing between the expressions on either side?

Hmm.  If I parse it as a (if b else) c and sort of ignore the words and 
think of it as <T c F> so that the whole thing is a switch pointing either 
left or right?  A bit strange, but perhaps it does.

Terry J. Reedy

From greg.ewing at  Sat Sep 24 11:00:24 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 21:00:24 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dh2gn9$n31$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
	<> <dh2gn9$n31$>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy wrote:

> Now, can you honestly say that you would (naively) read
>   return foo if bar else baz
> and be certain you knew what it meant?

I can honestly say that, given I knew I was reading Python
code, it would never have entered by head to read "foo if"
as meaning that "foo" was the condition. Bizarrely backwards
too much it would be.


From p.f.moore at  Sat Sep 24 12:16:51 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 11:16:51 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dh2gn9$n31$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<dgs9h3$iso$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/24/05, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> Now, can you honestly say that you would (naively) read
>   return foo if bar else baz
> and be certain you knew what it meant?

FWIW, yes, I can honestly say that I would be certain. Yes, you may be
able to *parse* it as (foo if) bar (esle baz) as well as foo (if bar)
(else baz), but I know of no conceivable *semantic* meaning for "foo
if" - English has no postfix if, and nor do any programming languages,
except entirely postfix ones such as Forth.


From a.edmondson at  Fri Sep 23 09:35:06 2005
From: a.edmondson at (Andrew Edmondson)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 08:35:06 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Possible bug in urllib.urljoin
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

We've found a problem using urllib.urljoin when upgrading
from python 2.3 to 2.4. It no longer joins a particular
corner case of URLs correctly (we think!).

The code appears to follow the algorithm (from for resolving urls
almost exacty...

I believe the problem occurs when reaching "step 5" (approx
line 160) which will happen if the embedded url has no
scheme, netloc or path (and is nonempty).

Following the algorithm the resulting url should now be
returned using the base urls scheme,netloc and path but the
embedded urls params / query (if present else set to base
ones) which follows in 2.3:

    if not path:
        if not params:
            params = bparams
            if not query:
                query = bquery
        return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, bpath,
                           params, query, fragment))

However in 2.4, even if the embedded urls path is empty,
unless the params and query segments are empty too, flow
passes to step 6.

    if not (path or params or query):
        return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, bpath,
                           bparams, bquery, fragment))

and thus the last segment of the base path will be removed
in order to append the embedded url's path, but the path is
empty! and so the resulting path is returned incorrectly.

Can you tell me if this was a deliberate decision to move
from following the algorithm? If so then we'll work around it.
Andrew Edmondson
PGP Key:
PGP Fingerprint: 7B32 4D1E AC4F 29E2 9EAA 9550 1A3D BBA4 CEE8 14DC

From falcon at  Sun Sep 25 09:53:13 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 11:53:13 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
Message-ID: <>

Sorry for looking in every hole.
Just a  suggestion.

A= condition and first or second
problem is in case when first in (None,0,[],"").
May be invent new operator 'take'.
take - returns right operator when left evals to True and stops 
computing condidtional expression.
Then we could write:

A = condition take first or second.
A = x==y take w or s
A = z is not None and q!=12 take [] or allowable(z,q) take [(z,q)] or 

Ok, it might looks ugly. But may be not.

Excuse my english.

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Sun Sep 25 19:11:30 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 19:11:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <dh6lo2$u5g$>

Sokolov Yura wrote:
> Sorry for looking in every hole.
> Just a  suggestion.
> A= condition and first or second
> problem is in case when first in (None,0,[],"").
> May be invent new operator 'take'.
> take - returns right operator when left evals to True and stops 
> computing condidtional expression.
> Then we could write:
> A = condition take first or second.
> A = x==y take w or s
> A = z is not None and q!=12 take [] or allowable(z,q) take [(z,q)] or 
> "Impossible"
> Ok, it might looks ugly. But may be not.

One of the advantages of (if x then y else z) is that it doesn't require
the introduction of a new keyword (I think the "then" could be special-
cased like "as" in the import statement).


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From jjl at  Sun Sep 25 22:34:39 2005
From: jjl at (John J Lee)
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 20:34:39 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Possible bug in urllib.urljoin
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0509252030110.8702@alice>

On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, Andrew Edmondson wrote:

> We've found a problem using urllib.urljoin when upgrading
> from python 2.3 to 2.4. It no longer joins a particular
> corner case of URLs correctly (we think!).
> The code appears to follow the algorithm (from
> for resolving urls
> almost exacty...
> Can you tell me if this was a deliberate decision to move
> from following the algorithm? If so then we'll work around it.

I don't know if it was done right, but this came in at revision 1.41 of -- the commit comment is actually in 1.42:

| Make urlparse RFC 2396 compliant.
| Closes bug #450225 (thanks Michael Stone).

So I guess the answer to your question is "yes".


From gmccaughan at  Mon Sep 26 12:14:09 2005
From: gmccaughan at (Gareth McCaughan)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 11:14:09 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dh2gn9$n31$>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
	<> <dh2gn9$n31$>
Message-ID: <>

On Saturday 2005-09-24 04:21, Terry Reedy wrote:

> Never wrote a single line, and may have not read one (in DDJ? Byte?) for 
> 15-20 years.  How do *you* read such C?  Cond 'Qmark' ....?

I seldom have to read C code aloud, and the ?: operator is
rare-ish; but I would suggest reading a?b:c as "a chooses b else c"
or (shaving a syllable) "a gives b else c" or something like that.
Or, ploddingly but unambiguously, "a query b colon c".

> Now, can you honestly say that you would (naively) read
>   return foo if bar else baz
> and be certain you knew what it meant?

I can't imagine *actually* reading it as if "foo" were the
condition. But I can imagine reading it, to begin with, as if
it were a Perlish conditionalized statement: "(return foo) if
bar else ... aw heck, that can't be right". Which is probably
benign but slows down comprehension.


From paolo_veronelli at  Mon Sep 26 14:22:52 2005
From: paolo_veronelli at (Paolino)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 14:22:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Trasvesal thought  on syntax features
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>	<>
Message-ID: <>

I don't remember where I read (here around probably) that having a 
"client pluggable" syntax was not good for python because then ,and more 
blah blah.I believed it was a rule of the thumb..
But ,when a client programmer like me writes code he tries to give a 
clean, unambigous interface/syntax for a possible under user.Having a 
fixed set of keywords and not overridable syntactic sugar is just a 
limit.Once a sound set of unittest is written with documentation, every 
useful library would add its keywords.
What I start thinking reading here is that if you let redefine, instead:

1) print statement :I will redefine it like now , no matter if python 
3.0 is not selling it any more in the language

2) on A take B or C: How ever and whatever one would like to write, this 
expression could  be definable, ending all the pathetic blah blah (hope 
not to offend)

Thanks for jour job anyway.


From anthony at  Mon Sep 26 14:55:13 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 22:55:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-28 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
Message-ID: <>

So here we go - the release24-maint branch will be frozen from 
midnight UTC on Wednesday the 28th (about 36 hours from now). This is 
to cut 2.4.2 (final).

If you have any pending patches you want to see landed on the branch, 
mail me about them - and do it soon! 

There's been a bunch of fixes since 2.4.2c1, but nothing that I judge 
making it worthwhile doing a 2.4.2c2. I'm open to other opinions 
here, of course.


From aahz at  Mon Sep 26 14:57:59 2005
From: aahz at (Aahz)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 05:57:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] IMPORTANT: release24-maint branch is FROZEN from
	2005-09-28 00:00 UTC for 2.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Sep 26, 2005, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> So here we go - the release24-maint branch will be frozen from 
> midnight UTC on Wednesday the 28th (about 36 hours from now). This is 
> to cut 2.4.2 (final).
> If you have any pending patches you want to see landed on the branch, 
> mail me about them - and do it soon! 
> There's been a bunch of fixes since 2.4.2c1, but nothing that I judge 
> making it worthwhile doing a 2.4.2c2. I'm open to other opinions 
> here, of course.

After my experience doing weekly code rollouts for the past year, I'm
somewhere between +0 and +1 on doing another release candidate.  OTOH,
doing a brownbag 2.4.3 won't kill us, and few people will use a release
candidate instead of waiting.  Still your call.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

The way to build large Python applications is to componentize and
loosely-couple the hell out of everything.

From nas at  Tue Sep 27 00:24:17 2005
From: nas at (Neil Schemenauer)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 22:24:17 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
References: <>
Message-ID: <dh9seh$6lo$>

Micah Elliott <mde at> wrote:
>    *Fix me*: Areas of problematic or ugly code needing refactoring or
>    cleanup.

I think the standard should not have codetags that are synonyms.
This is Python and there should be only one way to do it.  One
problem with synonyms is that they makes it harder to search using
tools like grep.


From gjc at  Tue Sep 27 15:11:13 2005
From: gjc at (Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 14:11:13 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dh6lo2$u5g$>
References: <>  <dh6lo2$u5g$>
Message-ID: <1127826673.15824.6.camel@localhost>

On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 19:11 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> Sokolov Yura wrote:
> > Sorry for looking in every hole.
> > Just a  suggestion.
> > 
> > A= condition and first or second
> > problem is in case when first in (None,0,[],"").
> > May be invent new operator 'take'.
> > take - returns right operator when left evals to True and stops 
> > computing condidtional expression.
> > Then we could write:
> > 
> > A = condition take first or second.
> > A = x==y take w or s
> > A = z is not None and q!=12 take [] or allowable(z,q) take [(z,q)] or 
> > "Impossible"
> > 
> > Ok, it might looks ugly. But may be not.
> One of the advantages of (if x then y else z) is that it doesn't require
> the introduction of a new keyword (I think the "then" could be special-
> cased like "as" in the import statement).

  This wouldn't look so bad either:
	(if x: y else: z)

  More realistic example:

    def greet(person=None):
	print "Hello %s" % (if person is None: "World" else: person)

  Not as compact as C's ?:, but more readable and intuitive.  It's just
like an if-else construct, but on a single line and () around to make it
look like an expression instead of a statement.

> Reinhold
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc at> <gustavo at>
The universe is always one step beyond logic.

From falcon at  Mon Sep 26 08:31:53 2005
From: falcon at (Sokolov Yura)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:31:53 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
Message-ID: <>

New keyword is so expensive?
And why special case for 'then' is better than special case for 'take'?

From mde at  Tue Sep 27 00:35:21 2005
From: mde at (Micah Elliott)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 15:35:21 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
Message-ID: <>

Please read/comment/vote.  This circulated as a pre-PEP proposal
submitted to on August 10, but has changed quite a bit since
then.  I'm reposting this since it is now "Open (under consideration)"
at <>.


Micah Elliott <mde at>

PEP: 350
Title: Codetags
Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2005/09/26 19:56:53 $
Author: Micah Elliott <mde at>
Status: Draft
Type: Informational
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 27-Jun-2005
Post-History: 10-Aug-2005, 26-Sep-2005


This informational PEP aims to provide guidelines for consistent use
of *codetags*, which would enable the construction of standard
utilities to take advantage of the codetag information, as well as
making Python code more uniform across projects.  Codetags also
represent a very lightweight programming micro-paradigm and become
useful for project management, documentation, change tracking, and
project health monitoring.  This is submitted as a PEP because its
ideas are thought to be Pythonic, although the concepts are not unique
to Python programming.  Herein are the definition of codetags, the
philosophy behind them, a motivation for standardized conventions,
some examples, a specification, a toolset description, and possible
objections to the Codetag project/paradigm.

This PEP is also living as a wiki_ for people to add comments.

What Are Codetags?

Programmers widely use ad-hoc code comment markup conventions to serve
as reminders of sections of code that need closer inspection or
review.  Examples of markup include ``FIXME``, ``TODO``, ``XXX``,
``BUG``, but there many more in wide use in existing software.  Such
markup will henceforth be referred to as *codetags*.  These codetags
may show up in application code, unit tests, scripts, general
documentation, or wherever suitable.

Codetags have been under discussion and in use (hundreds of codetags
in the Python 2.4 sources) in many places (e.g., c2_) for many years.
See References_ for further historic and current information.


If you subscribe to most of these values, then codetags will likely be
useful for you.

1. As much information as possible should be contained **inside the
   source code** (application code or unit tests).  This along with
   use of codetags impedes duplication.  Most documentation can be
   generated from that source code; e.g., by using help2man, man2html,
   docutils, epydoc/pydoc, ctdoc, etc.

2. Information should be almost **never duplicated** -- it should be
   recorded in a single original format and all other locations should
   be automatically generated from the original, or simply be
   referenced.  This is famously known as the Single Point Of
   Truth (SPOT) or Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) rule.

3. Documentation that gets into customers' hands should be
   **auto-generated** from single sources into all other output
   formats.  People want documentation in many forms.  It is thus
   important to have a documentation system that can generate all of

4. The **developers are the documentation team**.  They write the code
   and should know the code the best.  There should not be a
   dedicated, disjoint documentation team for any non-huge project.

5. **Plain text** (with non-invasive markup) is the best format for
   writing anything.  All other formats are to be generated from the
   plain text.

Codetag design was influenced by the following goals:

A. Comments should be short whenever possible.

B. Codetag fields should be optional and of minimal length.  Default
   values and custom fields can be set by individual code shops.

C. Codetags should be minimalistic.  The quicker it is to jot
   something down, the more likely it is to get jotted.

D. The most common use of codetags will only have zero to two fields
   specified, and these should be the easiest to type and read.


* **Various productivity tools can be built around codetags.**

  See Tools_.

* **Encourages consistency.**

  Historically, a subset of these codetags has been used informally in
  the majority of source code in existence, whether in Python or in
  other languages.  Tags have been used in an inconsistent manner with
  different spellings, semantics, format, and placement.  For example,
  some programmers might include datestamps and/or user identifiers,
  limit to a single line or not, spell the codetag differently than
  others, etc.

* **Encourages adherence to SPOT/DRY principle.**

  E.g., generating a roadmap dynamically from codetags instead of
  keeping TODOs in sync with separate roadmap document.

* **Easy to remember.**

  All codetags must be concise, intuitive, and semantically
  non-overlapping with others.  The format must also be simple.

* **Use not required/imposed.**

  If you don't use codetags already, there's no obligation to start,
  and no risk of affecting code (but see Objections_).  A small subset
  can be adopted and the Tools_ will still be useful (a few codetags
  have probably already been adopted on an ad-hoc basis anyway).  Also
  it is very easy to identify and remove (and possibly record) a
  codetag that is no longer deemed useful.

* **Gives a global view of code.**

  Tools can be used to generate documentation and reports.

* **A logical location for capturing CRCs/Stories/Requirements.**

  The XP community often does not electronically capture Stories, but
  codetags seem like a good place to locate them.

* **Extremely lightweight process.**

  Creating tickets in a tracking system for every thought degrades
  development velocity.  Even if a ticketing system is employed,
  codetags are useful for simply containing links to those tickets.


This shows a simple codetag as commonly found in sources everywhere
(with the addition of a trailing ``<>``)::

    # FIXME: Seems like this loop should be finite. <>
    while True: ...

The following contrived example demonstrates a typical use of
codetags.  It uses some of the available fields to specify the
assignees (a pair of programmers with initials *MDE* and *CLE*), the
Date of expected completion (*Week 14*), and the Priority of the item

    # FIXME: Seems like this loop should be finite. <MDE,CLE d:14w p:2>
    while True: ...

This codetag shows a bug with fields describing author, discovery
(origination) date, due date, and priority::

    # BUG: Crashes if run on Sundays.
    # <MDE 2005-09-04 d:14w p:2>
    if day == 'Sunday': ...

Here is a demonstration of how not to use codetags.  This has many
problems: 1) Codetags cannot share a line with code; 2) Missing colon
after mnemonic; 3) A codetag referring to codetags is usually useless,
and worse, it is not completable; 4) No need to have a bunch of fields
for a trivial codetag; 5) Fields with unknown values (``t:XXX``)
should not be used::

    i = i + 1   # TODO Add some more codetags.
    # <JRNewbie 2005-04-03 d:2005-09-03 t:XXX d:14w p:0 s:inprogress>


This describes the format: syntax, mnemonic names, fields, and
semantics, and also the separate DONE File.

General Syntax

Each codetag should be inside a comment, and can be any number of
lines.  It should not share a line with code.  It should match the
indentation of surrounding code.  The end of the codetag is marked by
a pair of angle brackets ``<>`` containing optional fields, which must
not be split onto multiple lines.  It is preferred to have a codetag
in ``#`` comments instead of string comments.  There can be multiple
fields per codetag, all of which are optional.

.. NOTE: It may be reasonable to allow fields to fit on multiple
   lines, but it complicates parsing and defeats minimalism if you
   use this many fields.

In short, a codetag consists of a mnemonic, a colon, commentary text,
an opening angle bracket, an optional list of fields, and a closing
angle bracket.  E.g., ::

    # MNEMONIC: Some (maybe multi-line) commentary. <field field ...>


The codetags of interest are listed below, using the following format:

| ``recommended mnemonic (& synonym list)``
|     *canonical name*: semantics

   *To do*: Informal tasks/features that are pending completion.

   *Fix me*: Areas of problematic or ugly code needing refactoring or

   *Bugs*: Reported defects tracked in bug database.

   *Will Not Be Fixed*: Problems that are well-known but will never be
   addressed due to design problems or domain limitations.

   *Requirements*: Satisfactions of specific, formal requirements.

   *Requests For Enhancement*: Roadmap items not yet implemented.

   *Ideas*: Possible RFE candidates, but less formal than RFE.

   *Questions*: Misunderstood details.

``!!! (ALERT)``
   *Alerts*: In need of immediate attention.

   *Hacks*: Temporary code to force inflexible functionality, or
   simply a test change, or workaround a known problem.

   *Portability*: Workarounds specific to OS, Python version, etc.

   *Caveats*: Implementation details/gotchas that stand out as

   *Notes*: Sections where a code reviewer found something that needs
   discussion or further investigation.

   *Frequently Asked Questions*: Interesting areas that require
   external explanation.

   *Glossary*: Definitions for project glossary.

   *See*: Pointers to other code, web link, etc.

   *Needs Documentation*: Areas of code that still need to be

   *Credits*: Accreditations for external provision of enlightenment.

   *Status*: File-level statistical indicator of maturity of this

   *Reviewed*: File-level indicator that review was conducted.

File-level codetags might be better suited as properties in the
revision control system, but might still be appropriately specified in
a codetag.

Some of these are temporary (e.g., ``FIXME``) while others are
persistent (e.g., ``REQ``).  A mnemonic was chosen over a synonym
using three criteria: descriptiveness, length (shorter is better),
commonly used.

Choosing between ``FIXME`` and ``XXX`` is difficult.  ``XXX`` seems to
be more common, but much less descriptive.  Furthermore, ``XXX`` is a
useful placeholder in a piece of code having a value that is unknown.
Thus ``FIXME`` is the preferred spelling.  `Sun says`__ that ``XXX``
and ``FIXME`` are slightly different, giving ``XXX`` higher severity.
However, with decades of chaos on this topic, and too many millions of
developers who won't be influenced by Sun, it is easy to rightly call
them synonyms.


``DONE`` is always a completed ``TODO`` item, but this should probably
be indicated through the revision control system and/or a completion
recording mechanism (see `DONE File`_).

It may be a useful metric to count ``NOTE`` tags: a high count may
indicate a design (or other) problem.  But of course the majority of
codetags indicate areas of code needing some attention.

An ``FAQ`` is probably more appropriately documented in a wiki where
users can more easily view and contribute.


All fields are optional.  The proposed standard fields are described
in this section.  Note that upper case field characters are intended
to be replaced.

The *Originator/Assignee* and *Origination Date/Week* fields are the
most common and don't usually require a prefix.

.. NOTE: the colon after the prefix is a new addition that became
   necessary when it was pointed out that a "codename" field (with no
   digits) such as "cTiger" would be indistinguishable from a username.
   <MDE 2005-9-24>

.. NOTE: This section started out with just assignee and due week.  It
   has grown into a lot of fields by request.  It is still probably
   best to use a tracking system for any items that deserve it, and
   not duplicate everything in a codetag (field). <MDE>

This lengthy list of fields is liable to scare people (the intended
minimalists) away from adopting codetags, but keep in mind that these
only exist to support programmers who either 1) like to keep ``BUG``
or ``RFE`` codetags in a complete form, or 2) are using codetags as
their complete and only tracking system.  In other words, many of
these fields will be used very rarely.  They are gathered largely from
industry-wide conventions, and example sources include `GCC
Bugzilla`__ and `Python's SourceForge`__ tracking systems.

.. ???: Maybe codetags inside packages ( files) could have
   special global significance. <MDE>


    List of *Originator* or *Assignee* initials (the context
    determines which unless both should exist).  It is also okay to
    use usernames such as ``MicahE`` instead of initials.  Initials
    (in upper case) are the preferred form.

    List of *Assignee* initials.  This is necessary only in (rare)
    cases where a codetag has both an assignee and an originator, and
    they are different.  Otherwise the ``a:`` prefix is omitted, and
    context determines the intent.  E.g., ``FIXME`` usually has an
    *Assignee*, and ``NOTE`` usually has an *Originator*, but if a
    ``FIXME`` was originated (and initialed) by a reviewer, then the
    assignee's initials would need a ``a:`` prefix.

``YYYY[-MM[-DD]]`` or ``WW[.D]w``
    The *Origination Date* indicating when the comment was added, in
    `ISO 8601`_ format (digits and hyphens only).  Or *Origination
    Week*, an alternative form for specifying an *Origination Date*.
    A day of the week can be optionally specified.  The ``w`` suffix
    is necessary for distinguishing from a date.

``d:YYYY[-MM[-DD]]`` or ``d:WW[.D]w``
    *Due Date (d)* target completion (estimate).  Or *Due Week (d)*,
    an alternative to specifying a *Due Date*.

    *Priority (p)* level.  Range (N) is from 0..3 with 3 being the
    highest.  0..3 are analogous to low, medium, high, and
    showstopper/critical.  The *Severity* field could be factored into
    this single number, and doing so is recommended since having both
    is subject to varying interpretation.  The range and order should
    be customizable.  The existence of this field is important for any
    tool that itemizes codetags.  Thus a (customizable) default value
    should be supported.

    *Tracker (t)* number corresponding to associated Ticket ID in
    separate tracking system.

The following fields are also available but expected to be less

    *Category (c)* indicating some specific area affected by this

    *Status (s)* indicating state of item.  Examples are "unexplored",
    "understood", "inprogress", "fixed", "done", "closed".  Note that
    when an item is completed it is probably better to remove the
    codetag and record it in a `DONE File`_.

    Development cycle *Iteration (i)*.  Useful for grouping codetags into
    completion target groups.

    Development cycle *Release (r)*.  Useful for grouping codetags into
    completion target groups.

    .. NOTE: SourceForge does not recognize a severity and I think
       that *Priority* (along with separate RFE codetags) should
       encompass and obviate *Severity*. <MDE>

    .. NOTE: The tools will need an ability to sort codetags in order
       of targeted completion.  I feel that *Priority* should be a
       unique, lone indicator of that addressability order.  Other
       categories such as *Severity*, *Customer Importance*, etc. are
       related to business logic and should not be recognized by the
       codetag tools.  If some groups want to have such logic, then it
       is best factored (externally) into a single value (priority)
       that can determine an ordering of actionable items. <MDE>

To summarize, the non-prefixed fields are initials and origination
date, and the prefixed fields are: assignee (a), due (d), priority
(p),tracker (t), category (c), status (s), iteration (i), and release

It should be possible for groups to define or add their own fields,
and these should have upper case prefixes to distinguish them from the
standard set.  Examples of custom fields are *Operating System (O)*,
*Severity (S)*, *Affected Version (A)*, *Customer (C)*, etc.


Some codetags have an ability to be *completed* (e.g., ``FIXME``,
``TODO``, ``BUG``).  It is often important to retain completed items
by recording them with a completion date stamp.  Such completed items
are best stored in a single location, global to a project (or maybe a
package).  The proposed format is most easily described by an example,
say ``~/src/fooproj/DONE``::

    # TODO: Recurse into subdirs only on blue
    # moons. <MDE 2003-09-26>
    [2005-09-26 Oops, I underestimated this one a bit.  Should have
    used Warsaw's First Law!]

    # FIXME: ...

You can see that the codetag is copied verbatim from the original
source file.  The date stamp is then entered on the following line
with an optional post-mortem commentary.  The entry is terminated by a
blank line (``\n\n``).

It may sound burdensome to have to delete codetag lines every time one
gets completed.  But in practice it is quite easy to setup a Vim or
Emacs mapping to auto-record a codetag deletion in this format (sans
the commentary).


Currently, programmers (and sometimes analysts) typically use *grep*
to generate a list of items corresponding to a single codetag.
However, various hypothetical productivity tools could take advantage
of a consistent codetag format.  Some example tools follow.

.. NOTE: Codetag tools are mostly unimplemented (but I'm getting
   started!) <MDE>

Document Generator
    Possible docs: glossary, roadmap, manpages

Codetag History
    Track (with revision control system interface) when a ``BUG`` tag
    (or any codetag) originated/resolved in a code section

Code Statistics
    A project Health-O-Meter

Codetag Lint
    Notify of invalid use of codetags, and aid in porting to codetags

Story Manager/Browser
    An electronic means to replace XP notecards.  In MVC terms, the
    codetag is the Model, and the Story Manager could be a graphical
    Viewer/Controller to do visual rearrangement, prioritization, and
    assignment, milestone management.

Any Text Editor
    Used for changing, removing, adding, rearranging, recording

There are some tools already in existence that take advantage of a
smaller set of pseudo-codetags (see References_).  There is also an
example codetags implementation under way, known as the `Codetag



:Objection: Extreme Programming argues that such codetags should not
    ever exist in code since the code is the documentation.

:Defense: Maybe you should put the codetags in the unit test files
    instead.  Besides, it's tough to generate documentation from
    uncommented source code.


:Objection: Too much existing code has not followed proposed

:Defense: [Simple] utilities (*ctlint*) could convert existing codes.


:Objection: Causes duplication with tracking system.

:Defense: Not really, unless fields are abused.  If an item exists in
    the tracker, a simple ticket number in the codetag tracker field
    is sufficient.  Maybe a duplicated title would be acceptable.
    Furthermore, it's too burdensome to have a ticket filed for every
    item that pops into a developer's mind on-the-go.  Additionally,
    the tracking system could possibly be obviated for simple or small
    projects that can reasonably fit the relevant data into a codetag.


:Objection: Codetags are ugly and clutter code.

:Defense: That is a good point.  But I'd still rather have such info
    in a single place (the source code) than various other documents,
    likely getting duplicated or forgotten about.  The completed
    codetags can be sent off to the `DONE File`_, or to the bit


:Objection: Codetags (and allcomments) get out of date.

:Defense: Not so much if other sources (externally visible
    documentation) depend on their being accurate.


:Objection: Codetags tend to only rarely have estimated completion
    dates of any sort.  OK, the fields are optional, but you want to
    suggest fields that actually will be widely used.

:Defense: If an item is inestimable don't bother with specifying a
    date field.  Using tools to display items with order and/or color
    by due date and/or priority, it is easier to make estimates.
    Having your roadmap be a dynamic reflection of your codetags makes
    you much more likely to keep the codetags accurate.


:Objection: Named variables for the field parameters in the ``<>``
    should be used instead of cryptic one-character prefixes.  I.e.,
    <MDE p:3> should rather be <author=MDE, priority=3>.

:Defense: It is just too much typing/verbosity to spell out fields.  I
    argue that ``p:3 i:2`` is as readable as ``priority=3,
    iteration=2`` and is much more likely to by typed and remembered
    (see bullet C in Philosophy_).  In this case practicality beats
    purity.  There are not many fields to keep track of so one letter
    prefixes are suitable.


:Objection: Synonyms should be deprecated since it is better to have a
    single way to spell something.

:Defense: Many programmers prefer short mnemonic names, especially in
    comments.  This is why short mnemonics were chosen as the primary
    names.  However, others feel that an explicit spelling is less
    confusing and less prone to error.  There will always be two camps
    on this subject.  Thus synonyms (and complete, full spellings)
    should remain supported.


:Objection: It is cruel to use [for mnemonics] opaque acronyms and
    abbreviations which drop vowels; it's hard to figure these things
    out.  On that basis I hate: MLSTN RFCTR RFE FEETCH, NYI, FR, FTRQ,

:Defense: Mnemonics are preferred since they are pretty easy to
    remember and take up less space.  If programmers didn't like
    dropping vowels we would be able to fit very little code on a
    line.  The space is important for those who write comments that
    often fit on a single line.  But when using a canon everywhere it
    is much less likely to get something to fit on a line.


:Objection: It takes too long to type the fields.

:Defense: Then don't use (most or any of) them, especially if you're
    the only programmer.  Terminating a codetag with ``<>`` is a small
    chore, and in doing so you enable the use of the proposed tools.
    Editor auto-completion of codetags is also useful:  You can
    program your editor to stamp a template (e.g. ``# FIXME . <MDE
    {date}>``) with just a keystroke or two.


:Objection: *WorkWeek* is an obscure and uncommon time unit.

:Defense: That's true but it is a highly suitable unit of granularity
    for estimation/targeting purposes, and it is very compact.  The
    `ISO 8601`_ is widely understood but allows you to only specify
    either a specific day (restrictive) or month (broad).


:Objection: I aesthetically dislike for the comment to be terminated
    with <> in the empty field case.

:Defense: It is necessary to have a terminator since codetags may be
    followed by non-codetag comments.  Or codetags could be limited to
    a single line, but that's prohibitive.  I can't think of any
    single-character terminator that is appropriate and significantly
    better than <>.  Maybe ``@`` could be a terminator, but then most
    codetags will have an unnecessary @.


:Objection: I can't use codetags when writing HTML, or less
    specifically, XML.  Maybe ``@fields@`` would be a better than
    ``<fields>`` as the delimiters.

:Defense: Maybe you're right, but ``<>`` looks nicer whenever
    applicable.  XML/SGML could use ``@`` while more common
    programming languages stick to ``<>``.


Some other tools have approached defining/exploiting codetags.

.. _wiki:
.. _ISO 8601:
.. _c2:

  Local Variables:
  mode: indented-text
  indent-tabs-mode: nil
  sentence-end-double-space: t
  fill-column: 70

From guido at  Tue Sep 27 18:47:24 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 09:47:24 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <dh9seh$6lo$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/26/05, Neil Schemenauer <nas at> wrote:
> Micah Elliott <mde at> wrote:
> >    *Fix me*: Areas of problematic or ugly code needing refactoring or
> >    cleanup.
> I think the standard should not have codetags that are synonyms.
> This is Python and there should be only one way to do it.  One
> problem with synonyms is that they makes it harder to search using
> tools like grep.

It has always been my choice to *only* use XXX. I hope there aren't
any developers contributing to the Python core who use any others? I
honestly don't see much of a point for distinguishing different types;
these are for humans to read and review, and different tags just makes
it harder to grep.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From fredrik at  Tue Sep 27 18:59:26 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 18:59:26 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
References: <><dh9seh$6lo$>
Message-ID: <dhbtp9$gfj$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> It has always been my choice to *only* use XXX. I hope there aren't
> any developers contributing to the Python core who use any others?

[Python-2.4.1]$ grep FIXME */*.c */*.py | wc -l
[Python-2.4.1]$ grep TODO */*.c */*.py | wc -l
[Python-2.4.1]$ grep XXX */*.c */*.py | wc -l

> I honestly don't see much of a point for distinguishing different types;
> these are for humans to read and review, and different tags just makes
> it harder to grep.

I tend to use FIXME for smelly code, and a collection of TODO:s at the top
of the file for things that someone should work on some day...  (which explains
some, but not all, of the non-XXX:es above...)


From barbieri at  Tue Sep 27 19:05:28 2005
From: barbieri at (Gustavo Barbieri)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 14:05:28 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fixing pty.spawn()
Message-ID: <>


I've come to a problem with pty.spawn() as it states on its source code:

# Bugs: No signal handling.  Doesn't set slave termios and window size.

As I need this feature working, I want to fix this bug. Does someone
have any idea on how to fix it?

(My problem: I want to launch ncurses software from my python
software, then come back, choose another program and launch it, ...)

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Computer Engineer 2001 - UNICAMP
GPSL - Grupo Pro Software Livre
Cell..: +55 (19) 9165 8010
Jabber: gsbarbieri at
  ICQ#: 17249123
   MSN: barbieri at
 Skype: gsbarbieri
   GPG: 0xB640E1A2 @

From pje at  Tue Sep 27 19:17:16 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 13:17:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 03:35 PM 9/26/2005 -0700, Micah Elliott wrote:
>Please read/comment/vote.  This circulated as a pre-PEP proposal
>submitted to on August 10, but has changed quite a bit since
>then.  I'm reposting this since it is now "Open (under consideration)"
>at <>.

This seems a little weird to me.  On the one hand, seems like a cool idea 
if you aren't using Eclipse or another IDE that tracks this stuff, but 
still need some kind of tracking system.  But, if that is the case, the 
notation seems a little bit overkill, especially with respect to tracking 
who's responsible - i.e., just you.

If you have a team that can agree to use the tools, I suppose it might be 
useful, but then I wonder, why not use something like Trac?

Finally, I think there should be something besides just a comment to 
distinguish these things; like starting with a symbol (e.g. # !FIXME), so 
that that documentation extraction tools can distinguish code tags from 
other documentation that just happens to start with a CAPITALIZED word.

Overall, I'm kind of -0.5.  It seems like a spec in search of an 
application.  The Motivation is sorely lacking - it reads like, "hey, it's 
optional and you can do stuff", where the stuff you can do is deferred to a 
later section, and is mostly stuff that could easily be done in other 
ways.  For example, FIT-style acceptance test documents, or Python doctest 
files go a long way towards documenting stories in association with tests, 
and they don't require you to cram things into comments.  (And because 
they're executable tests, they get kept up-to-date.)  Tracking bugfixes 
with code history is handled nicely by tools like Trac.  There are lots of 
Python documentation tools already.  And so on.  Really, it reads to me 
like you came up with the features to sell the format, instead of designing 
the format to implement specific features.

My suggestion: implement some tools, use them for a while, and come back 
with more focused use cases to show why only this format can work, and why 
the Python core developers should therefore use it.  I'm not saying that 
you can't have an informational PEP unless it should be used in the stdlib, 
mind you.  Just pointing out that if you can't convince the core developers 
it's useful, I'm thinking you'll have a hard time convincing the community 
at large to actually use it.  You need to actually have a better mousetrap 
to present before you ask people to move their cheese.  :)

From BruceEckel-Python3234 at  Tue Sep 27 19:18:36 2005
From: BruceEckel-Python3234 at (Bruce Eckel)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 11:18:36 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
Message-ID: <>

According to this list's welcome message, I should introduce myself.
I'm Bruce Eckel, I write, consult and give seminars about computer
programming, I use Python whenever I can get away with it, and I've
spoken at Pycon a number of times. There are further URLs in my
signature at the bottom.

I'm joining this list because I was having a conversation with Guido
about concurrency support in Python (in particular, using an
actor/active-object approach) and he suggested I bring it over
here. Here are the highlights of my most recent reply to him (Guido's
remarks are marked by the '>' signs):

> Agreed. IMO the pthreads-style solution doesn't work well no matter
> *what* the programming model.

Exactly. I think the problem may be that low-level threads people are
one step behind (much like embedded systems programmers, which is
where I began). They may be just now catching up to objects, but as
far as concurrency goes their brains still think in terms of threads,
so it seems natural to apply thread concepts to objects.

But from an OO standpoint, pthread-style thinking is two steps
backwards. You effectively throw open the innards of the object that
you just spent time decoupling from the rest of your system, and the
coupling is now unpredictable. It's the worst of all possible worlds.

> I worked on Mobile Agents at CNRI from 1995 till 2000, but they were
> very heavy-weight. Yet, I think that any solution that moves objects
> between CPUs on a regular basis is going to suffer the same problem
> that process switching in general gets you -- the move is so expensive
> that it's hard to decide when it's justified.

The examples I've seen haven't relied on mobility, so that's a
question: how important is mobility really to an agent system? And
could it be done in a trivial fashion in Python, by sending source
code. And if it was really necessary sometimes, could it be something
where the cost of mobility only occurred when moving an object?

It's possible that either an argument can be made against mobility
and/or some kind of trivial mobility system could be developed that
would work when necessary. Possibly a Linda-like put-take system with
pickles (off the top of my head).

I don't know that much about mobility, but it does seem like mobile
agents could be a powerful solution to the problem solved by
enterprise messaging systems.

> I believe you pointed me to Active Objects before, right? (Years ago,
> maybe when you visited us at Zope.)

I may have mentioned them in the past.

> If multiple active objects can co-exist in the same *process*, but
> nevertheless the language implementation prevents them from sharing
> data except via channels, and in addition allows dynamic reallocation
> of active objects across multiple CPUs, they just might be the ticket.
> But it would require a complete implementation to prove it.

Yes, defining an class as "active" would:
1) Install a worker thread and concurrent queue in each object of that
2) Automatically turn method calls into tasks and enqueue them
3) Prevent any other interaction other than enqueued messages

At that point, the only time the GIL might be needed is to lock the
queue at the point of putting ant taking objects. But there has been
work done on lock-free data structures, which has been incorporated
into Java 5 libraries, so it might even be possible to use a lock-free
queue to do this and thus eliminate the need for the GIL at all.

Since the enqueuing process serializes all requests to active objects,
and since each message-task runs to completion before the next one
starts, the problem of threads interfering with each other is
eliminated. Also, the enqueuing process will always happen, so even if
the queue blocks it will be for a very short, deterministic time. So
the theory is that Active Object systems cannot deadlock (although I
believe they can livelock).

So yes, the best way for this to work might be some kind of enforced
implementation -- but forcing you to do something is not particularly
Pythonic, so I would think that it would be possible to build an
active object framework along with some checking tools to warn you if
you are breaking the rules. But what's not clear is whether this would
require knowledge of the innards of the Python interpreter (which I
don't have) or if it could be built using libraries.

BTW: I think that Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
basically describes the idea of active objects but without objects.
That is, I think active objects is CSP applied to OO.

Bruce Eckel
Contains electronic books: "Thinking in Java 3e" & "Thinking in C++ 2e"
Web log:

From pje at  Tue Sep 27 19:40:22 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 13:40:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:18 AM 9/27/2005 -0600, Bruce Eckel wrote:
>Yes, defining an class as "active" would:
>1) Install a worker thread and concurrent queue in each object of that
>2) Automatically turn method calls into tasks and enqueue them
>3) Prevent any other interaction other than enqueued messages

#3 is the sticky bit.  Enforcing such restrictions in Python is 
*hard*.  Each active object would have to have its own sys.modules, for 
example, because modules and classes in Python are mutable and use 
dictionaries, and modifying them from two thread simultaneously would be fatal.

For built-in types it's not so bad, so they could be shared...  except for 
the fact that they have reference counts, which need lock protection as 
well to avoid fouling up GC.  So really, this idea doesn't really help with 
GIL removal at all.

What it *does* help with, is effective use of multiprocessor machines on 
platforms where fork() is available, if the API works across processes as 
well as threads.

>So yes, the best way for this to work might be some kind of enforced
>implementation -- but forcing you to do something is not particularly

But keeping the interpreter from dumping core due to program bugs *is* 
Pythonic, which is why the GIL would need to stay.  :)

>so I would think that it would be possible to build an
>active object framework along with some checking tools to warn you if
>you are breaking the rules.

Well, you could pickle and unpickle the objects you send from one function 
to another, and for cross-process communication, you'll need to do 
something like that anyway, or else use that shared-memory objects 
thing.  PySHM?  I don't remember its name, but it's an extension that lets 
you store Python objects in shared memory and use them from multiple 
processes, modulo certain strict limitations.

>  But what's not clear is whether this would
>require knowledge of the innards of the Python interpreter (which I
>don't have) or if it could be built using libraries.

If you're not trying to get rid of the GIL or truly "enforce" things, you 
can do everything you need for CSP in plain old Python. has a 
generator-based microthread facility that's CSP-ish, for example, although 
it doesn't have decorators for async methods.  They're not hard to write, 
though; Chandler has some for methods that get called across thread 
barriers now.  That is, methods that get called from Chandler's UI thread 
but are run in the Twisted reactor thread.  I've occasionally also thought 
about implementing async C#'s "chord" features in Python for, 
but I haven't actually had a use case that needed that much generality yet.

From benji at  Tue Sep 27 20:04:11 2005
From: benji at (Benji York)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 14:04:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> Well, you could pickle and unpickle the objects you send from one function 
> to another, and for cross-process communication, you'll need to do 
> something like that anyway, or else use that shared-memory objects 
> thing.  PySHM?  I don't remember its name, but it's an extension that lets 
> you store Python objects in shared memory and use them from multiple 
> processes, modulo certain strict limitations.

Benji York

From jcarlson at  Tue Sep 27 20:45:15 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 11:45:15 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Phillip J. Eby" <pje at> wrote:
> At 03:35 PM 9/26/2005 -0700, Micah Elliott wrote:
> >Please read/comment/vote.  This circulated as a pre-PEP proposal
> >submitted to on August 10, but has changed quite a bit since
> >then.  I'm reposting this since it is now "Open (under consideration)"
> >at <>.
> This seems a little weird to me.  On the one hand, seems like a cool idea 
> if you aren't using Eclipse or another IDE that tracks this stuff, but 
> still need some kind of tracking system.  But, if that is the case, the 
> notation seems a little bit overkill, especially with respect to tracking 
> who's responsible - i.e., just you.

There are various Python editors which have had support for a similar
style of tags for quite a while.  Some allow #<anything>: <comment>,
others allow # <alphanumeric and spaces> : <comment>, even others allow
more or less.  Some even count exclamation points as an indicator of

Personally, though I use tags in some of the code I write, and though
the editor I use (and wrote) supports tags, I'm of the opinion that an
unofficial spec is sufficient.  See and search for 'fixme' to
see some common variants.

 - Josiah

From barbieri at  Tue Sep 27 21:47:45 2005
From: barbieri at (Gustavo Barbieri)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:47:45 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fixing pty.spawn()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The attached patch calls ioctl() to set master_fd win size.

I use fcntl and struct modules, I have hardcoded values from termios
since this module is deleted.

Is it ok?

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Computer Engineer 2001 - UNICAMP
GPSL - Grupo Pro Software Livre
Cell..: +55 (19) 9165 8010
Jabber: gsbarbieri at
  ICQ#: 17249123
   MSN: barbieri at
 Skype: gsbarbieri
   GPG: 0xB640E1A2 @
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: pty_spawn_set_winsize.patch
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 1778 bytes
Desc: not available
Url :

From ncoghlan at  Tue Sep 27 23:49:24 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 07:49:24 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <1127826673.15824.6.camel@localhost>
References: <> <dh6lo2$u5g$>
Message-ID: <>

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:
>   More realistic example:
>     def greet(person=None):
> 	print "Hello %s" % (if person is None: "World" else: person)
>   Not as compact as C's ?:, but more readable and intuitive.  It's just
> like an if-else construct, but on a single line and () around to make it
> look like an expression instead of a statement.

It looks even more like an expression without any embedded colons ;)

   def greet(person=None):
       # Infix conditional
       print "Hello %s" % ("World" if person is None else person)

   def greet(person=None):
       # Negated infix conditional so that 'normal' value is first
       print "Hello %s" % (person if person is not None else "World")

   def greet(person=None):
       # Prefix conditional
       print "Hello %s" % (if person is None then "World" else person)

Anyway, Guido's already given some indication that the PEP 308 infix and 
prefix conditional operators without colons (above) are the main options he is 
considering choosing from.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Wed Sep 28 00:17:03 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:17:03 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bruce Eckel wrote:
> Since the enqueuing process serializes all requests to active objects,
> and since each message-task runs to completion before the next one
> starts, the problem of threads interfering with each other is
> eliminated. Also, the enqueuing process will always happen, so even if
> the queue blocks it will be for a very short, deterministic time. So
> the theory is that Active Object systems cannot deadlock (although I
> believe they can livelock).

I've done this at work (in C++, not Python), and it works very well. I had my 
doubts when my boss first put the architecture for it in place, but a couple 
of years of working with this architecture (and that boss!) persuaded me 

Livelock is a definite issue, particular if you design the individual active 
objects as finite state machines - it is fairly easy to get into a situation 
where Object A is waiting for a particular message from Object B, while Object 
B is waiting for a particular message from Object A. This chain is generally 
indirect, which makes it hard to spot. It is, however, still easier to figure 
this out than it is to figure out normal threading bugs, because you can find 
it just by analysing a sequence diagram showing message exchange and state 
transitions, rather than caring about the actual underlying code. Threading 
bugs, on the other hand, can turn up any time you access a shared data structure.

> BTW: I think that Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
> basically describes the idea of active objects but without objects.
> That is, I think active objects is CSP applied to OO.

Or to put it another way, applying OO to CSP is a matter of hiding the 
addressing and sending of messages behind method calls. It becomes almost like 
doing in-process remote procedure calls.

I think there's a definite synergy with PEP 342 here as well - one of the 
problems with handling Active Objects is how to allow other messages to be 
processed while making a blocking call, without losing your current state. One 
way is to hold any state that persists between messages in the object itself, 
but that's a seriously unnatural style of programming (it can be done, it's 
just a pain).

PEP 342's yield expressions can probably be used to help address that problem, 

   class SomeAO(ActiveObject):
     def processSomeMessage(self):
       msg = yield
       # Do something with the message
       next_msg = yield makeSomeBlockingCall(self)
       # Do something with the next message


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From greg.ewing at  Wed Sep 28 03:26:11 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 13:26:11 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> PEP 342's yield expressions can probably be used to help address that problem, 
> though:
>    class SomeAO(ActiveObject):
>      def processSomeMessage(self):
>        msg = yield
>        # Do something with the message
>        next_msg = yield makeSomeBlockingCall(self)
>        # Do something with the next message

I don't see how that helps, since makeSomeBlockingCall()
is evaluated (and therefore blocks) *before* the yield

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From radeex at  Wed Sep 28 03:41:27 2005
From: radeex at (Christopher Armstrong)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:41:27 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/28/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
> > PEP 342's yield expressions can probably be used to help address that problem,
> > though:
> >
> >    class SomeAO(ActiveObject):
> >      def processSomeMessage(self):
> >        msg = yield
> >        # Do something with the message
> >        next_msg = yield makeSomeBlockingCall(self)
> >        # Do something with the next message
> I don't see how that helps, since makeSomeBlockingCall()
> is evaluated (and therefore blocks) *before* the yield
> happens.

Sounds like makeSomeBlockingCall is just misnamed (probably depending
who you ask).

I wrote a small library recently that wraps Twisted's Deferreds and
asynchronous Failure objects such that you can do stuff like

 x = yield remoteObject.getSomething()
except Foo:
 print "Oh no!"

This is just a 2.5-ification of defgen, which is at
twisted.internet.defer.{deferredGenerator,waitForDeferred}. So anyway,
if your actor messages always return Deferreds, then this works quite

  Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
   Radix    |    --
            |  Release Manager, Twisted Project
  \\\V///   |    --
   |o O|    |

From BruceEckel-Python3234 at  Wed Sep 28 04:38:11 2005
From: BruceEckel-Python3234 at (Bruce Eckel)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 20:38:11 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Oops. I forgot to add that to the list. Yes, in the working example
of Active Objects that I've written in Java J2SE5, when you send a
message to an active object, you get back a Future<ReturnType>, which
I suspect would be the same as your Deferred.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005, 7:41:27 PM, Christopher Armstrong wrote:

> On 9/28/05, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
>> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> > PEP 342's yield expressions can probably be used to help address that problem,
>> > though:
>> >
>> >    class SomeAO(ActiveObject):
>> >      def processSomeMessage(self):
>> >        msg = yield
>> >        # Do something with the message
>> >        next_msg = yield makeSomeBlockingCall(self)
>> >        # Do something with the next message
>> I don't see how that helps, since makeSomeBlockingCall()
>> is evaluated (and therefore blocks) *before* the yield
>> happens.

> Sounds like makeSomeBlockingCall is just misnamed (probably depending
> who you ask).

> I wrote a small library recently that wraps Twisted's Deferreds and
> asynchronous Failure objects such that you can do stuff like

> try:
>  x = yield remoteObject.getSomething()
> except Foo:
>  print "Oh no!"

> This is just a 2.5-ification of defgen, which is at
> twisted.internet.defer.{deferredGenerator,waitForDeferred}. So anyway,
> if your actor messages always return Deferreds, then this works quite
> nicely.

> --
>   Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
>    Radix    |    --
>             |  Release Manager, Twisted Project
>   \\\V///   |    --
>    |o O|    |
> w----v----w-+
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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Bruce Eckel   mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at
Contains electronic books: "Thinking in Java 3e" & "Thinking in C++ 2e"
Web log:
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From fdrake at  Wed Sep 28 07:05:50 2005
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 01:05:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.4.2 documentation online
Message-ID: <>

The Python 2.4.2 documentation is now online in the main documentation area 
(as opposed to just the /dev/ area) for both and  The 2.4 and 2.4.1 documentation areas have been updated to 
link to the 2.4.2 documentation as the preferred documentation for all 2.4.x 


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From ncoghlan at  Wed Sep 28 11:00:43 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 19:00:43 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>PEP 342's yield expressions can probably be used to help address that problem, 
>>   class SomeAO(ActiveObject):
>>     def processSomeMessage(self):
>>       msg = yield
>>       # Do something with the message
>>       next_msg = yield makeSomeBlockingCall(self)
>>       # Do something with the next message
> I don't see how that helps, since makeSomeBlockingCall()
> is evaluated (and therefore blocks) *before* the yield
> happens.

Chris got it right - I just named the function badly. The idea is that there 
would be an interaction with the Active Object's event loop to get the actual 
result back once it was available from the thread that actually made the 
blocking call. In the meantime, *this* object could continue to handle other 

What the approach allows is to have a single physical thread with a number of 
coroutiney-type event handlers running inside it.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From steve at  Wed Sep 28 12:32:26 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:32:26 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <dhdrfn$gla$>

Terry Hancock wrote:
> On Monday 26 September 2005 05:35 pm, Micah Elliott wrote:
>>Please read/comment/vote.  This circulated as a pre-PEP proposal
>>submitted to on August 10, but has changed quite a bit since
>>then.  I'm reposting this since it is now "Open (under consideration)"
>>at <>.
> Overall, it looks good, but my objection would be:
>>:Objection: I aesthetically dislike for the comment to be terminated
>>    with <> in the empty field case.
>>:Defense: It is necessary to have a terminator since codetags may be
>>    followed by non-codetag comments.  Or codetags could be limited to
>>    a single line, but that's prohibitive.  I can't think of any
>>    single-character terminator that is appropriate and significantly
>>    better than <>.  Maybe ``@`` could be a terminator, but then most
>>    codetags will have an unnecessary @.
> The <> terminator is evil.  People will hate that. If there are no fields,
> you should just be able to leave it off. This will have an additional
> advantage in that many will already have compliant codetags if you leave
> off this requirement.
> You worry over the need to detect the end of the block, but wouldn't '\n\n'
> be a much more natural delimiter?  I.e.:
> # TODO: This is a multi-line todo tag.
> #       You see how I've gone to the next line.
> # This, on the other hand is an unrelated comment. You can tell it's not
> # related, because there is an intervening blank line.  I think people
> # do this naturally when writing comments (I know I do -- I'm fairly
> # certain I've seen other people do it).
> #
> # Whereas, as you can see, a mere paragraph break can be represented by
> # a blank comment line.
> #
> # Whitespace formatting, after all, is VERY PYTHONIC. ;-)
> # Delimiters on the other hand -- well, we prefer not to mention
> # the sort of languages that use those, right? ;-)

> Another possibility is to recognize lines like:
> #---------------------------------------
> #***************************************
> #=======================================
> I.e. a comment mark followed by a line composed of repeating characters
> as an alternative separator. These are also pretty in pretty common
> use.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006                

From anthony at  Wed Sep 28 14:44:15 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 22:44:15 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.4.2 (final)
Message-ID: <>

On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I'm
happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.2 (final).

Python 2.4.2 is a bug-fix release. See the release notes at the 
website (also available as Misc/NEWS in the source distribution) for 
details of the more than 60 bugs squished in this release.

For more information on Python 2.4.2, including download links for
various platforms, release notes, and known issues, please see:

Highlights of this new release include:

  - Bug fixes. According to the release notes, more than 60 have been
    fixed, including bugs that prevented Python from working properly 
    on 64 bit HP/UX and AIX systems.

Highlights of the previous major Python release (2.4) are available     
from the Python 2.4 page, at                                        

Enjoy the new release,

Anthony Baxter
anthony at
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)
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From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Wed Sep 28 15:12:17 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 15:12:17 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
Message-ID: <dhe4rh$fil$>


a general question. Consider:

class A(list):
    def __setitem__(self, index, item):
        # do something with index and item
        return list.__setitem__(self, index, item)

lst = A([1,set()])

lst[0] |= 1

lst[1] |= set([1])

Do we want lst.__setitem__ to be called in the second inplace assignment?

A case where this matters is here:


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From hancock at  Tue Sep 27 09:09:06 2005
From: hancock at (Terry Hancock)
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 02:09:06 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 26 September 2005 05:35 pm, Micah Elliott wrote:
> Please read/comment/vote.  This circulated as a pre-PEP proposal
> submitted to on August 10, but has changed quite a bit since
> then.  I'm reposting this since it is now "Open (under consideration)"
> at <>.

Overall, it looks good, but my objection would be:

> :Objection: I aesthetically dislike for the comment to be terminated
>     with <> in the empty field case.
> :Defense: It is necessary to have a terminator since codetags may be
>     followed by non-codetag comments.  Or codetags could be limited to
>     a single line, but that's prohibitive.  I can't think of any
>     single-character terminator that is appropriate and significantly
>     better than <>.  Maybe ``@`` could be a terminator, but then most
>     codetags will have an unnecessary @.

The <> terminator is evil.  People will hate that. If there are no fields,
you should just be able to leave it off. This will have an additional
advantage in that many will already have compliant codetags if you leave
off this requirement.

You worry over the need to detect the end of the block, but wouldn't '\n\n'
be a much more natural delimiter?  I.e.:

# TODO: This is a multi-line todo tag.
#       You see how I've gone to the next line.

# This, on the other hand is an unrelated comment. You can tell it's not
# related, because there is an intervening blank line.  I think people
# do this naturally when writing comments (I know I do -- I'm fairly
# certain I've seen other people do it).
# Whereas, as you can see, a mere paragraph break can be represented by
# a blank comment line.
# Whitespace formatting, after all, is VERY PYTHONIC. ;-)
# Delimiters on the other hand -- well, we prefer not to mention
# the sort of languages that use those, right? ;-)

Another possibility is to recognize lines like:


I.e. a comment mark followed by a line composed of repeating characters
as an alternative separator. These are also pretty in pretty common


Terry Hancock ( hancock at )
Anansi Spaceworks

From foom at  Wed Sep 28 16:08:44 2005
From: foom at (James Y Knight)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:08:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <dhe4rh$fil$>
References: <dhe4rh$fil$>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 28, 2005, at 9:12 AM, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:

> Hi,
> a general question. Consider:
> class A(list):
>     def __setitem__(self, index, item):
>         # do something with index and item
>         return list.__setitem__(self, index, item)
> lst = A([1,set()])
> lst[0] |= 1
> lst[1] |= set([1])
> Do we want lst.__setitem__ to be called in the second inplace  
> assignment?

Yes. Right now, you can roughly explain the behavior by stating that,  
after "x=a",  "x |= y" is the same as "x = x | y", except that "a"'s  
value is undefined (it might have changed, or it might have not).

> A case where this matters is here:

This confusion between modification of immutable types and  
modification of mutable types is why I feel that it's often best to  
simply avoid the inplace operators in favor of their explicit  
equivalents. In this case, set.update().


From jim at  Wed Sep 28 16:16:12 2005
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:16:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
Message-ID: <>

Read descriptors (defining only __get__) and data descripttors have
(defining __get__ and __set__) different semantics. In particular,
read descriptors are overridden by instance data, while data
descriptors are not.  A common use of read descriptors is for lazily
computed data:

   class readproperty(object):
       "Create a read descriptor from a function"

       def __init__(self, func):
           self.func = func

       def __get__(self, inst, class_):
           if inst is None:
               return self

           return self.func(inst)

   class Spam:

       def eggs(self):
           ... expensive computation of eggs

           self.eggs = result
           return result

When we ask for the eggs attribute the first time, we call the
descriptor, which calls the eggs function.  The function sets the eggs
attribute, overriding the descriptor. The next time the eggs attribute
is accessed, the saved value will be used without calling the

I do this often enough that I think it would be useful to include it
in python, either as a builtin (like property) or in the library.  (Or
possibly by adding an option to property to generate a read
descriptor.) I'd be happy to add this for 2.5.



Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at       Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

From pje at  Wed Sep 28 16:39:42 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:39:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <dhe4rh$fil$>
Message-ID: <>

At 03:12 PM 9/28/2005 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
>a general question. Consider:
>class A(list):
>     def __setitem__(self, index, item):
>         # do something with index and item
>         return list.__setitem__(self, index, item)
>lst = A([1,set()])
>lst[0] |= 1
>lst[1] |= set([1])
>Do we want lst.__setitem__ to be called in the second inplace assignment?

Yes.  See:

The purpose of the augmented assignment forms is to allow for the 
possibility that the item's __i*__ method may or may not exist, and may or 
may not return the same object.  In the case where there is no __i*__ form, 
or it does not return the same object, the lvalue *must* be re-bound to the 
new value, or the semantics break.

>A case where this matters is here:

I've closed it as invalid; the behavior is as-defined.

In principle, there *could* be an optimization to avoid rebinding the 
lvalue in the case where the __i*__ form did return self.  But using it for 
the purpose of allowing augmented assignment to tuple members seems dubious 
at best, and likely to create confusion about the mutability or lack 
thereof of tuples.  IMO it's better to have augmented assignment to tuple 
members always fail, so that the code has to be a little more specific 
about its intent.

From guido at  Wed Sep 28 16:47:26 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 07:47:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/28/05, Jim Fulton <jim at> wrote:
> Read descriptors (defining only __get__) and data descripttors have
> (defining __get__ and __set__) different semantics. In particular,
> read descriptors are overridden by instance data, while data
> descriptors are not.  A common use of read descriptors is for lazily
> computed data:
>    class readproperty(object):
>        "Create a read descriptor from a function"
>        def __init__(self, func):
>            self.func = func
>        def __get__(self, inst, class_):
>            if inst is None:
>                return self
>            return self.func(inst)
>    class Spam:
>        @readproperty
>        def eggs(self):
>            ... expensive computation of eggs
>            self.eggs = result
>            return result
> When we ask for the eggs attribute the first time, we call the
> descriptor, which calls the eggs function.  The function sets the eggs
> attribute, overriding the descriptor. The next time the eggs attribute
> is accessed, the saved value will be used without calling the
> descriptor.
> I do this often enough that I think it would be useful to include it
> in python, either as a builtin (like property) or in the library.  (Or
> possibly by adding an option to property to generate a read
> descriptor.) I'd be happy to add this for 2.5.
> Thoughts?

I like the idea of adding this functionality somewhere. I do note that
the semantics were somewhat of an accident, required by backwards
compatibility with pre-2.2 method lookup semantics.

I think we need to be real careful with chosing a name -- in Jim's
example, *anyone* could assign to Spam().eggs to override the value.
The name "readproperty" is too close to "readonlyproperty", but
read-only it ain't! "Lazy" also doesn't really describe what's going

I believe some folks use a concept of "memo functions" which resemble
this proposal except the notation is different: IIRC a memo function
is always invoked as a function, but stores its result in a private
instance variable, which it returns upon subsequent calls. This is a
common pattern. Jim's proposal differs because the access looks like
an attribute, not a method call. Still, perhaps memoproperty would be
a possible name.

Another way to look at the naming problem is to recognize that the
provided function really computes a default value if the attribute
isn't already set. So perhaps defaultproperty?

(Sorry to turn this into a naming game, which is bound to produce 100s
of competing proposals that are totally unintuitive except to the
proposer. But naming is important.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From pje at  Wed Sep 28 17:00:18 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:00:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:16 AM 9/28/2005 -0400, Jim Fulton wrote:
>I do this often enough that I think it would be useful to include it
>in python, either as a builtin (like property) or in the library.  (Or
>possibly by adding an option to property to generate a read
>descriptor.) I'd be happy to add this for 2.5.

You mean something like defaultproperty(func), where func(ob) is called at 
most once when there is no dictionary entry for the attribute?

I started using such properties with PEAK a few years ago, and found some 
corner cases that made me decide to stick with ones that have both __get__ 
and __set__.  Mostly those cases have to do with creating class-level 
properties, which can end up being inherited by subclasses if you don't 
include __set__.  Also of course you can't hook the setting of attributes 
without a __set__.

Of course, most people aren't likely to be creating metaclass properties, 
so it's probably not a big issue for the stdlib.  But I thought *you* might 
want to know about it, in case you hadn't already encountered the issue.  :)

The other issue I found with such properties is that I really wanted to be 
able to use functions that didn't rebind the attribute value directly, 
i.e., I wanted to be able to use lambdas for short computed property 
descriptions.  However, to make this work you have to know what attribute 
name(s) the property is stored under in the class, which then leads to 
other interesting complications.  So now I use a custom C type that knows 
its name and takes two functions (a filter for values set, and a function 
to compute the default).

Unfortunately, finding out a descriptor's name is non-trivial; it'd be nice 
if there were a descriptor hook __bind__(cls,name) that was called by 
classes during cls.__new__ or assignment to a class attribute, and which 
you could define to return a replacement descriptor.  It seems like one of 
the first metaclasses I end up writing in any new project is something to 
do this, and I believe Ian Bicking has encountered the same thing in e.g. 

From mwh at  Wed Sep 28 17:06:54 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 16:06:54 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
	(Phillip J. Eby's message of "Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:00:18 -0400")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Phillip J. Eby" <pje at> writes:

> Unfortunately, finding out a descriptor's name is non-trivial; it'd be nice 
> if there were a descriptor hook __bind__(cls,name) that was called by 
> classes during cls.__new__ or assignment to a class attribute, and which 
> you could define to return a replacement descriptor.  It seems like one of 
> the first metaclasses I end up writing in any new project is something to 
> do this, and I believe Ian Bicking has encountered the same thing in e.g. 
> SQLObject.

I've done this many times too, but I've never really felt the need to
propose a change to Python for it.  I guess one could modify the
descriptor protocol slightly, but is it worth it?  Hmm, dunno.


  First time I've gotten a programming job that required a drug
  test.  I was worried they were going to say "you don't have
  enough LSD in your system to do Unix programming".   -- Paul Tomblin

From reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at  Wed Sep 28 17:15:56 2005
From: reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at (Reinhold Birkenfeld)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 17:15:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <dhe4rh$fil$>
Message-ID: <dhec3c$av6$>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

>>A case where this matters is here:
> I've closed it as invalid; the behavior is as-defined.
> In principle, there *could* be an optimization to avoid rebinding the 
> lvalue in the case where the __i*__ form did return self.  But using it for 
> the purpose of allowing augmented assignment to tuple members seems dubious 
> at best, and likely to create confusion about the mutability or lack 
> thereof of tuples.  IMO it's better to have augmented assignment to tuple 
> members always fail, so that the code has to be a little more specific 
> about its intent.

Okay. I assume that we must accept that

s = set()
t = (s,)
t[0] |= set([1])

changes s in spite of raising TypeError.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

From pierre.barbier at  Wed Sep 28 17:40:06 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 17:40:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby a ?crit :
> At 03:12 PM 9/28/2005 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> Yes.  See:
> The purpose of the augmented assignment forms is to allow for the 
> possibility that the item's __i*__ method may or may not exist, and may or 
> may not return the same object.  In the case where there is no __i*__ form, 
> or it does not return the same object, the lvalue *must* be re-bound to the 
> new value, or the semantics break.
>>A case where this matters is here:
> I've closed it as invalid; the behavior is as-defined.

Rather than closing this as invalid, it would be wiser to update the
documentation before ! Nothing corresponds to the current behavior.

I think that in this page :

The last paragraph whould be replace by :

For targets which are attribute (or indexed) references, the initial
value is retrieved with a getattr() (resp. __getitem__) and the result
is assigned with a setattr() (resp. __setitem__). Notice that the two
methods do not necessarily refer to the same variable. When getattr()
refers to a class variable, setattr() still writes to an instance
variable. For example:

That way it will be clearly defined in the documentation.

Now, one can wonder if the augmented assignment is really an
improvement. Lots of errors are made because they are counter-intuitive.
For example, in the standard library, I found very few uses of "+=" with
a mutable object, and none would be broken if "a += b" is to be
replaced by "a = a+b". At worst, there will be a performance issue that
will easily be fixed by using "extend" method for lists and
corresponding methods for other objects.

My opinion is, redefining the augmented assignment is a problem given
the assignment semantic, and perhaps we should get rid of it.


Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68

From pje at  Wed Sep 28 17:41:46 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:41:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <dhec3c$av6$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 05:15 PM 9/28/2005 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
>Okay. I assume that we must accept that
>s = set()
>t = (s,)
>t[0] |= set([1])
>changes s in spite of raising TypeError.

There are lots of operations that can be partially completed before raising 
an error, so I'm not sure why this case would be special.

Sets do have an update() method, however, and it's unambiguous as to being 
an in-place update.  The code above would be clearer using it, and produce 
no errors:

    s = set()
    t = (s,)

From pje at  Wed Sep 28 17:52:28 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:52:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 05:40 PM 9/28/2005 +0200, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
>Rather than closing this as invalid, it would be wiser to update the
>documentation before ! Nothing corresponds to the current behavior.

I got my information from here:

>I think that in this page :
>The last paragraph whould be replace by :
>For targets which are attribute (or indexed) references, the initial
>value is retrieved with a getattr() (resp. __getitem__) and the result
>is assigned with a setattr() (resp. __setitem__). Notice that the two
>methods do not necessarily refer to the same variable. When getattr()
>refers to a class variable, setattr() still writes to an instance
>variable. For example:
>That way it will be clearly defined in the documentation.

Actually, the broken part is this sentence:

"""Also, when possible, the actual operation is performed in-place, meaning 
that rather than creating a new object and assigning that to the target, 
the old object is modified instead."""

It is subtly misleading, and would be better stated as:

"""Also, when possible, the actual operation is performed in-place, meaning 
that rather than creating a new object the old object is modified 
instead.  In either case, however, the assignment to the target is still 

>Now, one can wonder if the augmented assignment is really an
>improvement. Lots of errors are made because they are counter-intuitive.


>For example, in the standard library, I found very few uses of "+=" with
>a mutable object, and none would be broken if "a += b" is to be
>replaced by "a = a+b". At worst, there will be a performance issue that
>will easily be fixed by using "extend" method for lists and
>corresponding methods for other objects.

The intended use case (as I understand it) for augmented assignment is to 
allow you to hint that an operation should be done in place *if* it can 
be.  It means that you are not expecting a new object to be the result, but 
are prepared for the possibility it *might* be a new object.

>My opinion is, redefining the augmented assignment is a problem given
>the assignment semantic, and perhaps we should get rid of it.

How is it a problem?  If the assignment semantic weren't what it is, what 
would it be good for?  You could just write an in-place method and be done 
with it.  The whole point is that it allows client code not to care whether 
it's in-place or not, and to allow implementations to decide (even at 
runtime) whether to return a different object or not.

From steven.bethard at  Wed Sep 28 18:04:42 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:04:42 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> A common use of read descriptors is for lazily computed data:
>    class readproperty(object):
>        "Create a read descriptor from a function"
>        def __init__(self, func):
>            self.func = func
>        def __get__(self, inst, class_):
>            if inst is None:
>                return self
>            return self.func(inst)
>    class Spam:
>        @readproperty
>        def eggs(self):
>            ... expensive computation of eggs
>            self.eggs = result
>            return result

I've also needed behavior like this a few times, but I use a variant
of Scott David Daniel's recipe[1]:

class _LazyAttribute(object):
    def __init__(self, calculate_function):
        self._calculate = calculate_function

    def __get__(self, obj, _=None):
        if obj is None:
            return self
            value = self._calculate(obj)
        except AttributeError, e:
            # I don't like this, but if _calculate raises an
            # AttributeError and I don't catch it, the descriptor
            # machinery hides it and I can't debug my code
            raise Exception(e)
        setattr(obj, self._calculate.func_name, value)
        return value

It uses the .func_name attribute to put the "self.eggs = result" into
the property.  I like that I don't have to do the set at the end of
every function, and I'm never doing anything complicated enough that I
don't want the attribute named the same as the function that I passed


You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From pierre.barbier at  Wed Sep 28 18:15:35 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 18:15:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby a ?crit :
> At 05:40 PM 9/28/2005 +0200, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
>> Rather than closing this as invalid, it would be wiser to update the
>> documentation before ! Nothing corresponds to the current behavior.
> I got my information from here:

I know ... I already read this page as you already posted it ;)

>> I think that in this page :
>> The last paragraph whould be replace by :
>> """
>> For targets which are attribute (or indexed) references, the initial
>> value is retrieved with a getattr() (resp. __getitem__) and the result
>> is assigned with a setattr() (resp. __setitem__). Notice that the two
>> methods do not necessarily refer to the same variable. When getattr()
>> refers to a class variable, setattr() still writes to an instance
>> variable. For example:
>> """
>> That way it will be clearly defined in the documentation.
> Actually, the broken part is this sentence:
> """Also, when possible, the actual operation is performed in-place,
> meaning that rather than creating a new object and assigning that to the
> target, the old object is modified instead."""
> It is subtly misleading, and would be better stated as:
> """Also, when possible, the actual operation is performed in-place,
> meaning that rather than creating a new object the old object is
> modified instead.  In either case, however, the assignment to the target
> is still performed."""

Indeed ! I missed that one :-S
Your proposal should be integrated inside documentation (if anyone knows
how to do so ...) !!!

>> Now, one can wonder if the augmented assignment is really an
>> improvement. Lots of errors are made because they are counter-intuitive.
> Huh?

Regularly, you see questions about augmented assignment on Python-tutor
mailing list, I often have question in my lab because of problems ...
most of the time people learn to avoid these operators in the end ! And
my look in the standard library confirmed my intuition about it.

>> For example, in the standard library, I found very few uses of "+=" with
>> a mutable object, and none would be broken if "a += b" is to be
>> replaced by "a = a+b". At worst, there will be a performance issue that
>> will easily be fixed by using "extend" method for lists and
>> corresponding methods for other objects.
> The intended use case (as I understand it) for augmented assignment is
> to allow you to hint that an operation should be done in place *if* it
> can be.  It means that you are not expecting a new object to be the
> result, but are prepared for the possibility it *might* be a new object.
>> My opinion is, redefining the augmented assignment is a problem given
>> the assignment semantic, and perhaps we should get rid of it.
> How is it a problem?  If the assignment semantic weren't what it is,
> what would it be good for?  You could just write an in-place method and
> be done with it.  The whole point is that it allows client code not to
> care whether it's in-place or not, and to allow implementations to
> decide (even at runtime) whether to return a different object or not.

The problem is: this seems to be more a problem than a solution !
There is a huge difference between in-place or not, and I find it very
difficult not to consider it. If you have a use-case for this "let the
object decide about in-place operation or not" I'd be interested as I
found none.


PS: I'm not criticizing the assignment operator semantic which is
exactly what is should be ;)

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68

From pje at  Wed Sep 28 18:52:11 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:52:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 06:15 PM 9/28/2005 +0200, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
>Regularly, you see questions about augmented assignment on Python-tutor
>mailing list, I often have question in my lab because of problems ...
>most of the time people learn to avoid these operators in the end ! And
>my look in the standard library confirmed my intuition about it.

Some example of the problems would help.  For the specific bug report being 
discussed, I don't understand why someone would use augmented assignment 
with an immutable lvalue, since x |= y is short for x = x | y, which is 
clearly invalid on the face of it if x is a tuple member!

>The problem is: this seems to be more a problem than a solution !
>There is a huge difference between in-place or not, and I find it very
>difficult not to consider it.

Consider string addition.  The fact that string concatenation can be 
implemented with += allows a string to consider based on its refcount to 
return a new string or to modify itself in-place.  If someone uses a = b + 
c, it may be assumed that they still desire a reference to b, and that 
therefore the operation *cannot* be done in-place.  If they use a += b, 
then this is a *hint* that an in-place operation is desirable.

So, there are two features of augmented assignment:

1. It is a shortcut for spelling out the full assignment
2. Types that override augmented assignment methods may optimize in-place 
operations, *without the need for client code to change*.

>If you have a use-case for this "let the
>object decide about in-place operation or not" I'd be interested as I
>found none.

The whole point of it is that I don't need to *care* whether a particular 
use is such or not.  I simply say what the code intends, and then if 
somebody needs to pass in something different, or the behavior of some 
other part of the system changes, then I get that for free.  Looking for a 
specific use case for that is like looking for a use case for duck 
typing.  That is, *everything* is a use case for it, because the point 
isn't the initial state of the system.  The point is what happens when you 
*change* the system.

From ziga.seilnacht at  Wed Sep 28 19:28:45 2005
From: ziga.seilnacht at (=?utf-8?b?xb1pZ2E=?= Seilnacht)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 17:28:45 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson <mwh <at>> writes:

> "Phillip J. Eby" <pje <at>> writes:
> > Unfortunately, finding out a descriptor's name is non-trivial; it'd be nice 
> > if there were a descriptor hook __bind__(cls,name) that was called by 
> > classes during cls.__new__ or assignment to a class attribute, and which 
> > you could define to return a replacement descriptor.  It seems like one of 
> > the first metaclasses I end up writing in any new project is something to 
> > do this, and I believe Ian Bicking has encountered the same thing in e.g. 
> > SQLObject.
> I've done this many times too, but I've never really felt the need to
> propose a change to Python for it.  I guess one could modify the
> descriptor protocol slightly, but is it worth it?  Hmm, dunno.
> Cheers,
> mwh

You can use something like this to find a descriptor's name:

class Private(property):

    def __init__(self, permission, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None):
        fget = fget or 'r' in permission and self.default_fget or None
        fset = fset or 'w' in permission and self.default_fset or None
        fdel = fdel or 'd' in permission and self.default_fget or None
        super(private, self).__init__(fget, fset, fdel, doc)

    def get_attribute_name(self, instance):
        my_name = None
        for cls in instance.__class__.mro():
            for attribute_name, attribute_object in cls.__dict__.iteritems():
                if attribute_object is self:
                    my_name = attribute_name
            if my_name is not None:
                class_name = cls.__name__
        attribute_name = '_%s__%s' % (class_name, my_name)
        self.attribute_name = attribute_name
        return attribute_name

    def default_fget(self, instance):
            attribute_name = self.attribute_name
        except AttributeError:
            attribute_name = self.get_attribute_name(instance)
        return getattr(instance, attribute_name)

    def default_fset(self, instance, value):
            attribute_name = self.attribute_name
        except AttributeError:
            attribute_name = self.get_attribute_name(instance)
        setattr(instance, attribute_name, value)

    def default_fdel(self, instance):
            attribute_name = self.attribute_name
        except AttributeError:
            attribute_name = self.get_attribute_name(instance)
        delattr(instance, attribute_name)

From phd at  Wed Sep 28 19:57:49 2005
From: phd at (Oleg Broytmann)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 21:57:49 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 10:16:12AM -0400, Jim Fulton wrote:
>    class readproperty(object):
> I do this often enough

   I use it since about 2000 often enough under the name CachedAttribute:

   (The current maintainer of the code is Denis Otkidach, .)

   It seems many people reinvent this particular wheel. Which is
understandable., anyone?

     Oleg Broytmann              phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

From martin at  Wed Sep 28 21:02:00 2005
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 21:02:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bruce Eckel wrote:
> Since the enqueuing process serializes all requests to active objects,
> and since each message-task runs to completion before the next one
> starts, the problem of threads interfering with each other is
> eliminated. Also, the enqueuing process will always happen, so even if
> the queue blocks it will be for a very short, deterministic time. So
> the theory is that Active Object systems cannot deadlock (although I
> believe they can livelock).

My experience with active objects is with SDL (the Specification and
Description Language). There, the primitive communication between
objects is through one-way messages (called signals). Such a system
can deadlock if an object doesn't produce "enough" new outgoing
messages in response to incoming messages.

If all communication is through RPCs, i.e. you owe your caller
a response, then the only way to deadlock such a system is that
all active objects terminate. The interesting question then is
whether an object can terminate while processing a message, and
whether this will cause a response to be sent back.

> But what's not clear is whether this would
> require knowledge of the innards of the Python interpreter (which I
> don't have) or if it could be built using libraries.

As others have pointed out, you have to find a way to deal with the
standard library. In principle, each active object should have its
own copy of the standard library. For some modules/objects, this is
not reasonable (e.g. stdout). In OCCAM, host IO itself is (conceptually)
an occam process, so sys.stdout would have to become an active
object. In that approach, you would essentially have to rewrite
parts of the standard library, wrapping the underlying modules

> BTW: I think that Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
> basically describes the idea of active objects but without objects.
> That is, I think active objects is CSP applied to OO.

I don't believe this is true. In CSP, communication between processes
is through rendezvous, which is quite different from active objects,
as there is no queue for incoming calls - instead, the receiving process
must expect a specific communication partner just like the sending
process; there is also no inherent request/response mechanism in

In CSP, there is plenty of chance for deadlocks. If a process becomes
STOP (i.e. the process that will never again interact), then any
communication attempt with that process also cause the partner to
become STOP.


From pje at  Wed Sep 28 21:00:55 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 15:00:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 05:28 PM 9/28/2005 +0000, ?iga Seilnacht wrote:

>You can use something like this to find a descriptor's name:
 > <snip>

The given code fails if the same property appears under more than one name 
or is used in more than one class.  It also requires the property object to 
be mutable, and is subject to inter-thread race conditions in the case of 
modification of a class.  It also doesn't work for class-level descriptors 
(added to the class' class), and I'd prefer it to use the logical 
equivalent of ob.__dict__.setdefault() rather than setattr(ob,...) so that 
it's free of (simple) race conditions in the case where one thread sets the 
attribute while another is computing the default value.

While these aren't crippling limitations in a given application, I think 
the stdlib implementation should be a bit more robust, especially since 
none of these features is very hard to implement, once you know what's 
needed.  (And I already have a robust implementation that could be cribbed 

In any case, having a stdlib version that doesn't address those issues 
wouldn't be very useful for me, as it wouldn't allow me to replace my 
custom C descriptor and metaclass.  If we added __bind__ (or something like 
it) to the descriptor protocol I could get rid of *at least* that 
metaclass, and maybe others.

From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep 29 00:10:14 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:10:14 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Oleg Broytmann wrote:
>    It seems many people reinvent this particular wheel. Which is
> understandable.
>, anyone?

"import magic" ;)


P.S. Such a module may actually be a good idea, if it reduces the variation in 
metaclass and descriptor hacks across some of the more complex framework.

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From barry at  Thu Sep 29 00:23:15 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 18:23:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 10:16, Jim Fulton wrote:

> When we ask for the eggs attribute the first time, we call the
> descriptor, which calls the eggs function.  The function sets the eggs
> attribute, overriding the descriptor. The next time the eggs attribute
> is accessed, the saved value will be used without calling the
> descriptor.
> I do this often enough that I think it would be useful to include it
> in python, either as a builtin (like property) or in the library.  (Or
> possibly by adding an option to property to generate a read
> descriptor.) I'd be happy to add this for 2.5.

I /must/ be missing something.  Why not just use property as a

class C:
    def eggs(self):
        print 'in eggs'
        self.eggs = 7
        return self.eggs

>>> c = C()
>>> c.eggs
in eggs
>>> c.eggs


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From guido at  Thu Sep 29 01:09:36 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 16:09:36 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

It doesn't work that way for new-style classes.

On 9/28/05, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 10:16, Jim Fulton wrote:
> > When we ask for the eggs attribute the first time, we call the
> > descriptor, which calls the eggs function.  The function sets the eggs
> > attribute, overriding the descriptor. The next time the eggs attribute
> > is accessed, the saved value will be used without calling the
> > descriptor.
> >
> > I do this often enough that I think it would be useful to include it
> > in python, either as a builtin (like property) or in the library.  (Or
> > possibly by adding an option to property to generate a read
> > descriptor.) I'd be happy to add this for 2.5.
> I /must/ be missing something.  Why not just use property as a
> decorator?
> class C:
>     @property
>     def eggs(self):
>         print 'in eggs'
>         self.eggs = 7
>         return self.eggs
> >>> c = C()
> >>> c.eggs
> in eggs
> 7
> >>> c.eggs
> 7
> -Barry
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--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From pje at  Thu Sep 29 01:14:46 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 19:14:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 06:23 PM 9/28/2005 -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>I /must/ be missing something.  Why not just use property as a
>class C:
>     @property
>     def eggs(self):
>         print 'in eggs'
>         self.eggs = 7
>         return self.eggs
> >>> c = C()
> >>> c.eggs
>in eggs
> >>> c.eggs

Because it only works in classic classes due to a bug in descriptor handling:

 >>> class C(object):
         def eggs(self):
           print 'in eggs'
           self.eggs = 7
           return self.eggs

 >>> c=C()
 >>> c.eggs
in eggs

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in -toplevel-
   File "<pyshell#10>", line 4, in eggs
     self.eggs = 7
AttributeError: can't set attribute

From greg.ewing at  Thu Sep 29 03:34:49 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:34:49 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I think we need to be real careful with chosing a name

In Eiffel, the keyword "once" is used for something
analogous -- a method that is called once the first
time it's referenced, and the return value cached.

So perhaps this could be called a "once_property".

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From pje at  Thu Sep 29 03:53:19 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 21:53:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:34 PM 9/29/2005 +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
>Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I think we need to be real careful with chosing a name
>In Eiffel, the keyword "once" is used for something
>analogous -- a method that is called once the first
>time it's referenced, and the return value cached.
>So perhaps this could be called a "once_property".

I was actually going to propose that before I thought of defaultproperty, 
and in fact my equivalent descriptor was originally called "Once", but the 
truth is that it gets called every time you delete it and reuse it, whereas 
Eiffel's once functions are called once, period, with no way to reset 
them.  (At least, IIRC.)

From barry at  Thu Sep 29 05:44:39 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 23:44:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 19:14, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> Because it only works in classic classes due to a bug in descriptor handling:

Blah. ;)

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From anthony at  Thu Sep 29 06:44:51 2005
From: anthony at (Anthony Baxter)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:44:51 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] release24-maint is UNFROZEN. 2.4.3 around March or so.
Message-ID: <>

So no brown-paper-bag bugs have been reported that I've seen, so let's 
unfreeze the release24-maint branch. Note that there will be at least 
a 2.4.3, probably around Feb-March next year (around the time of 
2.5a1, as currently vaguely planned). I might also cut a final 2.4.4 
after 2.5 final is out.

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

From pierre.barbier at  Thu Sep 29 08:10:54 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:10:54 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ok, so I took a closer look at the documentation and tried a few things
to understand better what you said and I have some remark ...

Phillip J. Eby a ecrit :
> At 06:15 PM 9/28/2005 +0200, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
>> Regularly, you see questions about augmented assignment on Python-tutor
>> mailing list, I often have question in my lab because of problems ...
>> most of the time people learn to avoid these operators in the end ! And
>> my look in the standard library confirmed my intuition about it.
> Some example of the problems would help.  For the specific bug report
> being discussed, I don't understand why someone would use augmented
> assignment with an immutable lvalue, since x |= y is short for x = x |
> y, which is clearly invalid on the face of it if x is a tuple member!

Well, the problem is:

>>> a = ([1,2], [3,4])
>>> a[0] += [5,6]

... a[0] *is* mutable, so the author of the bug report did not feel like
its l-value was immutable as he supposed a[0] was the l-value, however
in this case, both "a" and "a[0]" are l-values !

Otherwise, a very common problem (encounter regularly with labmates):

>>> def foo(a,b):
>>>   a += b
>>>   return a
>>> a = 3
>>> b = 4
>>> c = foo(a,b) # Works fine as intended
>>> d = [1,2]
>>> e = [3,4]
>>> f = foo(d,e) # Oops ... *d* is modified

Of course, actual code is much more complex, but the problem can be
reduced to that most of the time.

Also, on your sentence (which I find much more accurate than the current
"""Also, when possible, the actual operation is performed in-place,
meaning that rather than creating a new object the old object is
modified instead.  In either case, however, the assignment to the target
is still performed."""

I would add some pseudo-code equivalence like, if "__iadd__" is defined:

a += b <=> a = a.__iadd__(b)

which I believe is true from the look at the pseudo-code generated at
compile-time. Like this, it is easier to remember and much less subject
to interpretation than with human-language sentences ;)

>> The problem is: this seems to be more a problem than a solution !
>> There is a huge difference between in-place or not, and I find it very
>> difficult not to consider it.
> Consider string addition.  The fact that string concatenation can be
> implemented with += allows a string to consider based on its refcount to
> return a new string or to modify itself in-place.  If someone uses a = b
> + c, it may be assumed that they still desire a reference to b, and that
> therefore the operation *cannot* be done in-place.  If they use a += b,
> then this is a *hint* that an in-place operation is desirable.

However, the implementation makes no use of the operator ! First, there
is no "__iadd__" in the "str" class, second documentation says that
"a+=b" and "a=a+b" are both optimized. So this does not validate for a
use-case ^_^

> So, there are two features of augmented assignment:
> 1. It is a shortcut for spelling out the full assignment
> 2. Types that override augmented assignment methods may optimize
> in-place operations, *without the need for client code to change*.

Sure, I understood ... still I do not see any need for that, while I can
see a bunch of problems !

>> If you have a use-case for this "let the
>> object decide about in-place operation or not" I'd be interested as I
>> found none.
> The whole point of it is that I don't need to *care* whether a
> particular use is such or not.  I simply say what the code intends, and
> then if somebody needs to pass in something different, or the behavior
> of some other part of the system changes, then I get that for free. 
> Looking for a specific use case for that is like looking for a use case
> for duck typing.  That is, *everything* is a use case for it, because
> the point isn't the initial state of the system.  The point is what
> happens when you *change* the system.

My point here is: if the syntax causes a problem and does not solve any,
why would we keep it ?

As for duck-typing use cases are plenty ! A huge part of my code use
benefit of duck-typing and so does the Python library, so there *are*
use-cases !


Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68

From jim at  Thu Sep 29 10:20:31 2005
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 04:20:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] RFC: readproperty
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/28/05, Jim Fulton <jim at> wrote:
> I think we need to be real careful with chosing a name -- in Jim's
> example, *anyone* could assign to Spam().eggs to override the value.
> The name "readproperty" is too close to "readonlyproperty",

In fact, property creates read-only properties for new-style classes.
(I hadn't realized, until reading this thread, that for classic
classes, you could still set the attribute.)

 > but
> read-only it ain't! "Lazy" also doesn't really describe what's going
> on.

I agree.

> I believe some folks use a concept of "memo functions" which resemble
> this proposal except the notation is different: IIRC a memo function
> is always invoked as a function, but stores its result in a private
> instance variable, which it returns upon subsequent calls. This is a
> common pattern. Jim's proposal differs because the access looks like
> an attribute, not a method call. Still, perhaps memoproperty would be
> a possible name.
> Another way to look at the naming problem is to recognize that the
> provided function really computes a default value if the attribute
> isn't already set. So perhaps defaultproperty?

Works for me.

Oleg Broytmann wrote:
 > On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 10:16:12AM -0400, Jim Fulton wrote:
 >>   class readproperty(object):
 > [skip]
 >>I do this often enough
 >    I use it since about 2000 often enough under the name CachedAttribute:

Steven Bethard wrote:
 > Jim Fulton wrote:
 > I've also needed behavior like this a few times, but I use a variant
 > of Scott David Daniel's recipe[1]:
 > class _LazyAttribute(object):

Yup, the Zope 3 sources have something very similar:

I actually think this does too much.  All it saves me, compared to what I proposed
is one assignment.  I'd rather make that assignment explicit.

Anyway, all I wanted with readproperty was a property that implemented only
__get__, as opposed to property, which implements __get__, __set__, and __delete__.

I'd be happy to call it readproprty or getproperty or defaulproperty or whatever. :)

I'd prefer that it's semantics stay fairly simple though.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at       Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

From mde at  Wed Sep 28 18:10:39 2005
From: mde at (Micah Elliott)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:10:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks to all who have read and/or provided feedback.  There have been
some great ideas and admonitions that hadn't crossed my mind.  I'll
paraphrase some of the responses for the sake of brevity; I don't mean
to misquote anyone.

Tom> ISO 8601 includes a week notation.

That's great.  Thanks for pointing it out; seems like it should be the
preferred week format.  I might also want to allow a simple W42 (say)
since it's so much shorter, and I'll consider myself generally in
trouble if I wrap around on the year for due items.

Terry> Shorter forms such as DO, FIX, DEF, DOC, etc. are better.

I like the short proposals, so I'll add, and possibly even canonize
them.  My proposed canons were based on popular use and also my taste.
I had originally wanted to state that only the canonical forms would
be supported and use of the synonyms should be deprecated.  That would
have simplified things a bit (human and tool parsing).  But based on
people's ideas about what is canonical, that would never have flown.
Instead, it seems useful to just list everything that's ever been used
as long as it *fits one of the categories*.  And the canon is mostly
arbitrary/unnecessary; we'd never settle that peacefully anyway.  The
main point is that official categorization enables construction of
productivity tools.

Terry> IDEXXX isn't vim/emacs.  Offer an x:"comment" field for a
Terry> completed item.

Bengt> Later a tool can strip this out to the devlog.txt or DONE
Bengt> file, when the tool sees an added progress line like
Bengt> # ---: woohoo, completed ;-) <WHO 2005-10-11 04:56:12>

I wish we could rely on everyone to have/use cron.  These are both
great ideas.  I'd like to allow/have both.

Bengt> 7) A way of appending an incremental progress line to an existing code
Bengt> tag line, e.g.,
Bengt> # FIXME: This will take a while: rework foo and bar <WHO 2005-09-25>
Bengt> # ...: test_foo for new foo works! <WHO 2005-09-26 01:23:45-0700>
Bengt> # ...: vacation <WHO 2005-10-01 d:2005-10-08>

Status updates?  Nice!!  Great syntax too.

Bengt> time, embedded in strings, scope, no DONE, same line as code...

Your pennies are gold!  Thanks!

Another thing that came to mind recently:  As with docstrings, the
first sentence of a multiline codetags should be a meaningful summary.
So for multiline codetags I'll suggest that the fist line be something
that could show up in say a manpage or a BUGFIX file.

Terry> Terminator <> is evil.  Whitespace is good.

Bruno> Or if the codetag is immediately followed by code it's
Bruno> terminated.

Yes, I'd actually forgotten that it is also not-equal!  And I agree
that \n\n (or code) is a good terminator.  I had been in the practice
of putting some TODOs together near the tops of my modules, but a
white line between would probably look cleaner anyway.

Phillip> there should be something besides just a comment to
Phillip> distinguish these things; like starting with a symbol (e.g.
Phillip> # !FIXME), so that that documentation extraction tools can
Phillip> distinguish code tags from other documentation that just
Phillip> happens to start with a CAPITALIZED word.

That might be necessary.  But if the extraction tools are aware of all
official codetags, then it becomes less important.  It might even be
useful for lint tools to comment when seeing a line that begins with
say "# FOO:" but isn't a codetag.  Most such uses probably fall under
one of the proposed categories anyway.

pythondev> It has always been my choice to *only* use XXX. I hope there
pythondev> aren't any developers contributing to the Python core who
pythondev> use any others?

$ csrcs=$(find ~/archive/Python-2.4.1 -name *.c)
$ for tag in '!!!' '\?\?\?' XXX WARN CAUTION \
      echo -n "$tag: "; egrep"\b$tag" $csrcs |wc -l
!!!: ~1
\?\?\?: ~12  [most of these part of XXXs]
XXX: 365
WARN: ~4
TBD: ~2
TODO: 12
BUG: 0
Note: ~306
NOTE: ~9
RFE: 0
IMPORTANT: ~6  [some overlap with NOTEs]

I subtracted most of the false positives but I think the model is
being implicitly used to a small degree already.  It's just hard to
know that they're in the code.  I'm impressed there are so few in 365
KLOC.  I also notice some WHO: initials, as well as Hmmm:, bad:,
Reference:, Obscure:, NB:, Bah:, and others.

pythondev> I honestly don't see much of a point for
pythondev> distinguishing different types; these are for humans to read
pythondev> and review, and different tags just makes it harder to grep.

Yes, they are hard to grep!  And so are XXXs if multi-line.  You'd
have to do something like "$EDITOR `grep -l XXX $csrcs`" to really
grok them.  That's why a different tool is needed for inspection.
Even if the codetag paradigm is despised for a given project,
something (pychecker/pylint) needs to do a proper scan to
address/remove/alert them.  I won't argue that the interpreter should
adopt codetags, but it would at least benefit from lint recognition.

Phillip> You still need a tracking system.

Agreed, for most projects, and I think Trac is great.  But some might
want to use codetags as a way to track anything that is not a
full-blown bug.  And how many times have you seen small projects that
say, "We don't have a bug tracker yet.  Please just send bugs to
<bugs at>"?

Josiah> Some even count exclamation points as an indicator of severity.

Michael> I prefer TODO SMELL STINK STENCH VOMIT to indicate TODO priority.

These seem useful.  But I personally prefer a single TODO with a
numeric priority, and I feel that the p: field is the simplest way to
get that (easier to remember numbers 0..3 than contaminations or
!-counts).  I think the example you gave could be done with a "#
FIXME: <p:2>..." and still be obvious, or even "# FIXME:
<p:Stench>...", assuming you have mapped your bletcherosity level to
numbers.  This also assumes Terry's whitespace idea is used so the
fields could show up at the front.  Note that the PEP has separated
TODO from FIXME semantics.

Josiah> an unofficial spec is sufficient.  See and search
Josiah> for 'fixme' to see some common variants.

But that's the problem -- there are already a bunch of "unofficial"
specs, which don't serve much purpose as such.  It's a cool site.  I
spent some time browsing and I do see a lot of codetags in use (many
thousands in Python code alone; I'm not sure if the number represented
strings or files).  But I'll argue that this just reinforces the need
for an *official* spec/guideline, so that the tools can do something
with them.

Paul> Such a PEP should not be approved unless there's
Paul> already an implementation (e.g. PyChecker patch)

Phillip> implement some tools, use them for a while, and come back
Phillip> with more focused use cases

Phillip> It seems like a spec in search of an application.  The
Phillip> Motivation is sorely lacking 

My two main motivations are avoiding duplication (for documentation)
and organizing tasks.  I'm presently using it on a smallish project (5
KLOC) to generate manpage sections (fed to help2man) for BUGS,
GLOSSARY, and RFE.  These should arguably be dumped to a
BUGS/BUGFIX/ChangeLog file.  I haven't yet figured out how to make
Trac or SourceForge do a nice creation of such a file, though it's
essential IMO to provide one with a source package.  BUGS files are
also non-standardized, though I've seen some pretty nice (yet wildly
different) ones, and a tool could help here.

The other current use (for me) is as a grep replacement.  The tools
(just ctdoc right now) are limited (pre-alpha) but really help me
address the right tasks in the right order.  See
<> for a little comparison
to grepping.  I do think that the health-o-meter is also valuable (I
see that pylint already does a nice job of this).

I agree that proof of value is necessary.  Without a spec though it
will be hard to get people to know about a convention/toolset, so it's
a bit of a chicken-egg problem -- I can't have a pep until the tools are
in use, but the tools won't be used until programmers have
means/motivation to use them, a pep.

But now that I have your feedback/ideas I (and maybe the lint folks)
can do better job of expanding flexible tools that can prove this
paradigm useful (or useless).

I will continue development on the tools and encourage anyone
interested in using a standard set of codetags for documentation and
tracking purposes to give them a try (and provide more feedback!) as
they mature.

Micah Elliott

From mal at  Thu Sep 29 12:33:21 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:33:21 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mapping Darwin 8.2.0 to Mac OS X 10.4.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Ippolito wrote:
> /usr/bin/sw_vers technically calls a private (at least undocumented)  
> CoreFoundation API, it doesn't parse that plist directly :)
> On further inspection, it looks like parsing the plist directly is  
> supported API these days (see the bottom of <http:// 
> gestalt_refchap/chapter_1.4_section_181.html>):
> import plistlib
> dct = plistlib.Plist.fromFile('/System/Library/CoreServices/ 
> SystemVersion.plist')
> print '%(ProductName)s %(ProductVersion)s' % dct

Is the plistlib module always available on Mac OS X ?

Could you write a patch to system_alias() which uses
the above method if available for Mac OS ?

> -bob
> On Sep 22, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Wilfredo S?nchez Vega wrote:
>>  "rhapsody" is emitted by uname on Mac OS X Server 1.x, but not on  
>>anything we ship today.
>>  Bob's right, the version number from uname only tells you about  
>>the kernel, and not whether, for example, the Cocoa API is on the  
>>system (it wouldn't be on a standalone Darwin OS install, which  
>>will have the same uname output).
>>  Just FYI, /usr/bin/sw_vers parses /System/Library/CoreServices/ 
>>SystemVersion.plist, which is XML.  If you want that info, parsing  
>>the file may be more efficient than forking off sw_vers.
>>    -wsv
>>On Sep 21, 2005, at 8:28 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>I forgot. The current code recognizes 'Rhapsody' and maps it to  
>>>X Server". But I don't see any evidence that Apple still uses the  
>>>name Rhapsody. Does uname ever return 'Rhapsody'?
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 29 2005)
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>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From aahz at  Thu Sep 29 13:43:21 2005
From: aahz at (Aahz)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 04:43:21 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003201c5bd74$15e1c220$99b1958d@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Sep 21, 2005, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>I think I'd prefer (if <expr> then <expr> else <expre>) i.e. no
>>>colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
>>>generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.
>> FWIW, I find this quite intuitive.  It follows the same pattern as LCs
>> and GEs -- remove the colons and add parentheses (or brackets for
>> LCs).  So I'm +1.
> *But*, in LC's and GE's, the body of the main clause of the statement
> is also pulled out and placed in front of the keyword:
>    def gen():
>      for VAR in ITERABLE:
>        if COND:
>          yield EXPR
> becomes:
>    gen = (EXPR for VAR in ITERABLE if COND)
> This makes sense to me, because the most important thing in the
> generator expression is the way each element is populated - the source
> iterable and the filtering condition do matter, but they aren't as
> important.

Yes, and when the looping becomes the focal point, one should generally
rewrite a listcomp as a for loop.  Nevertheless, because boolean
expressions have non-boolean semantics in Python (i.e. they return the
objects rather than a boolean value), conditional expressions will
almost certainly have the condition as the focal point because a simple
boolean expression is no longer sufficient.  I am therefore strongly
opposed to the "a if cond else b" form.

(We've already agreed that Raymond's proposal to make boolean expressions
return booleans is dead, right?)

I'm also opposed to elif in conditional expressions -- let's keep this a
simple Pythonic rewrite of C's ternary.

I'm +0 on requiring parentheses precisely because they're annoying.  I'm
still expecting simple boolean expressions to be the primary use case,
and my hunch is that overall Python code will read better with the
ternary looking cluttered.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

The way to build large Python applications is to componentize and
loosely-couple the hell out of everything.

From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep 29 14:26:34 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:26:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>

> I'm also opposed to elif in conditional expressions -- let's keep this
> simple Pythonic rewrite of C's ternary.
> I'm +0 on requiring parentheses precisely because they're annoying.
> still expecting simple boolean expressions to be the primary use case,
> and my hunch is that overall Python code will read better with the
> ternary looking cluttered.

FWIW, I scanned the standard library for all the and/or pairings where a
conditional expression was applicable.  This sampling can serve as a
reference for what "typical" uses would look like in real Python code as
created by a number of different authors.

It only takes about five minutes to try out a given syntax proposal on
all the fragments listed below.  That short exercise provides an
excellent insight into the look and feel of each proposal in real world


---------------------------------------------------------------------         file = file and os.path.abspath(file) or '?'         formatter = (self.format=="html") and html or text                 cfile = fullname + (__debug__ and 'c' or
'o')                            (quotes[a] > quotes[b]) and a or b,
quotes.keys())                            (delims[a] > delims[b]) and a or b,
delims.keys())                     modes[char] = reduce(lambda a, b: a[1] >
b[1] and a or b,         anchor = (cl and cl.__name__ or '') + '-' +
name                                    isfirstline() and "*"
or "", line)             self.writer.send_paragraph((blankline and 1)
or 0)         __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = unicode and
self.ugettext or self.gettext             l = map(lambda x:'%s: "%s"' % (x[0], x[1][0] and
'" "'.join(x[1]) or ''), l) _suffix_char = __debug__ and 'c' or 'o'     iptfile = args and args[0] or "Python/graminit.c"             self.write(obj and NEWTRUE or NEWFALSE)             self.write(obj and TRUE or FALSE)                                  pos is None and
"<unknown>" or pos,         cfile = file + (__debug__ and 'c' or 'o')     return result and re.sub('^ *\n', '', rstrip(result)) or
''         anchor = (cl and cl.__name__ or '') + '-' + name         lhs = name and '<strong>%s</strong> = ' % name or ''         contents = doc and [doc + '\n'] or []             line = (name and name + ' = ' or '') + repr         line = (name and self.bold(name) + ' = ' or '') + repr             host = (sys.platform == 'mac') and '' or
'localhost'             font = ('helvetica', sys.platform == 'win32' and 8
or 10)         return (self.allowance and "Allow" or
"Disallow")+": "+self.path                             cmd == DO and 'DO' or 'DONT',
ord(opt))                             cmd == WILL and 'WILL' or
'WONT', ord(opt))                    n!=1 and "s" or "")     inFileName = args and args[0] or "Include/token.h"                     yield (parenlev > 0 and NL or NEWLINE,         return doc and doc.split("\n")[0].strip() or None         return doc and doc.split("\n")[0].strip() or None                             (run, run != 1 and "s" or "",
timeTaken))             safe_map[c] = (c in safe) and c or ('%%%02X' % i)             type = file and 'I' or 'D'                 print pred(x) and 'succeeded' or 'failed',
':', x             write(value and "1" or "0")

From aahz at  Thu Sep 29 14:32:20 2005
From: aahz at (Aahz)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 05:32:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
> Ok, so I took a closer look at the documentation and tried a few things
> to understand better what you said and I have some remark ...

I've got some counter-remarks, but python-dev is not the place to
discuss them.  Please move this thread to comp.lang.python.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

The way to build large Python applications is to componentize and
loosely-couple the hell out of everything.

From pierre.barbier at  Thu Sep 29 15:39:32 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:39:32 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] inplace operators and __setitem__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Done :)

I summarized my point of view and I'm waiting for comments :)


Aahz a ?crit :
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2005, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
>>Ok, so I took a closer look at the documentation and tried a few things
>>to understand better what you said and I have some remark ...
> I've got some counter-remarks, but python-dev is not the place to
> discuss them.  Please move this thread to comp.lang.python.

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68

From BruceEckel-Python3234 at  Thu Sep 29 15:43:37 2005
From: BruceEckel-Python3234 at (Bruce Eckel)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 07:43:37 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
objects as "the" solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
more OO solutions that I've seen so far.

What I'd really like to figure out is the "pythonic" solution for
concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't

Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:

1) It works by default, so that novices can use it without falling
into the deep well of threading. That is, a program that you write
using threading is broken by default, and the tool you have to fix it
is "inspection." I want something that allows me to say "this is a
task. Go." and have it work without the python programmer having to
study and understand several tomes on the subject.

2) Tasks can be automatically distributed among processors, so it
solves the problems of (a) making python run faster (b) how to utilize
multiprocessor systems.

3) Tasks are cheap enough that I can make thousands of them, to solve
modeling problems (in which I also lump games). This is really a
solution to a cerain type of program complexity -- if I can just
assign a task to each logical modeling unit, it makes such a system
much easier to program.

4) Tasks are "self-guarding," so they prevent other tasks from
interfering with them. The only way tasks can communicate with each
other is through some kind of formal mechanism (something queue-ish,
I'd imagine).

5) Deadlock is prevented by default. I suspect livelock could still
happen; I don't know if it's possible to eliminate that.

6) It's natural to make an object that is actor-ish. That is, this
concurrency approach works intuitively with objects.

7) Complexity should be eliminated as much as possible. If it requires
greater limitations on what you can do in exchange for a clear,
simple, and safe programming model, that sounds pythonic to me. The
way I see it, if we can't easily use tasks without getting into
trouble, people won't use them. But if we have a model that allows
people to (for example) make easy use of multiple processors, they
will use that approach and the (possible) extra overhead that you pay
for the simplicity will be absorbed by the extra CPUs.

8) It should not exclude the possibility of mobile tasks/active
objects, ideally with something relatively straightforward such as
Linda-style tuple spaces.

One thing that occurs to me is that a number of items on this wish
list may conflict with each other, which may require a different way
of thinking about the problem. For example, it may require two
approaches: for "ordinary" non-OO tasks, a functional programming
approach ala Erlang, in combination with an actor approach for

Bruce Eckel   mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at
Contains electronic books: "Thinking in Java 3e" & "Thinking in C++ 2e"
Web log:

From mwh at  Thu Sep 29 16:12:23 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:12:23 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <> (Bruce Eckel's
	message of "Thu, 29 Sep 2005 07:43:37 -0600")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bruce Eckel <BruceEckel-Python3234 at> writes:

> I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
> objects as "the" solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
> more OO solutions that I've seen so far.
> What I'd really like to figure out is the "pythonic" solution for
> concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't
> threads.
> Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:

Just because I've been mentioning it everywhere else since I read it,
have you seen this paper:

?  I don't know how applicable it would be to Python but it's well
worth the time it takes to read.


  This makes it possible to pass complex object hierarchies to
  a C coder who thinks computer science has made no worthwhile
  advancements since the invention of the pointer.
                                       -- Gordon McMillan, 30 Jul 1998

From guido at  Thu Sep 29 16:32:13 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 07:32:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> FWIW, I scanned the standard library for all the and/or pairings where a
> conditional expression was applicable.  This sampling can serve as a
> reference for what "typical" uses would look like in real Python code as
> created by a number of different authors.
> It only takes about five minutes to try out a given syntax proposal on
> all the fragments listed below.  That short exercise provides an
> excellent insight into the look and feel of each proposal in real world
> code.

I did this for my favorite proposal, and ended up with the list shown
further down below.

I think they all looks great!

The only problem is that it's not easy to come up with a regex-based
way to transform

    C and X or Y


    X if C else Y

because it's hard to determine where C starts. So I recommend that
people leave existing and/or code alone but start writing if/else
expressions in new code only. After all there's nothing wrong with
and/or.         file = os.path.abspath(file) if file else '?'         formatter = html if self.format == "html" else text                 cfile = fullname + ('c' if __debug__ else 'o')                            a if (quotes[a] > quotes[b]) else
b, quotes.keys())                            a if (delims[a] > delims[b]) else
b, delims.keys())                     modes[char] = reduce(lambda a, b: a if
a[1] > b[1] else b,         anchor = (cl.__name__ if cl else '') + '-' + name                                    "*" if isfirstline()
else "", line)             self.writer.send_paragraph((1) if blankline else 0)         __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = self.ugettext if
unicode else self.gettext             l = map(lambda x:'%s: "%s"' % (x[0], '"
"'.join(x[1]) if x[1][0] else ''), l) _suffix_char = 'c' if __debug__ else 'o'     iptfile = args[0] if args else "Python/graminit.c"             self.write(NEWTRUE if obj else NEWFALSE)             self.write(TRUE if obj else FALSE)                                  "<unknown>" if pos is
None else pos,         cfile = file + ('c' if __debug__ else 'o')     return re.sub('^ *\n', '', rstrip(result)) if result else ''         anchor = (cl.__name__ if cl else '') + '-' + name         lhs = '<strong>%s</strong> = ' % name if name else ''         contents = [doc + '\n'] if doc else []             line = (name + ' = ' if name else '') + repr         line = (self.bold(name) + ' = ' if name else '') + repr             host = '' if (sys.platform == 'mac')
else 'localhost'             font = ('helvetica', 8 if sys.platform == 'win32' else 10)         return (self."Allow" if allowance else
"Disallow")+": "+self.path                             'DO' if cmd == DO else
'DONT', ord(opt))                             'WILL' if cmd == WILL else
'WONT', ord(opt))                    "s" if n!=1 else "")     inFileName = args[0] if args else "Include/token.h"                     yield (parenlev > NL if 0 else NEWLINE,         return doc.split("\n")[0].strip() if doc else None         return doc.split("\n")[0].strip() if doc else None                             (run, run != "s" if 1 else
"", timeTaken))             safe_map[c] = c if (c in safe) else ('%%%02X' % i)             type = 'I' if file else 'D'                 print 'succeed' if pred(x) else 'failed', ':', x             write("1" if value else "0")

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at  Thu Sep 29 16:33:53 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 07:33:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
[a garbled list]
Stupid gmail broke the lines. Here it is again as an attachment.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Type: application/x-python
Size: 2850 bytes
Desc: not available
Url :

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 29 16:49:30 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:49:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <><000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <dhgutq$s1h$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I think they all looks great!

expression if expression?

looks like you've been doing too much Perl hacking lately ;-)


From solipsis at  Thu Sep 29 17:01:30 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:01:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> The only problem is that it's not easy to come up with a regex-based
> way to transform
>     C and X or Y
> into
>     X if C else Y

(my 2 cents)

I find this proposal very confusing. The order is not logical at all.
One usually expects to find the condition on one side, and the
alternatives on another side (this is how it's done in every conditional
construct I know of : traditional if-then-else, lisp's cond, switch
statements...). But there the condition is in the middle, which breaks
the natural reading order and feels obfuscated.

This is especially true if the "X" in "X if C else Y" happens to be a
non-trivial expression - witness your example from
        return doc.split("\n")[0].strip() if doc else None

... because then the condition (which is the most important part of the
statement) is shadowed by the complexity of the first alternative; and
the two alternatives, which should logically be siblings, are separated
by something which has a different role in the construct.

This is exactly like a switch/case statement where the "switch" would
have to be inserted in the middle of two "case"'s.

Also, generally, one of the most annoying things in computer languages
is when they try to invent their own unnatural conditional forms: such
as Perl's inverted forms or "unless" statement.



From skip at  Thu Sep 29 17:11:52 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:11:52 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Guido> After all there's nothing wrong with and/or.

Especially if it's correct. <wink>


From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep 29 17:19:36 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 01:19:36 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>
References: <000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> [Aahz]
>>I'm also opposed to elif in conditional expressions -- let's keep this
> a
>>simple Pythonic rewrite of C's ternary.
>>I'm +0 on requiring parentheses precisely because they're annoying.
> I'm
>>still expecting simple boolean expressions to be the primary use case,
>>and my hunch is that overall Python code will read better with the
>>ternary looking cluttered.
> FWIW, I scanned the standard library for all the and/or pairings where a
> conditional expression was applicable.  This sampling can serve as a
> reference for what "typical" uses would look like in real Python code as
> created by a number of different authors.

Thanks for digging those out - I was thinking that would be a useful exercise, 
but hadn't taken the time to think of an easy way to find relevant lines.

> It only takes about five minutes to try out a given syntax proposal on
> all the fragments listed below.  That short exercise provides an
> excellent insight into the look and feel of each proposal in real world
> code.

I tried it with (if C then A else B) and (A if C else B), and found both to be 
significantly more readable than the current code.

In particular, I wouldn't want to bet money that none of the examples are 
buggy, as there were a few cases where the "A" value could conceivably be 0 or 
'', but I couldn't tell if it was possible for the condition to also be true 
in those cases.

Comparing the two syntaxes I tried, I found that the infix notation generally 
required the addition of parentheses around the "A" expression when that 
expression was itself a binary operation - otherwise the precedence was 
unclear and, even with parentheses around the whole conditional, the layout 
gave the impression that the conditional expression only applied to the second 
argument to the binary operation in "A".

That said, the more verbose form still felt like it had the elements out of 
sequence - it was just crying out for the expression to be rewritten as a 


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From BruceEckel-Python3234 at  Thu Sep 29 17:30:28 2005
From: BruceEckel-Python3234 at (Bruce Eckel)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:30:28 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This paper looks very interesting and promises some good ideas. It
also looks like it will require time and effort to digest.

I've only read the first few pages, but one thing that does leap out
is at the beginning of section 3, they say:

"... a purely-declarative language is a perfect setting for
transactional memory."

What's not clear to me from this is whether STM will work in a
non-declarative language like Python.

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 8:12:23 AM, Michael Hudson wrote:

> Bruce Eckel <BruceEckel-Python3234 at> writes:

>> I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
>> objects as "the" solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
>> more OO solutions that I've seen so far.
>> What I'd really like to figure out is the "pythonic" solution for
>> concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't
>> threads.
>> Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:

> Just because I've been mentioning it everywhere else since I read it,
> have you seen this paper:


> ?  I don't know how applicable it would be to Python but it's well
> worth the time it takes to read.

> Cheers,
> mwh

Bruce Eckel   mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at
Contains electronic books: "Thinking in Java 3e" & "Thinking in C++ 2e"
Web log:
Subscribe to my newsletter:
My schedule can be found at:

From ncoghlan at  Thu Sep 29 17:38:43 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 01:38:43 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> This is especially true if the "X" in "X if C else Y" happens to be a
> non-trivial expression - witness your example from
>         return doc.split("\n")[0].strip() if doc else None
> ... because then the condition (which is the most important part of the
> statement) is shadowed by the complexity of the first alternative; and
> the two alternatives, which should logically be siblings, are separated
> by something which has a different role in the construct.

I think the perception of what's important is relevant here - to me, the 
behaviour in the normal case (i.e., non-empty doc) is the most important 
element. The conditional, and the default value returned when 'doc' is empty 
are interesting, but are a corner case, rather than a fundamental element of 
the function's behaviour.

> This is exactly like a switch/case statement where the "switch" would
> have to be inserted in the middle of two "case"'s.

Well, no - because it is possible to consider an if-else as a parameterised 
binary operation that chooses between the left and right operands (i.e., it's 
like an "or", only we're asking that the decision be made based on something 
other than the truth value of the left hand operand).

That is, in the case where the left hand expression has no side effects, the 
following pairs of expression are essentially equivalent:

   a or b <-> a if a else b
   a and b <-> a if not a else b

In the switch statement example, the switch statement is inherently an n-ary 
operation, so there is no comparable way of finding a spot to put the switch 
variable "in the middle".

> Also, generally, one of the most annoying things in computer languages
> is when they try to invent their own unnatural conditional forms: such
> as Perl's inverted forms or "unless" statement.

Even more annoying are constructs that don't gel with the rest of the 
language, though.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From pje at  Thu Sep 29 17:53:06 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:53:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] 64-bit bytecode compatibility (was Re: [PEAK] ez_setup
 on 64-bit linux problem)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 09:49 AM 9/29/2005 -0400, Viren Shah wrote:
>[I sent this earlier without being a subscriber and it was sent to the 
>moderation queue so I'm resending it after subscribing]
>   I'm running a 64-bit Fedora Core 3 with python 2.3.4. I'm trying to 
> install setuptools to use with Trac, and get the following error:
>  [root at Mrdumpling ~]$ python
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 206, in ?
>     main(sys.argv[1:])
>   File "", line 141, in main
>     from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
>OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
>I get the same type of error if I try installing setuptools manually. I 
>figure this has to do with the 64-bit nature of the OS and python, but not 
>being a python person, don't know what a workaround would be.
>Any ideas?

Hm.  It sounds like perhaps the 64-bit Python in question isn't able to 
read bytecode for Python from a 32-bit Python version.  You'll need to 
download the setuptools source archive from PyPI and install it using 
"python install" instead.

In the meantime, I'm going to inquire on Python-Dev about whether a 64-bit 
Python should be able to read 32-bit bytecode, as I was under the 
impression Python's bytecode format was supposed to be cross-platform.  See 

From at  Thu Sep 29 17:54:00 2005
From: at (Michael Walter)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:54:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

FWIW, the Perl 6 community is also investigating STM, so it appears to
be a worthwhile idea for an impure, multi-paradigm language as well.


On 9/29/05, Bruce Eckel <BruceEckel-Python3234 at> wrote:
> This paper looks very interesting and promises some good ideas. It
> also looks like it will require time and effort to digest.
> I've only read the first few pages, but one thing that does leap out
> is at the beginning of section 3, they say:
> "... a purely-declarative language is a perfect setting for
> transactional memory."
> What's not clear to me from this is whether STM will work in a
> non-declarative language like Python.
> Thursday, September 29, 2005, 8:12:23 AM, Michael Hudson wrote:
> > Bruce Eckel <BruceEckel-Python3234 at> writes:
> >> I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
> >> objects as "the" solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
> >> more OO solutions that I've seen so far.
> >>
> >> What I'd really like to figure out is the "pythonic" solution for
> >> concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't
> >> threads.
> >>
> >> Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:
> > Just because I've been mentioning it everywhere else since I read it,
> > have you seen this paper:
> >
> > ?  I don't know how applicable it would be to Python but it's well
> > worth the time it takes to read.
> > Cheers,
> > mwh
> Bruce Eckel   mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at
> Contains electronic books: "Thinking in Java 3e" & "Thinking in C++ 2e"
> Web log:
> Subscribe to my newsletter:
> My schedule can be found at:
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

From edcjones at  Thu Sep 29 18:00:08 2005
From: edcjones at (Edward C. Jones)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:00:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

file = os.path.abspath(file) if file else '?'

These are all unreadable. In C "a ? b : c" is not used very often. A 
quick check of the Python source found 476 occurences.

-1 to conditional expressions.

From steve at  Thu Sep 29 17:54:46 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:54:46 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <dhh2o3$as4$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/29/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>FWIW, I scanned the standard library for all the and/or pairings where a
>>conditional expression was applicable.  This sampling can serve as a
>>reference for what "typical" uses would look like in real Python code as
>>created by a number of different authors.
>>It only takes about five minutes to try out a given syntax proposal on
>>all the fragments listed below.  That short exercise provides an
>>excellent insight into the look and feel of each proposal in real world
> I did this for my favorite proposal, and ended up with the list shown
> further down below.
> I think they all looks great!
The fact that so few were found in whole of the standard library does 
put the use case into question, though, no? Though I am sure more could 
be found with a more thorough scan.

> The only problem is that it's not easy to come up with a regex-based
> way to transform
>     C and X or Y
> into
>     X if C else Y
> because it's hard to determine where C starts. So I recommend that
> people leave existing and/or code alone but start writing if/else
> expressions in new code only. After all there's nothing wrong with
> and/or.
>         file = os.path.abspath(file) if file else '?'
>         formatter = html if self.format == "html" else text
>                 cfile = fullname + ('c' if __debug__ else 'o')
>                            a if (quotes[a] > quotes[b]) else
> b, quotes.keys())
>                            a if (delims[a] > delims[b]) else
> b, delims.keys())
>                     modes[char] = reduce(lambda a, b: a if
> a[1] > b[1] else b,
>         anchor = (cl.__name__ if cl else '') + '-' + name
>                                    "*" if isfirstline()
> else "", line)
>             self.writer.send_paragraph((1) if blankline else 0)
>         __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = self.ugettext if
> unicode else self.gettext
>             l = map(lambda x:'%s: "%s"' % (x[0], '"
> "'.join(x[1]) if x[1][0] else ''), l)
> _suffix_char = 'c' if __debug__ else 'o'
>     iptfile = args[0] if args else "Python/graminit.c"
>             self.write(NEWTRUE if obj else NEWFALSE)
>             self.write(TRUE if obj else FALSE)
>                                  "<unknown>" if pos is
> None else pos,
>         cfile = file + ('c' if __debug__ else 'o')
>     return re.sub('^ *\n', '', rstrip(result)) if result else ''
>         anchor = (cl.__name__ if cl else '') + '-' + name
>         lhs = '<strong>%s</strong> = ' % name if name else ''
>         contents = [doc + '\n'] if doc else []
>             line = (name + ' = ' if name else '') + repr
>         line = (self.bold(name) + ' = ' if name else '') + repr
>             host = '' if (sys.platform == 'mac')
> else 'localhost'
>             font = ('helvetica', 8 if sys.platform == 'win32' else 10)
>         return (self."Allow" if allowance else
> "Disallow")+": "+self.path
>                             'DO' if cmd == DO else
> 'DONT', ord(opt))
>                             'WILL' if cmd == WILL else
> 'WONT', ord(opt))
>                    "s" if n!=1 else "")
>     inFileName = args[0] if args else "Include/token.h"
>                     yield (parenlev > NL if 0 else NEWLINE,
>         return doc.split("\n")[0].strip() if doc else None
>         return doc.split("\n")[0].strip() if doc else None
>                             (run, run != "s" if 1 else
> "", timeTaken))
>             safe_map[c] = c if (c in safe) else ('%%%02X' % i)
>             type = 'I' if file else 'D'
>                 print 'succeed' if pred(x) else 'failed', ':', x
>             write("1" if value else "0")

Having though about it more closely, the reason I believe it might 
confuse newbies is because until the "else" comes along the construct 
can easily be read as a statement with a conditional suffix, and it's 
only after you read the "else" it becomes obvious that it's the 
expression that's conditional.

I realise that this reading will become habitual once this proposal is 
put into the language, but I do think this will be a source of confusion 
to newcomers (who should anyway be steered away from all the magic of 
ternary expressions, list comprehensions, generator expressions and the 

I would argue for mandatory parentheses around the expression, leaving 
room later (probably after Guido is no longer around to be sick at the 
site of it) for:

def f(condition):
     return something if condition # no else!
     return somethingElse

not-expecting-this-to-fly-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006                

From pje at  Thu Sep 29 18:10:09 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:10:09 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 09:10 AM 9/28/2005 -0700, Micah Elliott wrote:
>I agree that proof of value is necessary.  Without a spec though it
>will be hard to get people to know about a convention/toolset, so it's
>a bit of a chicken-egg problem -- I can't have a pep until the tools are
>in use, but the tools won't be used until programmers have
>means/motivation to use them, a pep.

My point about the lack of motivation was that there was little reason 
shown why this should be a PEP instead of either:

1. Documentation for a specific tool, or group of tools
2. A specific project's process documentation

Are you proposing that this format be used by the Python developers for 
Python itself?  A process spec like this seems orthogonal to 

To put it another way, this seems like writing a PEP on how to do eXtreme 
Programming, or perhaps a PEP on how the blogging "trackback" protocol 
works.  Certainly you might implement those things using Python, but the 
spec itself seems entirely orthogonal to Python.  I don't really see why 
it's a PEP, as opposed to just a published spec on your own website, unless 
you intend for say, the Python stdlib to conform to it.

From pje at  Thu Sep 29 18:20:34 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:20:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 09:30 AM 9/29/2005 -0600, Bruce Eckel wrote:
>This paper looks very interesting and promises some good ideas. It
>also looks like it will require time and effort to digest.
>I've only read the first few pages, but one thing that does leap out
>is at the beginning of section 3, they say:
>"... a purely-declarative language is a perfect setting for
>transactional memory."
>What's not clear to me from this is whether STM will work in a
>non-declarative language like Python.

I spent a few weekends studying that paper earlier this year in order to 
see if anything could be stolen for Python; my general impression was "not 
easily" at the least.  One notable feature of the presented concept was 
that when code would otherwise block, they *rolled it back* to the last 
nonblocking execution point.  In a sense, they ran the code backwards, 
albeit by undoing its effects.  They then suspend execution until there's a 
change to at least one of the variables read during the forward execution, 
to avoid repeated retries.

It was a really fascinating idea, because it was basically a way to write 
nonblocking code without explicit yielding constructs.  But, it depends 
utterly on having all changes to data being transactional, and on being 
able to guarantee it in order to prevent bugs that would be just as bad as 
the ones you get from threading.

Oddly enough, this paper actually demonstrates a situation where having 
static type checking is in fact a solution to a non-trivial problem!  It 
uses static type checking of monads to ensure that you can't touch 
untransacted things inside a transaction.

From rrr at  Thu Sep 29 18:21:18 2005
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:21:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>The only problem is that it's not easy to come up with a regex-based
>>way to transform
>>    C and X or Y
>>    X if C else Y

One way is to parse it manually to a list.  This was just a test, but 
more samples can be added friarly easy.

samples = [
     # start, cond,  x,  y, end
     ("  file =", "file", "os.path.abspath(file)", "'?'", ""),
     ("  formatter =", '(self.format=="html")', "html", "text", 
     (" cfile = fullname + (", "__debug__","'c'","'o'",")"),

for s,c,x,y,e in samples:
     print "%s %s and %s or %s %s" % (s,c,x,y,e)
     print "%s %s if %s else %s %s" % (s,x,c,y,e)
     print "%s (if %s then %s else %s) %s" % (s,c,x,y,e)
     print "%s (%s ? %s : %s) %s" % (s,c,x,y,e)

> (my 2 cents)
> I find this proposal very confusing. The order is not logical at all.
> One usually expects to find the condition on one side, and the
> alternatives on another side (this is how it's done in every conditional
> construct I know of : traditional if-then-else, lisp's cond, switch
> statements...). But there the condition is in the middle, which breaks
> the natural reading order and feels obfuscated.

I found that my preference depends on the situation.  I like (if cond 
then expr1 else expr2) for most things because having the condition in 
front tells me the purpose, And it's better represents the order the 
terms are evaluated in.

But when checking a value and either changing it or leaving it alone, I 
tended to want to type it as.

      value = (value if cond else alternate_value)

In this case the condition is an accept or reject for the 
alternate_value.  And since the first term is a simple name instead of a 
complex expression, the order of evaluation doesn't bother me.

Personally I prefer the function form best for the pure simplicity of 
it,  if(cond, e1, e2),  but of course that doesn't do the shortcut 
behavior and it pre-evaluates the arguments, so it's not an answer.


From pje at  Thu Sep 29 18:37:15 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:37:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] 64-bit bytecode compatibility (was Re: [PEAK]
 ez_setup on 64-bit linux problem)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:14 PM 9/29/2005 -0400, Viren Shah wrote:
>   File "/root/svn-install-apps/setuptools-0.6a4/", line 
> 949, in _get
>     return self.loader.get_data(path)
>OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum

Interesting.  That looks like it might be a bug in the Python zipimport 
module, which is what implements get_data().  Apparently it happens upon 
importing as well; I assumed that it was a bytecode incompatibility.

Checking the revision log, I find that there's a 64-bit fix for zipimport.c 
in Python 2.4 that looks like it would fix this issue, but it has not been 
backported to any revision of Python 2.3.  You're going to either have to 
backport the fix yourself and rebuild Python 2.3, or upgrade to Python 
2.4.  Sorry.  :(

The diff that implements the fix is at:

I'll update my documentation pages to reflect that setuptools requires 
Python 2.4 if you're using a 64-bit Python.

From guido at  Thu Sep 29 18:35:49 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:35:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dhh2o3$as4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> I would argue for mandatory parentheses around the expression, leaving
> room later (probably after Guido is no longer around to be sick at the
> site of it) for:
> def f(condition):
>      return something if condition # no else!
>      return somethingElse
> not-expecting-this-to-fly-ly y'rs  - steve

Let me give you what you expect. If all the "X if C else Y" syntax
does is prevent that atrocity from ever being introduced, it would be
worth it. :)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From BruceEckel-Python3234 at  Thu Sep 29 18:48:37 2005
From: BruceEckel-Python3234 at (Bruce Eckel)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:48:37 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I spent a few weekends studying that paper earlier this year in order to
> see if anything could be stolen for Python; my general impression was "not
> easily" at the least.  One notable feature of the presented concept was
> that when code would otherwise block, they *rolled it back* to the last
> nonblocking execution point.  In a sense, they ran the code backwards,
> albeit by undoing its effects.  They then suspend execution until there's a
> change to at least one of the variables read during the forward execution,
> to avoid repeated retries.

I haven't spent the weekends on the paper yet (but it looks like that
is what it would take), but I had the impression that they were
talking about the lock-free techniques such as the ones used in Java
5. Basically, you start a write operation "in the background" without
locking the data structure, so reads can continue while the
calculation is taking place but before the result is committed. When
the result is ready, an atomic "test and write" operation is used to
determine whether any other task has modified the value in the
meantime, and if not to commit the new value. If another task did
modify the value, then the calculation begins anew.

That was my take, but I haven't studied everything about STM yet, so
I'm probably missing something.

The one thing about this paper is that it seems to be an orthogonal
perspective to anything about concurrency that *I* have seen before.

> Oddly enough, this paper actually demonstrates a situation where having
> static type checking is in fact a solution to a non-trivial problem!  It
> uses static type checking of monads to ensure that you can't touch 
> untransacted things inside a transaction.

Yes, because of some of my diatribes against static checking people
get the impression that I think it's just a bad thing. However, I'm
really trying to get across the idea that "static type checking as the
solution to all problems is a bad idea," and that the cost is often
much greater than the benefit. But if there really is a clear payoff
then I'm certainly not averse to it. In general, I really *do* like to
be told when something has gone wrong -- I think there's a huge
benefit in that. But if I can learn about it at runtime rather than
compile time, then that is often a reasonable solution.

So with concurrency, I would like to know when I do something wrong,
but if I am told at runtime that's OK with me as long as I'm told.

Bruce Eckel   mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at
Contains electronic books: "Thinking in Java 3e" & "Thinking in C++ 2e"
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From p.f.moore at  Thu Sep 29 18:48:59 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:48:59 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Phillip J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> My point about the lack of motivation was that there was little reason
> shown why this should be a PEP instead of either:
> 1. Documentation for a specific tool, or group of tools
> 2. A specific project's process documentation

That's what I feel as well. I hadn't commented on the PEP as I had
simply intended to ignore it totally in my own projects...


From janssen at  Thu Sep 29 18:56:17 2005
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:56:17 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:43:37 PDT."
Message-ID: <05Sep29.095620pdt."58617">

> 1) It works by default, so that novices can use it without falling
> into the deep well of threading. That is, a program that you write
> using threading is broken by default, and the tool you have to fix it
> is "inspection." I want something that allows me to say "this is a
> task. Go." and have it work without the python programmer having to
> study and understand several tomes on the subject.

Bruce, this seems to me like wishful thinking.  Either the separate
threads don't interact, in which case you are running separate
programs, in which case os.system() already works well enough, or they
do, in which case you have the various deadlock and livelock problems
of threading.

And this nonsense about threaded programs being "broken by default" --
might as well say the same about programs that use variables.  If you
don't know how to use threads, great, just don't use them.  Spend the
time reading Fred Brooks' NO SILVER BULLET, instead.  It's available
in essay form at

> One thing that occurs to me is that a number of items on this wish
> list may conflict with each other, which may require a different way
> of thinking about the problem.

That seems correct to me.


From pje at  Thu Sep 29 19:06:29 2005
From: pje at (Phillip J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:06:29 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:48 AM 9/29/2005 -0600, Bruce Eckel wrote:
>I haven't spent the weekends on the paper yet (but it looks like that
>is what it would take), but I had the impression that they were
>talking about the lock-free techniques such as the ones used in Java
>5. Basically, you start a write operation "in the background" without
>locking the data structure, so reads can continue while the
>calculation is taking place but before the result is committed. When
>the result is ready, an atomic "test and write" operation is used to
>determine whether any other task has modified the value in the
>meantime, and if not to commit the new value. If another task did
>modify the value, then the calculation begins anew.
>That was my take, but I haven't studied everything about STM yet, so
>I'm probably missing something.

No, that's certainly the general idea.  The issue for an imperative 
language like Python is that side-effects are the norm, rather than an 
exception.  The Haskell implementation of the idea effectively relies on 
the fact that in Haskell you have to jump through monadic hoops to get side 
effects, so if you have a low-level transactional memory facility, you can 
create monadic combinators that restrict those side effects to occuring in 
the way you want them to.  This is so utterly alien to Python's execution 
model - or indeed most imperative languages' execution models - that I 
don't see how it can be modelled in Python in a way that retains the 
significant benefits of the approach.

Now, in PyPy, I suppose it might be possible to create a custom 
object-space that works that way, and I hadn't thought of that 
before.  Maybe you should run that paper past one of the PyPy wizards and 
see if you can get them interested in the idea, then stand back and see 
what happens.  :)

>The one thing about this paper is that it seems to be an orthogonal
>perspective to anything about concurrency that *I* have seen before.

Yes - it's dramatically different, and seems like the One True Way to do 
imperative concurrency with side-effects.  Certainly transactions work 
nicely for databases, anyway.  :)

>So with concurrency, I would like to know when I do something wrong,
>but if I am told at runtime that's OK with me as long as I'm told.

Yeah, but in current Python implementations - with the possible exception 
of PyPY - detecting the problem at all is virtually impossible.  PyPy is an 
extensible VM, though, so in principle you could create some kind of 
transactional object space that could keep track of things and tell you if 
you mess up.

From mwh at  Thu Sep 29 19:10:20 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 18:10:20 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
	(Phillip J. Eby's message of "Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:20:34 -0400")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Phillip J. Eby" <pje at> writes:

> At 09:30 AM 9/29/2005 -0600, Bruce Eckel wrote:
>>This paper looks very interesting and promises some good ideas. It
>>also looks like it will require time and effort to digest.
>>I've only read the first few pages, but one thing that does leap out
>>is at the beginning of section 3, they say:
>>"... a purely-declarative language is a perfect setting for
>>transactional memory."
>>What's not clear to me from this is whether STM will work in a
>>non-declarative language like Python.
> I spent a few weekends studying that paper earlier this year in order to 
> see if anything could be stolen for Python; my general impression was "not 
> easily" at the least.  One notable feature of the presented concept was 
> that when code would otherwise block, they *rolled it back* to the last 
> nonblocking execution point.  In a sense, they ran the code backwards, 
> albeit by undoing its effects.  They then suspend execution until there's a 
> change to at least one of the variables read during the forward execution, 
> to avoid repeated retries.
> It was a really fascinating idea, because it was basically a way to write 
> nonblocking code without explicit yielding constructs.  But, it depends 
> utterly on having all changes to data being transactional, and on being 
> able to guarantee it in order to prevent bugs that would be just as bad as 
> the ones you get from threading.

Oh yes, if implemented this really has be baked thoroughly into the
implementation.  It's not something that can be implemented as a
library (as far as I can see, anyway).

> Oddly enough, this paper actually demonstrates a situation where having 
> static type checking is in fact a solution to a non-trivial problem!  It 
> uses static type checking of monads to ensure that you can't touch 
> untransacted things inside a transaction.

Well, this is an extension of the way Haskell deals with side-effects
in general... but yes, it's interesting to be sure.


  People think I'm a nice guy, and the fact is that I'm a scheming,
  conniving bastard who doesn't care for any hurt feelings or lost
  hours of work if it just results in what I consider to be a better
  system.                                            -- Linus Torvalds

From raymond.hettinger at  Thu Sep 29 20:28:05 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:28:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <001701c5c523$88fdf880$d63dc797@oemcomputer>

> > It only takes about five minutes to try out a given syntax proposal
> > all the fragments listed below.  That short exercise provides an
> > excellent insight into the look and feel of each proposal in real
> > code.
> I did this for my favorite proposal, and ended up with the list shown
> further down below.
> I think they all looks great!

They mostly look great to me too :-)

The exceptions are the ones in pydoc which have an odd feel to them and,
to my eyes, don't parse well.  I can't put my finger on the issue -- it
could be that any ternary operator syntax breaks down when used in
series with other operators or when there are complex sub-expressions.

>     return re.sub('^ *\n', '', rstrip(result)) if result
else ''
>         anchor = (cl.__name__ if cl else '') + '-' + name
>         lhs = '<strong>%s</strong> = ' % name if name else
>         contents = [doc + '\n'] if doc else []
>             line = (name + ' = ' if name else '') + repr
>         line = (self.bold(name) + ' = ' if name else '') +
>             host = '' if (sys.platform == 'mac')
else 'localhost'
>             font = ('helvetica', 8 if sys.platform ==
'win32' else 10)

There is one that looks like it could be completely mis-interpreted:

   (name + ' = ' if name else '')       # as written above
   ((name + ' = ') if name else '')     # one mental interpretation
   (name + (' = ' if name else ''))     # an incorrect interpretation

The grouping issue doesn't arise for syntaxes that start with a keyword:
   (if name then name + ' = ' else '')
but even those suffer from unclear precedence when used with binary
operations on the right:   (if cond then a else b + c).  


From jim at  Thu Sep 29 20:35:51 2005
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:35:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Bruce Eckel <BruceEckel-Python3234 at> writes:
>>I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
>>objects as "the" solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
>>more OO solutions that I've seen so far.
>>What I'd really like to figure out is the "pythonic" solution for
>>concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't
>>Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:
> Just because I've been mentioning it everywhere else since I read it,
> have you seen this paper:
> ?  I don't know how applicable it would be to Python but it's well
> worth the time it takes to read.

I haven't read more than the abstract and the responses to the paper
here, but I think I have the gist. (I look forward to reading it later.)

I'll note that we have experience with something less rigorous
than but otherwise similar to this with ZODB.  We often have tens of
processes working on the same data, synchronizing through a common
object store.  Each process executes transactions which are written
without any threading code at all.  Processes synchronize through
transaction commits.  This model has worked very well for Zope,
at least as long as conflicts can be kept to a minimum. :)

The ZODB approach is less rigorous as it only works when your processes
operate soley on database objects, but it provides a useful example,
I think, of applying this model in Python and it probably covers a
reasonably large set of interesting applications.  There are
hundreds (possibly thousands) of programmers who have used this technique
in Zope, probably without even realizing that they were doing concurrent programming.

J2EE systems use a similar approach.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at       Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

From robey at  Thu Sep 29 20:40:11 2005
From: robey at (Robey Pointer)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:40:11 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
Message-ID: <>

Yesterday I ran into a bug in the C API docs.  The top of this page:


     This type represents a 16-bit unsigned storage type which is  
used by Python internally as basis for holding Unicode ordinals. On  
platforms where wchar_t is available and also has 16-bits, Py_UNICODE  
is a typedef alias for wchar_t to enhance native platform  
compatibility. On all other platforms, Py_UNICODE is a typedef alias  
for unsigned short.

This is incorrect on some platforms: on Debian, Py_UNICODE turns out  
to be 32 bits.

I'm not sure what the correct quote should be: Does python use  
wchar_t whenever it's available (16 bits or not)?

I solved my problem by realizing that I was going about things  
entirely wrong, and that I should use the python codecs from C and  
not worry about what Py_UNICODE contains.  However, I think we should  
fix the docs to avoid confusing others... or maybe it would be better  
to document what's in Py_UNICODE and suggest always using the codec  
methods?  I don't have a strong opinion either way.


From steven.bethard at  Thu Sep 29 21:06:22 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:06:22 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Robey Pointer <robey at> wrote:
> Yesterday I ran into a bug in the C API docs.  The top of this page:
> says:
>      This type represents a 16-bit unsigned storage type which is
> used by Python internally as basis for holding Unicode ordinals. On
> platforms where wchar_t is available and also has 16-bits, Py_UNICODE
> is a typedef alias for wchar_t to enhance native platform
> compatibility. On all other platforms, Py_UNICODE is a typedef alias
> for unsigned short.

I believe this is the same issue that was brought up in May[1].  My
impression was that people could not agree on a documentation patch.


You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From shane at  Thu Sep 29 21:31:19 2005
From: shane at (Shane Hathaway)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:31:19 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bruce Eckel wrote:
> I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
> objects as "the" solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
> more OO solutions that I've seen so far.
> What I'd really like to figure out is the "pythonic" solution for
> concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't
> threads.

I've pondered this problem.  Python deals programmers a double whammy 
when it comes to threads: not only is threading unsafe like it is in 
other languages, but the GIL also prevents you from using multiple 
processors.  Thus there's more pressure to improve concurrency in Python 
than there is elsewhere.

I like to use fork(), but fork has its own set of surprises.  In 
particular, in the programmer's view, forking creates a disassociated 
copy of every object except files.  Also, there's no Pythonic way for 
the two processes to communicate once the child has started.

It's tempting to create a library around fork() that solves the 
communication problem, but the copied objects are still a major source 
of bugs.  Imagine what would happen if you forked a Zope process with an 
open ZODB.  If both the parent and child change ZODB objects, ZODB is 
likely to corrupt itself, since the processes share file descriptors. 
Thus forking can just as dangerous as threading.

Therefore, I think a better Python concurrency model would be a lot like 
the subprocess module, but designed for calling Python code.  I can 
already think of several ways I would use such a module.  Something like 
the following would solve problems I've encountered with threads, 
forking, and the subprocess module:

     import pyprocess
     proc = pyprocess.start('mypackage.mymodule', 'myfunc', arg1, arg2=5)
     while proc.running():
         # do something else
     res = proc.result()

This code doesn't specify whether the subprocess should continue to 
exist after the function completes (or throws an exception).  I can 
think of two ways to deal with that:

1) Provide two APIs.  The first API stops the subprocess upon function 
completion.  The second API allows the parent to call other functions in 
the subprocess, but never more than one function at a time.

2) Always leave subprocesses running, but use a 'with' statement to 
guarantee the subprocess will be closed quickly.  I prefer this option.

I think my suggestion fits most of your objectives.

> 1) It works by default, so that novices can use it without falling
> into the deep well of threading. That is, a program that you write
> using threading is broken by default, and the tool you have to fix it
> is "inspection." I want something that allows me to say "this is a
> task. Go." and have it work without the python programmer having to
> study and understand several tomes on the subject.

Done, IMHO.

> 2) Tasks can be automatically distributed among processors, so it
> solves the problems of (a) making python run faster (b) how to utilize
> multiprocessor systems.

Done.  The OS automatically maps subprocesses to other processors.

> 3) Tasks are cheap enough that I can make thousands of them, to solve
> modeling problems (in which I also lump games). This is really a
> solution to a cerain type of program complexity -- if I can just
> assign a task to each logical modeling unit, it makes such a system
> much easier to program.

Perhaps the suggested module should have a queue-oriented API.  Usage 
would look like this:

     import pyprocess
     queue = pyprocess.ProcessQueue(max_processes=4)
     task = queue.put('mypackage.mymodule', 'myfunc', arg1, arg2=5)

Then, you can create as many tasks as you like; parallelism will be 
limited to 4 concurrent tasks.  A variation of ProcessQueue might manage 
the concurrency limit automatically.

> 4) Tasks are "self-guarding," so they prevent other tasks from
> interfering with them. The only way tasks can communicate with each
> other is through some kind of formal mechanism (something queue-ish,
> I'd imagine).

Done.  Subprocesses have their own Python namespace.  Subprocesses 
receive messages through function calls and send messages by returning 
from functions.

> 5) Deadlock is prevented by default. I suspect livelock could still
> happen; I don't know if it's possible to eliminate that.

No locking is done at all.  (That makes me uneasy, though; have I just 
moved locking problems to the application developer?)

> 6) It's natural to make an object that is actor-ish. That is, this
> concurrency approach works intuitively with objects.

Anything pickleable is legal.

> 7) Complexity should be eliminated as much as possible. If it requires
> greater limitations on what you can do in exchange for a clear,
> simple, and safe programming model, that sounds pythonic to me. The
> way I see it, if we can't easily use tasks without getting into
> trouble, people won't use them. But if we have a model that allows
> people to (for example) make easy use of multiple processors, they
> will use that approach and the (possible) extra overhead that you pay
> for the simplicity will be absorbed by the extra CPUs.

I think the solution is very simple.

> 8) It should not exclude the possibility of mobile tasks/active
> objects, ideally with something relatively straightforward such as
> Linda-style tuple spaces.

The proposed module could serve as a guide for a very similar module 
that sends tasks to other machines.


From mal at  Thu Sep 29 21:53:29 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 21:53:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> On 9/29/05, Robey Pointer <robey at> wrote:
>>Yesterday I ran into a bug in the C API docs.  The top of this page:
>>     This type represents a 16-bit unsigned storage type which is
>>used by Python internally as basis for holding Unicode ordinals. On
>>platforms where wchar_t is available and also has 16-bits, Py_UNICODE
>>is a typedef alias for wchar_t to enhance native platform
>>compatibility. On all other platforms, Py_UNICODE is a typedef alias
>>for unsigned short.
> I believe this is the same issue that was brought up in May[1].  My
> impression was that people could not agree on a documentation patch.
> [1]

The problem was not so much getting the documentation, but the
fact that Python builds as UCS4 version in case it finds a TCL
version built for UCS4 - contrary to the UCS2 default that is

If I ever get around to working on my Python todo list, this
is one of the things I'd like to restore - UCS4 should always
be an *explicit* compile time option due to the consequences that
go with it.

Unfortunately, many Linux distros nowadays build Python with UCS4 --
introducing yet another dimension to binary Python binaries.

In case you wonder, we now have these dimensions:

* Python version (2.3, 2.4, ...)
* OS version (Linux, Solaris, Windows, Mac OS X, ...)
* Architecture (PowerPC, x86, x86_64, SunSPARC, ...)
* Unicode variant (UCS2, UCS4)

Finding the right binary for his or her Python is getting
increasingly more complicated for the Python user (and we
are seeing this every day in support requests).

Something we might want to introduce in Python 2.5 is a short
identifier in the Python interpreter interactive startup printout
that provides easy to find values for all of the above dimensions.
It already includes Python version and OS name, but is missing
the other bits and pieces.

Perhaps a flag that fires up Python and runs
would help too.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 29 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From jonathan-lists at  Thu Sep 29 22:06:34 2005
From: jonathan-lists at (Jonathan LaCour)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:06:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
> objects as "the" solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
> more OO solutions that I've seen so far.

Thanks for doing this.  I think this is an issue that is going to be 
more and more important as Python continues to gain momentum, and I 
would love to see a PEP come out of this discussion.

> What I'd really like to figure out is the "pythonic" solution for
> concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't
> threads.

Evaluating the situation is often confusing for Python beginners 

    1. You won't often find threads being the recommended solution
       for concurrency in Python.  There is some disagreement on
       this point, as the recent thread on the GIL reveals, but I
       think the point stands.

    2. Multi-processing is often brought up as a good alternative to

    3. There are a decent number of built-in high level abstractions
       for threaded programming in Python (Queues, Thread objects,
       Lock objects, etc.) and plenty of documentation too.  These
       abstractions also make it relatively straightforward to make
       your code work on multiple platforms.

    4. The only support for multi-processing is quite low-level, and
       can be single platform.  Forking isn't really an option on
       windows, and neither are named pipes.  Shared memory?  Forget
       it!  Sockets could be used, but thats a bit low-level.

Its really a shame.  There seems to be some consensus about 
multi-processing, but not a whole lot of interest in making it easier 
out of the box.  When it comes to multi-processing, batteries really 
_aren't_ included.  Sure, you have lead dioxide and some sulphuric 
acid, but you have to put them together to make your battery.  This 
isn't the end of the world, but I find it tedious, and I am sure it 
confuses and frustrates people new to Python.

> Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:
> 1) It works by default, so that novices can use it without falling
> into the deep well of threading. That is, a program that you write
> using threading is broken by default, and the tool you have to fix it
> is "inspection." I want something that allows me to say "this is a
> task. Go." and have it work without the python programmer having to
> study and understand several tomes on the subject.
> 2) Tasks can be automatically distributed among processors, so it
> solves the problems of (a) making python run faster (b) how to utilize
> multiprocessor systems.
> 3) Tasks are cheap enough that I can make thousands of them, to solve
> modeling problems (in which I also lump games). This is really a
> solution to a cerain type of program complexity -- if I can just
> assign a task to each logical modeling unit, it makes such a system
> much easier to program.
> 4) Tasks are "self-guarding," so they prevent other tasks from
> interfering with them. The only way tasks can communicate with each
> other is through some kind of formal mechanism (something queue-ish,
> I'd imagine).
> 5) Deadlock is prevented by default. I suspect livelock could still
> happen; I don't know if it's possible to eliminate that.
> 6) It's natural to make an object that is actor-ish. That is, this
> concurrency approach works intuitively with objects.
> 7) Complexity should be eliminated as much as possible. If it requires
> greater limitations on what you can do in exchange for a clear,
> simple, and safe programming model, that sounds pythonic to me. The
> way I see it, if we can't easily use tasks without getting into
> trouble, people won't use them. But if we have a model that allows
> people to (for example) make easy use of multiple processors, they
> will use that approach and the (possible) extra overhead that you pay
> for the simplicity will be absorbed by the extra CPUs.
> 8) It should not exclude the possibility of mobile tasks/active
> objects, ideally with something relatively straightforward such as
> Linda-style tuple spaces.

This all sounds pretty brilliant to me, although even a small subset of 
what you define above would be totally adequate I think.  To me it 
breaks down simply into:

     1. The ability to spawn/create "tasks" (which are really processes)
        easily, where tasks are isolated from each other.

     2. The ability to send a message into a task.  A formal queueing
        mechanism would be nice, but the simple ability to send messages
        is completely enough to roll your own queueing.

Preventing deadlock is hard.  Mobile tasks / active objects?  Getting 
way ahead of ourselves, I think.  Really, I just want those two things 
above, and I want it as a standard part of Python.

> One thing that occurs to me is that a number of items on this wish
> list may conflict with each other, which may require a different way
> of thinking about the problem. For example, it may require two
> approaches: for "ordinary" non-OO tasks, a functional programming
> approach ala Erlang, in combination with an actor approach for
> objects.

I am not sure this is the case.  I don't really think of concurrency in 
terms of objects or good "object-oriented" design all that much.  I 
think of concurrency in terms of processes.  Is this bad?  I don't 
think so, really.  The OS knows nothing of objects, only of threads and 
processes (or only of processes).  If we had just the two items I 
mentioned above, it would be enough for people to build their own 
higher level abstractions on top of the solid built-in support.

I haven't really done the research here, and the TSM paper that was 
sent earlier makes my brain hurt.  It seems like its way more than is 
necessary to solve the problem.  If we just accomplished the two things 
I stated above, I for one would be happy.

Am I alone here?

  -- Jonathan


From bob at  Thu Sep 29 22:10:21 2005
From: bob at (Bob Ippolito)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:10:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 29, 2005, at 3:53 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> Perhaps a flag that fires up Python and runs
> would help too.

python -mplatform


From fredrik at  Thu Sep 29 22:08:37 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:08:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
References: <><>
Message-ID: <dhhhk6$9d$>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> * Unicode variant (UCS2, UCS4)

don't forget the "Py_UNICODE is wchar_t" subvariant.


From kozlovsky at  Thu Sep 29 22:23:02 2005
From: kozlovsky at (Alexander J. Kozlovsky)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 00:23:02 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> I did this for my favorite proposal, and ended up with the list shown
> further down below.
> I think they all looks great!

I'm sorry for my bad English

IMHO, if condition is nontrivial, then the syntax:

    expr1 if some complex condition else expr2

can be more hard to read as compared with:

    if some complex condition then expr1 else expr2

In the second form visual comparison of expr1 and expr2 is simpler
because its adjacent placement. For example, in expression

    'DO' if cmd == DO and flag == OK or x is None else 'DONT'

'DO' and 'DONT' visually divided and eyes must move there and back
for find the difference between them. As opposite, in expression

    if cmd == DO and flag == OK or x is None then 'DO' else 'DONT'

it is very easy to determine what is possible expression output.
It is a bit more readable from my point of view

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:kozlovsky at

From mcherm at  Thu Sep 29 22:31:46 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:31:46 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
Message-ID: <>

[ongoing discussion of conditional expressions]

I waited until I had caught up on my reading before saying anything. Now I'll
express my opinion in a single posting then keep quiet unless I actually find I
have something novel to contribute (difficult in a topic that's been talked to
death 3 or 4 times in the past few years).

 * I am STRONGLY in favor of introducing a conditional expression in some
   form. The use of the "and-or" trick is proof enough to me that there is
   a need for it. I can marshall other arguments also, but they appear

 * The syntax to use is a place where we need a BDFL decision. Make the
   decision and we'll all agree and move on. Any decision would be better
   than an eternity of re-discovering old ideas again and again.

 * I think the two best options are
       trueval if cond else falseval
       if cond then trueval else falseval
   The first has brevity in it's favor, and "cleverness" which might be
   an advantage or disadvantage depending on your point of view. The
   second has order-of-arguments in its favor. In either case, wise
   programmers will use parenthesees when it aids clarity (imagine
   "v1 if c else v2 + v3"). Whether we require parenthesees when the
   parser could disambiguate on its own is really up to Guido.

 * I prefer the second form ("if cond then trueval else falseval")
   because it puzzles _nobody_ at the expense of being slightly
   more wordy and less clever. But that's just one person's opinion.

Thanks Guido, for maintaining your patience in the face of this

-- Michael Chermside

From mal at  Thu Sep 29 22:36:47 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:36:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Ippolito wrote:
> On Sep 29, 2005, at 3:53 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>Perhaps a flag that fires up Python and runs
>>would help too.
> python -mplatform

Cool :-)

Now we only need to add some more information to it (like e.g.
the Unicode variant).

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 29 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From mal at  Thu Sep 29 22:39:59 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:39:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
In-Reply-To: <dhhhk6$9d$>
References: <><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>* Unicode variant (UCS2, UCS4)
> don't forget the "Py_UNICODE is wchar_t" subvariant.

True, but that's not relevant for binary compatibility of
Python package (at least not AFAIK).

UCS2 vs. UCS4 matters because the two versions use and expose
different C APIs and thus an extension written for UCS2 doesn't
run with a Python built for UCS4 and vice-versa.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 29 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From tjreedy at  Thu Sep 29 23:15:36 2005
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:15:36 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
References: <><000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>
Message-ID: <dhhlhp$d60$>

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message 
news:ca471dc2050929073236fae78c at
> After all there's nothing wrong with and/or.

This is one reason 'no addition' got a relatively high rank in the vote.

>        'DO' if cmd == DO else 'DONT',
versus                    cmd == DO and 'DO' or 'DONT'

I still stronly prefer this order and even slightly prefer this form.  I 
might even prefer a complete inversion of the order: x else y if c
                             'DO' else 'DONT' if cmd != DO
except that that does not chain at all well.

Terry J. Reedy

From steve at  Thu Sep 29 23:32:06 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:32:06 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>	<>	<dhh2o3$as4$>
Message-ID: <dhhmgh$g6c$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/29/05, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
>>I would argue for mandatory parentheses around the expression, leaving
>>room later (probably after Guido is no longer around to be sick at the
>>site of it) for:
>>def f(condition):
>>     return something if condition # no else!
>>     return somethingElse
>>not-expecting-this-to-fly-ly y'rs  - steve
> Let me give you what you expect. If all the "X if C else Y" syntax
> does is prevent that atrocity from ever being introduced, it would be
> worth it. :)
Well, fine. However, it does allow atrocities like

func(f for f in lst if f > -1 if f < 0 else +1)

I realise that any chosen syntax is subject to abuse, but a conditional 
expression in a (currently allowed) conditional context will be 
guaranteed obscure. Your original instinct to omit conditional 
expressions was right!

far-too-late-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        

From guido at  Fri Sep 30 00:24:58 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:24:58 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] David Mertz on CA state e-voting panel
Message-ID: <>

Congratulations David! (Don't have his email.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jcarlson at  Fri Sep 30 00:44:34 2005
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:44:34 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Micah Elliott <mde at> wrote:
> Josiah> an unofficial spec is sufficient.  See and search
> Josiah> for 'fixme' to see some common variants.
> But that's the problem -- there are already a bunch of "unofficial"
> specs, which don't serve much purpose as such.  It's a cool site.  I
> spent some time browsing and I do see a lot of codetags in use (many
> thousands in Python code alone; I'm not sure if the number represented
> strings or files).  But I'll argue that this just reinforces the need
> for an *official* spec/guideline, so that the tools can do something
> with them.

Defining a spec for code tags doesn't mean that people will start using
them.  Why?  Because it is a documentation spec.  From my experience,
documentation specs are only adhered to by the organizations (companies,
groups, etc.) which the code is produced by and for, and they generally
define the code specs for their organization.

Further, even if it becomes a spec, it doesn't guarantee implementation
in Python editors (for which you are shooting for). Take a wander
through current implementations of code tags in various editors to get a
feel for what they support.  I've read various posts about what code
tags could support, but not what editors which implement code tags
and/or its variants actually currently support; which is a better
indication of what people want than an informal survey via email of
python-dev, python-list, and/or the PEP submission process.

 - Josiah

From jimjjewett at  Fri Sep 30 01:05:51 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 19:05:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bruce Eckel wrote:

> 3) Tasks are cheap enough that I can make
> thousands of them, ...

> 4) Tasks are "self-guarding," so they prevent
> other tasks from interfering with them. The
> only way tasks can communicate with each
> other is through some kind of formal
> mechanism (something queue-ish,
> I'd imagine).

I think these two are the hardest to reconcile.

Shane Hathaway's suggestion starts from the
process end.

A new process isn't cheap.  Keeping the other
process' interpreter alive and feeding it more
requests through a queue just hides the
problem; you can't have more non-sequential
tasks than processors without restarting the
whole contention issue.  Even using sequential
tasks (similar to "import dummy_thread") lets
task1 mess up the builtins (or other library
modules) for future task2.  The more guards
you add, the heavier each task gets.

At the other end are generators; I think what
generators are missing is

(A)  You can't easily send them a message.

This can be solved by wrapping them in an
object, or (probably) by waiting until 2.5.

(B)  The programmer has to supply a scheduler.

This could be solved by a standard library module.

(C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single
greedy generator can starve all the others.

You can reduce the problem by scheduling
generators on more than one thread.

To really solve it would require language support.
That *might* be almost as simple as a new object
type that automatically yielded control every so often
(like threads).

(D)  Generators can interfere with each other unless
the programmer is careful to treat all externally visible
objects as immutable.

Again, it would require language support.  I also have
a vague feeling that fixing (C) or (D) might make the
other worse.

(E)  Generators are not reentrant.

I know you said that some restrictions are reasonable,
and this might fall into that category ... but I think this
becomes a problem as soon as Tasks can handle
more than one type of message, or can send delayed
replies to specific correspondents.  (To finish your
request, I need some more information...)


From guido at  Fri Sep 30 01:18:29 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:18:29 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dhhmgh$g6c$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > Let me give you what you expect. If all the "X if C else Y" syntax
> > does is prevent that atrocity from ever being introduced, it would be
> > worth it. :)

> Well, fine. However, it does allow atrocities like
> func(f for f in lst if f > -1 if f < 0 else +1)

No it doesn't! Inside an 'if' (of any flavor), further ifs have to be
nested. So you'd have to write

  func(f for f in lst if f > (-1 if f < 0 else +1))

or perhaps

  func(f for f in lst if (f > -1 if f < 0 else +1))

But I doubt you meant to write +1 where True could have sufficed. :)

An if-else expression has lower priority than anything else except
lambda; the expression

lambda x: x if x >= 0 else -x

is equivalent to

lambda x: (x if x >= 0 else -x)

> I realise that any chosen syntax is subject to abuse, but a conditional
> expression in a (currently allowed) conditional context will be
> guaranteed obscure. Your original instinct to omit conditional
> expressions was right!

Now you've pushed me over the edge. I've made up my mind now, "X if C
else Y" it will be. I hope to find time to implement it in Python 2.5.
Let it be as controversial as bool or @decorator, I don't care.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From ejones at  Fri Sep 30 02:28:46 2005
From: ejones at (Evan Jones)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:28:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] [PATCH][BUG] Segmentation Fault in
Message-ID: <>

The following Python script causes Python 2.3, 2.4 and the latest CVS  
to crash with a Segmentation Fault:

import xml.dom.minidom
x = u'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<fran\xe7ais>Comment \xe7a va ? Tr\xe8s  
bien ?</fran\xe7ais>'
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( x.encode( 'latin_1' ) )
print repr( dom.childNodes[0].localName )

The problem is that this XML document does not specify an encoding. In  
this case, minidom assumes that it is encoded in UTF-8. However, in  
fact it is encoded in Latin-1. My two line patch, in the SourceForge  
tracker at the URL below, causes this to raise a UnicodeDecodingError  

Any chance that someone wants to commit this tiny two line fix? This  
might be the kind of fix that might be elegible to be backported to  
Python 2.4 as well. It passes "make test" on both my Linux system and  
my Mac. I've also attached a patch that adds this test case to


Evan Jones

Evan Jones

From greg.ewing at  Fri Sep 30 02:40:55 2005
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:40:55 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> i.e., it's 
> like an "or", only we're asking that the decision be made based on something 
> other than the truth value of the left hand operand.

Hmmm, then maybe it should be

   a or c if b

or perhaps

   a or, if b, c


Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From guido at  Fri Sep 30 03:21:53 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 18:21:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
Message-ID: <>

After a long discussion I've decided to add a shortcut conditional
expression to Python 2.5.

The syntax will be

    A if C else B

This first evaluates C; if it is true, A is evaluated to give the
result, otherwise, B is evaluated to give the result.

The priorities will be such that you can write

    x = A if C else B
    x = lambda: A if C else B
    x = A if C else B if D else E

But you'd have to write

    if (A if C else B):
    [x for x in seq if (A if C else B)]
    A if (X if C else Y) else B
    (A if C else B) if D else E

Note that all these are intentionally ugly. :)

In general, 'if' and 'else' bind less tight than everything except lambda.

We will adjust the syntax of what goes inside an 'if' to disallow
lambda; currently

    if lambda: x:

is accepted but quite useless (it's always true) so this will be disallowed.

Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.

Congratulations gracefully accepted.

It's still my language! :-)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From nnorwitz at  Fri Sep 30 03:43:34 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 18:43:34 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.
> Congratulations gracefully accepted.
> It's still my language! :-)

I don't like those options. :-)

How about this:
  Can someone update the PEP on conditional expressions to point to
this email and update the status, etc?


From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Sep 30 03:49:19 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 21:49:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001c5c561$2d556d40$a622a044@oemcomputer>

> How about this:
>   Can someone update the PEP on conditional expressions to point to
> this email and update the status, etc?

Already done.


From steven.bethard at  Fri Sep 30 04:30:03 2005
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:30:03 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> After a long discussion I've decided to add a shortcut conditional
> expression to Python 2.5.
> The syntax will be
>     A if C else B
> Congratulations gracefully accepted.

Congratulations, and many thanks for making this decision before the
threads leaked into the next summary period. ;-)

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
        --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

From tdelaney at  Fri Sep 30 04:34:25 2005
From: tdelaney at (Delaney, Timothy (Tim))
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:34:25 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Congratulations gracefully accepted.

Whilst I'm not personally fond of the syntax, congratulations. Whilst I
don't feel this is a big step in the evolution of the language, it shuts
up a *very* frequently asked question (and opens up a new one ;)

Tim Delaney

From tismer at  Fri Sep 30 05:49:42 2005
From: tismer at (Christian Tismer)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 05:49:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:


> Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.
> Congratulations gracefully accepted.

Congratulations for a clear decision!

Personally, I would have preferred a "no, never in my life"
alternative response slightly more, but a clear say is better than
endless discussions about something as relevant as syntax.

My canned reply, tailored to fit into the set of accepted
answers reduces to "Thank you so much :-) ".

> It's still my language! :-)

Self-inconfidence alert! You would never need to say this if you
not felt like a bot. Please shut down and get adjusted.
Guidos don't say that. :-)

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
tismerysoft GmbH             :     Have a break! Take a ride on Python's
Johannes-Niemeyer-Weg 9A     :    *Starship*
14109 Berlin                 :     PGP key ->
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From kbk at  Fri Sep 30 06:34:16 2005
From: kbk at (Kurt B. Kaiser)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 00:34:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Message-ID: <>

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  337 open ( +0) /  2947 closed ( +6) /  3284 total ( +6)
Bugs    :  912 open ( +4) /  5278 closed (+16) /  6190 total (+20)
RFE     :  195 open ( +1) /   187 closed ( +0) /   382 total ( +1)

New / Reopened Patches

fix for distutils "upload" command  (2005-09-23)  opened by  Richard Jones pack_fstring() did not use null bytes for padding  (2005-09-23)
CLOSED  opened by  Don Quijote

desktop module (providing startfile as open, all platforms)  (2005-09-23)  opened by  Paul Boddie

Update documentation for __builtins__  (2005-09-24)  opened by  Collin Winter

Strobe Timer for guis  (2005-09-26)  opened by  Brett Rosen

pyexpat.c: Two line fix for decoding crash  (2005-09-29)  opened by  Evan Jones

Patches Closed

cjkcodecs does not initialize type pointer  (2005-09-20)  closed by  nnorwitz pack_fstring() did not use null bytes for padding  (2005-09-23)  closed by  birkenfeld

vendor-packages directory.  (2005-09-22)  closed by  richburridge

PyOS_InputHook inconsistency on Windows  (2004-10-19)  closed by  loewis

FreeBSD 5.3 and upward has thread-safe getaddrinfo(3)  (2005-09-13)  closed by  perky

use LIST_APPEND opcode for X.append() method calls  (2005-09-16)  closed by  nnorwitz

New / Reopened Bugs

A command history for the idle interactive shell  (2005-09-24)  opened by  Bj?rn Lindqvist

2.4.1 windows MSI has no _socket  (2005-09-24)  opened by  IamPaul

SSL-ed sockets don't close correct?  (2004-06-24)  reopened by  kxroberto

Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness  (2005-09-24)  opened by  Armin Rigo

traceback on trying to load a file  (2005-09-24)  opened by  nanotube

Extended slice bug (or feature?)  (2005-09-25)
CLOSED  reopened by  mwh

Extended slice bug (or feature?)  (2005-09-25)
CLOSED  opened by  David M. Beazley

2.3.5 configure / make infinite loop  (2005-09-25)  opened by  Michael Schwartz

windows unicode write is messing up the EOL.  (2005-09-27)
CLOSED  opened by  Istvan Visegradi

Syntax error in Python Library Reference, 6.1.4. Files ...  (2005-09-27)
CLOSED  opened by  Alexander Schliep

Python 2.4.2c1 fails to build for 64-bit Solaris 9/10  (2005-09-27)
CLOSED  opened by  John Stone

Add 64-bit Solaris 9 build instructions to README  (2005-09-27)  opened by  John Stone

Python 2.4.2c1 fails to build on 64-bit Solaris 10  (2005-09-27)  opened by  John Stone

PyString_AsStringAndSize() return value documented wroing  (2005-09-28)
CLOSED  opened by  Gregory Bond

compile() converts "filename" parameter to StringType  (2005-09-28)  opened by  V?gv?lgyi Attila

Augmented assigment to mutable objects in tuples fail  (2005-09-28)
CLOSED  opened by  Mattias Engdeg?rd

=, not =  (2005-09-28)
CLOSED  opened by  Davide Andrea

Datagram Socket Timeouts  (2005-09-28)  opened by  Tom Vrankar

subprocess.Popen locks on Cygwin  (2005-09-29)  opened by  Jacek Poplawski

PCbuild vcproj project files need a cleanup  (2005-09-29)  opened by  Adal Chiriliuc

Unsatisfied symbols: _PyGILState_NoteThreadState (code)  (2005-09-29)  opened by  Goetz Isenmann

Datagram Socket Timeouts  (2005-09-29)  opened by  Tom Vrankar

Py_BuildValue (C/API): "K" format  (2005-09-29)
CLOSED  opened by  Yair Chuchem

Bugs Closed

Incorrect return type for search() method  (2005-09-20)  closed by  nnorwitz

build fails on Solaris 10 for Objects/complexobject.c  (2005-09-22)  closed by  nnorwitz

test_ioctl fails  (2003-07-26)  closed by  birkenfeld

test_ioctl fails  (2003-07-31)  closed by  birkenfeld

subprocesss module retains older license header  (2005-02-17)  closed by  astrand

inspect.getsource() misses single line blocks.  (2005-09-20)  closed by  arigo

Extended slice bug (or feature?)  (2005-09-25)  closed by  birkenfeld

Extended slice bug (or feature?)  (2005-09-25)  closed by  birkenfeld

windows unicode write is messing up the EOL.  (2005-09-27)  closed by  visike

Syntax error in Python Library Reference, 6.1.4. Files ...  (2005-09-27)  closed by  birkenfeld

Python 2.4.2c1 fails to build for 64-bit Solaris 9/10  (2005-09-27)  deleted by  jestone

PyString_AsStringAndSize() return value documented wrong  (2005-09-28)  closed by  birkenfeld

Augmented assigment to mutable objects in tuples fail  (2005-09-28)  closed by  pje

=, not =  (2005-09-28)  closed by  birkenfeld

Py_BuildValue (C/API): "K" format  (2005-09-29)  closed by  birkenfeld

"Howto RE" link is dead  (2005-09-22)  closed by  birkenfeld

MemoryError in httplib  (2005-09-20)  closed by  birkenfeld

shlex does not support unicode  (2005-09-21)  closed by  birkenfeld

BaseHTTPServer to take host from cmdline?  (2004-07-06)  closed by  birkenfeld

New / Reopened RFE

Please include pdb with windows distribution  (2005-09-24)  opened by  Lyle Thompson

From nnorwitz at  Fri Sep 30 07:02:14 2005
From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:02:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] [PATCH][BUG] Segmentation Fault in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Evan Jones <ejones at> wrote:
> Any chance that someone wants to commit this tiny two line fix?

That's reallly not the question you *want* to be asking.  :-)

> This might be the kind of fix that might be elegible to be backported to
> Python 2.4 as well. It passes "make test" on both my Linux system and
> my Mac. I've also attached a patch that adds this test case to

There was a problem your patch exposed.  I fixed that too.  I even
backported it.


From steve at  Fri Sep 30 08:54:46 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:54:46 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>	<>	<dhh2o3$as4$>	<>	<dhhmgh$g6c$>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Guido]
>>>Let me give you what you expect. If all the "X if C else Y" syntax
>>>does is prevent that atrocity from ever being introduced, it would be
>>>worth it. :)
> [Steve]
>>Well, fine. However, it does allow atrocities like
>>func(f for f in lst if f > -1 if f < 0 else +1)
> No it doesn't! Inside an 'if' (of any flavor), further ifs have to be
> nested. So you'd have to write
>   func(f for f in lst if f > (-1 if f < 0 else +1))
> or perhaps
>   func(f for f in lst if (f > -1 if f < 0 else +1))
> But I doubt you meant to write +1 where True could have sufficed. :)

All that said, inside an "if" is hardly the best place for a conditional 
of any kind. Clearly such usage can go down as abuse.

> An if-else expression has lower priority than anything else except
> lambda; the expression
> lambda x: x if x >= 0 else -x
> is equivalent to
> lambda x: (x if x >= 0 else -x)
That's about the only way it would make sense, I suppose.
>>I realise that any chosen syntax is subject to abuse, but a conditional
>>expression in a (currently allowed) conditional context will be
>>guaranteed obscure. Your original instinct to omit conditional
>>expressions was right!
> Now you've pushed me over the edge. I've made up my mind now, "X if C
> else Y" it will be. I hope to find time to implement it in Python 2.5.
> Let it be as controversial as bool or @decorator, I don't care.
Not before time, either. If this ends the discussion then I'll consider 
I've done everyone a favour. Sometimes no decision is worse than the 
wrong decision ;-).

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        

From steve at  Fri Sep 30 08:54:46 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:54:46 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<000d01c5c4f1$085e7e20$d63dc797@oemcomputer>	<>	<dhh2o3$as4$>	<>	<dhhmgh$g6c$>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Guido]
>>>Let me give you what you expect. If all the "X if C else Y" syntax
>>>does is prevent that atrocity from ever being introduced, it would be
>>>worth it. :)
> [Steve]
>>Well, fine. However, it does allow atrocities like
>>func(f for f in lst if f > -1 if f < 0 else +1)
> No it doesn't! Inside an 'if' (of any flavor), further ifs have to be
> nested. So you'd have to write
>   func(f for f in lst if f > (-1 if f < 0 else +1))
> or perhaps
>   func(f for f in lst if (f > -1 if f < 0 else +1))
> But I doubt you meant to write +1 where True could have sufficed. :)

All that said, inside an "if" is hardly the best place for a conditional 
of any kind. Clearly such usage can go down as abuse.

> An if-else expression has lower priority than anything else except
> lambda; the expression
> lambda x: x if x >= 0 else -x
> is equivalent to
> lambda x: (x if x >= 0 else -x)
That's about the only way it would make sense, I suppose.
>>I realise that any chosen syntax is subject to abuse, but a conditional
>>expression in a (currently allowed) conditional context will be
>>guaranteed obscure. Your original instinct to omit conditional
>>expressions was right!
> Now you've pushed me over the edge. I've made up my mind now, "X if C
> else Y" it will be. I hope to find time to implement it in Python 2.5.
> Let it be as controversial as bool or @decorator, I don't care.
Not before time, either. If this ends the discussion then I'll consider 
I've done everyone a favour. Sometimes no decision is worse than the 
wrong decision ;-).

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        

From theller at  Fri Sep 30 09:17:39 2005
From: theller at (Thomas Heller)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:17:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] linecache problem
Message-ID: <>

On several occasions I have seen tracebacks in my code pointing to PIL's file. That is strange, because I have installed PIL but it
is used nowhere.

Finally I traced it down to a problem in the linecache code, which tries
to be smart in up updatecache function.  When os.stat() on the filename
fails with os.error, it walks along sys.path and returns the first file
with a matching basename. This *may* make sense for toplevel modules,
but never for modules in packages.

So, if the traceback's stack contains an entry for a non-existing file
(for example because the .py file for a .pyc file is no longer present),
linecache returns absolute garbage.

Example, on my system (the \a\b\c\ file doesn't exist):

C:\>python -c "import linecache; print linecache.getlines(r'\a\b\c\')"
['#\n', '# The Python Imaging Library.\n',
'# $Id: //modules/pil/PIL/ $\n', '#\n',
'# package placeholder\n', '#\n', '# Copyright (c) 1999 by Secret Labs AB.\n',
'#\n', '# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.\n',
'#\n', '\n', '# ;-)\n']

The bug is present in 2.3, 2.4, and current CVS.


From ncoghlan at  Fri Sep 30 10:41:03 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:41:03 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Josiah Carlson wrote:
> Further, even if it becomes a spec, it doesn't guarantee implementation
> in Python editors (for which you are shooting for). Take a wander
> through current implementations of code tags in various editors to get a
> feel for what they support.  I've read various posts about what code
> tags could support, but not what editors which implement code tags
> and/or its variants actually currently support; which is a better
> indication of what people want than an informal survey via email of
> python-dev, python-list, and/or the PEP submission process.

An approach to this area that would make sense to me is:

1. Defer PEP 350
2. Publish a simple Python module for finding and processing code tags in a 
configurable fashion
3. Include a default configuration in the module that provides the behaviour 
described in PEP 350
4. After this hypothetical code tag processing module has been out in the wild 
for a while, re-open PEP 350 with an eye to including the module in the 
standard library

The idea is that it should be possible to tailor the processing module in 
order to textually scan a codebase (possibly C or C++ rather than Python) in 
accordance with a project-specific system of code tagging, rather than 
requiring that the project necessarily use the default style included in the 
processing module (Although using a system other than the default one may 
result in reduced functionality, naturally).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Fri Sep 30 10:48:13 2005
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:48:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Congratulations gracefully accepted.



Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From phd at  Fri Sep 30 11:24:06 2005
From: phd at (Oleg Broytmann)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 13:24:06 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] linecache problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 09:17:39AM +0200, Thomas Heller wrote:
> On several occasions I have seen tracebacks in my code pointing to PIL's
> file. That is strange, because I have installed PIL but it
> is used nowhere.
> The bug is present in 2.3, 2.4, and current CVS.

   I have seen such tracebacks in all versions of Python AFAIR.

     Oleg Broytmann              phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

From solipsis at  Fri Sep 30 11:45:17 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:45:17 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single
> greedy generator can starve all the others.

Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it as a
feature. Since generators can't be switched at arbitrary places, the
programmer has to define his/her synchronization points explicitly.
Let me contrast this:
- in preemptive MT, threads can switch at every moment by default, and
you have to explicitly wrap some pieces of code in critical sections (or
other primitives) to protect the semantics of your program; every time
you forget a critical section, you introduce a bug
- in cooperative MT, threads can only switch where the programmer
explicitly allows it; every time you forget a synchronization point, you
give your program worse performance (latency), but you *don't* introduce
a bug

So you have a scheme where you seek optimal performance (latency) but
you take the risk of a huge number of difficult bugs, and you have a
scheme where good performance needs more careful coding *but* the
paradigm avoids difficult bugs /by construction/.

By the way, the cooperative MT is exactly the Twisted approach, except
implemented in a different manner (event loop instead of explicit
cooperative tasks).



From theller at  Fri Sep 30 11:49:42 2005
From: theller at (Thomas Heller)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:49:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] linecache problem
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Oleg Broytmann <phd at> writes:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 09:17:39AM +0200, Thomas Heller wrote:
>> On several occasions I have seen tracebacks in my code pointing to PIL's
>> file. That is strange, because I have installed PIL but it
>> is used nowhere.
> [skip]
>> The bug is present in 2.3, 2.4, and current CVS.
>    I have seen such tracebacks in all versions of Python AFAIR.

I think it's a severe bug that needs to be fixed.
Tracebacks showing the wrong sourcelines leave the impression 'the
Python installation is totally broken'.


From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep 30 12:02:15 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:02:15 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at> wrote:
> Bruce Eckel wrote:
> > 3) Tasks are cheap enough that I can make
> > thousands of them, ...
> > 4) Tasks are "self-guarding," so they prevent
> > other tasks from interfering with them. The
> > only way tasks can communicate with each
> > other is through some kind of formal
> > mechanism (something queue-ish,
> > I'd imagine).
> I think these two are the hardest to reconcile.

Agreed. I think the biggest problem is that (4) is too strong. At the
OS level, certain issues (such as the current directory, or the stdio
streams) are per-process, so that taking (4) at face value requires
multiprocessing, which violates (3)...

If you constrain (4), you can get something much more effective. For
example, if you accept that certain things are volatile (start with
OS-specified per-process stuff, plus the Python builtins, maybe) then
it's much easier to produce solutions.

I don't think that shared state is that big an issue per se - after
all, we're all used to the idea that the contents of a file might
change "behind our backs". The real issue is not having a *clearly
defined* shared state.

The big problem with threads is that the shared state is *everything*.
There's no partitioning at all. Every thread-based abstraction is
based around threads voluntarily restricting themselves to a limited
set of "safe" communication operations, and otherwise scrupulously
avoiding each other's space ("Don't sit there, that's auntie Mary's

If we had an abstraction (multiple interpreters, anyone?) which still
had a shared state, but a much smaller one, which was defined clearly,
such that "unsafe" operations were easy to identify, then day-to-day
concurrent programming would be a lot easier. Yes, it's still possible
to break things, but people can do that already by hacking about with
builtins, or abusing the introspection API, and it's not made Python
unusable, because they generally don't...

This seems to me to be a perfect case for a "Practicality beats
Purity" approach.


From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep 30 12:25:49 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:25:49 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.

No flames from here.

> Congratulations gracefully accepted.

Consider them supplied. For both your patience, and for supplying the
decision we all desperately needed.

> It's still my language! :-)

It always was :-) And just to prove it, we ended up with your original
instinct after all...


From barry at  Fri Sep 30 14:42:07 2005
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 08:42:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 21:21, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.
> Congratulations gracefully accepted.
> It's still my language! :-)

Congratulations!  May this be as successful a syntax addition as
decorators and print>> (of which I'm a fan too! :).


-------------- next part --------------
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From skip at  Fri Sep 30 15:32:57 2005
From: skip at (
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 08:32:57 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    >> (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single greedy generator can
    >>      starve all the others.

    Antoine> Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it
    Antoine> as a feature.

Apple looked at it as a feature for years.  Not anymore.  <wink>


From anothermax at  Fri Sep 30 15:35:44 2005
From: anothermax at (Jeremy Maxfield)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:35:44 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Support for multiple interpreters already exists from the C API
(mod_python, Java Embedded Python a few other add-ons use them)
- it's not possible to create new interpreter instances from within Python.
- there's no mechanism for passing information between interpreters.
- interaction with extension modules instances may be a problem.
 Apart from these points they actually seem to work pretty well and it might
be, as
you suggest, a "Practical" approach.
 Implementing a 'subinterp' module could be interesting...
 On 9/30/05, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> On 9/30/05, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at> wrote:
> > Bruce Eckel wrote:
> >
> > > 3) Tasks are cheap enough that I can make
> > > thousands of them, ...
> >
> > > 4) Tasks are "self-guarding," so they prevent
> > > other tasks from interfering with them. The
> > > only way tasks can communicate with each
> > > other is through some kind of formal
> > > mechanism (something queue-ish,
> > > I'd imagine).
> >
> > I think these two are the hardest to reconcile.
> Agreed. I think the biggest problem is that (4) is too strong. At the
> OS level, certain issues (such as the current directory, or the stdio
> streams) are per-process, so that taking (4) at face value requires
> multiprocessing, which violates (3)...
> If you constrain (4), you can get something much more effective. For
> example, if you accept that certain things are volatile (start with
> OS-specified per-process stuff, plus the Python builtins, maybe) then
> it's much easier to produce solutions.
> I don't think that shared state is that big an issue per se - after
> all, we're all used to the idea that the contents of a file might
> change "behind our backs". The real issue is not having a *clearly
> defined* shared state.
> The big problem with threads is that the shared state is *everything*.
> There's no partitioning at all. Every thread-based abstraction is
> based around threads voluntarily restricting themselves to a limited
> set of "safe" communication operations, and otherwise scrupulously
> avoiding each other's space ("Don't sit there, that's auntie Mary's
> chair"...)
> If we had an abstraction (multiple interpreters, anyone?) which still
> had a shared state, but a much smaller one, which was defined clearly,
> such that "unsafe" operations were easy to identify, then day-to-day
> concurrent programming would be a lot easier. Yes, it's still possible
> to break things, but people can do that already by hacking about with
> builtins, or abusing the introspection API, and it's not made Python
> unusable, because they generally don't...
> This seems to me to be a perfect case for a "Practicality beats
> Purity" approach.
> Paul.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From solipsis at  Fri Sep 30 15:57:59 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:57:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 ? 08:32 -0500, skip at a ?crit :
>     >> (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single greedy generator can
>     >>      starve all the others.
>     Antoine> Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it
>     Antoine> as a feature.
> Apple looked at it as a feature for years.  Not anymore.  <wink>

You are missing the context:
- at the OS level, it is not good to have cooperative MT because any
badly-written app (there are lots of ;-)) can cause lack of
responsiveness for the whole machine
- at the application level, cooperative MT can be good to enforce robust
semantics without disrupting other apps

The latter is what we are discussing AFAIK: a different concurrency
scheme inside a single application - not accross the whole OS or

Actually, I think different concurrency schemes must be chosen and mixed
depending on the semantics. For example, when you have a networked GUI
app, it can be good to have the network in one preemptive thread (using
e.g. Twisted) and the GUI in another preemptive thread (using GTK,
wx...). This is because GUI and network have different latency
characteristics and requirements.
(of course, you can replace "preemptive thread" with "process" in the
above description)

So whatever innovatice concurrency scheme Python may come out, it should
still be mixable with more traditional concurrency schemes, because
required properties vary wildly even inside a single app.



From guido at  Fri Sep 30 16:23:26 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:23:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 350: Codetags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> An approach to this area that would make sense to me is:
> 1. Defer PEP 350
> 2. Publish a simple Python module for finding and processing code tags in a
> configurable fashion
> 3. Include a default configuration in the module that provides the behaviour
> described in PEP 350
> 4. After this hypothetical code tag processing module has been out in the wild
> for a while, re-open PEP 350 with an eye to including the module in the
> standard library
> The idea is that it should be possible to tailor the processing module in
> order to textually scan a codebase (possibly C or C++ rather than Python) in
> accordance with a project-specific system of code tagging, rather than
> requiring that the project necessarily use the default style included in the
> processing module (Although using a system other than the default one may
> result in reduced functionality, naturally).

Maybe I'm just an old fart, but this all seems way over-engineered.

Even for projects the size of Python, a simple grep+find is sufficient.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From steve at  Fri Sep 30 16:28:18 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:28:18 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 21:21, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.
>>Congratulations gracefully accepted.
>>It's still my language! :-)
> Congratulations!  May this be as successful a syntax addition as
> decorators and print>> (of which I'm a fan too! :).
I have to say, now Guido is getting rid of print>> along with the rest 
of the print statement I have become nostalgically fond of it. Perhaps 
it's just that I can't help siding with the underdog, doomed for the 
knacker's yard in Python 3.0. Sniff.

The decision on X if C else Y is a cause for much jubilation.

Congratulations, Guido!

nothing-to-see-here-folks-let's-move-along-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        

From guido at  Fri Sep 30 16:30:06 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:30:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] linecache problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Thomas Heller <theller at> wrote:
> On several occasions I have seen tracebacks in my code pointing to PIL's
> file. That is strange, because I have installed PIL but it
> is used nowhere.
> Finally I traced it down to a problem in the linecache code, which tries
> to be smart in up updatecache function.  When os.stat() on the filename
> fails with os.error, it walks along sys.path and returns the first file
> with a matching basename. This *may* make sense for toplevel modules,
> but never for modules in packages.
> So, if the traceback's stack contains an entry for a non-existing file
> (for example because the .py file for a .pyc file is no longer present),
> linecache returns absolute garbage.
> Example, on my system (the \a\b\c\ file doesn't exist):
> C:\>python -c "import linecache; print linecache.getlines(r'\a\b\c\')"
> ['#\n', '# The Python Imaging Library.\n',
> '# $Id: //modules/pil/PIL/ $\n', '#\n',
> '# package placeholder\n', '#\n', '# Copyright (c) 1999 by Secret Labs AB.\n',
> '#\n', '# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.\n',
> '#\n', '\n', '# ;-)\n']
> C:\>
> The bug is present in 2.3, 2.4, and current CVS.

Probably my fault (I wrote linecache, 13 years ago (before Python had

But looking at the code I don't understand why this is; there's no
code to descend into subdirectories of directories found on sys.path.

I wonder if the problem isn't on PIL's end, which puts the PIL
directory on sys.path?

Anyway, don't hesitate to suggest a patch on sourceforge -- python-dev
really isn't the forum for further discussion of this issue.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From simonwittber at  Fri Sep 30 16:32:55 2005
From: simonwittber at (Simon Wittber)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:32:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> > (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single
> > greedy generator can starve all the others.
> Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it as a
> feature. Since generators can't be switched at arbitrary places, the
> programmer has to define his/her synchronization points explicitly.

I use this approach extensively, using tasks which are defined using
generators. The scheduler I developed for this can be viewed here:

Synchronization using yield statements is an important feature, as I
use these cooperative threads for game development. These threads are
_very_ useful for games, as they have very low overhead, and allow the
programmer to exercise more control over their execution.


From steve at  Fri Sep 30 16:28:18 2005
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:28:18 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 21:21, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.
>>Congratulations gracefully accepted.
>>It's still my language! :-)
> Congratulations!  May this be as successful a syntax addition as
> decorators and print>> (of which I'm a fan too! :).
I have to say, now Guido is getting rid of print>> along with the rest 
of the print statement I have become nostalgically fond of it. Perhaps 
it's just that I can't help siding with the underdog, doomed for the 
knacker's yard in Python 3.0. Sniff.

The decision on X if C else Y is a cause for much jubilation.

Congratulations, Guido!

nothing-to-see-here-folks-let's-move-along-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        

From guido at  Fri Sep 30 16:38:27 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:38:27 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 ? 08:32 -0500, skip at a ?crit :
> >     >> (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single greedy generator can
> >     >>      starve all the others.
> >
> >     Antoine> Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it
> >     Antoine> as a feature.
> >
> > Apple looked at it as a feature for years.  Not anymore.  <wink>
> You are missing the context:
> - at the OS level, it is not good to have cooperative MT because any
> badly-written app (there are lots of ;-)) can cause lack of
> responsiveness for the whole machine
> - at the application level, cooperative MT can be good to enforce robust
> semantics without disrupting other apps
> The latter is what we are discussing AFAIK: a different concurrency
> scheme inside a single application - not accross the whole OS or
> desktop.

I like this analysis.

> Actually, I think different concurrency schemes must be chosen and mixed
> depending on the semantics. For example, when you have a networked GUI
> app, it can be good to have the network in one preemptive thread (using
> e.g. Twisted) and the GUI in another preemptive thread (using GTK,
> wx...). This is because GUI and network have different latency
> characteristics and requirements.
> (of course, you can replace "preemptive thread" with "process" in the
> above description)

I'm skeptical of this. I think a traditional GUI+network app can
combine the network and UI tasks in one process -- usually they
interact somewhat and that's where the bugs show up. Also note that
this is not an application area where MP is very interesting -- most
of the time you're blocked waiting for the user or for a socket (or
likely both :) so a single CPU is all you need. I've never heard
someone complain that the GIL is in the way for these types of apps.

> So whatever innovatice concurrency scheme Python may come out, it should
> still be mixable with more traditional concurrency schemes, because
> required properties vary wildly even inside a single app.

I don't think you've proved that yet.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From solipsis at  Fri Sep 30 16:55:25 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 16:55:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 ? 07:32 -0700, Simon Wittber a ?crit :
> I use this approach extensively, using tasks which are defined using
> generators. The scheduler I developed for this can be viewed here:

FWIW, I've coded my own little cooperative scheduler here:

In contrast to your approach, I don't explicitly link threads. The
"yield" keyword is used to wait on a resource (for example a
synchronised queue or a timer) and the scheduling loop manages the
switching accordingly. This approach is roughly the same as in
"gtasklets" ( except
that I don't rely on the GTK event loop.

The event loop is generic and supports asynchronous resources (resources
which become ready in another system thread: for example timers are
managed in a separate helper system thread).

It's quite alpha, but there are a few examples in the examples



From tim.peters at  Fri Sep 30 16:59:21 2005
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:59:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> After a long discussion I've decided to add a shortcut conditional
> expression to Python 2.5.
> The syntax will be
>    A if C else B


> The priorities will be such that you can write
> ...
>   x = A if C else B if D else E

I assume this groups as

    A if C else (B if D else E)

rather than as

    (A if C else B) if D else E

?  So that C is evaluated first, and if C is true D isn't evaluated at all.


> Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.

Compared to the postfix

    A then C if B

it's a positive delight.

> Congratulations gracefully accepted.

Congratulations gracefully tendered.

> It's still my language! :-)

If that was in doubt, you just proved it <wink>.

From theller at  Fri Sep 30 16:59:11 2005
From: theller at (Thomas Heller)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 16:59:11 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] linecache problem
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum <guido at> writes:

> On 9/30/05, Thomas Heller <theller at> wrote:
>> On several occasions I have seen tracebacks in my code pointing to PIL's
>> file. That is strange, because I have installed PIL but it
>> is used nowhere.
>> Finally I traced it down to a problem in the linecache code, which tries
>> to be smart in up updatecache function.  When os.stat() on the filename
>> fails with os.error, it walks along sys.path and returns the first file
>> with a matching basename. This *may* make sense for toplevel modules,
>> but never for modules in packages.

>> The bug is present in 2.3, 2.4, and current CVS.
> Probably my fault (I wrote linecache, 13 years ago (before Python had
> packages!).
> But looking at the code I don't understand why this is; there's no
> code to descend into subdirectories of directories found on sys.path.
> I wonder if the problem isn't on PIL's end, which puts the PIL
> directory on sys.path?

It seems PIL cannot decide if it wants to be a package or not, but
better would be to ask the author.  /F, ?

It installs a PIL.pth file in lib/site-packages, which contains 'PIL'
only - that's where the sys.path entry comes from.  OTOH, the
lib/site-packages/PIL directory contains an file.  PIL.pth
is the only .pth file that I have where the directory contains an file.

> Anyway, don't hesitate to suggest a patch on sourceforge -- python-dev
> really isn't the forum for further discussion of this issue.


From bjourne at  Fri Sep 30 17:25:55 2005
From: bjourne at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?BJ=F6rn_Lindqvist?=)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:25:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
In-Reply-To: <dhh2o3$as4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > I did this for my favorite proposal, and ended up with the list shown
> > further down below.
> >
> > I think they all looks great!
> >
> The fact that so few were found in whole of the standard library does
> put the use case into question, though, no? Though I am sure more could
> be found with a more thorough scan.

There's lots of code in it that looks like this:

def __init__(self, foo = None):
    if foo is not None: = foo
    else: = self.getFooDefault()

With if/else it can be written:

def __init__(self, foo = None): = foo if foo is not None else self.getFooDefault()

However, I'm convinced that the latter version is less readable than
the former. Often the line becomes more than 80 characters so there's
no gain in translating it to an if-else expression because you would
still have to split the line, other times the condition is so complex
that it deserves its own line. Many opportunities for uses, but
atleast as many for abuses.

mvh Bj?rn

From solipsis at  Fri Sep 30 17:26:27 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:26:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


> I've never heard
> someone complain that the GIL is in the way for these types of apps.

I've never said so either.
I was just saying that it can be useful to mix cooperative threading and
preemptive threading in the same app, i.e. have different domains of
cooperative threading which are preemptively scheduled by the OS. That
has nothing to do with the GIL, I think (but I don't know much in Python

For instance the mix between Twisted and GUI event loops is a very
common topic on the twisted mailing-list, because people have trouble
getting it right inside a single system thread. The Twisted people have
started advocating something called the ThreadedSelectReactor, which I
haven't looked at but whose name suggests that some operations are
performed in a helper system thread.



From jimjjewett at  Fri Sep 30 17:42:15 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:42:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(container) [was bool(iter([])) changed between
	2.3 and 2.4]
Message-ID: <>

Python doesn't worry about a precise boolean object, it
distinguishes between something and nothing.

Is there anything left?" is a pretty good analogy for iterators.

It isn't always cheaply available, and having might
encourage poor style -- so iterators are going back
to the default for non-containers of always True.

How general strong is this default-to-true rule?

If I submit a documentation patch, should I say that
numbers, lists, strings, dictionaries, and tuples are
a special case, or should I just warn that some
container-like objects (including iterators) are always

More specific question:

A Queue.Queue is always true.  Should I submit a
bug patch or add it as a beware of custom classes

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return not self.empty()

From p.f.moore at  Fri Sep 30 17:53:32 2005
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 16:53:32 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Jeremy Maxfield <anothermax at> wrote:
> Support for multiple interpreters already exists from the C API
> (mod_python, Java Embedded Python a few other add-ons use them)

I'm aware of that (didn't I mention it in my message - sorry).

> But:
> - it's not possible to create new interpreter instances from within Python.


> - there's no mechanism for passing information between interpreters.

But one could possibly be added when exposing the functionality to Python.

> - interaction with extension modules instances may be a problem.

This is the issue I have heard mentioned before as the problematic
one. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the problems to be able
to comment. If it's as simple as saying that any global state
maintained by an extension module is part of the "shared state", then
I'm OK with that (although it would be nice to encourage extension
authors to document their global state a bit more clearly :-))

Actually, it might be necessary to use global extension state (and the
fact that it's shared) to implement inter-interpreter communication...

> Apart from these points they actually seem to work pretty well and it might
> be, as you suggest, a "Practical" approach.
> Implementing a 'subinterp' module could be interesting...

Indeed. Maybe I'll have a go (in my copious free time :-))


From jimjjewett at  Fri Sep 30 18:00:58 2005
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:00:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] C API doc fix
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Robey Pointer <robey at> wrote:
> Yesterday I ran into a bug in the C API docs.  The top of this page:
> says:
>      This type represents a 16-bit unsigned storage type which is
> used by Python internally as basis for holding Unicode ordinals. On
> platforms where wchar_t is available and also has 16-bits, Py_UNICODE
> is a typedef alias for wchar_t to enhance native platform
> compatibility. On all other platforms, Py_UNICODE is a typedef alias
> for unsigned short.

Steven Bethard wrote:

> I believe this is the same issue that was brought up in May[1].  My
> impression was that people could not agree on a documentation patch.

> [1]

I thought the problem was disagreement over how the
system *should* pick an underlying type to alias.

Given the current policy, are there objections to a patch
that at least steers people away from assuming they can
use the underlying type directly?

     Python uses this type to store Unicode ordinals.  It is
typically a typedef alias, but the underlying type -- and
the size of that type -- varies across different systems.


From fumanchu at  Fri Sep 30 18:16:00 2005
From: fumanchu at (Robert Brewer)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:16:00 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0
Message-ID: <A77618B80CDD2543B705C82B7665D9F90191F974@ex9.hostedexchange.local>

> Now you've pushed me over the edge. I've made up my mind 
> now, "X if C else Y" it will be. I hope to find time to
> implement it in Python 2.5.

Steve Holden:
> Not before time, either. If this ends the discussion then 
> I'll consider I've done everyone a favour. Sometimes no
> decision is worse than the wrong decision ;-).

Exactly how I felt about bringing the decorator decision to a close. ;)
Congratulations to you both!

Robert Brewer
System Architect
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at

From guido at  Fri Sep 30 18:16:39 2005
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:16:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(container) [was bool(iter([])) changed
	between 2.3 and 2.4]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at> wrote:
> If I submit a documentation patch, should I say that
> numbers, lists, strings, dictionaries, and tuples are
> a special case, or should I just warn that some
> container-like objects (including iterators) are always
> True?

You seem to be going at this from the wrong direction. Boolean value
are defined by calling __nonzero__ or __len__, whichever exists; if
neither exists the answer is true (except for None which is
special-cased only for historical reasons -- there's no reason why it
couldn't have a __nonzero__ method.

__nonzero__ is intended for object types that either want to have
number-like behavior or have a special reason for wanting to act like
a Boolean.

__len__ is for sequences and mappings specifically -- everything that
supports __getitem__ should have __len__ and everything that has
__len__ should have __getitem__. (This is what broke for iterators in

So if anything's an "exception", it's numbers -- strings, lists,
tuples are sequences and dicts are mappings, and that's where they get
their definition of Booleanness from.

Always remember, user-defined classes can define __nonzero__ any way
they wish, and they get what they deserve. Library designers however
should try to follow established patterns. Testing for Queue emptiness
via __nonzero__ seems unwarranted since a Queue doesn't have any other
sequence behavior.

"Containerish" behavior isn't enough to warrant empty <--> false; in
some sense every object is a container (at least every object with a
__dict__ attribute) and you sure don't want to map __len__ to

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From exarkun at  Fri Sep 30 18:20:07 2005
From: exarkun at (Jp Calderone)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:20:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <20050930162007.3914.1732779229.divmod.quotient.22926@ohm>

On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:26:27 +0200, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
>> I've never heard
>> someone complain that the GIL is in the way for these types of apps.
>I've never said so either.
>I was just saying that it can be useful to mix cooperative threading and
>preemptive threading in the same app, i.e. have different domains of
>cooperative threading which are preemptively scheduled by the OS. That
>has nothing to do with the GIL, I think (but I don't know much in Python
>For instance the mix between Twisted and GUI event loops is a very
>common topic on the twisted mailing-list, because people have trouble
>getting it right inside a single system thread. The Twisted people have
>started advocating something called the ThreadedSelectReactor, which I
>haven't looked at but whose name suggests that some operations are
>performed in a helper system thread.

"Advocating" might be putting it too strongly :)  "Experimenting with" describes the current state of things most accurately.

The problem it aims to solve is integration with cooperative threading systems which don't work very well.  An example of such a loop is the wx event loop.  

Whenever a modal dialog is displayed or a menu is activated, wx's loop stops cooerating.  The only way we've found thus far to avoid this is to run wx in a separate thread, so even when it stops cooperating, network code can still get scheduled.


From mcherm at  Fri Sep 30 18:23:10 2005
From: mcherm at (Michael Chermside)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:23:10 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(container) [was bool(iter([]))	changedbetween
	2.3 and 2.4]
Message-ID: <>

Jim Jewett writes:
> Python doesn't worry about a precise boolean object, it
> distinguishes between something and nothing.
> Is there anything left?" is a pretty good analogy for iterators.
> A Queue.Queue is always true.  Should I submit a bug patch

I would have phrased this very differently. I would have said
it as follows:

  All Python objects can be converted to a boolean value. Most
  objects are True, except for False (of course), None, any number
  equal to 0, an empty string (""), and the empty containers
  (), [], and {}. User defined objects can override __len__ or
  __nonzero__ to return False; everything else is True.

I don't believe that there is an overarching rule that all "containers"
must be false when empty. I'm not sure there is even a clear
definition of "container" that would satisfy everyone. It makes
complete sense to me that empty iterators and Queue.Queues are True...
it follows the general rule that everything is true except the above
(short) list of objects and user-defined (or library) classes that
want to mimic the behavior of one of these or have some obvious
meaning for non-true.

-- Michael Chermside

From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Sep 30 18:25:01 2005
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:25:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(container) [was bool(iter([])) changedbetween
 2.3 and 2.4]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000201c5c5db$82407820$91f9a244@oemcomputer>

[Guido van Rossum]
> __len__ is for sequences and mappings specifically -- everything that
> supports __getitem__ should have __len__ and everything that has
> __len__ should have __getitem__.

That's going a bit far.  Unordered collections (like sets and bags) are
a good counter-example.


From fredrik at  Fri Sep 30 18:29:58 2005
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:29:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(container) [was bool(iter([])) changedbetween
	2.3 and 2.4]
References: <>
Message-ID: <dhjp66$5mo$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> "Containerish" behavior isn't enough to warrant empty <--> false; in
> some sense every object is a container (at least every object with a
> __dict__ attribute) and you sure don't want to map __len__ to
> self.__dict__.__len__...

the ElementTree experience shows that doing

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.items[index]
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)
    def __nonzero__(self):
        return True

is sometimes a good idea, even for objects that are mostly sequences.

(ET 1.2.X lacks the __nonzero__ method, and accidentally treating
elements with no subelements as if the element itself doesn't exist is by
far the most common gotcha in ET code).


From solipsis at  Fri Sep 30 18:33:29 2005
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:33:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <20050930162007.3914.1732779229.divmod.quotient.22926@ohm>
References: <20050930162007.3914.1732779229.divmod.quotient.22926@ohm>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jp,

Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 ? 12:20 -0400, Jp Calderone a ?crit :
> "Advocating" might be putting it too strongly :)  "Experimenting with"
> describes the current state of things most accurately.

Ok :)

> The problem it aims to solve is integration with cooperative threading
> systems which don't work very well.  An example of such a loop is the
> wx event loop.  
> Whenever a modal dialog is displayed or a menu is activated, wx's loop
> stops cooerating.

This specific problem hides the more general problem, which is that GUI
and network activities have different typical latencies. As I explained
on the twisted ML, a GUI needs very good response times to feel friendly
(typically below 20 or even 10 ms.), whereas some network protocols have
non-trivial calculations which can go above 100 ms. Moreover, you don't
want a sudden flood of network events to block events in the GUI.

This is why even without considering wx's specificities, it is still
useful to keep GUI and network activities in separate threads.



From BruceEckel-Python3234 at  Fri Sep 30 19:47:52 2005
From: BruceEckel-Python3234 at (Bruce Eckel)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:47:52 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I was just saying that it can be useful to mix cooperative threading and
> preemptive threading in the same app, i.e. have different domains of
> cooperative threading which are preemptively scheduled by the OS. That
> has nothing to do with the GIL, I think (but I don't know much in Python
> internals).

This is one of the interesting questions I'd like to answer (but which
probably requires some kind of  mathematician to prove one way or
another): Does a "complete" concurrency solution require both a
preemptive task management system and a cooperative one?

OS Processes are generally quite limited in number (although I
understand that BeOS was designed to create tons of lightweight
processes, which changed that particular picture). In Java, you can
usually create several hundred threads before it craps out.
Simulations and games could easily have thousands or even hundreds of
thousands of independent simulation units. If there are limits to the
number of concurrency drivers (threads, etc.), then that would suggest
that at some point you have to move to a cooperative system. Which
would suggest that a "complete" concurrency solution might require

That wouldn't be my ideal. My ideal would be a single solution that
would scale up to large numbers of concurrency units, and that
wouldn't require the programmer to remember to explicitly yield
control. Whether my ideal is possible is a question I'd like to

Bruce Eckel   mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at
Contains electronic books: "Thinking in Java 3e" & "Thinking in C++ 2e"
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From dalcinl at  Fri Sep 30 22:21:47 2005
From: dalcinl at (Lisandro Dalcin)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:21:47 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] bool(container) [was bool(iter([])) changedbetween
	2.3 and 2.4]
In-Reply-To: <000201c5c5db$82407820$91f9a244@oemcomputer>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/30/05, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
> [Guido van Rossum]
> > __len__ is for sequences and mappings specifically -- everything that
> > supports __getitem__ should have __len__ and everything that has
> > __len__ should have __getitem__.
> That's going a bit far.  Unordered collections (like sets and bags) are
> a good counter-example.

I've implemented many extension types in C, always to interface
external libraries (the main examples, MPI and PETSc). In those
libraries, some object are invalid (MPI_COMM_NULL) or can get
deallocated in the C side. I always implement a __nonzero__ method for
testing those situations. It sounds a bit bizarre to me to have to
implement a number method for a object that is far from being a
number, and of course __len__ do not make any sense.

Perhaps Py3k could have a more explicit mechanism for definig the
truth value of an object? Something like __bool__ method to be filled
in type object? Any opinions?

Lisandro Dalc?n

From bcannon at  Fri Sep 30 23:38:41 2005
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 14:38:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Conditional Expression Resolution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 9/29/05, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> Flames, pleas to reconsider, etc., to /dev/null.
> Congratulations gracefully accepted.

And gladly given!  All proposals should be resolved this cleanly in the end.

> It's still my language! :-)

Yes it is, thank goodness!


From gjc at  Fri Sep 30 23:55:44 2005
From: gjc at (Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:55:44 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20050930162007.3914.1732779229.divmod.quotient.22926@ohm>
Message-ID: <1128117344.11707.7.camel@localhost.localdomain>

On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 18:33 +0200, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Hi Jp,
> Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 ? 12:20 -0400, Jp Calderone a ?crit :
> > "Advocating" might be putting it too strongly :)  "Experimenting with"
> > describes the current state of things most accurately.
> Ok :)
> > The problem it aims to solve is integration with cooperative threading
> > systems which don't work very well.  An example of such a loop is the
> > wx event loop.  
> > 
> > Whenever a modal dialog is displayed or a menu is activated, wx's loop
> > stops cooerating.

  That is wx's problem.  Try PyGTK some day; I hear it's really
good! ;-)

> This specific problem hides the more general problem, which is that GUI
> and network activities have different typical latencies. As I explained
> on the twisted ML, a GUI needs very good response times to feel friendly
> (typically below 20 or even 10 ms.), whereas some network protocols have
> non-trivial calculations which can go above 100 ms.

  With PyGTK a typical solution for this is to use a generator function
executing an "idle function", which would make the non-trivial
calculations, but yield control back to the main loop periodically, in
order to process GUI events. For example, see the last code block in

>  Moreover, you don't
> want a sudden flood of network events to block events in the GUI.

  Process one event at a time, after each event give back control to the
main loop, and give low priority to socket IO events.  Problem solved.

> This is why even without considering wx's specificities, it is still
> useful to keep GUI and network activities in separate threads.

  You are considering a scenario that seldom happens to design a
solution that is far too complicated for most cases.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc at> <gustavo at>
The universe is always one step beyond logic

From ms at  Fri Sep 30 23:13:55 2005
From: ms at (Michael Sparks (home address))
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:13:55 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <dhk9pf$orj$>

[ I don't post often, but hopefully the following is of interest in this
  discussion ]

Bruce Eckel wrote:

> Yes, defining an class as "active" would:
> 1) Install a worker thread and concurrent queue in each object of that
> class.
> 2) Automatically turn method calls into tasks and enqueue them
> 3) Prevent any other interaction other than enqueued messages

Here I think the point is an object that has some form of thread with
enforced communications preventing (or limiting) shared data. This
essentially describes the project we've been working on with Kamaelia.
Kamaelia is divided into two halves:

   * A simple framework (Axon) for building components with the following
      * Have a main() method which is a generator.
      * Have inbound and outbound named queues implemented using lists.
         (akin to stdin/out)
      * Access to an environmental system which is key/value lookup (similar
         purpose to the unix environment). (This could easily grow into a
         much more linda like system)
   * A collection of components which form a library.

We also have a threaded component which uses a thread and queues rather than
a generator & lists.

With regard to the criteria you listed in a later post:
   1) Has been tested against (so far) 2 novice programmers, who just picked
      up the framework and ran with in. (learnt python one week, axon the
      next, then implemented interesting things rapidly)
   2) We don't deal with distribution (yet), but this is on the cards.
      Probably before EuroOSCON. (I want to have a program with two top
      level pygame windows)
   3) We use python generators and have experimented initially with several
      tens of thousands of them, which works suprisingly well, even on an
      old 500Mhz machine.
   4) Self guarding is difficult. However generators are pretty opaque, and
      getting at values inside their stack frame is beyond my python skills.
   5) Deadlock can be forced in all scenarios, but you would actually have
      to work at it. In practice if we yield at all points or use the
      threaded components for everything then we'd simply livelock.
   6) Regarding an actor. Our pygame sprite component actually is very,
      very actor like. This is to the extent we've considered implementing a
      script reading and director component for orchestrating them. (Time
      has prevented that though)
   7) Since our target has been novices, this has come by default.
   8) We don't do mobility of components/tasks as yet, however a colleague
      at work interested in mobility & agent software has proposed looking
      at that using Kamaelia for the coming year. We also ran the framework
      by people at the WoTUG (*) conference recently, and the general
      viewpoint came back that it's tractable from a formal analysis
      and mobility perspective(if we change x,y,z).

I wrote a white paper based on my Python UK talk, which is here:

(BBC R&D white papers are aimed at imparting info in a such a way that it's
useful and readable, unlike some white papers :)

So far we have components for building things from network servers through
to audio/video decoders and players, and presentation tools. (Using pygame
and tkinter) Also we have a graphical editting tool for putting together
systems and introspecting systems.

An aim in terms of API was to enable novices to implement a microcosm
version of the system. Specifically we tested this idea on a pre-university
trainee who built a fairly highly parallel system which took video from an
mpg file (simulating a PVR), and sent periodic snapshots to a mobile phone
based client. He had minimal programming experience at the start, and
implemented this over a 3 months period.

We've since repeated that experience with a student who has had 2 years at
university, but no prior concurrency, python or networks experience. In his
6 weeks with us he was able to do some interesting things. (Such as
implement a system for joining multicast islands and sending content over a
simple reliable multicast protocol).

The tutorial we use to get people up to speed rapidly is here:

However that doesn't really cover the ideas of how to write components, use
pipelines, graphlines and services.

At the moment we're adding in the concept of a chassis into which you plug
in existing components. The latest concept we're bouncing round is this:

# (This was fleshed out in respect to a question by a novice on c.l.p -
# periodically send the the same message to all connected clients)
# start
from Kamaelia.Chassis.ConnectedServer import SimpleServer
from Kamaelia.Chassis.Splitter import splitter, publish, Subscriber

class message_source(component):
   [ ... snippety ... ]
   def main(self):
      last = self.scheduler.time
      while 1:
         yield 1
         if self.scheduler.time - last > 1:
             self.send(self.generateMessage, "outbox")
             last = self.scheduler.time

source = message_source().activate()
publish("client_fanout", source) # perhaps something else?
def client_protocol():  return Subscriber("client_fanout")

SimpleServer(protocol=client_protocol, port=1400).run()
# end

>From the perspective of using multiple CPUs, currently we're thinking
along the lines of this.  I'lll use existing examples to make things more

Currently to build a player to decode and playback dirac [1] encoded video
in python, we're doing this: 

         ReadFileAdaptor(file, readmode="bitrate", bitrate = 300000*8/5),

Sometimes, however,  it would be nice to take a YUV file, encode, decode and
view (since it simplifies the process of seeing changes):

pipeline( ReadFileAdaptor(FILENAME, readmode="bitrate", bitrate= 1000000),
          RawYUVFramer( size=SIZE ),
          DiracEncoder(preset=DIRACPRESET, encParams=ENCPARAMS ),

Clearly on a multiple CPU machine, it would be useful to have the processing
cross processes, so we're intending on using a process chassis (a chassis
is a thing with holes or can have things attached) to run the components in
a different python process. The likely syntax we'll be playing with would

pipeline( ReadFileAdaptor(FILENAME, readmode="bitrate", bitrate= 1000000),
          RawYUVFramer( size=SIZE ),
                    DiracEncoder(preset=DIRACPRESET, encParams=ENCPARAMS ),
          SubProcess( DiracDecoder()),

This is intended to run over 3 processes. (One parent, two children)

For the degenerate case:

pipeline( SubProcess( ReadFileAdaptor(FILENAME, readmode="bitrate", bitrate=
          SubProcess( RawYUVFramer( size=SIZE ),)
                    DiracEncoder(preset=DIRACPRESET, encParams=ENCPARAMS ),
          SubProcess( DiracDecoder()),
          SubProcess( VideoOverlay())

We're actively considering the possible sugar:
      ... original list of components ...

But we're looking to walk before running there. Much like we implemented the
underlying functionality before pipelines and that before implementing

One issue you potentially raise in this scenario is how you find existing
components that may exist without having tight coupling. The way we're
working on this is to have named services which you look up in a linda-type
way.  One nasty thing we found there is that the code can start looking
snarled up. That was until we realised because we have a scheduler that we
can implementing almost-but-not-quite-greenlet style switching using

Specifically a pygame based component can do a lookup for an actve display

   def main(self):
      yield WaitComplete(
                              callback = (self,"control"),
                              size = (self.render_area.width,
                              position = self.position
      display = self.display

Where requestDisplay does this:

   def requestDisplay(self, **argd):
      displayservice = PygameDisplay.getDisplayService(),"signal"), displayservice)
      self.send(argd, "signal")
      for _ in self.waitBox("control"): yield 1
      display = self.recv("control")
      self.display = display

That said, having seen your post further down the thread about a set
of requirements you post, I think on many fronts we hit much of the aims
you list. This is largely for one simple reason - our primary aim is that of
making concurrency __easy__ to deal with, whilst not sacrificing the
portable scalability. This is also why we've worked on graphical tools
for putting together these pipelines, as well as looking inside.

We have a deliberately naive C++ implementation based on the mini-axon
tutorial which uses Duffs device to implement generators for example. I'd
love to see that implementation expand since I think it'd generate a whole
set of questions that need answering and would probably benefit the python
implementation. Mind you hopefully pypy and shedskin will mitigate /our/
need to do that translation manually :-)

If anyone's interested further, I'm happy to talk more (I'm going to Euro
OSCON is anyone wants to discuss this there), but this feels like spamming
the list so I'll leave things at that.

However, so far we're finding the approach is a good one for our needs.
The reason I'm posting about it here is because I think Kamaelia directly
hits every point you made, but mainly in the hope it's of use to others
(either directly or for cherry picking ideas).

Best Regards,

Michael Sparks, Senior R&D Engineer, Digital Media Group
Michael.Sparks at,
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

This e-mail may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC.

From vshah at  Thu Sep 29 18:14:03 2005
From: vshah at (Viren Shah)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:14:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] 64-bit bytecode compatibility (was Re: [PEAK]
 ez_setup on 64-bit linux problem)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 09:49 AM 9/29/2005 -0400, Viren Shah wrote:
>> [I sent this earlier without being a subscriber and it was sent to the 
>> moderation queue so I'm resending it after subscribing]
>> Hi,
>>   I'm running a 64-bit Fedora Core 3 with python 2.3.4. I'm trying to 
>> install setuptools to use with Trac, and get the following error:
>>  [root at Mrdumpling ~]$ python
>> Downloading 
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 206, in ?
>>     main(sys.argv[1:])
>>   File "", line 141, in main
>>     from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
>> OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
>> I get the same type of error if I try installing setuptools manually. 
>> I figure this has to do with the 64-bit nature of the OS and python, 
>> but not being a python person, don't know what a workaround would be.
>> Any ideas?
> Hm.  It sounds like perhaps the 64-bit Python in question isn't able to 
> read bytecode for Python from a 32-bit Python version.  You'll need to 
> download the setuptools source archive from PyPI and install it using 
> "python install" instead.
[Thanks for the quick response]
I tried downloading and installing with the same 
type of result:

[root at Mrdumpling setuptools-0.6a4]# python install
running install
running bdist_egg
running egg_info
writing ./setuptools.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to ./setuptools.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing entry points to ./setuptools.egg-info/entry_points.txt
installing library code to build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg
running install_lib
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
copying -> build/lib
copying -> build/lib
creating build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/ -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/ -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/ -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/ -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/ -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/ -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/ -> build/lib/setuptools
creating build/lib/setuptools/tests
copying setuptools/tests/ -> build/lib/setuptools/tests
copying setuptools/tests/ -> build/lib/setuptools/tests
copying setuptools/tests/ -> build/lib/setuptools/tests
creating build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
copying setuptools/command/ -> build/lib/setuptools/command
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg
copying build/lib/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg
copying build/lib/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools
copying build/lib/setuptools/ -> 
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/tests
copying build/lib/setuptools/tests/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/tests/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/tests/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/ -> 
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/command/ -> 
copying build/lib/setuptools/ -> 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/tests/ 
to doctest.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/tests/ 
to __init__.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/tests/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/ 
to archive_util.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/ to dist.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ 
to test.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to saveopts.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to 
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to 
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to egg_info.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to 
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to develop.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ 
to alias.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ 
to sdist.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to 
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to 
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ 
to rotate.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to build_py.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ 
to upload.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ 
to setopt.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to __init__.pyc
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/command/ to install.pyc
byte-compiling build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/setuptools/ 
to package_index.pyc
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/EGG-INFO
installing scripts to build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/EGG-INFO/scripts
running install_scripts
running build_scripts
creating build/scripts-2.3
copying and adjusting -> build/scripts-2.3
changing mode of build/scripts-2.3/ from 644 to 755
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/EGG-INFO/scripts
copying build/scripts-2.3/ -> 
changing mode of 
build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/ to 755
copying ./setuptools.egg-info/entry_points.txt -> 
copying ./setuptools.egg-info/top_level.txt -> 
copying ./setuptools.egg-info/PKG-INFO -> 
creating dist
creating 'dist/setuptools-0.6a4-py2.3.egg' and adding 
'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg' to it
removing 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg' (and everything under it)
Processing setuptools-0.6a4-py2.3.egg
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 81, in ?
     scripts = scripts,
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/distutils/", line 149, in setup
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/distutils/", line 907, in run_commands
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/distutils/", line 927, in run_command
line 50, in run
line 225, in run
     self.easy_install(spec, True)
line 303, in easy_install
     return self.install_item(None, spec, tmpdir, deps, True)
line 338, in install_item
     dists = self.install_eggs(spec, download, tmpdir)
line 537, in install_eggs
     return [self.install_egg(dist_filename, tmpdir)]
line 589, in install_egg
line 711, in check_conflicts
     names = dict.fromkeys(dist._get_metadata('top_level.txt')) # XXX 
private attr
   File "/root/svn-install-apps/setuptools-0.6a4/", line 
1834, in _get_metadata
     for line in self.get_metadata_lines(name):
   File "/root/svn-install-apps/setuptools-0.6a4/", line 
894, in get_metadata_lines
     return yield_lines(self.get_metadata(name))
   File "/root/svn-install-apps/setuptools-0.6a4/", line 
891, in get_metadata
     return self._get(self._fn(self.egg_info,name))
   File "/root/svn-install-apps/setuptools-0.6a4/", line 
949, in _get
     return self.loader.get_data(path)
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum

Viren R Shah
Sr. Technical Advisor
Virtual Technology Corporation
vshah at
P: 703-333-6246

From vshah at  Thu Sep 29 18:57:31 2005
From: vshah at (Viren Shah)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:57:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] 64-bit bytecode compatibility (was Re: [PEAK]
 ez_setup on 64-bit linux problem)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 12:14 PM 9/29/2005 -0400, Viren Shah wrote:
>>   File "/root/svn-install-apps/setuptools-0.6a4/", 
>> line 949, in _get
>>     return self.loader.get_data(path)
>> OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
> Interesting.  That looks like it might be a bug in the Python zipimport 
> module, which is what implements get_data().  Apparently it happens upon 
> importing as well; I assumed that it was a bytecode incompatibility.
> Checking the revision log, I find that there's a 64-bit fix for 
> zipimport.c in Python 2.4 that looks like it would fix this issue, but 
> it has not been backported to any revision of Python 2.3.  You're going 
> to either have to backport the fix yourself and rebuild Python 2.3, or 
> upgrade to Python 2.4.  Sorry.  :(

Cool! Thanks for the solution. I'll upgrade to python 2.4 and hope it 
works :-)

Thanks for all your help
Viren R Shah
Sr. Technical Advisor
Virtual Technology Corporation
vshah at
P: 703-333-6246