[Python-Dev] bug in urlparse

Fabien Schwob skink at evhr.net
Sun Sep 4 10:58:47 CEST 2005


I'm using the module urlparse and I think I've found a bug in the 
urlparse module. When you merge an url and a link 
like"../../../page.html" with urljoin, the new url created keep some 
"../" in it. Here is an example :

 >>> import urlparse
 >>> begin = "http://www.example.com/folder/page.html"
 >>> end = "../../../otherpage.html"
 >>> urlparse.urljoin(begin, end)

I would more expect the following url :

It's what is done in most web browser.

So I would like to know if it's a bug or not. If it is, I would try to 
code and to submit a patch.


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