[Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk at shore.net
Thu Sep 8 06:31:14 CEST 2005

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  342 open ( +3) /  2923 closed ( +1) /  3265 total ( +4)
Bugs    :  908 open ( +5) /  5232 closed (+10) /  6140 total (+15)
RFE     :  188 open ( +1) /   185 closed ( +1) /   373 total ( +2)

New / Reopened Patches

String formatting character for str.join  (2005-09-04)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1281573  opened by  Nick Coghlan

Speed up gzip.readline (~40%)  (2005-09-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1281707  opened by  April King

Enable SSL for smtplib  (2005-09-05)
       http://python.org/sf/1282340  opened by  Phil Underwood

AIX port from Elemental Security  (2005-09-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1284289  opened by  Guido van Rossum

Patches Closed

String formatting character for str.join  (2005-09-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1281573  closed by  ncoghlan

New / Reopened Bugs

time.strptime() fails with unicode date string, de_DE locale  (2005-09-01)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1280061  opened by  Adam Monsen

tokenize module does not detect inconsistent dedents  (2005-06-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1224621  reopened by  arigo

PyDateTime_Check references static object  (2005-09-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1280924  opened by  Skip Montanaro

xml.sax.expatreader doesn't pass encoding to ParserCreate  (2005-09-02)
       http://python.org/sf/1281032  opened by  Samuel Bayer

Erroneous \url command in python.sty  (2005-09-03)
       http://python.org/sf/1281291  opened by  Rory Yorke

array.arrays are not unpickleable  (2005-09-03)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1281383  opened by  Reinhold Birkenfeld

Py_BuildValue k format units don't work with big values  (2005-09-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1281408  opened by  Adal Chiriliuc

exception when unpickling array.array objects  (2005-09-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1281556  opened by  John Machin

urllib violates rfc 959  (2005-09-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1281692  opened by  Matthias Klose

logging.shutdown() not correct for chained handlers  (2005-09-05)
       http://python.org/sf/1282539  opened by  Fons Dijkstra

socket.getaddrinfo() bug for IPv6 enabled platforms  (2005-09-06)
       http://python.org/sf/1282647  opened by  Ganesan Rajagopal

PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords gives misleading error message  (2005-09-06)
       http://python.org/sf/1283289  opened by  japierro

nit for builtin sum doc  (2005-09-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1283491  opened by  daishi harada

os.path.abspath() / os.chdir() buggy with unicode paths  (2005-09-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1283895  opened by  Antoine Pitrou

re nested conditional matching (?()) doesn't work  (2005-09-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1284341  opened by  Erik Demaine

Bugs Closed

codecs.StreamRecoder.next doesn't encode  (2005-07-10)
       http://python.org/sf/1235646  closed by  doerwalter

time.strptime() fails with unicode date string, de_DE locale  (2005-09-01)
       http://python.org/sf/1280061  closed by  bcannon

crash recursive __getattr__  (2005-08-24)
       http://python.org/sf/1267884  closed by  tjreedy

Lambda and deepcopy  (2005-08-31)
       http://python.org/sf/1277718  closed by  tjreedy

logging module broken for multiple threads?  (2005-09-01)
       http://python.org/sf/1277903  closed by  vsajip

PyDateTime_Check references static object  (2005-09-02)
       http://python.org/sf/1280924  closed by  montanaro

bz2module.c compiler warning  (2005-08-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1274069  closed by  birkenfeld

discrepancy between str.__cmp__ and unicode.__cmp__  (2005-08-29)
       http://python.org/sf/1275719  closed by  rhettinger

array.arrays are not unpickleable  (2005-09-03)
       http://python.org/sf/1281383  closed by  rhettinger

SyntaxError raised on win32 for correct files  (2005-05-12)
       http://python.org/sf/1200686  closed by  tim_one

New / Reopened RFE

non-sequence map() arguments for optimization  (2005-09-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1281053  opened by  Ecnassianer of the Green Storm

Give __len__() advice for "don't know"  (2005-09-06)
       http://python.org/sf/1283110  opened by  Tim Peters

RFE Closed

non-sequence map() arguments for optimization  (2005-09-03)
       http://python.org/sf/1281053  closed by  birkenfeld

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