[Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 16:10:19 CEST 2005

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 08:55, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>The leading 'p' (for 'positional') is necessary to get around the fact that $1 
>>is currently an illegal identifier in a Template
> That should be fixable. Ideally, $1 is better than $p1.

I also looked into the idea of adding formatting support to the 
string.Template syntax.

Given a reimplementation of string.Template with the following pattern:

     pattern = r"""
       (?P<escaped>%(delim)s)      | # An escape sequence of two delimiters, or
         (\[(?P<format>[^%%]*)\])?   # an optional simple format string,
           (?P<named>%(id)s)       | # and a Python identifier, or
           {(?P<braced>%(id)s)}      # a braced identifier
       )                           |
       (?P<invalid>)                 # An ill-formed delimiter expr

And "convert" functions modified to use "fmt" where "'%s'" is currently used, 
with "fmt" defined via:
     fmt = mo.group('format')
     if fmt is None:
        fmt = '%s' # Default to simple string format
        fmt = '%' + fmt

The following works:

Py> t = format.Template("$item: $[0.2f]quantity")
Py> t.format(quantity=0.5, item='Bees')
'Bees: 0.50'

Combining with a 'format' function similar to the one in my previous message, 
and an id pattern modified to permit numbers as identifiers:

Py> format("$1: $[0.2f]2", 'Bees', 0.5)
'Bees: 0.50'


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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