[Python-Dev] The "i" string-prefix: I18n'ed strings
Martin Blais
blais at furius.ca
Fri Apr 7 16:13:14 CEST 2006
On 4/7/06, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
> Martin Blais wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I got an evil idea for Python this morning -- Guido: no, it's not
> > about linked lists :-) -- , and I'd like to bounce it here. But
> > first, a bit of context.
> This has been discussed a few times before, see e.g.
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2000-January/020346.html
Oh, wow, thanks!
> In summary, the following points were made in the various
> discussions (this is from memory, so I may have forgotten
> a few points):
> * the string literal modifiers r"" and u"" are really only a cludge
> which should not be extended to other uses
> * being able to register such modifiers would result in unreadable
> and unmaintainable code, since the purpose of the used modifiers
> wouldn't be clear to the reader of a code snippet
> * writing i"" instead of _("") saves two key-strokes - not really
> enough to warrant the change
> * if you want to do it right, you'd also have to add iu"",
> ir"" for completeness
Good points. Thanks for summarizing. It's certainly true that adding
a general mechanism to hook custom calls into strings initialization
may cause confusion if people define them differently.
> * internationalization requires a lot more than just calling
> a function: context and domains are very important when it
> comes to translating strings in i18n efforts; these can
> easily be added to a function call as parameter, but not
> to a string modifier
Sure, but the simple case covers 99% the great majority of the uses.
> * there are lots of tools to do string extraction using the
> _("") notation (which also works in C); for i"" such tools
> would have to be rewritten
(I don't really see this as a problem.)
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