[Python-Dev] need info for externally maintained modules PEP

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Mon Apr 10 18:00:53 CEST 2006

Brett Cannon wrote:
> OK, I am going to write the PEP I proposed a week or so ago, listing
> all modules and packages within the stdlib that are maintained
> externally so we have a central place to go for contact info or where
> to report bugs on issues.  This should only apply to modules that want
> bugs reported outside of the Python tracker and have a separate dev
> track.  People who just use the Python repository as their mainline
> version can just be left out.
> For each package I need the name of the module, the name of the
> maintainer, homepage of the module outside of Python, and where to
> report bugs.  Do people think we need to document the version that has
> been imported into Python and when that was done as well?
> Anyway, here is a list of the packages that I think have outside
> maintenance (or at least have been at some point).  Anyone who has
> info on them that I need, please let me know the details.  Also, if I
> missed any, obviously speak up:
> - bsddb (still external?)
> - sqlite
> - ctypes
Maintainer: Thomas Heller
Homepage: http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/
Where to report bugs:  I do not care.  I'll try to keep track of both the 
  python bug tracker and the ctypes tracker on the SF pages.


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