[Python-Dev] PEP 302 support for traceback, inspect, site, warnings, doctest, and linecache
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Apr 10 19:03:02 CEST 2006
Here's my plan for implementing PEP 302 support (``__loader__``
sensitivity) for the above modules:
* Change all of the ``linecache`` API functions (except ``clearcache()``)
to add an optional ``module_globals`` argument, which they will use to
obtain the ``__name__`` and ``__loader__`` in the event that the given
filename doesn't exist, but appears to be the source file for the given
module. (That is, if the basename of the filename is consistent with the
last part of the ``__name__`` in the module_globals, if
``sys.modules[__name__].__dict__ is module_globals``, and the
``__loader__`` (if any) in module_globals has a ``get_source()`` method.)
* Change ``inspect.getsourcefile()`` to return the source path as long as
the object's module has a ``__loader__`` with a ``get_source()``
method. This will ensure that other ``inspect`` functions will still try
to load the source code for the object in question, even if it's in a
zipfile or loaded by some other import mechanism.
* Change ``inspect.findsource()`` to pass the target object's module
globals as an extra argument to ``linecache.getlines()``
* Change the ``traceback`` module to supply frame globals to the
``linecache`` APIs it uses.
* Change the ``site`` module to not "absolutize" ``__file__`` attributes of
modules with ``__loader__`` attributes; ``__loader__`` objects are
responsible for their own ``__file__`` values. (Actually, if this is
desirable behavior, the builtin import machinery should be doing it, not
* Add an optional ``module_globals`` argument to
``warnings.warn_explicit()``, which will be passed through to
``linecache.getlines()`` if the warning is not ignored. (This will prime
the line cache in case the warning is to be output.)
* Change ``warnings.warn()`` to pass the appropriate globals to
* Change ``doctest.testfile()`` and ``DocTestSuite`` to use the target
module's ``__loader__.get_data()`` method (if available) to load the given
doctest file.
* Change ``__patched_linecache_getlines()`` in ``doctest`` to accept an
optional ``module_globals`` argument, to be passed through to the original
``getlines()`` function.
I'm starting work on the above now. If I finish early enough today, I'll
follow up with plans for fixing ``pydoc``, which requires slightly more
extensive surgery, since it doesn't even support packages with multiple
``__path__`` entries yet, let alone PEP 302.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
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