[Python-Dev] remote debugging with pdb

Ilya Sandler ilya at bluefir.net
Tue Apr 18 06:22:02 CEST 2006

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, [ISO-8859-1] "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:

> > There is a patch on SourceForge
> > python.org/sf/721464
> > which allows pdb to read/write from/to arbitrary file objects. Would it
> > answer some of your concerns (eg remote debugging)?
> >
> > I guess, I  could revive it  if anyone thinks that it's  worthwhile...
> >

> I just looked at it, and yes, it's a good idea.

Ok, I'll look into it and submit as a new SF item (probably within 2-3

A question though: the patch will touch the code in many places and so
is likely to break other pdb patches which are in SF (e.g 1393667( restart
patch by rockyb) and 1267629('until' patch by me)). Any chance of getting
those accepted/rejected before remote debugging patch?


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