[Python-Dev] Adding wsgiref

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Sat Apr 22 23:42:43 CEST 2006

What with all the discussion that resulted from setuptools, we should
probably also discuss the suggestion to add wsgiref to the standard
library.  PEP 356 doesn't have many details about what's under consideration.

(wsgiref is an implementation of the WSGI interface defined in PEP 333.
I believe the latest version is at

I expect that most of the package would be added.  wsgiref.handlers is
the heart of it, and needs wsgiref.{headers,util}.
wsgiref.simple_server might be debatable; the module docstring warns
that the code hasn't been reviewed for security issues, but on the
other hand if there's a WSGI library, we do want the available HTTP
server to support it.


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