[Python-Dev] EuroPython 2006: Call for papers
Armin Rigo
arigo at tunes.org
Tue Apr 25 14:51:46 CEST 2006
Hi all,
A shameless plug and reminder for EuroPython 2006 (July 3-5):
* you can submit talk proposals until May 31st.
* there is a refereed papers track; deadline for abstracts: May 5th.
See the full call for papers below.
A bientot,
Armin Rigo & Carl Friedrich Bolz
EuroPython 2006
CERN, Geneva, 3-5 July
Refereed Track: Call for Paper
EuroPython is the only conference in the Python world that has a
properly prestigious peer-reviewed forum for presenting technical and
scientific papers. Such papers, with advanced and highly innovative
contents, can equally well stem from academic research or industrial
research. We think this is an important function for EuroPython, so we
are even making some grants available to help people with travel costs.
For this refereed track, we will be happy to consider papers in subject
areas including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:
* Python language and implementations
* Python modules (in the broadest sense)
* Python extensions
* Interoperation between Python and other languages / subsystems
* Scientific applications of Python
* Python in Education
* Benchmarking Python
We are looking for Python-related scientific and technical papers of
advanced, highly innovative content that present the results of original
research (be it of the academic or "industrial research" kind), with
proper attention to "state of the art" and previous relevant
literature/results (whether such relevant previous literature is itself
directly related to Python or not).
We do not intend to let the specific subject area block a paper's
acceptance, as long as the paper satisfies other requirements:
innovative, Python-related, reflecting original research, with proper
attention to previous literature.
Please submit abstracts of no more than 200 words to the refereeing
committee. You can send submissions no later than 5 May 2006. We shall
inform you whether your paper has been selected no later than 15 May
2006. For all details regarding the submission of abstracts, please see
the EuroPython website (http://www.europython.org). Papers
If your abstract is accepted, you must submit your corresponding paper
before 17 June 2006. You should submit the paper as a PDF file, in A4
format, complete, "stand-alone", and readable on any standards-compliant
PDF reader (basically, the paper must include all fonts and figures it
uses, rather than using external pointers to them; by default, most
PDF-preparation programs typically produce such valid "stand-alone" PDF
The refereeing committee, selected by Armin Rigo, will examine all
abstracts and papers. The committee may consult external experts as it
deems fit. Referees may suggest or require certain changes and editing
in submissions, and make acceptance conditional on such changes being
performed. We expect all papers to reflect the abstract as approved and
reserve the right, at our discretion, to reject a paper, despite having
accepted the corresponding abstract, if the paper does not substantially
correspond to the approved abstract.
The paper must be presented at EuroPython by one or more of the
authors. Presentation time will be either half an hour or an hour,
including time for questions and answers, depending on each paper's
details, and also on the total number of papers approved for
We will publish the conference's proceedings in purely electronic
form. By presenting a paper, authors agree to give the EuroPython
conference non-exclusive rights to publish the paper in electronic forms
(including, but not limited to, partial and total publication on web
sites and/or such media as CDROM and DVD-ROM), and warrant that the
papers are not infringing on the rights of any third parties. Authors
retain all other intellectual property rights on their submitted
abstracts and papers excepting only this non-exclusive license.
Subsidised travel
We have funds available to subsidise travel costs for some presenters
who would otherwise not be able to attend EuroPython. When submitting
your abstract, please indicate if you would need such a subsidy as a
precondition of being able to come and present your paper. (Yes, this
possibility does exist even if you are coming from outside of
Europe. Papers from people in New Zealand who can only come if their
travel is subsidised, for example, would be just fine with us...).
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