[Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk at shore.net
Sat Apr 29 05:08:27 CEST 2006

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  378 open ( +7) /  3199 closed ( +4) /  3577 total (+11)
Bugs    :  901 open ( -7) /  5792 closed (+25) /  6693 total (+18)
RFE     :  214 open ( +3) /   214 closed ( +2) /   428 total ( +5)

New / Reopened Patches

Allow PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords to unpack tuples  (2006-04-22)
       http://python.org/sf/1474454  reopened by  loewis

Allow PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords to unpack tuples  (2006-04-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1474454  opened by  Roger Upole

detect %zd format for PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T  (2006-04-22)
       http://python.org/sf/1474907  opened by  Brett Cannon

New doctest option: +SKIP  (2006-04-23)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1475231  opened by  Edward Loper

patch fixing #1448060 (gettext.py bug)  (2006-04-24)
       http://python.org/sf/1475523  opened by  Thenault Sylvain

IndentationError for unexpected indent  (2006-04-24)
       http://python.org/sf/1475845  opened by  Roger Miller

Add help reference on Mac  (2006-04-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1476578  opened by  Bruce Sherwood

__init__.py'less package import warnings  (2006-04-27)
       http://python.org/sf/1477281  opened by  Thomas Wouters

Allow os.listdir to accept file names longer than MAX_PATH  (2006-04-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1477350  opened by  Roger Upole

Fix doctest nit.  (2006-04-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1478292  opened by  Thomas Heller

Picky floats  (2006-04-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1478364  opened by  Skip Montanaro

Patches Closed

Allow PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords to unpack tuples  (2006-04-22)
       http://python.org/sf/1474454  closed by  loewis

Weak linking support for OSX  (2006-04-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1471925  closed by  ronaldoussoren

test for broken poll at runtime  (2006-04-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1471761  closed by  ronaldoussoren

New doctest option: +SKIP  (2006-04-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1475231  closed by  tim_one

start testing strings > 2GB  (2006-04-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1471578  closed by  twouters

New / Reopened Bugs

non-keyword argument following keyword  (2006-04-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1474677  opened by  George Yoshida

pickling files works with protocol=2.  (2006-04-22)
       http://python.org/sf/1474680  opened by  Kirill Simonov

Document os.path.join oddity on Windows  (2006-04-23)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1475009  opened by  Miki Tebeka

example code in what's new/sqlite3 docs  (2006-04-23)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1475080  opened by  James Pryor

Tkinter hangs in test_tcl  (2006-04-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1475162  opened by  Thomas Wouters

Poorly worded description for socket.makefile()  (2006-04-24)
       http://python.org/sf/1475554  opened by  Roy Smith

replacing obj.__dict__ with a subclass of dict  (2006-04-24)
       http://python.org/sf/1475692  opened by  ganges master

SystemError in socket sendto  (2006-04-25)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1476111  opened by  CyDefect

Documentation date stuck on "5th April 2006"  (2006-04-25)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1476216  opened by  Mat Martineau

StringIO should implement __str__()  (2006-04-25)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1476356  opened by  Dom Lachowicz

Finish PEP 343 terminology cleanup  (2006-04-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1476845  opened by  Nick Coghlan

Missing import line in example  (2006-04-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1477102  opened by  Bruce Eckel

Incorrect code in example  (2006-04-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1477140  opened by  Bruce Eckel

test_bsddb skipped -- Failed to load /home/shashi/Python-2.4  (2006-04-27)
       http://python.org/sf/1477450  opened by  shashi

test_ctypes: undefined symbol: XGetExtensionVersion  (2006-04-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1478253  opened by  balducci

Invalid value returned by util.get_platform() on HP  (2006-04-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1478326  opened by  Sébastien Sablé

test_capi crashed -- thread.error: can't allocate lock  (2006-04-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1478400  opened by  shashi

datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp ValueError. Rounding error  (2006-04-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1478429  opened by  Erwin Bonsma

size limit exceeded for read() from network drive  (2006-04-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1478529  opened by  Mark Sheppard

Bugs Closed

IDLE does not start 2.4.3  (2006-04-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1471806  closed by  egrimes

TempFile can hang on Windows  (2006-04-20)
       http://python.org/sf/1473760  closed by  tim_one

import module with .dll extension  (2006-04-18)
       http://python.org/sf/1472566  closed by  gbrandl

Document os.path.join oddity on Windows  (2006-04-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1475009  closed by  gbrandl

example code in what's new/sqlite3 docs  (2006-04-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1475080  closed by  akuchling

interactive: no cursors ctrl-a/e... in 2.5a1/linux/debian  (2006-04-18)
       http://python.org/sf/1472173  closed by  twouters

doctest mishandles exceptions raised within generators  (2005-10-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1337990  closed by  tim_one

SystemError in socket sendto  (2006-04-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1476111  closed by  twouters

string parameter to ioctl not null terminated, includes fix  (2006-02-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1433877  closed by  twouters

Documentation date stuck on "5th April 2006"  (2006-04-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1476216  closed by  akuchling

can't send files via ftp on my MacOS X 10.3.9  (2006-02-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1437614  closed by  tjreedy

StringIO should implement __str__()  (2006-04-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1476356  closed by  rhettinger

Missing import line in example  (2006-04-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1477102  closed by  akuchling

Incorrect code in example  (2006-04-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1477140  closed by  akuchling

Math mode not well handled in \documentclass{howto}  (2005-02-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1124692  closed by  fdrake

Windows non-MS compiler doc updates  (2003-11-10)
       http://python.org/sf/839709  closed by  fdrake

"print statement" in libref index broken  (2006-01-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1411674  closed by  fdrake

AF_UNIX sockets do not handle Linux-specific addressing  (2003-07-02)
       http://python.org/sf/764437  closed by  gbrandl

The -m option to python does not search zip files  (2005-08-02)
       http://python.org/sf/1250389  closed by  pmoore

Invalid value returned by util.get_platform() on HP  (2006-04-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1478326  closed by  gbrandl

test_capi crashed -- thread.error: can't allocate lock  (2006-04-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1478400  closed by  gbrandl

datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp ValueError. Rounding error  (2006-04-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1478429  closed by  gbrandl

shutil.copytree debug message problem  (2006-04-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1472949  closed by  gbrandl

urllib2.Request constructor to urllib.quote the url given  (2006-04-20)
       http://python.org/sf/1473560  closed by  gbrandl

New / Reopened RFE

feature requests for logging lib  (2006-04-22)
       http://python.org/sf/1474577  opened by  blaize rhodes

feature requests for logging lib  (2006-04-22)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1474609  opened by  blaize rhodes

compute/doc %z os-indep., time.asctime_tz / _TZ  (2006-04-24)
       http://python.org/sf/1475397  opened by  kxroberto

Add SeaMonkey to webbrowser.py  (2006-04-25)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1476166  opened by  Oleg Broytmann

Drop py.ico and pyc.ico  (2006-04-27)
       http://python.org/sf/1477968  opened by  Martin v. Löwis

RFE Closed

feature requests for logging lib  (2006-04-22)
       http://python.org/sf/1474609  closed by  gbrandl

Add SeaMonkey to webbrowser.py  (2006-04-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1476166  closed by  gbrandl

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