[Python-Dev] TRUNK IS UNFROZEN, available for 2.6 work if you are so inclined

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Thu Aug 17 23:30:59 CEST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
>>> The example code causes segfaults and probably always has (at last to 2.2)
>> Interesting! From a naive POV, the docs' example is quite right.
> except that it doesn't work?

I wanted to say: From looking at the docs only, it should be alright.

> the problem is that it's using a *high-level* API to manipulate objects 
> that are not properly initialized.

The docs for PyList_New don't tell the user that the list object isn't
properly initialized, etc.

> the documentation should be fixed

Clearly. I'll do that (if the release managers give permission)


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