[Python-Dev] Python + Java Integration

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Aug 23 23:58:39 CEST 2006

"Chas Emerick" <cemerick at snowtide.com> wrote in message 
news:B53BCFBF-4FF1-42A8-B668-CB3E5513486E at snowtide.com...
>One thing that would help Python in this "debate"

In general, discussion of promoting/marketing python is more a topic for 
comp.lang.python than for this list.  Also see below.

>My suggestion would be to either:
>(a) include JPype in the standard library, or barring that,

Externally developed modules become part of the standard library by 
becoming sufficiently 'widely' tested and used in the Python community. 
One means for this is announcement and discussion in c.l.p.

That and technical considerations aside, this strikes me as one of several 
specialized 'bridge' tools, none of which should be in that standard lib 
but all of which should be listed and accessible in the Python Package 

>(b) make a very strong push to support JPype

We are mostly all volunteers here.  Go ahead and scratch this itch if you 
want.  If it does not yet already, I would agree that python.org should 
have a page on bridging between Python and other languages (not just Java, 
though).  C.l.py would be a place to discuss the idea and collect 
suggestions for inclusion on such a page

>For our part, we've used JPype to make PDFTextStream (our previously
>Java-only PDF text extraction library) available and supported for Python.

Success strories that provide new information are welcome on c.l.py. 
Perhaps a couple of paragraphs summarizing the content that you link to.

Terry Jan Reedy

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