[Python-Dev] a feature i'd like to see in python #2: indexing of match objects

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Dec 3 15:22:56 CET 2006

Ben Wing schrieb:
> this one is fairly simple.  if `m' is a match object, i'd like to be
> able to write m[1] instead of m.group(1). (similarly, m[:] should return
> the same as list(m.groups()).) this would remove some of the verbosity
> of regexp code, with probably a net gain in readability; certainly no loss.

Please post a patch to sf.net/projects/python (or its successor).

Several issues need to be taken into account:
- documentation and test cases must be updated to integrate the new API
- for slicing, you need to consider not only omitted indices, but also
  "true" slices (e.g. m[1:5])
- how should you deal with negative indices?
- should len(m) be supported?


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