[Python-Dev] Removing Non-Unicode Support?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Feb 21 10:36:29 CET 2006

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Note that this does not mean that we should forget about memory
>> consumption issues. It's just that if there's only marginal
>> interest in certain special builds of Python, I don't see the
>> requirement for the Python core developers to maintain them.
> Well, the cost of Unicode support is not so much in the algorithmic
> part, but in the tables that come along with it. AFAICT, everything
> but unicodectype is optional; that is 5KiB of code and 20KiB of data
> on x86. Actually, the size of the code *does* matter, at a second
> glance. Here are the largest object files in the Python code base
> on my system (not counting dynamic modules):
>    text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
>    4845   19968       0   24813    60ed Objects/unicodectype.o
>   22633    2432     352   25417    6349 Objects/listobject.o
>   29259    1412     152   30823    7867 Objects/classobject.o
>   20696   11488       4   32188    7dbc Python/bltinmodule.o
>   33579     740       0   34319    860f Objects/longobject.o
>   34119      16     288   34423    8677 Python/ceval.o
>   35179    2796       0   37975    9457 Modules/_sre.o
>   26539   15820     416   42775    a717 Modules/posixmodule.o
>   35283    8800    1056   45139    b053 Objects/stringobject.o
>   50360       0      28   50388    c4d4 Python/compile.o
>   68455    4624     440   73519   11f2f Objects/typeobject.o
>   69993    9316    1196   80505   13a79 Objects/unicodeobject.o
> So it appears that dropping Unicode support can indeed provide
> some savings.
> For reference, we also have an option to drop complex numbers:
>    9654     692       4   10350    286e Objects/complexobject.o

So why not drop that as well ?

Note that I'm not saying that these switches are useless - of
course they do allow to strip down the Python interpreter.
I believe that only very few people are interested in having these
options and it's fair enough to put the burden of maintaining these
branches on them.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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