[Python-Dev] operator.is*Type
Thomas Heller
theller at python.net
Wed Feb 22 13:03:55 CET 2006
Fuzzyman wrote:
> Hello all,
> Feel free to shoot this down, but a suggestion.
> The operator module defines two functions :
> isMappingType
> isSquenceType
> These return a guesstimation as to whether an object passed in supports
> the mapping and sequence protocols.
> These protocols are loosely defined. Any object which has a
> ``__getitem__`` method defined could support either protocol.
The docs contain clear warnings about that.
> I suggest we either deprecate these functions as worthless, *or* we
> define the protocols slightly more clearly for user defined classes.
I have no problems deprecating them since I've never used one of these
functions. If I want to know if something is a string I use isinstance(),
for string-like objects I would use
try: obj + ""
except TypeError:
and so on.
> An object prima facie supports the mapping protocol if it defines a
> ``__getitem__`` method, and a ``keys`` method.
> An object prima facie supports the sequence protocol if it defines a
> ``__getitem__`` method, and *not* a ``keys`` method.
> As a result code which needs to be able to tell the difference can use
> these functions and can sensibly refer to the definition of the mapping
> and sequence protocols when documenting what sort of objects an API call
> can accept.
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