[Python-Dev] mac memory leaks

Neal Norwitz nnorwitz at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 08:58:31 CET 2006

I had a friend run regrtest -L on Mac OSX a while ago.  There are
several memory leaks which still appear to be an issue.  There are a
bunch of leaks reported from  putenv which I'm not sure how to fix

The attached patch should correct one of the problems.  Can someone
with a Mac test it?  I'll add to SF later if I don't get a response.


I'm not sure about how to fix these or if they are real problems:

Leak: 0x02541470  size=368      instance of 'NSCFData'
Call stack: call_function | ici_ICFindPrefHandle | ICFindPrefHandle |
OpaqueICInstance::FindPrefHandle(ICKeyInfo const&, unsigned long*,
char**) | OpaqueICInstance::GetPref(ICKeyInfo const&, long, void*,
long*, unsigned long*) | OpaqueICInstance::GetPrefCore(ICKeyInfo
const&, long, void*, long*, unsigned long*) |
OpaqueICInstance::LazyLoad() | ICCFPrefWrapper::ContainsPrefs() |
ICCFPrefWrapper::GetPrefDictionary() | fetchXMLValue |
_loadXMLDomainIfStale | _CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData |
__CFTryParseBinaryPlist | __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject |
__CFBinaryPlistCreateObject | __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject |
__CFBinaryPlistCreateObject | __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject |
__CFDataInit | _CFRuntimeCreateInstance | CFAllocatorAllocate

Leak: 0x02506640  size=256
Call stack: call_function | do_call | PyObject_Call | parser_st2tuple
| node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
node2tuple | PyTuple_New | _PyObject_GC_NewVar | _PyObject_GC_Malloc |
PyObject_Malloc | new_arena

Leak: 0x0118ad10  size=80
Call stack: call_function | AE_AECreateDesc | AECreateDesc | operator
new(unsigned long)
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