[Python-Dev] Draft proposal: Implicit self in Python 3.0

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 01:59:43 CET 2006

>> But now: who is going to write it? "Guido should write it" clearly won't
>> work. And no, I'm explicitly not volunteering either.

> Well, the PEP will be mostly boilerplate anyway (unless there's a sudden
> influx of old ideas) so I'm sure I can whip something up before next
> weekend. I'll probably keep the actual list of rejected items to implicit
> self (which started the whole discussion), upgrading the Python parser
> beyond a simple LL(1), and maybe implicit ()'s for functioncalls, if I feel
> inspired. The exact wording, and additional rejects, can be discussed at
> length by those interested.

I'll help with this.  That means I want to and intend to, and will
discover that I can't actually make any time for it.  With two of us
putting it off indefinitely, it should get done in half the time ;-).

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