[Python-Dev] yield back-and-forth?

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Jan 20 22:39:13 CET 2006

At 11:19 AM 01/20/2006 -0800, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>(There *are*other uses besides the trampoline,
>right? :-)

It's easy to come up with use cases where you feed data *into* a generator 
(parsers and pipelines, for example).  I just don't know of any 
"simultaneous bidirectional" uses other than in association with a 
coroutine scheduler, or a dedicated pipelining tool.  In both the coroutine 
and pipelining cases, generator composition is an easy job for whatever 
coroutine or pipelining library is in use; it just happens external to the 
generator, perhaps by yielding a special value.

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