[Python-Dev] Extension to ConfigParser

Tony Meyer t-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Jan 31 00:13:03 CET 2006

[Guido van Rossum]
> What would break if we rewrote the save functionality to produce a
> predictable order?

As a reminder to anyone interested, there are three patches on SF  
that provide this (each in a different way):

ConfigParser to accept a custom dict to allow ordering
Adds an optional argument to the constructor, the value of which will  
be the class used to store the configuration data (so that a third- 
party order-preserving dictionary class can be used).

ConfigParser to save with order
Does a sort() of the sections and options before writing them.

Add 'surgical editing' to ConfigParser
Adds an update_file method (no other changes) that updates the given  
file to match the current configuration, preserving blank lines,  
comments, and order.  [Disclaimer: this is my patch]


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