[Python-Dev] ImportWarning flood

Sergey A. Lipnevich sergey at optimaltec.com
Sat Jul 1 18:52:19 CEST 2006


I tried to implement Jean-Paul Calderone's idea for the following patch,
plagiarizing Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve's error text. It delays import
warning until end of search for modules, but remembers how many
potential modules (candidates without __init__.py) it didn't import. I
didn't really try to analyze any conditions, instead I simply assumed
that wherever ImportWarning would be issued, we have a suitable
candidate, and saved it on the stack. If nothing is found, Python emits
ImportWarning right before ImportError, and explains what happened.
Please let me know if this would work and if anything needs to be done
for this patch to be accepted.
Thank you!

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