[Python-Dev] Explicit Lexical Scoping (pre-PEP?)

Fuzzyman fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Jul 11 16:55:20 CEST 2006

Robin Bryce wrote:

>outbound x = 1
FWINW, to me 'nonlocal' clearly and immediately tells you what you need
to know about the variable.

'outbound' has no programming associations for me (it makes me think of
'outward bound' and roaming the great outdoors). So negative or not I'm
+1 on nonlocal if we really need this... (Hey, and I'm a native.)

Michael Foord

>x = 2
>evaluating using Jeremy Hilton's' list:
>1. is a real word
>2. For me - in python - it would mean: Is found in 'outer' scope and
>is already bound.
>  And the literal meaning of 'outbound 'headed away' [1] is pretty
>darn close to what I mean when I spell the usual mutables kluge.
>3 statement is positive form
>4. I like it
>could not find a use of outbound in python source (2.4.3)
>[1] http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=outbound
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