[Python-Dev] [slighly OT] Native speakers and hurting brains

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Wed Jul 12 05:44:32 CEST 2006

Gareth McCaughan wrote:

> (I agree that Greg's interpretation is also not well supported
> by that thread;

I was perhaps a bit excessive in claiming that language
had nothing to do with it. What I meant was that it
wasn't the *only* consideration. If there hadn't been
any disadvantages, quite possibly the ability to use
sum() on strings would have been supported, or at
least not actively blocked.

But because of the disadvantage I mentioned, *together*
with the fact that it's an odd meaning for "sum" (whether
you're a native English speaker or not), the decision was
made to disallow it.

Does that version sound less like a creation myth?-)


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