[Python-Dev] Community buildbots (was Re: User's complaints)

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Fri Jul 14 05:43:36 CEST 2006

FWIW, I tend to run a few project(*) test suites when doing minor 
releases (2.x.y), just to make sure I don't break things. For major 
releases, it's a fair bit more work - something like Twisted or Zope3 
play at such a low level with the Python interfaces that there's 
nearly always breakages or massive warning dumps (from memory, 
zope.interface uses 'with' as an argument name, a lot). 

The "community buildbot" idea is a good one, although it should just 
be possible to write something for buildbot that checks out and 
builds the latest Python SVN, then installs it to a temporary 
location, then adds that location to the front of the path. Then each 
project could just add a "Python SVN buildbot" to their exists bbot 


(*) Typically includes Zope3 and Twisted, because I have these just 
lying around. 

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