[Python-Dev] Community buildbots

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Sat Jul 15 17:00:52 CEST 2006

On Thu, Jul 13, 2006, Talin wrote:
> Actually - can we make new-style classes the default, but allow a
> way to switch to old-style classes if needed? Perhaps a command-line
> argument to set the default back to old-style?

Nope.  Python 3.0 will have new-style classes as the default, but there
will probably not be any way to use old-style classes.  As has been said
before, if you want to make new-style classes the default for any module,
just put

__metaclass__ = type

at the top.

Please, just drop this subject.  Guido has long since Pronounced.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
definition, not smart enough to debug it."  --Brian W. Kernighan

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