[Python-Dev] Document performance requirements?

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Fri Jul 21 18:45:12 CEST 2006

Jason Orendorff wrote:

>> However, I'm also struggling to think of a case other than list vs
>> deque where the choice of a builtin or standard library data
>> structure would be dictated by big-O() concerns.
> OK, but that doesn't mean the information is unimportant.  +1 on
> making this something of a priority.  People looking for this info
> should find it in the obvious place.  Some are unobvious. (How fast is
> dict.__eq__ on average? Worst case?)

I also found out that most people tend to think of Python's lists as a
magical data structure optimized for many operations (like a "rope" or
something complex like that). Documenting that it's just a bare vector
(std::vector in C++) would be of great help.
Giovanni Bajo

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