[Python-Dev] Testing Socket Timeouts patch 1519025

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Mon Jul 31 06:39:07 CEST 2006

At 4:34 AM +0200 7/31/06, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>Tony Nelson schrieb:
>>Hmm. Well, it would make the test possible on MSWindows as well as on
>>OS's implementing alarm(2).  If I figure out how to build Python on
>>MSWindows, I might give it a try.  I tried to get MSVC 7.1 via the .Net
>>SDK, but it installed VS 8 instead, so I'm not quite sure how to proceed.
>The .NET SDK (any version) is not suitable to build Python.

I do see the warning in the instructions about it not be an optimizing
compiler.  I've managed to build python.exe and the rt.bat tests mostly
work -- 2 tests fail, test_popen, and test_cmd_line because of popen()

Hmm, actually, this might be a real problem with the MSWindows version of
posix_popen() in Modules/posixmodule.c.  The path to my built python.exe is:

    "E:\Documents and Settings\Tony Nelson\My Documents\Python\pydev\trunk\PCBuild\python.exe"

(lots of spaces in it).  It seems properly quoted in the test and when I do
it by hand, but in a call to popen() it doesn't work:

    popen('"E:\Documents and Settings\Tony Nelson\My Documents\Python\pydev\trunk\PCBuild\python.exe" -c "import sys;sys.version_info"')

The returned file object repr resembles one that does work.  If I just use
"python.exe" from within the PCBuild directory:

    popen('python.exe -c "import sys;sys.version_info"')

I get the right version, and that's the only 2.5b2 python I've got, so the
built python must be working, but the path, even quoted, isn't accepted by
MSWindows XP SP2.  Should I report a bug?  It may well just be MSWindows
weirdness, and not something that posixmodule.c can do anything about. 
OTOH, it does work from the command line.  I'll bet I wouldn't have seen a
thing if I'd checked out to "E:\pydev" instead.

>You really need VS 2003; if you don't have it anymore, you might be able
>to find a copy of the free version of the VC Toolkit 2003
>(VCToolkitSetup.exe) somewhere.

I really never had VS 2003.  It doesn't appear to be on microsoft.com
anymore.  I'm reluctant to try to steal a copy.

>Of course, just for testing, you can also install VS Express 2005, and
>use the PCbuild8 projects directory; these changes should work the
>same under both versions.

I'll try that if I have any real trouble with the non-optimized python or
if you insist that it's necessary.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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