[Python-Dev] Stdlib Logging questions (PEP 337 SoC)

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 16:36:06 CEST 2006

>>    py.asyncore.dispatcher.hits
>>    py.asyncore.dispatcher.messages

> These handler names seem really specific, though.  Why have
> 'dispatcher' in there?

The existing logging that she is replacing is done through methods of
the dispatcher class.  The dispatcher class is only a portion of the
whole module.

> Part of Jackilyn's task should be to refine and improve the PEP.


> Logging is probably irrelevant for many modules, but which ones are
> those?  What conventions should be followed for handler names?  Etc...

Are you suggesting that the logging module should ship with a standard
configuration that does something specific for py.* loggers?  Or even
one that has different handlers for different stdlib modules?

I had assumed this would be considered too intrusive a change.  If no
one chimes in, then I'll ask her to put at least investigating this
into at least the second half of the summer.


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