[Python-Dev] Python sprint at Google Aug. 21-24

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at alum.mit.edu
Tue Jun 13 23:05:14 CEST 2006

We'd like to invite you to attend a Python development sprint at
Google the week of Aug. 21.  We will be hosting sprints on two
coasts--at Google HQ in Mountain View CA and at our New York City
office.  You can find more information here:


The sprint will occur just after the Python 2.5 release, assuming the
schedule doesn't slip.  It will be a great opportunity to get started
on Python 2.6 and Python 3000 work.  We hope to get some time for
face-to-face discussion about Python 3000 issues.  (We're expecting to
have a video conference hookup between the two sprints so that
everyone can participate equally.)

Google will provide the basic infrastructure for sprinting--desk
space, network connectivity, and food.  You need to bring your laptop
and your coding skills.  The wiki page has more details about
locations, hotels, &c.  We'll keep it up to date with all the
logistical information about the sprint.

The sprints are sponsored by the Open Source Program Office at Google.
 We'd like to thank Chris DiBona and Leslie Hawthorn for their
enthusiastic support!

Please send any questions about logistics to Neal and me.  I assume we
can discuss the actual technical work on python-dev as usual.

Jeremy & Neal

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