[Python-Dev] Documentation enhancement: "MS free compiler"?

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Jun 20 00:20:45 CEST 2006

Cameron Laird wrote:
> I'm channeling a correspondent, who tells me that Python documentation
> (Python 2.5 announcement, and so on) mentions compatibility of sources
> with "the MS free compiler"; that's the default toolchain for Windows.
> Apparently we're in conflict with Microsoft on that:  some hyperlinks
> refer to <URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/ >, which
> begins,
>   The Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 has been
>   replaced by Visual C++ 2005 Express
>   Edition.
> The latter is available at no charge, incidentally.

It would be good to know where the hyperlink supposedly is, so we know
who can update it.

In any case, changing the reference to VS 2005 is the wrong thing to
do - VS 2005 is *not* the default tool chain on Windows. So the update
should be that there is no free compiler from MS anymore (or perhaps
it should point to the .NET SDK, provided that has a free compiler).


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