[Python-Dev] basearray

Karol Langner karol.langner at kn.pl
Sun Jun 25 19:38:40 CEST 2006

Dear all,

 Some of you might be aware that a project has been granted to me for this 
year's Google's Summer of Code, which aims at preparing a base 
multidimensional array type for Python. While I had a late start at it, I 
would like to go through with the project.

 The focus is on preparing a minimal type, that basically only defines how 
memory is alllocated for the array, and which can be used by other, more 
sophisticated types. Later during the project, the type may be enhanced, 
depending on how using it in practice (also part of the project) works out.

 Wiki page about the project: http://scipy.org/BaseArray
 SVN repository: http://svn.scipy.org/svn/PEP/

 In order to make this a potential success, I definately need feedback from 
all you out there interested in pushing such a base type towards Python core. 
So any comments and opinions are welcome! I will keep you informed on my 
progress and ask about things that may need concensus (although I'm not sure 
which lists will be the most interested in this). Please note that I am still 
in the phase of completing the minimal type, so the svn repository does not 
contain a working example, yet.

Karol Langner

written by Karol Langner
nie cze 25 19:18:45 CEST 2006

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