[Python-Dev] Making builtins more efficient
Steven Elliott
selliott4 at austin.rr.com
Sun Mar 12 06:41:29 CET 2006
On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 12:46 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Steven Elliott wrote:
> > One way of handling it is to
> > alter STORE_ATTR (op code for assigning to mod.str) to always check to
> > see if the key being assigned is one of the default builtins. If it is,
> > then the module's indexed array of builtins is assigned to.
> As long as you're going to all that trouble, it
> doesn't seem like it would be much harder to treat
> all global names that way, instead of just a predefined
> set. The compiler already knows all of the names that
> are used as globals in the module's code.
The important difference between builtins and globals is that with
builtins both the compiler and the runtime can enumerate all references
to builtins in a single consistent way. That is "True" can always be
builtin #3 and "len" can always be builtin #17, or whatever. This isn't
true of globals in that a pyc file referencing a global in a module may
have been compiled with a different version of that module (that is
"some_module.some_global" can't compiled to single fixed index since
stuff may shift around in "some_module"). With globals you have the
same kind of problem that you have with operating systems that use
ordinals to refer to symbols in shared libraries.
So in the case of a static reference to a builtin ("while True", or
whatever) the compiler would generate something that refers to it with
that builtin's index (such as a new "BUILTIN_OP" opcode, as Philip
suggested). Ordinary globals (non-builtins) would continue to be
generated as the same code (the "LOAD_GLOBAL" opcode (I'll only refer to
the loading opcodes in this email)).
In the case of a dynamic reference to a builtin ("eval('True = 7')" or
"from foo import *" or whatever) would generate the opcode that
indicates that the runtime needs to figure out what do to (the same
"LOAD_NAME" opcode). The second part of the the "LOAD_NAME" opcode is
similar to the current "LOAD_GLOBAL" opcode - it first checks the hash
tables of globals and then checks the hash table of builtins. However,
the second part of the "LOAD_NAME" opcode could be implemented such that
it first checks against a list of default builtins (which could be a
hash table that returns the index of that builtin) and then indexes into
the array of builtins if it is found, or retrieves it from the single
hash table of globals otherwise. So the "LOAD_NAME" opcode (or similar
attempts to dynamically get a name) would almost be as efficient as it
currently it.
> > That's great, but I'm curious if additional gains can be
> > made be focusing just on builtins.
> As long as builtins can be shadowed, I can't see how
> to make any extra use of the fact that it's a builtin.
> A semantic change would be needed, such as forbidding
> shadowing of builtins, or at least forbidding this
> from outside the module.
One way of looking at is rather than having a clear distinction between
builtins and globals (as there currently is) there would be a single
global name space that internally in Python is implemented in two data
structures. An array for frequently used names and a hash table for
infrequently used names. And the division between the two wouldn't even
have two be between globals and builtins like we've been talking about
so far.
What distinguishes the builtins is you get them for free (initialized on
startup). So, it would be possible to insert infrequently used builtins
into the hash table of infrequently used names only when the module
refers to it. Conversely, names that aren't builtins, but that are used
frequently in many different modules, such as "sys" or "os", could have
indexes set aside for for them in the array of frequently used names.
Later, when when it gets a value (because "sys" is imported, or
whatever) it just gets stuck into the predetermined slot in the array of
frequently used names.
Since builtins can be shadowed, as you point out, there would have to be
one array of frequently used names per module. But often it would be
the same as other modules. So internally, as a matter of efficiency,
the interpreter could use a copy on write strategy where a global array
of frequently used names is used by the module until it assigns to
"True", or something like that, at which point it gets its own copy.
| Steven Elliott | selliott4 at austin.rr.com |
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