[Python-Dev] Threading idea -- exposing a global thread lock

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at strakt.com
Tue Mar 14 08:34:59 CET 2006

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>>it doesn't translate reasonably to Jython or IronPython, it's really tricky to 
> FWIW, someone on the newsgroup suggested implementing this via a slight 
> modification to sys.checkinterval().  The idea was that a None argument would 
> translate to "stop-checking" and the active thread would do a few steps 
> atomically and then restore the original value.  The new with-statement makes 
> that a piece of cake.

there's no sys.checkinterval in Jython. Implementing this would need the
introduction of some kind of GIL implementation in Jython, the JVM has 
no primitive for global critical sections. A GIL is something users of 
Jython don't want. Even with that is way too easy to have non-Jython 
threads around that could manipulates Java objects you are seamlessy 
dealing with. That is of course true for CPython and C extension 
initiated threads too, but is probably harder to be oblivious
of such things in CPython context.

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