[Python-Dev] Python sprint mechanics

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon May 8 03:58:08 CEST 2006

[Martin v. Löwis]
> ...
> Or, to put it yet in a different way: whether or not commit privileges
> are restricted, you need to add the sprinters to the committers list
> first, unless you want to allow anonymous commits to these branches.
> Just to not be mistaken: it is technically fairly easy to add somebody
> to the committers list. So technical, there is no problem to add all
> sprinters.

The more realistically ;-) I try to picture the suggested
alternatives, the more sensible this one sounds.  Some people at the
sprint (like me, wrt the Iceland sprint) could volunteer to be
responsible for checking checkins for appropriateness, and in any case
everyone subscribed to python-checkins would see what's going on. 
That's a major goodness all by itself, for "more eyeballs" reasons. 
It should be possible to quickly stop anyone abusing the privilege.

However ... speaking as a PSF Director, I wouldn't be comfortable with
this unless sprinters signed a PSF contribution form beforehand.  Else
we get code in the PSF repository with clear-as-mud copyright and
licensing issues.  Having contribution forms in place would also ease
fears that sprint output might be "subverted" to non-open status.

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