[Python-Dev] Python sprint mechanics

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon May 8 23:09:16 CEST 2006

[Tim Peters, on giving commit privs to a sprinter after
 extracting a signed PSF contributor form]
>> The more realistically ;-) I try to picture the suggested
>> alternatives, the more sensible this one sounds. ...

[Martin v. Löwis]
> I completely agree. Just make sure you master the mechanics of adding
> committers.

So there's a practical problem:  is that procedure documented
somewhere?  And who is _able_ to do this?  For example, taking the
"you" literally, I doubt I have access to the machine(s) on which it
would need to be done.  I'd be happy to learn how to do it, and to
document the procedure (if it's not already documented -- I couldn't
find it), if someone can teach me the ropes.

>> However ... speaking as a PSF Director, I wouldn't be comfortable with
>> this unless sprinters signed a PSF contribution form beforehand.  Else
>> we get code in the PSF repository with clear-as-mud copyright and
>> licensing issues.  Having contribution forms in place would also ease
>> fears that sprint output might be "subverted" to non-open status.

> That would be desirable, indeed. It shouldn't be too difficult to
> collect the forms "on site".

More like herding cows than herding cats ;-)

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