[Python-Dev] New string method - splitquoted

Dave Cinege dcinegemlists2-dated-1148412023.b4d3d0 at psychosis.com
Thu May 18 21:20:19 CEST 2006

On Thursday 18 May 2006 11:11, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> This is not an apropriate function to add as a string methods. There
> are too many conventions for quoting and too many details to get
> right. One method can't possibly handle them all without an enormous
> number of weird options. It's better to figure out how to do this with
> regexps or use some of the other approaches that have been suggested.
> (Did anyone mention the csv module yet? It deals with this too.)

Maybe my idea is better called splitexcept instead of splitquoted, as my goal 
is to (simply) provide a way to limit the split by delimiters, and not dive 
into an all encompassing quoting algorithm.

It me this is in the spirit of the maxsplit option already present.


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