[Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Kurt B. Kaiser
kbk at shore.net
Wed Nov 8 05:31:22 CET 2006
Patch / Bug Summary
Patches : 430 open ( -4) / 3447 closed (+17) / 3877 total (+13)
Bugs : 922 open ( -7) / 6316 closed (+31) / 7238 total (+24)
RFE : 245 open ( +0) / 241 closed ( +1) / 486 total ( +1)
New / Reopened Patches
modulefinder changes for py3k (2006-10-27)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1585966 opened by Thomas Heller
no wraparound for enumerate() (2006-10-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1586315 opened by Georg Brandl
missing imports ctypes in documentation examples (2006-09-13)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1557890 reopened by theller
better error msgs for some TypeErrors (2006-10-29)
http://python.org/sf/1586791 opened by Georg Brandl
cookielib: lock acquire/release try..finally protected (2006-10-30)
http://python.org/sf/1587139 opened by kxroberto
Patch for #1586414 to avoid fragmentation on Windows (2006-10-31)
http://python.org/sf/1587674 opened by Enoch Julias
Typo in Mac installer image name (2006-11-01)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1589013 opened by Humberto Diógenes
Typo in Mac image name (2006-11-01)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1589014 opened by Humberto Diógenes
MacPython Build Installer - Typos and Style corrections (2006-11-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1589070 opened by Humberto Diógenes
bdist_sunpkg distutils command (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589266 opened by Holger
The "lazy strings" patch (2006-11-04)
http://python.org/sf/1590352 opened by Larry Hastings
adding __dir__ (2006-11-06)
http://python.org/sf/1591665 opened by ganges master
`in` for classic object causes segfault (2006-11-07)
http://python.org/sf/1591996 opened by Hirokazu Yamamoto
PyErr_CheckSignals returns -1 on error, not 1 (2006-11-07)
http://python.org/sf/1592072 opened by Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
Add missing elide argument to Text.search (2006-11-07)
http://python.org/sf/1592250 opened by Russell Owen
Patches Closed
Fix for structmember conversion issues (2006-08-30)
http://python.org/sf/1549049 closed by loewis
Enable SSL for smtplib (2006-09-28)
http://python.org/sf/1567274 closed by loewis
Mailbox will not lock properly after flush() (2006-10-11)
http://python.org/sf/1575506 closed by akuchling
urllib2 - Fix line breaks in authorization headers (2006-10-09)
http://python.org/sf/1574068 closed by akuchling
Tiny patch to stop make spam (2006-06-09)
http://python.org/sf/1503717 closed by akuchling
modulefinder changes for py3k (2006-10-27)
http://python.org/sf/1585966 closed by gvanrossum
unparse.py decorator support (2006-09-04)
http://python.org/sf/1552024 closed by gbrandl
no wraparound for enumerate() (2006-10-28)
http://python.org/sf/1586315 closed by rhettinger
missing imports ctypes in documentation examples (2006-09-13)
http://python.org/sf/1557890 closed by theller
missing imports ctypes in documentation examples (2006-09-13)
http://python.org/sf/1557890 closed by nnorwitz
tarfile.py: better use of TarInfo objects with longnames (2006-10-24)
http://python.org/sf/1583880 closed by gbrandl
tarfile depends on undocumented behaviour (2006-09-25)
http://python.org/sf/1564981 closed by gbrandl
Typo in Mac installer image name (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589013 closed by ronaldoussoren
Typo in Mac image name (2006-11-01)
http://python.org/sf/1589014 deleted by virtualspirit
MacPython Build Installer - Typos and Style corrections (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589070 closed by ronaldoussoren
bdist_rpm not able to compile multiple rpm packages (2004-11-04)
http://python.org/sf/1060577 closed by loewis
Remove inconsistent behavior between import and zipimport (2005-11-03)
http://python.org/sf/1346572 closed by loewis
Rational Reference Implementation (2002-10-02)
http://python.org/sf/617779 closed by loewis
Problem at the end of misformed mailbox (2002-11-03)
http://python.org/sf/632934 closed by loewis
New / Reopened Bugs
csv.reader.line_num missing 'new in 2.5' (2006-10-27)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1585690 opened by Kent Johnson
tarfile.extract() may cause file fragmentation on Windows XP (2006-10-28)
http://python.org/sf/1586414 opened by Enoch Julias
compiler module dont emit LIST_APPEND w/ list comprehension (2006-10-29)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1586448 opened by sebastien Martini
codecs.open problem with "with" statement (2006-10-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1586513 opened by Shaun Cutts
zlib/bz2_codec doesn't support incremental decoding (2006-10-29)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1586613 opened by Topia
hashlib documentation is insuficient (2006-10-29)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1586773 opened by Marcos Daniel Marado Torres
scipy gammaincinv gives incorrect answers (2006-10-31)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1587679 opened by David J.C. MacKay
quoted printable parse the sequence '= ' incorrectly (2006-10-31)
http://python.org/sf/1588217 opened by Wai Yip Tung
string subscripting not working on a specific string (2006-11-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1588975 opened by Dan Aronson
Unneeded constants left during optimization (2006-11-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1589074 opened by Daniel
ctypes XXX - add a crossref, at least (2006-11-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1589328 opened by Jim Jewett
urllib2 does local import of tokenize.py (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589480 reopened by drfarina
urllib2 does local import of tokenize.py (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589480 opened by Daniel Farina
__getattr__ = getattr crash (2006-11-03)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1590036 opened by Brian Harring
Error piping output between scripts on Windows (2006-11-03)
http://python.org/sf/1590068 opened by Andrei
where is zlib??? (2006-11-04)
http://python.org/sf/1590592 opened by AKap
mail message parsing glitch (2006-11-05)
http://python.org/sf/1590744 opened by Mike
python: Python/ast.c:541: seq_for_testlist: Assertion fails (2006-10-31)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1588287 opened by Tom Epperly
python: Python/ast.c:541: seq_for_testlist: Assertion (2006-11-05)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1590804 opened by Jay T Miller
subprocess deadlock (2006-11-05)
http://python.org/sf/1590864 opened by Michael Tsai
random.randrange don't return correct value for big number (2006-11-06)
http://python.org/sf/1590891 opened by MATSUI Tetsushi
update urlparse to RFC 3986 (2006-11-05)
http://python.org/sf/1591035 opened by Andrew Dalke
problem building python in vs8express (2006-11-05)
http://python.org/sf/1591122 reopened by thomashsouthern
problem building python in vs8express (2006-11-05)
http://python.org/sf/1591122 opened by Thomas Southern
replace groups doesn't work in this special case (2006-11-06)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1591319 opened by Thomas K.
Urllib2.urlopen() raises OSError w/bad HTTP Location header (2006-11-07)
http://python.org/sf/1591774 opened by nikitathespider
Undocumented implicit strip() in split(None) string method (2005-01-19)
http://python.org/sf/1105286 reopened by yohell
Stepping into a generator throw does not work (2006-11-07)
http://python.org/sf/1592241 opened by Bernhard Mulder
Bugs Closed
python_d python (2006-09-21)
http://python.org/sf/1563243 closed by sf-robot
glob.glob("c:\\[ ]\*) doesn't work (2006-10-19)
http://python.org/sf/1580472 closed by gbrandl
structmember T_LONG won't accept a python long (2006-08-24)
http://python.org/sf/1545696 closed by loewis
T_ULONG -> double rounding in PyMember_GetOne() (2006-09-27)
http://python.org/sf/1566140 closed by loewis
Different behavior when stepping through code w/ pdb (2006-10-24)
http://python.org/sf/1583276 closed by jpe
csv.reader.line_num missing 'new in 2.5' (2006-10-27)
http://python.org/sf/1585690 closed by akuchling
asyncore.dispatcher.set_reuse_addr not documented. (2006-09-20)
http://python.org/sf/1562583 closed by akuchling
inconsistency in PCALL conditional code in ceval.c (2006-08-17)
http://python.org/sf/1542016 closed by akuchling
functools.wraps fails on builtins (2006-10-12)
http://python.org/sf/1576241 closed by akuchling
str(WindowsError) wrong (2006-10-12)
http://python.org/sf/1576174 closed by theller
does not raise SystemError on too many nested blocks (2006-09-25)
http://python.org/sf/1565514 closed by nnorwitz
curses module segfaults on invalid tparm arguments (2006-08-28)
http://python.org/sf/1548092 closed by nnorwitz
"from __future__ import foobar;" causes wrong SyntaxError (2006-08-19)
http://python.org/sf/1543306 closed by nnorwitz
compiler module dont emit LIST_APPEND w/ list comprehension (2006-10-28)
http://python.org/sf/1586448 closed by gbrandl
distutils adds (unwanted) -xcode=pic32 in the compile comman (2006-05-19)
http://python.org/sf/1491574 closed by nnorwitz
codecs.open problem with "with" statement (2006-10-29)
http://python.org/sf/1586513 closed by gbrandl
suprocess cannot handle shell arguments (2005-11-16)
http://python.org/sf/1357915 closed by gbrandl
zlib/bz2_codec doesn't support incremental decoding (2006-10-29)
http://python.org/sf/1586613 closed by gbrandl
missing __enter__ + __getattr__ forwarding (2006-10-20)
http://python.org/sf/1581357 closed by gbrandl
hashlib documentation is insuficient (2006-10-29)
http://python.org/sf/1586773 closed by gbrandl
scipy gammaincinv gives incorrect answers (2006-10-31)
http://python.org/sf/1587679 closed by loewis
string subscripting not working on a specific string (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1588975 closed by gbrandl
ctypes XXX - add a crossref, at least (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589328 closed by theller
dict keyerror formatting and tuples (2006-10-13)
http://python.org/sf/1576657 closed by gbrandl
__getattr__ = getattr crash (2006-11-03)
http://python.org/sf/1590036 closed by arigo
potential buffer overflow in complexobject.c (2006-10-13)
http://python.org/sf/1576861 closed by sf-robot
inspect.py imports local "tokenize.py" file (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589480 closed by loewis
python: Python/ast.c:541: seq_for_testlist: Assertion fails (2006-10-31)
http://python.org/sf/1588287 closed by nnorwitz
python: Python/ast.c:541: seq_for_testlist: Assertion (2006-11-05)
http://python.org/sf/1590804 closed by loewis
TypeError message on bad iteration is misleading (2005-04-21)
http://python.org/sf/1187437 closed by gbrandl
replace groups doesn't work in this special case (2006-11-06)
http://python.org/sf/1591319 closed by niemeyer
unchecked metaclass mro (2006-09-28)
http://python.org/sf/1567234 closed by akuchling
curses getkey() crash in raw mode (2004-02-09)
http://python.org/sf/893250 closed by akuchling
RFE Closed
Unneeded constants left during optimization (2006-11-02)
http://python.org/sf/1589074 closed by loewis
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