[Python-Dev] Security Advisory for unicode repr() bug?

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Mon Oct 9 18:57:41 CEST 2006

Georg Brandl wrote:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
>> [ Bug http://python.org/sf/1541585 ]
>> This seems to be handled like a security issue by linux distributors,
>> it's also a news item on security related pages.
>> Should a security advisory be written and official patches be
>> provided?
> May I ask again whether this is handled by the PSRT at all?

I agree that having an official Python security advisory would be good 
to see. I was also assuming automatically that fixed versions of Python 
2.4 and Python 2.3 would be released.

It's a serious issue for web-facing Python applications that handle 
unicode strings.



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