[Python-Dev] Cloning threading.py using proccesses

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Wed Oct 11 20:34:01 CEST 2006

Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at pythonware.com> wrote:
> Josiah Carlson wrote:
> > It would basically be something along the lines of cPickle, but would
> > only support the basic types of: int, long, float, str, unicode, tuple,
> > list, dictionary.
> if you're aware of a way to do that faster than the current marshal 
> implementation, maybe you could work on speeding up marshal instead?

The current implementation uses a fixed resize semantic (1024 bytes at a
time) that makes large marshal operations slow.  If we were to switch to
a list resize-like or cStringIO semantic (overallocate by ~size>>3,
or at least double, respectively), it would likely increase the speed
for large resize operations. (see the w_more definition)  This should
make it significantly faster than cPickle in basically all cases.

w_object uses a giant if/else if block to handle all of the possible
cases, both for identity checks against None, False, True, etc., as well
as with the various Py*_Check().  This is necessary due to marshal
supporting subclasses (the Py*_Check() calls) and the dynamic layout of
memory during Python startup.  The identity checks may be able to be
replaced with a small array-like thing if we were to statically allocate
them from a single array to guarantee that their addresses are a fixed
distance apart...

char base_objects[320];
PyObject* IDENTITY[8];
int cases[8];

64 bytes per object is overkill, and we may want to allocate enough room
for 15 objects, to make sure that IDENTITY[0] = NULL;
p = 0
for obj_init in objs_to_init:
    init_object(base_objects+p, obj_init)
    x = ((base_objects+p)>>6)&7
    IDENTITY[x] = (PyObject*)(base_objects+p)
    cases[x] = p//64
    p += 64

Then we could use the following in w_object...

x = (v>>6)&7
if v == IDENTITY[x] {
    switch (cases[x]) {
    case 0: /* should be null */
    case 1: /* based on the order of objs_to_init */

The Py*_Check() stuff isn't so amenable to potential speedup, but in a
custom no-subclasses only base types version, we ccould use a variant of
the above mechanism to look directly at types, then use a second
switch/case statement, which should be significantly faster than the
if/else if tests that it currently uses.  An identity check, then a fast
type check, otherwise fail.

 - Josiah

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