[Python-Dev] Interest in a Python 2.3.6?

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Sep 9 20:10:19 CEST 2006

Barry Warsaw schrieb:
> Thoughts?  I don't want to waste my time if nobody thinks a 2.3.6 would
> be useful, but I'm happy to do it if there's community support.  I'll
> also need the usual help with Windows installers and documentation updates.

I personally would consider it a waste of time. Since it wouldn't waste
*my* time, I'm -0 :-)

I think everybody has arranged with whatever quirks Python 2.3 has.
Distributors of Python 2.3 have added whatever patches they think are
absolutely necessary. Making another release could cause confusion;
at worst, it may cause people to special-case people for 2.3.6 in
case the release contains some incompatible change that affects
existing applications.


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