[Python-Dev] Other SSL issues in the tracker have been marked

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Tue Aug 28 19:25:25 CEST 2007

Looking at the buildbots today, Windows is still unhappy.  It seems to
have gotten further, though.

The problematic test is this one:

  File "C:\buildbot_py25\trunk.mcintyre-windows\build\lib\test\test_ssl.py", line 77, in testSSLconnect
      s.connect(("pop.gmail.com", 995))
  File "C:\buildbot_py25\trunk.mcintyre-windows\build\lib\ssl.py", line 170, in connect
    if self._sslobj or (self.getsockname()[1] != 0):
  File "<string>", line 1, in getsockname
    error: (10022, 'Invalid argument')

Looks like a valid complaint, actually.  It should probably read

    if self._sslobj or (int(getnameinfo(self.getsockname(), 0)[1]) != 0):

where "getnameinfo" is from the socket module.  We're trying to see if
the socket has been bound or connected already.

I'm loath to generate a patch till I actually try this on a Windows
machine.  So I'm going to try that this afternoon, and generate a new
patch for you.


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