[Python-Dev] Trial balloon: microthreads library in stdlib

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Feb 11 22:32:34 CET 2007

Richard Tew schrieb:
> If these generator coroutine microthreads went ahead and part
> of it was improving the support for asynchronous calls in the
> runtime and standard library, this would also be something
> which also benefited Stackless Python.  Even if they didn't go
> ahead I would be interested in hearing about whether these
> sort of changes would be of interest or not for whatever reason.

For me to respond to such a question, I first need to understand
what changes precisely you propose. "wrapping calls out of the Python
runtime to things like network and file IO, so that microthreads
can naturally take advantage of them." is a bit vague: how precisely
would you wrap them?

I assume you would like to see operating system mechanism be used
that currently aren't used (similar to the way asynchore uses
select/poll). If so, what mechanism would you like to use, and
on what systems?


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