[Python-Dev] Does Python/Python-ast.c need to be checked in?
"Martin v. Löwis"
martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Feb 12 08:58:11 CET 2007
Anthony Baxter schrieb:
>> This module must be committed separately from each AST grammar
>> change; the __version__ number is set to the revision number of
>> the commit containing the grammar change.
>> */
> Note that the welease.py script that builds the releases does
> a "touch" on the relevant files to make sure that make gets the
> build right. We had bugs opened at one point because the timestamps
> meant you needed a python interpreter to build python.
> I'm not _too_ stressed if the svn isn't always perfect in this
> regard - the number of people who are checking out svn to build
> their very first python interpreter would be low, I'd think.
Still, an editor of Python.asdl should really commit Python-ast.c
*after* committing Python.asdl (or perhaps committing it twice):
not because of time stamps, but because the subsequent compile
run will regenerate the file and modify it in the process.
Then, all other developers will find modifications in their tree
that they didn't make.
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