[Python-Dev] Any value in setting up pybots for py3k?

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Feb 13 11:57:40 CET 2007

Grig Gheorghiu schrieb:
> So is there any value or interest in setting up a svn notification
> hook for py3k commits that would go to the pybots buildbot master?

A similar question is whether there should be buildbots for Python 3
itself (i.e. running the test suite). Even for that, it was considered
too early.

I would expect that packages break in massive ways because of the
by-design incompatibilities. It would be good to get an estimate
of what the impact is, but having a build once a month might be
more than enough. To fully study the problems, one has to install
Python 3 locally, anyway, and then run the package in question on
top of that.


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