[Python-Dev] Trial balloon: microthreads library in stdlib

glyph at divmod.com glyph at divmod.com
Tue Feb 13 21:41:11 CET 2007

On 12 Feb, 05:11 pm, richard.m.tew at gmail.com wrote:
>On 2/12/07, Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi-python-dev at mithrandi.za.net> wrote:
>> * Richard Tew <richard.m.tew at gmail.com> [2007-02-12 13:46:43 +0000]:
>> > Perhaps there is a better way.  And I of course have no concept of
>> > how this might be done on other platforms.
>> Building on an existing framework that does this seems better than
>> reinventing the wheel, for something of this magnitude.
>This to me seems to be the low level support you would build
>something like Twisted on top of.  Pushing Twisted so that others
>can get it seems a little over the top.

It sounds like you don't really understand what Twisted is, what it does, or the difficulty involved in building that "low level" so that it's usable by something like Twisted.

Tristan is correct: this should be a patch against Twisted, or perhaps as a separate library that could implement a reactor.

I have no problem with other, competing event-driven mechanisms being developed; in fact, I think it's great that the style of programming is getting some attention.  But this is not a robust and straightforward wrapping of some lower level.  This is an entirely new, experimental project, and the place to start developing it is _NOT_ in the Python core.  Another post in this thread outlined that the first thing you should do is develop something and get people in the community to use it.  Please do that, start its own mailing list, and stop discussing it here.

On a personal note, I believe that "those who do not understand twisted are doomed to repeat it".  I predict that the ultimate outcome of this project will be that all concerned will realize that, actually, Twisted already does almost everything that it proposes, and the microthreading features being discussed here are a trivial hack somewhere in its mainloop machinery, not an entirely new subsystem that it should be implemented in terms of.
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