[Python-Dev] microthreading vs. async io

dustin at v.igoro.us dustin at v.igoro.us
Thu Feb 15 06:00:31 CET 2007

I've steered clear of this conversation for a while, because it drifted
a little bit off my original topic.  But I did want to straighten a
little bit of terminology out, if only to resolve some of my own
confusion over all the hubbub.  I don't pretend to define the words
others use; these definitions are mine, and apply to what I write below.

cooperative multitasking:
  Dynamically executing multiple tasks in a single thread; comes in
  two varieties:

  Breaking tasks into discrete "chunks", and passing references those
  chunks around as a means of scheduling.

  Exploiting language features to use cooperative multitasking in tasks
  that "read" like they are single-threaded.

asynchronous IO:
  Performing IO to/from an application in such a way that the
  application does not wait for any IO operations to complete, but
  rather polls for or is notified of the readiness of any IO operations.

Twisted is, by the above definitions, a continuation-based cooperative
multitasking library that includes extensive support for asynchronous
IO, all the way up the network stack for an impressive array of
protocols.  It does not itself implement microthreading, but Phillip
provided a nice implementation of such on top of Twisted[1].

Asyncore *only* implements asynchronous IO -- any "tasks" performed in
its context are the direct result of an IO operation, so it's hard to
say it implements cooperative multitasking (and Josiah can correct me if
I'm wrong, but I don't think it intends to).

Much of the discussion here has been about creating a single, unified
asynchronous IO mechanism that would support *any* kind of cooperative
multitasking library.  I have opinions on this ($0.02 each, bulk
discounts available), but I'll keep them to myself for now.

Instead, I would like to concentrate on producing a small, clean,
consistent, generator-based microthreading library.  I've seen several
such libraries (including the one in PEP 342, which is fairly skeletal),
and they all work *almost* the same way, but differ in, for example, the
kinds of values that can be yielded, their handling of nested calls, and
the names for the various "special" values one can yield.  

That similar mouldes are being written repeatedly, and presumably
applications and frameworks are being built on top of those modules,
seems to me to suggest a new "standard" implementation should be added
to the standard library.

I realize that I'm all talk and no code -- I've been busy, but I hope to
rectify the imbalance tonight.


[1] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2007-February/071076.html

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