[Python-Dev] Alternative Python VM

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Feb 16 23:43:24 CET 2007

On 2/14/07, Sokolov Yura <falcon at intercable.ru> wrote:
> It could be interesting.
> """
>   - pyvm is * 2 times * faster than Python 2.4. In the source code there
> is a collection of benchmarks which includes 65 python scripts collected
> from the internet. At average if Python 2.4 needs 24 hours to do some
> job, pyvm can do it in 12 hours.
>   - pyvm is a virtual machine that can run Python 2.3/2.4 bytecode.
> There is a compiler written in python (the 'pyc' program) which is
> executed by the vm to compile source code to bytecode. It is very easy
> to do advanced optimizations in python and the compiler produces
> bytecode of high quality (speed and size).
> """
> http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~sxanth/pyvm/

I love how the first line says this project "most of the times produce
the expected output".  =)

Until this thing can run parrotbench and the entire regression test
suite for Python source modules I will consider the speed claims


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