[Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk at shore.net
Thu Feb 22 08:01:39 CET 2007

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  408 open ( -9) /  3585 closed (+20) /  3993 total (+11)
Bugs    :  968 open ( +8) /  6505 closed ( +7) /  7473 total (+15)
RFE     :  267 open ( +1) /   251 closed ( +0) /   518 total ( +1)

New / Reopened Patches

Handle requests to intern string subtype instances  (2007-02-13)
       http://python.org/sf/1658799  opened by  Hrvoje Nik?i?

Minor pasting patch  (2007-02-13)
       http://python.org/sf/1659326  opened by  Tal Einat

Minor AST tweaks  (2007-02-13)
       http://python.org/sf/1659410  opened by  Collin Winter

functools.compose to chain functions together  (2007-02-14)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1660179  opened by  Chris AtLee

IDLE doesn't save files on closing  (2007-02-15)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1660202  opened by  Toni

Hide iteration variable in list comprehensions  (2007-02-15)
       http://python.org/sf/1660500  opened by  Nick Coghlan

ftplib passive ftp problem on multihomed clients  (2007-02-16)
       http://python.org/sf/1661754  opened by  Tim Baum

setuptools: avoid sets module for python>2.3  (2007-02-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1663226  opened by  Amit Aronovitch

enable "python -m doctest FILE" to run tests in FILE  (2007-02-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1663234  opened by  Stefan Behnel

Fix for urllib.ftpwrapper.retrfile() and none existing files  (2007-02-20)
       http://python.org/sf/1664522  opened by  Phil Knirsch

Patches Closed

imputil must respect __path__ for package submodules  (2003-02-12)
       http://python.org/sf/685268  closed by  loewis

Scalable zipfile extension  (2003-09-27)
       http://python.org/sf/813436  closed by  loewis

zipfile and big zipped file  (2004-07-17)
       http://python.org/sf/992750  closed by  loewis

ZipFile - support for file decryption  (2003-03-06)
       http://python.org/sf/698833  closed by  loewis

Bug 1514451: zipfile "append" mode should create a file ...  (2006-07-06)
       http://python.org/sf/1517891  closed by  loewis

socketmodule fails to build because missing NETLINK_DNRTMSG  (2007-02-11)
       http://python.org/sf/1657276  closed by  loewis

gzip.GzipFile has no name attribute  (2007-01-29)
       http://python.org/sf/1647484  closed by  gustaebel

Missing HCI sockets in bluetooth code from socketmodule  (2006-02-15)
       http://python.org/sf/1432399  closed by  loewis

Patch to support lots of file descriptors  (2006-02-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1434657  closed by  loewis

isapi.samples.advanced.py fix  (2005-02-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1126187  closed by  loewis

Add IEEE Float support to wave.py  (2005-02-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1144504  closed by  loewis

Make urllib2.OpenerDirector instances pickle-able  (2005-02-20)
       http://python.org/sf/1144636  closed by  jjlee

functools.compose to chain functions together  (2007-02-15)
       http://python.org/sf/1660179  closed by  loewis

IDLE doesn't save files on closing  (2007-02-15)
       http://python.org/sf/1660202  closed by  gbrandl

decorator module  (2006-03-12)
       http://python.org/sf/1448297  closed by  gbrandl

dictnotes.txt  (2006-01-05)
       http://python.org/sf/1397848  closed by  loewis

Documentation for new Struct object  (2006-05-24)
       http://python.org/sf/1494140  closed by  gbrandl

Detect incomplete readline implementation  (2006-02-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1435651  closed by  loewis

add os.chflags() and os.lchflags() where available  (2006-05-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1490190  closed by  loewis

Fix for bug #1486663 mutable types check kwargs in tp_new  (2006-05-20)
       http://python.org/sf/1491939  closed by  zseil

New / Reopened Bugs

I think, I have found this bug on time.mktime()  (2007-02-10)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1656559  reopened by  sergiomb

This shouldn't be there: Note that this code that uses...  (2007-02-13)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1658794  opened by  Alf LervÄg

os.wait child process fail when under stress  (2007-02-13)
       http://python.org/sf/1658959  opened by  The Groff

Calling tparm from extension lib fails in Python 2.4  (2007-02-13)
       http://python.org/sf/1659171  opened by  Richard B. Kreckel

Calling tparm from extension lib fails in Python 2.4  (2007-02-13)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1659173  opened by  Richard B. Kreckel

Python extension problems after re-install  (2007-02-14)
       http://python.org/sf/1659705  opened by  elf

continuing problem with httplib multiple set-cookie headers  (2007-02-14)
       http://python.org/sf/1660009  opened by  David Margrave

base64.urlsafe_b64encode() shouldn't use the = character  (2007-02-16)
       http://python.org/sf/1661108  opened by  Ryan Barrett

Misleading behavior for [] and {} default arguments  (2007-02-16)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1661603  opened by  Matthijs

finditer stuck in infinite loop  (2007-02-16)
       http://python.org/sf/1661745  opened by  Milan

[2.5 regression?] failure to import the ORBit extension  (2007-02-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1662529  opened by  Matthias Klose

the re module can perform poorly: O(2**n) versus O(n**2)  (2007-02-17)
       http://python.org/sf/1662581  opened by  Gregory P. Smith

Over-zealous keyword-arguments check for built-in set class  (2006-05-11)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1486663  reopened by  rhettinger

subprocess/popen close_fds perform poor if SC_OPEN_MAX is hi  (2007-02-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1663329  opened by  H. von Bargen

PyType_IsSubtype segfaults  (2007-02-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1663392  opened by  navtej singh

crash in exec statement if uncode filename cannot be decoded  (2007-02-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1664966  opened by  Stefan Schukat

Hangup when using cgitb in a thread while still in import  (2007-02-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1665206  opened by  hoffie

Documentation missing for OptionGroup class in optparse   (2007-02-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1665333  opened by  LunarYorn

Bugs Closed

I think, I have found this bug on time.mktime()  (2007-02-10)
       http://python.org/sf/1656559  closed by  loewis

I think, I have found this bug on time.mktime()  (2007-02-10)
       http://python.org/sf/1656559  closed by  loewis

zipfile "append" mode should create a file if not present  (2006-06-29)
       http://python.org/sf/1514451  closed by  loewis

This shouldn't be there: Note that this code that uses...  (2007-02-13)
       http://python.org/sf/1658794  closed by  loewis

Calling tparm from extension lib fails in Python 2.4  (2007-02-13)
       http://python.org/sf/1659173  closed by  gbrandl

Misleading behavior for [] and {} default arguments  (2007-02-16)
       http://python.org/sf/1661603  closed by  gbrandl

logging formatter %(lineno)d does not work  (2007-02-05)
       http://python.org/sf/1652788  closed by  vsajip

Over-zealous keyword-arguments check for built-in set class  (2006-05-11)
       http://python.org/sf/1486663  closed by  rhettinger

Double free/corruption?  (2007-02-06)
       http://python.org/sf/1653121  closed by  sf-robot

New / Reopened RFE

Datetime enhancements  (2007-02-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1665292  opened by  Christian Heimes

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